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This starts with Laura returning home from North Carolina.  She will secretly come home because she misses her family and is tired of Stefan's threat. *Note: Liz never got raped so Luke has not thought about that night in a long time.  Also, Luke has not been informed that Stefan was in love with Laura or that he has another painting of her at Wyndemere.*

Chapter One


Luke arrives home late and notices the lights are out inside the house.  Guess Lucky must have went up to bed already, he thinks to himself. Well, with a teenager's romantic life in high gear, who wouldn't be tired?  Luke opens the door and turns on the lights.  He notices that a bunch of his cigars are laying on the ground, leading all the way upstairs.  "Now what is that kid up to messing with a man's cigars like that?"

Luke decides to follow the cigars upstairs, picking them up as he passes them.  The trail ends at his bedroom door where he notices that the last cigar is missing its band.  When he finally enters his room, he notices that there are two candles lit on the dresser next to a bottle of wine and two glasses.  Not having a clue what's going on, he hears a voice come from behind him.

"Welcome home."

Luke turns around to notice Laura wearing a seductive outfit, laying on the bed.  He almost forgot how beautiful she was and is completely mesmerized.  There seems to be a glow eminating from her that has captured Luke's whole being.

Laura: It's nice to see that I can still make you speechless.

Luke still not able to find the words just goes over to the wine and decides to pour Laura and himself a glass.  He goes back to the bed and hands one to his wife.

Laura: Thank you.

Luke: God, are you a sight for sore eyes, Baby.  But, what are you doing here?

Laura: You're not happy to see me?

Luke: Believe me... I'm absolutely thrilled to see you.  It's just...

Laura: (placing her finger on Luke's lips) No need for words.  Let's just make a toast, "To Us".

Luke: To us.

After they both take a sip of wine, they place their glasses on the nightstand beside the bed.

Luke: You are so beautiful, Angel.  I love you.

Before Laura can respond, Luke gives her a long, passionate kiss.  Then he gives her a more appropriate welcome home.

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