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1989 (Part One)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (January)
Tony is in the hospital with bandages over his head & eyes
Just after Tony has regained consciousness
Lucy is still Tony’s “wife” (Technically)
Party at Katherine Delafield’s House
Katherine & Robin play a piano duet
Poisoned champagne glass is sitting on the piano

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (Next Day Or So)
Paul just left for “6 Months”
Katherine & Paul are engaged
Robin wants to continue taking lessons from Katherine
“Couple of weeks” after Sean & Tiffany’s Wedding
Tom has moved out from Simone

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (Next Day Or So)
Scotty gives Charlene a letter saying Lucy didn’t give the photos of Bobbie to the papers
Tony’s bandages are removed
Tony can’t see
Robert expresses his surprise at Katherine’s engagement
Chet is leaving town
Anna’s taking care of BJ
Katherine says she will give Robin piano lessons

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (Next Day Or So) (Week or so after New Years)
Tony is moved into his own hospital room
Olin playing with little BJ (Tony talks to her on the phone)
Terry upset about Chet leaving
Alan starting to get suspicious about Monica & Ned
Hillary is moving into the Duke’s Club apartment
Valerie is working (As a therapist) with Tony
Terry goes to Tom for therapy
Terry agrees to go out with Ned
Melissa is still in nursing school
Tom & Simone are having problems
Terry sings at the club (Get a load of her hair!)

A man sneaks into Robert’s Cottage trying to steal Katherine’s portrait, but Robert
.......& Katherine come in (He hides under the bed)
Day of Surprise Party for Robert
The guy has stolen the picture & talks to a man (with a gold Domino ring) on the phone
.......about getting it X-rayed & then returned
Surprise Birthday Party for Robert at Duke’s Club
Robert dances with Robin
Robin’s present to Robert is “Friday” (The Dog); He has to pick it up tomorrow
The man has X-rayed the photo (which should show a map) & now must send it to the Mystery Man

Party at The Quartermaine’s
Katherine is in jail (Robert put her there) (To Protect Her)
Felicia has just returned & hears Colton with Ariel
Colton sees Felicia from his window (She Runs Away)
Paul is engaged to Katherine (& he’s in town)
Charlie Prince fills Felicia in on Port Charles happenings
Guy in Hospital says Domino did this to him
.......(Seems to be the first time Sean & Colton have heard of that name - “Domino”)
Dr. Bernudi is there
Dawn is with Ned

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (2-12-89)
Bobbie sees Felicia
Sean & Colton think someone is out to get Ariel
Terri sees Felicia
They tell Felicia about Sean & Tiffany’s Wedding & that Tony is blind

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (2-13-89) (Next Day)
Sean sees Felicia for the first time
Night of Katherine’s Concert
Robert is worried about Katherine’s safety
Charlie Prince sneaks into the Quartermaine mansion
Katherine’s Benefit Concert (For the Hospital)
Robert is suspicious of Donnet
Charlie Prince makes an impression of Lord Ashton’s key
Colton is looking for Ariel
Ariel meets Charlie Prince
Colton runs into Felicia
Katherine & Robert talk on the stage
Robert pushes Katherine as the lights fall

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (2-14-89)
Colton & Felicia talk for the fist time
Post Concert Party at Katherine’s
Katherine & Robert pick themselves off the floor; Lights have just fallen
Katherine’s car is tampered with
Katherine’s car crash

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (2-15-89) (Next Day)
Party Continues
Lucy hates Bobbie being around Tony
Tony has recently gotten out of the hospital
Lucy is not with Tony any more (She wants to get him back)
Robert & Anna go to the crash site
Scotty has recently moved out of Kelly’s
Bobbie & Valerie are “competing” for Tony
Bernudi & Charlie Prince are in cahoots together
[Flashback] Robert remembers moments with Katherine

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (2-16-89) (Next Day)
Lucy & Tony’s Divorce is final
Anna is planning to reopen the PI Agency (With Sean)
Mary suspects murder (ie. Katherine)
Felicia sees Robert
Felicia & Anna clean up the PI Agency

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (After 2-27-89 but before 3-15-89)
Katherine is hiding at Robert’s Cottage (With Robert)
Colton & Felicia are back together
Ariel goes to visit Uncle Nicholas (Aka “Domino”) on his plane
Sean still isn’t sure about the “other player” in the game
Nicholas tells Ariel of his plans & how he used her
Ariel says she wants revenge against Colton & Felicia
Nicholas can’t find the map (It was lost & hidden on Felicia somehow)
Olivia is on the road to recovery (Out of a coma)
Katherine cooked Robert dinner
Harrison goes crazy because a patient died
The Search for the Lost Treasure is on
Robert talks of the “Missing Portrait”
Sean is mad at Colton for leaving Ariel, because now Felicia is in danger

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (3-31-89)
Nicholas wants Ariel to find out where Ashton hides the Dragon Bone
Robert has a plan to flush out Katherine’s would be murderer
Colton is pretending to love Ariel
Tiffany is mad that Sean is working for the WSB
Sean & Tiffany are out of the country (On a late honeymoon)
Ariel is mad that she found Felicia’s scarf on the Aphrodite
Board Meeting concerning The Delafield Foundation
Katherine wants an accounting of The Foundation’s money (Robert’s Plan)
Althea & Paul are working together
Robert badgers the Foundation treasurer & she names Althea as the one cyphoning off the money
Althea pulls a gun on Katherine

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (4-3-89)
Ariel is all over Colton
Althea holds the gun at Katherine
Paul comes in
Paul grabs Althea & the gun goes off (shooting Althea)
Robert runs in
Felicia sets off the fire alarm on the boat, allowing Colton to get away from Ariel
Nicholas knows that the map Bernudi gave him was a fake

Paul & Katherine headed to New York (Paul is getting an Archeology Award)
Ned & Edward are going fishing
Tracy & Alan are fighting over Edward’s plans for changing his will
Nicholas, Alan, Tracy, Dr. Bernudi, & Lord Ashton also go to NY for Paul’s Award
Katherine is still bothered by Athea’s death (she just died)
Simone finds out she’s pregnant (She’e worried who the father is)
The Quest is underway
Edward & Ned in fishing gear in the boathouse

Lucy is wearing a bracelet Scotty says she should have returned to the sender
Just after the sprinklers went off on the Aphrodite
Anna’s House is under guard
Victor Jerome is on trial
Anna tells Felicia that after the trial they have to leave town in the Witness Protection Program
Dr. Bernudi has already found the map
The Aphrodite staff need physicals
Scotty wants to put Olivia on trial
Olivia still has Amnesia

Edward is fishing with his lawyer (Changing his Will)
Ned says Edward is planning on leaving town on a trip
Paul burns Althea’s letters
Katherine finds the trash on fire
Few Days after Althea died
Katherine asks Paul questions about Althea
Sean, Tiffany, & Robert are in Paris
Robert & Sean talk to Phillipe again
Fillipe talks about drawing Katherine’s Portrait over the map & Frisco’s connection to it
Fillipe tells them of a man resembling Paul
Edward is packing for his Fishing Trip to Bermuda
Edward says Goodbye to Lila
Edward’s New Will is recorded
Edward says Goodbye to his family & leaves
Phillipe fingers Althea, but not Paul
Mary asks Katherine how she feels about Robert
Katherine leaves to go on a trip with Paul
Edward is on the plane (Flirting with the stewardess)
Edward plans on changing his will back when he returns to PC
Robert is suspicious of Paul
Katherine goes into Althea’s Hotel room (Doesn’t see a photo of Paul w/ Althea on flloor)

Lord Ashton show Sean & Colton the map (It’s a Fake)
Robert has suspicions about Paul
Robert is just back from Paris
Robert tells Anna that Edward’s plane went down
Sean studies the map
Colton makes a diversion & Sean takes a sample of the fibers (from the map)
People are at the Airport waiting for news about the plane
The search is called off for the plane
Robert goes to see Anna & Robin
Robin tells Robert that she’s decided to go with Anna & Duke in the WPP
Felicia comes to see Anna & Robin
Robert tells Katherine what he learned in Paris
.......(Involving the map being painted over & Frisco bringing it into the country)
Tracy & Alan talk about Edward
Nicholas tells Ariel to return
“Domino” tells Charlie Prince to get him the Dragon Bone
Robert talks to Katherine about not being able to see Robin grow up

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (4-20-89)
After Edward’s plane has crashed
Olivia’s competency Hearing time
Anna & family are about to leave for Witness Protection
Robin plays “Castle on a Cloud” (From “Les Miz”) on the piano
The Escape Begins
Duke runs into the building
The Building Explodes

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (4-21-89) (Next Day)
The Court has said Olivia is incompetent to stand trial
Wreckage has been found from Edward’s Plane
Duke is alive in a bunker below the Wherehouse
Olivia has amnesia
Duke decides to leave; Pretend he’s dead
Felicia & Colton are together
Olivia remembers Duke (Suddenly)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (4-24-89) (Next Day)
Anna still has hope that Duke is alive
“White Roses” are sent to Anna’s House [The Vendetta is Over]
The Quartermaine’s are waiting for news from Alan & Ned about Edward
Duke is in the plane
Alan & Ned are waiting to see plane wreckage
They see Edward’s fishing tackle box
Victor Jerome Trial still ongoing
Anna finds Duke’s wedding ring in the wherehouse

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (4-25-89) (Next Day)
Robert tries to figure out what happened
The WPP Agents realize who sold them out (Agent Malone)
Lucy is staying at Scotty’s
Lucy has Victor’s Diamonds [They play “Lucy in the Sky” song]
Anna confronts Victor in the hospital
Olivia is released from the hospital
Now Olivia doesn’t know who Duke is (Or so she tells Victor)
Malone knows they’re on to him & calls Victor
Robert & Sean find Malone
Sean & Malone fight & Robert has to shoot Malone
Malone dies
Lucy is very scared about Scotty going after Victor
[Flashback] Anna remembers old times with Duke
Olivia vows (To herself) that if Victor caused Duke’s death, he’ll pay

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (4-26-89) (Next Day) (Lucille Ball Died)
Uncle Nicholas orders Ariel to stay away from Colton
Nicholas wants Ariel to find the Dragon Bone
Robert has doubts about Paul
Paul invites Katherine to go to Los Angeles with him
Alan & Ned return home
Lila is told about Edward’s Death
Anna decides to have a Memorial Service for Duke
The Quartermaine’s Toast Edward Goodbye

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (4-28-89)
Day of Duke’s Memorial Service
Robin is dressed in her kilt
I’m pretty sure Tracy knows about Ned & Monica
Duke’s Memorial
.......Angel Speaks
.......Anna Speaks
.......Terri Sings
Tom & Simone are back together
Simone feels faint (She’s Pregnant)
Tony is still blind
Olivia visits Duke’s Memorial (She Cries)
Anna walks in & sees a lady in black at the Memorial (It’s Olivia)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-1-89)
Continuation of the day of Duke’s Memorial (Afterwards)
Anna confronts the woman in black infront of Duke’s Memorial, thinking it’s Olivia,
.......but it’s Hillary (At the end of the previous episode it was Olivia)
Anna is sure Olivia was there & is faking Amnesia
Lucy gets a gift package of thanks (jewelry) from Victor

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-2-89) (Next Day)
Sean & Colton sneak into Nicholas Van Buren’s plane
Lucy tries to return the jewelry to the store it’s from
Scotty goes to massage parlor to get info on Victor
[Massage Lady is the lady who later plays Rhonda Wexler]
Felicia tells Tony that her & Colton’s Breakup is a fake
Sean & Colton overhear Charlie Prince & Dr. Bernudi talk about trying to find the Dragon Bone
Simone is pregnant
Nicholas is having dinner with Tracy & Lila
Sean realizes that Nicholas is “Domino”!!
Lucy tries to give the jewelry back to Victor & he gets annoyed
Lucy tries to talk Scotty out of going after Victor

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-3-89) (Next Day)
Day of the Reading of Edward’s Will
During the month of May, the Dragon Bone & the Emerald can be used a sexton to find the lost Civilization
Anna continues to grieve for Duke
The Reading of Edward’s Will
[Flashback] Anna remembers their Wedding
Edward’s Will says...
.......Tracy & Alan get $1 each!!!
.......The Rest of the Fortune is left to Ned!
Charlie Prince is the Real Lord Ashton & is ready to tell Larry
Edward’s Ghost “appears” & talks to Lila with a Martini
Charlie sends Larry a letter & photo from his Mother

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-4-89) (Next Day)
Katherine & Paul are leaving for Los Angeles tonight
Robert finds Scotty at the New York Massage Parlor
Monica’s Birthday
Robert tries to talk Katherine out of going to LA
Sean & Colton talk as if they have the Dragon Bone, so that Domino can
.......overhear them with the bug on the Aphrodite
Ariel hears that Colton & Felicia are really Together
Ashton buries the Dragon Bone in the rose garden

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-5-89)
Mary has hurt her leg, so Katherine doesn’t want to leave for LA
Domino phones & talks to Sean (Says he has Tiffany & will trade her for the Dragon Bone)
Ariel takes a gun from Domino’s desk
Paul leaves for LA without katherine
Mary has a broken leg (It’s a Fake!! To keep Katherine in town)
Sean demands the Dragon Bone from Ashton
Ashton agrees to give Sean the Dragon Bone (After Ned threatens him)
Friday digs up the Dragon Bone & runs off with it
Althea’s “Ghost” appears to Paul on the plane
Ashton brings Sean to the garden & sees the Dragon Bone is gone
Ariel shoots Colton & Felicia!! (Hurray!! Colton is DEAD!!!!!!)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-8-89) (Next Day)
The Shooting proves to be just in Ariel’s mind!!! (How Cheap!! Colton is still alive!!!!)
Ariel waits outside of Felicia’s apartment
Terri is thinking about buying Duke’s Club
Robert learns that Tiffany’s been kidknapped
Felicia catches a glimpse of a dark haired person leaving
Ariel got away, but she dropped the (Domino) gun in a potted tree
Sean & Colton rescue Tiffany
Domino is informed that the Dragon Bone is missing

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-12-89)
Robert & Anna think they have a link between Victor & Malone
Robert has a new office
Day that the Aphrodite is supposed to set sail
Day of the Quartermaine Garden Party [Filmed Outside]
Sean & Company hijack the Flower van (& Replace Domino’s stooges)
Victor threatens Lucy to tell Scotty to back off
The Garden Party Begins
Ariel frees the terrorist florists & tells them to get the Dragon Bone & take Colton hostage
Charlie Prince announces his true identity
The Ashton Brothers Duel
Monica & Tracy fight (Fall in the Fountain) over Tracy bringing up Ned & Monica’s affair
The Real Terrorists knock out Sean’s men
The Duel Continues
Domino’s Ninjas storm the party (Sean thinks it’s Sam & Company)
They break the Dragon Bone out of the glass, but Friday runs in & runs off with the Bone
The Ninjas take Colton (He thinks it’s Sam)
Ariel points a gun at Felicia
Robert, Anna, & Scotty arrest Victor for the Murder of Duke
Arile shows Felicia her & Colton’s Greek Marriage Certificate

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-15-89) (Next Day)
Robert takes Victor away
Felicia doesn’t believe the certificate is real
Felicia asks Colton if it’s true
Colton humors Ariel
Tiffany pretends to faint
Sean & Sam grab the Ninja & hold his hand on the grenade
Sean yells for someone to find the grenade’s pin
Charlie finds the pin
Colton takes Ariel to the Gatehouse
Ariel tells Colton that the certificate is real (& the brainwashers made him forget it)
Ariel tells Colton that she was forced to marry Larry by “Domino”
Colton asks her “Who is Domino?”
Victor is booked
A Ninja is about to shoot Friday, but Sean stops him
Sean recovers the Dragon Bone, but won’t give it to Larry
Ariel says that “Domino” is at the main house & she’ll announce it there (She’s gone crazy)
Lucy tells Scotty that she still has Victor’s jewels
Sean proves Charlie’s story is true (Shows an added fin to the Dragon Bone)
Charlie says he’s going to give the Dragon Bone to China
As Ariel & Colton enter, Ariel faints from a poisonous dart

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-16-89) (Next Day)
Ariel is in the hospital; She needs an antidote
Colton & Felicia are anxious to know if Ariel is telling the truth
The Antidote Arrives
Althea’s “Ghost” eggs on Paul in Los Angeles
Sean questions the Quartermaine’s guests
Alan still doesn’t know about Ned & Monica’s affair
Lucy is about to leave town, but Alan comes & sees Lucy & says he’ll find her a place to live
Alan checks Lucy into a hotel & pays for it
Robert & Katherine almost kiss

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-17-89) (Next Day; I’m Pretty Sure)
Day of Victor’s arraignment
Harrison learns that Simone is pregnant
Sean sends the marriage Certificate off to the WSB to see if it’s real
Valerie is dating Tony (Valerie is not his therapist anymore)
Scotty gets a threatening phone call to lose the Jerome Case
Walt flirts with Bobbie
Simone is worried about who the father of her baby is
Alan visits Lucy
Victor is arraigned (Not Shown)
Olivia vows to get Victor for what he did to Duke

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (5-18-89; Probably)
Ariel is in the hospital
Ariel disappears from the hospital
Robert is trying to talk Katherine out of going to Los Angeles
Robert kisses Katherine goodbye
Katherine leaves for LA
Tracy wants Van Buren to finance the quest
Colton confronts Van Buren about Ariel’s disappearance
Colton tells Van Buren that they know he’s Domino (He Denies it, of course)
Colton tells Larry that Ariel is “his wife”
Ariel is on Domino’s plane
Katherine decides to go straight to LA

Robert & Katherine are in Los Angeles
Katherine is in the Hospital (Due to the Aftermath of the Paul situation)
Victor’s Trial (For “killing” Duke)
Felicia has just accepted Colton’s Proposal
“Unknown” Figure shown in a Foreign Jail
Ariel is gone
Paul is dead
Tony is blind
Olivia is Tom’s patient (with “Amnesia”)

1989 (Part Two)
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