Friends and Lovers

[from The Houston Chronicle TV Chronilog, 4/1/01]

Think of her as a friend of Friends.

No matter where Jessica Hecht goes, Friends is the reason people often seem to know her, even though she was never a regular player on the popular sitcom. "I did a year of the Single Guy too," she says, "but Friends is almost always it."

Some viewers seem surprised by the proportionately small number of Friends episodes she has done. Perhaps it's because her character, Susan, the woman involved with Ross' first wife Carol, is often TALKED about, even if Hecht is nowhere to be seen.

"I guess I've been in about 20 episodes," she says. "What's interesting is I was in the first episode after the pilot, and no one had any idea then how big the show would become. No one had a clue the kind of incredible ride that was in store for them."

Hecht, meanwhile, now co-stars in What About Joan, the sitcom starring Joan Cusack. She's hoping for the best, but refuses to dream Friends-caliber dreams.

"I'm very practical about that," Hecht says. "I've done pilots that I had so much investment in, and they didn't get picked up. I've done characters taht were guaranteed to come back but they did not. After a while, you learn not to set yourself up for disappointment. I've had a wonderful time working with Joan and the cast, so I already considered this show a success.

by David Martindale

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