About the Reststop**
Sailor Biographys**
The Image Gallery
Awards Won
Multimedia Games
Future Plans**
For Sale**
You know, as a webmistress I find I do things differently than other webmasters. Some stuff is obvious but this one may not be. Most webmasters put their updates on their main page. In my opinion, not only is it time wasting but who wants to read a half page blurb every time you access that webpage? You want the good stuff, I mean you might want to read the updates once but most people won't even update their updates. So to make it less confusing, and to save time, I put my Updates here on their own page. That way when you want to read whats been added you just come here. I also organize my updates by month (you don't need an daily diary ;p) and will only keep up to 3 months recent additions posted. (You won't see December's updates in April). So, onto the updates...
July's Updates
- Total Revamp Of Website
- Added Games
June's Updates
- Well the obvious changes have been made.. but I well list them here anyway.. oh and I celebrated my 20th bday on the 9th of June ^^
- I am no longer offering fansubs
- Removed the Splash Page and added a new look (previous visitors should notice this right away)
- Joined a few clinques
- Fixing Gallery to be more organized
- I will be adding some Multimedia games as well as some more pictures
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