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L&L Rape Discussions (Part One)

For A More Complete Account of These Discussions See The History Page


Luke goes in to see Laura (With Flowers)
Laura acts like nothing happened & says "Hi Luke! Oh what beautiful flowers, oh how sweet of you bring them for me... they are for me aren't they?"
Laura puts the flowers in a vase & continues to act like nothing happened [Daisies are Laura's favorite]
Laura blabbers on & on
Laura - "I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to work last night"... Lk - "Laura, don't be ridiculous"...
.......Lra - "I mean I've just got so many double shifts to work before I can pay off that salary advance gave me for the law books, but I'm gonna be back as soon as I can"... [Luke looks confused]
.......Lk - "I didn't think you'd wanna come back to the Disco"... Lra - "Not come back? Why would ever think something like that? Of course, I'm gonna come back. It's my job"... Lk - "Well,
.......I thought that maybe Scotty wouldn't want you to"... Lra - "Of course I'm coming back to work"...
.......Lk - "Laura, last night!"... Lra - "Nothing happened last night"... Lk - "You must remember"...
.......Lra - "Nothing happened... I'm fine... [Smiling all the while]... I love Scotty very much... And
.......he loves me... Thank you for the flowers"... Lk - "You're welcome"
Luke says "One more thing... Your purse... You left it at the Disco" (Luke gives her the purse)
Laura's cheery face disappears for a brief second as she stares up at Luke, then it returns as...
Laura says "Thank you for bringing it back to me... I think I'll be back to work by tomorrow night"
A shocked Luke leaves the room (Luke stands outside shocked & bewildered)

Laura comes to Luke's office... Luke says "Lra, I don't know how to tell you what I need to tell you..."
Laura interrupts & tells Luke about the Police wanting to know more about the man in the park
Luke says - "Laura, you can't remember?"... Lra - "That's what I told them. I know that Roy DiLucca is
.......under suspicion now. I don't know what to tell them now"... Lk - "Laura, Roy is not the man, you
.......know that!"... Lra - "Please Luke, please, all I'm trying to do is figure out what I'm gonna say, ok.
.......Now the police told me that Roy has to be either charged or cleared. How am I going to clear him IF
.......I can't remember things?"... Lk - "Maybe you should tell them the truth"... Lra - "No! No, Never"...
.......Lk - "Laura, I've been going through some kind of hell..."... Lra - "Please, Luke, I don't want to about that night. I don't want to talk about that night EVER! I am here for 2 reasons. One is
.......Roy and the other is that I owe you alot of money"... Lk - Oh plea... forget that!"... Lra - "No!
.......Listen to me. I'm trying to go back to my old life. I'm trying to keep everything as normal as
.......possible. I'm gonna return to school this afternoon. I would like my job back at the Disco, if it is
.......still open"... Lk - "You could do that? You could come to work here?"... Lra - "I've got to Luke.
.......It's going to look very strange if I don't. I can't let anyone suspect that it didn't happen in the park"...
.......Lk - "Oh Laura"... Lra - "Do I get my job back or not?"... Lk - "Anthing, anything you want,
.......anything"... Lra - "Fine. What am I gonna do about Roy?"... Lk - "I guess that you'll have to tell
.......them that you remember how it was that night"... Lra - "You mean in the park?"... Lk - "Yeah, in
.......the park, if that's the way you insist on playing it"... Lra - "It is"... Lk - "Ok, then I think that you
.......have to give them a description of someone who doesn't look at all like Roy"... Lra - "I guess
.......somebody tall and blond"... Lk - "Yeah, I guess so"... Lra - "That's all I'm gonna tell them. Because
.......I don't want to remember anything else"... Lk - "My god, I wish I could forget it"... Lra - "You're
.......going to have to. You're gonna have to blank it out... Just like I have"... Lk - "Yeah"

Luke says "Laura, please, I have to know. What did this do to you, emotionally? Please, I have to know. Can please tell me?"... Lra - "Nothing. Not a thing. I might as well be dead"... Lk - "Laura, I can't handle inside knowing that you feel dead"... Lra - "I shouldn't have told you, I guess"... Lk - "I need to tell you
.......something, because I can't go on like this"... Lra - "What?"... Lk - "I'm not gonna let you go on destroying
.......yourself protecting me. This nightmare will never be over for you as long as you do that. I want you to go the Police & tell them that you remember. I want you to tell them that I'm the man. I mean it, Laura, me"... Lra - "It's too late for that"
Laura says "You don't know what you're saying"... Lk - "I do, name me as the rapist, Laura, get this nightmare
.......over with"... Lra - "How can I name you? I couldn't possibly"... Lk - "You have to!"... Lra - "No, I said happened in the park. The Policeman who found me... He asked me if I'd been raped, I said yes. He
.......assumed that it happened in the park, everybody assumed that it happened in the park, and I let thim think
.......that"... Lk - "Ok, you tell them that you were confused & upset"... Lra - "What do you want me to do?
.......Punish you?... [Luke thinks about it for a second] Lk - "Maybe. I don't know"... Lra - "Well, I wanna
.......forget about this, I wanna forget it ever happened. I just couldn't let a guy like Roy DiLucca take the
.......blame"... Lk - "Yes, but you're not forgetting it, you're not forgetting any of it"... Lra - "I gotta go"...
.......[Laura starts to get up... Luke touches her hand to stop her] Lk - "Laura please"... Lra - "Don't do that!
.......Ever!"... Lk - "I gotta explain to you, I gotta tell you what was happening, what was in my head that
.......night"... Lra - "It doesn't matter"... Lk - "Yes it does, Laura, what I did to you was wrong. Very wrong.
.......But I had been to a meeting. A terrible, rough, meeting. When I got to the Disco & I saw you, I needed touch you, I needed to hold you, because you're the only clean & wonderful thing that's ever happened my rotten life. And for one crazy moment I thought that you wanted me the same way I wanted you"...
.......Lra - "I never wanted anyone but Scotty. I thought that you needed me as a friend that night. I wanted to that friend, but you turned it into something dirty, so that I will never be clean again. I can't be Scotty's
.......wife now. You told me that night that you were gonna be dead in a month. Tell me now Luke, what did mean by that?"
Laura [Later that afternoon] says "You can't run away from me, Luke"... Lk - "I'm not running away from"... Lra - "You can't avoid me either. I asked you a question this morning, you still haven't anwered Why did you tell me that you were gonna be dead in a month, why would you say something like
.......that?"... Lk - "Forget it"... [Luke starts to walk off, Laura goes after him] Lra - "Oh sure, sure, forget it.
.......Forgive & forget, isn't that a bit much to ask? It's really simple, right? Wrong, it's not that simple. I'm
.......gonna do my very best to forget what happened in the Disco that night, but I can't forget what you said me"... Lk - "I was being melodramatic, Laura, ok?"... Lra - "No, no, it's not ok"... Lk - "I was
.......playing on your emotions"... Lra - "I don't believe you. Now you said that you'd been to a meeting that
.......night. You came back a different man, Luke, a man that I had never seen before"... Lk - "Why hadn't ever seen it before? It's always been there"... Lra - "You're skirting the issue, Luke. Why did tell me you were gonna be dead in a month?"... Lk - "It doesn't concern you, Laura"... Lra - "What's not from my world?"... Lk - "That's right it's from my dirty, grimy world"... Lra - "Uh huh, much
.......worse than I'd ever expected, right?"... Lk - "Exactly right, it's a nightmare. So what difference does make?"... Lra - "I... I still care what happens to you"... Lk - "Why?"... Lra - "Because you're in
.......trouble. You're in big trouble"... Lk - "Laura, the best thing you can do is just stay away from me
.......& that way you won't get hurt"... Lra - "Luke, please"... Lk - "Listen, I might as well be dead because
.......I can't have you"... Lra - "No, that's now what you meant"... Lk - "Well, you better start believing
.......that's what I meant"... Lra - "You're not gonna tell me the truth, are you?"... Lk - "You just can't
.......have the truth, can you? That is the truth, Laura, without you I might as well be dead. Got it?"

Laura comes to Luke's office, dressed for work... Luke says it's too early... Laura says it's not
Laura says "Let me handle this my own way, alright?"... Lk - "Come on, you'd have to be working out
.......there on the dance floor"... Lra - "Well, I had to walk through there to get here"... Lk - "And?"...
.......Lra - "And I've blocked it out of my mind. To me, this is just the Disco. The place where I work, the where Scotty & I & all of our friends can come to dance & forget all of our troubles"...
.......Lk - "Forget your troubles. Can you forget what happened between us?"... Lra - "I have to"...
.......Lk - "Well, I can't"... Lra - "But your still gonna give me my job back, aren't you? You already
.......promised you would"... Lk - "I don't know, Laura"... Lra - "Luke, I can't run away. Neither can you.
.......It's not gonna change anything and I owe you alot of money for the law books"... Lk - "Laura, I don't
.......want the money"... Lra - "I've gotta pay you back. Scotty knows how much I borrowed. Yeah, I
.......told him the whole story. He also knows that I'm coming back to work here to pay you back for being
.......such a good friend to both of us"... [Kind of laughs as she says this] Lk - "Laura, I don't know what say to you"... Lra - "I don't want you to say anything. Just listen. You've helped me through so
.......many times. Through the troubles with Scotty, fights with Claudia, or with Amy. You even gave me
.......a job when I needed one. Well, even after what you did to me, I still need this job because I have to you back... for everything. You told me you don't want me involved in your business & that you
.......didn't mean what you said when you told me that you were gonna be dead in a month, I don't believe I just want you to know that. But, I HATE YOU for what you did to me. And I hate every
.......moment I have to be near you"... Lk - "Laura"... Lra - "I mean it Luke"... Lk - "Then leave"...
.......Lra - "No! No, I am going to work here & pay you back for everything, because I have something prove to you Luke & I have something to prove to myself. Well, I'm gonna get to work now, I
.......owe you alot of money. [Laura heads out the door, but turns around] Oh, one more thing, Luke. You
.......need me! You just can't handle it can you?" [Laura kind of smirks & closes the door]

Laura is upset on the floor... Luke says "Laura, what is it? What's wrong?"... Lra - "What do you think wrong?"
Laura goes to the hall & starts crying... Luke follows & says "Laura?"... Lra "Don't you ever do that to again!"... Lk - "Do what?"... Lra - "Spy on me!"... Lk - "Spy?.. I didn't mean to upset you"...
.......Lra - "Ok, just forget it... You know I thought it would help me to face things to come back here to, but all I run into is sympathy & reminders"... Lk - "You'll just have to ignore it"... Lra - "What
.......about you? How can I ignore you? Everytime I turn around out there, I see you"... Lk - "Hey look,
.......I gotta a club to run here. You know, I can't hide just because you wanna be here & not see me, you
.......know I've got work to do"... Lra - "Well, it was a mistake to come back here"... Lk - "Nobody
.......forced you to do it, Laura, it was your own decision"... Lra - "Well, it was wrong, ok, it was very
.......wrong"... Lk - "Let's go in my office where we won't be overheard"... Lra - "No!"... Lk - "My
.......God, Laura, do you think I would ever try to touch you again? Now stop looking at me like that,
.......stop looking at me with all that fear. You don't even know what real fear is, damn it. Come in the"... [Laura goes into the office]
Luke says "Ok you stand over there, I'll stand over here, I don't want you to feel like you're going to be
.......attacked"... Lra - "Luke, stop it please"... Lk - "Laura, why did you come back here to work?"...
.......Lra - "You know why. To earn enough money to pay you back"... Lk - "I have wiped that off the
.......books, you don't owe me a dime"... Lra - "What are you trying to do, Luke, buy a clear
.......conscience for $1,000?"... Lk - "Why did you come back here, damn it?"... Lra - "I told you why"...
.......Lk - "There's another reason"... Lra - "I told you that to. I thought it would help me face things"...
.......Lk - "Face what? Face me? Face what happened here that night, is that it?"... Lra - "Face reality"...
.......Lk - "Yeah, I think the reality is you came here to lay a guilt trip on me"... Lra - "That's ridiculous"...
.......Lk - "Oh yeah, is it really? Then how come you give it to me with both barrels as soon as you walk here to work?"... Lra - "I don't know what you're talking about"... Lk - "Oh you don't , huh?
.......You tell me that you hate every minute that you have to be around me. You act like I'm gonna jump every time you turn around. You act like I'm forcing you to be here Laura. Like I'm forcing to see me. Don't you understand it's just the opposite. You're forcing me to see you"...
.......Lra - "I think you've gone insane"... Lk - "Yeah, that's probably true between you & everything
.......else"... Lra - "This is a side of you I've never seen before"... Lk - "Meet Luke Spencer!"...
.......Lra - "I don't like him!"... Lk - "Hey, neither do I. But it's the man I've had to become to
.......survive"... Lra - "What's going on in your life? What are you in to?"... Lk -"My life is a closed as far as you are concerned, you understand? The only thing that concerns you and me,
.......together, is what happened that night. [Luke is almost crying] And there's nothing else that I can
.......say to you about that. It was terrible what I did. Forcing you to make love. It was very wrong.
.......But what can I do, Laura? I have apologized to you. I can't sleep at night. I hate myself worse
.......that you could ever hate me. Now what else do you want me to do about it? You want me to act it never happened? I can't do that, it DID happen! But I can't take this guilt trip, Laura"...
.......Lra - "How can you even say that? I mean I cared enough about you to wanna help you out of
.......whatever trouble you're in"... Lk - "Oh you cared alright, you cared enough to zap me with a
.......beautiful exit line... That I need you and I can't handle it, huh?"... Lra - "That's really it, isn't it?
.......I told the truth & you just can't take it"... Lk - "Yeah, you told the truth. I care about you. I care
.......about you so much that it's eating me away"... Lra - "Luke, what are we doing to each other?"...
.......Lk - "I don't know, Laura, I don't know. Look, I want you to be happy again. That's all I want.
.......And I want you to forgive me for what I've said to you tonight"... Lra - "Maybe I deserve it. I
.......don't know"... Lk - "I want you to be happy again more than anything. If I had a death wish
.......that's what it would be"
Laura says "Luke don't keep playing on my sympathy by talking about your death, because I don't
.......believe you"... Lk - "Laura, if seeing me here every night is making you so miserable, I want to quit"... Lra - "It's not making me miserable & I won't quit because I can't have people
.......getting supsicious about what happened that night. I had to come back! And I have to stay, for myself"
Scotty calls & interrupts their conversation & asks Luke to give Laura a ride home from work

Laura says she hated every minute of having to sit next to Luke as he drove her home last night
Laura says "You asked me why I'm here. I came to get my sweater. The one that I left here the night that raped me"... Lk - "Laura, look"... Lra - "Do you know what it's like to have to lie all the time, Luke?
.......Well, I do. Of course I remember what you did to me. How could I forget the pain, the humiliation, the
.......embarrassment. Do you know that I CRINGE now every time another man even touches me, even my
.......own husband! I tell people I don't remember what happened, but I do! I tell you something, I wanna
.......know why that night happened! I know, no matter what you try & tell me now, I know that you thought
.......that night that you were gonna be dead in a month! Does it have anything to do with Mitch Williams?"...
.......Lk - "No it doesn't have anything to do with Mitch Williams! That's Roy's problem & you STAY OUT
.......of my business!"... Lra - "You can't use me the way you did & then tell me to stay out of your business
.......because your the one who brought me into it!"... Lk - "Oh, I did that, huh? Do you know what ties us
.......together, Laura, do you really know? You don't realize it, do you? I'm gonna tell you what it is. What is, is you respond to me. Sometimes, somewhere deep inside you feel something & occasionally you
.......DO respond!"... Lra - "No, I don't!"... Lk - "Yes you do! And you hit it right on the head last night
.......when you said that I need you & I can't handle it. Well, that is true, because I've never needed anybody my whole life! But I need you so much that I can't think about my business, I can't even think about
.......the next job I have to do!"... Lra - "When? The job you have to do. When?"
Luke says "You wanted this [brings her her sweater] & I'm sorry that I can't tell you about anything that's
.......ahead for me"... Lra - "I'm gonna find out. Even if you don't tell me"... Lk - "Why?"... Lra - "Because
.......even though I hate what you did to me, I don't wanna see anything happen to you"... Lk - "Are you
.......alright?"... Lra - "I'm fine. Thank you for my sweater"... Lk - "You're really handling this well, aren't Laura?"... Lra - "YES, I am!"... Lk - "You don't fool me"... Lra - "I'm fine! I'm perfect,
.......infact!"... Lk - "Are you going to the Rape Center?"... Lra - "No. Scotty wants us both to go. I don't
.......have to"... Lk - "You don't?"... Lra - "How can I go to that? I'm a cheat & a liar with Scotty. Do you
.......know that now he thinks that I'm too fragile to make love. He's willing to just hold me in his arms at
.......night & protect me. Protect me from what? The truth? It's a joke. I lied to that Policeman that found in the park & now I'm gonna to have to live that lie forever! Well what is it gonna do to Scotty & What is it gonna do to our marriage?"... Lk - "Nothing. I promise you eventually it will do
.......nothing"... Lra - "How can you say that?"... Lk - "Look, around you people lie to each other all
.......the time. Alot of relationships are built on lies. That's how we live our lives, Laura"... Lra - "Uh huh, you really believe that?"... Lra -"Loving someone doesn't mean you own them!"... Lra - "Doesn't
.......even mean you know them"... Lk - "Look, just give it some time. Scotty's overprotective right now have to understand that. It will be ok. It has to be alright"... Lra - "It does, huh?"... Lk - "Laura,
.......please. I need you to promise me that you will go to the Rape Center for counceling"... Lra - "I'm
.......sorry, I can't promise you anything" [Laura leaves]


Luke finds Laura sitting in the park... Luke wonders if she's upset because Scotty wants him to drive her home
Luke says "Laura, I didn't know how to say no to him. He asked me infront of Bryan & Amy. I didn't know to refuse him"... Lra - "I don't want you to take me home!"... Lk - "Ok, I'll find someone else to do"... Lra - "No, No I can't... Scotty will think that's strange. I don't know, I don't even wanna go home.
.......I don't know what I want. Except to go some place where I can't see Scotty's eyes looking at me &
.......worrying & wondering when I'm gonna be his wife again. Because I can't be... I can't be anything to
.......anyone anymore"... Lk - "I need to get something real straight with you. Some things that I've said to When I told you about how it was for me the night... that it happened. I thought that you wanted I thought that you wanted me. I thought you responded. But I was wrong. You didn't. I just
.......thought that because that was what I needed to believe. But Laura, everything that happened between us
.......was all my fault. Not yours, in any way"... Lra - "Wasn't it? You should have heard the councelor at the
.......Rape Center. She got on the subject of a girl being raped by someone she knows. But of course I said
.......that that doesn't apply to me at all because I was raped by some stranger in the park. I am so tired of
.......telling that story. I am so tired of trying to live it. Don't you understand what that's doing to me? I'm with a lie!"... Lk - "Yeah, I think I understand more than you know"... Lra - "I can't go on like this,
.......I just can't"... Lk - "Well, neither can I. Everytime I see you, or your husband, and I know what I did you... to your marriage... but what can I do?"... Lra - "Nothing!"... Lk - "Well, I wish that I could
.......wipe out what happened. I wish that I could clean up my whole messy past. But I can't. All I can do say I'm sorry [Luke breaks down crying] Look, Laura, I want you to know that if things don't go
.......right for me after tonight..." [Laura suddenly becomes VERY interested] Lra - "What? What? After
.......tonight?"... Lk - "You know, I mean, any time in the future I want..."... Lra - "Luke. That job, that
.......job, what ever it is. Is it something you have to do tonight?"... Lk - "I'm not saying that. I'm just
.......saying if anything doesn't go right for me, I need you to know that I don't really care what happens me & I want you to always remember that whatever I get... I deserve. Because of what I did to you"

Luke tells Laura that it's not too busy... She can leave early... Laura says she'll call a cab... Luke says no
Laura comes to Luke's office & says "I don't want you to drive me home. I'm gonna take a cab home myself"... Lk - "What is this? Are you afraid for me to drive you home?"... Lra - "Maybe I am"...
.......Lk - "You think I might hurt you again?"... Lra - "I don't know what to think anymore"... Lk - "Well
.......there's one thing you better think, Laura, there's one thing you better know. And I hope you believe I would never again touch you, unless you wanted me to. I swear it"... Lra - "Alright, I believe But I'm still taking a cab home tonight"... Lk - "Look, maybe there's something you better
.......know about growing up on Elm Street. Alot of very ugly things came down. Things like my Mother
.......dying right infront of me & Bobbie. My Father finishing his bottle before he walked out, leaving us
.......with our Mother laying on the floor. Things like that"... Lra - "Luke I'm sorry"... Lk - "Look, a
.......kid learns to live in the street. You learn to con people out of a buck. Pick a few pockets, steal food.
.......Laura, people steal food because they're hungry. But there is a code, a very strong code. There are
.......certain things that are not ok, under any circumstances. It's very dangerous in the slums for a man
.......who molests children or rapes women. They have a habit of ending up dead & everybody's glad.
.......Now that's where I come from Laura. That's where I come from Laura. I would never rape... I
.......never raped anybody before & I could never do it again"... Lra - "I think I understand you a little
.......better now"... Lk - "Yeah, well it's too late... It's too late for me to care whether you understand or not. I want you to get your clothes changed & I'll drive you home. Look there's one more
.......thing. Don't you ever again look at me like you care what happens to me. That look destroys me.
.......I can not afford to be destroyed tonight!"
Luke drives Laura home, but stops the car [Location Footage]
Luke asks Laura to get out of the car so he can talk to her
Luke says "I won't touch you, I swear I won't touch you. I just need to talk to you. I need to say
.......goodbye to you"... Lra - "Goodbye?"... Lk - "Yeah, that's all"... Lra - "Why?"... Lk - "Because
.......this is the end of the line for me, tonight, Laura & you won't be seeing me anymore"... Lra - [very
.......concerned] "Luke"... Lk - "And I just had this need to talk to you, do you mind?"
Luke says "Tonight I have this job that I have to do after I take you home & it's a job that's going to end
.......everything for me. I just want you to know that you're the only one good thing that I ever had in my & I'm really sorry that I hurt you because I didn't mean to do that. Laura it's been killing me
.......inside inch by inch knowing what I did to you. To know that I could do that to any woman, but to it to you. I gotta job to do. Let's get out of here. Get in the car"
L&L get into the car
Laura says "Can I turn the radio on"... Luke says "Sure"
Laura grabs the keys & runs out of the car
Luke says "What are you doing?!!!"
Laura throws the car keys over the side of the cliff
Luke goes over to Laura
Laura says "I'm gonna keep you from doing this job, that's what I'm doing!"... Lk - "You idiot!"...
.......Lra - "Whatever this job is, Luke, it isn't worth losing your life over. Nothing could possibly be
.......worth that & I'm not gonna let you do it!"... Lk - "You know what you've done? You've
.......just put a bullet in my head!!!!!"

As the cab approaches, Laura says "I can't leave you like this"... Lk - "Oh yes you can, I'm gonna be
.......fine"... Lra - "I'm sorry, I"m really sorry. I ruined your whole life"... Lk - "No you didn't ruin
.......anything, Laura. My life was ruined before you came along. Now here's your cab. I want you go home, I want you to go HOME, I want you to GO HOME to Scotty. I want you to forget
.......about me! I want you to live the life that you were always meant to live. That's what I want.
.......Goodbye Laura!" [Laura won't move... the cab honks & she goes]
Laura leaves in the cab.... Luke yells "Wait, wait! Your purse" [He gives it to her as they drive by]
Then as the cab drives off, Luke yells "Lauraaaa!!!!"

L&L Rape Discussions (Part Two)
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