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Chapter 15

Luke stepped inside his quiet club and headed straight for his office.  Once inside, he grabbed a bottle of whiskey and poured himself a shot.  As he stared at the liquid that he felt was going to rid himself of some of the pain, he thought back to the source of that pain.  He had given Laura everything he had to give during their marriage, but she couldn't give him something as simple as the truth.

Luke swallowed the shot of whiskey as he took a seat at his desk.  He had ignored all of the paper work that had come in because Laura had surprised him at home.  Now he was glad there was work to do to keep him busy.  He started getting the papers in order when he glanced past the picture of a young Laura on his desk.  He picked it up and just stared at it.  She was so beautiful to him-- the most beautiful woman in the world.  Anger got control of him again as he realized that Stefan knew exactly how beautiful she was too.  How could she sleep with him willingly?  How could she sleep with him at all?  As the thoughts of what happened between his wife and his worst enemy became more vivid in his mind, he got up and stormed out of his office, not knowing where he was going to go next.

Lucky came home from school and headed straight for the kitchen.  He was starving and needed a snack.  His mother usually always has something waiting in the refrigerator for him.  He dropped his books and opened the refrigerator to see exactly what was in there this afternoon.  There wasn't a snack for him today.  He figured she was busy still cleaning up the house after the mess his father always seems to make when she isn't around.  He grabbed a can of soda and headed upstairs to see if his parents were there.

Lucky went inside his parents' room to see that there was no one there.  He was about to leave when he noticed the broken frame on the table.  He picked up the picture that used to be in it to see that it was their wedding picture.  He wondered why the frame had broke, but dismissed it due to an accident.  He was just shocked that someone just left the picture out of the frame.  His mother usually has spare frames in case of accidents, especially for the important pictures.

He stared at the picture more and smiled at how happy his parents looked on that day.  He considered himself very lucky to have parents who were still in love with each other, even if it did interfere with his life sometimes.  He hoped to have what they have sometime in his future, but the lack of romance in his life was nothing to brag about.

Lesley came in as Lucky was putting the picture back down where he found it.  "A nice picture."

Lucky: Yeah, I guess.  My dad looks a little funny in it, though.

Lesley: Don't let your mother hear that.

Lucky: I've already told her that once.  She told me I was wrong and that he looked handsome.

Lesley: (smiling) You can't criticize Luke and expect Laura to stay quiet.

Lucky: (laughing) Don't I know it.   By the way, where are my parents.

Lesley: I'm not sure where your father is, but Laura went to the park for a little while.  She'll be back soon.  Is there anything I can do for you?

Lucky: No.  I was just wondering where they were.  I keep forgetting they have lives of their own.  I'm going to go out for a while, but tell Mom that I'll make sure to be home for dinner.

Lucky leaves and Lesley smiles.  She was so impressed with the young man that was her grandson.  He definitely had a lot of the best parts of both of his parents in him.

Laura took a seat at a bench in the park, hoping that Nikolas would walk by this way.  Amy said she overheard Nikolas talking about going to the park to think after he was done, and Laura knew that Amy had a way of knowing everything she wasn't supposed to know.  She had no idea how she was going to approach Nikolas about this, but she did know that if he would find out about this, it would be from her.  Anyone else could distort the truth to serve their own purposes.  She didn't have anything to lose at the moment to hide the truth from him any longer.  She had already lost her husband, hopefully temporarily, her son Lucky will now doubt act in the same manner as his father, and she had lost Nikolas to the Cassadines a long time ago.  The only way she would ever get him back was to be totally truthful with him, even if it meant opening doors she never imagined opened.

Nikolas was walking through the park thinking of everything that has happened in his life since coming to Port Charles.  He saw the mother who had abandoned him, and she abandoned him again.  He envied his brother and sister more than he would ever admit because they were the focus of his mother's love.  And they had a father that loved them too, even if he thought that father was a complete jerk.  The Spencer family was the type of close family he always wanted for himself, but knew he would never have.  Instead of showing his envy, he threw all his feelings to what was interpreted as pride in being a part of a powerful family like the Cassadines.

Laura looked around and noticed Nikolas coming towards her direction.  He looked like he was lost in a serious thought and didn't even notice his surroundings.  She got up from the bench and walked towards him.  As soon as she was close enough to be heard without screaming, she called out his name.

Nikolas was startled when he heard his name.  He didn't expect anyone to be around at the moment... at least anyone who would want to speak to him.  As he looked up, he saw the last person he ever expected to see.  "What are you doing back?"

Laura: I wasn't going to stay away forever.

Nikolas: You would if your loving husband and son agreed to go with you.  You wouldn't give this town or anyone in it a second thought.

Laura: I know you believe that is the truth, especially after my last quick departure, but I am here now to tell you what really happened if you will listen.

Nikolas: Like you would ever tell me the actual truth.  The only truth you know is the one that suits your purpose.

Laura: That was true at one time, but not anymore.  (Nikolas just shakes his head) Nikolas, I would have done anything to protect my family.

Nikolas: Which you have proven doesn't include me.

Laura: Part of the reason I left was because of you.

Nikolas: You would like to believe that you were doing this in my best interest, wouldn't you?  That's how you sleep at night... deluding yourself that you have done what is right for all your children.  I'm sorry to tell you that this maternal attempt to touch me is not working.

Laura: I'm not expecting it to.   I'm not expecting you to call me Mom or to give me a hug or a card on Mother's Day.  I definitely don't deserve it.  The only thing I can give you is the truth as I know it.  I know I can't make you listen to what I have to say, but if you care...

Nikolas: Why should I care about the woman who has left me more times than I can count?

Laura: Because I'm the only mother you have.

Nikolas stares into his mother's eyes.  No matter how many times she has hurt him, he still loved her.  He couldn't help that feeling.  He wanted to believe everything she says, but it was hard when his mind knew that as soon as Luke got involved, she would choose her husband over her own son.  Did he really want to hear the truth according to Laura Spencer?  He wouldn't even know it was the real truth, but he had to hear why she had left him again.  He wanted to hear what kind of excuse she could have for supposedly loving him, yet hurting him every time she had a chance.  He decided he was going to sit and listen to what she had to say with his mind and not his heart.  He wouldn't take anything at face value with her anymore, but there was a slight chance she was going to answer the questions he kept asking himself.

Nikolas: (taking a seat at the bench) Tell me what seems to be so urgent.

Laura: Nikolas, what you have been told about your father has been a lie.