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JANUARY - FEBRUARY 1980 (Part One)

[Rick moved out "last night"]
Richard gives Beverly advice on eating
Joanne (girl from the Rape Center) asks Laura if she told Scotty that she knows who raped her yet
Laura & Joanne have coffee
Laura tells Joanne that she changed her mind about telling Scotty (Due to Rick telling Lesley, that, that he'd had a one night stand with Monica) Luke & Bobbie discuss Frank (Bobbie wants Luke to leave town)
Bobbie talks with Scotty about Laura
Laura tells Joanne "I think the man really cares about me"... Joanne says "Oh Laura, that's
.......serious"... Lra - "It's kind of scary. And I don't think he'd mind much, one way or the other,
.......if I named him or not. Infact, I think that he'd almost welcome it"... J - "He must be out
.......of his mind"... Lra - "He's a very strange man. He's on some kind of a strange trip of his
.......own. He's got this feeling that he should be dead anyway and he doesn't much care what
.......happens to him"... J - "Laura, I'm getting some strange vibes from you"... Lra - "In what
.......way?"... J - "Do you mind if I ask you something important?"... Lra - "No. Go ahead"...
.......J - "Why did you run out of group therapy that day?"... Lra - "I told you, I couldn't handle"... J - "I think it goes deeper than that"... Lra - "What do you mean?"... J - "Well, that was
.......the first day that I admitted out loud that I might have felt some sort of attraction for
.......the man who raped me"... Lra - "What about it?"... J - "You're in the same boat, aren't you?
.......On some level, you feel some sort of attraction for the man who raped you"
Laura says "It was a very very strange night. You see, I'd been quarreling with Scotty. I
.......thought my marriage was over. I mean I was really low, I was really in the pits and this He seemed to really need me"
[RISE BEGINS TO PLAY - FLASHBACK - Laura seeing Luke cry & her asking what's wrong]
Laura says "He told me to go home. But I wouldn't go. I mean, I didn't know what was gonna
.......happen, but I just, I couldn't leave him, Joanne. There was something about this man"...
.......J - "He needed you"... Lra - "Yeah! Yeah, I think he did and I've never been needed that way
.......before"... J - "Not even by Scotty?"... Lra - "No. No, not by Scotty, not by anybody else. I
.......was always the one who had the needs. And this, this was different. It was so different"...
.......J - "How was it different?"... Lra - "I felt grown up. I felt mature. Filled with power. I
.......mean there's this man who really needed me. Really really needed me & then all at once
.......there was this... I wanted to be needed"... J - "And how do you feel now about this man?"...
.......Lra - "I don't know. I don't know. Joanne what am I going to do?"... J - "You've got to talk it
.......out with Scotty. You'be got to tell him the truth"... Lra - "I can't!"... J - "Why can't you?"...
.......Lra - "Because Scotty would kill the man"... J - "Laura, I want you to ask yourself a question.
.......And I want you to try & really be honest with yourself. Are you trying to protect your
.......husband or the man who raped you?"
Jennifer comes to visit Luke at the Disco (They get acquainted)
Joanne asks Luke for a job (He says she can fill out an application)
Laura gets angry at Luke for doing her friends favors
Luke takes Jennifer out for a drive & lunch
Jennifer tells Luke she's not going back to College (She's staying in PC)
Jennifer tells Luke that her Father said Luke is really going places in the world
Luke & Jennifer out on a first "date" lunch in the country
Jennifer tells Luke that her Father said Luke is really going places in the world
Luke invites Jennifer to the Disco
Luke hears "Rise" on the restaurant jukebox [Flashback] & remembers the Rape
Luke interviews a man to help him at the Disco (To replace Roy)
Jennifer talks to Laura about Luke (Asks if Luke is interested in any girl... Laura says no)
Amy is about to begin Nurses Training
Amy & Laura talk about Lesley
Luke tells Bobbie to get on with her life
Luke says he's gotta try & get over Laura
Bobbie & Ruby talk about Luke & Jennifer
Luke & Jennifer pick Bobbie up from Ruby's apartment
Bobbie warns Luke about dating Frank's daughter
Laura doesn't look too happy as Luke dances with Jennifer
Luke watches Laura & Scotty dance & kiss (To a slow song)
Luke goes to the turntable & changes the record &...
"Rise" suddenly starts to play
Laura & Scotty stop dancing
Luke stares intently at Laura
Scotty & Laura continue dancing (Laura is disturbed)
Luke tells Jennifer to "dance with me" & they become the center of attention
Laura is overcome & runs off
Luke seems VERY happy with himself, as Laura runs off
[Flashback] In the bathroom, Laura remembers the Rape as she cries
Laura tells Joanne that she lied & that the rape happened in the Disco
Scotty tells Bryan he thinks the music upset Laura
Scotty is starting to wonder if Laura is lying about where she was raped
Bobbie asks Luke if he's proud of what he did... Luke plays dumb
Bobbie says "Don't you play me for a fool! She reacted that way because of the way you were
.......dancing out there with little Miss Jennifer Smith. Everybody saw that, Luke"... Lk - "Bobbie,
.......the day that Laura Baldwin is jealous of me, well, that will be the day"... B - "I think it was
.......the music that did it. That was the same music, wasn't it?"... Lk - "What music?"... B - "That
.......was the music you danced with Laura with, the night you raped her"... Lk - "Get off my back"...
.......B - "Tell me something Luke, just how stupid do you think Scotty is?"... Lk - "Scotty?"...
.......B - "Just how long do you think it's gonna take him to put 2 & 2 together and find out it was who raped his wife?" [Luke just starts dancing... ignoring the question]
Bobbie says "Tell me something Luke, did you want Laura to fall apart? Is that why you punched in
.......the music that played to rape her by?"... Lk - "Will you shut up!"... B - "No!"... Lk - "Why this
.......sudden love for Laura, Bobbie?"... B - "You're not reading me, Brother dear. I don't have any for Laura, but I'm beginning to believe that you told me the truth about the Rape"...
.......Lk - "Well thank you darlin' sister"... B - "At first I couldn't really believe you actually
.......attacked her & raped her, but I really think I can believe you now"... Lk - "Why the sudden
.......change of heart?"... B - "Because of her reaction to the record. Tell me Luke, what's the name
.......of that record? Music to Rape people by?"... Lk - "Keep your voice down!"... B - "It's a vicious
.......thing to do"... Lk - "I know, tell me, tell me"... B - "Luke, why did you switch the music?"...
.......Lk - "You want more truth laid on you?"... B - "Yeah! It's such a novelty"... Lk - "The novelty is
.......I can't stand to see the Baldwins together"... B - "Ah ha"... Lk - "Everytime I see Laura with
.......him it's like my woman is being taken by another man. That's the truth"
Claudia asks Laura if she's been lying & if she knows who raped her (Laura doesn't answer her)
Scotty asks Laura if it was the music ("Rise") that made her fall apart (Laura says "No")
Scotty tells Laura he wants her to quit her job "tonight" (Says to give him 2 weeks notice)
Laura goes to Luke's office to quit
Luke says "Laura, join me for a drink?"... Lra - "No! I wanna talk to you"... Lk - "From the look of
.......your face, I'd say it's something important. What is it?"... Lra - "You know very well what it"... Lk - "No! Tell me"... Lra - "How DARE you do that to me!"... Lk - "You wanna clue me in or want me to stand here & guess why you're angry?"... Lra - "Stop it Luke! You know I'm
.......talking about what you did when Scotty & I were dancing"... Lk - "Hey, I wasn't anywhere near, Laura, I was dancing with Jennifer Smith"... Lra - "You put on the same music that was
.......playing here the night that you raped me"... Lk - "Did I do that?"... Lra - "You know you did!
.......Don't lie to me Luke!"... Lk - "Look, I don't remember. I wanted to dance with Jennifer, I didn't the music that was playing, so I punched another button. Now if that happened to be the
.......same music that was playing that night, Laura, what a coincidence!"... Lra - "I don't believe!"... Lk - "Excuse me, I have to see how Jennifer's doing"... [Luke starts to leave] Lra - "Wait
.......a minute, I'm not through with you yet!"... [Luke stops & his attitude changes dramatically]
.......Lk - "I saw how you ran off the floor when I switched the music, I'm sorry about that"...
.......Lra - "No you're not!"... Lk - "I couldn't stand the sight of you & Scotty together, I had to stop, the music was handy"... Lra - "How could you be that cruel?"... Lk - "I don't know. I'm sorry,
.......really"... Lra - "No you're not! You're not sorry at all & I know exactly what you're up to!"...
.......Lk - "Well, then would you mind telling me, cause I really don't know"... Lra - "You don't want to make it as Scotty's wife, do you? Well, I've got news for you, Luke, Scotty & I are gonna closer than we ever were before & there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop that!"...
.......Lk - "Ok. Anything else?"... Lra - "Yes! You better start looking for another waitress because
.......Scotty wants me to quit my job here"... Lk - "You gonna do it?"... Lra - "I'm doing exactly that.
.......Right now!"... Lk - "Well, well, well, what a surprise! Or maybe it isn't. I'll make you out your check"... Lra - "No! Not yet!"... Lk - "What do you mean, not yet?!!"... Lra - "Scotty wants done in a business like matter. We're gonna play the game exactly the way it has to be
.......played. I'm giving you the normal two weeks notice"... Lk - "You mean you're quitting 2 weeks
.......from tonight?"... Lra - "Yes! Yes, I'd love to quit right now, believe me, but Scotty would be
.......suspicious. It has to be business, right down the line!"... Lk - "Then business it will be, Mrs
.......Baldwin, right down the line"... Lra - "I wanna be treated just like any other employee"...
.......Lk - "You got it! I will treat you like every other employee!"... Lra - "Thank you, because I don't
.......want any special favors just because you did me the HONOR of raping me!!!!!!"
Laura says "Do you know what it's been like for me working here? Week after week, with extra
.......shifts. I've hated it. I've hated every moment of it & I've hated you most of all!"... Lk - "Tell me
.......more, Laura, get it all out!"... Lra - "And I'm very glad that Scotty wants me to quit my job! And
.......he's gonna pay you back, Luke, all the money that you gave me for his law books"... Lk - "Business, right down the line"... Lra - "Exactly! Scotty is borrowing the money from his father so
.......that he can pay you back"... Lk - "Fine!"... Lra - "And he wants an accurate accounting from you.
.......With interest I mean. Because he wants to pay you back every dime, every penny, of interest that
.......I owe you on that money"... Lk - "Terrific, Laura, just terrific, cause I can use the money! And it
.......will be the current rate of interest! Every penny you owe me! Legitimate, normal & business Just the way Mr Scotty Baldwin likes it!"... Lra - "Good, thank you"... [Bobbie enters the] Bobb - "Hi! Laura, Scotty wants you. He asked me to tell you that the rest of your party about to leave"... Lra - "Thank you, Bobbie. You know I'm very glad you're here because this
.......allows me to round out the evening very neatly"... B - "Oh, how's that?"... Lra - "Well, I think you'll very happy about what just happened right here"... B - "I will?"... Lra - "Uh huh. I quit my job.
.......[Bobbie looks shocked] Oh come on, Bobbie, surely you can look happier than that? I mean you
.......keep telling me that I don't belong here at the Campus Disco & that I don't belong in Luke's world
.......or yours, because I haven't had the advantages of being born on Elm Street. Well, Bobbie, I finally
.......realized how very very right you are. I know now that I don't belong anywhere near either one of!" [Laura walks out] [Bobbie has a HUGE smile on her face]
Scotty tells Laura he hopes one day she'll tell him where she was really raped & who did it
Luke drives Jennifer home (Jennifer tells Luke she liked Ruby alot)
Luke & Jennifer kiss
The Disco has a new Entrance
Bobbie wants to know how Luke's date with Jennifer went
Bobbie says Luke should stay away from Jennifer
Luke says he is ready to climb the ladder (Hopes Jennifer will help)
Luke talks to Ruby about wanting her to move (She doesn't want to)
Scotty gives Luke a check for what Laura owes him (For law books) (A loan from Lee)
Scotty & Luke talk about Laura & the Rape
Alone in the Disco, Luke puts on "Rise" & starts to dance, but he stops & turns it off
Jennifer thanks Luke for the date
Jennifer says Frank was watching them kiss
Scotty walks in as Jennifer kisses Luke
Luke is wearing his Mother's Wedding band (Will always wear it until he gets married)
Scotty asks Luke about Greg Townage (Laura's Ex-Boyfriend) & "Rise"
Scotty says he thinks Laura is tied, somehow, to her Rapist
Quartermaine baby needs an operation (Baby is 6 weeks old)
L&L talk in the Hospital Cafeteria
Rick arrives to operate on the baby's heart
Luke says "Laura, I don't really know how to say this. There is something that I think you should
.......know"... Lra - "What?"... Lk - "Your husband came to the Disco this afternoon. Apparently, he found a
.......notebook in your apartment that belongs to Greg Townage. Now, I mean, I realize that whatever it it's perfectly innocent, you know, but he's all on about the fact that he thinks Townage is the one
.......who raped you"... Lra - "That's ridiculous!"... Lk - "That's what I said"... Lra - "I don't believe this, could he think anything like that?"... Lk - "Hey, I don't know. I'm only telling you what he said"...
.......Lra - "You wanna know what Greg was doing there?"... Lk - "Well it's none of my business, is it?"...
.......Lra - "No. No, I want you to know, so you know how silly this really is. I asked Greg to come over the apartment to talk about Beverly going off her diet, because she thought that I put him up to
.......dancing with her at the Disco that night"... Lk - "Really?"... Lra - "Yes. The truth is Greg had asked
.......Beverly to dance on his own, but Beverly didn't believe that, so we talked about it for a little while
.......& he decided to ask her out for a date. So that's what Scotty's been jealous of? Absolutely nothing?
.......I could strangle him!"... Lk - "Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, you can stangle him if you want, I
.......really don't care, but the point is that he's not jealous. He just happens to think that Townage is
.......pressuring you"... Lra - "I don't understand Scotty at all. I've been handling what happened to me. I've
.......been trying my best to just take it all in stride & I think I've been doing pretty well"... Lk - "So do I"...
.......Lra - "For one thing, I'm able to look at you & to talk to you without hating you or trying to make you
.......feel guilty about what happened, right?"... Lk - "Right"... Lra - "As far as I'm concerned, it's over. And didn't mean anything. It was just something that happened on a night when you thought you were good as dead. The point is, our lives have changed now. You're dating Jennifer, who happens to be
.......a very nice girl, & I'm back with Scotty where I belong. So why should I let the past upset me?...
.......Lk - "Hey that's right, I mean the whole world is terrific, isn't it Laura?"... Lra - "You don't sound as
.......if you think so"... Lk - "No, actually, from where I'm sitting it isn't terrific. I'm still in love with"... Lra - "Luke stop it, you are not in love with me!"... Lk - "Don't tell me who I'm in love with"...
.......Lra - "You've gotta stop saying that to me & more importantly you have GOT to stop feeling it!"...
.......Lk - "I'm sorry, Laura, you can't tell people how to feel, what to feel, & when to stop feeling"...
.......Lra - "Well, you've gotta stop talking to me that way then. It's wrong Luke! I love Scotty, nobody
.......else! It's true I'm angry with him right now, but when I'm not I love him very deeply & I always will"
Jennifer & Scotty come back to the Cafeteria
Laura, Scotty, & Jennifer think Luke should become a Doctor
Two nights till Laura finishes working at the Disco
Laura asks Luke to hire Joanne to replace her
Luke says "I thought you told me to stay away from your friends, not to hire any of them?"... Lra - "Well,
.......I guess that was anger talking"... Lk - "Ok"... Lra - "And hurt, too, I guess. I mean, from the way you've
.......been acting. Putting on that dance music, for instance"... Lk - "Yeah! Truly sorry about that Laura"...
.......Lra - "Luke, how could you do that to me? I mean, I was dancing with Scotty, I was feeling fine
.......about everything, & then you had to put that music on. It was such, it was a horrible reminder"...
.......Lk - "Yeah, I know, I know, I know. I guess the truth is I just kind of freaked seeing you & Scotty
.......together like that. And I couldn't control how I feel about you. Now I've tried. I'm still trying, I'll
.......go on trying, because I have to"... Lra - "I shouldn't have brought it up, I guess"... Lk - "No, I guess you
.......shouldn't, but as long as you did, let's just make sure that everything is right out in the open before leave here for good, ok? I still care about you and I'm trying really hard, not always successfully, make sure that my caring about you doesn't hurt you. I'm dating, you know, I'm trying to head in
.......different directions. The night that I put that record on & danced with Jennifer, I had this insane
.......notion that I could make you jealous, on some level"... Lra - "That's ridiculous!"... Lk - "Yes, I know it I know that you'll never love anybody buy your husband"... Lra - "That's right, Luke. And I hope that'll find a girl that feels the same about you"... Lk - "Laura, forgive me. For loving you so much, too
.......much"... Lra - "I'm trying. I'm trying to forgive you for everything"... Lk - "The night that I forced
.......myself on you, Laura, that really, that wasn't Luke Spencer"... Lra - "I know that. And by getting away
.......from here, maybe we can both learn to live with what happened & hopefully, one day, forget"...
.......Lk - "You're happy, aren't you?"... Lra - "Very happy! Luke, I have everything that I want in Scotty. So
.......after two more nights of working here, I'll be spending my nights at home with Scotty, where I belong"
[Flashback] Luke remembers the Rape
Watson tells Luke that Mr Smith wants to meet with him tomorrow night around closing time
Watson makes comments about Laura ("Real nice... She looks kind of ready... You know what I mean?")
Luke goes BALLISTIC & grabs him & says "You keep your hands off her, Watson, you understand?!!!"
Watson wonders why Luke is so protective of Laura
Day of Laura's last night working at the Disco
Bobbie gets angry at Jennifer for asking Luke about Roy
Amy wants to apply for Laura's job (Luke says he's already hired Joanne)
Luke overhears Laura say he is one of her closest friends
Luke tells Laura "Our lives will move in a different direction"... Laura says "You mean after I quit my job
.......tonight? [Luke nods] Not entirely, Luke, we're still gonna see each other"... Lk - "I'm gonna stay out of
.......your life"... Lra - "I know. But we're bound to be running into each other"... Lk - "Well, I'm gonna try.
.......Laura, you might be able to make it easier for me"... Lra - "How?"... Lk - "It's like this. I know what I
.......did to you that night. I know that it was rape. Brutal rape. I don't know how I could have done it to, I swear to you I don't! But if you could forgive me, it might make it easier for me to stay away"...
.......Lra - "Luke, I don't want you on this guilt trip any longer. I mean that! You have to remember that you
.......thought, that night, that you were gonna be dead within a month. I mean, people do all kinds of crazy
.......things when they think that their lives are over! Yes! The answers yes! I have forgiven you"... [Luke
.......looks relieved & happy] Lk - "Laura"... Lra - "What you heard me say to Joanne, that you're my good
.......friend. Well, that's true, for some strange reason, I don't really understand it, but there is some kind
.......of a bond between us, isn't there? [Luke nods] And I know you'll always be there for me if I'm in any
.......trouble & I'll do the same for you"... Lk - "Like the night on Look Out Point when you threw my keys over
.......the cliff. You did that because you thought you were keeping me from being killed & you were probably
.......right! So Laura, where do we go from here?"... Lra - "Well, Luke, you're getting involved with Jennifer
.......Smith & I think that's wonderful. I mean, we all need somebody & she's very interested in you, I can
.......tell, so I think you're off to a terrific start!"... Lk - "Sure. Sure. The problem is, it'll always be you for, you know that, don't you?" [Laura nods]
Laura's last night working at the Disco
Laura arrives at the Disco to get ready
Laura tells Luke "I want you to know that I wish you all the best".. Lk - "Thank you. I'm gonna miss you
.......around here. You really light this place up"... [Laura smiles big time] Lra - "Thanks! But you'll get over
.......that"... Lk - "No I won't. I won't tell you how much I'm gonna miss you because that really wouldn't be
.......fair. You wouldn't believe me anyway. But there's another part of me, a part that wants you to be
.......happy & that parts knows that you should not be here. You should be away from here, at home, with
.......another man"... Lra - "Thank you"
Joanne comes to train with Laura
Scotty & the gang party at the Disco for Laura's last night
Mr. Smith arrives at the Disco
Laura seems disturbed by Luke dancing with Jennifer & she runs to Luke's office & starts crying
Luke comes in the office &...
Luke says "What's wrong?"... Lra - "I don't know! Luke, everything started closing in on me all at once &
.......I don't know"... [They are standing kind of close here] Lk - "I understand"... Lra - "What do you mean?"...
.......Lk - "There is so much unfinished business between us Laura, [Luke moves closer to her & puts his
.......hand on her face] still"... Then...
Laura slaps him & says "No! No, don't do that! I'm going home to my husband & I never wanna see you
.......again!" [Laura storms out] [Luke yells & knocks everything off of his desk]
Bobbie wants to kno what's going on... Luke tells her he kissed Laura
Bobbie is mad at Luke for kissing Laura... says "sounds like she was pretty angry"...
Luke says "I'd say that was putting it mildly"... B - "Strange don't you think? That she would get that
.......angry with someone that she doesn't care a bit about"... Lk - "What are you saying?"... B - "What I'm
.......saying, Brother dear, is when there's that much anger, there's gotta be another emotion too. And it
.......sure isn't fear. Is Laura falling in love with you?"... Lk - "Oh sure! Sure she is Bobbie! Doesn't a
.......woman fall in love with every man who rapes her, huh?"
Laura, going to hang up her uniform, gets locked in Luke's office closet
Laura is in the Office closet as...
Luke meets with Mr Smith (Talks about having Luke run a club in Vegas)
Watson tells Frank he thinks someone was in the closet
Laura calls Luke to let her out
Laura says "I tried to get out, Luke, I really did try. But then I heard voices"... Lk - "You heard? You heard
.......everything, didn't you?"... Lra - "Yes! What organization is Frank Smith talking about?"... Lk - "His"... Lra - "But he said something about having to look legitimate. What is that supposed to
.......mean?"... Lk - "Don't ask questions, Laura"... Lra - "Luke, I have to know!"... Lra - "Look, please, I'm
.......telling you don't ask questions!! Just get the hell out of here and don't look back!"... Lra - "You're in
.......trouble, aren't you Luke?"... Lk - "Laura, don't do this"... Lra - "Look at me Luke. Look at me!! I'm worried
.......about you. There's something very evil about those men"... Lk - "Oh no. No, Laura, don't look at me like
.......that!"... Lra - "Luke, I can't leave you like this"... Lk - "Laura don't do this. You didn't hear anything, you
.......DIDN'T HEAR ANYTHING!! Don't worry about me, don't care about me, because if you do I'll... Laura, don't about me"
Luke says "Laura please go. Don't do this to me"... Lra - "Ok. Ok, I'll go, but there's something that I want to know first before I do go. I was furious with you earlier when you kissed me. I was angry, I
.......was bitter, & I was frightened. I was frightened because you made me realize something, something
.......that I haven't wanted to admit. There's a bond between us Luke. A bond that we can never break"...
.......Lk - "Laura"... Lra - "No, I don't mean because you raped me. Maybe it's because I saved your life when I
.......threw those car keys over the cliff. I mean, I heard once that when you save a person's life you interupt
.......their fate, their destiny, & then you're responsible for them. I don't know, maybe that's why we're tied
.......together forever"... Lk - "It's more than that"... Lra - "I love Scotty, Luke. I love my husband & I want to his wife, completely!"... Lk - "What are you trying to say to me?"... Lra - "What you tried to say to me
.......the night Roy was killed. I am trying to say goodbye, Luke"... Lk - "That's what you want?"... Lra - "Yes.
.......Yes & Please stay away from me. I will stay away from you. I don't wanna know what's happening in
.......your life. I don't wanna worry about you. I don't want to care"... Lk - "Good bye, Laura. I'll always love"... Lra - "Goodbye, Luke"... [Laura starts to leave, but then stops & gives Luke a kiss on the check &
.......then leaves]
[Flashback] As Laura dances with Scotty, she & Luke BOTH remember kissing
Frank & Watson come to Luke's office
Frank says "There's one girl I'm curious about"... Lk - "Who is that?"... F - "Laura Baldwin. The girl who came
.......out of your office a while ago"... Lk - "What about her?"... F - "Who is she really, Luke? I mean, who is
.......she to you?"... Lk - "Well, she's a girl who works here, uh, she did work here actually, this was her last
.......night, I just gave her her final check. Why do you ask?"... F - "I think there must be some kind of mixup.
.......Tonight wasn't Laura Baldwin's last night working here. You see, Luke, a girl like that can be a real
.......asset to us, to this place, so you get her back here working"... Lk - "Well, I'll try Mr Smith"... F - "No, Luke,
.......You'll do it, or else. We want her here where we can keep an eye on her"

JANUARY - FEBRUARY 1980 (Part Two)
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