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Chapter Seven

Days went by with no change in Luke's condition.  He was still alive, but still didn't wake up from the operation.  Laura stayed at the hospital day and night, mostly talking to Luke, trying to say something that might get him to wake up.  Lucky visited the hospital a lot, even though he was still disgusted with what happened between his parents.  He knew that the rape wasn't the most serious thing now as he watched his father lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to more machines than he has ever seen one person hooked up to.  Lucky also managed to move back home after a couple of days to keep an eye on his sister and not cause his mother any more stress.  Lesley mostly stayed home with Lulu because Laura didn't want Lulu to see her father in that condition.  When Lucky would stay and watch Lulu, Lesley would go to the hospital and drag her daughter off to the cafeteria to make sure she got something to eat.  She was worried about Laura because she seemed to have lost her will to live, seeing Luke in that condition.

Lesley walked into Luke's room, watching Laura caressing his face.  Her heart would break every time she came to get Laura.  She knew her daughter loved Luke with all her heart, and this was just tearing her apart.  She walked over to Laura and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Laura:  Oh, Mom.  You startled me.

Les:  I'm sorry.

Laura:  What is it?

Les:  I think you should take a break and join me for some lunch.

Laura:  I'm not hungry.

Les:  You have to eat something.  And you really need to take a break from this room.

Laura:  I can't leave him, Mom.  I can't.  If he... and I'm not here.

Les:  Have faith that he will make it.

Laura:  I try, but I'm slowly losing that faith every day that he doesn't wake up.  I don't know what to do without him, Mom.  I don't know how to live my life without him in it.

Les:   Laura, don't think about that now.  You'll just drive yourself more nuts.  What you need to concentrate on this minute is taking care of yourself, and the first step is getting something to eat.

Laura:  I told you I'm not hungry.

Les:  How would Luke feel if he knew that you weren't taking care of yourself because he was hurt?  How would he feel if he woke up to find out that you have exhausted yourself to the point where you were admitted to the hospital also?

Laura:  I see your point.

Les:  Plus you have 2 kids who need you too.

Laura:  I know, Mom.  But they need their father also.

Les:  At least let's make sure they have one of you that will be around for a while.  That is if the one that is awake would take care of herself.

Laura:  Okay, okay.  You win.  I'll go to the cafeteria with you.

At the cafeteria... Laura looked out like she was in a constant state of daydreaming.  The food she got was barely touched at all.

Les:  Laura, it's no good to buy the food unless you eat it.

Laura:  Sorry, Mom, what did you say?

Les:  What are you thinking about?

Laura:  Luke.  Is there anything else that would be on my mind right now?

Les:  I didn't mean it like that.  What exactly about Luke are you thinking about?

Laura:  Him lying in the bed, barely hanging in there.  I'm frightened, Mom.  With all of the years we were on the run, I was scared of losing Luke, but never thought it would really happen.  Now, I might lose him to something we got past so many years ago.  Why did he do this?

Les:  Only Luke could answer that for you.  I'm sorry I can't help you.

Laura:  You're helping more than you realize.  I know I should be more appreciative, but ...

Les:  I understand.  You don't need to explain.

Laura:  I can't lose him without saying goodbye.

Lesley holds her daughter tightly and tries to calm her as she cries.

Lucky walked into Luke's room.  He knew his grandmother would convince his mother that she needed a break and a bite to eat, so Lucky figured this was the best chance he had at actually seeing his father alone.  He dropped off Lulu at Ruby's and rushed straight to the hospital, trying to give himself as much time to be alone with his father as he needed before his mother got back.  Lucky walked up to Luke and stood there, staring at his father, the man he once admired, now disgusted, but he still loved him a lot.

Lucky sat down and continued to stare.  He had never seen Luke like this before.  No matter what happened, Luke was always a quick healer, in a rush to get back on his feet and get moving again.  Now he just laid in bed, almost in a peaceful sleep if it weren't for all the machines around.  He tried to remember back to when he was shot and how it felt, but he realized this was different.  Lucky had wanted to live, but Luke didn't.  He had to try to find a way to say something that might get his father to want to come back to them, especially since he felt guilty for his dad trying to kill himself in the first place.

"Dad?  Do you realize how much you're scaring Mom and Lulu?  Mom doesn't leave the hospital ever and Lulu just keeps crying for you.  Grandma told her that you had to go away for a little while, but sooner or later she's going to have to be told the truth that you were shot.  The best person to tell her that would be you, if you would just wake up.

"I'm scared too.  I know I got angry with what I found out, but that doesn't mean I think you should die.  You can't do that to us.  I'm still angry, I won't lie, but I know you love Mom a lot and wouldn't do that again.  I know in my heart that you would never do that again.  I've been lucky enough to have you growing up, but Lulu hasn't.  You have to live for her.  And Mom... she's completely lost without you.  I've never seen her like this before in my life, except when Lulu was sick.  She barely even acknowledges the world around her right now.  Her greatest concern is for you.

"I don't think I'm truly expressing what I would like, but I just need to say that I love you, Dad.  Please don't leave us."