Closer - *NC-17* AU. B/A are married and human, but separated. Angst alert.
In A Maudlin Sort of Way - *NC-17* Completely AU. What if when Angel was cursed, all the vampires he sired were cursed too and the vampires they sired?
Puppy's Revenge - *NC-17* Wishverse (AU) Tango-fied twist on "The Wish" (S3).
Slayers and Witches and Vampires, Oh My!!! - *NC-17* Completely AU. Set 4 years after college graduation, Buffy & Willow have become the government's secret weapon. Angel and Buffy are blissfully married.
Mutual Sensations - *NC-17* B/A When a demon needs two soul mates to open a portal to the underworld, B/A are chosen
Drawings Of You - *NC-17* Completely AU. My first one with no vamps or Slayers. Everyone's just plain ‘ole human. Angel is a womanizing artist and Buffy is a gallery owner. A love at first sight fic.
Images of Us - *NC-17* A sequel to "Drawings of You"; This takes place two years later.
Portraits - *NC-17* Third in Drawings Trilogy; This takes place three years after "Images of Us."
A Position To Let Me Know - *NC-17* After her mom dies, Buffy calls Angel to her with her mind. Angel answers the his mate's call and is drawn to Sunnydale to comfort her.
Just Across the Hall *NC-17* AU Everyone’s human. Buffy is a prostitute and Angel
is a
police officer.
Fragility - *NC-17* Occurs during "Into the Woods" on BtVS and "Reprise" on Angel. What if Angel went to Sunnydale instead of going home to the hotel and sleeping with Darla?
Protector - *NC-17* B/A Challenge Fic. Angel is a detective with the police department & he becomes Hank Summers' partner. Guess who he meets?
The Mark - *NC-17* Buffy & the Scoobies go to LA to help Angel with the newest big bad, when a strange mark appears on both Buffy & Angel, they are unable to turn away from each other. B/A
Calling in Sick - *NC-17* PWP, CWC. Angel didn't lose his soul after Innocence.
Going In Well - *NC-17* Sequel to “Calling in Sick” CWC, PWP, S2, Angel starts having Buffy's dream.
Staying Well - *NC-17* CWC, PWP, S2, Sequel to "Calling in Sick" and "Going in Well"
Under My Skin - *NC-17* Wolfram & Hart perform a spell on Buffy that sends her to LA to Angel.
Chimera Series 1 | 2 | 3 | - *NC-17* PWP, CWC. Sometime in S4. Just a little phone sex...
Finding Someday - *NC-17* After Giles' leaves in S5, Buffy goes to see Angel instead of
kissing Spike. Whole fic is in Angel's POV.
Abused - *NC-17* Yet another AU. *G* Everyone' s human and in college.
Choose Your Own Buffy Adventure - *NC-17* Check out Tango's latest interactive story, where you decide how the story goes!!!
Saving the Slayer - *NC-17* Remember when Angel went through The Trials to save Darla’s life before
was turned into a vampire again? What if Angel had to do that to save
Making the Rent *NC-17* Co-written with Indie AU. Buffy and Angel have grown up together and now live in the same apartment building.