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1984 -1987

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1984) (3-2-84)
Edward warns Tiffany not to invest in Lorena’s Spa
Edward bickers with Lila for never backing him
Celia & Grant Andrews are on a ski holiday
Grant Putnam surveys the slopes & watches the lodge [Location Footage]
Blackie is trying to write a song (A Follow up to “Sneak Attack”)
Steffi tells Blackie that the kids love him
Grant P follows as Grant A & Celia go off to ski
Steffi looks at Blackie’s song & doesn’t like it
Edward talks to Amanda Barrington about the Spa & his doubts about Lorena
Celia & Grant A put their skiis up on the ski rack
Grant P sabotages Celia’s skiis
Blackie talks to Tiffany about his troubles (They Mention Luke)
Grant A & Celia see that Celia’s skiis are broken so...
Grant A goes to ski “Killer Run” by himself (Just as Putnam planned)
Both Grants get on the ski lift
Amanda calls Lorena & tells her what Edward said
Jimmy Lee is working on building the Spa
Edward comes to Jimmy Lee’s Construction Trailer
Lorena tells him off
Frisco gives Blackie a Pep Talk
Two girls ask for Blackie’s autograph (Makes him feel much better)
Edward & Lorena argue
Edward walks out of the trailer & collapses (Heart Attack)
Grant P takes down the danger flags on “Killer Run” as...
Grant A starts down the slope

Alan & Monica bring Edward to GH for tests on his heart
Rick has been cleared of all charges (Ginny & DL Brock made Retractions)
Just after Lesley died (Everyone is still sad)
Blackie wants to do a video for “Sneak Attack”; Steffi wants to do “Make Me Believe It”
Frisco is there & agrees with Steffi
DL Brock is mad at Ginny
Rick runs heart tests on Edward
Everyone loves “Make Me Believe It”; Except Blackie (He stole it from Josh)
Tiffany gives Blackie acting tips
Alan, Monica, & Edward see Beatrice, Jimmy Lee, Lorena, & Amanda B eating
.......lunch together and are very curious as to what it means
Ginny goes to WLPC & becomes a candidate to host “Teen Time”
Tiffany brings Blackie, Mikey, & Frisco to the TV Studio
Mikey sees Ginny
Lorena talks of Opening Night of the Spa
Alan & Monica confront Beatrice & tell her to leave town
Beatrice tells them she sold the Villa they gave her (As Part of a Deal)
Tiffany gives Frisco & Blackie pointers
Mikey says hi to Ginny & tells her his “Mother” just died
Ginny realizes who he is (At least that’s what it looks like to me)
Jimmy Lee tells Lorena about the first time he saw Celia [He lives in Anna’s future Home]
Blackie is leaving for NY to film the video
Mikey tells Rick he saw Ginny

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1984) (Spring)
Alan & Beatrice talk about Lila at The Spa
Beatrice talks of “The Papers” which give her a hold over The Quartermaines
Alan tries to persuade her to leave town
St. Basil Day Festival is later this week
Grant A goes to Jake to tell him he passed his last PreMed Exam & wants
.......him to set up an appointment with the Medical Board (For his Reinstatement)
Tiffany comes to see Jake to sign a contract
Josh comes to see Jake & shows him his contract with Parelli
Jake tells him he can get him out of the contract (Lots of Loopholes)
Josh talks of a fight with Parelli’s men (At Frisco & Tony’s Apartment)
Grant A goes to see Celia at the library (Tells her the news)
There is tension between Grant A & Celia
Celia suggests going away for a few days to Grant P’s cabin
Grant A says NO WAY!
Celia talks of Grant’s “little girlfriend” going to be at the St. Basil Day Festival
Celia walks out

Boris yells at Tanya for throwing herself at a married man (Grant)
Grant A is out cold on the floor of the Gatehouse
Frisco & Tony come to see Ginny in the hospital
Ginny says she’s not gonna have the operation she needs
Tony tries to talk some sense into her
Tanya comes in & helps Grant A up as...
Celia & Grant P walk in (Grant P is very pleased)

Ginny is in the hospital
Mikey tells her he thinks of her as a kind of “Mother” (He doesn’t know she really is)
Grant A is in jail (Framed by Grant P)
Jake tells Grant A that he’s starting to believe his story
Grant is so happy that someone (besides Tanya) finally believes him

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1985) (January)
Frisco is doing “Teen Time”
He wants to show Felicia he has a direction in life
Tony asks Frisco to be his Best Man; Frisco Accepts
Tony tells him he invited “Dad & Rita”
Frisco tells him “No Deal”, screams, & leaves
Tanya wants to know why Frisco got so angry
Felicia is enrolling at PCU (Pre Columbian Studies is her “Field”)
Felicia is proud of her Aztec Ring
Slater brings Felicia her tuition check from “Mr. Donelly”
Tony & Tanya eat at Dinos & Tony tells her about why Frisco hates Rita & their Dad
.......(Frisco had walked in on Rita & Tony the night their Mother Died)
Holly’s cousin Algernon is at their house (Played by “SpiderMan”)
Algernon thinks Holly had sent him a plane ticket, but she said she didn’t
Algernon gets very nervous & says he’s a “Dead Man”
Sean is trying to figure out how to move the treasure from the Crypt
Frisco pitches a live music TV show to Derek Barrington
Robert is very suspicious of Algernon
Algernon is afraid of Robert (Very Funny)
Robert tells Algernon to tell them what’s going on
[Flashback] Algernon remembers New Year’s Day & finding something in his pocket
He pulls out “The Cassadine Brooch”
They discuss The Cassadines
Robert wants to bring Sean in on it
Robert & Sean try to figure out who’s left of The Cassadines
They list all the Family members & their fates
Holly mentions LUKE & LAURA and Yani
Robert calls an old WSB Contact
Robert announces that “Petros” (Mikkos’ Cousin) is now the Head of The Cassadines
Robert shows Sean his safe in his Secret Room
[Billie Hayes as “O’Reilly” is listed on the Credits]

Robert talks to Anna (With Scar on face) on the Docks
Robert says he can’t tell Holly about the past
Robert tells Anna not to tell Holly about their past
[Flashback] Robert & Anna wash up on shore & kiss (“All is Fair in Love” Plays)
.......Filomena calls to them in Italian (1st Time Meeting Her)

Celia & Jimmy Lee are preparing the Scorpio House for their arrival
Just after Celia & Jimmy Lee’s Wedding
Robert & Holly are on their way back to Port Chales (Holly has just been saved from Sean)
Robert tells Holly that Luke & Laura had a baby boy
Ballantine calls Robert & wants to see him
Ballantine talks to Anna about Mr. Wu
Kim reports to his Grandfather (Mr. Wu) about Operations in Port Charles
Kim tells him about The Green Shirts
Jade brings in The Ancient One & Tey
The Police Return the Jade Budas (We Learn of their Importance)
Robert tells Holly about Australia & his Uncle
Robert wants Holly to leave Port Charles immediately
.......(Go to London & have Nanny go with her to Australia)
Ginny is pregnant (6 Months)
Ginny tells Rick that she donated Mike’s motorcycle to an auction (But Derek got it back)
Anna tells Ballantine about some of her past dealings with Mr. Wu

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1985) (Next Day)
Frisco & Felicia arrive at The Hacienda
Maria is relieved that the Treasure is being given to The Mexican Government
Celia, Jimmy Lee, & others arrive at The Scorpio’s for a Surprise Party
Robert & Holly are in the Sauna
Celia uses her key & lets everyone in
Robert & Holly are in bed & discuss Sean, etc.
The Party gets set up downstairs
Robert & Holly discuss guest bedrooms in Australia (Mention L&L & The Baby)
Robert goes to get more Champagne & sees all the guests (Funny)
Robert & Holly come down & the Party begins
Amy asks Kevin O’Connor about Terri’s past (He ducks the question)
Felicia feels ashamed because she’s sorry the treasure is out of their lives
Anna gives the hotel maid some of her clothes
Burt Ramsey comes to see Anna (She tells him to say Goodbye to Robert & Holly)
Anna plans on going back to New York (In 2 Days)
The new Residants arrive at GH (Patrick O’Connor & Yank)

Frisco has just quit “Teen Time”
Frisco talks to Yank (He’s looking for his Brother)
A guy comes in & tells Jade & Felicia he’s seen the guy on the flier
Yank’s Brother (Tey) calls Yank, but has to run (People after him)
Jade tells Yank about the guy
Frisco talks to Felicia
Bobbie does Aerobics

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1985) (Thanksgiving)
Thanksgiving with Robert, Anna, Sean, & Robin
Sean talks of the three of them together again
Robert & Anna want to talk to Robin about why she ran away (She puts it off)
Sean goes to see Edward & Jimmy Lee
Sean has just been released from Jail (He still has to stand Trial)
Sean tells them to stay away from Felicia & his Shipping Company
Thanksgiving at The Hardy’s (Rick Jr. is there)
Lee & Gail talk of going away to visit Scotty
Robin goes to the hospital & brings turkey to The Ancient One
Robin tells him that she now knows that Robbie & “Love” love her
Thanksgiving at The Brownstone (Just gave a dinner for 100 people)
Robin goes to see Filomena in the hospital
Robert gets a phone call from Holly (from Australia)
Hardy Guests all tell what they’re Greatful for

Sean has just received ship blueprints from Dimitri Cassadine
Monica is helping Sean to get The Quartermaines (She passes along phony info)
Derek & Lorena talk about the Spa’s advertising
Mikey is working (& staying) at Kelly’s (He’s mad at Ginny)
Derek wants Mikey to film something for him
Ginny is worried about Mikey
Anna is in Laurelton looking for Bobbie (Talks to the Sherriff)
Buzz is there too, talking to Terri’s old Doctor
Jake calls Anna & is on his way to Laurelton also
Frisco is a Policeman
Patrick tells Teri that Bobbie is missing & Terri freak out & faints
Sean thinks about a partnership with Dimitri Cassadine
Anna looks through the February 1983 Laurelton Newspapers
The date Anna wanted (February 15) has been cut out
Buzz leaves for Port Charles to help Terri
Anna learns of Sarah (Earl Moody’s Housekeeper)
Jake arrives in Laurelton
The Sherriff knows everything Anna does
Terri is taken to GH (Phychiatric Ward)
Russell tells Ted & Jennifer (Talbott) that Bobbie came accross them in the Cemetery
They had to “kidnap” her
Jennifer says they have to be careful of Anna Devane

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1986) (Next Day or So)
Alan, Edward, Celia, Jimmy Lee, & Monica talk about Sean teaming up with a Cassadine Brazil to make Millions (Monica gave them the info)
Terri is in the hospital & has agreed to take Sodium Pentathol to learn what is so
.......frightening about her Laurelton past
Anna & Jake are in Laurelton looking for Bobbie
They talk to the cab driver who had taken Bobbie to the Cemetery
Edward thinks maybe Donelly is passing phony info to Monica
Edward wants to find proof (Alan refuses to break the law)
Monica goes to see Sean
Monica is really helping Sean (Tells him they are planning to steal proof of the Merger)
Sean has created authentic looking proof of the merger with Dimitri Cassadine
Terry & Kevin are Engaged
Anna & Jake go to the Laruelton Cemetery [Location Footage]
Anna finds a piece of Bobbie’s clothes & signs of a struggle
They find a freshly covered grave (Jake begins to panic)
Monica call The Quartermaines & says the coast is clear
Jake & Co. dig up the grave (Find something of Bobbie’s)
Monica & Sean toast their plan
Sean talks about “poverty” with Monica
Monica loans Sean money
Celia & Jimmy Lee break into Sean’s office & get “proof” of the merger
Jake digs until he sees the grave is empty
Terri’s Grandmother & Ted Holmes come to the hospital
Sherriff tells Anna & Jake to leave Laurelton tomorrow
The Sherriff wants to see Sarah
The Quartermaines celebrate the success of their reconnaissance mission

Day of Burt Ramsey’s Retirement Party
Anna, Sean, & Frisco meet up & lift up a manhole [Location Footage]
Burt’s Retirement Party
Burt says his Goodbyes
State Police Commissioner is there (Played by John Ingle)
Robert tells Guy Lewis his plans for Burt

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1986) (Before Christmas)
Frisco is reapplying for his job at the Police Department
Ted Holmes is still alive
Lucy trying to get more royalties for her book
Duke in the hospital (Can’t use his legs)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (Christmas Day) (1986)
Duke in hospital under guard; Jake wants him to turn state’s evidence
Just after Ted Holmes’ murder (Frisco is investigating)
Charity & Jimmy Lee are at the Quartermaine Mansion
Robert is there with Anna & Robin (Holly’s in Australia)

Terry & Patrick arrive at Opryland
Jake & Frisco are searching for them
Lucy & Sarah are in a hotel room

Terry singing at The Grand Ol’ Opry
The Shoot Out
Sarah’s the culprit
Sarah & Lucy arrested
Nobody believes Lucy is innocent

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (A while before Easter)
Terry & Patrick arrive back in Port Charles
Lucy is cleared of charges
Duke is keeping his Lorlean secret
Duke is on probation
Anna & Duke want to get married
Sister Camelia is sewing her needlepoint, trying to find out what the symbols mean

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (February)
Terry & Patrick are starting a romance (or should say “trying”)
This is after “Nashville”
Frisco working on hotel robberies case
Bobbie is very civil to Lucy (wants to be “friends type”)
Lucy isn’t feeling so hot (Morning sickness ?)
Kay (robber nurse) is starting to catch another victim
Everyone is apologizing to Lucy
Another sap Doctor is blackmailed
Terry & patrick get together

Robert, Anna, Duke, Tiffany, & Sean at Mount Rushmore
Port Charles thinks Robert & Anna are dead
Day after Dusty & Terry’s Concert
Bobbie sees Robin & walks (without crutches)
Bobbie learns Robert & Anna are alive
Plan to foil Elena’s plan begins
Elena sees the peace blanket dropped on “Mount Rushmore” on TV

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (The Next Day)
Elena falls for the “peace blanket” trick
Dusty receives “The Bag”
Elena’s “Press Conference”
Robert & Anna reveal to Elena that they’re alive
They try to find out what Elena’s plan is
Elena escapes (They let her)
Anna wants Duke out of danger
Elena calls Dusty (plays “40 Million Stars”) & he starts his mission
Robert knocks Duke out

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (The Next Day)
Terry tries to stop Dusty
Tiffany chasing after Sean (in a Stagecoach)
Robert & Anna chasing Dusty in a car
The Train Station (Neat use of “40 Million Stars” music)
The train driver is switched
Dusty gets on the train & sets up the bomb
Robert gets on the train; pushes Anna away
Duke is in a helicopter
Anna follows on horseback
The driver & Dusty jump off the train
Robert finds the bomb
Amy is starting to chase after Patrick
Anna tries to defuse the bomb (changes the clock)
Robert jumps off, but Anna is stuck
Duke sets Anna free & they jump off
The bomb explodes; missing it’s target
Anna, Robert, & Duke surround Dusty & Terry at their picnic

Robert, Anna, & Co. return to Port Charles; Dusty is in custody
Melissa, friends, boys, & Corey (boy who killed Tanya) at Pizza Parlor
Duke & Anna’s wedding is back on
Tiffany wants to go public with what happened
Robert decides to move out of Anna’s “tomorrow”

After Mount Rushmore Climax
Robert is moving into Sean’s penthouse
Anna & Duke plan on getting married
[Corny “outside” (screen) docks]
Dusty won’t talk to the police
Elena is in hiding
Monica is in a wheel chair
The Quartermaines want to remove Sean from HTI; Tiffany is helping
Monica is helping Sean

Just after returning from Mount Rushmore
Robin keeps on about Anna & Duke’s wedding
Filomena calls & says she’s coming home
Dusty still in custody
Terry still supports Dusty
Dusty still doesn’t remember
Robert has just moved into Sean’s penthouse
Searching for Elena
“Roger” & Elena meet up again
Sean finds out that someone has embezzled $12 Million from HTI
Monica is helping Sean (against the Quartermaines)
Monica is on crutches
Dusty’s hearing is tomorrow

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (The Next Day) (Monday; sometime between Sept. - Dec.)
Filomena is home
Robert & Co. know Roger has dissappeared
Jake, Terri, & Bobbie listen to Elena - Dusty tape
Tom Hardy meets with Dusty
Bobbie is taking care of Skeeter & Melissa (Martha’s in Colorado)
Elena is trying to help Dusty
Dusty’s Hearing
Terry takes the stand
Robert gets a message & leaves the hearing
Melissa is hanging with the wrong crowd
Robert gets a phone call from Elena (she wants to make a deal for Dusty)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (The Next Day) (Day before The Constitution’s 200th B-day)
Dusty’s Hearing is stalled due to Robert leaving
Robert on phone with Elena
Alan wants to take over HTI from Sean
Dusty’s Hearing is adjurned till tomorrow
Robert talks to Elena again

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (The Next Day)
Tony wants Lucy to find a new place to live
Dusty’s Hearing continues
Robert on the stand (flashbacks to Mount Rushmore)
Lucy is on her way to “getting” Tony
Tom takes the stand
Dusty takes the stand
Elena’s message is played
Charges are dismissed against Dusty

Dusty tries to call Elena
Anna & Duke tell Robin the wedding is back on
Robert comes up with a “tape” plan
Robert looking for Dusty
[They show clips from the “Docks” area]
Dusty signs up to leave on a freighter

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (The Next Day)
Dusty tells Jake he wants to leave Port Charles
Rosa is living with the Quartermaines
Monica is trying to find out where missing HTI ($12 Million) money went (Alan has it)
Sean has been ousted as HTI President & now Monica is President
Robert tricks Dusty with a fake Elena phone call (Tells that he’s innocent of murder & Elena’s hideouts)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987) (The Next Day)
Dusty tells Terry he’s leaving
Robert headed to New York to get Elena
Robert finds Elena
Robert talks of the WSB people Elena had killed (including Ballentine)
Robert questions Elena
Elena tells the reasons behind her plans
Robert asks if she was responsible for Holly’s death; She says No
Elena knocks Robert out & escapes
Duke wants Anna to give up the PI office
Dusty decides not to leave
Elena is dead; Ran in front of a bus

Robert talks about Holly
Robert gets a letter from Australia
Dusty & Terry want Tiffany to get them some gigs
HTI Meeting (Edward tries to stall meeting with hilarious laughing)
Jake tells Dusty that Elena is dead

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1987, I think)
Scotty can’t get over how much Felicia is like Laura (He says she looks just like her)

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