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1988 (Part Two)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (July; after the 25th, or August; before the 10th)
The Port Charles Arts Fair
Collette has Colton & Felicia tied up
Prunella is up to no good
Bobbie learns that Greg is Gregory’s son (he tells her)
Collette wants the knob from the music box from Sean
Ripley has a bomb to blow up the dignitaries
Colton & Felicia escape
Alan is Assistant Chief of Staff (He’s trying to “crack the whip”)
Audrey is showing the dignitaries around the fair
A security guard hands Prunella a black pouch
Colton & Felicia tell Prunella to tell Sean about the bomb
The dignitaries arrive at the Aquarius Diamond display
Ripley places the bomb in the display
Gregory wants to get the Brownstone (He doesn’t know Bobbie owns it)
Prunella tells Sean & Robert about the bomb
Gregory comes to talk to the owner & finds out it is Bobbie (& visa versa)
Collette has recaptured Felicia & Colton
Collette makes Robert & Sean come with her

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Next Day)
Robert makes a break for it
Sean & Collette wrestle for the bomb detinator
Robert gets to the diamond tent
Collette is shot
Robert tries to find the bomb
They find the bomb
Colton throws it away & it explodes
Prunella passes on the stolen Aquarius Diamond
Greg has schrapnel in his back (from the bomb)
The injured are brought to GH (of course)
Cheryl’s kidney is injured
Lila baby sits BJ (Funny scene of Lila, Edward, & BJ)
Audrey has quit GH due to Alan’s “whip cracking”
Felicia & Colton search for the ring
Felicia finds the ring

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Anna has a camera set up in Duke’s closet in New York
Colton starts to have a weird feeling (I think the beginning of his flashbacks)
Sean uses the ring to get the microfilm
The gang reads the microfilm information on the computer
Frisco has left a message...
.......“If I don’t get back, warn Felicia to BEWARE OF SANCTUARY”
Robert finds out the Aquarius Diamond has been replaced with a fake
The Aquarius Diamond is delivered to Victor Jerome
Prunella gives Tiffany a letter to give to Robert; To say goodbye
Prunella (Now revealed to be a really suave “beautiful” lady) & her Pal leave town
Anna & Duke go to their cabin
Olivia searches around Duke’s room & finds the camera

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Olivia tries to warn Victor about Anna
The WSB uses Frisco’s information to round up the terrorists
Lucy discovers Scotty took some Daycare Center checks
Ongoing Investigation of the “Butcher” murder
Olivia pretends to believe Anna is on their side; Then...
Olivia points to a hole in the ceiling & says “What is that?”
Victor finds the camera (He tells Olivia to keep quiet about it)
Scotty “blackmails” Lucy into keeping quiet about the checks until he can pay it back

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Before November)
Felicia is about to open The Frisco Jones Center for Performing Arts
Mr. Ripley is there to write an article on the Center
Day after Gregory Howard donated the building
Felicia & Colton “cannot stop thinking about each other”
A Taping of “The Colton Connection”
Tony doesn’t seem too happy about his “marriage”
Alan is Assistant Chief of Staff now
Bobbie is meeting secretly with (married) Gregory Howard
Bobbie leaves, saying she can’t go on like this
Colton gives his “sermon” (“Let Go of Your Past”)
.......Yet, on stage, he starts to have Flashbacks
Day before a Quartermaine Dinner Party
Tony comes in & hears Lucy say she’s glad that Frisco is dead
Tony walks out with BJ, saying he’s taking her to Bobbie & then he’s going out of town.
He tells Lucy to look for somewhere to live!
[Flashback] Colton continues to remember and see’s the word “LEPOV”.

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Next Day) (After August 23)
Day of Quartermaine Dinner Party for GH folks (in honor of Tom’s reinstatement to GH)
Anna & Duke tell Robin that she’s pregnant
They brought Robin home from camp early
Robert wants a guarantee that Robin will be safe (He knows about Duke’s mob ties)
Scotty wrote a $10,000 check from the Daycare account
Scotty has pictures of Lucy & her “boyfriend” together
Cheryl hasn’t told Robert about her & Julian
The Dinner Party at The Quartermaine’s
Audrey is back at the post of Head of Nurses
Tom helps a kid at the Teen Center
Louise, at the Teen Center, longs for Tom
Anna gives Robert info on the Mob
Steve announces that Tom has been promoted to Staff Psychiatrist
Olivia thinks Robert doesn’t know who she is
Anna tells Robert that Olivia is Victor’s daughter
Olivia has already told Duke that she is pregnant
Robert is worried that Cheryl is friends with Olivia
Lucy & Scotty want to find out who Olivia is (they saw her once in a park)
Olivia watches the Lavery’s through the window

Felicia & Colton seem enamered by each other

Duke tells Robert about Olivia’s pregnancy
Anna already knows Duke slept with Olivia
Duke thinks Olivia is lying about her pregnancy (tests are being done)
Olivia tests negative, but she switches the results (Victor’s Mistress saw her do it)
Colton undergoes hypnosis with Tom [Flashback] Remembers Ariel; Studying Ty-Chee
Victor is in the hospital
Ripley goes into Tom’s office & listens to the tape of Colton’s session

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Before September 20)
Gala event at Performing Arts Center (not open yet)
Olivia came with Scotty
Colton undergoes hypnosis with Tom
.......[Flashback] Colton realizes that HE’S “SANCTUARY” , goes crazy & runs off
Greggory Howard “is going to be our next state assemblyman”
Dedication Ceremony of Frisco Jones Center For The Performing Arts
Colton goes crazy on the docks, destroying everything
Monica is at the Green Meadows Spa
“Ward” is there (Monica doesn’t know who he is)
Scotty wants to run for District Attorney
Tom helps Colton (ie. “Karate Kid”) on the docks
[Flashback] Colton remembers his Mission
Someone snuck into the Lavery’s house and killed one of Robin’s birds
[Flashback] Colton remembers shooting Frisco & Ariel
Felicia arrives on the scene and hears Colton announce what he’s done

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Next Day, or so)
Felicia is pointing a gun at Colton (“I killed Frisco”)
Colton wants her to kill him
Robert & Tom run in & save the day
Colton says arrest me
Colton is arrested (Refuses to let Tom tell the whole story)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day) (Before September 20)
The Town reacts to the News about Colton
Colton, the Marter, refuses to let Tom tell the truth
Charlene goes to see Colton in jail
Monica still at the spa
Ripley calls long distance (speaks Greek)
Prunella tells him she speaks Greek too
Charlene goes to the Quartermaine’s for help
Edward suggests Scotty to be Colton’s lawyer
Monica asks questions about Ward
Robert interrogates Colton
Felicia comes in & sees Colton (Mr. “I Deserve To Die”)

Colton has just confessed to killing Frisco
Robin’s Lovebird has just died
Victor is in the hospital
Duke meets Dimitra
Robin tells Robert she thinks someone killed her bird
Victor knows all the bad stuff Olivia has done (Including Fake Pregnancy)
Victor doesn’t want to see Olivia
Duke confronts Olivia about the Lovebird

Anna is pregnant
Robert moved Robin into Sean & his Penthouse (For her safety)
Olivia wants Tim to help her record a special song
Felicia is about to leave town (She goes to see Colton in jail)
Sean believes Colton is innocent
Everyone says Goodbye to Felicia
Monica & Ward are together at Green Meadows Spa
Anna is not happy with Duke
Anna gets the first “Rock A Bye Anna” song phone call
Sean gets a box from Ripley with Colton’s Dog Tags & Uzi in it
Felicia leaves on her World Trip with Maria
BJ drinks Nail Polish

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (9-20-88)
Robin has been taken away by Robert for protection
Anna keeps hearing the “Down will come Anna” song in her head
Duke tells Anna that Olivia had said she was pregnant & that it was a lie
Sean & Robert are looking into Ripley’s background
Sean hopes Ripley will clear Colton
BJ is near death (after drinking nail polish remover)
The police are working on putting a ripped up picture of Cheryl & somebody together
.......(it’s Julian) for Robert
Olivia calls Anna & plays a demented song (“Poor Blind Anna”)
Scotty knows about Bobbie & Gregory’s affair
Victor is still ill
Sean goes to see Collette in the jail medical ward (she tells him about Ripley)
BJ is ok
Olivia wants to unite the Jerome & Carter families
The picture is completed & Robert realizes Cheryl was Julian’s girlfriend

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (A Few Days Later) (For sure Before September 30)
Cheryl fights with Olivia for sending Robert the picture
Anna hides a baby doll with a broken head
After Victor has had heart surgery
Cheryl goes to see Victor
Cheryl says she’s lost Robert
Victor tells Cheryl that Olivia killed Julian (had him killed, that is)
Victor tells Cheryl to kill Olivia
Olivia tells the Doctor that Victor is losing his mind
Seven months till Anna’s baby is due
Sean has gone to Greece to find Ripley
Ripley tells Sean that Colton didn’t kill Frisco
Sean first hears of Ariel (Ripley’s sister) (& that she was Colton’s lover)
Ripley goes with Sean
Rudolpho tells Duke about Olivia’s plan to unite the two families
Olivia pretends to be an undercover cop & picks Robin up from school

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Two Days Later)
Day of Colton’s Sentencing
Melissa & kids stand vigil for Colton in the park (plus those who are against him)
Sean & Ripley arrive in town
Simone is back in town
Sean takes Ripley to see Colton
[Flashback] Ripley tells his version of how Frisco really died
Good ol’ Marter Colton doesn’t believe him
Scotty wants Bobbie to help him become a DA by Gregory’s help (blackmail)
Melissa has an interview with Audrey to be a student nurse
Felicia is not in town anymore (On a cruise)
Tom wants to break his oath & tell about Colton’s brain washing
The Sentencing is delayed till Friday
Gregory says he’s going to ask his wife for a divorce
Gregory’s wife won’t agree to a divorce
Melissa is accepted into Nurses Training
Robert wants to have Frisco’s body exumed to see which way he was shot from

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Few Days Later)
Monica is back from the spa
Alan has found Ned & is bringing him home
[Temporary Edward]
Tony & Lucy are seperated
Prunella works at Kelly’s
Cheryl is back with Robert
[Intro - A New Alan Jr.]
WSB brings it’s report (The Bullets came from behind & not from an Uzi)
Colton agrees to let Tom release tapes of their sessions
[Flashback] Monica remembers her affair with Ward
Colton’s Sentencing
All Charges against Colton are dropped (He wants Felicia to know)
Scotty is offered the Assistant DA job
Monica meets Ned (& sees that he’s “Ward”)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Few Days after Colton’s Sentencing)
Colton talks to Felicia on the phone about his innocence

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Day or Two Later) (October) (Before the 11th)
Colton upset about Felicia
Sean & Tiffany’s Wedding plans are back on (Scheduled for Thanksgiving)
Cheryl has already told Robert that Olivia killed Julian
Bobbie is taking care of BJ (It’s BJ’s Birthday) (She’s Two Years Old)
Tanya’s Father’s Wife comes & asks for BJ to go see him (He’s dying)
Lucy is trying to get Tony back
Colton’s first day working for Mac (at the Boat Shop)
Bobbie tells Tony about Boris’ wish to see BJ
Bobbie offers to take BJ to see Boris
Lord Ashton comes to the Boat Shop needing help to fix The Aphrodite
.......(He’s just arrived in town)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Few Days Later)
We discover Ariel is with Lord Ashton
The Night of The Meeting of The Jerome’s & The Carter’s (So Duke thinks)
Robert discovers the Meeting is a fake
Tim puts a snake in Anna’s bedroom

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Ned refuses to talk to his father
The snake crawls as Anna sleeps
Anna wakes up & sees the snake
The New “Bucket of Blood” has just opened
Robert & Duke arrive & Robert shoots the snake
Robert goes to see Olivia (He tells her to back off of Anna)
Olivia starts to wonder which side Duke is on

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (October)
Monica comes to check on Victor
Robert is still trying to find clues about the snake in Anna’s room
Tim “working on” Duke’s Club elevator
Olivia wants it to kill Duke
The Elevator falls with Anna in it
Cheryl is mad that Robert has had her followed

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
The Elevator Falls (Shown again)
Duke runs to the basement & tries to get in the elevator
Tim tells Olivia that Anna, not Duke, was in the elevator
Anna is brought to GH
Sean tells Robin
Robert is very suspicious about the elevator fall
Robert checks the elevator & finds foul play
Anna feels abdominal pain
Anna loses the baby
Cheryl knows that Julian is alive (& she’s seen him a few times)
Julian isn’t in the hotel Cheryl had been seeing him in
Tiffany tells Robert that Anna lost the baby
Duke & Anna cry

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Robert goes to see Anna
They tell Robin about the baby
Julian talks to Olivia about how she tried to have him killed
.......(She says it was Duke that was meant to die)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Few Days Later) (For sure before Nov. 13)
Robert questions Tim
Tim fingers Olivia
Two Hours till Victor’s Birthday Party
Tim confesses to all the things he did for Olivia
Olivia has Cheryl held captive
Olivia holds a meeting with her own people (Tells them that Julian is alive)
Cheryl escapes
Robert tells Duke that Olivia was responsible for the elevator fall
Anna overhears Robert
Robert goes over the party plans with the waiters (really Policemen)
The guests begin to arrive at the party
Julian thinks Olivia had Cheryl killed
Anna sneaks out of her hospital room
Victor’s Party
Victor arrives
Olivia is waiting for Julian
Sean discovers Anna is gone
Anna points a gun at Olivia

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day) (Before 11/13)
Victor’s Birthday Party Coninues
Anna continues to point the gun at Olivia
Olivia is shot

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Victor’s Birthday Party Continues
Olivia’s shooting aftermath
Anna says she didn’t do it
The Police bust the party & arrest everyone

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day) (Still For Sure Before November 13)
The police continue to search the room
An earing falls off the tree on the balcony
Anna is taken back to the hospital (Under guard)
Olivia is in surgery
The Police find the earing
Cheryl & Julian are at a “safe house” cabin in the mountains
Anna & Sam talk about Frisco, Sam, & the Academy Days
Tony can’t get the bullet out of Olivia
Tony had a strange feeling come over him during surgery
Olivia’s gone into a coma

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Next Day or So)
Scotty tells Robert that it’s his case (as Assitant DA) to prosecute Anna
Lord & Lady Ashton are about to move in with The Quartermaines
Robin goes to her first ballet lesson
Sean & Tiffany decide to delay their wedding (Due to Anna’s situation)
Sean asks Colton if Ariel is Ripley’s sister
Robert interrogates Anna
Colton doesn’t want anything to do with Ariel
Tiffany wants to know where Cheryl has been
Robin shows some ballet steps to Robert
Robert tells Robin about Anna’s situation
[Flashback] Colton remembers being with Ariel
Robert realizes he has to charge Anna with Attempted Murder tomorrow

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Election Day, I guess) (November 8th, Probably)
Day after Olivia named Anna as the person who shot her
Anna is processed at the police department (She’s been arrested)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (11-11-88) (Veteran’s Day)
Cheryl calls Victor, asking for Julian’s # & Victor becomes suspicious
Robert takes Anna back to the scene of the crime to recreate it
Anna remembers a knock at the door as she aimed the gun at Olivia
Bobbie is still sneaking around with Gregory
A phone call from Jake comes for Bobbie

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (November 21, 22, or 23)
Olivia shooting Investigation is ongoing
Cheryl has already told Robert that she shot into Olivia’s room
Cheryl has run away with Julian
Cheryl & Julian are in a cabin; Cheryl is sick from being shot
Everyone has just found out that Julian is alive
Robert asks Victor where Julian is
Jake is there (As Anna’s lawyer)
Lucy is in the middle of a divorce from Tony
Lucy tells Jake about Bobbie & Scotty
Bobbie is sneaking around with Gregory Howard
Victor is still pretending he can’t walk
Video shows that Victor & Dimitra were in the ballroom when Olivia was shot

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (11-24-88) (Thanksgiving)
Jake is back in town to defend Anna
Robert has lost Cheryl & Julian
Robert has a plan
Cheryl & Julian are at the safehouse (Cheryl is injured)
[Flashback] Colton remembers being with Felicia & Ariel
Lord Ashton is having money problems & has a plan involving Edward
Olivia is in critical condition & unconscious
Robert asks Monica to help him with his plan
Thanksgiving at Kelly’s
Tiffany announces the fake news flash that Olivia has awakened

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (11-25-88) (I’m Pretty Sure)
Robert’s plan (of announcing Olivia’s fake recovery) in in motion
Cheryl sneaks out of the Jerome Safe House
Lucy is staying at Amanda Barrington’s House
Jake & Bobbie talk about Scotty’s involvement in their break up
Lucy &Tony are getting a divorce
Louise is after Tom; Simone confronts her on it
Tom walks in & tells Louise he loves Simone (Talk about a looney girl!)
Mysterious figure outside GH grabs Georgia
Jake & Scotty fight
Unknown person walks through GH halls (Seen through their eyes)
Unknown figure cuts oxygen supply to Olivia’s bed

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (11-28-88)
Robert & Monica ask Georgia questions about the assailant

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (Few Days Later)
Anna’s Trial
Cheryl & Julian are going to testify
Unknown person fits a machine into a camera
“Camera man” comes to the court house & activates a device
Tony is back on duty (Was on medical leave)
As Cheryl is about to testify a bomb explodes
Dino grabs Cheryl & goes in the stairway
Stairway Finale (Dino gives his demands as Robert aims)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1988) (The Next Day)
Stairway Finale Continues
Dimitra says she can help
Robert tells Sam to bring Dimitra up
Dimitra tries to reason with Dino
Lord Ashton opens a box with the Dragon bone in it
Dino has a bomb with him
Sean grabs his arm from behind
Robert & Dino fight on the staircase
Robert throws the bomb
They arrest Dino
All charges against Anna are dropped
Robert tells the details of Dino’s plan
Bobbie rejects Jake
[Flashback] Shows what really happened the night of Olivia’s shooting
Quartermaine Birthday Party for Ariel (Greek Theme; Everyone dressed in Greek clothes)
Ariel gets a package with a set of Gold Dominos, as a shadow watches from outside

Tony is laying on the floor unconscious (Bobbie found him)
Sean & Tiffany’s Wedding (Day 2)
The Wedding March
Sean drags Tiffany down the stairs & aisle
“Elsie Mae Crumholtz” Joke
Sean & Tiffany are married
The Ambulance comes & takes Tony to the hospital
Lucy is seperated from Tony & is awaiting a money settlement
Tony needs an operation (He has an absyss on his brain)
They go ahead & operate on Tony without Lucy’s consent
Everyone is mad at Cheryl for not coming forward in the Olivia shooting
Robert ends up with the garter
Robin catches the bouquet
Lucy arrives at the hospital (& worries that she won’t get her money now)
Cheryl says Goodbye to Robin
Cheryl says Goodbye to Robert
The Doctor says there’s a strong possibility Tony will have brain damage
Lucy & Bobbie fight (Lucy says she’s gonna give the newspapers the photos of Bobbie & Gregory)

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