Hi and welcome my website. I've been away for a very long time and now I have started to write again, I am finally updating the site. Please be patient while I juggle things around and if you have linked to a particular story... well, I have probably moved it. As I have new interests in different fandoms (as well as the same old - somewhat) I have been forced to shuffle things around. So enjoy the site and the fiction, wallpapers and whatever else I decide to post. Cheers, Kelly Wanna know when
I update? UPDATES:
2nd Feb 2009 No new fics. Just a quick note to thank all who voted in the TTH awards. I didn't win, but I didn't come last either so WOO-HOO! Promise new fic soon. Spinning Around is having to be rewritten because of an accident involving my rough draft, my obsessive cleaning and a paper shredder, but I am trying to get it done.
17th Jan 2009 Part 21 of Pure Magic is up - at long last something new to post. Also have been nominated for an award at TTH. Follow the link I provide to vote (if your a member). The nomination is for Pure Magic but it is called Putus Veneficus on that site (that is it's former name). http://coa.tthfanfic.org/vote.php
5th Jan 2009 Part 15 of Spinning Around is up - finally. So sorry about the delay but I bought a Lab puppy and have absolutely no time for anything, especially writing. So most fics have not been worked on in a while. He is a monster - literally - Marley has nothing on Tye. Below is the EVIL one.
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