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Chapter 2

It's the next morning and Luke looks down at his wife, who is lying next to him with her head on his chest.  Even though he might be a huge flirt, this was the only woman who he could ever love.  This was the only woman he could ever truly look at with love in his eyes, let alone anything else.  He didn't realize how much he had missed her until this moment.  Just having her in his arms was all he ever truly needed in his life to make him happy.  With the memories of the night before flooding his mind, he gently kissed her forehead.

Laura woke up with that kiss.  She knew this was the right thing to do, even though Stefan had threatened to tell Luke everything if she ever came back.  The only place she ever felt safe and comfortable was in her husband's arms.  Just being in his arms at this moment was enough to drive away any bad thoughts of what might come when Stefan found out she was back.  She looked up into her husband's eyes and smiled that genuine smile of hers that could melt any man's heart.

Luke: I see the sleeping beauty has awaken.  (He gently kisses her on the lips, his mind just filled with happiness)

Laura: A gently kiss from the prince has brought life back into me.

Luke: You don't know how good this feels right now.  I have missed you so much.  (He then goes to kiss her hand when he finally notices where that missing cigar band is) What do we have here?

Laura: (Almost forgetting she even placed it on her finger the night before) Thought you might need a little reminder of how much I love you.

Luke: Need a reminder?  Oh, Angel, believe me I know.  I know.

Laura: I take your love for granted sometimes.

Luke: I never believed that for a second.  (He looks passed Laura for a second and notices the family portrait on the table.  The excitement and surprise of last night almost made him forget that they did have two children along with a mother-in-law that was nowhere in the house.)  By the way, where's the rest of the Spencer clan?

Laura: My mother and Lulu are over at Amy's house at the moment, and Lucky is staying at Ruby's.  I left him a note saying that you were going to be gone all night and you wanted him to stay there.  I wanted to surprise him after I saw you.

Luke: Then he doesn't know you're back?

Laura: Not yet.  Amy is coming by a little later with Lulu and my mother, and Lucky is going to be working at Kelly's until dinner.  I can't wait to see his face when he sees everyone home.

Luke: Neither can I.  (Luke gets up out of bed and puts his robe on) I'm going to shower and head over to the club for a short while.  I need to take care of a few things before everyone gets back.

Laura: Don't tell anyone I'm home yet, though.  I want some peace before everyone comes rushing in here to see Lulu and my mother.

Luke: I'll do as you command, my Darling.

Luke gently kisses Laura one more time and leaves the room.  Laura lies on the bed with a huge smile on her face.  Nothing and no one could make her any happier than she is right now.  The phone rings and Laura answers it.  "Hello?"

"I thought I told you never to show your face here, Lasha.  I'm coming by your house to help you repack your stuff.  You're leaving Port Charles this afternoon.  Forever this time."

Before Laura could respond, there was a dial tone on he other end.  She was grateful that Luke was going to be gone by the time Stefan got to the house.  But what was she going to say to him to keep him from telling Luke everything.  The happiness that she did feel just a second ago was replaced by total fear.