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L&L Rape Discussions (Part Two)

For A More Complete Account of These Discussions See The History Page

Luke says "Laura, I keep thinking about something that you said to me. When you said that our
.......lives seem to be tied together in some kind of terrible bond. And I think that maybe I should
.......split Port Charles, maybe I should go to another city. Somewhere where you won't have to
.......see me. I hate to leave Bobbie. She's got it kind of rough now. Maybe I can talk her into
.......going with me. I don't know. I'm so confused about everything, I don't know"
Laura says "Luke, you can't run away from this"... Lk -"Yeah, well I would if I thought it would help"...
.......Lra - "Well, it wouldn't! I would still have to live with my lie"... Lk - "Laura, you & I should
.......stay away from each other, you should quit your job at the Disco"... Lra - "I have to pay you back
.......for the advance you gave me for Scotty's law books"... Lk - "Oh stop that! I wiped that off the
.......books"... Lra - "I can't do that! How am I gonna to explain something like that to Scotty. Luke
.......we have been all through this, there is no way out. I have to keep my job at the Disco. And I'm
.......going to have to start the excersize classes again because people keep asking me when I'm coming
.......back. I guess maybe I really should have started looking for another job right after everything
.......happened, but I was too afraid that that would make people suspicious"... Lk - "Well what about"... Lra - "I think it would be even worse now that Scotty thinks of you as such a good friend me. He'd never understand why I wanna quit"... Lk - "Laura I don't want you to go through the of your life living this lie. And Scotty will probably start to suspect something any way
.......eventually"... Lra - "I know! I've thought of that. Scotty says that I cry out in my sleep. Do you
.......know that I'm afraid to go to sleep now. I'm afraid of what I might say. What if I ever mentioned
.......your name?"... Lk - "I know. It's all become some kind of hell for you, hasn't it? Well, if it gives any satisfaction at all, I can't sleep either. If I don't see your face, I see Roy's. My best
.......friend lying dead in a Police morgue. And there's nothing I can do about it. Nothing!"... Lra - "I
.......I really wish I had some way to tell Roy that I'm sorry"... Lk - "Now don't start that! You had
.......nothing to do with Roy's death!"... Lra - "Didn't I? If I hadn't thrown your car keys over that cliff would have gotten to the Plaza Hotel in time to keep Roy from trying to kill Mitch Williams.
.......Now you know I'm right!"... Lk - "Yeah, well in a way you are right"... Lra - "There is no other
.......way! You wanted to save your friend & I kept you from it"... Lk - "Just stop the guilt trip, Laura,
.......stop the guilt trip. You don't know everything that was going on"... Lra - "Of course I do. You
.......said that Roy wanted to get revenge on Mitch Williams for his cousins arrest & death in jail"...
.......Lk - "Yeah, yeah, ok, well, that's all..."... Lra - "And you knew what he was gonna do & you
.......were worried. You knew that you had to try & stop him & that you might get killed in the attempt.
.......But you told me not to feel guilty because I saved your life. Well, I can't take anymore lies, Luke,
.......I'm caught in a web of them as it is"... Lk - "I know what you mean"... Lra - "And to think it
.......would have been so easy for me to tell another lie when Scotty saw how upset I was over Roy's
.......death"... Lk - "You mean let him think that he was right about Roy?"... Lra - "Sounds so simple
.......doesn't it? I just could have said 'Yes Scotty, you're right, I did lie to clear Roy. Roy was the who raped me in the park.' That would have ended it. Would have ended the whole
.......nightmare. At least it would have ended it for Scotty. You see I couldn't do that to Roy, even
.......though he's dead now. And I could never do anything like that to Bobbie. I mean, it's bad
.......enough she has to remember that Roy tried to kill a man"

Laura says it's not Luke's fault that Roy died... It's her's... Luke says she was trying to protect him
Luke says "What does it matter? You've got every right to want me dead"... Lra - "I have every right hate you. But not to see you dead. I wouldn't want that to happen to anybody no matter what
.......they did to me"... Lk - "Laura, I don't know if you'll ever be able to understand this, but
.......sometimes what appears to be cruelty is in FACT, an act of love. And I want you to remember
.......that in the future, because I intend to do anything & everything that I have to to get what I want.
.......And I'm gonna make sure, if I ever have a kid of my own that he never, never, knows the stench
.......of poverty"
Bobbie sees Dr Hardy... Steve offers Bobbie to take some time off
Bobbie asks if this is a polite way of the the Hospital saying that they rather her not work there anymore
Dr Hardy says of course not... He says her personal business is none of their business
Bobbie is so happy about how Dr Hardy treated her
Luke wants to know what's the matter with Laura... Why she had to talk to Claudia
Laura wonders why Luke isn't planning on leaving town anymore
Luke says that's what she'd like... Laura says no it's not
Laura says "As far as you're concerned, I didn't have any right to say that I have every right to hate you
.......because i guess I did somehow, someway, say or do something that made you think...".... Lk - "Oh, no don't start that, you didn't do that. That was something that I needed to believe. I needed to
.......believe that you wanted me. And I'm sorry that I said that to you cause I didn't mean to lay some
.......kind of guilt trip on you"... Lra - "I don't hate you. I don't have enough emotion left for hate. Tell the scary thing is, I'm afraid I don't have enough emotion left for love"
Small paper kid comes in & Luke buys all 6 of his papers so he can get home [Laura looks on in wonder]
L&L see the first article in a series entitled "The nurse & The Gangster" in the paper.... Luke is furious
br>Scotty runs into Luke in the Park
Scotty says "You know Luke I can't stop thinking that Laura knew the man that raped her. By the
.......way that she's been acting I KNOW that it is possible".. Lk - "Well, if she knows who it was,
.......then why doesn't she identify him?"... Scty - "Because she is scared of him, that's why. Listen,
.......I wanna ask you something about your Disco. Now is there anybody there that's been hawking
.......her alot? Like any customers, any employees, anything like that"... Lk - "Scotty, no that's not
.......happening. If I had ever seen any of that going on I would have stopped it, believe me"...
.......Scty - "Yeah, I know you would Luke. It's that Laura is so naive about trusting people."...
.......Lk - "Yeah, she definitely trusts people too much!"... Scty - "Well, listen, it's not your problem's mine. I just gotta figure out what to do about it. And of course the question is, I mean,
.......where do I start?"

Luke comes to see Laura
Luke says "I ran into Scotty in the park"... Lra - "You did?"... Lk - "Yes, & he said some things that
.......bothered me"... Lra - "Such as?"... Lk - "Well, he feels that you're hiding something from him.
.......He feels that you're slipping away from him & from reality. And he also seems to think that you
.......could identify the man who raped you but your afraid to do that"... Lra - "What else did you & my
.......husband discuss about me?"... Lk - "Well, he wanted me to keep an eye out at the Disco for anyone
.......who tried to hawk you"... Lra - "How nice. Why don't you do that Luke?"... Lk - "Look, Laura,
.......what do you want me to say? What would make you happy? Do you want me to tell him what
.......happened & how it happened?"... Lra - "I don't ever want Scotty to know what happened & how happened, as you put it. But there is one thing that I have to face up to. If what you did to me was
.......really, really, rape... brutal, total rape... then why did I run away?"... Lk - "Because you were afraid
.......of me"... Lra - "So I ran to the park? I ran to the park & pretended that everything happened there?"...
.......Lk - "You were confused, you were in shock, you didn't know what... " ... Lra - "And maybe I was
.......protecting you"... Lk - "What?!!"... Lra - "When I started to lie, maybe I was lying all along to protect, to protect myself, maybe I was really lying to protect myself"... Lk - "What are you talking about?"...
.......Lra - "I had a converstation today with a friend of mine & I learned some very interesting things about
.......a girl being raped by someone that she knows"... Lk - "Uh, well, what do you mean?"... Lra - "The
.......girl, the victim, she feels that she might have brought on the rape by something she said or did, so she
.......feels guilty wondering if she did something, without realizing it, to lead the man on"... Lk - "No, No
.......Laura, no!"... Lra - "You said it to me once before, Luke, that you thought for one moment that I
.......wanted you the same way that you wanted me"... Lk - "No, I..."... Lra - "Let me finish, please. If
.......that is true, then aren't I partly responsible for what happened that night?"... Lk - "No, Laura, you're
.......not. In any way"... Lra - "I don't want to talk about it any more. I just don't want to talk about it
.......anymore. I don't wanna remember any more of it!" [Luke leaves]

Laura comes to see Luke in his office
Laura says "I've come to a decision. And I wanted you t know about it first"... Lk - "Ok"... Lra - "Luke,
.......ever since that night I have lied to Scotty & I go on lying because I have to. But now, you see, you're
.......getting me involved in a whole new bunch of lies & sometimes I wonder if they're ever gonna stop or
.......if they're gonna keep piling up & piling up until we never get out from under them"... Lk - "Laura,
.......what brings this up?"... Lra - "You're sister. I want to help Bobbie get her life going again"...
.......Lk - "Well, that's fine. How are you going to do that?"... Lra - "She deserves to know the truth"...
.......Lk- "About Roy?"... Lra - "Yes. Yes, I want her to know that you really tried to save Roy the night that
.......he was killed & that it was my fault that you didn't. That ought to make things right again between you
.......& Bobbie"... Lk - "Look, Laura..."... Lra - "No, no. Now you can't pretend with me. There is a
.......coldness between the two of you now, I've seen it. There's a strain. Bobbie lost the man that she loves
.......on Election night & the fault is mine. It is mine entirely"... Lk - "Laura, look, it's not your problem"...
.......Lra - "No, it's alright! I am ready to take the blame"... Lk - "It's NOT ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE
.......FOOL!! What you're gonna do is keep your mouth shut!! Now I've already lied to Bobbie, you're
.......NOT gonna tell her the truth now! You forget it! You forget you threw thows keys over the cliff!
.......That's our secret! That's between you and me and Bobbie is never gonna know about it! I'm not gonna to you about this anymore, Laura! Now get out of here!!"
.......[Luke opens the door... Bobbie is standing right there!!]
Bobbie says "Luke you better soundproof the walls of your office or else stop yelling at people"...
.......Lk - "How long have you been standing out there?"... B - "Just a moment. Laura, was Luke yelling at"... Lra - "I'm afraid so, Bobbie. I guess I got him angry at me"... B - "Well, Luke, how could I had now idea you were speaking to Laura that way"... Lk - "You didn't hear what we were
.......saying"... Lra - "Luke I have to tell her the truht! Bobbie I almost told you when we were in the Powder
.......Room, but I wasn't sure if I should or not, so I came back here to tell Luke first"... B - "What are you
.......talking about?"... Lra - "It's about Roy's death... and Me. Do you mind if I talk about it?"... B - "No,
.......go ahead"... Lk - "Laura I"m warning you. Please"... Lra - "Bobbie, maybe you're gonna hate me for
.......this, but what I just told Luke was that if he hadn't had to drive me home that night the way Scotty had
.......asked him to that he probably would have gotten to the Plaza Hotel in time to stop Roy from trying to
.......kill Mitch Williams"... B - "Luke, now why didn't you just tell Laura that she's not to blame instead of
.......shouting at her. Laura, Roy's death wasn't your fault in any way"... Lk - "That's why I was yelling.
.......What she was saying was ridiculous and I didn't want her to go off on a guilt trip"... B - "Well, no, of
.......course not" [Amy comes in & Laura leaves with her for school]
Bobbie says "Ok Luke, you can drop the act. Now I want the truth about the car keys and why you were up
.......on Look Out Point with Laura, because I heard EVERYTHING!!"
Bobbie says "Luke you have lied to me from time to time & I have never held it against you. We learned to
.......lie as a part of life. We didn't have any choice. But now I find out that Laura Webber Baldwin is a liar She can lie with the best of them. She's just as common & low as we are"... Lk - "Look, I've had
.......enough of this"... B - "I guess she has her revenge for all of the dirty tricks I played on her & Scotty.
.......God knows I did play enough of them when I was trying to get him away from her. I just hope the little
.......tramp feels REAL good now that she's killed Roy"... Lk - "Who are you calling a tramp? You , Ruby,
.......Me, even Roy... we're not fit to stand in the same room with her. And you'd love to drag her down into
.......the muck we live in, wouldn't you? But you can't do it, Bobbie, because of me! Maybe the only reason
.......I'm still alive, maybe the only thing I'm good for, is to make sure that Laura never gets hurt again!"...
.......B - "It's Laura! Luke. It's Laura isn't it?"... Lk - "What are you talking about?"... B - "You're in love
.......with Laura! You've been in love with Laura for months! You planned the whole thing! You made Roy so you could continue your affair with Laura!!!!" [Bobbie is hitting Luke... Luke slaps Bobbie]
Luke says "Bobbie I"m sorry"... B - "Yeah"... Lk - "You were getting hysterical"... B - "I know"... Lk - "I
.......didn't mean to lay a hand on you, I just couldn't let you say those things about Laura"... B - "Well, I
.......guess I did get pretty rough"... Lk - "You're wrong about her you know"... B - "Am I?!"... Lk - "Yes are. You're dead wrong. Bobbie, Laura's the only good thing I've ever had in my life. And she's
.......not even in my life! She's not even in my world. She's so far above us... Elm Street... Bobbie, she's a dream. And I dream about her all the time. About holding her & being with her the more I wake
.......up. And I realize I poisoned her. Bobbie there's this sickness in me. I get this longing to have her as woman. I sit at this desk for hours looking at these old photographs of her. And that's why I hit I love you, but I can hate you just as strongly if you try to hurt her. I guess I'm poisoning my
.......own world too"... B - "No, Luke, you're not the one that's poisoning your world!"... Lk - "Well,
.......somebody is"... B- "Laura is!"... Lk - "Don't get stupid"... B - "Luke, I'm not getting stupid. I've
.......been listening to the things you've been saying. I don't think you've been listening to yourself. Could be the man? Tall... blond... and slim!! Could you be the man who raped Laura?"
.......[Luke storms out]
Bobbie goes to see Ruby... She says she doesn't trust Luke anymore... Says he sold Roy out
Bobbie says "I happen to know that Luke is head over heels in love with a girl. And he would do anything the world to get next to her and in order to get next to her he had to make sure he stayed alive"...
.......Ruby - "He has a girl? I told him to find a girl & settle down"... B - "He found her alright. And she's
.......somebody I HATE more than I ever thought I could hate anybody"... R - "Bobbie!"... B - "It's the
.......truth!"... R - "Well, who is it?"... B - "Laura Baldwin!"... R - "Laura Baldwin? She's married!"...
.......B - "I didn't say that she was in love with Luke, I said that Luke was in love with her. He'll probably
.......never get her. And for his sake, I hope he doesn't. Because I have a feeling she's the one that's
.......responsible for Roy's death"... R - "Well, that's just crazy, how could she have anything to do with
.......this?"... B - "That night, election night, Laura was parked with Luke up on Look Out Mountain. She
.......took his keys out of the car & she threw them over the cliff so that Luke couldn't get to the Hotel in
.......time, so Roy ended up getting killed instead of Luke"... R - "You're making it up, it's not true, it
.......couldn't be!"... B - "Ok, if you don't believe me then you ask Luke because that's exactly what happened
.......Ruby"... R - "How do you know?!"... B - "I heard them talking about it"... R - "You mean Laura knew
.......what was gonna happen that evening & she knew about Luke & Roy & everything?"... B - "I don't know.
.......I don't know how much she knew. But I do know that she made it happen and I'll get her for it someday.
.......She sold Roy out. I'm gonna make her regret it!"

Luke says "Uh, Laura, Scotty asked me to tell you that he couldn't wait to drive you wherever you're going"...
.......Lra - "Why not?"... Lk - "Well, his father had to go to court. Scotty wanted to watch the office. He said he
.......couldn't take the time to tell you himself"... Lra - "Alright. Thankyou"... [Laura starts to leave] Lk - "Uh, wait
.......a second"... Lra - "What?"... Lk - "As long as we have a minute alone together, I want to talk to you"...
.......Lra - "About what?" [The Phone Rings]
Laura says she's gotta go, but Luke says please wait "there's something we gotta talk about"
Dr Hardy wants to see Bobbie... This worries Bobbie
Laura says "Luke, I'm supposed to meet my Mother downtown for an appointment, now if I gotta take a bus downtown
.......then I really better get going, I don't wanna leave my Mother standing on some street corner waiting for me"...
.......Lk - "I'll drive you"... Lra - "No, no, you haven't got anybody to take over for you here. I can manage just fine"...
.......Lk - "I take it you're not going to school today?"... Lra - "No, I'm not. My Mother & I are gonna do some Christmas instead. I have a light schedule at the University today, so I decided to cut my classes"... Lk - "I see"...
.......Lra - "So what did you want to talk to me about?"... Lk - "Christmas shopping, huh?"... Lra - "Yeah!"... Lk - "I
.......guess the jolly season's almost on us. Laura are you going shopping before or after your appointment with Dana
.......Hochkins?"... [Laura is taken aback] Lra - "You heard me talking to Scotty earlier"... Lk - "Yes"... Lra - "I was
.......afraid of that"... Lk - "Could you be pregnant?"... Lra - "NO! No, I'm not. I'm just a little bit late, that's all"...
.......Lk - "That isn't what you told your husband. Why did you wait until now to tell him? Laura? Could it be my baby?"
.......[Laura runs off]
Bobbie goes to see Dr Hardy
Dr Hardy asks if Bobbie would like to be a teaching assistant for Audrey in her Nursing Classes
Bobbie wonders if this is the Boards way of keeping her out of site of the public
Laura tries to leave the Disco... Luke gets infront of her
Luke says "Laura, you didn't answer my question. Could it be my child? The thought of it makes you sick, doesn't it?
.......That's why you ran out of here"... Lra - "I can't talk now, I have to meet my Mother"... Lk - "Laura, you will talk because we have to get this straight. If you are pregnant"... Lra - "I'm not!"... Lk - "If you are, could it be my
.......kid?"... Lra - "Of course not!"... Lk - "How can you be sure?"... Lra - "Because I would rather DIE than have your
.......child! You have no right asking me questions about something this personal, you have no right"... Lk - "What do mean 'I have no right'!!"... Lra - "You have no right AT ALL!!"... Lk - "Maybe it concerns me just as much as does you!"... Lra - "What? You think because I work here, you own me or something"... Lk - "No, because if're pregnant, I am concerned"... Lra - "Well, it's a little bit late for that isn't?!"... Lk - "Laura, look, if you're
.......pregnant, I wanna help you. I can do..."... Lra - "What if I AM pregnant?"... Lk - "Then what are you gonna do?
.......Ask for a legal abortion?"... Lra - "It's a beautiful thought, isn't it? Getting pregnant as the result of rape intitles
.......the girl to get a legal abortion. I can just get rid of it & come out smiling & say to myself that it was all perfectly I don't have to feel quilty, or sorry, or as if I'm a murderer. I don't have to wonder what it might have
.......been like to be in love with my husband & feel the excitement & the wonder of missing a period & just maybe having
.......a new life growing inside of me. Don't you see what you've done to me? You have taken away all the joy & all the All that's left now is ugliness. And fear & dirt & knowing that I'm never going to be the same girl again.
.......Never! I am never gonna be clean again! Ever!!" [Laura leaves] [Luke smashes a bottle]

Luke goes to the Floating Rib for a drink (Susan says of course he's welcome there... "It's a free country"...
.......Lk - "Not for everybody, Susan")
Tracy, Edward & Mitch come into the Floating Rib (Mitch & Luke see each other... as Joe watches them both)
Mitch tells Susan to call Bobbie & tell her that Luke is there & in a bad mood
Joe goes over to Luke & says "How come you're not over with the Williams party?"... Lk - "What is that
.......supposed to mean?"... J - "Well, word has it that you & Mitch Williams are pretty buddy buddy now.
.......[Luke gets up & grabs Joe by the Jacket] Hey, we are in a public place"... Lk - "You should have
.......thought of that before you opened your stupid mouth!"... J - "The people you're working for are not
.......gonna appreciate reading about the brawl you're about to be in if you don't tak your hands off me"...
.......Lk - "Alright, alright. You just listen me out first"... J - "I"m listening"... Lk - "Mitch Williams is
.......a slimmy two faced scum and I hate his GUTS for what he did to Roy DiLucca"
Bobbie comes in & says "Luke! Joe please go back to your table" [Luke lets go of Joe]
Bobbie says "What are you doing here?"... Lk - "Chatting. Having a drink"... B - "Look, Luke, I am sorry
.......about what happened at Ruby's. I didn't mean to reject you. Just the money"... Lk - "Just me money?"...
.......B - "Well, I can't help it, that's the way I feel. So why don't you try to humor me, ok?"... Lk - "Yeah
.......why don't you humor me & take a hike"... B - "Luke, look I realize that I shouldn't have said all those
.......things to you, but I get really scared sometimes when I think..."....Lk - "Oh Bobbie, get the hell out of!"... B - "Ok, Luke I'm going, but I'm gonna tell you something. I got a score to settle"...
.......Lk - "Oh yeah, with whom?"... B - "Laura Baldwin. Because if she hadn't thrown you keys off the
.......cliff you wouldn't be this way & Roy wouldn't be dead. And I'm gonna make her pay for it!"...
.......[Luke grabs Bobbie] Lk - "Wait a minute. Don't you EVER again in you LIFE say a word against Laura, hear me! Do you understand? Because someday, little sister, she's going to be mine!"
Bobbie leaves (She tells Mitch to "drop dead" on the way out)
Jeff comes into the Rib, Susan asks him to help her with Luke
Jeff sits with Luke... Luke buys him a drink... They drink to Roy
Luke says it's his fault that Roy is dead... Says he should have taken Roy's threats for revenge seriously
Luke tells Jeff that he's going to "belong here" in town (Like the Quartermaines & the Webbers)
Luke says "You see this guy over here. This is Joe Kelly. This guy was born on the Riverfront. A guy like, I'm born in the slums of Elm Street. We never make it to the top. We never get to be the Mitch
.......Williams who marries Tracy Quartermaine, We never to be the Scott Baldwin who marries Laura. It
.......aint in the cards. No matter how you try to stack 'em, it aint in the cards"
Luke says how about they go to his Disco... They leave

Laura comes to Luke's office
Laura says "I have to talk to you, is it alright if I come in?"... Lk - "Sure, come in"... [The door is left
.......half open] Lra - "Are you ok?"... Lk - "Yeah, I'm fine. What about you, you look like you've been
.......crying"... Lra - "Yeah, I guess I was, but it was but it was from good news"... Lk - "Well, I'm glad
.......somebody gets good news. What is it?"... Lra - "I'll get to that. What happened to you?"...
.......Lk - "Nothing happened to me. I went out on the town. I had a couple of drinks"... Lra - "I noticed.
.......Why?"... Lk - "I was trying to erase faces from my mind"... Lra - "Who's faces?"... Lk - "Roy's.
.......And yours"... Lra - "I see"... Lk - "I wanted to stop thinking about seeing the two of you. The more
.......I drank the more I thought about Roy, the more I saw your face. Your face, Laura"... Lra - "Listen,
.......Luke, you may be on a guilt trip because of Roy but you don't have to feel guilty about me anymore
.......because I just got a phone call from my doctor & she said... "... Lk - "NO, don't say it! I don't
.......wanna hear you say it! Don't! Don't say that!"... Lra - "Luke, what's the matter? I told you my news
.......was good"... Lk - "Your news is death! And I know what it is, I KNOW, Laura! Just give me a
.......minute, ok, & I'll tell you"... Lra - "Ok, ok, I'm sorry, it's just that I..."... Lk - "Shhhhhh!!!! Laura,
.......ever since I found out that you might be pregnant"... Lra - "Yes?"... Lk - "I've been waiting & now
.......that the word is no, I don't feel anything. That, at least, is a blessing. You're not pregnant. That's, isn't it?"... Lra - "Yes"... Lk - "Well, I"m glad for you. And I'm glad for your husband. It's not
.......good news to me, though. Because on some level, Laura, I hoped you were pregnant, because it would
.......have been a child of mine. And now all I see is death. The death of what might have been you & me in body. Huh, crazy what goes through my head, isn't it?"... Lra - "You know what, when I got the call I was so glad that I wasn't pregnant I cried. I couldn't cope with taking a human life, I knew
.......that, & the tears just started to fall. But I stopped crying before I got to your office. Now I feel numb too
.......Luke & I'm not sure why. I feel as though we're in some kind of a trap & we've gotta find a way out.
.......[Bobbie is listening outside Luke's office] Luke, when does it end?"... Lk - "I don't know Laura. I don't know!"

Bobbie comes to Luke's office (Says she's gonna leave the door open because no one else is there)
Bobbie says "Nobody's here Luke, so nodoby's gonna come down the hall & listen to us. The way I came
.......down the hall & listened to you & Laura when she left the door open earlier tonight"... Lk - "What did hear?"... B - "All of the wonderful news that Laura Webber Baldwin is not pregnant with your child
.......& that I am not going to be the Aunt of your illegitimate BRAT!"... Lk - "It's been quit a night"... B - "I
.......wanna know how long you've been decieving everyone, Luke, I wanna know just how long you two have
.......been lovers"... Lk - "Since never"... B - "And what about this so called rape? You never answered me when
.......i asked you if you could be the man. And why did Laura all of a sudden decide to cry rape, why didn't she
.......just let your sleazy affair run it's course? [Luke just sits there] Damit, Luke, you owe me some answers!
.......She pulled Roy into her life, the only man that I have ever loved, she pulled him into her life, and YOU,you
.......almost let him take the blame for this rape! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!!!"... Lk - "Go away, Bobbie,
.......I'm tired, I'm wiped out. Just go away"... B - "Just who are you? You're not Luke anymore. You're
.......somebody I don't even know"... Lk - "Go away"... B - "And what do you think that Scotty Baldwin will do
.......if he finds out that you're the man?"... Lk - "Probably kill me. I don't much care. Is that what you want?
.......Is your revenge that important?"... B - "I WANT THE TRUTH, LUKE, NOW!!!!!!!!"... Lk - "Ok. Here comes. [Luke closes the door] And once I've told you the truth, Bobbie, I want you to get off my back
.......once & for all. The truth is for one crazed moment in my life, I thought Laura wanted me. It was the same
.......night I found out I had to blow Mitch Williams away after the Election. I freaked!! I freaked. I thought I
.......was gonna die. And so I came on to her. I forced her to dance with me, right out there on the Disco
.......floor. And then I raped her! Yeah! I said Rape! I took her as cruely & as inhumanly as any woman was
.......ever raped. And when I was finished with her, she was bruised, she was battered & she was destroyed!
.......So that's the truth, dear little sister. It was not a sleazy little affair, nor was it a fling. Bobbie, it was Rape!"

L&L Rape Discussions (Part Three)
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