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Chapter One

Luke is sitting at the bar pouring himself a drink. It has been an hour since Lucky's funeral. He couldn't bring himself to go to the grave site. The thought of seeing his son being buried in the ground was too much. He took a sip of the scotch he had just poured, as memories of Lucky begin to flood his mind.

  'I will remember you
   Will you remember me
   Don't let your life pass you by
   Weep not for the memories
   Remember the good times
   That we had....' song continues to play

Luke remembers performing at the nurses ball with Lucky, the day Lu-lu was born, the day he told him about raping Laura, the last day he saw Lucky at Kelly's...

Flashback. A couple of days earlier

Luke: "So if you tell me that I've had something to do with the development of a man who I hold in the highest regard - well that's a blessing. I maybe taller but you are my hero. You are the role model in this family."

Lucky: "How much longer do you think that you can keep that taller thing going."

Luke snaps back to the present when he hears the club door close, without even looking up he yells, "We're Closed Go Away!!"

Laura sees Luke sitting at the bar (walking towards him):"Luke Are you alright? I noticed that you were not at the grave site, I was worried."

Luke looks up at Laura and smiles: "Oh It's you. Sorry Come in."

Laura: "I can leave if you would rather be alone..." she starts to turn to leave, hoping that he will stop her because she really wanted to be him tonight.

Luke jumps up off the stool and gently grabs her arm and turns her to face him"No! Please don't leave."

Laura smiles and gives a sigh of relief. She really wanted to be with him because he was the only one who could understand her pain. Luke gestures for her to have a seat. Both of them not knowing what to say to one another and feeling awkward. Luke looks down at the floor and looks up a second later with tears in his eyes. Luke stumbling trying to fight back the tears. "I'm sorry I didn't go to the grave site. I just couldn't bring myself watch them bury my son in the ground...." Breaks up and starts to cry. Laura reaches over and grabs his hand.

Laura is now crying, "I just keep thinking that this is all a big nightmare and that at any moment I'm going to wake up to find Lucky playing with Lu-Lu or..." she breaks down crying hysterically now.
Luke gets up and takes her in his arms.

Luke (gently stroking her head): "I know baby I know."

Laura (sobbing): "I don't think I can do this."

Luke pulls away and looks her in the eyes. "You are the strongest woman I know angel. You can do this."

Laura gives a small chuckle and smiles as they embrace again. Laura laughs. "And here I came to comfort you."

They pull apart and Luke smiles and wipes the tears from her eyes. "Shh! Shh! Baby that's alright. I'm doing fine. Really! All things considered. How are you? Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

Laura: "Actually I am hungry. I just couldn't eat at Bobbie's after the funeral."

Luke bursts out laughing. "Angel You're always hungry. No matter what!(reaches over and strokes her cheek) The damn fridge here broke and we had to move all the food upstairs until they get the thing fixed. Do you want to go upstairs or would you rather I go up and get something and bring it down here?"

Laura: "No that is alright. We can go upstairs." Luke smiles and reaches for her hand, the two of them head up stairs holding hands.

An hour later in Luke's apartment, they are sitting on the couch. They have already eaten and are sharing memories of Lucky.

Luke laughing: "Remember when he got into gambling and owed all that money? He tried everything to get that money to pay that scum. You decked Damien Smith when he was teasing you about not knowing what your son was up to, after he had paid the debt when they were beating Lucky up."

Laura: "Luke that is not funny. Do you remember what Lucky did to get that money? He cheated, lied, and stole from the Quartermaines."

Luke: "I know. I just loved seeing you deck Damien Smith. I do remember one night when he gave us that whole lecture about not letting the romance slip out of our marriage."

Laura bursts out laughing: "Yeah I remember that night he was very eager for us to go to bed. Little did we know."

Luke laughing: "As I recall we did end up going to bed early that night. How did we miss that one?"

Laura smiles: "I think we had other things on our minds."

Luke smiled at her as memories of that night flashed through his mind. Before he knew what he was doing he leaned over and kissed her on the lips. As soon as he did he regretted it, not that he didn't want to kiss her. It was just that he didn't want her to do something that she would later regret. Despite everything that happened the last year he still loved her more than life. He pulled away from her and was about to say he was sorry when Laura leaned over and kissed him back. They kiss slowly at first but they quickly turn passionate as all the old feelings come back. Before they know it they are starting to lay down on the couch and Luke is pulling her dress coat off. He starts to undo the buttons on her blouse when all of a sudden he snaps back to reality as if a glass of cold water was thrown on him. He sits up(out of breath): "Baby Is this what you want?"

Laura sits up and looks him right in the eye: "Luke I want you more than I have ever wanted you in my life."

Luke smiles and strokes her head: "Angel believe me. There is nothing I want more than to lay you down and make love to you right now. But what about tomorrow?"

Laura looks at him with a confused look on her face: "Tomorrow?"

Luke takes her hand and wraps it in his: "I mean do you want to make love to ME or do you just want to sleep with me because I'm here and you need comfort?"

Laura angry: "What are you saying Luke?  That I want you to make love to me just because you are here and if it wasn't you it would be someone else?"

Luke grimaced as he realized that she thought that he was implying that she slept around. He just didn't want to sleep with her until he knew that her heart completely belonged to him. "No Baby. (moving closer to her) No that is not what I meant. I mean what about Count Vlad? Angel I'm not trying to make things difficult.  It's just that I wouldn't be able to handle it if we made love tonight and then you go back to Stefan. I want to know that your heart belongs to me with no doubts."

Laura: "Luke, I'm not going to deny that I am not attracted to Stefan. but is it love? I don't know. All I know is that it is not the same as what I feel for you or as strong."

Luke: "I think that it would only confuse you if we made love and I don't want that. I don't want you to turn around and regret that we made love."

Laura leans over and kisses him: "I could never be sorry if we made love and I want you to make love to me."

Luke kisses her and they start to kiss passionately again. After a couple of minutes, Luke pulls reluctantly away. "Darlin', maybe I should take you home because if not, I don't know if I will be able to control myself the next time we kiss."

Laura looks at Luke quite upset that he stopped kissing her and that he wanted to take her home. "But I don't want to go home, and so what if we end up in bed. I already told you that I wanted to. Besides Leslie and Lu-lu went to Amy's for the night and I don't want to be alone."

After a couple minutes of hesitation Luke smiles and gives in. "Alright! Alright! You win you can stay here tonight. I'll sleep on the couch."

Laura starts to shake her head no. "I want to be with you tonight whether that be in bed or on the couch."

Luke smiles at her determination. "Honey I told you I wanted to make sure everything was right before we jumped back into bed." He strokes her cheek.

Laura laughs. "That's not what I meant."

Luke: "Oh."

Laura: "I just meant that I have always felt safe in your arms and I need to feel that tonight."

Luke smiles and puts his arms out. "My arms are always open for you."

Laura laughs and moves over so that she sitting in front of him with his arms wrapped around her. As soon as she was in his arms she felt all the old feelings come back. She soon fell asleep. As soon as he put his arms around her all the love and passion come flooding back. He strokes and kisses her head, he had forgotten just how much he missed and loved holding her. As he strokes her head Luke whispers, "I love you, Laura."

Memories of them together begin to enter his mind - he remembers dancing in Wyndham's.

  'How Do I get through one night without you
   If I had to live without without you'

The time they spent in Beecher's Corners.

  'What kind of life would that be
   Oh and I, I need you in my arms
   My arms need you to hold'

Their wedding  "I Lucas Lorenzo Spencer take thee Laura Webber Baldwin...."

    'You're my world, my heart, my soul
     If you ever leave'

When she told him she was pregnant with Lucky.
"What I said was little boys like fire engines and men like..."
Laura: "Well if Lucas Jr is anything like his father then he should love it."
Luke: "Honey please I need you. I'm aching for you. Don't talk to me about fire engines and Little Lucas Jr's and stuff. Little Lucas Jr?"
Laura: "Yes."

   'Baby you would take away everything
    Good in my life'

When they made love after stealing a plane to get home.
Laura: "Is this what they call 'flying high'?"

   'Without you there'd be no sun in my sky
    There would be no love in my life'

Their 15th wedding anniversary.
Laura: "I miss having you in my bed."
Luke: "I'd jump right now if I could."
Laura: "Save it for later."
Luke: "No doubt."

   'There'd be no world left for me
    And I, Baby, I don't know what I would do
    I'd be lost if I lost you'

On the Quartermaine jet when they were looking for Lucky and Emily.
Luke: "Too bad we couldn't take advantage of the jacuzzi in the bathroom. I remember how you loved those jets."

   'If you ever leave
    Baby you would take away everything
    Real in my life. And tell me now'

Their 15th Anniversary in the Catacombs
Luke: "Who would of believed a guy like me could spend 15 years with an angel?"
Laura: "No I'm the one who lucked out. To 15 more."

   'How do I live without you
    I want to know
    How do I breathe without you
    I you ever go
    How do I ever, ever survive
    How do I, How do I, Oh How do I live'