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L&L Rape Discussions (Part Three)

For A More Complete Account of These Discussions See The History Page

Bobbie comes to see Laura... Bobbie says there's alot of unfinished business between them
Laura wonders why Bobbie is there
Bobbie says "I guess I wanna see just how close you are to cracking up. Because that's where you're headed,
.......Laura. And if no one else will tell you, I have to. No matter what you say I think you know who the man
.......was who raped you"
Laura says "Here are your things, I think you better go now"... Bob - "Did I say something to offend you?"...
.......Lra - "Look, Roy is dead & I'm sorry. But I can't bring him back. Nobody can"... B - "I know that,
.......Laura. I also know that he didn't rape you or you wouldn't still be afraid"... Lra - "I"m not afraid"...
.......B - "I can see it in your eyes every time I look at you"... Lra - "Stop it Bobbie"... B - "You're headed for
.......trouble, Laura"... Lra - "Does it matter?"... B - "If you crack up, you won't be the only one who gets
.......hurt"... Lra - "Are you worried about Scotty?"... B - "Let's just say I'm worried about alot of people"...
.......Lra - "You don't have to be. I told you I can't remember anything that happened that night"... B - "except
.......that the man was tall & blond"... Lra - "It could be alot of men, Bobbie!"... B - "Scotty won't leave it
.......alone until he finds out who it was"... Lra - "I know that!"... B - "Is he still pressuring you to go to the
.......Rape Center?"... Lra - "He made an appointment for later today"... B - "My fault. I thought it might be
.......a good idea"... Lra - "And you don't anymore?"... B - "Let's just say I think I'm beginning to read you
.......a little better than I used to"... Lra - "What do you mean?"... B - "I never really made it in your world,
.......Laura, DON'T try to make it in mine!"... Lra - "I don't know what you're talking about!"... B - "I think do. You never grew up on Elm Street. I did. I guess maybe the rules are a little different over there,
.......because over there when you marry you concentrate on ONE MAN, Laura, & that's your husband! So
.......why don't you just start concentrating on Scotty!!"... Lra - "That sounds like a warning"... B - "Maybe is. You grew up like the little blond princess in all of the fairy tales. Prince Charming came along & got him! So you stay in that world, Laura, & don't you try to live in mine!"
Bobbie says "If you want me to leave, alright I'll go. You just remember what I told you. Stay in your own!"... Lra - "I don't like being threatened Bobbie. Not by you, or anyone!"... B - "Look, I warned months ago to quit your job at the Disco"... Lra - "I can't!"... B - "Why not?"... Lra - "Because I
.......owe Luke money for the salary advance he gave me for Scotty's law books"... B - "Then let your
.......parents pay him back!"... Lra - "No! Why? It's my responsibility, I'm gonna pay it back!"...
.......B - "Does Scotty know that you borrowed that money from Luke?"... Lra - "I finally told him. I didn't first because I knew he'd be angry that I borrowed money"... B - "What else haven't you told him,
.......Laura?"... Lra - "What do you mean?"... B - "Was it really Rape?"... Lra - "Oh that's a terrible thing say"... B - "I think terrible things sometimes. It all started the night that Roy got himself killed. The
.......night that my Brother decided to drive you home instead of taking care of business & making sure that
.......Roy did not pull that crazy thing that he did on Mitch Williams!"... Lra - "That wasn't my fault, Bobbie"...
.......B - "Nothing is EVER your fault, is it?"... Lra - "Well, sometimes. Alot of times, maybe, but I never
.......asked to get raped & I never asked Scotty to force all my friends to treat me like some child who can't
.......find her own way home!"... B - "Well you didn't do a very good job of it the night you were raped the PARK!"... Lra - "I was upset! I had a fight with Scotty!"... B - "Then why didn't you call a"... Lra - "I was crying. I don't konw, I didn't care!"... B - "You didn't care? You didn't care
.......what happened to you?"... Lra - "Maybe I didn't! I DON'T KNOW! Why are you tormenting me
.......this way?"... B - "Take a guess, Laura. Maybe it's because I don't believe you. I don't believe
.......anything you've said. To me, to Scotty, to the Police. Maybe it's because I think you have told so
.......many lies that you can't remember what you've said to anybody!"... Lra - "How dare you!"...
.......B - "Because little Laura Baldwin lives in a fairy tale & little Laura Baldwin's gotta pretend that she's
.......married to Scotty & they are divinely happy..."... Lra - "We are happy!"... B - "No, you're not!
.......That's not true anymore! So quit your job, stay home, & be a wife to Scotty. You do NOT belong the Disco! It's a world that you don't understand! It's Luke's world and my world, so you just
.......stay out of our lives, Laura! And we'll stay out of yours! [Bobbie leaves]

Laura tells Luke she won't quit her job at the Disco (Bobbie had wondered if she would)
As Laura starts to leave, Luke stops her...
Luke says "I have something for you. It isn't much. It's just something that I wrote to try
.......& share with you my feelings. I hope you don't mind"... [Laura opens it & begins to read it,
.......but says...] Lra - "Why don't you read it?"... [Luke takes the card & reads it to her...]

"Dear Laura,

I wanted to buy you a Christmas present, but I knew you wouldn't accept anything from me. Except, perhaps, your freedom. Freedom from being involved with me... from having saved my life... from feeling at all responsible for what happens to me in the future. Please accept this as my Christmas gift to you. Your freedom to forget the ugliness & the pain. Your freedom to go back & be your husband's wife, without any memories of me & the past. What happened between the two of us is over!..... Luke"

Lk - "I hope that doesn't bother you. [Laura nods "no"] I know that I can't, uh, erase the
.......ugliness but my hope is that I can help you so, please, go be with Scotty the way you
.......want to be. [He smiles] And Merry Christmas! [Laura leaves]

A few day after Christmas, Laura comes to the Disco & L&L talk...
Luke says "I heard the good news, Laura"... Lra - "What good news?"... Lk - "That you &
.......Scotty are ok together again"... Lra - "Yeah, that's true! But how did you hear about
.......that?"... Lk - "Well, Bobbie was at the hospital yesterday & she ran into him & he told
.......her, so I'm really glad to hear that"... Lra - "I didn't realize that Scotty was going to about something so personal outside of the family, and I really don't think I
.......appreciate that either! Why did you call me? I mean what was so important that I had come down here?"... Lk - "Oh. I was thinking... now that you're of legal age... I was
.......wondering if you would consider working out here in the area where we sell liquor?"...
.......Lra - "You brought me all the way down here to tell me that?"... Lk - "I thought we
.......should discuss it. I wanted to know how you felt"... Lra - "We could have discussed that
.......over the telephone, Luke. That's no reason for dragging me down here"... Lk - " Yeah, well,
.......uh... ok look! I wanted to see you and I didn't want a crowd around"... Lra - "Why? Didn't mean what you said in that Christmas letter? That you were giving me my freedom
.......from any further involvement with you and from the past & all the ugly memories?
.......Didn't you mean it when you said you wanted me to be Scotty's wife again?"... Lk - " Sure,
.......I mean't it! But Laura, it's one thing to write your feelings down in a letter. It's another
.......when your faced with the fact that you & your husband are back together again &
.......everything is ok... I'm just not prepared for THAT!"... Lra - "Luke, I don't know what you're
.......talking about"... Lk - "I don't either. Look, let's forget it"... Lra - "No! No, we can't just
.......forget it!"... Lk - "Alright, look, you wanna know the truth, the RIDICULOUS TRUTH?!! I'm
.......JEALOUS!! Dammit, I'm jealous! Is that what you wanna hear?"... Lra - "No! I don't want hear that! I don't want to hear anything about how you feel where I'm concerned!"...
.......[Laura gets her stuff & starts to leave] Lk - "Laura, look... Hey, I'm sorry! I'm sorry...
.......I'm sorry"... Lra - "Don't do this to me, Luke, and don't do it to yourself!"... Lk - "Laura, I
.......want you to be happy... I want you to be with your husband, cause that's what you want to with... you wanna be with him... But I have this anger in me because I WANT YOU... and I
.......can't have you!"... Lra - "Don't you ever, EVER, say anything like that to me again!"
.......[Laura leaves the room] [Luke bangs on the bar]
.......[Laura re-enters the room]
Luke says "Laura, please, don't go! Look, I was way out of line. I should've never put that
.......kind of move on you. I'm sorry"... Lra - "You frighten me"... Lk - "It'll never happen again.
.......Please believe me"... Lra - "You know I can't keep working here if you're gonna act like
.......that"... Lk - "I know, I know... I won't act like that again. I'm just having a very hard time
.......dealing with the fact that you're back together with your husband again"... Lra - "Luke,
.......don't talk like that! Whatever happens between my husband & me is none of your"... Lk - "You're right! You're absolutely right... absolutely! I know that it makes uncomfortable, but I really have to say something to you. Please, Laura, listen. I
.......told you before that you are everything that I ever dreamed of having... but I'm awake now,
.......I'm awake... and I know that it's an impossible dream. So I really... I'm gonna stay out of
.......your life & I'm not going to push you... I'm not going to be in your life anymore. Please
.......believe that"... Lra - "You'll find other girls, Luke"... Lk - "Well, I'll be measuring them
.......against a very high ideal"... Lra - "Maybe that ideal was only a dream too. Cause I don't
.......think that anyone could be that perfect & I KNOW I'm not!"... Lk - "From now on, we have a
.......different relationship! I'm the boss & you are the employee"... Lra - "Ok, we'll be friendly
.......acquaintances"... Lk - "Shake on it! [They shake] It's a deal" [Bobbie then walks in...]
Bobbie tells Laura she had lunch with Scotty
Luke tells Bobbie to back off of Laura (& Scotty)
Bobbie says "And while we happen on the subject of Scotty & Laura, there are a few other
.......things that have been on my mind"... Lk - "What?"... B - "I'm not sure you're ready to hear"... Lk - "Oh come on, you don't care if I'm ready to hear this or not, you're going to tell aren't you?... B - "Right. Because I'm getting sick & tired of the little act, you two
.......have been putting on. Especially Laura, with her story of how she was taken against her
.......will"... Lk - "I told you what happened"... B - "No! You told me a story that fitted with
.......Laura's story. It doesn't make any sense at all!"... Lk - "You've got another version?"...
.......B - "I have ideas"... Lk - "Spit em out"... B - "I don't know exactly what happened, but I
.......don't believe for one minute that you forced her to dance with you and that you threw her
.......down on the floor here, and that you raped her"... Lk - "Go on"... B - "So you just better
.......come up with a much better story than the one you & Laura have been peddling, Luke,
.......because you're not making it with me. No way" [Bobbie Leaves]


Laura tells Joanne "I think the man really cares about me"... Joanne says "Oh Laura, that's
.......serious"... Lra - "It's kind of scary. And I don't think he'd mind much, one way or the other,
.......if I named him or not. Infact, I think that he'd almost welcome it"... J - "He must be out
.......of his mind"... Lra - "He's a very strange man. He's on some kind of a strange trip of his
.......own. He's got this feeling that he should be dead anyway and he doesn't much care what
.......happens to him"... J - "Laura, I'm getting some strange vibes from you"... Lra - "In what
.......way?"... J - "Do you mind if I ask you something important?"... Lra - "No. Go ahead"...
.......J - "Why did you run out of group therapy that day?"... Lra - "I told you, I couldn't handle"... J - "I think it goes deeper than that"... Lra - "What do you mean?"... J - "Well, that was
.......the first day that I admitted out loud that I might have felt some sort of attraction for
.......the man who raped me"... Lra - "What about it?"... J - "You're in the same boat, aren't you?
.......On some level, you feel some sort of attraction for the man who raped you"
Laura says "It was a very very strange night. You see, I'd been quarreling with Scotty. I
.......thought my marriage was over. I mean I was really low, I was really in the pits and this He seemed to really need me"
[RISE BEGINS TO PLAY - FLASHBACK - Laura seeing Luke cry & her asking what's wrong]
Laura says "He told me to go home. But I wouldn't go. I mean, I didn't know what was gonna
.......happen, but I just, I couldn't leave him, Joanne. There was something about this man"...
.......J - "He needed you"... Lra - "Yeah! Yeah, I think he did and I've never been needed that way
.......before"... J - "Not even by Scotty?"... Lra - "No. No, not by Scotty, not by anybody else. I
.......was always the one who had the needs. And this, this was different. It was so different"...
.......J - "How was it different?"... Lra - "I felt grown up. I felt mature. Filled with power. I
.......mean there's this man who really needed me. Really really needed me & then all at once
.......there was this... I wanted to be needed"... J - "And how do you feel now about this man?"...
.......Lra - "I don't know. I don't know. Joanne what am I going to do?"... J - "You've got to talk it
.......out with Scotty. You'be got to tell him the truth"... Lra - "I can't!"... J - "Why can't you?"...
.......Lra - "Because Scotty would kill the man"... J - "Laura, I want you to ask yourself a question.
.......And I want you to try & really be honest with yourself. Are you trying to protect your
.......husband or the man who rape you?"

Luke watches Laura & Scotty dance & kiss (To a slow song)
Luke goes to the turntable & changes the record &...
"Rise" suddenly starts to play
Laura & Scotty stop dancing
Luke stares intently at Laura
Scotty & Laura continue dancing (Laura is disturbed)
Luke tells Jennifer to "dance with me" & they become the center of attention
Laura is overcome & runs off
Luke seems VERY happy with himself, as Laura runs off

.... Which leads to these conversations...

Bobbie asks Luke if he's proud of what he did... Luke plays dumb
Bobbie says "Don't you play me for a fool! She reacted that way because of the way you were
.......dancing out there with little Miss Jennifer Smith. Everybody saw that, Luke"... Lk - "Bobbie,
.......the day that Laura Baldwin is jealous of me, well, that will be the day"... B - "I think it was
.......the music that did it. That was the same music, wasn't it?"... Lk - "What music?"... B - "That
.......was the music you danced with Laura with, the night you raped her"... Lk - "Get off my back"...
.......B - "Tell me something Luke, just how stupid do you think Scotty is?"... Lk - "Scotty?"...
.......B - "Just how long do you think it's gonna take him to put 2 & 2 together and find out it was who raped his wife?" [Luke just starts dancing... ignoring the question]
Bobbie says "Tell me something Luke, did you want Laura to fall apart? Is that why punched in
.......the music that played to rape her by?"... Lk - "Will you shut up!"... B - "No!"... Lk - "Why this
.......sudden love for Laura, Bobbie?"... B - "You're not reading me, Brother dear. I don't have any for Laura, but I'm beginning to believe that you told me the truth about the Rape"...
.......Lk - "Well thank you darlin' sister"... B - "At first I couldn't really believe you actually
.......attacked her & raped her, but I really think I can believe you now"... Lk - "Why the sudden
.......change of heart?"... B - "Because of her reaction to the record. Tell me Luke, what's the name
.......of that record? Music to Rape people by?"... Lk - "Keep your voice down!"... B - "It's a vicious
.......thing to do"... Lk - "I know, tell me, tell me"... B - "Luke, why did you switch the music?"...
.......Lk - "You want more truth laid on you?"... B - "Yeah! It's such a novelty"... Lk - "The novelty is
.......I can't stand to see the Baldwins together"... B - "Ah ha"... Lk - "Everytime I see Laura with
.......him it's like my woman is being taken by another man. That's the truth"

Laura goes to Luke's office to quit
Luke says "Laura, join me for a drink?"... Lra - "No! I wanna talk to you"... Lk - "From the look of
.......your face, I'd say it's something important. What is it?"... Lra - "You know very well what it"... Lk - "No! Tell me"... Lra - "How DARE you do that to me!"... Lk - "You wanna clue me in or want me to stand here & guess why you're angry?"... Lra - "Stop it Luke! You know I'm
.......talking about what you did when Scotty & I were dancing"... Lk - "Hey, I wasn't anywhere near, Laura, I was dancing with Jennifer Smith"... Lra - "You put on the same music that was
.......playing here the night that you raped me"... Lk - "Did I do that?"... Lra - "You know you did!
.......Don't lie to me Luke!"... Lk - "Look, I don't remember. I wanted to dance with Jennifer, I didn't the music that was playing, so I punched another button. Now if that happened to be the
.......same music that was playing that night, Laura, what a coincidence!"... Lra - "I don't believe!"... Lk - "Excuse me, I have to see how Jennifer's doing"... [Luke starts to leave] Lra - "Wait
.......a minute, I'm not through with you yet!"... [Luke stops & his attitude changes dramatically]
.......Lk - "I saw how you ran off the floor when I switched the music, I'm sorry about that"...
.......Lra - "No you're not!"... Lk - "I couldn't stand the sight of you & Scotty together, I had to stop, the music was handy"... Lra - "How could you be that cruel?"... Lk - "I don't know. I'm sorry,
.......really"... Lra - "No you're not! You're not sorry at all & I know exactly what you're up to!"...
.......Lk - "Well, then would you mind telling me, cause I really don't know"... Lra - "You don't want to make it as Scotty's wife, do you? Well, I've got news for you, Luke, Scotty & I are gonna closer than we ever were before & there's absolutely NOTHING you can do to stop that!"...
.......Lk - "Ok. Anything else?"... Lra - "Yes! You better start looking for another waitress because
.......Scotty wants me to quit my job here"... Lk - "You gonna do it?"... Lra - "I'm doing exactly that.
.......Right now!"... Lk - "Well, well, well, what a surprise! Or maybe it isn't. I'll make you out your check"... Lra - "No! Not yet!"... Lk - "What do you mean, not yet?!!"... Lra - "Scotty wants done in a business like matter. We're gonna play the game exactly the way it has to be
.......played. I'm giving you the normal two weeks notice"... Lk - "You mean you're quitting 2 weeks
.......from tonight?"... Lra - "Yes! Yes, I'd love to quit right now, believe me, but Scotty would be
.......suspicious. It has to be business, right down the line!"... Lk - "Then business it will be, Mrs
.......Baldwin, right down the line"... Lra - "I wanna be treated just like any other employee"...
.......Lk - "You got it! I will treat you like every other employee!"... Lra - "Thank you, because I don't
.......want any special favors just because you did me the HONOR of raping me!!!!!!"
Laura says "Do you know what it's been like for me working here? Week after week, with extra
.......shifts. I've hated it. I've hated every moment of it & I've hated you most of all!"... Lk - "Tell me
.......more, Laura, get it all out!"... Lra - "And I'm very glad that Scotty wants me to quit my job! And
.......he's gonna pay you back, Luke, all the money that you gave me for his law books"... Lk - "Business, right down the line"... Lra - "Exactly! Scotty is borrowing the money from his father so
.......that he can pay you back"... Lk - "Fine!"... Lra - "And he wants an accurate accounting from you.
.......With interest I mean. Because he wants to pay you back every dime, every penny, of interest that
.......I owe you on that money"... Lk - "Terrific, Laura, just terrific, cause I can use the money! And it
.......will be the current rate of interest! Every penny you owe me! Legitimate, normal & business Just the way Mr Scotty Baldwin likes it!"... Lra - "Good, thank you"... [Bobbie enters the] Bobb - "Hi! Laura, Scotty wants you. He asked me to tell you that the rest of your party about to leave"... Lra - "Thank you, Bobbie. You know I'm very glad you're here because this
.......allows me to round out the evening very neatly"... B - "Oh, how's that?"... Lra - "Well, I think you'll very happy about what just happened right here"... B - "I will?"... Lra - "Uh huh. I quit my job.
.......[Bobbie looks shocked] Oh come on, Bobbie, surely you can look happier than that? I mean you
.......keep telling me that I don't belong here at the Campus Disco & that I don't belong in Luke's world
.......or yours, because I haven't had the advantages of being born on Elm Street. Well, Bobbie, I finally
.......realized how very very right you are. I know now that I don't belong anywhere near either one of!" [Laura walks out] [Bobbie has a HUGE smile on her face]

Luke says "Laura, I don't really know how to say this. There is something that I think you should
.......know"... Lra - "What?"... Lk - "Your husband came to the Disco this afternoon. Apparently, he found a
.......notebook in your apartment that belongs to Greg Townage. Now, I mean, I realize that whatever it it's perfectly innocent, you know, but he's all on about the fact that he thinks Townage is the one
.......who raped you"... Lra - "That's ridiculous!"... Lk - "That's what I said"... Lra - "I don't believe this, could he think anything like that?"... Lk - "Hey, I don't know. I'm only telling you what he said"...
.......Lra - "You wanna know what Greg was doing there?"... Lk - "Well it's none of my business, is it?"...
.......Lra - "No. No, I want you to know, so you know how silly this really is. I asked Greg to come over the apartment to talk about Beverly going off her diet, because she thought that I put him up to
.......dancing with her at the Disco that night"... Lk - "Really?"... Lra - "Yes. The truth is Greg had asked
.......Beverly to dance on his own, but Beverly didn't believe that, so we talked about it for a little while
.......& he decided to ask her out for a date. So that's what Scotty's been jealous of? Absolutely nothing?
.......I could strangle him!"... Lk - "Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute, you can stangle him if you want, I
.......really don't care, but the point is that he's not jealous. He just happens to think that Townage is
.......pressuring you"... Lra - "I don't understand Scotty at all. I've been handling what happened to me. I've
.......been trying my best to just take it all in stride & I think I've been doing pretty well"... Lk - "So do I"...
.......Lra - "For one thing, I'm able to look at you & to talk to you without hating you or trying to make you
.......feel guilty about what happened, right?"... Lk - "Right"... Lra - "As far as I'm concerned, it's over. And didn't mean anything. It was just something that happened on a night when you thought you were good as dead. The point is, our lives have changed now. You're dating Jennifer, who happens to be
.......a very nice girl, & I'm back with Scotty where I belong. So why should I let the past upset me?...
.......Lk - "Hey that's right, I mean the whole world is terrific, isn't it Laura?"... Lra - "You don't sound as
.......if you think so"... Lk - "No, actually, from where I'm sitting it isn't terrific. I'm still in love with"... Lra - "Luke stop it, you are not in love with me!"... Lk - "Don't tell me who I'm in love with"...
.......Lra - "You've gotta stop saying that to me & more importantly you have GOT to stop feeling it!"...
.......Lk - "I'm sorry, Laura, you can't tell people how to feel, what to feel, & when to stop feeling"...
.......Lra - "Well, you've gotta stop talking to me that way then. It's wrong Luke! I love Scotty, nobody
.......else! It's true I'm angry with him right now, but when I'm not I love him very deeply & I always will"

Laura asks Luke to hire Joanne to replace her
Luke says "I thought you told me to stay away from your friends, not to hire any of them?"... Lra - "Well,
.......I guess that was anger talking"... Lk - "Ok"... Lra - "And hurt, too, I guess. I mean, from the way you've
.......been acting. Putting on that dance music, for instance"... Lk - "Yeah! Truly sorry about that Laura"...
.......Lra - "Luke, how could you do that to me? I mean, I was dancing with Scotty, I was feeling fine
.......about everything, & then you had to put that music on. It was such, it was a horrible reminder"...
.......Lk - "Yeah, I know, I know, I know. I guess the truth is I just kind of freaked seeing you & Scotty
.......together like that. And I couldn't control how I feel about you. Now I've tried. I'm still trying, I'll
.......go on trying, because I have to"... Lra - "I shouldn't have brought it up, I guess"... Lk - "No, I guess you
.......shouldn't, but as long as you did, let's just make sure that everything is right out in the open before leave here for good, ok? I still care about you and I'm trying really hard, not always successfully, make sure that my caring about you doesn't hurt you. I'm dating, you know, I'm trying to head in
.......different directions. The night that I put that record on & danced with Jennifer, I had this insane
.......notion that I could make you jealous, on some level"... Lra - "That's ridiculous!"... Lk - "Yes, I know it I know that you'll never love anybody buy your husband"... Lra - "That's right, Luke. And I hope that'll find a girl that feels the same about you"... Lk - "Laura, forgive me. For loving you so much, too
.......much"... Lra - "I'm trying. I'm trying to forgive you for everything"... Lk - "The night that I forced
.......myself on you, Laura, that really, that wasn't Luke Spencer"... Lra - "I know that. And by getting away
.......from here, maybe we can both learn to live with what happened & hopefully, one day, forget"...
.......Lk - "You're happy, aren't you?"... Lra - "Very happy! Luke, I have everything that I want in Scotty. So
.......after two more nights of working here, I'll be spending my nights at home with Scotty, where I belong"

L&L Rape Discussions (Part Four)
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