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Chapter Nine

A few days have passed and Luke has been making a quick recovery.  Today is the day he finally gets to get out of the hospital and goes home, as long as he agrees to come in once a week for a check-up until they know he is completely out of the woods.  Luke agreed, but wasn't too enthusiastic about it, but Laura gave him a look that told him he was going to listen to what the doctors told him.

Laura walked into Luke's room and saw him fully dressed and ready to go.  He still looked weak and exhausted, but she knew that he was okay.  He just needed some time away from the hospital.  He hated being stuck in one place for too long.  She walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

Luke:  What was that for?

Laura:  For making a quick recovery.  Everyone's missed you so much.

Luke:  Are you sure about that?  I doubt my son really wants to see me.

Laura:  He might not admit to it, but he was here a lot checking up on you. I caught him a few times going into your room when he thought I was getting something to eat.  I let him think no one saw him, but I did.  He really wanted you to pull through also.  He still does love you.

Luke:  But he doesn't like me anymore.  That hurts more than the bullet wound.

Laura:  Well, all 3 of us are going to have to sit down and talk about it when you're a little stronger.

Luke:  Laura, I'm so sorry for doing this to you.  I should have called you and told you instead of trying to kill myself.

Laura:  Yes, you should have.  And why did you bring Sonny into this?

Luke:  I didn't realize I was telling him until I did.   I was actually trying to get him to either kill me or having me permanently injured.  God, I shouldn't have said a word to him.   It's not my story to tell.

Laura:  I understand you were in pain, Luke.  And I would have understood if you told Sonny in order to release that pain.  The one thing I don't understand is why you thought killing yourself would make me feel better, or make your children feel better.

Luke:  I thought you would be able to move on with your life then.

Laura:  My life is with you, Luke.  Not with another man.  Don't you know that by now?  You know, I really don't want to get into this here.  I just want to get you home and make sure you get some rest.  Plus, there is a little girl who really wants to see her Daddy.  She knows you've been shot, but I didn't want to bring her here to see you in a hospital.  She's already having nightmares that you've been shot at all.

Luke:  I have a lot of stuff to make up for.

Laura:  Well, there is only one thing you have to do to make up for all of this.  Just get better and never do something like this again.

Luke:  I promise.

Luke and Laura walked into the house and Lulu ran straight into Luke's arms.  "Daddy!"

Luke:  Hey there, Sweetheart.  How are you?

Lulu:  Good.

Laura noticed Luke struggling a little to hold Lulu and went to get her.  "Honey, come to Mommy.  Daddy's been hurt and needs some time to rest."

Luke:  I can hold her.  Just let me sit down while I do.  (he sits down and starts bouncing Lulu on his knee)  I'm sorry for scaring you like that, Sweetie.

Lulu:  Did you hurt?

Luke:  Not really.  I barely felt a thing.

Lulu:  Do you hurt now?

Luke:  Just a little.  I'm going to be okay, though.  You have nothing to worry about.

Lulu:  Who shot you?

Luke:  Well, that's a long story and something that should be saved for another time.

Laura:  Lulu, it's time for lunch.  Want to help me get it ready?

Lulu:  Yeah.

Lulu and Laura head off to the kitchen and Lesley comes down the stairs.

Luke:  So the whole family came back.

Les:  Laura was worried out of her mind.

Luke:  I know that, Les.

Les:  What happened?

Luke:  Lucky knows and ran off on me.  I didn't know how to tell Laura that because of me, her son left home.  So I figured that if I was out of the equation, she would get her son back and be able to have the kind of life she always wanted.

Les:  Don't you think you should have asked her what she wanted?

Luke:  I already know what she would say.

Les:  And you still did what you did?

Luke:  I know.  You don't need to remind me of the mess I made.   And I'm going to be making up for it for a long time.