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Chapter 14

Lesley sat quietly in Lulu's room, watching her sleep.  She slept through the end of the argument between Luke and Laura, surprisingly.  When she heard the loud smash in the room, she cringed, not knowing what had just been thrown across the room.  Then Luke just stormed out of the house afterwards, and it got deadly silent.  She knew that Luke would never hurt Laura, but she had to check on her anyway.

Lesley got up and gave Lulu a kiss before leaving the room.  The walk to Laura's bedroom seemed to take longer than usual as she pictured what could have happened in her mind.  Just yesterday they were acting like newlyweds, and today they were at each others throats.  She knew fights between married couples could get bad at times.  She had a few of them herself.

Lesley walked into the bedroom seeing Laura on the ground with a picture held against her.  On the table next to her, she saw pieces of what used to be a frame.  She walked over to Laura and gently touched her shoulders.

Laura: Luke?

Lesley: No.  It's me.  Luke just left.

Laura: Oh, Mother.  I don't know what to do.

Lesley: What happened in here?

Laura: I told Luke the last of my secrets and... (looking down at the picture he threw)

Lesley: Is that your wedding picture?

Laura: Yeah.  Luke just threw it across the room.  I'm scared.

Lesley: Of Luke?

Laura: Of him leaving me.  I knew he would be upset, but I had hoped he would understand.

Lesley: What was the secret?

Laura: Nikolas is Stefan's son, not Stavros'.  I never thought I would have to reveal that, but Stefan left me no choice.  Either I tell Luke or have to leave Port Charles again before Stefan told him.  I couldn't leave again.  I've left Nikolas so many times already that I couldn't do it again.

Lesley: Does Nikolas know?

Laura: Not yet.  I don't want to cause him that kind of pain, but now that Luke knows, Nikolas is bound to find out.  When Luke is mad, he will do anything to hurt his enemies.

Lesley: You can't believe he would do anything to intentionally hurt your son.

Laura: No, but he will want to hurt Stefan and Nikolas may just end up a victim of circumstance.  I don't know what to do anymore.

Lesley: Laura, you are going to have to pull yourself together before anyone else gets hurt.  Luke can take care of himself right now.  He will come back when he has a little time to calm down.  Nikolas might not have that time.  You are going to have to go and tell him the truth yourself before he finds out from someone else.

Laura: You're right.  Can you watch Lulu until I get back?

Lesley: Don't worry about us.  I'll take care of everything.  Go see your son.

Laura gets up and gives Lesley a kiss before leaving.  Lesley picks up Luke and Laura's wedding picture and starts to realize how bad things are just starting to get.  She has to stay strong for both her daughter and son-in-law because they will need her now.

Luke just walked aimlessly since he left the house and somehow ended up at the docks.  He stared across at Spoon Island, thinking of everything Laura had just told him.  The thought of Stefan making love to his wife was making him sick to his stomach.  Out of all the people in the world, why him?  First his sister married him and now he finds out Laura bore his child.  What was it with this guy that women saw in him?  Luke tried to get the thoughts out of his mind before he went nuts.  This wasn't getting him anywhere.

Luke was about to leave and head over to the club when Stefan came up from behind him.  Luke turned around and was about to slug the guy, but kept his cool.  There was no way that Luke was going to let Stefan gain the upper hand.

Stefan: Thinking of trespassing again?

Luke: Nothing on that island of any interest to me.

Stefan: I thought you might have been coming to see me after finding out that your wife visited me this morning.  Or did she forget to tell you that too.

Luke: No.  She told me.  She also told me about a certain phone call you made last night.  What is it with vampires... you hate the sunlight so much, you can't call during the day?

Stefan: I didn't want to disturb her nice family reunion.

Luke: You like spying on us, don't you?  I mean, you don't have a life of your own, so you try to ruin ours.  But I'll give you fair warning now that if you as much see Laura or even say her name, you won't live long enough to see your son's graduation.

Stefan: (not showing the shock he was feeling) So, she finally had the courage to tell you herself.

Luke: Yeah, she did.  After you decided to threaten her to leave town again.  But that's the Cassadine MO isn't it?  Bully the women in the world because you're all too weak to deal with someone your own size.

Stefan: I shouldn't have to tell you how strong your wife is.

Luke: I know she's strong.  She was able to survive that miserable life on the island of the damned.  How does it make you feel that you weren't man enough for her?

Stefan: What do you mean by that, Spencer?

Luke: That you bored her.  You were a poor substitution for the man she really wanted and the man she left you and your son for.  And this stupid obsession you have for her when you know she will never want you.

Stefan: You will never understand what happened between Lasha and me on the island.

Luke: How could I?  I was never forced to sleep with a vampire just to stay alive.

Stefan: Lasha never complained when we were together.

Luke: You don't get it, do you?  She knew that if she used you, she would be able to get off that island and come back to the people she really loved.  She saw you for who you were... the pathetic Cassadine.  At least Stavros had the guts to try to take her back because that is the only way you will ever get her... by force.

Stefan stood there without a reply.  Everything Luke just said was what Laura told him when she came back to Port Charles.  Was it true that she really did use him?  She really didn't love him?  He dismissed the thought, convincing himself that Laura had told Luke that excuse so he wouldn't leave her.  It was just another lie of Laura's... another lie in the long list of lies she had told for her own selfish reasons.

Luke took advantage of the pause to give out his warning one more time. "I'll only warn you one more time to stay away from my family.  All of them, otherwise your son will become fatherless once again."  Luke walked away with a smile on his face when he saw Stefan was off his guard after the conversation.  All he had to do now was figure out a way to deal with the news himself.