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Quite a few episodes are skipped here... This is a temporary listing

[These dates are just "possible" dates]

----------1-2-81 & 1-5-81
Slick tells Luke that the man who sent the snake wears a hat with a feather in it
Laura goes to Lesley's to see Heather
Slick gives Luke the address of where the cab driver dropped off the man with the hat
Alex insists on tagging along with Luke to go to the address but he refuses
Laura finds out from Alex where Luke is, and fakes being sick so that she can go after him
Luke hangs around the lobby of the hotel and the manager tries to kick him out
Luke gives the manager a song and dance routine about his wife leaving him just as Laura walks in to back up his story
After finding out how Laura came to be there, Luke tells her he needs her to help him
Luke and Laura follow the man to a mansion in an exclusive part of PC
After unsuccessfully calling real estate offices to find out who lives there, Luke knocks
.......on the door and questions the lady who answers as if he is a census taker
After Luke leaves, the lady tells Cassadine's man that they are not being followed to closely if they showed up there
Luke is furious at Laura when he arrives at the Versaille room for dinner with Alex and finds her dining with Robert Scorpio
Laura warns Luke that Robert said they were all in danger
Robert flirts shamelessly with Laura as Luke gets more and more agitated
Slick tells Luke that all he could find out about Robert is that someone wants him dead
Rick tends to Robert at Luke's apartment after he got struck on the head with a phone book
Rick runs into Luke when he is leaving Laura's and Luke tells him he is living upstairs
Luke asks Laura why Rick was there with a medical bag and she tells him a friend was sick
Luke is increasingly jealous and suspicious when he finds out this friend is a male
Luke and Laura arrive separately but say their good-byes to Hutch together continuing their
.......pretense that they are still a couple
Luke is shocked to see that Robert took Laura to the hospital
Robert asks Luke to make a decision on partnering with him
Luke tells Laura to allow him to drive her home from work because he has something important to talk to her about
Luke tells Edward that had they told him that the Ice Princess was a statue he could have found it by now.
Luke warns them to stop hounding him and to let him do his job
Robert shows up to pick up Laura but she cancels her date with him and leaves with Luke
Luke tells Laura he fears she is in danger working for the Cassadines
----------- (Next day)
Laura is happy when Luke admits that he needs her help
They fight over Laura's stubbornness and Luke takes her out to dinner
Luke and Laura give the room whiplash when they enter the Floating Rib

Here is the conversation that caused more controversy than the actual rape
Luke: So you don't mind the spotlight anymore
Laura: No I don't. In fact I think it's a very good idea that we're out in public. It gives me a chance to talk to you without you yelling or screaming at me
Luke: Don't push your luck now. It's still time for me to call for separate checks
Laura: Luke I'm serious. I want to talk to you about something that's very, very important without either one of us having the luxury of getting over emotional
Luke: Sounds like heavy subject material
Laura: Could be. Depending on your attitude
Luke: Well at the moment my attitude is flexible so what is so important
Laura: Us. You're stuck Luke. You got to listen to me. Ok here goes first of all I'm sure you're probably wondering what's been happening in my life since I've been back
Luke: No actually I've been really busy with my own life
Laura: Yea I know that. Would you like to hear my story?
Luke: Tell it
Laura: First of all I haven't heard a word from Scotty. I get the feeling that he is intentionally trying to punish me
Luke: You mean by dropping out of site?
Laura: Yea. I don't blame him. He's had to face a lot of reality. SO have I.
Luke: So has everybody. Reality catches up with everybody
Laura: Yes I know. Look I know that I was the one who had to do the growing up. You're right. I was a child. I admit it. I see it very clearly now and it really sank in the day at the police station when I turned my back at you
Luke: Laura please
Laura: Hear me out. I know how much I hurt you and I hate myself for it. I also know that I practically destroyed everything that we had together and it's because of something you mentioned tonight…facing people
Luke: Reporters
Laura: No, no my parents, the Baldwins, Amy, Bobbie, everyone who was in that room
Luke: No Laura is you telling me that you couldn't face the fact that we had slept together?
Laura: That we made love. Just like we made love that night at the disco. (Luke looks at Laura completely shocked by her words) I know I cried rape. I lied to everyone. I even lied to myself. That's what I couldn't face that day in the police station. I told that lie to so many people and they knew, they knew when they saw us standing there together that it wasn't rape at all
Luke: You handled that the best way that you could
Laura: And I almost destroyed you in the process
Luke: You were taking care of yourself
Laura: Why do you suppose no one asked about the rape after that day? Because they know they knew that it was not rape at all

Luke and Laura get interrupted by Rick and Lesley

Luke and Laura continue their discussion at her door
Laura: Look, there's one more thing I want you to understand. The cigar band that you gave me. I know that I threw it away but I never threw away what it meant
Luke: Well wedding vows and cigar bands go together like a big joke
Laura: No it wasn't a joke to me
Luke: Laura I'm not handling this very well because I just don't understand it. I mean you have been a private obsession of mine for years. So now it feels like maybe I'm putting it down or something. I'm not putting it down I just don't know how to handle all of this communication
Laura: Why do you say obsession? That makes it sound so far way. I'm not Luke. I'm right here
Luke: I know you are
Laura: You know I've done most of the talking tonight. You've hardly said anything. I want to know. I want to know how you feel
Luke: Ok. Just to clear the air. I have loved you. I have. Oh I have loved you and I didn't want to and I didn't plan to and I didn't understand. I didn't know what it meant. I didn't know what was happening to me. I didn't understand the feeling. I didn't even know it was possible for me to love anybody as much as I loved you. And Laura I loved you too much. I loved you so much I couldn't think. I couldn't understand. (Laura starts to interrupt him) Don't stop me. If you want to hear it don't stop me. I loved you so much there was nothing else in my life. Laura that's sick. I wasn't there anymore. I wasn't there anymore. That kind of love Laura would destroy me. Destroy me. It would break me apart and I don't want to be broken apart
Laura: You mean you are just going to throw it away? Is that what you're saying?
Luke: No! I'm saying that I have to have more control than that and I'm saying that I don't want to throw it way and I am saying that it's not right for us now. Now maybe it will. I hope maybe someday it will be right for us and when it is, you will be the first one to know
Laura: And what if it's never right for us?
Luke: Then we will still have had the most beautiful summer that two people ever had

Luke finds Robert waiting for him at his apartment and Luke tells him that he is seeing his job with the Cassadines through
Robert warns Luke that backing the wrong team could cost him his life
Luke calls Bobbie up at the disco and Laura answers the phone. Luke asks Bobbie to let him borrow her and
.......Ruby's mink coats and not to ask any questions

Laura and Bobbie have a big blowout in the ladies room of the disco
Laura: You don't waste much time on small talk do you?
Bobbie: That's right miss cute, sweet and innocent you want to know something else? Another thing I don't like about you is that you walk around expecting the entire world to fall at your feet
Laura: Is that what you think I am doing with Luke?
Bobbie: I think you're poison for Luke
Laura: Well he didn't seem to think so
Bobbie: Yea well you always did make a real big impression at the beginning. They come from miles to watch to see the show
Laura: Look, we're talking about Luke
Bobbie: No baby, we're talking about you. We're talking about how you destroy everyone you touch. Remember Roy Delucca? You remember that Roy died because you tossed Luke's keys over the cliff?
Laura: And did you ever stop to think what happened that night. Do you know what I was doing? I was trying to protect Luke. I didn't realize what was going on Bobbie
Bobbie: Like you never realized that you were never really raped?
Laura: Luke and I worked through all that
Bobbie: Did he forgive you?
Laura: I didn't ask to be forgiven
Bobbie: Ok how about your grand little performance down at the police station Laura? Tell me how could you go to my brother and tell him that you love him and commit yourself to him and then lie about it? Did you ask to be forgiven then?
Laura: Where do you get off talking to me this way?
Bobbie: I love my brother. I care about him
Laura: Yea, so do I
Bobbie: Yet you hurt him so bad he cant even talk about it with his own family
Laura: Meaning his sweet baby sister
Bobbie: I'm never going to forget the things you've done to him Laura
Laura: I never asked you to Bobbie
Bobbie: I am never going to forget the things you've done to him or to me. Because it seems to me that every single man I have been in love with has been destroyed by you. Roy. Luke
Laura: Scotty? Since when did you become such an angel Bobbie? If you had been so pure then maybe I just might listen to you right now but you have a past that even I cant match
Bobbie: Score one. You've made your point
Laura: I certainly hope so because whether you like it or not I will not drop out of Luke's life
Bobbie: Then you settle it with him. If you feel that way you go to him and you tell him that you love him or get out. Because you are tearing him in half with your little girl games
Laura: You don't understand. It's Luke. It's always going to be Luke no matter how much we hurt each other. But you don't understand and it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. There is only one thing you do have to understand. You forget telling me to back off because when it comes to Luke you back off or I'll walk right over you.

Luke is reminded of Lucy Johnson when Laura offers to bail him out again when she thinks he in financial distress and that's why he needs the mink coats
Alex receives a taped message from a man saying he will be in PC in a week and his code name is Kurt Wheeler
Alex tells Edward that his name is James Duvalle and he came up with the formula for the Ice Princess
An awkward moment when Lee comes by ELQ to see Alex
Another awkward moment when Lee realizes Luke works there as well
Alex asks Lee to take on legal work for ELQ and he refuses in light of the work situation
Luke asks Laura if she heard from Scotty
Laura has lunch with Robert and fishes for information. Robert tells her he will level with her time but for now he wants her to trust him
Luke tells Joe that he thinks the Q's are using him and Joe warns him to get out
Luke put the minks in a warehouse he wants to search and asks Joe to help him get the tail off his back
Luke calls the fence and tells him to meet him at Kelly's
Laura goes to Kelly's to meet Rick for Lunch and tries to find out what Luke is up to with the mink coats
Luke asks Laura to get a date with Robert for tomorrow night
Luke tells Benny that he has a truckload of furs to move and asks him about the security at the warehouse
Laura and Rick give each other encouragement in pursuing Luke and Lesley
2-13-81 (Fri)
Laura helps Luke get out of his apartment without Robert noticing
Laura asks Luke what the purpose of tonight is and he tells her he is investigating a theft and
.......needs to check out the warehouse and he doesn't want Robert tagging along
Laura is furious because she feels like Luke doesn't trust her but he tells her that he is keeping her in the dark to keep her safe
Luke runs downstairs and interrupts Laura when he hears that she is having a drink with Robert and stays to keep an eye on them
Luke and Robert do their usual dance to try to get information from each other
Luke, Laura, Robert, Alex, Joe and Bobbie go to the disco
Luke tells Laura that he is jealous of the way Robert looks at her and asks her to fake a sprained
.......ankle so she doesn't have to dance with him
Bobbie gets Robert to dance with her so Luke can slip out unnoticed
Luke searches the warehouse and finds some of Alex's missing art but not the Ice Princess
Robert is furious when he realizes that Bobbie set him up
Laura has a fight with Alex about being kept in the dark
Robert goes to the warehouse and tells Luke that 2 of the Cassadine men trailed him there.
They agree to a limited partnership for the night to help each other get rid of the Cassadine tail
Robert and Luke overtake the Cassadines and go back to the disco
Diana's body is seen with Anne's name written in blood
2-16-81 (Mon)
Laura is concerned when she sees Luke roughed up.
Luke tells Laura that Robert and him were on the same side of the fence tonight but it wont stay that way
2-19-81 (Thur)
Luke sings and dances outside Laura's apartment to wake her up and Laura is furious when she
.......realizes Luke is just getting in from the night before
Luke tells Laura that he went back to Robert's penthouse
Laura demands to know who the Cassadine's are and what he Ice Princess is
Luke is furious when a guy named Kurt calls up Laura and asks her to go to the parade but she tells him she already has a date
Luke tells Laura he is going upstairs to shower, but then she sees him go out instead
As Laura sees Luke coming back up with a large box, she ambushes Luke in the hall and forces him into her apartment and demands to know why he lied (& wants to know what's in the box)
Luke and Laura kiss as he grabs her to stop her from opening up the box
Benny finds Luke at Laura's apartment and demands the stuff he stole from his warehouse.
Luke makes a deal with Benny that he won't call the cops if he tells him who fenced the stolen art to him
Benny tells Luke that the guy who sold him the merchandise was a cab driver
Luke and Alex and Robert and Laura go to the parade. Luke nearly tells Laura he loves her but stops himself
Joe finds out from the police that Diana Taylor is dead
Alex spots James Duvalle and orders him to go back to his apartment before the Cassadines and Robert realize he is in town
Laura sees James, who she knows as Dr. Kurt Wheeler, and goes over to talk to him
Luke is jealous when he sees Laura talking to James
2-24-81 (FOR SURE A Tuesday BEFORE St Patrick's day)
Luke bust into Laura's apartment furious about her talking to strange men (James) at the parade
Luke grabs Laura and kisses her. They decide to make love but then are interrupted by the radio announcement reporting Diana's death
Laura calls Lesley and Lesley asks her to come over to watch PJ
While Luke and Laura watch PJ, they discuss the time they though Laura was pregnant with Luke's baby. Laura tells Luke it was a very difficult time for her realizing she wanted to be pregnant but by him not her husband
2-27-81 (Fri)
Luke is not happy that Robert is moving in on Laura and asks her if she can handle it
Laura tells Luke that she wishes their kissing the other day never ended as they kiss again only to be interrupted by Rick telling them Anne was cleared of Diana's murder
Laura is annoyed at Rick when he offers to take Laura to Lesley's so that Luke isn't inconvenienced

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