Ai No Senshi's Realm Presents
`Gemini Stories`
Birth Of A New Sailor Senshi
Time: Silver Millennium
Queen Serenity sat in the banquet room, across from her sat the goddess of the zodiac- Goddess Gemini. Gemini was a spectacular site with her sparking blue eyes, short wavy light reddish brown hair and long flowing turquoise pearl covered gown.
Serenity: " Thank you for coming Gemini, I know watching over the zodiac has been difficult for you"
Geminii " Not really, there hasn't been any intruders and my soldiers are in an eternal sleep anyway. I am more worried about you... the princess and the prince from earth"
Serenity: " My daughter has fallen in love with him, his name is Prince Darien"
Gemini: " You know their relationship is forbidden, as any connection I have to them is suppose to be forbidden"
Serenity nodded, her long white hair flowing. The goddess she was across from was her only hope to beat Queen Beryl.
Serenity: " I wanted to ask you something..."
Suddenly the door to the banquet room opened, a soldier rushed in.
Soldier "Queen, we're under attack!"
Serenity turned to Gemini, who had vanished. The queen raced outside to see her daughter being protected by her court. Beryl had emerged from a black cloud and her and her generals began to attack. Gemini stood on top of the Imperium Castle and watched in haste.
Gemini "Why can't I protect them?" she clenched her fist "This is nuts, that I, the soldier of power and goddess of the zodiac, can't protect them"
Gemini turned her back and transported herself to her palace on Mercury. Her palace was covered in crystal and glistened with pearls, a large pearl appeared in front of her. An image of the battle on the moon appeared and she saw both Princess Serenity and Prince Darien floated in the air lifeless, even the scouts had died. Gemini couldn't stand it anymore and reached for her magical warrior staff-- a staff made of pure silver and encased with ribbons of pearls. She transported herself to the moon, appearing in front of Queen Serenity.
Serenity "Gemini, please don't fight, don't break the taboo"
She knew the generals--- Malachite, Zoysite, Nephrite, and Jedite--- and she knew their moves. They stepped towards her all at once.
Gemini held her wand and pointed it towards them, an strong turquoise light shot out and denigrated all of them on contact.
Gemini " You will not have this moon!" Gemini began to glow and the wind picked up around her.
Serenity "Gemini, don't destroy your place for me! If you use your ultimate power you will give up your position as the goddess and guardian of the zodiac!
Gemini turned to Serenity, and smiled kindly.
Gemini " You have shown me nothing but kindness, I know if the situation was switched you'd do the same for me"
Beryl "You will not win!"
Gemini turned back to Beryl and she started to rise.
A bright ray of light shot towards Beryl and her and her warriors started to denigrate. Gemini's staff shattered in mid air and her gown unraveled into ribbons as she fell to the ground.
Serenity collapsed on her knees and put Gemini's head in her lap, the moon wand was held loosely in her right hand.
Serenity "Gemini, you saved the moon"
Gemini looked around weakly "Its still in *cough* ruins....I just wanted to protect you"
Serenity "But I've lost everything, the moon kingdom, my daughter and her court...and you. The time of the silver millennium has ended"
Gemini: "I'm sorry... all my efforts seem futile because I left... I should of stayed and helped you protect your kingdom...its my fault your daughter is gone"
Serenity shook her head " It's not your fault, the only thing I can do is use the silver imperium crystal to send everyone to be reborn in the future on earth."
Gemini " But if you use the crystal by yourself you will die, here..."
Gemini opened her hand and produced her star seed, one that shone with silver brilliance.
Gemini " Let me use my star seed with you so that you can be reborn as well"
Serenity again shook her head " I will always live in the silver crystal, when you are reborn you will lose your memory as well. Don't give up your star seed for me"
Serenity returned Gemini's star seed to her as Gemini closed her eyes and became lifeless. Luna and Artemis came up behind Queen Serenity, tears in their eyes.
Serenity " Luna, Artemis, my trusted and loyal companions. I am sending you to the future to protect the girls on earth"
Serenity placed the silver imperium crystal in the moon wand, tears falling down her cheeks. With a flash of light everyone, including Beryl and the generals, were sent to the future on earth. The last to go was Gemini, Serenity kissed her cheek before she was incased in a bubble.
Serenit "Everyone... be safe and look after your selves... I love you all"
Those were the Queens last words before she vanished into heaven.
Time: Present
KABOOM!!!! I landed on the floor head first. Shaking my light reddish brown hair lightly I held my head. This was the third night in a row I had that dream..... and it had freaked me out majorly. Standing up I walked to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee. My cousin, Ami, was already awake and sipping her morning coffee.
"Ami, you know coffee stunts your brain cells"
Ami swung her blue hair slightly and looked up from the paper "Its not coffee, its hot chocolate"
I rolled my eyes, I had just moved in with Ami and her mother about 3 months ago. School was starting up today and my uniform was bugging me.
" I think you should transfer from Brighton Academy to Crossroads Ami, then we could be in school together"
Ami " I don't know, maybe I will..."
" Its not easy being 14 you know, I can't even buy a lottery ticket"
Ami " I don't mind it"
I got up and grabbed my school bag. " I should head her Ami, I will see you after school"
Ami nodded as I walked out the door. Ami and I were totally opposites--- she was an A student, I was an B student, she was an quiet person, I was an outgoing person, I like fighting and was a wicked warrior, she wasn't, I was going to an normal private school, and she was going to some brain farm. But still, she was family and I wouldn't give that up for nothing. I stepped on the bus and took a seat by myself.
I walked to the class student board, and I shoved my way to the front bumping into a girl with pigtails. The girl fell onto her knees and started to wail, going red I knelt down.
'Are you okay? Look, I'm really sorry for bumping into you, would you please stop crying?"
*Sniff* Girl: "You shouldn't shove so hard *sniff* oh no I'm bleeding! WWWAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!"
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a silk kerchief, by this time the whole crowd was staring at us in silence. I wrapped the kerchief around her knee swiftly and tied it. She stopped and looked up at me, she had brilliant blue eyes like mine and her pigtails looked more like meatballs.
"There, that should make you feel better (I outstretched my hand) here, I'll help you up. I'm Candace, what is your name?"
She took my hand and let me help her up " I'm Serana, thank you for the kerchief its pretty"
I smiled and looked back at the board "Well Serana, looks like we both have math together....I hate math"
Serana " You too? It's my worst subject, in fact I don't like any of the subjects at school at all"
I chuckled, another girl had tapped Serana on the shoulder. The girl had short brown hair and a bow in her hair.
Serana "Hey Molly! This is Candace, my new friend"
Molly "Nice to meet you Candace, don't mind Serana's wailing, the whole school has been use to it by now. Why don't you come shopping with us after school?"
" Sure, I would like that"
Molly " I've got to go to my class, see you guys later!" She ran away and waved to us, the bell started to ring. Serana grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hall.
We ran into the Ms.Haruna's classroom and collapsed into the desks as the bell rang its final ring.
Ms.Haruna " First day and she's almost late, this should be an interesting school year. Okay class, welcome to Math. We will have a pop quiz so I can decide your abilities in Math"
Serana "A pop quiz!? Ms.Haruna that is not fair on the first day back to school!"
Ms.Haruna "Serana Tsukino, I hate to see you stay after the first day of school in detention"
I stood up, my arms crossed "Ms.Haruna, just because she thinks its not fair is no reason to give her detention. She is merely expressing a matter of opinion which is substantial in the trust and relationship between teacher and student"
The class fell silent, even Ms.Haruna's face was expressionless.
Ms.Haruna " Who are you? Are you sure your even suppose to be in this class, or even in this school?"
I cleared my throat " Candace LaB. Last year"
Ms.Haruna looked at her class list and nodded " I guess you are in this class, well please have a seat so we can get on with the quiz"
I nodded and sat down, Serana turned around.
Serana "Wow! That was amazing, thanks Candace!"
Ms.Haruna "Serana! Turn around and work on the test!"
Serana "Yes!"
(After School)
Serana and I waited outside for Molly.
"What did you get on the test Serana?"
Serana looked at it, her face lowered
Serana " I only got a 30"
"Don't feel bad Serana, I only got a 55... math is not my best subject"
Molly came running up with a boy who had short brown hair and coke a cola glasses. His eyes immediately filled with hearts when he saw me.
Serana "grr...not Melvin..."
Melvin "Serana, whose your pretty friend? Are you into chess? Want to join the chess club?"
Molly smacked Melvin on the side of the head
Molly "Not every new student is going to be into chess, your such a dope"
"My cousin, Ami, is really into chess. Sometimes if I'm lucky I'll win one match. But I am not interested in staying after school for anything but a drama class"
Melvin "How did you do on the test Serana? My parents are going to be very disappointed...I only got an 95"
"95? And your complaining? Stop bragging I bet you Serana is better in some subjects than you anyway"
A sweat drop appeared on Serana's forehead.
Melvin "Anyway, I am going to library to chat with all my friends on the internet"
Melvin took off in a hurry, and he didn't even get my name.
Serana "I'm a failure, I will never be able to go home with grades like this"
Molly "What you need is a trip to the mall to get your mind off of this...tell your mom your at my place studying!"
"What she needs is a little red marker to change that "30" to an "80" I did it all the time in Canada"
Serana " I really need to go home"
Molly "We can visit my Mom's jewelry store. She has lots of rhinestones"
Serana "Rhinestones I love them!"
Molly "She has lots of them and in lots of colors!"
Serana "Like pink and purple?"
Molly "Oh yes, then we can go for ice cream!"
Serana "Then shop some more!"
Molly "What is your favorite stone Candace?"
Serana (still in a daze) "I could use some pink ribbons for my hair..."
"My favorite stone is the pearl"
Serana (snapped out of daze) "That is my favorite stone too! It reminds of the moon!"
We headed towards the jewelry store, when we got there the sliding doors opened and we surrounded by screaming customers. A lady, which I assumed was Molly's mom, stood on a chair and bellowed though the microphone.
Molly's Mom "Attention Ladies! Today only! Everything in the store is 90% off!"
Serana "My God, Molly, what is with your mom today, she is sure acting strange"
Molly "I don't know, lets go ask"
We walked up to Molly's mom who had her back to us.
Molly "Mama?"
Her mom slammed her hands to her sides as if she was just caught talking to herself, she turned around nervously.
Molly's Mom "Oh hi Molly dear"
Molly "Serana, Candace and I are looking for some.."
Serana "Rhinestone jewelry!"
Molly's Mom "Nonsense, wouldn't you want some diamonds instead?"
Molly's mom pulled out a velvet case and opened it. My eyes widened at the diamond ring.
Molly's mom "Only the best for Molly's friends. This is a flawless 20 caret gold diamond, for you 10 dollars"
Molly, Serana, and I "20 CARETS 10 DOLLARS!!!"
The whole crowd of women crowded in, we had squirm out of the crowd and we barely made it to the door.
"Molly I hate to say it, but your mom is strange. I should be getting home anyway"
Serana "Me too, I eventually have to show my mom my awful grades..."
Molly "Okay you guys, thanks for coming"
"See you tomorrow at school"
We walked out the door and started walking down the street. Serana turned around and started walking backwards.
Serana "Hey Candace, want to come over? If I have someone over mom won't be so.."
BANG!!! Serana had walked right into a tall guy with sunglasses and deep black hair.
Guy "Don't you ever watch where your going?"
Serana made a face, I stepped forward.
" Its just as much your fault as it hers"
The guy smiled and took off his glasses, showing deep brown eyes.
Guy "Say, your kind of cute, how about I take you for a coffee?"
Serana "Ha! Too bad Darien, Candace is coming over to my place so I don't have face showing my mom my test!"
She raised the test and Darien grabbed it from her.
Darien "A 30?? Are you a natural blonde or just incredibly stupid?"
"That wasn't very nice at all. I took the same test and only got a 55, does that make me stupid too?"
Darien "Hey, at least you showed some effort and managed a passing grade. Which is more than I can say for meatball head over here"
"I'm sorry, I will not be going out for coffee with you."
Darien "Why not?"
" Number One, your too cruel and heartless to my friend, Number Two, you look too old for me"
Darien "I'm only 18 years old"
"And I'm only 14 years old. So lets skip the coffee and call it a day"
He stomped away, rather disappointed. Serana snickered.
Serana "That was great Candace! Your a real friend"
I smiled and started to walk across the street.
Serana "Where are you going?"
" That is my home just across the street"
Serana's eyes widened.
Serana "You live THERE?!"
I nodded.
Serana " That is like a mansion"
"Oh I don't live there alone, I live with my Aunt Karen and my cousin Ami Mizuno"
Serana "I'll see you around"
I crossed the street and waved to Serana before I went inside.
Ami wouldn't get back for another hour yet so I went downstairs to the basement. In the basement hung my favorite punching bag. I went into the closed and pulled out an outfit the looked like Chun Li's but was purple instead of blue.
" I miss Chun Li alot, I met her when I was traveling to America. She taught me everything I know"
I reached up and grabbed a velvet case, opening it I took out a bandanna that was white and had a red spot on it--- just like the Japanese flag. I closed the closet door and went to the punching bag. I flipped on my hands and twisted my legs in midair.
"Ni-Com Spinning Side Kick!!" My whole body twisted in mid air as my feet slammed into the bag. I landed on my hands again and flipped myself up. A few more punches and kicks and I collapsed onto the couch.
(4 hours later)
I woke up with a start, the clock by the couch read 10:30. I went upstairs and saw Ami at the kitchen table studying.
" How was school Ami-chan?"
Ami looked up at me smiled " It was fine"
" I am going to walk to that new jewelry store for something to do, I will be back later"
Ami nodded as I walked out the door, the cool night air calmed me immensely.
"This is boring, I don't feel like walking all way there"
I took a couple of steps forward and spread my arms out. In a swift swing I back flipped onto our roof gracefully. I leapt house roofs all the way to the jewelry store. When I got there I heard screams....they sounded like Molly! Alarmed I jumped down and saw something wrapping its hands around Molly's throat. I kicked the door opened and ran in, the monster turned and looked at me and threw Molly on the floor. Molly blanked out and the monster started to speak, its voice harsh and raspy.
Monster "Who are you?"
" A female warrior..."
A voice interrupted me.
Voice "Sailor Moon!"
I turned around and saw Serana dressed up in a skimpy soldier outfit.
" Serana? What are doing here in that outfit?
Serana's hand went to her mouth as she looked at a black cat standing at her feet.
Sailor Moon "Luna, I thought nobody was suppose to know who I was!"
Luna "Nobody is, I sense a strange awesome power imitating from her"
My eyes widened " That cat talked!"
Monster "Enough chit chat!"
The monster's arm grew and shot out towards Sailor Moon, I jumped in front of Sailor Moon and grabbed the monsters hand. I turned to Sailor Moon who looked shocked, I didn't notice the monsters other arm shoot out towards me. The monsters hand clenched around my ankle and I was swept off my feet, hitting the floor with a thud. The monster threw me across the floor, I slid on my ass into a pillar. Luna came running up to me, Sailor Moon was freaking out trying to dodge the monster's hand.
Luna " Candace, you are the legendary zodiac soldier-- Sailor Gemini! Like Sailor Moon you are sworn to defend the universe. I didn't know it till you recognized Sailor Moon, the only beings who can recognize Sailor Soldiers true identity are zodiac soldiers. You will need this..."
Luna flipped in the air and an pen appeared. The pen was turquoise and on the top was a silver medallion that had the Gemini symbol imprinted on it.
Luna "This is your transformation stick, now transform into Sailor Gemini by shouting 'Gemini Power...Make Up!"
I stood up, still a little in disbelief and held the pen to the sky.
"Gemini Power...MAKE UP!!!"
My surroundings turned into a hazy turquoise as my clothes disappeared. I held the pen above my head as ribbons twirled around me forming my turquoise boots and lavender fuku (fuku---sailor suit). Gemini symbol earrings appeared on my ears and a choker with the Gemini symbol on it appeared around my throat. With one final turn I posed with my hand on my hip and one in the air.
Monster"What?! Impossible! Who are you?"
" Legendary Soldier of Air and Mind and if your looking for a challenge, that is what you'll find. I'm Sailor Gemini!"
Sailor Moon looked up, her knee was bleeding and she backed up into a pillar.
I raised my arms to the sky "Gemini..." wind started to pick up around me, my hair flew up "Winds..." I twirled in a circle forming a wave of wind between my hands, throwing my hands in front of me the wave shot towards the monster "BLOW!!!"
The monster was thrown into the wall so hard her body molded into it. The monster dropped to the ground. I ran to Sailor Moon to help her up.
Monster "You will not win so easily!"
The monster stood up, obviously more angry than before.
Sailor Moon "Oh no!!"
Monster "Loyal servants, rise and protect your master known as the negaverse!"
She rose her hand, Sailor Moon and I looked confused as the monster smiled.
Monster "It won't take long for my servants to get here!"
Loud moans and groans were heard behind us, Sailor Moon and I turned around to see a bunch of women in a daze heading towards us with their arms spread out.
" Holy shit! They are all weirded out zombies! I'll take care of them Sailor Moon, you take care of the monster"
Sailor Moon "Right!"
Luna "Wait! You can't hurt them Sailor Gemini, they are humans under the negaverse spell!"
" Then how...?" BOOM!! A bunch of women knocked me over and started clawing at me. I flipped myself up and jumped on my hands " Ni-Com Spinning Side Kick!!" It knocked a bunch of them out but others were still coming after me.
Luna " Watch out Gemini, there still coming!"
I raised my hands to the sky as the wind picked up around me "Gemini...!"
I lowered and stretched out my arms in front of me, palms out "Wind...!" I spread my fingers apart "Wall!"
An invisible wall of wind blocked the women from going forward, but they would burst threw it soon because I had to hold it there. I turned my head and saw Sailor Moon backed into the pillar, the monster stood over her.
Sailor Moon " *sniff* I don't want to play this game anymore!! WWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
Sailor Moon's crying escalated, I had no choice but to let the wall down and cover my ears. Luckily the women all moaned and fell to the ground. The monster flung up and held its hands against its ears.
Monster "Ahh! Stop the hideous CRYING!!"
Suddenly the monster arm shot out towards Sailor Moon but was stopped sharply... by a red rose. Sailor Moon stopped crying and all three of us turned to the window. A man with a flowing cape and a top hat stood on the window sill, Sailor Moon's eyes filled with hearts.
Monster "Now who is disturbing me!?"
Man "I am Tuxedo Mask. Sailor Moon, looked deep inside your heart and banish this evil and Sailor Gemini (looks at me) your looking pretty good"
I made a fist and turned sharply towards Luna " I hope Sailor Moon has a power to destroy this monster so that I can pound this tuxedo twit"
A sweat drop formed on Tuxedo Mask's and Luna's forehead.
Luna "Sailor Moon, take off your tiara and throw it at the monster!"
Sailor Moon "*whining* Why Luna, what is that going to do?"
Luna and I "Just do it!!"
Sailor Moon got up "Moon....Tiara....MAGIC!!" She flung her tiara at the monster.
Monster "What??? (holding its hands over its face) Nooooooooooo!!!!"
The monster turned into dust.
Sailor Moon "Dusted!"
Tuxedo Mask "Good work, I'll see you again" He jumped up and out of the window.
Sailor Moon "Wow, he is so cute!!"
Luna (clearing her throat) "You guys did great today. I am also very happy to have you on the team, Candace, to help Sailor Moon. Lord knows she needs it"
Sailor Moon "(turns to Luna) Hey! (turns to me) I can't believe your a sailor scout Candace, that is so great!"
I smiled and gave her a hug " I wish I could of known sooner, I could of saved myself a bundle on self defense classes"
Sailor Moon "Come on, we should go before all these people wake up"
" Can you make it to the window?"
Sailor Moon " Eeeek! You actually except me to jump that high???"
I sighed and followed her though the door as we untransformed.
Luna " I forgot to tell you Candace, your alternate identity needs to kept a secret"
" No problem, besides, I don't want that tuxedo guy following me around all the time"
Serana "What makes you think he likes you! He said my name first!"
" Serana? Could you be a little jealous?"
Serana " No! I'm not!"
" Are too!"
Serana " Am not!!"
I laughed as she chased me down the sidewalk, I knew Serana and I would be really good friends. Just as long as she promised not to wail like when she was Sailor Moon ever again.....
So what do you think of "Gemini Stories" ? There are more to come as Candace learns how close to her cousin she really is in the next episode--- "Mercury Influenza....Candace's Cousin In Danger!"
Please vote for how much you like Gemini's Fanfics on the online poll. Also, if you have any ideas or you would your zodiac soldier to make an appearance in a future episode email cosmic bunny at