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Chapter 11

Laura woke up, surprised to see that Luke had waken up early.  She looked over at the phone and reacalled last night's warning.  ‘Six more days, Lasha.  Six more days.'  Those words still brought terror into her.  The terror she felt was not exactly fear for herself, but rather, fear of the repurcussions this long kept secret would have on her loved ones.  Laura finally decided that she was not going to be pushed around by Stefan anymore.  She gets out of bed, gets dressed, and runs a comb through her hair quickly.  As she is leaving, Lesley sees her and says, "Laura, we have to talk..."  Before she could get anything else out, Laura was already out the door.

Luke stepped into the club and turned on the lights.  The place looked so different during the day when no one was around.  The peace and quiet was something that usually drove him crazy, but he needed it now.  He had to find out what that phone call was about.  All he knew was that Cassadine was behind it, somehow, if not directly.  He figured Stefan had threated Laura in some way to make her that scared.  He just didn't know what.  His gut told him that it had to do with him, otherwise Laura would have confided in him immediately.  He always knew that Laura's quick departure last year wasn't as much for Lesley as it was for her.  And he had agreed that Laura needed to get away from the chaos and tension for a while, and that's why he never questioned her reasons.

Luke went behind the bar and took his gun out from its hiding place.   He knew the threat that made Laura run once was still creeping around, and he was going to do everything in his power to protect his family.  He was not going to let her leave again.  He had a wife who he wanted to share his life with and a daughter who he wanted to see grow up.  Plus, he needed his mother-in-law under his roof if he was going to protect her to his fullest extent.  He pulled out a couple of bullets from a box and was placing them in the gun when Sean came into the club.

Sean: Do you plan on shooting me again?

Luke: Well, if you were out of the way, I could have a nice, steamy affair with my favorite film star.

Sean: I thought Laura had a short leash around your neck.  Did she finally loosen its grip a little?

Luke: Nope, it's tighter than ever.  (Holding his neck, pretending to be choking)

Sean: Not that you would ever have it any other way.

Luke: Well... (grinning slightly) Okay, you got me.  I'm hopelessly in love with my wife.  I had to marry the one woman in the world that I could never cheat on.  So what's on your mind?

Sean: I was coming by to warn you that I'm police commissioner again, so you better be on top of your game.

Luke: Isn't that sweet?  The Commissioner doesn't want to have to throw my sorry butt in jail.  Well, it will never happen.  But, thanks for the warning anyway.

Sean: Maybe you can repay that warning with telling me why you have a loaded gun on you.

Luke: This is a successful club in not the greatest of neighborhoods.  You expect an honest businessman, like myself, not to be protected?

Sean: There's no danger right now and I just saw you load it.  What are you planning?

Luke: (frustrated where this was leading)  Nothing that concerns you, Donelly.

Sean: As the police commissioner, it definitely concerns me.

Luke: (grabbing his coat as he is about to leave) Well, when I need your help, I'll make sure to call.

Luke walks out the door leaving Sean at the bar alone.  One of the employees comes in to get ready for the night.  Sean nods and heads out the door following Luke.  He knew that it wasn't the safest decision he was making, but he had to follow Luke to find out what was going on.

Stefan walks into Wyndemere, completely welcoming the peace and quiet.  Nikolas wasn't going to be around for the day and Katherine had a lot of meetings to attend.  As soon as he gets fully inside, he notices he is not alone.  The visitor turns around and steps into the light only for Stefan to see the one person he never suspected.

"I'm back.  And I'm not leaving this time."