Chimera Part 3

By Tango

DISCLAIMER: Never owned ‘em. Never will.
SPOILERS: PWP Sometime in S4. Just a little phone sex.
PAIRING: B/A, of course! (With a teensy B/R)
DISTRIBUTION: My site (, Starrkitty's Adult B/A Archive - all the usual suspects. Anyone else who houses my fic is welcome to it. All others, please ask first.
FEEDBACK: Please? *G*
RATING: NC-17 - Nuttin' but smut.
DEDICATION: For everyone who asked for this and for all of the wonderful people who sent me feedback! Thank you!!


Angel woke up slowly and immediately felt the cold metal of manacles on his wrists. His hands were hanging above him and he was sitting on the floor. Opening his eyes slowly, he looked around him as he carefully tested the tension of the chains. Immediately, he closed his eyes and opened them again, blinking the sleep away, because what he saw couldn’t possibly be what he was *really* seeing.

His little mate was lying on the floor, completely nude, facing him. Her hand supported her head and her golden hair fell in magnificent waves to the marble floor. She smiled slowly at him, sadness and determination filling her eyes.

He stared at her lustfully as he remembered what had happened. He had come to Sunnydale against his better judgment just to hold his lover just once more. He had sworn that he would leave, that he would throw the phones away and keep her safe from the danger of him. He remembered rocking her as she cried, both of them still awash in pleasure they had given on each other. He licked his lips, recalling the feel of her orgasm. He must have fallen asleep with her in his arms, but how she got him across the room and chained to the wall was beyond him. Course, that little detail didn’t really matter. What did matter was that she was now bare before him, staring at him, her tiny hand idly caressing her naked belly as she waited for him to speak.

“What is going on?” he asked quietly, knowing anger and frustration had plenty of time to arrive. No need to rush it.

“I’m glad you asked,” she said and he watched in fascination at her fingers slid up her torso and found her breast. She circled her nipple for a moment before tugging on the erect, rosy flesh, her mouth twitching in an unfulfilled smile, “I wanted to talk to you. I’m tired of not being given a choice. I’m sick of you running away from me. So, now you have to wait until I’ve said all that I have to say.”

“What is there to say?” he asked, inwardly cursing himself because his voice broke with lust in mid-sentence.

“There’s *lot’s* to say,” she murmured. Shifting to her hands and knees, she crawled across the floor toward him, swinging her hips generously as she moved toward him, “like when you mentioned ancient vampire stuff earlier. What does that have to do with me?”

“Forget I said it,” he mumbled, cursing under his breath. He always tried to keep his demon out of their relationship, but it always reared its ugly head – which is a large part of why he left her to begin with.

“No, I think I have a right to know,” she demanded, moving ever closer until she reached him and swung one slender leg over him and straddled his right thigh, “What did you mean by that?”

“I marked you as my mate,” he said, keeping his voice low, “You know that. In vampiric terms, it means you belong to me and me alone…forever.”

“You and you alone, huh?” she asked, rubbing herself against his thigh. He groaned in desire as her juices seeped through his pants, singeing his cool skin. Angel’s throat went dry and he couldn’t seem to make his mind form words as her hips undulated, her breasts swaying with her movements and her perfect pussy rubbing against his leg. He licked his lips nervously as she pressed herself against him. Lowering her voice to a huskier tone, she added, “So…you mean, like…another vampire can’t touch me?”

“Buffy,” Angel started in a warning tone, finally finding his voice.

“Just wanna know,” she said, tracing his jaw line with her soft fingertips. All the self control in his body couldn’t keep him from turning his head and kissing her hand, “What would happen, if another vampire had sex with someone else’s mate?”

“Don’t do this, Buffy,” he growled in warning, “This…us…we’re over. I’m going back to LA. You’re going to stay here with your boyfriend!”

“Oh,” she said, nodding as she pretended to be lost in thought, “So, if you leave and I’m…say, walking along and I get attacked by a cadre of vampires, they’ll be fine killing and raping me even though I have this little scar on my neck.”

“Godamn it, Buffy,” he roared, “YOU WANT TO KNOW? Fine! It means no one can touch you! NO ONE. No humans, no vampires, no other demons. You are MINE. That’s what it means!”

“Spike’s in love with me, you know,” she said lightly, pressing against him harder, “It’s okay if he touches me, right? Cause he’s-“

“NO!” His roar was deafening and she fought the urge to flinch from the force of his words. Instead, she smiled – slow and cool as he continued yelling, “SPIKE? I’ll fucking kill him if he touches you!”

“So, it’s bad for a vampire to touch me,” she said, nipping along his neck and down his collarbone. Since his shirt was lying over the arm of the couch across the room, his flesh was available to her. She took full advantage as she caressed his chest and stomach, trailing kisses all over him, “But it’s okay for a human man to have me, right? I mean, they don’t know anything about vampire laws.”

“Buffy…this is…different than normal circumstances,” he said, struggling to get the words out because she was so warm and her mouth had been moving along his skin for so long he was starting to forget that he was chained to a wall, until he moved to touch her and found he couldn’t. He wanted to growl in objection, but he held it in, trying not to breathe, shuddering, needy, yet unneeded breaths. He hissed as her mouth found his nipple and latched on. Her tongue swirled around the hardened pebble and when she bit down, he saw stars. Before he could stop himself, he blurted out, “Please let me touch you.”

“Can’t. Wish you could,” she sighed, moving to the other nipple. He looked down at her naked skin, delectable and lovely. So tempting. He pulled at his chains, idly wondering who had bolted them back to the ceiling. He had broken them before. Could break them again. He could already see them raining down and falling with a crash to the floor. He would already be inside her before his brain could fight him, the manacles still attached to his wrists. Pumping in and out of her soft, hot core, slick with arousal for him, he would reach between them and rub her swollen clit. Visions of the chains attached to his wrists riding over her flesh as he reached between them turned to visions of her chained up, her thighs spread, her pleading voice begging him to fuck her.

He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. Her hand had made it down to his groin and was tracing the rigid outline of his cock through his pants. And she was still talking.

“Doesn’t bother you, does it?” she asked, her tiny fingers squeezing and caressing him. How much of the conversation had he missed?

“W-what?” he asked, admitting he hadn’t been paying attention. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed those warm, perfect breasts against his chest. He felt her shift and her sex was pressed against his, the only barrier a pair of pants. Again, he was carefully testing the strength of the chains as her breath teased his lips.

“Doesn’t bother you that someone else is making love to me now?” she whispered, pressing against him. He jerked his hips up, pressing harder against her core. Wanted to beg her to rip his pants away. *Take my soul, love,* he wanted to beg, *Take what’s already yours.* Instead, he growled.

“Someone else can make love to me whenever he wants,” she added, kissing him gently, “And I let him. He touches me all over…inside me.”

“I can’t stand it,” Angel growled, squeezing his eyes shut, but he couldn’t block out her soft, intrusive voice.

“He gets to feel me come,” she whispered, nipping at his jaw again, “You used to tell me on those nights before we made love, when you would touch me at night, making me orgasm with your hands and mouth, that it was only yours, that you loved that it was only yours.”

“Please stop, Buffy,” he begged, “I can’t stand it. I can’t take this.”

“Why?” she asked with false innocence, “You left me. Why should it matter?”

“You know it matters,” he managed, his voice raw and torn, “You know that I go home every night and dream of you. Wish that no other male on this planet could touch you.”

“Why?” she urged, licking his neck, biting in gently and then harder.

“Because you belong to me!” he shouted, “You’re mine, not Finn’s, not that little bastard who you slept with before, the little walking corpse should thank God he isn’t in the ground for using you!”

“Oh, you knew about him?” she mused, sliding her strong hands over his shoulders and arms, kneading and caressing.

“Yes, I knew about him,” Angel snarled, “Some of my best dreams have him sans a limb.”

“That’s strange,” Buffy said, making her way back up to his face so she could look in his eyes, which weren’t the deep, chocolate brown she loved, but flashing golden. She loved that about him, that his eyes changed color in an anger warning before he lost control. Good, she wanted him to lose control.

“What’s strange?” he snapped.

“That you would want to hurt him,” she answered, “I mean, sure, he slept with me, used me and tossed me aside like I was nothing, but that shouldn’t matter to you. You left me…hmmm…much the same way.”

“Don’t say that!” he roared, pulling at his chains so hard that dust was swirling down from the ceiling, “Don’t ever say that! I love you, Buffy! You know why I left! You know why I can’t stay, so why are you torturing me? WHY?”

“Because I’m trying to make a point, Angel,” she shouted back, “In case you missed it, which you obviously did. I want you back. I don’t care that you can’t make love to me. I don’t care about the children I’ll never have or the sunlight that you can’t have. I DON’T CARE. I want you to hold me at night. I want to kiss you and please you in the ways that we are allowed. I want to find a way to bind your soul. I want someone to touch me, who *knows* how to touch me!”


Riley and Spike had been standing there for so long that their legs were starting to go numb. It was the naked body of the Slayer wrapped around Angel that made them unable to turn away. Both of their jaws dropped as they realized she was waiting for him to go to sleep. She had been sniffling and lying against him and all of a sudden, when they had just thought about leaving, she became very quiet. Her head was resting on Angel’s broad chest; her tiny body on top of his and her eyes were wide open. They could almost hear the gears turning inside her Slayer’s mind as she waited for Angel to fall asleep.

Riley had no idea how she knew when Angel was asleep. All he had to do was stop moving and close his eyes and he looked dead. He didn’t move. It wasn’t like she could wait for his breathing to change because he didn’t breathe but somehow his girlfriend knew when her ex-demon lover had slipped into dreamland.

“Holy Shit,” Spike whispered beside him. The British voice was a painful reminder that the chipped vampire was still present, staring at his girlfriend, still clad in only those tiny panties. Riley was tempted to ask him what the hell he was talking about when they saw her get up and drag the huge vampire across the room, slowly and deliberately, as if she knew exactly how much she could move him without waking him. She murmured softly to him, saying words they couldn’t hear as she leaned him against the wall and then carefully clamped the manacles around his wrists. Angel started to stir and Buffy quickly slipped off her panties and tossed them aside before lying down in front of him like a banquet of torture.

Spike groaned half in pleasure and half in pain when the gorgeous Slayer got on her hands and knees and crawled toward his grande sire. If she had known, she probably would have been very upset to know that not only had Spike and Riley watched the evening’s festivities, but right then they were staring at her dripping pussy and couldn’t turn away as she crawled across the floor. They watched the interchange between them but neither could really make out the words until Angel started screaming, ““Godamn it, Buffy! YOU WANT TO KNOW? Fine! It means no one can touch you! NO ONE. No humans, no vampires, no other demons. You are MINE. That’s what it means!”

The soldier boy next to Spike flinched.

Buffy murmured something in Angel’s ear and Spike strained to hear, watching her grinding those hips against him. He was dizzy with the scent of her arousal, shifting uncomfortably as his erection became unbearable, when his grande sire screamed his name, “Spike? I’ll fucking KILL HIM if he touches you.”

Which is why, Spike had no intention whatsoever of touching her…today anyway. He hadn’t seen his sire so out of his bloody mind since, well, it had been a bit of time, that’s for sure. Although, nothing was as common as raging jealousy when the Slayer was around. Bint had a way of making completely normal blokes turn into psychopathic freaks. Not that Spike wasn’t a psychopath. Actually, he had been proud of that fact once upon a time. Now he had to learn to act sorry for his evil deeds, just hoping one day he’d be able to slide inside that hot little cunt of hers. See how she made people crazy? She almost made him *want* to keep the chip, for crying out effin’ loud.

Spike had no intention of touching her that night until he saw how quickly things were progressing. Her hot little body was pressed against Angel’s, rubbing like she was trying to share skin with the pansy and when she reached down to unbutton his pants, he heard Riley’s breath catch next to him. They held there for several long seconds, listening to incoherent babble coming out of Angel’s mouth and Buffy’s quiet little murmurs, until she pulled out his cock and moved to place him inside her.

“NO!” Spike and Riley screamed, the word coming out of both of them at the same time, with the same kind of panic interlaced in the simple word. Without looking at each other or planning it, they both ran full speed into the room and pulled her away from him. Spike and Riley each grabbed one of her arms and she struggled to twist herself away from them. Holding her tightly, they dragged her across the floor and tried to get her as far away from the broody still souled vamp as possible. They grappled her delightfully nude body in an attempt to keep a hold on her and so they almost missed Angel’s outraged roar and the sound of the chains snapping, setting him free.


Spike picked up momentum, and Riley followed suit as in seconds, Angel had snapped the chains, tucked his throbbing cock back in his pants and was across the room, tossing them from his mate like the were Dru’s porcelain dolls. Buffy slumped on the floor when the two dropped her, having been wrenched away from her. She watched with glazed eyes as Angel beat them both in turn, equally doling out blows between the two.

“Angel, have you lost your effin’ gob, mate?” Spike roared, game face intact, blood pouring from a wound on the side of his face, “Calm down! We weren’t going to hurt her.”

Angel gathered Spike up, pulling his grande child to his chest and snarled out, “You don’t touch my mate.”

“I was *trying* to keep you from losing your bloody soul,” Spike protested, freeing himself and stepping back, “Since neither of you seem to have a drop of sense in your thick skulls.”

“Your *mate*?” Riley shouted, “You mean, *my* girlfriend?”

“I’ve allowed you to touch what’s mine, boy,” Angel growled, turning toward the face of his love’s boyfriend, whose face was red with anger, “Don’t make me deal out punishment for touching a Master vampire’s mate.”

“What’s yours?” Riley blared, “You mean, what’s MINE?”

That was it. Angel completely snapped. Buffy watched from the sidelines, still sitting on the floor naked and ashamed. Not only had Riley witnessed the whole event, but Spike had too. She felt violated and as loved as she should have felt, she was embarrassed and more alone than she had in a long time, despite evidence to the contrary.

Buffy thought idly at how beautiful her mate was, muscles rippling over his back, shoulders and arms, eyes blazing in anger. When he and Riley faced off, she began to realize the danger in the situation. When Riley said she was his and she saw Angel slip into game face as he rushed across the room, she knew her boyfriend was about to die. She stood and slipped on Angel’s shirt, covering her nudity and then jumped into the fray, knocking them away from each other. Tears glimmered in her eyes as she forced out her words, “Stop. Just stop.”

“Riley,” she said sadly, “It’s over. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I can’t do this anymore.”

“Over?” he echoed, “But, Buffy-“

“Told you,” Spike quipped, from his resting place against the wall, “Warned you to walk away or you’d lose her. It’s your own fault, idiot boy.”

“Shut up, Spike!” Buffy shouted, “What are you doing here anyway?”

“He’s leaving,” Angel growled.

“Oh, I’m leaving?” Spike asked, smiling evilly at his sire, “Isn’t that usually your thing? You leave ‘em high and dry and I’m here to pick up the pieces?”

Angel growled in warning and Spike headed toward the door, “Alright, mate. I’ll go. Not like there’s much left to see here anyway, except for your grand tearful exit.”

“He had a point,” Riley said, gesturing toward the door that Spike had gone through, “As much as I hate to admit it, Buffy, Spike was right. Angel’s just going to leave you again. Why are you breaking up with the guy who’s in it for the long haul? I love you, Buffy. I can give you everything he can’t.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

“This doesn’t make sense!” Riley said, “I can give you everything he can’t!”

“Except one thing,” Buffy said, looking over to where Angel had slipped out of game face and was standing to the side, looking as if he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. Slowly, his golden mate reached out her hand to him. If for no other reason, but to help her save face, he took it in his own and relished in the feel of her small fingers curling around his once more.

“What?” Riley asked, moving his eyes from where their hands were joined, to her body dwarfed in the vampires’ shirt, to the vampire, to his girlfriend and back again.

“He’s the only one I love,” she whispered, “I’m sorry, Riley. I tried. I really did, but I don’t love you. I can’t.”

“You tried?” he bellowed in exasperation, “Did this trying include the phone sex with him or the times you called out his name in your sleep? When we were making love did you imagine I was him?”

“Couldn’t,” Buffy mumbled out and gripping Angel’s hand so tightly he thought his fingers might break. He nudged her closer to him as she started to wither under Riley’s accusing glare.

“Couldn’t?” Riley said, “That’s funny. Why’s that? Cause I *breathe*?”

“You’re too warm,” Buffy admitted and flinched as he snorted in frustration and blurted out, “Figures. Don’t you see how sick this is? He’s a HST, Buffy! You’re the Slayer!”

“I know who I am,” She said, rising up and standing tall, “And I *know* who I love!”

“He’s going to leave you!”

“Doesn’t matter,” Buffy said, pulling her hand away from Angel’s and stepping away, “I’d rather be alone than hurt you or anyone else, because I can’t love them. It isn’t fair.”

“I’ll take my chances,” Riley said.

“No, you can’t,” she said, “I’m sorry.” Turning, she went around the room and began gathering her clothes, signifying that the conversation was over. Angel watched as Riley took a deep, shuddering breath and slowly turned and left the room. He jerked his head back toward Buffy as he heard her say sadly, “Your turn, Angel.”

Crossing the room, he turned her to face him and gripped her shoulders, “What do you want from me, Buffy?”

“I want you to love me,” she said, eyes brimming with unshed tears.

“I do.”

“I want you to stay with me and love me,” she added, her voice showing her frustration.

“How?” he asked, letting her going and running a hand through his hair, “I can’t control myself around you, Buffy and I can’t stand the idea of you wasting your life with me.”

“How is it a waste, Angel? Huh? How?” she demanded, “You’re the only one I love! I think it’s been made painfully clear that I can’t love anyone else. Why can’t we try? I’d rather have what we have than the alternative.”

“You’ll regret it,” he said, shaking his head, “You’ll hate me and yourself for this.”

“No, I hate us both now!” she shouted, allowing her tears to fall. Her shoulders shook as she turned her back on him and covered her face, sobbing openly. Groaning, he pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. As he did, he heard her muffled voice cracking against his skin, “When I look into the future, all I see is you. All I want is you.”

Taking a deep breath, he whispered, “I know the feeling.”


The End!


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