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[an error occurred while processing this directive] GENERAL HOSPITAL (From SOD [5/24/83] [On Sale 5/11/83])

Natalie's intensive therapies appear to be working wonders on Luke. Determined to get back on his feet, Luke rapidly progresses from the crutches to a walker. Jed wishes that Luke would contact his family, but Natalie insists he's got to do that at his own pace. Trusting his therapist, Luke finally admits his true identity to Natalie. The next day, while Luke's in a whirl pool, Natalie "happens" to hand him a newspaper. In shock, Luke realizes it's the Port Charles Herald! Reading that Bobbie is sick, Luke begs Jed to phone the hospital and find out his sister's condition. After Jed grudgingly performs the task, Luke can't deny that he's curious about all of his loved ones—especially Holly. Natalie makes him a tempting offer: "Suppose somebody went for you. . .?" Jed wants Luke to go back himself, but Luke holds Natalie to a set of rules. She's to "collect information, not dispense it.” Thanks to her profession, Natalie is able to get the run of General Hospital and check up on the latest town news. How ever, when she's left alone for a moment, Natalie makes a peculiar phone call. "It's all going according to plan,'' she reports —to whom? As the nurses begin to recover from food poisoning, the doctors see at first hand what their paperwork had been like. Swamped with extra jobs, the medical staff agrees to hire some extra clerical help. Unfortunately for Bobbie, she and Holly will have to postpone their vacation for a while. Robert isn't at all upset to hear that news.... With Ramsey's help, Scorpio pursues a fruitless grilling of Augie. The officers are enraged that they can't hold the thug on specific charges. Although they have to let Nash go, Robert knows he's a murderer, "and I intend to prove it." Robert orders Nash tailed, and learns— to no big surprise—that he's gone directly to Anthony Hand. Augie's move was deliberate. He's angry at Hand for botching his escape, and knows the police will be watching him. Straining to think about who might have been connected with the dead girl's friend, Scorpio suddenly remembers, "Blackie!" Blackie had asked Robert to run the name "Augie" through his computer. Tracking down Blackie at the student center, Scorpio wants to know the reason for Parrish's interest in Nash. In order to protect Lou, Blackie plays dumb, even though he knows this could be a matter of life and death for her. To Blackie's horror, Lou strolls into the center, but is headed off by a frat guy until Robert leaves. “Augie's back on the street," Blackie informs a terrified Lou. He searches relentlessly for a safe place where she can stay, finally setting her up in the room of a girl who eloped. She'll be all right there for a month. Enjoying dinner with Holly at Kelly's, Robert tries hard not to show his relief that her cruise has been postponed. With all her beauty treatments and exercising. Holly looks radiant. Every time the couple says goodnight and goes off to separate rooms, Robert's desire for Holly burns in him. Across town, Celia Quartermaine is also struggling with her loyalies. Claiming she has to help Holly fix a special dinner, Celia rushes to her art studio and awaits her model, Jimmy Lee. When Grant phones, Holly covers for her friend and tells him that Celia is out buying groceries. Putnam believes her. As Celia changes into her smock, Holt boldly walks in. They lustfully stare at each other, Celia attempts to keep her mind on work, but it's no use. Inexorably, she and Jimmy Lee melt into passionate kisses. Suddenly, Celia pulls back, aroused but confused. She feeds Holt a line about her impending marriage, but that only makes Jimmy Lee angrier. "You've wanted me as much as I've wanted you," he says venomously, then stalks out. Celia quickly goes to the Scorpios' and changes into her dinner dress, just as Grant arrives. For some inexplicable reason, her fiance notices Celia is jumpy all evening. The following morning, a guilty Celia tries to cuddle up to Grant, but he brushes her off and goes to work. They'll go to the movies that evening. Longing for a confidante, Celia phones Hoily, who's nervous, too. Holly had wanted to spend the day with her husband, but he has to work. Ceiia remarks that Hoily is actually starting to care for Robert—and she can't understand why her friend hasn't made love to such a delectable husband. “I'd never betray Luke's mernory," Holly insists, although she keeps twisting her wedding ring on her finger. More open about her emotions than her friend seems to be, Celia admits that her problem is “temptation. I just can't stay away from Jimmy Lee." Holt is in an absolutely foul mood as a resuit of Celia's teasing. He barks at Blackie's work habits until gruffly admitting, "A woman can drive a man crazy; that's a fact." Jimmy Lee makes a half-hearted attempt to "come on" to Rose, who understands that he's got Celia on the brain. Rose suggests they go to see a new comedy at the movies. Naturally, Grant and Celia wind up sitting right behind Rose and Jimmy Lee. Shocked at the sight of Holt, Celia deliberately drops her popcorn. Picking it up, she connects with Jimmy Lee's arm. And the couples watch the film with plastered-on smiles.... While Natalie is in Port Charles, she manages to track down infommation about all the people in Luke's life. But when she's introduced to Scorpio, it's as Holly's husband! Realizing that learning the truth would destroy Luke's will to live, Natalie convinces Jed to keep the discovery confidential. Believing that his darling Holly will be waiting for him, Luke makes increasingIy rapid progress. He learns that Natalie has taken such a deep interest in his case because her fiance had lost his legs in Vietnam, and subsequently committed suicide. When Dr. Moreno orders Natalie off Luke's case, she decides to resign her position. Refusing to let one of the only people he trusts walk out of his life, Luke persuades Moreno that Natalie is essential for his return to the woman he loves. Slowly, Robert and Holly's home life is taking on the appearance of a real marriage. As they relax, watching an old movie on TV, Robert nervously asks Holly if she's happy being his wife. When Holly softly says yes, Robert kisses her passionately. Upset at allowing herself to respond, Holly backs off and runs up stairs. For several days, she tries to avoid being alone with Robert. Though Holly wants to forget what's happened between them, Robert insists they can't. “It's not just sex, Holly," he tells her. “I'm falling in love with you." Robert will not accept that all Holly feels for him is gratitude. But when she says that Luke is still in her heart, and perhaps a hike in the mountains would help her “leave Luke in peace," Robert agrees to let her go. Under orders from Edward, Monica is assigned to do some research at Bohlen Pharmaceuticals, in Topeka, Kansas. That's one of the key cities in the espionage ring, Robert realizes, and catches up with Monica before she leaves. Monica agrees to keep an eye out for any unusual doings while she's there. Summoned to a meeting by the Mayor, Scorpio is introduced to Pete Rakos, a visitor from the State Department. To Scorpio's surprise, Port Charles has been selected to host an international exposition. The government will be leasing part of Scotty's waterfront property for the expo. Asking Rakos to a private conference, Scorpio wants to know what's really behind this proposed exhibition. When Rakos finally admits that the project involves certain top-secret research going on in Port Charles. Robert vows, "I'm going to find out what it is." On campus, Robert discovers that a certain Nobel Prizewinner named Prof. Jerrold is conducting classified research. To Scorpio's frustration, Jerrold claims immunity from questioning. In fact, the one person who can disclose Jerrold's business to Robert is WSB agent TR-733, who'll be arriving soon. "That's just what I need," groans Scorpio. "Connie's coming back to stay." As the hour of their wedding approaches, Bryan and Claudia are frantic. After all the arguments they've had, is this really the right thing to do? After a few tense minutes, when Bryan forgets the ring and runs out of the chapel, the couple finally says their vows and are wed. When Scotty rushes into his office excitedly waving a document, Heather thinks it's a marriage license! Learning that it's a work permit, Heather sulks. She felt closer to Scotty when he was in jail, instead of being busy with the waterfront. Separately, they go to the wedding where, to Heather's fury, Scotty sits next to Bobbie. Trying to make peace with his fommer friend, Scotty shakes Bryan's hand and Phillips accepts the overture. Thrilled that Scotty is mending his ways, Bobbie squeezes his hand encouragingly. Heather fumes about that for days! Baldwin's real surprise is at the wedding reception. To Rick's astonishment, Scotty presents a 20 year unbreakable lease for the Clinic! Especially since patients are at last returning to the Clinic in droves, Rick is joyous. Overhearing this new turn of events, Anthony Hand is grim. Acting totally on his own, he orders Augie, "We're torching the Clinic tomorrow night." Augie snitches to Largo about Hand's independent action. Audrey is determined to stop Scotty's development program from tearing down an historic building. When Heather informs him of the pickets, Scotty frets over this latest obstacle, then goes to a meeting with the Mayor. Told about the expo, Scotty happily gives the government the land containing the disputed building. Sharing his good fortune with Heather, Scotty proposes, "I think it's time we live together." His girlfriend passionately responds to the idea, even if it's not yet a marriage proposal. Lou agrees to live in the vacant dorm room under another student's identity and go to classes with Blackie—if he takes her to the prom. Knowing when he's licked, Blackie enlists Tiffany's help with clothes and dancing lessons. While Blackie goes to the wedding, Tiffany tries to show Lou the social graces. Quickly fed-up with the girl's smart mouth, Tiffany matches her street talk, winning Lou's admiration. If Tiffany can transform herself into a classy person, so can Lou! As Celia and Grant enjoy dinner at The Rib, Rose and Jimmy Lee walk in. Grant is unaware of Celia's torrid back and forth staring session with Holt, though Rose immediately recognizes it. Turning to leave, Grant gets a buzz on his beeper. He has to make an emergency call, so Celia's on her own. Back at Kelly's, Jimmy Lee invites Rose to his room, just as a friend, but even though she's lonely, Rose doesn't want to be anyone's substitute. Unable to sleep, Jimmy Lee slips over to the Ouartermaines'. He's tempted to knock on their door, as he watches Celia pace the living room. But as he's about to make his move, Celia goes up to bed. Offering to guest-lecture in Rick's class, Grant agrees to meet him at the student center. To Grant's surprise, he encounters Celia at the school. Delightedly, Celia informs her fiance that she's being considered for a summer teaching job, but she needs a model for her sculture. When Grant volunteers, Celia makes the job sound so time consuming he has to turn it down. A few minutes later, Celia "accidentally” runs into Jimmy Lee at the student center. Hearing that Celia's ready to advertise for a model, Holt rips up the card. "I finish what I start," he boldly tells her. This sculpting could go on for a long time, Celia tantalizingly replies.

....... I will have the rest of these Synopsis up by this weekend!!!.......

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