No More Masquerade

"Wow," Xander said, breaking the silence. "This is...weird."

Tight-lipped, Willow shook her head and said, "I'm thinking weird falls short." They all stayed crowded at the base of the stairs, unsure of how to proceed. Buffy and Angel were glued in place, the tension slowly consuming them as well.

"So...are we just gonna stand here all day or are you two actually going to move out of the way?" Faith snapped, rattling her chains. Buffy's gaze traced the other girl and she appraised her with scrutiny. Nothing seemed wrong... Her gaze strayed to Faith's -- her -- belly, where the tiny babies that she and Angel had created were. It was so weird to be staring at herself, watching her body breathe and fidget and *survive* without her in it.

"I don't think you're really in a position to even speak," Buffy retorted sharply. "So why don't you do us all a huge favor and *shut* *up*!"

Angel made a move to put a calming hand on her shoulder but refrained, painfully conscious of all the attention focused their way. Instead, he tried to surround her with his love and support without touching her. It didn't appear to be working though; Buffy tensed, her hands balling up into fists as she struggled for control.

"Before you two start Buffy and Faith, round eight hundred, can I put these bags down? I think Willow packed a few too many newt eyes," Xander said. Snapping to attention, Angel motioned for them to follow him.

"You can put the bags in my bedroom until we get set," he said, leading the way. He reached the bedroom a moment before the others and panicked when he saw that his bed was in a state of disarray. *Both* sides. There was little chance of them seeing it and saying something...but there was still a chance, and he didn't want or need to arouse their suspicion in any way.

Silently thanking his preternatural speed, Angel raced over to the bed and hastily pulled the thick duvet up. He spun around and smiled hurriedly as Xander, Willow, and the guy he assumed was Riley each deposited a bag on the floor.

"Nice place you got here. It really screams bachelor," Xander commented, glancing around at the dark atmosphere. Bachelor, or creature of the night. Angel hadn't been going for a certain feel, he just used his good taste. Of course, his idea of good taste clashed with Cordelia's view, and that had led to quite a few arguments involving pastels and colors that weren't black...

"That's what I was going for, too," Angel replied with a sigh as they turned and walked back over to the living room area.

"Hey Peaches, how do you work this ancient contraption you're trying to pass as a microwave?" Spike called. He sauntered out of the kitchen, a navy blue mug in his hand.

Angel's jaw nearly dropped in shock. Turning to Buffy he asked, "What's he doing here?"

"What?" Spike smirked, "no kiss hello?"

"How about a stake instead?" Buffy retorted with a roll of her eyes. "Spike decided he couldn't properly annoy me while he was in Sunnydale and I was here, so he tagged along."

"Actually, B, he was really just trying to get in my pants," Faith called from the stairs, where she had plopped herself down unceremoniously.

Buffy's eyes flashed as she turned her wrath toward the other girl. "You're in *my* pants right now, Faith, and I'd really appreciate it if you kept them on -- for at least five minutes," she snapped.

"I could say the same for you," Faith said, a dangerous tone evident in her voice.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Buffy asked hotly.

"Ladies," Riley intervened smoothly, "let's focus on the spell right now."

Spike spoke up from his place in the kitchen hallway. "And getting me some warm blood. Anyone willing to donate?"

Angel strolled over to where Buffy stood once more, not being able to take the distance between them. He noticed that Giles had been unusually quiet and was drifting over to the bookshelf, obviously intent on checking out Angel's collection of old and musty books. Spike was in the kitchen (Angel was getting nervous with all the noise he was making), Faith was on the stairs, a dark-haired young woman was standing by one of the brick columns shooting angry looks at Faith, Willow and the other girl he didn't know stood talking quietly to Xander...and that left Riley.

"Buffy," he started in such a way that Angel knew the boy had fallen for her. Tensing visibly, Buffy raised her gaze to his and cringed at the happiness she saw there.

"I'm surprised you came," she said awkwardly.

Riley smiled. "I had to make sure they put you back in the right body. Plus I wanted to talk to private."

Unconsciously, Angel stepped up to flank Buffy protectively. Faith noticed, and cocked an eyebrow at the display. The vampire looked like he was barely keeping himself from tossing the commando out of his city. "What did you have to talk to me about?" Buffy asked.

"Things," Riley said with a cryptic smile as he moved closer to her, obviously intending to take her into his arms. Angel nearly saw red as he watched the boy approach and his fingernails dug into his palm. Well, at least he was *trying* to restrain himself.

"Hey Ry, you gonna spill about the other night?" Faith asked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"What about the other night?" Buffy demanded. She crossed her arms over her chest, awaiting an explanation.

Riley shifted uncomfortably and didn't meet her gaze. "Later," he said.

"This is a lovely place you have here, Angel," Giles interrupted, saving the commando from the Slayer's upcoming interrogation. The vampire twisted around to regard the Watcher carefully. "I must admit that I am quite curious as to how Wesley got here."

"After we get this whole thing fixed I'll explain," Angel said.

Willow stepped forward at that moment from her place in front of the old-fashioned elevator. "I think the sooner we get that over with, the better. Where should we set up?"

"We can move the furniture and do it in here," the vampire suggested. A loud crash came from the kitchen, followed by a stream of curses from Spike's mouth. "While I see what kind of damage my idiotic excuse for a grand-childe has done, does anyone want anything?"

"How about my body?" Faith snapped tartly. She rattled her chains in emphasis. "As soon as I get it back I'll be on my merry way."

"The only exit on your 'merry way' will be the one that goes to jail," Buffy replied. With a sigh she turned around to speak to Angel, shooting a glance that told him not to bring up their talk now. "Why don't I help you in the kitchen, Angel."

He almost smiled at the absolute desperation on her face. Refraining from commenting on the jail remark, Angel nodded once. The room quieted at her words and everyone turned to regard the couple once more. Buffy visibly shrank under their attention and scooted towards the kitchen.

"I'd like a cup of tea, Angel, if it isn't too much trouble," Giles said.

"Do you have anything besides blood?" Anya asked, speaking up for the first time. Angel cocked an eyebrow at the new girl. "I'm Anya," she introduced, "Xander's girlfriend. But I'm not on speaking terms with him right now."

"I've, uh, I've got soda."

"Do you have diet? Regular gives me gas," Anya said matter-of-factly.

Angel stared at her. "Yeah, I have diet. Anyone else want?" A chorus of 'yeses' followed him as he moved towards the kitchen. When he entered Spike was nowhere in sight and Buffy was facing away from him, her hands braced on the counter and her head bowed. After setting the kettle on the stove, he turned to her. He wanted desperately to go to her and take her in his arms, but didn't dare. His apartment was too open and he couldn't risk someone seeing them.

There was no harm in making some form of physical contact with her, though. Gently placing a hand on her shoulder he asked, "You okay?"

Buffy let out a long, shuddering sigh before turning around to face him. "I can't do this," she whispered. "With everyone...and Faith. God, Angel, I can't do this."

"Yes, you can," Angel said, glancing over her shoulder. There was no one in the hallway and she looked so lost that he chanced getting caught and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "You're strong enough to do this."

"And my God, did you see what she's wearing?! I bought that outfit as a joke! Maybe a Halloween costume or-or something to wear to a crazy frat party," Buffy rambled. "And she's parading around in it and -- she...*I* look really hot!"

"You actually *bought* that? And you were going to wear it? Around other people?!" Angel demanded. Through her nervousness she smiled and patted his arm reassuringly.

"I thought it was sexy. What, you don't think it is?" she teased, lightening the mood.

"I think it's a little *too* sexy for the mother of my children to ever wear if I'm not around," Angel growled.

"Well, isn't this a picture," Spike said, stepping out of the shadows in the far corner of the room and casually swinging his mug of blood in the direction of the couple, who had broken away guiltily from one another. "So. Captain Cornboy isn't the proud papa, Peaches is? How'd you pull that one off, Blondie?"

"Spike,'s not what it --"

"Save it, Slayer," the vampire interrupted. For a brief moment Buffy thought he was going to go tell everyone and her mind immediately went into over-drive trying to come up with excuses. Before she could, Spike continued, a large grin crossing his face. "I think it's bloody hilarious. The look on Soldier Boy's face when you tell him will be priceless -- and I intend to see it."

Angel tried to jump in. "Spike, if you -- "

"Save your lack-of-breath, Peaches, I won't tell the little Scoobies."

Buffy gaped at him. "Okay, who are you and what did you do to Spike? Did you kill him? 'Cause if you did I'll really have to thank you."

"Slayer, you make me nauseous with your poor attempts at humor. And I figure I owe Poof the Magic Vampire over here -- I mean, I did torture him the last time I was here..." He took a long swig of blood. "Besides, it'll be much better seeing *you* break it to those faithful little friends of yours."

"You're evil," Buffy muttered as she stepped away from Angel. Looking Spike straight in the eye, she said, "Thanks."

Spike groaned. "Don't get all weepy on me, Princess. Just keep my big oaf of a grandsire from staking me and everything'll be right as rain."

Angel opened the refrigerator and began pulling out sodas. "Don't do anything stupid and I won't have to hurt you," he threatened. Buffy took each can from him and placed them on the counter, popping the tab on one for herself. She took a long swig and wiped at the drop that escaped her mouth. Smiling, Angel approached her and leaned down, licking at her sugar-coated lips before kissing her softly.

The danger surrounding the kiss made it all the more passionate. Buffy responded, her lips melting against his. The gagging noises Spike made did nothing to break them apart, but when he said, "Oh bloody hell, it's back to the melodrama that was 'Buffy's Creek'. And since when is kissing part of the whole ex deal?" they broke apart and grabbed the sodas. Angel snagged a cup and saucer for Giles' tea before rummaging around for the English Breakfast he'd stashed for Wesley.

"You won't say anything, will you? We want to break it to them after we switch," Buffy told Spike. Maybe it was the pleading in her voice (very unlikely), or maybe the vampire was feeling nice (even more unlikely), or maybe he figured he'd be able to use it against Buffy later (probably the case), but whatever the reason he simply nodded and pulled out another bag of cold blood from Angel's fridge.

"I told you, your twisted little secret's safe with me," he said, leaning against the counter. "Now go out there and make that commando boy toy of yours squirm. Make me proud, Slayer." As she passed by him carrying the sodas, Spike slapped her ass playfully. Angel was next to him in a second, growling in warning.

"Chill, Soul Boy," Spike said, "is all that hair gel you use really healthy?"

Bewildered, Angel asked, "What does my hair have to do with anything?"

"Nothing, I've just always wondered," Spike shrugged. Shaking his head, Angel grabbed the last of the sodas and Giles' tea and left the kitchen. Willow and the girl he didn't know were setting up their spell around the furniture that Xander, Giles, and Riley had cleared away. Buffy handed Anya her soda and placed the rest on Angel's end table.

"Anything I can do to help?" she asked, surveying the scene. Willow, who was down on her hands and knees pulling items out of one of the bags, shook her head.

"Tara and I can do it. Hey Angel," she called, making the vampire turn and look at her, "mind if we get eye of newt soup on your floor?"

The vampire shrugged. "Is it going to stain?"

Xander gaped at Angel. "Did you just try to make a joke?" he demanded.

"I'm working on it," Angel said sheepishly. "Cordelia is threatening to make me take classes."

"And again, the soulful one fails with the funny," Faith said, Buffy's voice mocking him. "It's just beyond pathetic."

Buffy strolled up to her, Faith's hair billowing behind her in a long ponytail. "I thought I told you to be quiet."

"Do you ever get sick of ordering people around?" Faith retorted, bracing her elbows against the stairs behind her as best she could given the chains that bound her wrists.

"Nope. You want a demonstration?"

"How about an explanation?" Faith asked. Something in her voice made the other conversations in the room stop and the attention made her continue. "Why don't you start with why you ran to Tall Dark and Broody instead of going to your precious Riley or the little Scooby Gang? Or maybe what it was that you and the vampire did that made me feel all warm and tingly? Or why you didn't tell Ry the good news about the kid?"

Buffy's face went ashen and she reached out to steady herself on the banister. Her eyes flew to meet Angel's startled ones before she looked at Riley for a moment. He was edging closer to her and at that moment having her personal space invaded was the last thing she needed. " did you know about that?" she asked, her voice sounding hollow to her ears. Desperately, she looked at Angel again for guidance and support. He just shrugged helplessly.

"Buffy -- "

"Not now, Riley," she snapped, her eyes on Faith.

"Morning sickness gave it away, and I took one of those home pregnancy tests just to be sure. Forget to take your birth control?"

"And you just figured you'd tell all my friends," Buffy said. She glanced at said friends, noticing how all of them refused to meet her gaze. Xander looked up once, met her eyes, and then averted his guiltily. She wondered at that, and at the way Anya was standing as far away from him as possible. The ex-demon was quiet for once. Never a good sign.

Faith smiled brightly. "I figured they had a right to know. It was very irresponsible of you to not share with the class," she said.

"What I do is *none* of your business," Buffy hissed. She held Faith's gaze for a long moment, silently challenging her.

"But your business is so much fun," Spike said from his corner.

"Spike," Angel growled warningly. The bleached vampire rolled his eyes at his grand-sire.

"Back off, Peaches."

"We're just about ready," Giles called from his spot on the floor beside Willow and Tara. "Buffy? I'd like to explain what will be happening, if that's all right."

Casting one last glowering glance at Faith, she nodded. "Sure, Giles. Do I have to drink the eye of newt soup?"

"No," her Watcher smiled, removing his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

"Aww, come on, B," Faith called after her, "aren't you curious about the adventures I had?"

"I'm afraid to find out."

"Well, you're going to and I doubt I'll feel better if I tell you this, but I'm going to anyway," Anya said, speaking up from her seat on the couch that had been pushed against the wall. "My boyfriend had sex with your body."

Buffy stopped dead in her tracks. Gaping, she asked, "What?"

"It's true. Xander and I had some wild sex the other night, right on top of a crate in an abandoned -- "

"Faith! Shut your mouth!" Xander shouted. Startled, she did as she was told.

Well, almost. "That's not what you said last night," she said with a twinkle in her eye.

Buffy looked as though she was going to faint and Angel quickly moved to her side, placing a hand on her arm. "Buffy?"

"I'm okay. I'm fine. Peachy. I'm just -- I'm fine," she said, smiling hollowly.

"Buffy, look, it's -- "

"Don't talk to me right now, Xander," Buffy said harshly. When he shuffled his feet and stared at the floor, she added, "We can talk later."

Faith's jaw dropped. "That's it? You're just going to let it go?"

"What part of 'we can talk later' do you *not* understand?" Buffy asked.

"Buffy," Giles called.

"Right," she said, "I'm coming."

"Is that what you said to Angel before?" Faith muttered. She pushed a piece of stray hair out of her eyes and sighed deeply. There was no point in trying to escape, Cordelia and Wesley were upstairs and Angel would be on her before she reached the top of the stairs. How had things gone so wrong?

"I'm going to talk to Cordelia," Anya announced. She waited for someone to say something, but when no one did she scowled at them and headed for the stairs.

"And they're dropping like flies," Spike said softly.

Willow, Tara and Giles were conversing quietly with Buffy over in the corner, with Riley hovering uncertainly nearby. He obviously wanted to talk to Buffy, but she wasn't giving him the time of day. Xander seemed to be looking for a shadow to swallow him up -- and with good reason. Angel wasn't going to say anything, but the thought of the boy touching Buffy's was worse than Riley.

"Hey Soul Boy," Faith called. "Wanna tell me why I had a big -- and I mean *big* -- orgasm before? Not that I really minded, it's just I always figured *I* would be in my body when you gave it a go."

Angel ignored her as he walked over to where the two witches, Giles, and Buffy stood. Fluidly he stepped up behind Buffy, blocking her from Riley. She tensed up slightly at the close proximity before relaxing and shuffling back towards him unconsciously.

"Tara and I are going to conjure a katra, which will switch you guys back. You'll have to sit in the circle with Faith, put the katra in your hand and join hands for this to work," Willow explained.

"I will be here to guide them should anything goes awry," Giles added. Buffy smiled at them.

"I knew I could count on you guys," she said. Hesitantly, she added, "Look, about the whole pregnancy thing -- "

"We'll talk later," Giles said kindly.

"That seems to be the trend," Buffy returned gratefully. "This isn't any damage or anything, will it? I mean to the baby." No need to tell she was having twins yet...

"Nope, nothing will happen," Willow assured her.

Spike lit a cigarette. "This is bloody boring. Aren't you gonna let the Slayers have it out?"

"Spike, don't smoke. It's bad for the baby," Angel said automatically. Buffy gasped and turned to him, her eyes huge. Too late he realized his mistake.

"What's it to you?" Riley demanded. "And how do you *know* about the baby?!"

"I...well, uh," Angel stammered, his usually-cool exterior cracked for a moment.

"I told him," Buffy covered.

Riley stared at her in disbelief. "You told him before you told me?"

"Wow, that's one healthy relationship you got there, Buffy," Faith said, shaking her head.

"Faith -- " Buffy started, only to be interrupted by Angel.

"Let's just do this, okay? We can talk about all of this after Buffy gets her body back." There was something in his tone that warned against any arguments, and the others were silent. Riley looked as though he wanted to speak, but Buffy's hard look kept him quiet.

Willow and Tara sat in the invisible circle they had created, lighting a single candle in front of them. Tara dipped her finger into a silver bowl and spread the liquid first on Willow's forehead, then on her lips, and finally across her breastbone. They sat side by side and closed their eyes, concentrating for a moment before beginning their chant.

It was quiet at first, so quiet that the others couldn't decipher what the words were. The witches moved their arms back and forth in a fluid motion as they chanted.

"The inward eye, the sightless sea...Ayala flows through the river in me. The inward eye, the sightless sea...Ayala flows through the river in me."

The others watched silently as a stream of yellow light began following the motion of their hands and the chanting increased in speed and intensity. Willow broke a sweat as the protective haze surrounded them completely and she began to pant as Tara found her hand and gripped it, anchoring her.

Suddenly Willow fell to the floor, gasping as though she was out of breath and arching like she was being touched by an invisible lover. Their joined hands began to glow with a blueish hue as the chanting rose in volume, a spark igniting between them. The glimmer snapped and spat as it grew in intensity and suddenly there was a bright flash, making the others turn away from the light. Crying out, Willow came off the floor and sat up straight, her eyes unseeing as the glowing circle burst apart in radiant light.

The candle went out.

"Wow," Faith said, breaking the silence. "Did anyone else catch the sexual undertones there?"

Willow and Tara slowly broke apart, the redhead clutching the glowing blue katra in her small hand. A small smile broke across her face as she realized what they had just done. "We...we did it."

Smiling, Tara gently pried Willow's fingers apart. "Wow. We did."

"So is that it?" Buffy asked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Will that switch us back?"

"This should do the trick," Willow said as she handed it to Buffy and leaned back on her hands. "Lemme just catch my breath and we can finish this."

"It won't be soon enough," Buffy muttered. She held the glowing ball of light up to examine it properly. It sparkled and sputtered before her, sizzling with energy and magick. Heat radiated off it in soft waves, but the katra didn't burn her. It was almost...soothing. Angel stepped up next to Buffy and looked at it with her.

"Are you all right?" Giles asked, crouching down next to Tara and Willow.

"I just can't believe we pulled it off," Willow beamed. "We've never tried anything that complicated before."

"You're goddesses. Both of you," Buffy added. She breathed a sigh of relief; it was almost over. She'd get her body back, she'd explain things to her friends, and then she'd get some much needed alone time with Angel.

Oh, if only it was that simple.

"I...I wouldn't go-go that far," Tara stuttered as her cheeks grew rosy.

Riley chuckled. "I would. The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can all go home."

"What's the matter, Soldier Boy? Don't feel welcome in the ex's abode?" Spike smirked. The commando glowered at the vampire.

"Can I hit him? Please?" Riley asked Buffy. The Slayer looked at him in annoyance for a moment.

"Ooh, I saw that!" the blonde vampire called, pointing his ever-full mug o' blood at Buffy.

"You didn't see anything, Spike," Buffy told him hotly.

Faith spoke up. "I think that's the problem. You didn't even let the boytoy give you a hello kiss. I really think you owe him some explanations -- maybe you can start with that great orgasm Angel gave you before."

Buffy and Angel exchanged uneasy glances. Riley's eyes hardened at the blatant reminder of what had happened to Faith back in Sunnydale and he turned to Buffy, obviously waiting for clarification. He had ignored Faith when she'd mentioned it the first time, but when Buffy hadn't denied it he'd gotten suspicious. There was more to this than either was letting on.

"Will? Can we do this?" Buffy asked, changing the subject quickly.

"Why don't you answer Faith's question," Riley suggested. There was ice in his voice that was unmistakable and Buffy looked at Angel for help.

"It''s not what you think," she said at last.

"It was my fault," Angel added, glancing over at her. It suddenly felt like they were being accused, and Angel wasn't exactly pleased with that. He was already on edge, what with having his privacy completely invaded and being surrounded by people he wasn't exactly on good terms with. To say it was unnerving was putting it lightly.

"What, you just couldn't keep your hands off *my* girlfriend?!" Riley shouted, fists balled as though he was going to hit Angel. Like he'd really stand a chance against the vampire...

"Umm, Ry? You couldn't seem to keep your hands off me, and I'm not your precious Buffy," Faith reminded him.

Buffy's eyes turned cold as she regarded Faith. "You really get around, don't you."

"Had a lot of time to make up for," she said with a smile.

Angel tried to keep the smug smile off his face at the revelation and had to bite his cheek to do so. He didn't think Buffy would appreciate it all that much, she was obviously already reeling from the Xander thing, and now that Riley had...

"Is that true?" she asked, turning her dark head to look at him. "Did you sleep with her?"

"I slept with you," Riley protested. "At least I thought it was you."

Buffy turned away from them all and willed herself to calm down. The rage building inside of her wouldn't help deal with this at all...even though it felt good. She was angry; angry at Xander, angry at Faith, angry at Riley. People she had trusted hadn't even realized that someone else was in her body and that hurt beyond belief. Tears welled in her eyes and she brushed them away angrily, taking several calming breaths. Focusing on the brick wall, she willed herself to calm down so that they could finish this. There would be time for the tears and the accusations later.

When she turned back around, her face was a mask. "Let's do this," she said evenly.

"Buffy, do you wanna talk first?" Willow asked hesitantly.


"Buffy -- "

"Angel, I don't want to talk. I just want my body back," Buffy said, turning her pleading eyes to him. He stared at her for a moment before nodding his head in acquiescence. "Faith, so help me...don't make me drag you over here."

Faith rolled her eyes. "Oh, I'm shaking in my leather pants," she snapped. In an instant Buffy was across the room, hauling the other girl to her feet roughly. Buffy took advantage of Faith's height and stared down into the eyes that were suddenly so foreign to her.

"You should be." And with that she dragged her across the room to the circle, throwing her down into the middle of it. Faith's chains clanked loudly against the floor as she fell and she scrambled to her knees the moment she hit the floor.

"Wow, Buff, I'm impressed. Did fucking Angel give you the balls you need to handle me?" Faith snapped.

"Angel and I didn't have sex, Faith," Buffy spat as she kneeled in the circle next to her, muttering, "although if I had known I was gonna be attacked anyway I probably would've gone for it. Angelus wouldn't take any of this crap." Her voice returned to normal as she went on. "Giles? Do our resident Wiccans need to do the chanting thing?"

"No, you just need to both touch it at the same time," Giles said.

Buffy fingered the katra, her gaze trained on it. "That I can do. Will, can you get the chains off?"

The witch stepped forward to whisper a brief incantation and the chains that bound Faith's wrists dropped with a heavy thud to the floor. She stretched her sore arms, rubbing the muscles in an effort to chase the pins and needles away while looking around the room, mentally planning an escape. If she could knock Riley down, there was a chance --

"I'd be on you faster than you could blink," Buffy warned.

Faith glowered at her. "Are you sure? You seem a bit off your game. I guess the vampire's a bad influence."

"Will you leave him out of this? God, let's just do this and get it over with."

Everyone backed slowly away from the girls, almost as though they were afraid of getting caught in the crossfire between them. Buffy stared at Faith for a long time as an uneasy silence settled over the room. She returned it without blinking and the tension built to a high crescendo as they faced off.

Buffy moved gracefully to her knees and shifted so she was at eye level, allowing her to stare directly at the girl who had stolen her body and, for a few short days, her life. Unchecked anger ran rampant through her and she wanted desperately to smack the smirk off Faith's face.

She didn't really need a black eye when she got her body back, though.

Reaching out suddenly, Buffy knocked Faith off-balance as she gripped the other girl's hand. A bright light flashed as their flesh connected and they touched the magick katra at the same moment. A tingle shot up through their arms simultaneously, spreading rapidly throughout their bodies, incading every bone, every nerve, every cell. The girls straightened, their bodies tense as the magick consumed them, preparing them for the transition.

It didn't hurt, which was odd considering it felt as though their souls were being ripped apart. It was different from when they had first switched, too, and yet it was the same. Buffy felt herself leaving Faith's body and for a brief moment there was nothingness. It was she didn't exist anymore. And then suddenly she was shoved roughly into something and the skin she was placed in itched and burned and she wanted desperately to scratch free from her prison. It was tight, too tight, like she was suffocating...

The sensations faded a moment later and Buffy felt cold. Grappling, she tried to reorient herself with her body and opened her eyes. Faith's face stared back at her and a huge sigh of relief escaped Buffy as she realized it had worked.

She was back. "

Buffy turned her head away from Faith's dark, glaring eyes to look at her friends. Faith seized the opportunity, attacking the older girl with a vicious punch. Buffy's hand flew to her cheek in shock as fury swept like a hurricane through her. It was irrational, but she was in emotional overdrive and the bitch had the *nerve* to hit her after everything she'd done...

Retaliating, Buffy struck back, landing a sharp right hook on Faith's jaw with a force that whipped the other Slayer's head around. A loud crack resonated through the room as Buffy hit her again from the other side, knocking her to the floor unceremoniously. Angel rushed up to the two of them, ready to jump into the fray. Wisely (and shockingly), Faith didn't get up. The vampire stood over the dark-haired Slayer, ready to prevent another fight.

"Buffy?" Willow asked hesitantly, glancing back and forth between the two sputtering girls.

"It's me," she said as she massaged her aching cheek. Hearing her own voice and knowing she was the one that had had never felt so good.

"How can we know for sure?" Giles asked, stepping forward to address her. Buffy wracked her brain for a moment, trying to come up with something that would let them know it was really her.

"When I could read everyone's thoughts I heard my mother say you were a Stevedore during sex," Buffy told him. As an afterthought, she asked, "What's a Stevedore?"

Blushing, Giles cleared his throat and muttered, "Welcome back, Buffy."

"It's good to be me again," the blonde said as she flashed a brilliant smile at her friends.

"Lemme tell ya, B, it's not all it's cracked up to be," Faith growled. Buffy turned to look at her in disgust before scooting backwards out of the circle and shakily standing, catching her breath as she did so.

"I think Faith deserves a little more bondage fun while we figure out what to do with her," Buffy said, bending over to pick the forgotten chains. A wave of dizziness hit her and she let out a sharp breath as her vision swam. Taking a moment to regroup and gain her center again, Buffy picked up the chains and handed them to her best friend, who quickly went over and bound Faith again.

"Man, I never thought being tied up could be so dull," she grumbled.

Buffy straightened slowly, unsteadily. She felt hot and nauseous and the room was slowly beginning to tilt on its axis. Worriedly, she placed a trembling hand on the slight bulge of her stomach, her shaky gaze meeting Angel's.

A smile flickered across her features. "Angel..." she whispered in awe. The vampire took a step closer to her, oblivious of everyone else in the room. His children were inside of her, at that very moment they were growing within her womb...

Buffy swayed on her feet as she saw spots. Raising a hand to her head, she tried to clear her vision and succeeded only in making it worse. Angel noticed and stepped towards her again, worry creasing his handsome features.

"Buffy? Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm...I'm fine -- just a-a little dizzy..." Buffy said woozily. A thin sheen of sweat broke out on her upper lip and she licked at the salty liquid. Glancing around, she saw confusion and concern on her friends' faces. They blurred together in a mass of color and Buffy felt lightheadedness sink in.

"Maybe you should sit down," Riley offered, indicating the sofa that was pushed up against the wall. Buffy heard him but his words didn't really sink in and she just stood in the middle of the room, swaying on her feet and trying to find her center of balance.


She never finished her sentence. Her knees gave out and she went tumbling to the ground, vaguely hearing Angel call out her name in distress.

Too far gone to answer him, Buffy simply fell, unconsciousness consuming her before she hit the floor.


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