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GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (1-2-90) (Next Day)
New Years Eve Continues
The End of the Last Episode is Repeated
Robert falls down the stairs
Anna gives Robert CPR
Jimmy comforts Katherine
Alan & Tracy argue over ELQ & Lucy (Alan denies having an affair)
Scotty threatens to show Robert the pendant
Robert is still breathing
The Paramedics take Robert to the hospital
Monica tells the Gang that Robert has stabilized
Alan wants to run ELQ
Alan asks Scotty to find info on Ned & Insider Trading
Robert Flatlines
Robert’s heart starts up again
Anna takes Katherine away from Jimmy & Frisco stalls him
Monica tells Katherine & Co. that Robert is dead
Katherine & Jimmy go to see Robert in the Morgue

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (1-3-90) (Next Day)
Everyone is sad over Robert’s Death
Bobbie tells that she tried to call Luke & left a message with Laura
(“Luke always thought of Robert as a Brother, I think he’d want to be here for the funeral”)
Jimmy is pleased with himself
The Mayor wants suggestions for a new Police Commissioner
The Gang wants Anna to take the job
Anna agrees to take the position temporarily
Frisco wants to bring Jimmy in for Robert’s Murder
Sean & Anna don’t agree
Tracy is upset because she was counting on Robert clearing her of McCallister’s Murder
A Policeman takes Jimmy to Police Headquarters
Tom is mad at Audrey for keeping Simone’s secret
Anna tells Jimmy that Robert was planning to drop all charges against him
Anna announces that they have enough proof to prosecute Tracy
Tracy wants to pretend having a heart attack to avoid being arrested
Monica says she couldn’t have a heart attack because “Tracy, You don’t have a Heart!”
Jimmy rehides the bonds
Sean takes Katherine to his secret room to be reunited with...
Robert is ALIVE!!! (What a Surprise!)
Frisco, Felicia, Anna, Robin, Sean, Tiffany, & Monica were in on the trick

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (Before 2-23-90)
Lucy, disguised by a black veil (Pretending to be Monica) goes to a Detective
Lila has just been brought to the Hospital after a fall (Due To Renivation at The Mansion)
Decker goes to The Green Meadows Spa & says he’s looking for work (Meets Wendy)
Decker is there trying to get info on Monica & Ned
[Different Actress Plays Dawn (#2, I think)]
Simone has just returned to Port Charles (With Tom Jr.) from a cruise
Simone’s Mom tries to get her to go back on the cruise with her
Paternity of Tom Jr. is still unknown
Meg is eyeing Dr. Davis
“Monica” (Lucy) wants the detective to get incriminating photos of Alan & Lucy
Edward’s Ghost visits Lila in the hospital
Lila has 2 hurniated disks in lower back (Has to decide whether or not to have operation)
Decker gets a job as a Masseur

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (3-23-90) (Friday)
Robin & Anna bring Anna’s files into the garage
Robert & Anna are about to take Duke’s remains to Scotland
Robin tells Anna that she doesn’t want to go
Robin has her Crystal (& it makes her feel good)
Felicia has been kidnapped in Paris
Sean comes to Paris to help Frisco find Felicia
Frisco tells Sean that he’s back in the WSB
Faison sits in a Paris cafe talking about Frisco
Frisco tells Sean about his Mission
Frisco tells of a Scientists last words...
“Lumina... Port Charles... Annihilation”
Day of ELQ Meeting to oust Alan as President of ELQ (Due to Alan-Lucy Affair)
Lucy’s plan to become Mrs. Alan Quartermaine is in full swing
Lucy sends tons of Telegrams to ELQ (In stockholders names)
Man runs out of Frisco’s hotel room
ELQ Meeting (Ned asks to relieve Alan of his position)
The Telegrams show support for “Alan & Lucy to be Together”, so...
Alan announces to the Board that he loves Lucy & intends to marry her
The Board votes to keep Alan on as President
Anna & Robert fly to Scotland as...
A Huge Storm moves quickly into Port Charles
Robin’s Cystal begins to Glow (As she sleeps)
Faison’s Men are holding Felicia
Robin’s Window blows open
Lasers fly around in the Garage
A Naked Man appears in the Garage
It’s The Appearance of CASEY... THE ALIEN!!!!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (3-30-90)
Casey makes BJ’s Top fly!!
Robin asks Casey how he does the things he does
Casey holds the Cystal & it Glows

Robert & Katherine return from a weekend in New Orleans
Casey is in the Hospital dying from “Old Age”
The doctors are very confused
Everyone is asking Robin questions about Casey
Faison is trying to find out who Casey is (From pictures on a Spoon Island surveilance camera)
Robin is the only one who knows what Casey is
First time Robert hears of Casey
Robert asks Robin about Casey
The hospital equipment is not working
Casey wakes up & calls for Robin

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (4-26-90)
Day of Lucy & Alan’s Wedding
Lucy’s dress arrives

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (4-27-90; I’m Pretty Sure) (Next Day)
Anna has just gone to Spoon Island (She saw Faison for the first time, again)
.......(Robert is suspicious)
Felicia overhears Frisco join the WSB again
Just after Lucy & Alan’s Wedding (The Day Of)
Casey has disappeared
Robert learns that Anna & Frisco were seen around when Casey disappeared
Simone wants to go ahead with the Paternity tests to see who the father is
Anna & Frisco know about Casey
Casey is at Anna’s house
Anna is very secretive of the “Man on the Island”
Sean calls & talks to Faison (Robert doesn’t know he’s alive)
Faison talks about “secrets” with Sean

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (May) (Before 5-17-90)
The Air Force seals off the hospital files (For “National Security”)
Robin tells Robert & Katherine that Casey is an alien
Faison is furious that his part of the Crystal is gone (Frisco took it)
Anna, Frisco, & Casey are at the cabin
Casey says the other missing piece of the Crystal is not on Spoon Island
The Air Force arrives at the cabin
Robert arrives at the cabin
Frisco causes a diversion & Anna & Casey get away (Robert is angry)
Frisco tells Robert he’s back in the WSB
Casey lied to protect Frisco, the other piece of the Crystal is on Spoon Island
Frisco tells Robert the whole story
Faison blames Sean for the disappearance of they Crystal
Faison threatens to expose Sean’s “secrets”
Robert warns Doctor Davis to back off
Anna calls Frisco to say they’re ok (Says they’ll find the Crystal themselves)
Robin talks to Casey on the phone (Says Goodbye)
Felicia has left town
Robin goes to stay with Olin’s family

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (5-24-90)
Anna, Robert, & Casey are with Faison on Spoon Island
Robert has just learned Faison is alive
Anna is pretending to be on Faison’s side
Anna & Robert found Sean’s listening device (They think “Maybe Sean is on our side”)
Lucas comes home from the hospital (Now they know he’s Diabetic)
Felicia is still out of town
Faison knows Sean sold him a fake “dog”
Anna wants to know when Casey can go home
Faison finds the bug
Sean gets the bug receiver to work & hears some of the conversation
Faison drops the bug in a bottle (Destroys it)
Anna tells Robert to go upstairs
Faison & Anna talk
Robert is not sure which side Sean is on (But wants to protect him)
Jaque ties up Deseree, but she knocks him out & escapes
Casey talks to a pigeon & sends a message to Frisco (it’s a “dove”)
Casey & Robert talk about things (“Truth”)
Frisco goes to see Robin
Tony tells Frisco about the message sent by Robert (on a “dove”)
.......(It said “Get Dog from Sean & bring it to Windemere”)
Casey gets energy from the Crystal
Robin sees a picture of Sean’s dog & leaves Olin’s family
Frisco goes to Sean & wants the dog (Sean gets it)
Robin runs in with the picture & then Deseree runs in (with a gun) & grabs Robin
.......saying “Give me the dog”
As they begin to switch Robin & the dog, Frisco says “Robin Run!”
Deseree shoots twice

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (5-25-90) (Next Day)
The Gang hears on Robert’s CB that Frisco was shot & he couldn’t find the dog
Robin wants a fisherman to take her to Spoon Island
Frisco & Sean are both in the hospital (Both were shot)
Felicia is with her Grandmother in Texas
Felicia is pregnant
Felicia sees a news report about the shooting
Faison is furious (He doesn’t believe Anna anymore)
Robin arrives on the island
Felicia gets on a plane for Port Charles
Robin comes in & gives Casey the last piece of Crystal

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (5-28-90) (Next Day)
Robin says now Casey can go home
Robin tells them what happened with Sean
Robin meets Faison (AKA PK Sinclair
Maria tells Frisco that Felicia left Texas
Casey fits the Crystal together
Casey says goodbye to Robert, Anna, & Robin
Casey tells them to “Be Good To One Another”
Robin puts the key (Final Piece) in the Crystal & it glows
Casey leaves the Planet (Spiffy Effects)
Tony has gotten the bullet out of Sean
Robert tells Faison not to reveal Anna’s past
Robert, Anna, & Robin leave Windemere
Faison decides not to leave town
Frisco tells Robert that Sean saved Robin’s life
Frisco wants to go after “Man on Island”, but Robert tells him not to
Felicia arrives at GH
Katherine is opening up “the club” this friday
Anna sees Shep Casey on the news

Sean is recovering in the hospital (He’s ok now)
Frisco has cut his hair
Deseree still hasn’t been caught
Katherine hears Robert mumble about Anna in his sleep
Frisco & Felicia are back together
Felicia tells Sean & Tiffany that she’s pregnant
Sean has gotten flowers from Faison
The results of Tommy’s Paternity Tests are still unknown (for another week)
Tom & Simone are still working on getting back together
Frisco is an overbearing, worrying, first time father to be
Deseree is found dead
Robin talks of Filomena & tells Katherine where Robert & Anna were married
Robert & Anna suddenly feel funny about each other
Sean tries to explain his actions (13 Years Ago) to Anna & Robert
They try to come up with information to deal with Faison
Frisco is angry that Anna, Robert, & Sean are keeping something from him

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (September; Before the 11th)
Robert & Sean get the Gold Coins
Anna & Faison are at the Essay Competition (Robin’s in it)
Anna is pretending to be engaged to Faison
Faison realizes his watch has been replaced with a fake
Ned & Colton are looking for Dawn & Decker
Dawn & Decker are hiding out in the Movie Theater (She’s married to Ned)
Dawn & Decker (or should I say, L&L ) know he’s innocent, but they have to prove it
Robin reads her Essay
Faison taunts Anna & shows her that he knows the watch is a fake
Robert & Sean come in & tell Faison they have all the Gold Coins!!!!!!
Shep Casey searches around a wherehouse for the murderer of Wendy
Robert, Anna, Frisco, & Sean place all four coins infront of Faison
Robert orders Faison to leave town (The Coins empower them)
Robin wins the Essay Contest
Anna tells Robin they’ve seen the last of PK Sinclair
Felicia is pregnant

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (December) (On or before Dec. 18)
Dawn is in the hospital (Due to a strange sickness at her Apartment Complex)
Decker has just returned to town
Dawn wants nothing to do with Decker (Due to a note she got from him)(A fake from Ned)
Decker realizes that Ned must have changed the note
Rita (Tony’s Father’s Nurse) is working at GH
Bobbie is worried about where she lost her earing (She just saw Broxton)
Rita found it at Broxton’s
Bobbie sees Cheryl carrying Lucas out of Kelly’s & goes crazy
Bobbie accuses Cheryl of kidnapping Lucas (She knows Cheryl is his Mother)
Felicia finds out that the note Dawn got said that Decker didn’t love her
Ned looks at the real note in his safe
Shep Casey tries to consol Cheryl
Decker goes back to see Dawn & tells her that the letter was a fake & that he loves her
Rita mails a note & Bobbie’s earing to Tony

GENERAL HOSPITAL (1990) (12-31-90) (Friday)
New Years Eve
Dawn is in the hospital
Frisco & Robert think Bobbie is having an affair
Robert picks up Rita (Trying to get info)
Tiffany is worried about Cheryl buying clothes for “her son”
Cheryl is out cold in her Hotel Room
Colton is worried “Body Heat” is going under (Ah, Too Bad)
Decker sneaks into Dawn’s Room
New Years Party at “Delefield’s”
Dawn & Decker celebrate New Years in Dawn’s Room
Bobbie sees Broxton at Delefield’s
Cheryl gets up & (in pain) gets ready to go to Delefield’s
Bobbie is worried that Cheryl knows about Lucas
Broxton tells Bobbie to make sure Tony drops the Willow Shores Investigation
Robert sees them talking
Decker is still trying to get Dawn to forgive him
Midnight Strikes &...
Cheryl comes into Delefield’s & collapses onto Robert
They take Cheryl to the Hospital

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