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THE RETURN OF LAURA - Nov/Dec 1983 (Part One)

Luke feels a presence while having breakfast at Kelly's
Jimmy Lee tells Luke that his old apartment building is being torn down
Rose tells Lesley about the building being torn down
The old landlady lets Luke in Laura's old apartment (Think of Laura playing in the background)
Luke leaves Laura's apartment and Laura comes down the stairs from his old apartment (Only see her feet)
Luke asks Lee to be his Deputy Mayor
The reminder of Laura causes Lesley to go gambling again
Rick calls Kelly's looking for Lesley. Slick tells him where he can find Lesley
Rose reminds Luke that he has a fitting today at Wyndams
Luke goes to Wyndams and turns around fast thinking someone is there but nobody is
Rick picks up Lesley and she tells him dealing with Laura's death is getting harder
As Luke is being fitted, he gets a chill, feeling that presence again and for the first time we see Laura's face, watching Luke at Wyndhams
Previews for tomorrow on GH with the Chestnut lady talking about Luke on the docks
Laura checks into the International Hotel
Luke meets with all the councilmen
Robert calls Luke and they decide to meet on the docks to talk about the police budget
Laura gets herself checked in to the hotel
Laura goes to Luke's place and Rick walks right by her
Luke asks Rick to be his Commissioner of Health and Rick says he will think it over
Laura observes Luke taking a picture with a young boy
Luke and Robert meet on the docks and reaffirm their friendship
Luke tells Robert that tomorrow will be 2 years since his wedding
Laura is hiding behind a crate observing Luke and Robert
As Luke and Robert are leaving, Luke stops in front of the crate
The Chestnut Lady tells Laura about Robert, Luke, and Holly
Laura starts to cry and walks away as the Chestnut Lady talks about Luke being married in the mayor's mansion
Laura sits at a table next to Luke, Robert, and Holly's at the Versaille room.
Laura is laughing along with them as Emma and Slick join the Scoripo's and the reminisce about the Ice Princess escapade
Luke goes to the Webber's to talk to Rick and Lesley as Laura is standing outside
Laura is concerned as she hears Rick voice his concerns about his health to Luke
Lesley goes outside to get Luke a plant for the Mayors office and nearly misses seeing Laura
Laura watched Luke giving a speech at PCU
Blackie helps Laura out at the sandwich machine not knowing who she is
Blackie tells Laura about his friendship with Luke
Lesley has a session with Gail to discuss her gambling problems and Laura's death
An obviously jealous Laura watches Luke and Holly having lunch
Rick finds Lesley looking at Luke and Laura's wedding album
Tiffany helps Luke get dressed and tells him that his suit reminds him of the one he wore on his wedding
Laura goes back to her hotel and George sees her
Great Lesley scene! Rick provokes Lesley to talk about Laura's death
Tiffany apologizes for mentioning Laura and Luke tells her that today being their wedding anniversary makes it harder
Luke calls up Bobbie and asks her and Ruby to take a ride with him to Beecher's Corners for dinner
Ruby reminds Bobbie that today is Luke and Laura's anniversary
George calls Stavros (first shot of him sitting at a desk with pictures of Helena and Mikkos) and tells him that Laura is at the hotel
Stavros tells George to continue following her and to let him know if she makes contact with Luke
Stavros tells Yanni that he knows Helena is the one who let Laura leave
Rick walks in on Lesley placing a bet on the phone
Luke is in the midst of another boring political meeting
Stavros tells Yanni how Helena gloated admitting that she let Laura leave.
Stavros: Helena did it
Yanni: As you suspected. Did she admit it to your face?
Stavros: (laughing) Yes. She ate grapes Yanni. She held them over her mouth and she ate them off the stem while she explained to me how she planned for Laura's escape. She's lucky I didn't murder her on the spot.
Yanni: How did she do it
Stavros: A calculated step by step plan, which she described to me with pleasure. First she showed Laura some newspaper account of Spencer winning this election. Mayor. Just to show her that Spencer was still alive.
Yanni: The escape though, this island is a fortress
Stavros: The second part of Helena's plan she put some money and a passport in Laura's purse and she had the guards removed from her door. Conveniently there was a small boat moored at the foot of the cliff
Yanni: All without us knowing
Stavros: An hour off shore, a cruise ship picked her up. From there it was easy. From Athens a plane to the United States
Yanni: She knows how to hurt you Stavros. First take Laura away from you, but worse to send her back to another man, a man she loves
Stavros: ENOUGH!
Yanni: I am only observing the extent of her cruelty towards you. The mark of a desperate woman if it's her only comfort
Stavros: Helena has not succeeded. She has not succeeded. Laura is gone, but only temporarily. I'll get her back Yanni in spite of Helena. In spite of Spencer
Yanni: You're not wrong about Helena. We have ways to handle her, but Spencer can be another story. What will you do if Laura goes back to him?
Stavros: What do you think I will do?
Lesley and Rick have a huge fight about her gambling and refusal to accept Laura's death
Luke cancels the plans to go to Beech's Corners and Ruby suggests they go for a walk on the docks
Stavros asks Yanni to recall the first time he laid eyes on Laura
Flashback of a blindfolded and frightened Laura being led into the Cassadine compound
Laura doesn't realize who the man is who has kidnapped her until she sees a picture of Helena and Mikkos on the desk in the room
Lesley leaves with a suitcase just before Rick comes home and finds her gone
Nice Spencer scenes where Luke, Ruby and Bobbie discuss Bobbie's upcoming wedding, pregnancy and how their lives have turned out
Lesley checks into the International Hotel
After Bobbie leaves Ruby and Luke have a heart to heart
Luke: We ought to do this more often, you and me. We should just sit her and look out at the ocean and think.
Ruby: Unfortunately you are going to be too busy so we'll keep it for special occasions?
Luke: What do you mean special occasions? What's so special about today?
Ruby: An anniversary
Luke: (Think of Laura starts to play) Yep. Ok. You busted me again didn't you? Oh Ruby it was the most beautiful day of my life. If I live to be a hundred, and I hope I don't, I'll never have a day like that.
Ruby: Yea it was truly beautiful
Luke: There are times when I close my eyes that I can actually hear the music and I can smell the food and I can see all the people that were there. What they were wearing. And I can hear the words. And I... I don't know. I think no matter what I go through in my entire life that is the only day that I will remember on the day I die as being ok
Ruby: Honey life has to go on. You're lonely
Luke: A little
Ruby: Particularly today
Luke: Yep. Particularly today
Laura is behind the crate watching Ruby and Luke
Stavros talks to Yanni about his obsession with Laura. He tells him of how he NEVER left the island in the whole two years because of her
Flashback of Stavros forcing himself on Laura then retreating when she fights him
Rick asks Slick to meet him at Kelly's
Lesley's hotel room is right next to Laura's
George, unknown to Laura, follows her to her hotel room
Luke tells Ruby that this year he is thinking of his wedding and Laura more than he did last year
Luke: So much for Indian Summer
Ruby: Yea the autumn and winter chill
Luke: You know winter seems to sneak up on you every year doesn't it?
Ruby: You have something you want to talk about?
Luke: You know, you better leave me alone. Yea I do. My wedding
Ruby: Yea it's written all over your face. Any old fool can see it, especially this old fool.
Luke: I don't know what's wrong this year. I just don't understand because last year on this day I was cool you know. I didn't think of it, no sweat. I had a lot of other things on my mind
Ruby: Ok but this year is different
Luke: Yea it s different but I am ok
Ruby: Yes I never doubted that
Luke: You always know what to day don't you
Ruby: Don't you forget Laura. You hang on to that. You hang on to that forever. Think about her today. Think about her every day because what the two of you had very few people ever have in any lifetime
Luke: But that doesn't make it fair
Ruby: I know but knowing what you know in the in the end would you have done it any differently?
Luke: Of course not. You know I just….
Ruby: I know and I love you too
Laura is in her hotel room obviously remembering her wedding
George calls Stavros and tells him that Laura has not contacted anyone
Rick asks Slick to help him find Lesley
Laura leaves her room right before Lesley opens her door. George is still following her
George checks in with Stavros again and tells him not to grab Laura. He is curious to see what she will do next
Flashback of Stavros showing Laura the newspaper article that said Luke died in an avalanche
Laura: You sent for me
Stavros: I did
Laura: Well I'm here what do you want
Stavros: Sit down. I have a piece of news I'd like to share with you
Laura: I couldn't care less about your news. There's nothing I want to share with you. You should know that by now
Stavros: This I guarantee will interest you
Laura: It's a Port Charles paper. Where did you get it?
Stavros: What Cassadine's want they get whatever whenever and from where ever. That is something I should think you would know by now read it
Laura: (reads the headline that Luke is dead) NO! NO! No, I don't believe it. This cant be true.
Stavros: It's there in black and white. Face it Laura
Laura: No Luke can't be dead. He can't be
Stavros: He's mortal like anyone else. Unfortunately the victim of an avalanche. Read for yourself
Laura: It must be some mistake or this is a trick. It must be
Stavros: The trick would be if you were ever to see your husband again. There is no mistake Laura. Luke is dead.
Laura: No!
Stavros: It's done and there is not a thing you can do to change it and there is not a thing he can do to rescue you. Accept it. I'm sure Luke would want the woman he loves to go on with her life. You no longer have any reason to leave this island which is fortunate because you never will. Unless of course you leave with me. I'm not a stupid man Laura nor am I a man who would take a woman he loves without her consent. As yet my feelings for you is not returned but it will be because one day you will realize that I have something to offer you that no one else can. Something much more than my passion.
Laura; There's nothing now. Luke was everything to me.
Stavros: You are alone Laura. I am telling you, you need me.
Laura: For what?
Stavros: Protection
Laura: And who protects me from you?
Stavros: You are so wrong I mean you no harm but there is one who does. A very powerful person who would like nothing better than to crush you. One who would do it too unless I intervene
Laura: Who?
Stavros: Helena Cassadine. But you have a choice. What will it be? Would you rather find yourself Helena's prisoner or my wife? I can be very patient when I have to be. I will wait for you to come to me but not forever.
Laura makes conversation with Jake Meyers until she realizes that his girlfriend is Rose Kelly
Rick and Slick decide to split up to find Lesley
Laura goes to her old apartment building. Jimmy Lee stops her from going up to Luke's old apartment.
Jimmy Lee finds George coming down the stairs from Luke's old apartment
Slick tells Rick that he doesn't think Lesley is off on a gambling binge
Rick finds Lesley at the International Hotel and they make up
Slick just missed Laura at the hotel
George checks in with Stavros again and Stavros tells George to bring her back to him
Luke tries to get out of a meeting so he can have a picnic with Tiffany
Laura is having a nightmare (screaming Luke's name) when she hears Burt knocking on the door next to hers
Burt tells Rick and Lesley that Blackie is worried about not knowing where they are
Lesley calls Blackie to let him know Rick and her are fine
Laura cries listening to Lesley and Rick laughing in the next room
Luke and Tiffany have their picnic in the park.
Tiffany tells Luke that she is taking a spokesperson job and she can't run the Casino anymore
Luke tells Tiffany he is overwhelmed already with the Mayor's job
Tiffany suggests they, along with Robert, run off to some tropical island but Luke tells her that something would be missing
Luke leaves his sweater behind and Laura picks it up
Brock suggests that Luke shut down the Casino and he agrees
Laura, cradling Luke's sweater, tries to call him but George grabs the phone away from her
Brock tells Luke that wants to be appointed to Commissioner of Building and Housing. Luke obviously against the idea, tells him he will think about it
Laura pleads with George to give her a few more days but he refuses
George calls Stavros and tells him he has Laura. George tells Laura that her HUSBAND wants to speak to her
Laura begs Stavros for more time then hits George over the head with the phone and runs (with Luke's sweater in tow)
Jimmy Lee calls Luke to tell him that the apartment building is coming down soon if he wants to take one more look at it
Bobbie is concerned after hearing how harshly Brock talked to Luke
Laura calls the Casino but doesn't say anything when he answers the phone
George calls Stavros to tell him that Laura got away
GREAT SCENE!! Luke goes to see that apartment while unknown to him Laura is also in there, hiding behind the stove, clutching Luke's sweater. (Think of Laura plays)
Luke goes to the hospital to visit Bobbie who just miscarried
Luke tells Ruby that he feels haunted, thinking of Laura all the time (George is following Luke)
Luke tries to console Bobbie after her miscarriage
George calls Stavros and tells him he hasn't found Laura yet but he thinks she will not resist going to the inauguration ceremony
Robert tells Luke he should consider getting some security
Ruby tells Bobbie that she is worried about Luke because he is consumed with thoughts of Laura
Luke and Ruby go out for dinner and a "trashy" movie
Luke's Inauguration Day!
Holly gives Luke a gift from her and Robert
Laura sneaks back into her old apartment and makes plans to go to the ceremony.
Laura talking to a newspaper picture of Luke "If only"
George calls Stavros and promises him that Laura will be on her way back to him tonight
Laura finishes getting dressed. Talking to the picture again "atleast I'll get to see you just for a little while"
George comes looking for Laura at the apartment
Holly gives Luke cuff links from her and Robert
Tiffany helping Luke get ready and makes him more neurotic than he already is
Luke tells Tiffany that he doesn't know if he can live in that house
Laura managed to escape before George sees her
Laura listens outside as Luke is being sworn in as Mayor of Port Charles
Laura sees George coming and locks herself in the bathroom
Everyone is outside the bathroom door congratulating Luke
Bobbie urges Brock not to miss the celebration
Everyone heads over to the mayor's mansion. Lesley tells Rick that she recognizes George from the hospital
Ramsey detains George because his car was involved in an accident out front and Laura escapes capture again
Luke mingles with Holly, Lou, Jimmy Lee, Jake and Rose. Ruby, Jesse and Slick.
Brock tells Ruby that he was late because he had to stay with Bobbie
Edward, Lila, and Alan offer their congratulations to Luke
Ramsey is still detaining George with paperwork
Laura shows up at the gates of the Mayor's mansion
Tiffany and Claudia go outside and reminisce about Luke and Laura's wedding Tiffany: What I wouldn't give to turn back the clock
Laura enters the party on the lawn unseen (In the background, Audio of Laura getting ready to throw her bouquet over the balcony)
Laura avoids some of the guests trying to make conversation with her
Luke makes his way outside as Laura is hiding in the background (Fascination playing in the background)
George is finally able to leave
Luke tells Edward he is surprised that he is there considering he was backing Lee
Audrey and Steve offer their congratulations
Ruby tells Luke that Bobbie has an infection
Luke makes his apologies and leaves the party to go and see Bobbie
George makes his way to the mansion and hides in an outdoor stairwell
Laura hears the some of the guest that the Mayor has left
Laura hears the housekeeper announcement that the mayor went to go see his sister who is ill
Laura comes out from hiding in the background (Fascination playing)
Ruby tells Luke that Bobbie needs a hysterectomy
Luke visits with Bobbie
Laura is freely roaming the grounds (Fascination playing)
George tries to come out of hiding but the wait staff is still around
Laura remembers her wedding (Flashbacks of Luke and Laura saying their wedding vows)
Luke arrives home. Laura still roaming the grounds (Think of Laura playing)
Laura thanks Margaret for all her help and gives her the night off
Laura keeps remembering the wedding (Lots of flashbacks set to the wedding march)
Luke steps out onto the balcony and remembers him and Laura dancing (Flashback of Luke and Laura dancing to Fascination at their wedding)
Laura is standing underneath the balcony
Laura steps out onto the lawn. Luke goes to pour his champagne. As he is raising the glass to his lips he sees Laura on the lawn. He runs down the stairs. Laura is walking around the lawn when she turns and sees George on the stairwell. Laura runs away from George and is stopped dead in her tracks by screams of "LAURAAAAAAAAA" from Luke. Laura stops. Turns around to face Luke. And without hesitation runs into his arms as Luke screams "Oh my God!" Luke and Laura are embracing, sobbing uncontrollably.
Stavros tells Yanni that if Laura talks to Spencer he will kill her family
Stavros: If she goes to Spencer first, If she so much as talks to Spencer or any one of her kin, I shall seek them out and kill them one by one. It will mean a plague of death on that town the likes of which have never been seen. And that my friend is a solemn promise.
Luke pulls away from the embrace to see Laura's face
Luke: I can't believe it! Am I going crazy? Am I crazy? Am I dreaming? I'm not dreaming. I'm not dreaming. Its you. You're here. You're home. You're alive! You're alive!
Luke and Laura share their first kiss in 2 years! (Fascination playing)
Luke: You're really here. You're not a dream or anything. You're really you. (Laura crying hysterically) Its you. Laura. Laura. Baby, baby what happened? What happened? Where you been? Where you been?
Laura: Don't ask
Luke: What? Why not?
Laura: I can't say anything
Luke: What are you talking about why not
Laura: I can't be with you. Its not too late. Please
Luke: Who, what are you talking about?
Laura: Please! Please its not to late please let me go
Luke: What do you mean not too late? I'm not going to let you go
Laura: Please don't you understand. I am being followed and if they see me with you or any other member of the family they will kill all of us
Luke: Who's? Who's following you? Who's threatening you?
Laura: The man who is following me…
Luke: Who? Where are they? Where are they?
Laura: Please! If you love me you will let me go
Luke: NEVER!! Never! Never! I am never going to let you go again. If you are being followed. If anyone is on your tail. If you are in danger of any kind, I will take care of it. Alright? Will you stay here while I take a look around?
Laura nods
Luke: I love you! I love you! I love you! Wait right here
Luke checks the grounds. George hears him coming and leaves the grounds. Luke returns to Laura (who had ample time to escape!) who is STILL standing there waiting.
Luke: Nobody. It's just you and me
Laura: Are you sure?
Luke: yea I'm sure it's just you and me. You are so incredibly beautiful I don't believe it (Luke and Laura kiss again while Fascination plays)
Laura: If you only knew how many times I've dreamed of this.
Luke: I know. Oh do I know baby do I know. There you are Laura (spins her around) there you are. Oh Laura. Where have you been? Where have you been? You've been gone so long. What happened? What happened?
Laura: It doesn't matter
Luke: What do you mean it doesn't matter. Of course it matters to me
Luke: Ok, ok. It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you are here with me. That's all I care about
Laura: Luke, I can't stay
Luke: what? Why not
Laura: You never saw me that's the only way
Luke: What are you talking about I never saw…Laura I am not going to let you go
Laura: I can't stay
Luke: You are not leaving me. Oh baby never again. Never ever ever again
Laura smiles
Luke: Look at you. Just you and me and I am going to protect you and I am going to take care of you and I am going to love you
Laura: I love you so much
Luke: I love you too. That's all that matters. Oh God that's all that matters. I'm gonna take you inside now
Luke lifts up Laura and carries her into the house
Lesley, Rick, Amy and Blackie talk about Luke and Laura and all the memories that came back to them today
Amy breaks down on Blackie because she misses Laura
George calls Stavros and tells him that Luke and Laura are together. Stavros tells Yanni that Spencer and her family must die
Ruby goes to visit Bobbie and they try to call Luke
Luke and Laura come into the house. He puts her down gently and they stare at the room
Luke: Hey I bet I know what you are thinking
Laura: The day we were married was the happiest day of my life
Luke: Yea except for today it was the happiest day for me too. And we got a new chance, Laura. We got a whole new beginning to go through
Laura: We are in so much danger Luke
Luke: Don't be afraid don't be afraid
Laura: I'm afraid for you. There are so many things you don't know
Luke: Come here baby. Sit down. Now you can tell me. If there is danger we can handle it oh we can handle it. Look what we've been through already
Laura: From the beginning?
Luke: From the day you disappeared
Laura: I finished the Miss Star Eyes commercial early and I wanted to surprise you so I took a taxi back to the boat. But you weren't there. The ship was empty and then all of a sudden the lights went out and I got scared so I ran out on the dock to a phone booth and it was very very foggy and I was terrified because there was a man following me
Luke: Yea, his name was David Grey
Laura: Was?
Luke: He's dead I killed him. There's nothing to worry about with him.
Laura: I never saw him again after that night but he hypnotized me and the next thing I knew I was in a boat
Luke: Yes I know. They found the boat. Your things were in it. They said that you had drowned
Laura: NO I was taken onto a cruise ship. They rigged it to make it look like I had drowned
Luke: Who? Who did that?
Laura: Helena Cassadine
The Webber family remembers Laura some more
Yanni tries to convince Stavros to let Laura go but he refuses
Laura continues to tell Luke her story
Laura: There were so many warnings Luke. The flowers in our stateroom, the model ship. Helena was behind all of those things.
Luke: But why you? I killed Mikkos
Laura: she wanted revenge. She wanted to hurt you in the same way you hurt her
Luke: Ok, so what happened after you were taken aboard the cruise ship
Laura: I was taken to the Cassadine compound. It's an island in the Aegean
Luke: You mean Helena has kept you there the past two years?
Laura: Yes
Luke: I'll kill her. I swear I am going to find this woman and I am going to kill her
Laura: It wasn't just Helena
Luke: What do you mean?
Laura: I'd given up Luke. I thought you were dead. They showed me a newspaper article saying you were killed by an avalanche
Luke: It's all right darlin. You're here now
Laura: No other things happened
Luke: What? Laura, what did she do to you?
Laura: It wasn't just Helena. It was Stavros
Luke: Who the hell is Stavros?
Laura: He's Mikkos's cousin. He runs the family empire now. And if it wasn't for Stavros I think Helena would have probably had me killed
Luke: How did he help you?
Laura: When I found out that you were dead I made a choice
Luke: What choice? Laura what choice? What choice did you make?
[Flashback of Laura telling Stavros that she will marry him]
Stavros: You asked to see me Laura. I am pleased. What do you wish?
Laura: I've been thinking of what you said and since Luke died nothing really matters
Stavros: Laura you are very young. You are very beautiful and desirable time will heal you heart
Laura: No, but I do have many years to live and I don't want to live a captive
Stavros: I can offer you freedom, luxury
Laura: I know. That's why I've come to you. I've decided to accept your offer
Stavros: I swear on my honor you will never regret it
(Stavros places a family crest around Laura's neck)
[Back to Luke and Laura]
Luke: You said you made a choice a choice between what baby what choice
(Laura walks away)
Luke: Laura we have the rest of our lives together. There's no rush. You take it easy.
Laura: I don't want to talk about it anymore
Luke: Did something happen that you are ashamed of?
Laura: It's all happening too fast. I need some time. I'm very tired Luke
Luke: Ok
More of the Webber family working through their grief as Lesley finally starts to accept Laura's death
Laura tells Luke how she escaped
Luke: Laura how did you finally get off the island
Laura: One day when I was alone in my villa I found a newspaper. You have to understand they never let me see another one after they showed me the one that said you had been killed in an avalanche
(Luke and Laura kiss again)
Luke: What did the paper say
Laura: That you had been elected mayor I was so shocked that I fainted and when I woke up their was a passsport and some money a lot of money but I still had to find a way to get off the island
Luke: What did you do?
Laura: I went down to the docks and there weren't any guards on duty for the first time and there was a small skiff. It was tied to the dock and ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS GET OFF THAT ISLAND AND FIND SOMEWAY TO GET BACK TO YOU. And within a couple of hours I was completely out of site of the island
Luke: Well what happened? Were you picked up by a larger boat?
Laura: Yes. A cruise ship rescued me and then docked at Parais. And I took a plane from there
Luke: When did all this happen?
Laura: Oh a week ago, maybe I don't know. I lost track of time
Luke: You mean you've been here for a week?
Laura: Yes, atleast that
Luke: But why? Why didn't you come to me right away?
Laura: I couldn't
Luke: Why not?
Laura: I didn't want them to kill you
End of Webber family grief session
(Luke tries to reassure Laura that she is safe)
Luke: Listen I'm gonna tell you one more time and I want you to listen very carefully to me. No one is going to kill me or you or anybody we love. I can protect you
Laura: Stavros warned me over and over again that if I made contact with you or any member of the family they would all be killed
Luke: Laura you are not listening to me. You are with me now. Me. You are safe
Laura: (Screaming) No one is safe. He was right out there in the garden
Luke: Alright fine. I'll get the police to surround the house
Laura: No! No! You can't fight their organization. You cant hide from them My presence here is only going to endanger you. It's going to endanger my whole family. I did a terrible thing
Luke: You did a wonderful thing Laura. You came home. You came home and you are going to be safe. Ok there's danger, you know I understand the kind of danger you are talking about but baby, you and me, we can handle this together. What's important is that we are together. Laura we're together and we're going to stay together (Big passionate kiss)
Stavros vows to Yanni that he is going to get Laura back
Luke and Laura are kissing on the couch. Luke wants to make love to Laura but she refuses.
[Flashback of Laura and Stavros's wedding]
Laura tells Luke that they cant make love because she has to tell him something first
Ruby's phone call interrupts Luke and Laura's conversation but Luke doesn't tell Ruby about Laura
Luke tells Laura that they can talk in the morning. He wants her to get some rest. Luke carries Laura up the stairs

THE RETURN OF LAURA - Nov/Dec 1983 (Part Two)
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