Tango’s Smut Courses

The Reclaiming - *NC-17* This fic slides in during Season 4 of Buffy, after "The I in Team" and Season 1 of Angel, after "She." Buffy finds out Angel's soul is permanent and goes to LA to confront him, but there's evil afoot when she gets there.

Closer - *NC-17* AU. B/A are married and human, but separated. Angst alert.

In A Maudlin Sort of Way - *NC-17* Completely AU. What if when Angel was cursed, all the vampires he sired were cursed too and the vampires they sired?

Puppy's Revenge - *NC-17* Wishverse (AU) Tango-fied twist on "The Wish" (S3).

Slayers and Witches and Vampires, Oh My!!! - *NC-17* Completely AU. Set 4 years after college graduation, Buffy & Willow have become the government's secret weapon. Angel and Buffy are blissfully married.

Mutual Sensations - *NC-17* B/A When a demon needs two soul mates to open a portal to the underworld, B/A are chosen

Drawings Of You - *NC-17* Completely AU. My first one with no vamps or Slayers. Everyone's just plain ‘ole human. Angel is a womanizing artist and Buffy is a gallery owner. A love at first sight fic.

Images of Us - *NC-17* A sequel to "Drawings of You"; This takes place two years later.

Portraits - *NC-17* Third in Drawings Trilogy; This takes place three years after "Images of Us."

A Position To Let Me Know - *NC-17* After her mom dies, Buffy calls Angel to her with her mind. Angel answers the his mate's call and is drawn to Sunnydale to comfort her.

NEW!! Just Across the Hall *NC-17* AU Everyone’s human. Buffy is a prostitute and Angel is a police officer.

Fragility - *NC-17* Occurs during "Into the Woods" on BtVS and "Reprise" on Angel. What if Angel went to Sunnydale instead of going home to the hotel and sleeping with Darla?

Protector - *NC-17* B/A Challenge Fic. Angel is a detective with the police department & he becomes Hank Summers' partner. Guess who he meets?

The Mark - *NC-17* Buffy & the Scoobies go to LA to help Angel with the newest big bad, when a strange mark appears on both Buffy & Angel, they are unable to turn away from each other. B/A

Calling in Sick - *NC-17* PWP, CWC. Angel didn't lose his soul after Innocence.

Going In Well - *NC-17* Sequel to “Calling in Sick” CWC, PWP, S2, Angel starts having Buffy's dream.

Staying Well - *NC-17* CWC, PWP, S2, Sequel to "Calling in Sick" and "Going in Well"

Under My Skin - *NC-17* Wolfram & Hart perform a spell on Buffy that sends her to LA to Angel.

Chimera Series 1 | 2 | 3 | - *NC-17* PWP, CWC. Sometime in S4. Just a little phone sex...

Finding Someday - *NC-17* After Giles' leaves in S5, Buffy goes to see Angel instead of kissing Spike. Whole fic is in Angel's POV.

Abused - *NC-17* Yet another AU. *G* Everyone' s human and in college.

Choose Your Own Buffy Adventure - *NC-17* Check out Tango's latest interactive story, where you decide how the story goes!!!

Saving the Slayer - *NC-17* Remember when Angel went through The Trials to save Darla’s life before she was turned into a vampire again? What if Angel had to do that to save Buffy instead?

NEW!! Making the Rent *NC-17* Co-written with Indie AU. Buffy and Angel have grown up together and now live in the same apartment building.

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