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1988 (Part One)

Felicia is waiting for Frisco to come home
Terry invites Felicia to a Colton Shore Prayer Meeting
Duke & Angel picking up bullet shells
Jerome’s liquor is shipped through Duke’s
Tom & Simone’s Honeymoon in Hawaii
Terry is trying to see if Colton is really on the level
Felicia see’s Colton for the first time
Robert is very suspicious of Duke
Anna is still in the hospital
Duke has two hijackers tied up in the club
Colton’s words of Wisdom (how’d he get so “smart”?)
Robert still living at Sean’s
Felicia get’s a letter from the WSB

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Duke waiting for Victor to take the hijackers
Anna is out of CICU & her fever has broken
WSB letter tells Felicia that Frisco is missing
Jerome comes & gets the hijackers
Duke wants out
Anna thanks Robert for saving her
Felicia goes to Sean
Robert gets drawing of Duke’s accomplice (It’s Julian)
Julian wants to get Duke to see things his way
Robert & the police search Duke’s (with a warrant)
Duke thinks he hears Anna mumble “I love you Robert” & leaves (really said “Robin”)
Felicia goes to the Seaman’s Church (Colton listens to her pray)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Amy tells Anna what Duke said
Robert still searching Duke’s
Sean tells Robert about Frisco
Good ol’ Colton decides to give Felicia some words of “wisdom”
Anna & Duke figure out what she was saying & are happy
Robert tries to find out what’s happened to Frisco
Felicia fills Colton in on the details (Colton said he was once MIA)
Colton urges her to find out what happened to Frisco
Tony tells Lucy about Frisco
Felicia blames Sean & Robert
Lucy tells Colton to stay away from Felicia (doesn’t believe he’s changed)
Felicia starts her “search” for “Special Agent Andrew Jones”
Robin comes to see Anna
Julian meets with Duke (Tells Duke he has no choice but to return to the mob)
General Hospital receives a letter from the Metropolitan Hospital Accreditation Committee

Tiffany is mad because Sean won’t leave on a vacation
Anna is in the hospital
Duke doesn’t want anymore “boose” shipments

Tom & Simone come back from their Honeymoon
Everyone is filling out the Hospital Accreditation forms
Monica is being interviewed by a magazine (Alan is jealous)
.......[AJ is there; Played by the kid from “Lois & Clark”]
Disgruntled patient; Scotty is his lawyer
Alan gets a letter from Tracy (Ned’s coming for the summer)
Applications being accepted for Assistant Chief of Staff (Amy puts the notice up)
Simone is pregnant
Scotty gets Hopital figures from Cheryl
Scotty says he talked his client out of sueing the hospital
Scotty is working for Meditech

GENERAL HOSPITAL (March 9, 1988) (I Think)
Anna comes home from the hospital
Anna & Robert tell Duke about when they met Filomena
Colton gives a kid his “words of wisdom”
Second time Robert has seen Cheryl
Duke is sick of Robert interfering with their lives

Stella & Lila are in the PickleLila business
Scotty would like to be General Hospital’s Legal Council
Alan & Monica are both gonna apply for Assistant Chief of Staff
Amy is with Patrick
Hospital Daycare is under “construction” (to open “next week”)
Alan & Monica both sneak taking applications
Lucy wants Tony to apply
Tom & Simone tell Steve & Audrey that Simone is pregnant
Dan Rooney is chasing after Ruby
Scotty is trying to get Bobbie

Felicia goes to Washington
Hospital staff is filling out Self Evaluation forms
Robert “paranoid” about keeping Robin & Anna safe
Felicia goes to the WSB
Cheryl decides to go after Robert
Walt makes a JERK of himself (complaining about the hospital)
Two men sneak a crate into Duke’s club
Felicia meets with the Head of the WSB
Duke finds two dead bodies in the club basement
Huge crate falls on Sean on the docks

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Felicia wants answers from the WSB Headquarters
The dead bodies at Duke’s are the hijackers; Put there by Carter
Colton (Superman???) lifts the crate off of Sean
Duke & Angel dump the bodies in the river
Dan Rooney wants to marry Ruby
Tiffany meets (& thanks) Colton (Colton gives a “sermon” about inner power)
Tiffany wants Colton to be on her show
WSB official tells Felicia that the letter was a lie; Pretending he’s dead
Tiffany tells Sean it was Colton who saved him (First time he hears of Colton)
Duke calls Julian for answers

The day Lucy unviels the Tanya Jones Daycare Center
Felicia has just come back from the WSB
The Accreditation Committee comes to GH next week (Disgruntled patient was last week)
Felicia believes that Frisco is alive (She tells Tony)
Lucy tells Tony that she put his name down for Assistant Chief of Staff
Bobbie wants Scotty to back off
“Day after” Colton saved Sean (from under the crate)
Charlene wants Colton to stay away from Felicia
Tony seems quite happy with Lucy
Bobbie wants some time off to go see Jake & see where they stand
Steve says she can have a week off
Simone is pregnant
The Committee looks at the Daycare Center
Edward says the cost per child is too high (the others agree)
Bobbie tells Amy that Scotty has changed
The Hospital Legal Council job will be opening up in a short while
Bobbie recommended Scotty for the job
Scotty calls Uraguay to change the telegram of the day Bobbie arrives

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Day Colton is going on Tiffany’s show
Steve calls Lee Baldwin for recommondations for Hospital Legal Council (Lee not shown)
Felicia tells Sean that “Frisco is alive”
Tiffany’s Show (with Colton, Charlene, & Dan Rooney)
Scotty applies for the council job
Colton says that he was just the “instrument” of a higher power that lifted the crate off of
.......Sean (What a Dork!!!!!!!)
..............GOD, I HATE COLTON (BLAH, BLAH) SHORE!!!!!!!!
The studio staff & audience is enamored by Colton (God knows why? )
Tiffany wants to talk to Colton about “his future”
Bobbie leaves to go see Jake

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day) (St. Patrick’s Day)
Duke is waiting for Julian to call (“Where is he?”)
Tiffany gets lots of letters about Colton
Anna & Sean let Felicia take care of a case (Probably her first)
Tiffany decides to give Colton his own TV show
Carter thinks Duke killed the hijackers

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Robert teases Sean about feeling “old” (Very Funny)
Steve yells at the young Doctors about their responses to the Accreditation Forms
Robert & Sean go to the shooting range
Steve interviews the Assistant Chief of Staff applicants
Duke goes to New York to meet with Carter
Duke is set up; There’s a shoot out; Julian is shot

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Duke gets Julian and leaves the shoot out scene
Doctor tries to save Julian
Julian asks Duke to help the mob go legit
Julian “Dies”

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day, or so)
Cheryl wants to put Colton on TV
Tome & Simone go to New York to tell her parents that she’s pregnant
Colton accepts Tiffany’s TV show offer
Scotty tries to sturr up trouble with the GH staff
Bobbie calls Scotty; Crying that Jake didn’t meet her

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day, or so)
Duke has met with Carter & things are ok
Duke wants out of the mob; Victor says Never

GENERAL HOSPITAL (April 1, 1988)
Robert, Robin, & Anna at the fake (“blue screen”) zoo
Simone has lost the baby
Duke is in New York at Julian’s funeral (Cheryl is there too)
Duke meets Olivia (She wants to work with Duke)
[Flashback] Cheryl remembers meeting Julian & other times
Robert & Anna talk about the Putnam escapade
Simone’s Mom wants to take her on a three month cruise
Simone decides to go on the cruise with her mother
Tom sees Duke at Greenies (“Could have sworn that was Duke”)
Tom sees Duke get mob ring & others kneel down & kiss the ring

Sean & Tiffany are engaged (Happened just “this week”)
Melissa runs out of Kelly’s (Crushed that Colton rebuffed her advances)
Fran Woods comes to see Anna again
Anna shows Fran the watch found on the docks (It’s Marty’s)
Anna asks Fran questions about Marty
Colton goes & talks to Melissa (They work things out) (How Nice!)
Simone is on the cruise with her Mother
Tom is looking for a job (He’s suspended from GH)
[Flashback] Tom remembers seeing people kneel & kiss Duke’s ring in New York
Duke knows that Tom saw it

Robert & Cheryl’s picnic in the park
Olivia calls Duke (Talks of the art work that will be put in the New York Club)
Anna asks at GH about Marty Woods (Amy says no one has seen him)

Felicia tries to ask Colton for some comfort
Colton tells her about seeing her & Scotty on the docks “together”
Felicia gets very upset & tells him how she had just learned
.......that her husband was presumed dead (She walks out; Still Angry)
Cheryl is in the hospital

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Before May 16)
Cheryl is in the hospital due to her kidney (Which could fail at any time)
Duke is interviewing for a manager for his NY Club
Anna asks Duke about his NY Club
They talk about Marty Woods (After Marty’s watch has been found)
Sean & Alan don’t like each other much
Tiffany thinks she could donate a kidney to Cheryl
Felicia is still mad at Colton for what he thought about her & Scotty
Colton wallows in self pity
Cheryl refuses Dialysis
Felicia plans on going back to Washington & Sean says he’ll go too
[Flashback] Robert remembers he & Cheryl’s picnic in the park
[Flashback] Robert remembers he & Holly in the sauna (With Exploding Champagne)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Few Days Later)
Robert is curious as to why Scotty was in Cheryl’s hospital room
[Flashback] Cheryl remembers different times she had kidney pains
Duke has found a manager for his NY Club (Rudolpho)
Duke has lipstick on his collar
They discuss that Olivia St. John decorated the NY Club
Tom is suspended from GH & recently started working at the Teen Center
Robert tells Cheryl a funny bedtime story & she has a pain from laughing
Scotty makes a call arranging for someone to cause some problems at the hospital
Tiffany wants to change “The Colton Connection” to a show without guests
Colton is still distracted by thoughts of Felicia
Sean & Felicia are going to Washington “tomorrow”
Scotty is in Cheryl’s room & she wants him to leave
Scotty “thanks” Cheryl for helping to bring in Meditech
Tiffany tells Cheryl that she has to decide what she is going to do
Fran Woods comes to see Anna
Anna shows Fran a shoe found in the harbor
Fran gives Anna a note she got that reads...
“Dear Mrs. Woods, If you want to know more about your husband, check Duke’s Club”
Tiffany blames herself for hitting Cheryl with a bat when they were kids
Robert feels there’s a connection between Duke & Marty Woods
Robert pulls out the police sketch of the guy who helped Duke w/ Putnam (It’s Julian)
Robert plans on going to NY to try & ID the sketch
Tom visits Cheryl
Cheryl gets out of bed & gets dressed
Anna shows Duke the note
Anna sees the lipstick on Duke’s collar
Cheryl is gone & has left a note

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Next Day)
Tiffany talks of how she caused Cheryl to lose her kidney when they were kids
Tiffany finds a note from Cheryl saying she’s left the hospital to have some time to think
Olivia calls Fran Woods & learns that Fran gave the note to Anna
Olivia is pleased

Robert has just come back from New York
He tried to ID the sketch of the man who helped Duke w/ Putnam (It’s Julian)
Cheryl has disappeared from the Hospital (She left “to think”)
Accreditation Commitee’s Surprise Inspection of GH
Sean & Felicia are at WSB Headquarters (Just saw Mr. Kinley)
Sean plans to sneak back into WSB Headquarters
Anna has just shown Duke the note Fran Woods gave her
Scotty arranges for a few mishaps to happen at the hospital
Felicia tells Sean what Kinley said
Tom is on suspension
Scotty lets slip to the Committee that Cheryl is missing
Robert comes in asking Steve about Cheryl in front of The Committee
Sean goes into WSB Headquarters & hides out in the stairwell until night
Olivia is on a plane on her way to Port Charles
Sean makes the building’s lights go out
Sean breaks into Kinley’s office & goes through his files
Robert continues to rant about Cheryl’s disappearance as...
The Lights flash on & off at the hospital
After Duke’s NY Club has opened
Olivia arrives at Duke’s
Sean finds Frisco’s File & takes pictures of it (Last Known Contact “LeBlanc”)
Felicia waits outside (in car) for Sean
A Horrible smell comes through the Hospital
Angel meets Olivia
Still not settled yet if Olivia will work with Duke to Legitimize the Organization
Olivia goes up to Cheryl’s Apartment
Robert comes into the club & goes up to Cheryl’s Apartment
Olivia hides (With a gun) as Robert looks around
Sean sneaks past a security guard & goes down the stairs

Felicia waiting outside WSB
Sean sneaking around inside
Strange odor at GH & problem with lights
Cheryl has dissappeared to “be alone & think”)
Robert looks around Cheryl’s apartment (Olivia is hiding there)
Robert knows about Cheryl & Julian (but doesn’t know what he looks like)
Duke now has the club in New York (First time Angel hears about Rudolpho)
Felicia makes a diversion & Sean gets out of the building
The Day the Accreditation Committee was there (They saw all the problems)
Colton disturbed about “today’s” “Colton Connection”
Terri thinks Colton is in love with Felicia
Tiffany & Sean’s wedding is in the planning stages (Set for June 1)
Robert & Duke know about Cheryl’s kidney problems
Olivia planning to get Duke
Sean found out that the WSB’s last contact with Frisco was in Quebec

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Lucy has a paper outlining Meditech’s plans for GH (She knows what Scotty’s up to)
Lucy goes to Scotty & tells him what she knows
Steve ponders asking Meditech for help
Fran Woods comes to see Anna again
Lucy wants Scotty to help her get on the GH Board (or she’ll tell others about Meditech)
Tom is on suspension & Simone is on the cruise
Edward & Alan tell Scotty to bring in Meditech now
A board meeting is planned to vote on bringing in Meditech

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Sean knows Frisco’s contact was LeBlanc
Trixie works at Kelly’s
Ruby gets a letter from Jake
Scotty is council for the hospital
Anna tells Robert she’s decided to drop the Fran Woods case
Cheryl is still missing (Ran away from GH) (Needs a transplant or Dialysis)
The letter tells Ruby that he’s living with a woman & wants a divorce
Felicia wants to go to Quebec
Ruby shows Bobbie Jake’s letter
Bobbie wants to go away with Scotty (He says ok)

Party at the Quartermaines
Scotty has a hold over Cheryl
Bobbie is there with Scotty
Just after Colton started doing “The Colton Connection”
Cheryl has a pain in her back
Duke & Olivia are working on opening the NY Club “next week”
They plan to work together on legitimizing the Organization (If Victor Approves)
Olivia falls off a ladder into Duke’s arms as Anna walks in

Tom is working at The Teen Center
Tom comes up with the idea for an Arts Fair
Some boys cause some trouble at The Teen Center
Lila & Charlene are creating Cocoa Lila (At Tony’s House)
[Flashback] Bobbie remembers marrying Jake
Bobbie takes off her Wedding ring
Bobbie meets Gregory Howard
Sean wants Collette to tell him more about Frisco’s last mission
Edward wants Cheryl to tell him why the Meditech stock is falling
Cheryl tells him it’s due to someone selling a large chunk of stock
Edward sells his Meditech Stock (At a Loss)
The trouble maker kids try to rob Kelly’s (Greg stops them)
Lucy helps Charlene & Lila
Lila takes a sample for Edward
Scotty leaves flowers for Bobbie (Asking for Forgiveness) (She says “Not A Chance”)
Collette looks around Sean’s Penthouse
Sean finds her looking at his “Frisco” file
After Sean broke into the WSB

Someone puts a tap on Felicia’s phone

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Few Days Later)
[Voice over Announces... “The Role of Stella is now being played by...”]
Steve gets word that the Accreditation Committee is going to give their results this afternoon
Colton talks to Lucy about some long ago scandel of Lucy’s (Not mentioned, what is was)
Meditech’s stock has fallen big time
Bobbie & Scotty are away
Meditech sends GH a message that they are in no shape to help GH
Edward sold all their stock in Meditech
Robert throwing paper planes into waste basket
Felicia & Sean get phone calls that ask their names and hang up
Fran Woods comes to see Anna
Fran tells Anna that Marty is a gangster
Anna is worried that Duke is involved
Colton & Felicia continue to mend fences
The Accreditation Committee arrives at GH
Steve & Monica meet with the Committee
Sean & Felicia are abducted
[Ends with “In Loving Memory of Jeff Donnell (“Stella”)”]

Anna worried about what Duke is up to
Hospital Accreditation Committee gives their conclusions
Felicia & Sean taken into a building, blind folded (They want to know where Frisco is)
Bobbie is with Scotty
Scotty learns from Lucy that Meditech is out of business
GH passes the Accreditation (Put on 6 months “Probation”)!!!!
Cheryl has “disappeared” & Robert is looking for her (Cheryl needs a new kidney)
“Getting close to Sean & Tiffany’s Wedding”
They try to get information out of Sean & Felicia
Olivia has given a key chain to Duke (for the show in New York)
.......(Anna sees it & is not too happy about it)
Robert has just gone to “Fran’s” address (something to do with mob)
Ruby recently got a letter from Jake saying he found a new love
They cattle prod Sean infront of Felicia

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Felicia’s interrogation continues
They torture Sean more
Colton wants to continue doing the “Colton Connection”
Colton seems to know Felicia pretty well
Robert & Anna trying to get information about Fran’s whereabouts
Duke & Olivia are partners in trying to turn the mob “legit”
Duke & Olivia have lunch
Anna is suspicious of Duke (“What’s he up to?”)
Robert gets a letter from Cheryl
They let Sean and Felicia go

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Anna helps Robin with her spelling
Simone is in Europe (she lost the baby)
[Great Exterior (long) shot of the hospital]
Robin thinks Robert loves Cheryl
Felicia has a nightmare & screams (& the whole gang comes running)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (For Sure Before June)
Cheryl is back & (I think) is ok
Monica is going crazy from her work as Assit. Chief of Staff (AJ “misses” his Mom)
Sean is trying to find LeBlanc’s whereabouts
Sean is waiting for word from Quebec about Frisco
Cheryl is “ok”, but still needs a kidney (she “doesn’t want Tiffany’s”)
Robert is with Cheryl
Cheryl said she went to Julian’s grave
Jessie gives the nurses a good ol’ pep talk about GH spirit
Anna goes to New York, to Duke’s club; Talks to Rudolpho
Sean & Tiffany’s wedding in the planning stages
Felicia remembers hearing a woman’s voice at the wherehouse
Sean wants answers about LeBlanc
Anna runs into Olivia
Anna wants to know why Olivia is still working at the club
Olivia pretends that she is just working at decorating the back office
Nurses take their complaints to Monica
Monica is in over her head
Anna remembers what Fran told her
Sean goes to the WSB
Sean is told that Mr. Kinley “never existed” at the WSB

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
The WSB says “there is no James Kinley here”
Anna thinks Duke’s New York club is a front
Anna realizes that Duke is back in with the mob again
Felicia gets a phone call from LeBlanc (He’ll be in touch)
[Everyone is thinking today & we can hear them!!!!!]
Sean thinks Collette is behind their kidnapping
Sean calls Collette pretending to be LeBlanc
Steve thinks Monica needs help
Collette works fo the WSB & says as far as they know Frisco is dead
Sean wants Collette to help him find Frisco
Anna confronts Duke
Duke tells her the club in New York is a front
Anna tells Duke to never come near her (“It’s Over!”)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Duke tells Anna why he got back into the mob (Grant Putnam, etc. Julian’s dying wish)
Duke says he’ll leave the mob as soon as he turns it legit
Collette comes back to Port Charles with Sean and pretends to be helping him
Olivia comes to Port Charles to talk to Duke
Felicia waits for LeBlanc to call
Felicia goes to meet with LeBlanc
Duke tells Olivia that Anna knows
Robert’s cousin Prunella arrives (Robert doesn’t recognise her)
Felicia goes to the wherehouse & LeBlanc starts to talk to her

GENERAL HOSPITAL (June 1988) (For Sure Before the 11th)
After Edward has sold his Meditech stocks
Anna has just sent Robin to camp (Just after Anna went to New York)
Robert is with Cheryl
Anna worried about Duke
Cocoa Lila was started to be invented on yesterday’s episode
Duke apologizes to Olivia for “taking advantage of her” when he was drunk
Cheryl still hasn’t told Robert that “Julian” is a Jerome
[Flashback] Duke remembers their honeymoon in Scotland

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Anna goes to see Robin at camp
Tom working at the Teen Center (God, I hated that place)
Robert going to see Robin at camp
Robert has a Great reaction to Scotty coming into Kelly’s
Scotty is moving out of the Brownstone & wants to live in Kelly’s
Bobbie is mad at Scotty
A package comes for Felicia
Anna visits Robin at camp (Robin has poison ivy)
Simone is in London (lecturing at Oxford)
[Commercial for the Fake Bo adventure on OLTL]
Colton gets a letter warning him to back off from the Frisco Investigation
[Flashback] Colton remembers a shooting scene, protecting Felicia, in a wherehouse
Scotty moves into Kelly’s
Collette comes to see Felicia & Colton at the PI Office & wants to know if Felicia
.......received anything from Frisco; They say no. (They know her as a friend of
.......Sean’s from the WSB)
Felicia’s package is still unopened
Robert comes to Robin’s camp
Bobbie knows what Scotty did; Hospital Mishaps, etc.
Anna tells Robert that she and Duke have seperated

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
[Flashback] Duke remembers his indiscretion with Olivia
Anna visits Duke in New York
Duke has already told Anna what he’s doing for the Jerome’s
Someone has spray painted & ransacked Duke’s Port Charles Club
The Teen Center is planning a carnival
Anna tells Duke she wants a legal seperation
Felicia still hasn’t opened her package
Bobbie runs into Gregory again (Probably, 2nd or 3rd time)
Robert believes the club vandelism is a warning

1988 Part Two
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