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1989 (Part Two)

Victor’s Trial Continues
Olivia on the Stand
Monica & Alan are having troubles (What’s New?)
ELQ Contest between Alan & Ned (Due to Edward’s Will)
Beginning of Alan & Lucy’s Affair
Ned is still after Monica

Katherine & Robert return to Port Charles
Felicia tells the gang about the Wedding
Tracy is dealing with Nicholas Van Buren (“Domino”)
Lucy goes to Green Meadows Spa
“Unknown” Figure still in Foreign Jail

Colton is having Nightmares
Monica goes to New York to bail out Dawn (Still doesn’t know that Dawn’s her daughter)
Jerome Trial - Cindy Witness (Actress Later Plays “Rhonda Wexler”)
Party at “Duke’s” for Felicia & Colton
Tony is still blind
Last Night of “Duke’s Club”
“Unknown” Figure is still unknown

Katherine is having Nightmares
“Unknown” Figure is due to Die
Jerome Trial Verdict - “GUILTY”
Anna takes a last look at “Duke’s Place”
[Flashback] Anna remembers dancing with Duke
“Unknown” Figure escapes from his Jail Cell

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-16-89)
Felicia & Colton’s Wedding Day
“Unknown” Figure arrives in Port Charles
It’s FRISCO!!!!! (What A Surprise!) (Hurray!! The End is near for Colton!!!!!)
Simone has stomach cramps
Frisco sees Felicia & Colton get Married
He knows who Colton is (He shot him) & he can’t believe his eyes

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-19-89) (Next Day)
Domino asks if the Prisoner (Frisco) has been killed
Frisco watches the Reception
Strangers stop Frisco from interfering
Frisco escapes from the men
Frisco leaves a note for Sean (It blows under the couch)
[Flashback] When Frisco was “shot” by Colton

Sean, Tiffany, & Anna watch the Wedding Video & notice the stranger
Felicia & Colton on their Honeymoon

Sean, Tiffany, & Anna watch video of Colton & Felicia’s Wedding
Anna notices a figure in the background
They don’t know Frisco is back yet
Colton & Felicia are on their Honeymoon (People with a broken down car are with them)
Felicia realizes it’s Frisco’s Birthday
[Flashback] Felicia remembers her & Frisco’s Wedding
Frisco meets “Mouse”

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-20-89)
[Flashback] Felicia remembers marrying Frisco
Frisco watches Tony
Frisco’s Birthday & Wedding Anniversary
Olivia takes Sodium Pentathol
Edward’s “Ghost” talks to Lila
Sean sees Frisco for the first time
[Flashback] Felicia remembers her & Frisco’s Honeymoon

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-21-89) (Next Day)
Sean tells Robert that Frisco is Alive
Simone is pregnant (Who’s the father?)
Frisco is in the Catacombs with “Mouse”
[Flashback] Frisco thinks of Felicia
Anna is trying to prove that Olivia is faking Amnesia
Simone tells Audrey her problem (of Who’s the father)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-22-89) (Next Day)
Mouse delivers Frisco’s note
Felicia & Colton are still on their Honeymoon
Robert & Sean look for Mouse
Frisco is about to leave town on a ship
Anna tells Scotty why she wants him to put Olivia away
Frisco decides not to leave
Frisco runs into Sean & Robert
Frisco is VERY Angry at Robert & Sean
Frisco says he had sent them messages (They didn’t get any)
Frisco tells them that Domino held him captive
Anna goes to talk to Olivia

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-23-89) (Next Day)
Anna’s visit to Olivia continues (She shows Olivia the notes she sent Scotty)
Colton & Felicia are returning to Port Charles from their honeymoon
Robert & Sean try to talk some sense into Frisco
Nicholas wants to buy ELQ’s tanker fleet
Olivia tells Anna that she did send one of those notes to Scotty
Anna tells Olivia that she’s gonna nail her
Ned & his nerdy computer associates
Ned & Alan’s ELQ Contest Continues
Jason comes home from Boading School
Mouse finally realizes who Frisco is
Colton & Felicia’s car brakes down & Felicia starts to walk home
Olivia plans to fly to Rio Dejunaro & packs her bags
Her nurse tells Anna what Olivia is doing
Felicia runs into Frisco & faints (He carries her off)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-26-89) (Next Day)
Frisco brings Felicia to the Catacombs (She wakes up)
Frisco tells her where he’s been
Colton learns that Frisco is alive (From Mouse, Robert, & Sean)
Steve tells the Quartermaine’s that the GH Board is dedicating a plaque to Edward
Dawn hasn’t told Monica that she’s her daughter (The viewers & Charlie Prince know)
Anna sets a plan for Olivia in motion
Felicia goes to Colton
Robert & Sean go back to see Frisco
Olivia gets a fake letter from Terry (It’s really from Anna) & she stays in town

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-27-89) (Next Day)
Colton has a nightmare about killing Frisco
He thinks he is still programmed to kill Frisco
Sean is in Bulgeria (At the Prison)
Anna has a blow torch (Part of her plan to get Olivia)
Felicia tells Anna that Frisco is alive
Colton tells Tom that Frisco is alive
Frisco goes to see Tony (Tony can kind of see him)
Frisco meets Felicia at the Brownstone
Colton walks in
Domino thinks Frisco is dead
Olivia comes to the club & goes in the elevator
Anna sits on top of the elevator
Anna stop the elevator & tells Olivia it’s “Revenge”

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (6-28-89) (Next Day)
Anna starts up the blow torch
Katherine takes down her portrait
Robert & Katherine talk about Paul
Anna tells Olivia to confess, or she will kill her
Lucy has moved back in with Scotty
Anna starts the tape recorder
Olivia confesses to Everything she did to Anna
Robert & Katherine grow closer
Simone is in the hospital
Tom still doesn’t know about Simone’s suspicions
Olivia confesses to causing the elevator accident
Audrey promises to keep Simone’s secret (To protect Tom)
Robert gets a call about what Anna’s done
Alan sits with Lucy
Anna gives Robert the tape & Robert arrests Olivia

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (7-21-89) (Friday)
In Katherine’s Dressing Room after a Performance (Robert, Mary, & lots of admirers)
Domino & Claudio are about to send off ELQ Tankers with Troops aboard
Domino talks of reprogramming an “Operative” to take care of Frisco
Felicia & Colton are still together (God knows why?)
Strange man rings bells & sells Colton & Felicia Ice Cream

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (7-28-89 or Possibly 8-4-89) (Friday)
Just after Dawn & Ned first saw Windemere (From a Far)
Robert talks to Anna about his feelings for Katherine
Frisco & Felicia meet with Attorneys to file for a Divorce
Opening Night of Terri’s Club (Formerly Duke’s)
Anna asks Robert to take her to the Opening
Claudio takes Katherine to the Opening (She’s mad at Robert)
Funky (Fake Looking) Far View of Spoon Island & Windemere
Ned & Dawn go into Windemere for the first time
Tony can see, but only Bobbie & Frisco know
Everyone arrives for Terri’s Opening Night
Terri Sings
Tango music starts up & Anna gets sad
Robert & Katherine talk
Ned & Dawn’s boat washes away & they’re stuck on Spoon Island
Bobbie is waiting to hear from the Adoption Agency
Frisco sings “The Right Key” at Terri’s Club

Katherine’s Aunt Iona has just come to town (Last Night)
Anna & Robin are staying at Robert’s Cottage
Frisco & Felicia talk & go for a walk
Mysterious Man in riding boots comes into Frisco’s room

Sean sees Cheryl in the Hospital (In another town)
Cheryl talks about her baby
Dr. tells Sean that Cheryl’s baby died & was cremated
Tracy is mad that Nicholas bought the ELQ Freighters “for treason”
Simone is pregnant
Audrey tells Harrison that she knows about Simone & Him
Katherine calls some foreign leader & he decides to come to Port Charles

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (8-31-89) (Thursday)
Frisco is in jail
Tony is missing (Colton tells Frisco)
Felicia is still with Colton (What is wrong with this Girl??)
Felicia is worried Domino will get Frisco
Sam lets Frisco knock her out & he escapes
Colton is being reprogrammed by Domino to kill Frisco
Tony is being held captive as bait
Frisco runs into Colton
Group of Dictators arrive in Port Charles
Colton talks to Bobbie of her “new baby”
Frisco goes into the Sanctuary Wherehouse

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (9-1-89) (Friday) (Next Day)
Frisco looks around The Sanctuary Wherehouse
Colton (ie. GI JOE) (In Fatigues) aims a gun at Frisco as Domino watches
Robert, Anna, Sean, & Katherine are being held at gunpoint at the Dictators’ Meeting
Robert realizes that Agent Calahan is working for Domino (He knew Frisco was Alive)
Katherine screams & Robert & Co. overpower the gunmen
Bells are the signal for Colton to kill Frisco
Domino (impatient) walks out & rings the bell over & over
Colton aims the gun at Domino & tells him off (Brainwashing isn’t working)
Domino shoots Frisco
Felicia, Tony, & Sam run in & think Colton shot him
Nicholas Van Buren is taken into custody
Colton is handcuffed & taken away

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (9-4-89) (Next Day)
Port Charles hears that Frisco was shot
Domino & Colton are taken into the Police Department
Frisco is brought to GH (Tries to say Domino Shot him)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (9-5-89)
Bobbie tells Tony she’s changing her name back to Spencer & naming the “Lucas” after her Brother

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-1-89)
Night of GH Charity Auction
Olivia dresses up in a disguise & heads for the auction
Robert & Frisco are trying to crack the Counterfeiting-Murder Case
Tangeneva is there
Iona is out on bail under suspicion of Counterfeiting
Robert suspects Jimmy of being the murderer
Colton is mad at Felicia (For Choosing Frisco)
Colton plans on quitting GH after tonight & leaving town (I wish!!)
Robert is trying to trip up Jimmy to bid on an auction item (& use counterfeit money)
David McCallister is in charge of the Auction
Unfortunately Jimmy pays by check
The Sanitarium calls & tells Robert that Olivia has escaped
[Filmed outside on the Top of a Real Marriott Hotel]
Colton is on the roof with the GH Helicopter
Robert chases Olivia up the stairs
Olivia gets in the helicopter (With a gun) & makes Colton take off
Robert is knocked over the side of the hotel (by the Copter) & hangs on the “Marriott” sign
Katherine falls over too & the “R” (of the sign) slips

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-4-89) (Next Day)
GH Charity Auction Continues
Robert & Katherine hang from the side of the Hotel’s “Marriott” sign
Olivia makes Colton fly away
Katherine talks about Tangeneva’s Warning for Robert
Robert asks Katherine to marry him
Victor’s death is still a mystery
Tracy calls Lucy Alan’s “Flussie Girlfriend”
Iona is helping to try & get Jimmy
Steve calls Colton & Colton tells them what happened
Sean & Anna discuss Lucy & Scotty’s suspected involvement in Victor’s Death
Robin is running for President at school
Frisco finds Robert & Katherine
They lower a hook & pull Katherine & Robert up
Alan stares intently at Lucy & Scotty all night
Anna wants to take over the search for Colton & Olivia
Colton tries to grab the gun from Olivia & they struggle
The Helicopter Crashes
Scotty’s Apartment has been ransacked
Olivia & Colton lie unconscious at the crash site
Robert takes Katherine back up to the roof & Proposes
Katherine Accepts

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-5-89)
Colton & Olivia are in the cabin
Colton is taking care of Olivia
Colton starts up the furnace, but Olivia pours water on it
Anna & Frisco are looking for them (They just found blood at the crash site)
Julian wants financial resources to find Duke Lavery & kill him
Sean & Tiffany are talking to a lady about Cheryl & her baby
Lucas is with Bobbie & Tony
Alan & Lucy are having an affair
Lucy wants Alan to tell Monica about them
Dawn asks Monica if she & Ned had an affair
Monica says No! (Liar!!)
Monica calls Sister Agetha & invites her to Port Charles
Tracy offers to donate ELQ money to the Hospital Fund
Katherine’s Aunt Iona is in the hospital (Needing a Heart Transplant)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-6-89)
Search for Colton & Olivia (He’s sick & been shot)
Colton & Olivia are in a cabin
Anna & Frisco are looking for them
Ned has just become ELQ Treasurer
Katherine’s Aunt Iona is in the Hospital (Needing a Heart Transplant)
Frisco & Felicia are back together
Olivia leaves the cabin to try to get to Canada
Tom Jr. has recently been born
Sister Agetha (Monica’s Friend) is coming to visit (“Over the Holidays”) & Tracy &
.......Ashton get upset (Scared she’ll recognise them) (They went to the Convent
.......pretending to be “Father Lawrence and Sister Tarece”

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-7-89) (Next Day)
Jimmy O’Herlihy (Katherine’s Cousin) talks with his partner in crime (David McAllister)
.......about the Hospital Counterfeit Ring
Jimmy is about to drug his partner
Decker is there
Tom asks Harrison to be Tom Jr.’s God Parent (He declines; At least, I guess he did)
Harrison demands Simone go through with the Paternity Tests (Tom still doesn’t know)
Simone decides to go through with the test (With Audrey’s help)
Monica knows that Dawn is her daughter
Monica plans a Party for Dawn (Sister Agetha will be there)
Tracy is involved with David McAllister
Jimmy says he’ll put the real bonds back in the hopital safe
Olivia plans to get a jeep she found started & leave
Jimmy is supposed to be helping Robert get David
Scotty talks to Tracy (About her “Fat Butt”)
Iona is still awaiting her transplant
Robert & Katherine are engaged
Jimmy puts a drug in David McAllister’s aftershave
Colton tells Olivia how to hot wire the jeep
He wants to dictate a letter to Felicia, but Olivia won’t do it

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-8-89) (Next Day) (Friday)
Jimmy waits for David to use the drugged aftershave
Tracy comes to David’s hotel room
Colton & Olivia still in cabin
Anna is looking for them
Colton wants Olivia to write a letter to Felicia saying that he forgives her (how nice of him)
Monica wants to prove that Tracy knew (for a long time) that Dawn was her daughter &
.......caused lots of trouble
David splashes the aftershave on
Olivia writes the letter for Colton (He dictates it)
Olivia leaves Colton to die (Finally, Olivia does something good for the Human Race!)
Tracy threatens David in public (“You’re Dead Meat!”)
Sister Agetha arrives at The Quartermaine’s
David starts to not feel so good
Jimmy puts the drug vile in a plant in the hotel restaurant
Robert & Frisco detain Lynx Henshaw (David’s Accomplice) at the airport
Jason & Alan Jr. are away at boarding school (What’s New?)
Colton hallucinates & sees Felicia by his side in a ball gown
A heart for Iona is found
Olivia came back to take care of Colton (Oops, I spoke too soon!)
Robert, Frisco & Jimmy find David on the floor with a gunshot wound (Still alive, though)

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-26-89)
Olivia is in the hospital (Colton [The Village Idiot] sits by her bedside)
Tom comes in the hospital & punches Harrison Davis
.......(Tom has just found out Simone’s secret & is furious at Audrey)
Julian Jerome is staying at Kelly’s
Bobbie is on a Leave of Absence from GH
Lucy is worried that Olivia will come after her
Scotty wants Lucy to get Alan to give him the job of ELQ Chief Council

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-27-89) (Next Day)
Tracy is under suspicion of murdering McCallister
Jimmy takes the bonds out of the toilet (Hiding Place)
Katherine is worried about Tangeneva’s Prediction

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-28-89) (Next Day)
Frisco & Felicia talk about getting remarried
Katherine continues to worry about Tangeneva’s Prediction
Jimmy listens in as Robert & Katherine talk about him (on the phone)
Jimmy looks at the drug vile

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1989) (12-29-89) (Next Day)
Night of The Windemere New Years Eve Mystery Party (30’s Motif)
Bobbie & Tony are Married
Katherine is worried the Robert won’t live to Midnight (Tangeneva’s Prediction)
Jimmy puts a drug in Robert’s Aftershave
Ned & Decker argue over Dawn
Julian comes to Anna’s & will go to the party with them (Also Sean & Tiffany)
Scotty tells Lucy to get Alan to give him the ELQ Job
Scotty has the trinket that choked Victor Jerome
Alan is still telling Monica that his affair with Lucy is just rumors
Tony makes a nice New Years (Decade) Toast
Colton (The Sap) decides to spend New Years with Olivia
Lucy & Alan spend New Years together
Robert shaves & discusses the case with Friday (Kind of Funny)
Robert starts to put on aftershave, but the phone rings
Iona is recovering from her heart transplant
Spoon Island Mystery Party
Robin & her friend Rowdy spend New Years together
Bandaged Man calls for Anna; Rowdy tells him she went to a party with Julian (It’s Duke)
Sean is suspicious of Julian
Duke leaves the foreign Hospital (Or whatever it is) (We see his Passport on the table)
As it Turns Midnight Tangeneva’s Prediction comes true...
Robert falls down the stairs at Windemere

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