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Things Happen For A Reason

Author: Jo

Disclaimer: I don’t own them. They belong to Joss Whedon.

Rating: NC-17 overall

Distribution: To anyone that has my first two fics, please take this one as well. If someone else wants this just ask.

Summary: Angel is married. Something unexpected happens and everything changes.

Dedication: To David Boreanaz for letting me take Angel to new heights and such an extended imagination. To Sarah Michelle Gellar for portraying Buffy and what fun I’m going to have with her in this fic.

Author’s note: I definitely enjoyed writing this fic. I hope everyone has a great time as well.

Feedback: Love it. Hate it. I need to know. It’s the only way I’ll know who’s reading it.



Angel McKeon was the last child of the McKeon family to finally settle down. His family felt that at his age, which was, thirty was reasonable enough to start a family of his own. The woman that is his wife, his confidant and lover was the one and only Darla Morgan. Darla Morgan and Angel met in such interesting circumstances, which was their family. Angel’s family was the prominent business company of McKeon Industries. McKeon Industries was knows throughout the world, but its primary headquarters was in Los Angeles. Though from time to time Angel would have to travel to Sunnydale or other parts of the US to represent McKeon Industries.

Though let’s get back to Angel and Darla and how they first met. You’d think that when parents would set up a meeting for their son that he’d be somewhat thrilled. Well that wasn’t the case. You’ll see what I mean.

Angel was sitting in his office looking at the files on his desk when his parents entered the room. The interior of his office was carpeted, leather seating and a metal nameplate that was on his desk. There was a window behind Angel that overviewed the city of Los Angeles.

“Hello son,” said the older male. Angel lifted his brown eyes to recognize his parents.

“Dad, Mom, why are you here?” he asked as he dropped his Mont Blanc pen on his desk.

“Can’t a mother come and see her son?” Mrs. McKeon asked.

“Of course not, Mom,” Angel said getting up from his seat and walked over to greet his parents. Angel leaned on his desk with his arms crossed on his chest. He knew that his parents were up to something because they rarely interrupted him at work unless it was important.

“Angel, we were thinking that maybe it was time that you settle down and leave your bachelor life.”

“Really? Why is that? I’d really like to know,” Angel said angered. His eyebrows turned into a frown.

“Well you’re twenty eight and we both feel that you’d be suited with Darla Morgan.”

“You’re kidding right?! She’s a bitch, stuck up and spoiled! There’s no way I’m getting married to her,” Angel said seriously looking straight at his father.

“Don’t you dare say that about Darla Morgan! You have no right to say that about her. Her family has been great friends with ours for years.”

“I don’t care father. I’m not marrying her. She and I have nothing in common.”

“Angel, listen to your father. He only wants what’s best for you.”

“Mom, I can’t believe you’re taking Dad’s side on this.”

“Angel, listen to me. When I first met your father, he and I never really knew each other and look at us now,” she said caressing his cheek. He turned his face and leaned into his mother’s hand. His mother would always caress his cheek whenever he would get upset.

“Mom, I can’t marry. I don’t love her,” he said softly.

“Angel, I know that, but there’s no other way. You have to. In due time you’ll love Darla Morgan and build a family with her.

“I just can’t.”

“You’re going to marry Darla. End of discussion,” said Mr. McKeon.

“Fine. You want me to marry Darla Morgan? I’ll do it.” ‘Though that doesn’t mean that I have to love the bitch.’

“Good. That settles it.”

That was two years ago. Since then Angel has been married to Darla. Though his marriage to her wasn’t what he wanted. She wanted him by her side at all times and wasn’t too thrilled about the female employees talking to him. She was getting suspicious and was wondering if Angel was having an affair behind her back. Then again if he did and she would get a bundle in the divorce settlement and her stocks at McKeon Industries would remain hers. Even if she weren’t married to Angel anymore, she would remain one of the shareholders of McKeon Industries.


Buffy Summers a young woman at the age of twenty-five and decided to start her own lingerie business. She figured with the money that she invested would earn her enough money to start a business. It did. Though starting a business wasn’t the problem. It was men. Buffy just couldn’t find the right guy to satisfy her. Of course when it comes to satisfaction most people would automatically assume that it meant sex. Well it wasn’t. The sex was great with the men that she had been with, but that’s all it was. Though all the men that she had been with from Parker, Owen to Riley, Riley was the nicest of all. Riley Finn had made her feel special and loved. Though their relationship lasted two years, she couldn’t see herself married to him. There was something missing and she couldn’t put her finger on it.

Faith Evans was a brunette with long hair that reached her shoulders and happened to be Buffy’s roommate and best friend. These two girls have known each other since they were three. They have always been inseparable. Faith was the wild one between them, but that doesn’t mean if Buffy wanted something that she wouldn’t go after it. Buffy liked a challenge and was willing to win her prize.

“So B, what are we gonna do tonight? Are we staying in or going out?”

“I guess we can head out if you want?

“Gee, don’t let me force you to go out. I was just trying to cheer you up. You seem a bit down after your break up with Riley.”

“I am. Though that doesn’t matter now. I’m gonna get dressed and we’ll head downstairs to the bar. If nothing happens which is likely, then we’ll head out to The Bronze.”


It was Friday night and Angel didn’t want to spend it cooped up in his hotel room. His best friend Spike insisted that they’d get a couple of drinks. Spike also wanted to find a lady to spend the night with him.

“You ready in their Angel?”

“Yeah, I’m coming. Let’s head downstairs.”


The bar at the Sunnydale Hotel had elegance. As you enter the room the lights were lit, the floor had hard wood paneling of mahogany with a clear polish to protect the surface. The bar had long table with the bartender, alcohol and mirror. There were also little tables with chairs and a still stemmed rose in a vase.

Faith and Buffy made their way inside the bar and settled into one of the tables and sat down.

“So what do wanna drink?”

“I think I’ll have a Shirley Temple. Oh, and Faith don’t start flirting with any guy up at the bar and keep me hanging.”

“Me. Never,” Faith said laughing.


Angel was at the bar having his scotch on the rocks with Spike when Faith appeared to order her drink and Buffy’s. Spike was looking right at her and noticed how the curves on her body just clung perfectly in all the right spots. Angel glared at him.

“Would you quit looking at her as if she’s a piece of meat?”

“What are you talking about?”

“It’s okay. I’m use to it. Thanks anyway.”

“Your welcome.”


Buffy was just staring at her surroundings and wondered what took Faith so long. She then looked up and noticed what was distracting her. She apparently caught the attention of two men. ‘It figured. She goes off and finds two guys after her.’ Then Buffy noticed the dark haired gentleman turned to look at Faith and noticed his profile. He had a nice smile and could tell that he was tall. She loved tall men.

Faith made her way back to Buffy with their drinks.

“I can see that you made two new friends.”

“Oh, those guys over there. The blond is more to my liking. Though the other guy looked like someone you’d hook up with.”

“I guess.” Though while Buffy said those words she was staring at the dark haired man.

“You know what, I’ll leave you alone so you can catch Mr. Good Looking.”

“Yeah, sure.”


Angel was still drinking his scotch when Faith approached him and Spike. She made her way straight to Spike.

“Hey. I was wondering if you’d like some company?”

“Sure thing. Let’s go love.”

“Oh, by the way I think my friend over there likes you,” Faith told Angel pointing towards a blonde dressed in a red dress. Angel just smiled. He then looked at the blonde beauty from a far and was transfixed by her already. ‘I can’t be starring at her. I’m married. Married to a bitch. But still I’m attracted to her.’

‘I can’t believe he’s looking at me. Oh, he’s too good to be true. It’ll be my luck that he’ll be married.’ Buffy decided to lift her glass and saluted Angel. Angel did the same In return with a smile. He then made his way over to her table. Buffy couldn’t believe it. ‘He’s coming over here. Wait! Check his hand. Damnit, he’s married. My luck.’

‘What am I doing? She’ll know I’m married and probably think I’m some twisted man.’

“Hi. Can I sit here with you?” he asked with a smile.

“Sure,” she answered with a silly smile on her face.

‘Are you out of your mind?! He’s married! But he looks so good looking. Oh, just shut up and enjoy the moment. It ain’t going to last anyway.’

“So what’s your name?” Angel asked for the third time.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Buffy. Buffy Summers. And you?”

“Angel. Angel McKeon. So what’s a beautiful lady like yourself doing here all lone?”

“I wasn’t alone. My friend left with yours. Besides what’s a married man like you doing here with me?” Buffy then took the cherry out of her drink, sticking out her pink tongue licking the cherry and placing it in her mouth eating it leaving the stem on the table. All the while Angel’s brown eyes just couldn’t remove itself from Buffy’s lips or rather her tongue. All different kinds of thoughts went rummaging into his mind. As his brown eyes moved up to meet her green ones. Buffy just smiled and knew that she got him.

“I’m here on business actually. I just decided to have a drink so I came down.”

“Oh.” Buffy just couldn’t stop staring at Angel. He looked so handsome in his tailored suit. Black was definitely his color. Black suit, matching tie lightly loosened with the top button undone with a nice shirt. Though his voice which was deep enough, spiked hair and brown eyes just made her more attracted to him.

Angel just didn’t want to mention Darla while he was in the presence of a beautiful woman. Even if he knew that nothing could ever come of this, but at least he’s sleep well tonight. ‘Those eyes. Those gorgeous green eyes and that beautiful smile. It’s just too bad.’ The both of them continued talking for the rest of the night until Buffy spoke up.

“I better get going. It was nice meeting you Angel.” She then held out her hand and he took it in his and kissed it.

“The pleasure was all mine,” he said with a smirk. As he released her hand Buffy had felt a shiver run down her spine just by the simple gesture. As she stood up she passed by Angel and whispered into his ear.

“Your wife is lucky to have you,” she said huskily. Her hot breath saying those words into his ear just brought a chill down his spine. Buffy walked away slowly letting Angel ‘s eyes following her legs and the sway of her hips. She hypnotized him. She turned around and caught him staring at her and smiled.

“What am I doing? I must be crazy.”


Angel was restless throughout the night. He just couldn’t sleep because every time he shut his eyes a pair of green ones would appear. Those beautiful green eyes and her blonde silky hair and those lips that he just wanted to kiss so badly. ‘I have to stop thinking about her. I just have to.’ The phone rang and brought him out his reverie.


“Hello my Angel. Did you miss me?”

“Darla, why am I not surprised? Why the phone calls? You think I’m cheating on you?”

“I called my husband to see if he missed me. Oh, and you would never cheat on me. I’m the best thing that happened to you.”

“You’re so sure of yourself. Look I have to get going. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Angel hung up the phone before Darla answered him.


Buffy just had a smile on her face. She wasn’t really a morning person. Though this morning things were different. It all started with last night when she talked with Angel McKeon. For some reason Angel’s last name ringed a bell in her head.

“Faith! Faith! I have a question to ask you,” Buffy said opening the door and quickly noticed that she wasn’t alone.

“Okay. I’m so sorry. I’ll leave.” ‘Wait a minute! That’s Angel’s friend. She met the guy the same night and already slept with him.’


Faith was up even if she didn’t want to thanks to Buffy. Spike got into his clothes as Faith quickly found a robe and wore it. They both stepped out with Buffy sitting on the couch.


“Hi! I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s okay B. I’m gonna let Spike go and I’ll be with you.” Faith walked Spike to the door.

“I guess I’ll see you around.”

“Sure.” Spike then kissed her. Faith closed the door and walked towards Buffy.

“Well you sure had a good time. It seemed like Spike spent the night.”

“Yeah. We had fun. Though you and his friend must have hit it off.”

“Angel and I only talked for the rest of the night. Besides even if I waned him, I couldn’t get him.”

“Why not? He’s tall, dark and handsome. He’s your type.”

“True. Though the big factor is that he’s married.”

“So what! I can tell you’re attracted to him. Just go for it. Make it a night that he won’t forget.” Buffy laughed.


Then evening was approaching and the ladies were getting ready for dinner. Faith made plans with Spike, which left Buffy all alone again. Though Buffy being alone might have an advantage. She might bump into Angel and have dinner with him.

Buffy slipped in her underwear, which consisted have a black bra and matching panties. She then added her vanilla scented lotion on her legs and gently rubbing the cream and massaging her legs. Then she slipped in her high thigh black nylon stockings and slipped her dress, which landed, right on her knee. Buffy fixed her hair and let it flow onto her shoulders and slipped on her black heels. Then finally she quickly added some natural lipstick and lightly dabbed some vanilla perfume on her pulse points, the sides of her neck. Buffy looked at herself once more and headed out the door.


Angel was downstairs and was about to enter the restaurant when his blonde beauty from last night appeared before his very eyes. He was gazing at her from head to toe. Her blonde hair was flowing from her petite frame in that black dress that just accentuated every curve on her body and finally her legs, which ere hidden underneath those black nylon stockings. He just couldn’t get his eyes off her body. His brown eyes looked right into her green ones and she smiled.

Buffy just couldn’t believe that Angel was there and checking her out. She had done the same as his eyes inspected her body. She made her way towards him.

“Hi there. It’s nice seeing you again,” she said flashing him a smile.

“I was about to have dinner. Would you care to join me?”

“I’d love to.”


Both Buffy and Angel were sitting across one another. They had ordered their meal and the wine. He had a sirloin steak, while she had sautéed shrimp. As they both ate from time to time their eyes would meet and they smiled.

“So do you have a boyfriend?” Buffy laughed at his question.

“Well that isn’t any of your business. Besides I don’t think that your wife would be thrilled you asking me a question like that,” she said smiling.

“Well she isn’t here is she,” he answered back smiling. He just couldn’t believe the way he was acting. He would never proposition a woman like that, but then again Buffy wasn’t like any woman he ever met. Buffy loved his response. She had him right where she wanted him. She picked up the shrimp and did the same act with the cherry last night. Angel just looked at every single step that she made. She slipped off her right shoe and made her way to his pant leg letting her foot hiking it up. Angel looked at her and started feeling her foot causing a shiver in him. “I just can’t believe that she’s coming on to me and I’m not stopping her.’ Buffy continued her task, but removed her foot and started to find another spot.

“So what do you want?” Buffy asked with her foot lightly touching his crotch. Angel just couldn’t find the strength to remove her foot. He felt himself getting harder at her touch.

“You,” he said huskily. He couldn’t believe himself. ‘I’m a married man. Oh, stop being ridiculous. I haven’t felt this excited and turned on in quite a while. Just look at her. She wants you. It’s just one night.’


They both quickly made it to his room in no time. By the time that Angel closed the door he pulled Buffy up to him and kissed her fiercely. It definitely wasn’t one of those passionate kisses you heard about when reading a romance novel. These were the kind of kisses that were made from pure lust, desire and need. He needed her. He craved her. His tongue parted her lips feeling her tongue with is own as he slammed her against the door.


“I’m sorry,” Angel said apologetically.”

“It’s okay.” He went back to kissing her as his right hand traveled up her left leg caressing it until he reached her firm behind and cupped it in his hand. His lips made its way to her neck as his to her hand leaned on the door for support. Buffy’s fingers threaded through his hair as her moaning increased even more. As for Buffy’s other hand found it’s want to Angel’s belt unbuckling in one swift movement, then went for the button and finally the zipper which then caused his pants to fall on his ankles. Angel’s hand left it’s place on her thigh and found it’s place in her panties and parted then towards the side. At the same moment Buffy snaked her fingers inside the opening of his boxers and retrieved his throbbing erection. Angel groaned at the contact of Buffy touching him. She wrapped both legs around his waist and slid herself inside of him. As she made the initial contact with him her green eyes looked right into his brown ones and just felt every cell in her body reacting.

“More,” she moaned.

“Faster,” she moaned breathlessly. He sped up even faster because he just knew that he had to keep on going because feeling her heat wrapped up inside of him was driving him to the brink. He went back to kissing her again and kept on thrusting. Their moans, groping increased rapidly until they finally reached their climax.

“Oh,” Buffy moaned out loud. Her breathing went down and she looked right at Angel and smiled.


The two new lovers slept on the carpet floor of the Sunnydale Hotel because they never had a chance to make it to the bed. Angel had his arms around Buffy as her head laid on his bare chest and her arm wrapped around his waist. Her blonde hair was messed up and had dried remain of sweat from a night of amazing sex.

Angel just woken up and couldn’t believe what he done last night. He had incredible sex with Buffy. The best part was not that they did it once, but twice for the night. The second time was even better because he got to see Buffy completely naked. His hands touching the curves on her hips, her breasts and kissing those lips just made him feel. He looked down at her and noticed how innocent she looked. Though her actions made her a vixen.


“Hmm?” Buffy then opened her eyes and looked straight into the brown ones that were with her last night. She loved the comfort of his arms holding her closely. She didn’t want to leave the closeness of this man. Though it’s too bad they nothing more could come out of this.

“It’s morning,” he said removing a strand of her blonde hair.

“Already? I thought it was still night.”

“Nope. Buffy about last night.”


“It was amazing. You were amazing,” he said grinning.

“You weren’t half bad yourself,” he said and then kissed his chest. She then slid her body on top of his so her breasts were touching his chest and lightly kissing his neck. His hands went to her back roaming all over feeling how smooth and delicate her skin felt underneath his fingertips.

“Buffy, we should head to the bed,” she said breathlessly.

“Why you’re not enjoying yourself right here,” she said as she rubbed her body against his.

“Hmm. You shouldn’t have done that,” he said with a smirk.

“Oh yeah. Why is that?”

“ ‘Cause I’ll do this.” He rolled over so that he was on top, then stood up, picked her up in arms and laid her on the bed. He straddled her between her hips and looked right into those green eyes and couldn’t care less about Darla or their marriage.

“So what do you plan to do to me Mr. McKeon?” Angel made believe that he had no clue of what to say to her.

“Well Miss Summer it’ll come to me,” he said grinning wickedly. He then proceeded to kiss her.


They both woke up later not wanting to leave each other’s arms like earlier, but all good things had to come to an ed. Angel and Buffy both got dressed, but before Buffy left to her room Angel had to say something to her.



‘Am I doing the right thing about asking her out again? Or is this just a case of sex driven hormones? There’s only one way to know.’

“I want to see you again.” ‘There I said it.’

“You do huh? I doubt that could be possible.” ‘Are you out of your mind, girl? He wants you just as much as you want him.’

Angel walked towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He knew what he was putting himself into, but didn’t care about the consequences.

“I mean after all you’re married and this is a one time thing,” she said softly. She couldn’t believe the rational part of her mind was taking over.

“I know that. But I don’t care. I still want you. Unless you…” Buffy’s lips on top of his cut off his last words that were asking her if she still wanted him as well.

“I want you too,” she said smiling. He was thrilled that she felt that way.

“So I’ll see you this weekend?”

“I guess.” He walked her to the door and gave her a lingering kiss before she headed out the door. As Angel closed the door behind him they both said.

“What am I getting myself into?!”


Buffy spent the rest of the day with a smile across her face all because of Angel McKeon. He made her feel like a real woman. The way he held her afterwards and not leaving her was the sweetest thing ever. Though she just couldn’t believe that she was getting involved with a married man. ‘Faith’s gonna flip when she finds out that Angel’s married.’

Faith just stepped pout of her room when she noticed her best friend still had the same outfit from the night before. She figured that maybe things went well with Mr. Good Looking. She noticed that Buffy was beaming with happiness. ‘Oh, she definitely got some and it must have been great.’

“So Buffy how was your night?”

“It was nice. I can see that you had a great time as well. So you and Spike huh? Is it getting serious?”

“Yeah, I was with Spike. I don’t know about us. We’ll see. So getting back to you and Angel. What happened?”

“We slept with each other. Then of course the biggest thing was that he’s married.”

“You’re shitting me. Angel’s married. So I guess things between you and him are over right?”

“Not really. We decided to see each other secretly. So it’s not over,” Buffy said smiling.

“B, you know that you’re playing with fire and you might get burned? H’s not going to leave you for his wife.”

“I like playing with fire. Besides I’ll persuade him with my charm and he’ll be mine.”

“I just want you to be careful okay.”

“Gee, since when did you become a mother hen?”

“Never. It’s just that I know you B. Your gonna fall for this guy and he’s gonna break your heart.”

“He won’t.” ‘If he does I’ll definitely try to be a step ahead of the game.’


Angel met up with Spike in the lobby of the Sunnydale Hotel. They were leaving and heading back to Los Angeles to their normal lives. Spike was looking at Angel and could tell that something was different about his long time best friend.


“Yeah. What is it Spike?”

“How were things with you and blondie last night?”

“Her name’s Buffy. We got to know each other better,” he said grinning.

“So you got horizontal with her didn’t you?”

“Yes. I slept with Buffy.” Thanks to Spike he just couldn’t stop thinking about her.

“So it’s over between you two?” Spike asked. He was curious of his best friend would actually pursue this relationship.

“Yeah, it is. We both decided to spend one night. I mean after all I’m married to Darla.” ‘Who are you kidding? You knew perfectly well that you couldn’t just end things like that wither. Though there’s no way you’re telling Spike because one day he might just let it slip in front of Darla. No this one secret is going to remain to myself for now.’

“Good. You sure don’t want Darla knowing anything. Oh, and I won’t mention about your tryst with Buffy,” he said smiling.

“Thanks Spike.” ‘Cause if you did, you’ll regret it.’


Angel made it home and he was tired from the limo drive and he just wanted to take a shower, eat something and then head to bed. Though that was in a fantasy world. He knew perfectly well that Darla would annoy him with some shit that wasn’t worth worrying about.

“I’m home. Even though I’d rather be somewhere else,” he muttered the last line under his breath. He didn’t hear Darla respond, but heard the barking of his dog Bertha Blue coming his way.

“Hey there girl. I missed you,” he said kneeling before the dog. Bertha licked his face as he scratched behind her neck.

“You like that don’t you girl? Yeah, you do.” He was glad that he bought his dog two years ago. He knew that when he bought his house that he needed a companion when he came home from work.

“Angel, you’re home. I was waiting to eat dinner with you,” she said smiling.

“Oh, you really didn’t have to. I’m going to take a shower, have something to eat and then sleep.” He said walking towards the steps.

“Can I join you?”

“No. I’m not in the mood tonight.” ‘If you were another blonde, I’d love to have you then.’


Both Buffy and Angel were in their bathrooms inside the shower washing their bodies when they both started thinking about the other. Angel couldn’t get her smile and those green eyes that had adventure and intrigue. He knew for sure that she’s a wild one, but had a nice heart as well.

“I miss you Buffy and it hasn’t even been a day,” he said smiling. He applied the Lever 2000 soap all over his arms, chest and legs. He then laid his hands on the tiles of the bathroom as the showerhead’s water went cascading down his hair leading to his naked body. He knew for sure that this coming up week would be difficult, but would be rewarded by seeing Buffy.

Buffy on the other hand was washing her hair massaging her scalp letting her fingers doing the job. Though she had a thought about Angel at the moment since when she saw him and they met up the following night for their first sexual encounter which led to two others that occurred that night made her want Angel even more. It just wasn’t the sex that was amazing, but the aftermath of having someone there. She could tell how nice of a man that he is.

“I can’t wait to see Angel this weekend. This week is going to be long and boring. Hopefully I’ll be distracted with work that when the weekend comes around it’ll be me and Angel.” She went off to rinse her hair, then stepped out with a towel wrapped around her body and on her hair. She found her T-shirt and underwear and slipped then one and then sat in her bed drying her hair. When she was cone she slipped under the covers and went to sleep to be dreaming about Angel.


The week was really restless for Angel. He just wanted the meetings to be done and over with so he could head to Sunnydale and see Buffy. ‘Just thinking about her brings a smile to my face and makes me feel happy inside.’

“Well we’ve done the preliminaries and it looks like everything is set,” Spike said.

“What about the Computer Graphics Department? Willow you taking care of that?”

“Sure thing Mr. McKeon.” Willow Rosenburg had always treated her boss with the utmost respect.

“Willow, don’t call me Mr. McKeon. It makes me think of my father. So just call me Angel, okay?” Angel said smiling at the redhead.

“Okay. Oh, Angel I was wondering if I could leave early today because I have a friend in Sunnydale to visit?

“Sure. Actually we’ll leave together since I’m heading that way. I’m taking the limo there.”

“Yeah, that’d be great. I didn’t know you had friends in Sunnydale.”

“Oh, I just have one.” ‘She ain’t no friend. She’s one great lover.’

“Hey it’s not fair that she gets to ride in the limo!” Xander exclaimed.

“I’m going to visit Buffy. You can come along too. If it’s okay with you Angel?”

“Sure.” Angel was stunned. Willow’s friend in Sunnydale is none other than Buffy. His Buffy. ‘Could things get any weirder? Probably.’


Angel, Willow and Xander were in the limo headed to Sunnydale. It had been quite a while since both Willow and Xander had been Buffy.

“I can’t believe that we’re gonna see Buffy! It’s been ages.”

“Yeah. I haven’t seen the Buffster in quite a while.” Angel had to smile at Xander’s nickname for Buffy. He just couldn’t wait to spend some time with her.

“So the both of you knew Buffy growing up?” Angel asked curiously.

“Actually we’ve known her since high school. Xander and I grew up together.”

“Oh. No wonder you can tolerate him.”

“Hey! That’s uncalled for! I’m a great friend.”

“He’s just kidding Xander.” The limo then stopped off in front of their destination.

“Enjoy your weekend Angel,” Willow said smiling.

“Thanks you too.”


Buffy was getting dressed and was planning to meet Angel at the hotel when the doorbell rang.

‘I wonder who that could be? It couldn’t be Angel, but that would be a nice surprise.’ Buffy quickly made her way down the stairs and opened the door to be surprised by her high school friends.

“Oh my God! Willow, Xander, it’s so good to see you,” she said hugging the redhead and then the dark haired guy.

“You to Buffy. We both thought that we’d surprise you.”

“Surprise!” Xander exclaimed enthusiastically.

“Wow! I’m surprised. Come on inside.” They made it to the living room to sit on the couch. Willow looked at Buffy and could tell by the way she’s dressed that she had already made plans for the night.

“Buffy were you planning on going out tonight? You looked all dressed up and I doubt it’s for us.”

“You sure look hot Buffster.” Buffy’s attire was a beige camisole with a brown skirt and shoes to match.

“Thanks Xander. Actually you’re right Willow. I was going out, but since you two are here I’ll just call my friend and we’ll meet up tomorrow.”

“Oh, Buffy I feel bad really. You don’t have to change your mind you know.”

“It’s okay Willow. I’m gonna go up and change, call my friend and be right down to talk about old times.”


Angel had just arrived at the hotel and sat on the couch with his legs up on the table and his shoes next to him on the carpeted floor. His head was leaned back resting on a cushion, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up and he taken off his tie. Angel looked so relax and rested, but was interrupted by the telephone ringing in his room.

‘Who would be calling me here? Please let it not Darla’ Angel quickly made his way and answered the phone.


“Hi Angel.” Angel just took a moment to stop and realized that it was Buffy calling him.


“The one and only.” He already figured out why she called.

“Is something wrong?”

“Actually yes. You see my two friends from high school came by and I really wanted to stay with them because being rude isn’t nice. Then at the same time…”

“Buffy. You’re babbling. It’s okay if you wanna stay with your friends.”

“Really?” She thought he was being sweet about the whole thing because they were supposed to spend time together.

“Yeah. I’m just going to miss you tonight. It’s going to be lonely in this bed all alone with no one to talk to.”

“I doubt talking is what we’d be doing,” she said smiling.

“Have fun with your friends and I‘ll see you soon.”

“I’m coming tomorrow.”

“There’s no rush. I don’t want your friends thinking that I’m tying you up.”

“I didn’t know you liked bondage,” she said huskily.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it. See you soon. ‘Night Buffy.”

“ ‘Night Angel.”


Buffy went back downstairs dressed in jeans and a cute T-shirt that read “LOVE ME” on it.

“So how long has it been you guys?”

“Quite a while Buffy. The last time we saw each other it was your birthday.”

“Yeah, now I remember. So Willow how’s Oz doing?”

“He’s fine actually. He has a gig here so I thought that I’d surprise him,” Willow said smiling.

“How about you Xander?”

“Well Cordy is wondering when I’m going to pop the question. I’m not ready yet.”

“Well you better not keep her waiting any longer. She might find another guy.” They chatted for the rest of the night and they all headed to bed around two in the morning.


Buffy had made plans to go shopping with Willow, while Xander went to visit his parents. They would all meet up later and hopefully Buffy could find away to see Angel. A part of her wished that her friends wouldn’t come, but she was thrilled to see them anyway.

It was about noon and Willow suggested that they head over to the food court. Willow was rather curious about her longtime friend’s whereabouts. She wanted to know if Buffy had a boyfriend.

“So Buffy when you were all dressed up yesterday, were you going on a date?”

“Maybe.” Willow looked at her.

“Okay. Yes, I was. But it’s no big deal. I told him that maybe I’ll see him tonight.”

“You should see him. I’ll be seeing Oz and chances are Xander might convince Cordelia to stop by.”

“But I feel bad about bailing out you guys.”

“It’s okay. So what’s he like? Where is he from? Are you in love with him?”

“Gee Willow! Why so many questions? He’s sweet. He’s from L.A. the last question is a no for now.” Buffy really wasn’t ready to tell Willow about her and Angel. She just wouldn’t understand how her feelings are for Angel.


A part of Angel hoped that Buffy would come see him tonight because he was getting annoyed with the excessive phone calls that he wife was giving him. She knew that he has to be away, but she was being a bitch about it.

‘How stupid could I be to ever marry her? Oh, great the phone is ringing again.’

“Hello,” he said unenthusiastically.

“I guess I shouldn’t have called.”

“Oh, Buffy. I’m so sorry. I thought you were Darla.”

“Oh, it’s okay. I just wanted to tell you that I’m coming over.” That last statement just brought a smile to his face.

“I’ll be waiting,” he said smiling ear to ear.


Buffy made her way to the hotel room and booked the one that was right next to him. She didn’t want to be too suspicious about their whereabouts. She had never done this before and it was dangerous, exciting and an adventure that she wouldn’t forget.

Buffy left her luggage in her room, made her way out and knocked on his door.

“Hi,” she said smiling.

“Buffy, come on in.” Buffy brushed past him with her breasts beneath her blouse making a brief contact with his chest. He turned to watch her legs walk right inside and went straight into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. He quickly locked the door and made his way to the bedroom.

She was sitting with her legs crossed with her arms behind her back leaning on the bed. Her black skirt hiked up a bit exposing her thighs before him.

“See anything you like?” She asked with a smile that held something more.

“You actually,” she said making his way over to her. He then lowered his head and captured her lips into a sweet kiss. Her hands went through the short hairs of his neck grasping him closer to her deepening the kiss. He let go and licked his lips to look into her green eyes.

“So are we going to eat? You must be hungry.”

“Actually, I wanted to have dessert. So why don’t you get out of these clothes and we’ll have dessert,” she said pulling his tie to have his face meet hers and their lips were mere inches apart.

“Okay,” he swallowed the lump that was apparently in his throat. She moved her lips into his and started kissing him. He placed his hands on the bed for support and Buffy began to undue his tie tossing it aside and started with the buttons of his shirt. Angel all the deepening the kiss by placing his tongue with hers and enjoyed the feeling. Buffy moaned at the contact. Her fingers were beginning to have trouble with the buttons so she tore the shirt open and then went to the waistband of his pants and unbuckled his belt, while Angel’s lips left hers and went onto her as his fingers undid her blouse letting it fall off her shoulders.

His next task was undoing her bar and threw that onto the floor. He lifted her up in his arms and unzipped her skirt letting it fall. Angel’s brown eyes looked at the sight of Buffy with her bare breasts before him and her lacy black underwear. Buffy had already finished with his pants so he was standing before her in his black silk boxers. The sight of his chest all muscular and strong to the nice smile that always shows her how happy he is.

She went back on the bed moving further up as Angel quickly she his boxers remaining nude before him. He went on the bed and lay beside her and proceeded to kiss her as his hand wandered down and found the waistband of her panties maneuvering his fingers feeling her all around. He then slid her panties off with Buffy kicking them off. His hand went right back to her stomach going lower and lower until he felt her mound, which was smooth. His fingertips touching her sensitive mound caused little jots of electricity down there.

Buffy’s hand found it’s way to his throbbing erection and began stroking it. She loved feeling his erection in her hand and hearing him moan while they kissed. His lips left hers and started kissing her neck as his hand went back to its place right between her legs parting it open and gently began rubbing her clit with gentle strokes. As his fingers continued on Buffy’s moans increased the heat in her body.

“More Angel,” she said breathlessly. Angel went in with his ministrations by placing a finger inside going in and out of her while his thumb rubbed in her sensitive spot.

“Hmm. More Angel,” He inserted another finger as her hips began rocking back and forth. Angel went and added another finger. Buffy’s body just couldn’t handle the sensations anymore. She felt her orgasm approaching.

“Angel. Please stop,” she said out of breath. He moved his lips to wards her ear and whispered.

“Do you really want that?” He then increased the speed of his fingers.

“No. I’m just so close that I’m about to come.”

“Come for me,” he said huskily. Buffy heard those words and her hips bucked wildly as her orgasm approached.

“Yes!” Buffy breathing went down, as she looked those brown eyes.

“I’m getting you for this,” she said wickedly. She then continued stroking him faster.

“Buffy! No!”

“Yes!” She continued on, but Angel placed his hand over hers.

“Please. I just need to be inside of you,” he said filled with lust.

“Okay. But I’m getting you back.”

“Fine.” She then moved her body and had her back facing him. Buffy then took a hold of his erection and slid it right into her opening. They both hissed at the contact. Buffy had an advantage in this situation because she could control his actions. She looked down and watched him going in and out of her entryway. Buffy began clenching her inner muscles to hear Angel moan in satisfaction.

Angel’s hands found it’s way to her breasts and began massaging them between his fingers lightly tweaking her nipples causing Buffy to moan loudly.

“Oh!” Buffy felt every part of her body just buzzing reacting with Angel’s erection inside of her and his hands just sculpting her as if she was the perfect piece of art. She tilted her head until her lips reached his and leaned in for a kiss. As she let go of the kiss she increased her speed even faster.

“Faster!” Angel leaned his hips up and they both in unison began bucking their hips wildly until their orgasm took over.

“Ugh!” As Buffy slid over she leaned into Angel and looked up at him.

“So are you ready for dinner now?” He asked with a grin and then kissed her wet forehead.

“Yeah. Though it’s true that the best thing on the menu is dessert.” Angel laughed.

“What am I going to do with you?”

“Anything you want,” she said replied and began to drift off to sleep.

“I’ll keep that in mind.”


Buffy woke up the next day and turned to reach out for Angel, but he wasn’t there. She wondered where he gone off too.

“Angel?” She heard no response. She took the sheet and wrapped it around her body and walked out of the bedroom and spotted Angel tipping the bellboy. Buffy quietly made her way tiptoeing and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Morning,” she said kissing his bare back. He pulled from behind and looked at her.

“Love the outfit. Is it the latest fashion craze?”

“What can I say? I’m a trendsetter. Besides I couldn’t find my clothes,” she said smiling.

“You are something. Well I was thinking that now that you’re up we could have breakfast. We didn’t quite make it to dinner last night,” he said grinning.

“I couldn’t help it. I wanted dessert before dinner and it was worth it,” she said kissing his chest and then pulled his head for a kiss. He smiled at her.

“Let’s eat.” They both sat down and ate. From time to time Buffy would let her foot slide up and down to cause Angel look at her.

“Buffy, stop that,” he said smiling because he couldn’t stand to her mad at her.

“Oh you mean this,” she said repeating the same action.



Buffy made it to her house that night to wish her friends goodbye. She really wanted to spend more time with them, but she had to see Angel. Angel had become an addiction for her. She just couldn’t let a week go by with seeing him. He just made her feel things that no other man had.

“Buffy, it was great seeing you again. You come to L.A. and I’ll introduce you to my boss,” Willow said cheerfully.

“Sure thing Willow. I figure that McKeon Industries will help me find out with my business,” she after hugging her friend.

“Oh and Buffy we’ll show you all the hot spots in L.A.,” Xander added.

“Sure thing Xand. Before I head to L.A. I’ll call and then we’ll meet up. Oh, and this time we’ll hang out like old times.”

“Nothing beats Sunnydale Cinema or The Bronze. We’ll come back party and go to the movies,” Xander said dancing. Buffy and Willow looked at each other and laughed.


Angel finished dropping off both Willow and Xander and decided to head home. He knew for sure that he couldn’t avoid Darla as much as he’d like to. She was a part of his life just like she was a part of his. He just didn’t know how much longer he could live with a woman that he never loved.

Angel entered the house, went straight upstairs to his bedroom and started to change. As he was taking off his clothes, Darla was watching the display before her. The sight of his body always brought chills down to her spine. ‘No matter how many time I see him with is clothes on, he always looks better without them.’ Angel felt that he was being looked at.

“Darla, what do you want?” She made her way to the bedroom and wrapped her arms around his waist. Angel flinched at the contact.

“Your parents called today. They invited us to dinner this Saturday.” ‘Saturday. Damn! I was hoping to see Buffy.’ “Sure that’d be great.” ‘You never know what may happen.’


Buffy was at her office figuring out what would be the latest designs for her lingerie line. She figured that if she sketched a few designs and looked at the drawings from the previous week that Angel would be out of her mind temporarily. Though as she was looking at the designs before her she couldn’t stop thinking about Angel. She was thinking what way she could surprise Angel in L.A.

“I have got to stop thinking about him. I have to concentrate on these designs and get through this week. Oh, but I can’t stop thinking about those brown eyes and that beautiful smile. I’m definitely going to need a cold shower tonight.”

“Hey B. So you still are thinking about Angel?”


“Don’t huh me. I see it in your eyes. You’re thinking about Angel aren’t you?”

“Yeah,” she said with a half smile.

“So it’s that good huh?”

“Faith! It’s not like that.”

“So when you’re with him you don’t want to tear off his clothes and ride him like cowboy,” Faith said with a huge grin. Buffy had to think rationally before answering.

“Okay maybe I do. But that’s not all. He’s nice and he makes me feel safe,” she said smiling.

“Yeah, that’s all nice. But the fact of the matter is he’s married. He’ll never be yours. Don’t out your hopes up.”

“I’m not. I know he’s married.”

“I just don’t want your feelings to hurt.”

“I know.” Though in the back of her mind she didn’t know that is the next time they have sex she might feel something more.


It was Friday and Buffy decided that this weekend she’d hangout with Willow and Xander. Although her ulterior motive was to finally see Angel in L.A. and she figured that a surprise would be an order. As Buffy slipped on her beige trench coat dress that reached mid thigh, with black high thigh stockings and matching shoes she looked herself over the mirror making any necessary adjustments.

“Well if this outfit doesn’t surprise him I don’t know what will.” She finished packing her clothes in her over night bag, left Faith a note and headed out the door.


Angel was sitting in his chair looking at the files before him with the view of Los Angeles right behind him. He was having a hard time concentrating because he wondered what reason could he give Buffy for breaking their plans. He enjoyed their moments even if it is just mainly sex, but was it starting to become more than that. ‘What am I going to tell her? I know she’ll be disappointed.’

All the while Angel was contemplating his thoughts Buffy was outside talking to secretary Karin.

“Good Afternoon. I’m here to see Mr. McKeon.”

“Okay. Just wait one moment while I tell him that you’re here.”

“Thanks.” Karin was observing Buffy’s outfit and noticed she sure dressed sexy for an appointment with her boss. ‘If I knew any better I’d say that she’s his mistress.’

“Mr. McKeon will see you now.”

“Thank you.”


Angel was waiting for his new potential client to step in. He figured after about an hour or so when things were wrapped he’d call Buffy. His back was towards the door so when he heard his client come in he swiveled his chair, looked up and was surprised to see who was staring before him.


“That’d be me.” She then locked the door and walked towards him.

“What are you doing here? I’m supposed to have a client coming in.”

“Nice to see you too. I am your client. I’m here on business,” she walking closer to him and sat on his chair straddling his hips. His hands went automatically around her waist.

Angel had been checking her out since she stepped into his office. Her trench coat dress just covered the right amount of skin leaving her long legs fully exposed. He wondered if she had anything on underneath. Though now the thought now entering in his mind started to make him highly aroused.

“Business huh? Well I’ve never conducted business this way before,” he said smiling.

“Well I figure that when I’m conducting a business matter that I should get to know the owner on a one to one basis. Oh, and I’d like to know what kind of benefits I’ll be getting in return,” she said whispering in his ear and then nipped his earlobe. He shuddered after hearing those last words because he definitely knew that business wasn’t on her mind. Her lips kissed along his jaw until she reached her destination, which were his lips. As the kiss grew deeper, Buffy placed her fingers through his hair while his hands pulled her body even closer to his not leaving any space between them.

“Buffy, we can’t do this here.”

“Yes, we can. I came here on business.”

“Buffy, you know perfectly well that…” She silenced him with another kiss while her hand wandered down to his pants.

“Wait! Let me talk to my secretary first. Karin could you hold all my calls and if my wife calls tell her that I’m out.”

“Sure thing Mr. McKeon.” Angel hung up the phone and looked at Buffy.

“Okay. Now I’m ready.” Buffy smiled and then proceeded to move her hand back down on his pants while Angel pulled her in his embrace and kissed her. As the kissing between them intensified Buffy unbuckled his pants then button and finally the zipper. She crept her tiny fingers inside the slit of his boxers feeling the soft skin of his erection.

“Hmm,” he hissed with his brown eyes full of lust.

“I guess you like it then.” His only response was just a smile. He couldn’t form any coherent words because she just someone knew what buttons to push.

She continued stroking him looking intently into those brown eyes just loving how much she could control him. It was liberating. Angel moved his hands to from her waist to the belt of dress untied revealing a lacy flesh tone bra with bikini held together by two pieces of string at each end of her hip. He slid her dress off her shoulders letting it fall to the ground exposing her body before him. Angel then slowly untied the stings on each on each side of her hips and his lips were kissing her hips from left to right. He took the lacy material and tossed it aside.

“I guess we should finalize this business agreement,” she said stroking his erection.

“Uh huh.” She took his erection in her hand and placed it inside her opening. They both hissed at the contact. Angel removed his hands from her hips and unhooked her bra sliding it off her shoulders exposing her bare breasts. As his hands gently cupped her breasts massaging them between his fingers her hands held onto the armrest of his chair for support.

“Oh, More Angel,” she said moaning. His hands kept on squeezing her breasts while she kept rocking back and forth while she lowered head and captured her lips into a deep kiss. She let her tongue part his lips and went right to his tongue. As the kissing intensified between both lovers his hands were still on her breasts as her hands gripped on tightly on the armrest. Her lips left his kissing his jaw, then down to the side of his neck sucking on the exposed skin.

“Hmm,” he moaned. His hands left her breasts sliding his fingers over to her bare back caressing her.

“Oh,” she moaned. She squeezed her inner muscles on his throbbing erection while he jerked his hips upward filling himself deepen inside of her. She knew that at any moment her orgasm was fast approaching, but she wanted to build it up even more before finally coming.

Angel just couldn’t contain himself any longer. The way Buffy had such control on him was just amazing. It just seemed that every time they were having sex that it was getting better and better.

“Oh, Buffy,” he groaned out loud. He made one final movement with his hips as Buffy squeezed her inner loins onto his hard shaft and they both orgasm.


Angel was the first to wake up and realized that Buffy was completely nude and realized that she might be cold when she got up. So he slowly moved them both towards his desk and leaned Buffy over so he could take off his jacket. He pulled Buffy in his embrace and placed the jacket on her. His fingers started caressing her golden locks feeling how soft they were.

‘I care about you Buffy, but I don’t know if more will ever come out of it. All that I know is that no matter what happens between us I want that we spend enough time with one another.’

Buffy felt an embrace around her body and also something on her body. It just felt warm even though her legs were cold. She then remembered that she came to visit Angel for a business matter. Though they never settles to an agreement. She lifted her head and spotted Angel staring down at her.

“Hi,” she said softly and then kissed him.

“Hi right back at you. Sleep well?” he asked smiling.

“Uh huh.” Buffy also realized that he was still inside her body and smiled at the thought.

“Oh just to let you know I’ve decided that your company can represent mine. I just happen to like that benefits that your company gives to its clients,” she said smiling. Angel laughed at her response.

“Do you do this to all your female clientele. Or just me?”

“Just you. Only you Miss Summers,” she said and captured her lips into a kiss and caressed her thigh.

“That’s good to know.” She then rose herself from his bo0dy and started to get dress. As she was putting her underwear on Angel just couldn’t keep his brown eyes off the curves of her body.

“I see you staring at me,” she said turning to face him.

“I can’t help but be distracted by such beauty.”

“Sweet talker.” They both finished fixing their clothes.

“I better be going.”

“No! Don’t go. I thought I could take you to lunch.”

“I can’t. Besides I’m seeing you tomorrow.”

“Well speaking of tomorrow something came up.”

“Oh.” ‘Great his wife wants to spend more time with him.’

“My parents invited Darla and I for dinner.”

“Oh, it’s okay if it’s your parents. I’ll see you next week then.”

“No! I want you there.”

“Don’t you think that it’d be strange for your mistress to these with your wife and parents,” she said seriously.

“I know that, but if you bring Willow and Xander with you it’s be so suspicious.”

“How do you about them?”

“They work for me. That’s why I wasn’t upset about you being with them.”

“Why you.” She then hit his chest. He caught her hand.

“You coming tomorrow night?” He asked her kissing her hand.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she said smiling wickedly. ‘Oh, Angel has no idea what’s coming to him tomorrow night.’


Darla made believe around Angel that she wanted him. Well she did, but apparently Angel slept with her once or twice and she wondered how he could put up without having sex. She on the other hand needed to have sex and very often. So about two to six months into their marriage she started to have an affair on Angel with Lindsay McDonald. He was no Angel, but he gave her what she wanted. Sex.

“Darla when are you planning to leave Angel McKeon so we can spend our life together?”

“I can’t leave Angel yet Lindsay. He and I are married and we have to keep our family business going. I know that he’s screwing behind my back, but I can’t place it yet. Though I don’t know if he’s been doing it for the past two years though.”

“Oh, Darla who cares if he does. Just divorce him already.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she said holding him while they were in his bed.


Angel made his way home dreading to see “the bitch” also known as Darla. There were times like these that made him wonder why he agreed to get married to her. Sure they both had sex with one another, but that’s all it was. There was no love, no feeling from inside that would make you happy. As he drove into the driveway in SUV, he realized that Darla’s car wasn’t in the driveway. That brought a smile to his face.

When Angel walked right into the door his dog barked sensing the presence of his owner. Angel kneeled down before his dog.

“Hey there girl. You happy to see me,” he said smiling. The dog barked in response.

“You look like you’re hungry. Let’s get you something to eat.” His dog leads the way to the kitchen as he took off his jacket and loosened his tie and opened the top button from his shirt. Angel went inside the cabinet and found the dog food and poured it into a bowl and refilled the water bowl as well. Bertha Blue went straight for the food. Angel went to the fridge and found some ham and cheese, mayonnaise and bread and made a sandwich. Though before he sat down he grabbed a Heineken from the fridge and sat down. As he ate his sandwich he was thinking about Buffy and what a performance it was. He just couldn’t believe how she surprised him by coming to his office. His bog finished her food and walked over to Angel and placed her head on Angel’s leg.

“I hope someday you’ll meet Buffy. You’ll really like her. She’s nothing like Darla,” he said patting his dog.


After Angel spent a couple of hours lounging in the living room with Bertha Blue beside him, he decided to head upstairs. As he made it to the bedroom and started undressing his clothes and placing his jacket back into the closet he inhaled the scent of Buffy’s vanilla perfume.

“Buffy,” he whispered. He closed the door then headed to the bathroom to wash his face. He looked up into the mirror and gazed up at his reflection and smiled. He was happy with his life now that Buffy entered into his life. ‘I want Buffy more than anything. I have no idea what she’s doing. Actually I do, but it’s starting to become something else.’ He dried his face and went to bed dreaming about Buffy.

Darla quickly entered the bedroom quietly not wanting to wake Angel. She shed her clothes and slipped on her nightgown and went under the covers. Angel heard her and a faint smile went across his lips. ‘I got you. So you think that you’re the only one that can cheat in our marriage. Well you’re wrong. Two can play that game.’ Darla in the other hand thought she fooled Angel because she assumed that he was asleep.


Buffy woke up with a smile on her face. Tonight she was going to have dinner with Angel and company. ‘Oh, he has no idea what I have planned for him tonight.’ She was thrilled that it was Saturday because she wanted to relax and plan out the evening of fun with Angel. She was rather curious about seeing Darla. ‘She seems to be the bitch from hell if Angel’s cheating on her.’ Buffy stretched her petite form and got of bed. She grabbed her robe from the closet and then headed for the kitchen.


Faith was in the kitchen making pancakes when she heard footsteps. She turned around and spotted her best friend.

“Morning,” she said smiling.

“Morning Faith. Oh, you’re making me breakfast?”

“No, I’m not. I’m making us breakfast,” she said swatting Buffy with a dishtowel.

“You’re awfully cheery. So what gives? Angel?”

“Can’t a girl be happy?” Faith raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, it’s him. He makes me happy.”

“Okay. So when is the next fuck fest?”

“Faith! I can’t believe you!”

“Fine. Don’t tell me. So have you gone down on him yet?”

“No, I haven’t.”

“So has he gone down on you?”


“Though something tells me that you thought about him going down or you going down on him.”

“Of course I have. Though when the timing is right we’ll both know.”

“Oh, how sweet. Okay how about this question. How big is he?”

“He’s big enough,” Buffy said grinning. While Faith had been asking her questions about Angel, her thoughts drifted towards him. The idea of going down on him or him giving her oral pleasure just made her nipples hard and the wetness in between her legs increase even more.

Faith looked at Buffy and could tell by the _expression on the blonde’s face that she was thinking about Angel. She was thinking naughty things to do with that man. Faith had the feeling that one of theses days the blonde headed female would say she’s in love with Angel.

“That’s good to know. Oh, just to let you know, I’ve went down on Spike and he’s done the same for me.”

“Thank you very much Faith. I so didn’t need the visuals of my best friend with her best friend.”

“Your welcome,” Faith grinned.


Angel had decided to take a morning run with his dog. He always liked running as a child and continued doing throughout his teenage years. As he was running in his L.A. neighborhood he was able to clear his thoughts. This was his time a part from everyone, especially Darla.

As his Nike sneakers hit the pavement, his arms were at his sides. He was dressed in sweatpants and a white T-shirt. He had sweat dripping down his chiseled face and well-sculpted chest. His shirt was beginning to cling to his body as if it were second skin. He spotted a bench and sat down to drink some water. He leaned back and closed his eyes and started to picture a certain blonde. As he was off drifting, thinking about Buffy, Spike made his way over to see his best friend.

“Angel, what are you doing up so early?”

“You know me. I like to run.” Angel was thinking whether or not to tell Spike that he decided to have an affair with Buffy.

“Spike, I got something to tell you.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“If I tell you this you better not tell anyone. Especially Darla.”

“Okay, man. The suspense is killing me. Tell me already,” Spike said anxiously.

“I’m having…I’m having an affair with Buffy.” Angel was thrilled that he got that off his chest.

“Wow,” Spike was stunned. He couldn’t believe that his clean cut; goody two shoes of a best friend would have an affair.

“So you and Buffy? She’s really that good in the sack huh?”

“Spike, I’m not saying anything.”

“Does she give good head?” Spike asked grinning.

“Spike! I’m not even going to answer that.” Angel just couldn’t believe his best friend.

“Fine then. Have you touched her down below?”

“Spike! Don’t even go there. It’s none of your business.”

“I guess that means no.”

“I’m not going to answer that. I just need for you to not tell Darla.”


“I mean it Spike. You better not say anything.”

“I won’t. I promise.”


Since Buffy just happened to in L.A. for the weekend and Angel invited her to dinner, she had to have a decoy of some sorts. So her decoy was Willow and Xander. She had gone back home to tell Faith about her and Angel. She also knew that Faith and Spike were becoming closer because of what Faith told her this morning.

‘Hmm. What am I going to wear for tonight’s little adventure?’

Buffy was sitting in her tub filled with bubbles al the way to her neck. Her head laid back against a cushion with her eyes closed with two slices of cucumbers over her eyes and her arms on the sides of the bathtub. The only thing that would set this mood is to have Angel on the other side of the tub flirting with her. She took her Gillette Venus razor and applied her shaving gel and slid the razor on her leg to get rid of any hairs. When she was done with both of her legs she rinsed herself off and stepped out of the tub.

She wrapped a towel around her waist and stepped inside her bedroom. She dropped her towel to the floor and walked around her room naked in search for what to wear. She wanted to look really nice for him, but at the same time she wanted something with easy access. So Buffy slipped on her blue dress with matching underwear underneath. She already slipped on her high thigh black stockings and pumps. Buffy fixed her hair in a French twist leaving a couple of strands loose and curled at the ends. She then looked herself in the mirror making sure everything was in place, grabbed her purse and was out the door.


Angel was getting dressed and was just thankful that Buffy was going to be there. The only other reason why he wouldn’t say no was for his parents. He loved them dearly even though he had an altercation with his father. His parents just never saw the side of Darla that he knew. They never saw what a true bitch that she is. He could tell that Darla didn’t want to go, but she didn’t say it out loud yet.

“You know Angel I’m really not in the mood for having dinner with your parents.”

“So then don’t go.” ‘I’ll be extremely happy.’

“No, I’m going. It’s just your mother’s going to ask why we don’t have a child yet after two years of marriage.”

“You know perfectly well why we don’t have sex. Though I know for a fact that you’ve been fucking behind my back.”

“How dare you say that!” Darla was about to slap him, but Angel grabbed her wrist.”

“I know you’ve been fucking Lindsay McDonald behind my back. So don’t act all innocent on me now.”

“Oh, like you haven’t.”

“Actually I haven’t.” ‘Not until now that is.’

“So what do you do?”

“I do what any man who’s married to a woman that he can’t stand. I masturbate. I fuck. So let’s drop this and get ready to see my folks and two of my employees with their friend.” Darla huffed in response. She couldn’t wait to find some time soon to see Lindsay.


When Angel and Darla made it to the restaurant his parents, Susan and Patrick McKeon were already seated.

“Hi Mom. Dad.” He greeted both of his parents. Darla gave her salutations as well and then they both sat down. Angel paid no attention to his wife and spoke to his mother.

“You look lovely tonight, Mom.”

“Thank you my little Angel. You look great yourself.” He smiled at the compliment. He was wearing his trademark black suit with a white shirt and black tie. His hair was done with its usual spikes. They spoke some more before their company arrived.

Angel sensed that Buffy and her friends had arrived because he could feel that tingling sensation that was inside his body. He turned his head around and saw his blonde beauty staring right at him. His brown eyes connected with her green ones and they smiled.

‘Okay just calm yourself and remember that your wife and parents are here.’

‘Ooh, this is gonna be fun.’

Buffy, Willow and Xander made their way to the table and greeted everyone. So as everyone sat on the round table it was Buffy, Angel, Darla, his parents, Xander and Willow. It was perfect because Buffy could have easy access to Angel. Angel looked over to Buffy and noticed how the dress had a plunging neckline that exposed part of her breasts. A part of him wondered why she was tempting him like this. There was no way they could do anything.

“See anything you like?” Buffy asked smiling.

“Actually…” Darla cut off Angel.

“Angel, who is she?” Darla wanted to know because she noticed how Angel was drawn to her.

“She’s Buffy Summers, a new client of the company. She’s also friends of Willow and Xander.” ‘Oh, and she’s also my love. Not that you’d know.’

“Oh.” ‘Good for a moment there I thought maybe she was your whore.’

As the waiter came by and took their menus and started on their orders everyone began talking with one another. Buffy figured that she could start having her own little fun. She took off her shoe and proceeded to hike Angel’s pant leg. She just loved the idea of teasing and taunting him in front of his wife. Angel couldn’t tell Buffy to stop because everyone would know and he just loved the feeling.

Finally their dinner had arrived and everyone was eating when Patrick McKeon was the first to ask a question.

“Buffy, what kind of business do you own?”

“I own a lingerie business, Mr. McKeon.” Patrick McKeon nearly choked.

“Lingerie? How interesting.”

“That’s great Buffy. A woman that can have her own business no matter what it is and run it too as an intelligent woman. So a beautiful young lady like yourself must have a boyfriend?”

“No, I don’t. I’m still looking for the right man.” ‘Though the one right next to me is perfect.’ As she had said those very words her foot began to hike up his pant leg again and caressed his leg with her foot again. Angel in return placed his hand on her knee and slowly massaging it with his fingertips. Buffy wanted to moan under his gentle caress, but couldn’t due to their audience. He turned to look at her and smiled, while Susan McKeon caught the intimate interaction between the two. ‘My son sure seems to be fond of Buffy. I wonder if there is more to it.’

The flirting between them in the restaurant was heating up. Angel’s gentle caresses just kept on giving her shivers down her spine and a tingling feeling right inside her body. Buffy needed to get away and get things moving.

“Would you excuse me for a moment? I’m heading to the ladies room.” They all nodded in response.


Buffy quickly made it to the men’s room and made sure that no men were in there. She didn’t need an audience for what she had planned. She looked herself over in the mirror and touched up a bit. Buffy then took her cell phone out and proceed to call Angel.


Meanwhile Angel was chatting with his parents when he heard his phone rang. He took it out and noticed that he had a message. He thought it was odd that someone would be calling him. So he checked his voicemail and the written message said, You. Me. Fuck. Now. Men’s Room. He knew exactly who it was right then and there.

“I’m sorry, but apparently Spike just left me message and I have to call him back. It’s urgent.”

“It’s alright Angel.”

“Thanks Mom.” Angel left the table and calmly he strode over to the men’s room with a silly grin on his face.

Angel finally made it to the men’s room. He hoped that any man wouldn’t come in and hear them going at it. He saw Buffy stepped out of the stall and went pass by him to lock the door.

“Well we don’t want any company, do you?”

“Of course not.” She made quick strides towards him, and pulled him in for an intense kiss. His hands went automatically around her waist as her fingers threaded through the short brown strands of his hair. As both of their bodies were flushed up against one another leaving no space in between them. He lifted her legs automatically to his hips ad guided her towards the sink and sat her down. As they were still kissing, their hands roaming each other just feeling one another the mirror was reflecting their actions. He released the kiss for one moment to look Buffy straight into her eyes and noticed the lust, the desire, the need of her wanting him. His brown eyes trailed down to her pouty red lips that he longed to kiss since she sat next to him at the restaurant. He made his lips found it’s place right back into hers.

He pulled her petite frame right into his large one with her legs wrapped around his waist and headed straight for the bathroom stall. He quickly locked the door with one hand. Buffy’s hands began threading into his hair just feeling the texture of the silky strands. Angel’s hands roamed all over her body just feeling how smooth and silky her dress really was.

Angel decided to sit on the toilet seat with Buffy on top of him. This way he could have easy access to her panties. She brought her lips to his and lightly teased his tongue with hers just to show him what was to come.

“Hi. Miss me?” he asked with a wicked smile.

“Always.” He then pulled her into his arms again holding her closely and kissed her once more. His hands began stroking up in her thighs feeling how smooth the sheer fabric of her stockings. As he was about to slide his fingers inside the waistband of her panties he felt her bare behind.

“No underwear?”

“No, it’s a thong,” she said with a wicked smile. He was shocked, but at the same time he was turned on. His hands continued caressing her bare ass squeezing her tenderly.

“Oh,” she moaned breathlessly. She bent her head and captured his lips into a kiss while her hands were finding her way to the waistband of his pants. She then unbuttons his pants and zipper and slid her hand inside the slit of his boxers feeling his erection stroking it gently.

“Oh, don’t do that Buffy,” he said huskily.

“ I know you like it because I feel you growing and getting harder,” she said looking into his brown eyes. She kept on stroking him lightly getting him harder.

Angel took his hand and slipped underneath her dress and slid the thong aside as Buffy slipped his member inside of her. They both hissed at the contact of feeling one another on that sexual way. Buffy being on top taking control and started moving her hips back and forth. Angel held onto her hips firmly thrusting his hips forward going deeper inside of her wet folds. Buffy in return squeezed her inner muscles onto his throbbing erection causing Angel to moan.

“Buffy.” He just couldn’t believe the amount of control this little woman had over him. Every time they were together he just couldn’t get enough of this woman.

The more their bodies intertwined as one, the more closely they both were reaching their orgasm. Angel let his fingers find that spot and gently rubbed her clit eliciting that moan to make her orgasm.

“Oh, Angel,” she said breathlessly. Buffy squeezed herself on him one more and Angel just let out a groan and came.

“Uh.” They both embraced one another just relaxing after the wonderful sexual act. Buffy stood up and fixed herself up and took off her underwear. Angel stood up as well and fixed himself up. Buffy then handed him the underwear and whispered into his ear.

“Here’s something for you to remember me by.” She then kissed him on the cheek. He looked at her and swallowed the lump that formed in his throat.

“Okay. Thanks.”

“Your welcome,” she said and then kissed him once more on the lips.


Both Buffy and Angel returned to their seats each with an _expression on their faces. Angel couldn’t help but leave a silly grin on his face while Buffy was just content. Angel’s mother then noticed how happy her son had been. ‘I just wonder if they have something going on.’

“Angel, you seem happy. Is Spike alright?”

“Oh, Spike is just fine,” he said smiling. ‘Well wherever he may be, I on the other hand couldn’t be more happier.’


Over the next several days everyone that knew Buffy and Angel were beginning to wonder that whether their friendship was more friendly than business.

Willow and Xander were sitting out for lunch because it was such a beautiful day. As Xander was eating his sandwich, Willow decided to strike up a conversation.

“Xander, I have the feeling that Buffy is seeing Angel?”


“What gave you that idea?”

“I mean didn’t you notice the way she looked at Angel.”

“Not really. I was mostly enjoying my food. Besides Angel’s married to Darla, remember?”

“I know that Xander, but to me it seemed like Angel was a bit distracted by Buffy and so was she.”

“Willow you’re jumping to conclusions.”

“I’m not! Don’t you remember that when I asked her about her new relationship she couldn’t even give me a name?”

“Oh, come on Willow. Let’s just drop the subject, okay?”

“Fine.” ‘You’ll see Xander. I know something is going on with Buffy and Angel and I’m gonna find out.’


Faith and Spike had gone out for dinner and were walking along the boardwalk. Each of them knew that their best friend was playing with fire, but didn’t seem to mind the heat. Apparently the one-night-stand between those two must have been magnetic because they continued their sexual encounters and now they are lovers.

“I had fun tonight, Spike. It was great seeing you again.”

“Sure it was. You just enjoyed that quickie we had in the back before we went to the restaurant,” he said smiling.

“You’ve caught me. I’m guilty. I just can’t help it when you take me anywhere you please,” she said smiling back.

“That’s my girl.”

“Spike, you know about Buffy and Angel right?”

“Sure love. What about it?”

“What has he confided in you about Buffy?”

“I think he loves her, but hasn’t seen it yet. I know he will admit one of these days though.”

“I just want her to be happy and have lots of great sex. Though I know her and she’s always been a wild one, but deep inside her she wants to be loved and be in love.”

“So does he.”


Karin, Angel’s secretary had noticed lately boss seemed happier these past few months. She wondered if it was because of a certain blonde that went to see him. Just as Karin was thinking about her boss and his love life, he came strolling in.

“Good Morning, Karin,” Angel said smiling.

“Good Morning, Mr. McKeon,” she said smiling back.

“I’ll be in my office. So if I have any calls please hold them for me until ten, okay?”

“Sure thing. Would you like your coffee now or later?”

“You could bring it now,” he said and then entered his office.

As Karin made her way to his office she just couldn’t help but notice the smile that was on her boss’ face. She’s seen him smile before tons of tomes, but this one was different. ‘I wonder if Miss Summers has anything to do with that smile. It sure seemed that after their business meeting that he seemed happier. Could he be having an affair with her?’

“Here you go. Mr. McKeon you seem very happy are you in love perhaps?”

“Perhaps,” he said with a smirk.


Angel sat in his office with his legs up on his desk while drinking his coffee. He was just relaxing with a smile on his face that was all because of certain blonde. Buffy sure had a way with him. She could do or say anything and it was like he was under her spell. She was definitely what he wanted and needed in his life. He has no idea what he’s do if he didn’t meet her. He’d probably be having a one-night-stand or just jerking off.

“What am I going to do about my feelings for Buffy? I can’t control my emotions any more. I don’t know if I should tell her how I feel.” Angel thoughts about Buffy and their relationship were just the beginning for him. He might actually reveal his feelings for Buffy sooner than later.


It just seemed like the week flew by and the two lovers didn’t have time to meet up. They only were able to have quick conversations because they were both busy with work. Though they did promise to meet one another at the hotel. They figured that they could do have one last memory at the hotel.

Buffy was in her office thinking about what else she could do to make Angel be more adventurous and spontaneous. She knew that Angel was a good guy, but if she just gave an idea it became apparent that he was up for it. Either way she knew that this weekend would be so much fun. She headed out the door.


Angel was thrilled about seeing Buffy again. He hadn’t known if his feelings for the blonde beauty were love. His emotions were beginning to toy with him over and over again. A part of him wished that he could explain the situation to someone else besides Spike. He threw that thought out of his mind when he spotted her. Buffy was standing in lobby checking into her room. She looked absolutely stunning in her black slip dress with spaghetti straps. ‘She looks beautiful.’ He started walking towards her when Buffy turned around at the same moment to see his face.

“Hey,” he said smiling as he pulled her into his embrace.

“Hey right back at you,” she said leaning on her tiptoes to kiss him. As the kiss deepened Angel pulled her even closer.


Though not too far away was a pair of female brown eyes that saw the intense kiss. ‘So that’s what he’s been doing on his weekends. That’s what made him happy. I knew something was up. I think I should say hello.’ The mysterious woman that was soon to be revealed made her way towards the two lovers.

“Angel.” At the sound of a familiar voice that Angel heard all his life made him turn around.

“Mom, what brings you here?” ‘Oh, shit! This is bad. She’s gonna tell Dad. I’m screwed.’

“I came to see your sister Patricia. We plan to go shopping. Though it seems to me that this isn’t a business matter,” she said smiling.

“Uh. Yeah.” Angel was shocked. He couldn’t just flat out tell his mother, ‘Oh, guess what Mom, I found a woman that likes me for myself and not my money.’

“You know What Angel, I think I should leave you with your mother,” Buffy said and then kissed his cheek. Angel held her hand so she wouldn’t go.

“Don’t go. Stay while I talk to my mother.”

“No, it’s okay. It was good seeing you again, Mrs. McKeon.”

“Likewise, my dear.” As soon as Buffy was out of their sight, Susan McKeon grabbed her son’s arm and dragged him into the bar.

“Okay Angel it’s just me and you. So what’s going on between you and Buffy?”

“Mom! This isn’t easy for me to say. Let alone to my own mother.”

“Just spit it out Angel.”

“I’m…I’m having an affair with Buffy.” ‘Okay there I said it.’

“I figured that much,” Susan said smiling.

“What? When? How?”

“I sort of figured it out at the restaurant. The way you two would look at one another and smile.”

“Yeah, we were.”

“So does Darla know or even suspect anything about you two?”

“I don’t think she does. Though I know she’s been cheating on me with Lindsay McDonald.”

“My, my Darla sure gets around. So do you love her?”

“You mean Darla? Hell no! I can’t stand her.” ‘If you only knew how she really was.’

“I didn’t mean her and you know that perfectly well. Are you in love with Buffy?”

“I guess so.”

“You guess so!” Susan then hit his arm.

“Okay! Okay! Yes, I’m in love with Buffy.”

“So did you tell her yet?”

“No, and I’m not planning to yet. I just wouldn’t be able to live with myself if she rejected me.”

“She loves you Angel.”

“How do you know?”

“It’s in her eyes. She loves you enough to know that we’re talking about her right now. That as a mother I would never approve of this. Though I realized that I was wrong to pressure you to marry Darla.”

“Thanks Mom. Though could you do me two favors?”

“Sure. Name it.”

“Please don’t tell Dad or Darla. I know that it would hurt his feelings. He always envisioned us together.”

“I promise. Now, I think you should go now. I don’t want Buffy to be thinking that I kidnapped you.”

“Good one, Mom,” he said laughing and then kissed his mother’s cheek. ‘My son’s finally in love.’


Angel had a smile on his face as he steeped inside his hotel room. He spotted Buffy looking right at him. He noticed by her facial features that she was worried about his mother catching then in a heated embrace.

“So how did things go with your mother? Does she hate me? She probably hates me,” Buffy sighed.

“Actually she doesn’t hate you at all. She sees that you make me happy. She figured that something was going on between us.”

“Oh. So she’s not gonna say anything at all?”

“None whatsoever.” ‘Except for the part about me admitting my love for you.’

“I guess that’s good.”

“Very good actually,” he said and then captured her lips into a kiss.

“Hmm,” she moaned as she deepened the kiss even more. Her arms just wrapped automatically around his neck bringing him closer to her. As his broad frame was pressed up against her petite frame, his hands began to roam all over her back. He just wanted to feel her soft, smooth skin against his fingertips and make her shiver. His fingers found the zipper of her dress as her fingers unbuttoned his shirt. He then slid her dress off as it fell to the floor leaving her in a strapless bra and panties.

“You look beautiful,” he said gazing at her hungrily.

“Thank you.” Angel quickly shed off his pants and his boxers as well leaving him completely naked.

Buffy couldn’t help but stare at him with all of his beautiful naked body before her. ‘Ooh, I’m so lucky to have him even if he isn’t mine to keep.’ Buffy quickly shed off her underwear as well and walked up to him and rubbed her body against his.

“Feeling up for some action?” Angel didn’t respond though a certain par t of his body in the lower region did.

“Well I guess that’s a yes then,” she said smiling wickedly. Angel made his way to the bed and lay down. Buffy then took that as her cue to straddle his hips. She looked into those brown eyes and smiled right at him.

“So you ready to have some fun?”

“Oh yeah,” he smiled right back. She moved her hips closer to his erection, lifted herself up and slid herself right onto his erection.

“Hmm,” he hissed at the contact. Buffy began rocking her hips back and forth as getting the feel of him being inside of her. As Angel thrusted his hips forward as Buffy clenching her inner muscles onto his throbbing erection. The more they moaned, the more their climax was fastly approaching.

“Oh, more Angel!” Buffy felt that with one more push everything would be complete. It was as if he read her mind and did just that. Buffy’s breathing went down as she collapsed onto Angel’s bare chest.


Susan McKeon kept on wondering about her conversation with her son Angel. Angel’s in love with Buffy and apparently can’t stand Darla. She figured that she would have to speak to Patrick and see what his opinion was on Darla and Buffy. Susan truly doesn’t approve of the affair, but at the same time she noticed in her son’s face how happy Buffy Summers made her son feel.

“Patrick, I need to ask you something.”

“Sure, what is it honey?”

“What do you think of Buffy Summers?”

“She’s a nice young lady. Why you ask?” Patrick was wondering why his wife mentioned Buffy Summers to begin with.

“Don’t you ever wish that we never arranged Angel’s marriage with Darla and he might have fallen for someone like Buffy?”

“Oh, Susan you’ve got to be kidding me! Angel would never fall for her. She isn’t his type at all.” ‘Why is Susan even thinking about this?’

“Gee, Patrick you make Buffy sound like she isn’t worthy of our son. She’s a nice young lady that has a good head on her shoulders.”

“Well I just think that Darla is best suited for our son and I was right. Speaking of Angel, when are you inviting him and Darla over?”

“Actually I was planning to this Saturday.” ‘Oh, and you thinking that Darla is best suited for or son’s is in your mind Patrick; our son’s in love with Buffy Summers. I’m going to find out how much of a bitch as Angel would say that Darla really is.’


Darla always loved shopping. Especially when it’s Angel’s money. Angel’s money and spending it just brought a smile to her face.

“Ooh, I just can’t wait to head out and spend, spend, and spend” ‘I just can’t stand being with Angel’s mother. She’s always happy, caring and oh so thoughtful. Oh, please that makes me want to gag.’

Darla paid no attention as Angel entered the bedroom and looked right at her. He heard every word that she had just said. ‘So the bitch just can’t wait to spend my money huh? Well she won’t be able to spend as much as she’d like. I’ll make sure of that.’

“So you heading out with my mother for your let’s spend-Angel’s-money-until-we-max-out-the-credit-cards.”

“Oh, like you care! You could give a shit about what I do with your money,” she said glaring at him.

“Au contraire, my dear, I do care. I’m the one paying for the fucking credit card bills,” he said with a smirk.

“Well I’m heading out. Don’t wait up for me,” she said and walked out the door.

“I wouldn’t think of it,” Angel shouted. ‘I could care less. I’ll have some peace of mind for a couple of hours.’


Darla had picked up Susan and they drove to the Los Angeles Mall. The drive to the mall was quiet because there wasn’t much to be said between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. The most that these two ladies would ever have anything to say would either be business or Angel.

“So Darla, what are you planning to buy Angel this Christmas coming up next month?”

“I don’t know really. I haven’t thought that far along.”

“Oh.” ‘My, my trouble in paradise. Since when isn’t a wife excited about buying her husband a Christmas gift. I know I always do when it comes to Patrick.’

They made it inside the mall and headed towards the women’s clothing on the third floor. Darla apparently had better wanting to shop for herself than rather for Angel’s Christmas gift. She needed to find that right gifts for herself.

“Ooh, this dress looks fabulous. I’ll have to try it out. Oh, and here’s another one and another.” Darla picked up altogether three dresses and headed towards the dressing room.

Susan in the meantime was checking out some gifts for her daughters. As for her sons she’ll find something once the leave. She had already picked out what she wanted.

Darla looked herself over the floor length mirror as she wore each dress. She twirled herself around checking out which one of these dresses will be the chosen one.

“What to do? What to do? So many choices, which such little time.” So as Darla was on her way out, she bumped into on of the sales ladies at the store.

“Excuse me! Don’t you look before you walk?”

“I’m sorry miss.”

“Yeah, right,” Darla said and walked off. She then headed towards the register and stood right next to Susan McKeon.

“I can’t believe the nerve of some people here.”

“What happened Darla?”

“This lady that works here just bumped right into me for no reason. I can’t believe how they hire such inconsiderate people.”

“Well I hope she apologized.”

“Oh, she did, but I can tell that she didn’t mean it. I know she’s a bitch. Just look at her,” Darla said pointing at the petite brunette. Susan looked over and recognized the young lady. It was her niece Mary. She’s one of the sweetest girls ever and one of Angel’s favorite cousins.

“How dare you! That’s my niece you’ve insulted.” Susan then went over and talked to the young woman and left Darla. ‘Good riddance. No wonder Angel’s cheating on you.’


Susan had decided to call her son and wondered what his plans were for tonight. She figured that is she invited Darla and him over that it’s be easier on him. Susan picked up the phone and dialed seven digits and waited for the ring.

“Hello,” said Angel.

“Angel, how are you?”

“Mom! I’m fine. All things considered.”

“Good. Could you and Darla come over for dinner tonight at the house?”

“Sure thing. You know I don’t miss a chance for a home cooked meal,” he said smiling.

“Okay. See you at six.”

“Six, it is. Bye.”



Angel and Darla were sitting in the living room of The McKeon Residence. Angel was thrilled that his mother invited him to dinner. He would never miss an opportunity for his mother’s home cooking. He really didn’t care that he had Darla with him because she didn’t matter to him at all.

“Dinner’s ready,” Susan said entering the living room. Everyone stood up and entered the dinning room and sat down to eat. As everyone was eating Patrick McKeon decided to strike up a conversation.

“So when are you two going to make me a grandfather?”

“Darla, doesn’t want children,” Angel said looking at his wife.

“Isn’t that right, dear?” Angel asked.

“Yes, it is.”

“Oh. That’s just too bad. I know how much Angel love his nieces and nephews,” Susan answered sadly.

“It’s okay Mom. If I want children, it won’t ever be with Darla,” Angel said smirking.

Patrick McKeon just couldn’t understand how his son and daughter-in-law were acting. He noticed the looks that they passed on to each other. It seemed that these two weren’t happy with each other.

“What’s going on here?! How could you say such a thing like that in front of your wife?”

“Don’t you remember Dad, Darla wasn’t in my agenda of getting married, but you insisted. We don’t love each other. I wish I could divorce her, but I can’t remember, Dad?”

Patrick McKeon just sat there on his chair speechless. He had no idea how far things have gone. Though he didn’t care about his son’s happiness. It was a business transaction after all.


Christmas was approaching the residents of California especially for the two cities of Sunnydale and Los Angeles.

Angel’s family company McKeon Industries was getting ready to have their annual Christmas party. Angel was thrilled for this year’s party. It was all because of a certain blonde. He decided to give her a call and give her a surprise.

“Hello,” she said.

“Hi Buffy,” Angel said smiling at the other end of the line.

“Angel,” she said smiling. She was surprised that he called her.

“How are you? I also wanted to ask you what you’re doing this Friday?”

“Fine actually. I’m free why you ask?”

“I want to invite you over to the annual Christmas party at my family’s business,” he said proudly.

“Aren’t you very straight forward. So you’re ready to be seen in public with me in front of all your employees?”

“In any way possible. Besides Willow and Xander will be there as well.” Buffy’s smile immediately fell off her face as soon as Angel mentioned her friends. It was as if they were a smoke screen. ‘Now’s not the time to get emotional and worked up. You can’t take this relationship seriously. You are here to have some fun while it lasts.’

“Sure. I’ll probably be heading to Willow’s house instead of the hotel. I can’t wait for Friday. I’ll see you then.”


Friday just happed and made it’s way to the end of the working day. It was also the annual Christmas party. All the workers each had a Secret Santa and Angel’s gift to his employees would be a nice Christmas bonus.

The Christmas spirit was everywhere throughout McKeon Industries. The doors adorned Christmas wreaths. As for the inside the lobby, stood a 30ft tree adorned with lights, ornaments, candy canes and tinsel with a star on top. Then as you moved along towards the elevators leading you the different departments you would see twinkling lights just flashing all of it’s colors. No matter where you were in the building there no way you wouldn’t be able to in the Christmas spirit.


Angel was up in his office and he was counting the hours before Buffy arrived. He was hoping that maybe he’d surprise Buffy and they could get some alone time. ‘Now where could we do it? Hmm, I think I have an idea.’ Angel’s smile just grew wider. He had that smile plastered on his face that he didn’t even noticed when Spike decided to drop by and say hello.

“So let me take a wild guess and say that Buffy put that smile on your face,” Spike said entering Angel’s office.

“Who else would it be? It definitely can’t be that bitch of a wife that I have. So you just stopped by to say hi?”

“Yeah, you could say that. I need to ask you something about getting a Christmas gift for Faith.”

“You’re falling for her. Ha! I knew it. You should get her something that strikes her personality. I don’t know maybe handcuffs,” Angel said laughing.

“Oh, sure you’re laughing at me, but I have the feeling that you’re fallen for Buffy and haven’t admitted it to yourself yet. So what do you have in mind for Buffy maybe some candlelight dinner and wild passionate sex on a bed of roses?”

“Even if I fallen for her, I’m not telling you. As for what I’m giving Buffy for a Christmas gift, it’s none of your concern,” Angel said seriously. It’s true that his feelings for Buffy were growing, but he wasn’t ready to admit to someone else unless it was Buffy.


The Christmas party was beginning to take its course. The Christmas music was on and everyone was singing along. Some of the workers invited their significant others to enjoy the festivities as well.

Buffy told Willow and Xander that she was coming and they were thrilled. Buffy couldn’t wait to see Angel and wondered what kind of surprise he had in store for her. She stepped into the office and spotted Karin sitting by her desk with a man talking to her. Buffy walked right on over to her to say hi.

“Hi Karin.”

“Oh, hi Miss Summers so nice to see you again. You’re here to see Mr. McKeon?”

“Actually yes, but I’m looking for my friends. I think I just spotted them. I’m sorry for interrupting your conversation.”

“It’s okay. Oh and Merry Christmas.”

“You too.”

As Buffy was on her way to greet Willow and Xander a pair of strong hands grabbed her. She automatically sensed that it was Angel touching her.

“Hi,” he said smiling.

“Hi. I was just about to see Willow and Xander and you just grabbed me away from them,” she said smiling back.

“Well I wanted to see you before meet them. Besides I want to dance with you.”

“I don’t want to.”

“You’re upset with me because of what I said earlier, aren’t you?”

“Maybe. It’s just the way you said it. It was like you wanted me around because my friends work for,” she said sadly.

“I’m sorry. So could you find it in your heart to forgive me?”

“Okay. I forgive you.”

“So you’ll dance with me then?”

“Sure.” Angel took her hand in his and they walked to the center of the room and began dancing. Angel wished that he could have held Buffy closer, but couldn’t because it would raise suspicions.

“So you’re enjoying yourself?” Angel asked.

“Sure,” she said smiling.

“I wished that I could hold you closer in my arms. That I could make you feel what I’m feeling right now.”

“What would that be?”

“That I want you. I need you.”

“I feel the same way.”

“So let’s go to my office then.” As Angel let Buffy past right in front of her passing through a throng of people, Willow was letting her eyes stayed firmly locked on those two. She then spotted Angel and Buffy going inside his office.

‘So that’s your new boyfriend, huh? No wonder you couldn’t tell me. He’s married.’


Angel closed the door behind him so that no one would come in and interrupt them. He looked right at Buffy and smiled. She made her way towards him, pulled his tie down and kissed him.

“Hmm,” Angel moaned and pulled Buffy closer into his arms holding her tightly. He deepened the kiss by parting her lips with his tongue and letting it slide inside and flicking hers with his.

“Hmm,” Buffy moaned at Angel’s contact. Her little hands began to wander over his chest as she pulled the hem of his shirt out of his pants. She then unbuckled his belt, followed by the button and then the zipper. Angel’s hands had a mind of their own. They slipped underneath feeling her thighs against his fingertips. He then slipped his fingers inside the waistband of her panties and pulled them down. Angel lifted her legs and he held her as they walked towards his sofa. He set her gently on the sofa.

“So you ready for some action?” He then slid his hands on glided on her thighs caressing, squeezing her then let his thumbs massage her hips moving lower to her shave less mound making little circles.

“Ooh,” she moaned. The touch of his fingers was on most sensitive part of her body.

“I guess that’s a yes then.” Angel took out his throbbing erection from the slit opening of his boxers. Then he slid inside of her with such ease.

“Hmm,” They both moaned together. As Angel’s hands remained firmly at her hips, he kept moving in and out of her silken walls. As Angel kept going in and out of Buffy, she felt so good. He knew exactly which way to move inside of her to make her moan asking for more.

“Oh, Angel!” Her climax was fastly approaching and all she needed was one more push into the right direction. It was if Angel felt his won climax as well and pushed once more.

“Ugh,” Angel sighed. He then lay on top of Buffy, but made sure not crush her.

“That was amazing,” he whispered in her ear.

“You wanna do it again?” Buffy asked.

“You’re not tired?”

“Oh, just give a couple of minutes and I’ll be ready for round two.” Angel just laughed at her response.


Willow’s suspicions were right on the money when it came to Buffy. Buffy had never told her whom she was going out with. Willow knew why. Her long time friend was going out with a married man that happened to be her boss. She just couldn’t believe that Buffy somehow manipulate Angel into doing that.

Willow knew that the only way to know for sure that if she saw what was real was to confront Buffy about it. If Buffy admitted the whole situation with Angel, she sure wanted to ask her why.

‘Why would someone as smart and beautiful as Buffy would stoop herself into getting a man, by stealing someone else’s? Buffy could find a nice, single guy that would be attracted to her,’ Willow called Buffy in her cell phone.

“Hey Buffy.”

“Hey Willow.”

“I was wondering if you wanna spend some time with me so we could talk. I have something that I wanted to ask you.”

“Sure thing. I’ll be there in a while.”


Buffy had made it to Willow’s house. Though before she rang the bell, she wondered what was it that Willow couldn’t ask her on the phone. ‘It’s not like she knows anything. I never told her about Angel because she wouldn’t understand. Buffy was beginning to fell that she’s in love with Angel. Buffy rang the bell and waited for Willow.

“Hey Buffy. It’s so great to see you,” Willow said hugging her friend.

“You too Willow.” Buffy stepped inside the house and sat down on the sofa.

“Buffy, I’ve got to ask you this one question.”

“Sure fire away.”

“Are you sleeping with Angel McKeon?”

“What?” ‘How could she know? Angel and I have been very careful. Though besides the both of us, his mother knows as well.’

“You heard me. Are you sleeping with Angel McKeon?” Willow asked again.

‘I have no other choice but to answer her honestly.’

“Yes, I am.” ‘Well she wanted the truth.’

“I can’t believe you Buffy. How could you get involved with a married man? What were you thinking when you started this tryst with my boss? Don’t you have any morals? Is it that hard for you to get a man, which you stooped so low to prostitute yourself like that?”

Buffy took in every word that Willow told her. She felt so much pain erupting inside her heart. There was no way that she was going to let Willow bring her down. “Yes, I know exactly what I was doing when I got involved with Angel! I’m perfectly

aware that he’s married.”

“Is that all you have to say to defend yourself?”

“No. I’m no slut. I have my morals. I’m not fucking his wife. He’s the one I’m fucking with.”

“Oh, great Buffy. You’ve changed completely. I don’t even know you anymore. Next thing I know your gonna tell me that you’re in love with him.”

“Actually I am.”

“Oh, please it’s not love, it’s lust. You want something that you can’t have. Besides has Angel ever told you that he loves you?”

“No, but I know he does. I see it in his eyes. The way he makes me feel is love.”

“Get real Buffy. Angel’s a married. In the end Angel’s gonna pick his wife over you. All married men have their affairs, but always come running home to their wives.”

“Angel doesn’t love Darla. He never has.”

“Well all I can say is, I see you in a totally different way. You’re a back stabber, husband grabber and all you care about is your own selfish needs,” Willow said angrily.

“I guess there’s no other way to say this. Our friendship is over. I thought that I could depend on you, but apparently not. I’ll be leaving. You don’t have to walk me to the door. I know my way out,” Buffy said getting up and walking towards the door.


Buffy had to control her emotions because if she didn’t start crying and never stop. She needed to see him, so that he could make things. She had to see Angel. Buffy dialed his office number on his personal line. She didn’t want Karin to hear her voice sounding so sad and unhappy. After two rings Angel picked up the phone.

“Hello. Angel McKeon speaking,” he said cheerfully. There was a moment of silence and then he heard a sniffling sound as if someone is crying.

“Hello,” he said again. He wondered who would be calling him and start crying on the phone.

“Angel,” she said sadly.

“Buffy, what’s wrong?”

“Everything. I need to see you.”

“So come here. No one’s in today Karin has the day off.”

“Okay. I’ll be on my way.”


Angel waited patiently in his office for Buffy to arrive. He wanted to know what had made her so upset that she started crying. As Angel kept looking at the clock with the minutes ticking away, he finally heard the door opened and in came in Buffy.

Buffy wore loose jeans with a tank top with a long sleeved flannel shirt on top. Her blonde hair was in a ponytail. Her eyes looked red from crying and so she was her nose. She looked right at Angel and gave him a sad smile.

“Angel,” she said sadly.

“Buffy,” he said walking towards her. He opened his arms and she went right in. he held her closely, gently rubbing her back.

“Buffy, sweetie tell me what happened?” She looked into his brown eyes and nodded her head. They both sat down on his couch. Her head was on his chest just leaning there as his arm held her.

Angel placed a finger under her chin and lifted her face.

“Tell me what happened?” he asked.

“I went to see Willow today. She asked me if I was sleeping with you.”


“I know, but that isn’t the worst part. She asked me what was I thinking about getting involved with a married man. That how could I do something like that? She told me that don’t I have any morals. It just kept getting worse Angel,” she said with tears streaming down her cheek. He took his thumb and wiped away her tears.

“I guess Willow has definitely made up her mind about us and about you.” He just couldn’t believe that Willow would make Buffy feel worthless.

“You wanna know the worst part. She told me that I was a back stabber, husband grabber and having sex with you is for my own selfish reasons,” she said and began sobbing again.

“You aren’t any of those things. You’re a beautiful woman and I care for you deeply. I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t come into my life,” he said while rubbing her back. Buffy lifted her head and looked up at him.

“Really? You actually mean that?”

“Yes, I do Buffy.”

“I’m sorry about crying all over your shirt.”

“It’s okay. It’s replaceable, you aren’t.” he said with a smile. Buffy smiled right back at him. He then wiped the remaining tears that were shed. He then kissed her forehead, her nose and finally her lips.

“Don’t worry everything’s gonna be alright.” ‘I don’t ever want to lose you Buffy.’

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