
Leah took the piece of wood. You couldn't tell it was a horse, but it did look a little better then the one he made last year. He can only get better, she thought.

“This is lovely Heath.”

Mister Harmon looked over at it. “Well how ya like that, you are getting better at this carving Son.”

Heath wore a big smile on his face. “I know, I need ta get better. Hannah always said practice makes perfect. I aim to do lots of practice, so I can get better.”

“I know ya will boy, I know ya will,” said Mister Harmon proudly.

Leah hugged Heath, handed him his horse and Heath put it in his coat pocket. They were in Stockton fifteen minutes later. Mister Harmon stopped the wagon in front of the livery and turned towards Leah.

“Leah,” he said, “I can take ya and Heath with me, I'm sure my sister would love ta meet ya.”

“Thank you Mister Harmon, but you should have some time alone with your family. I would like to see the sights of Stockton while it’s still light. Look at some things here that Strawberry doesn't have and I'm sure Heath wants to look around.”

Heath was nodding vigorously.

“Well, ok if ya sure.”

“I'm sure,” Leah smiled, “why don't we meet back here at seven tonight.”


Leah started to get off the wagon when Mister Harmon grabbed her by the arms Leah turned and looked at him.

“Here, take this,” he said, handing her some money.

Leah look at him in surprise.

“I can't take...”

Mister Harmon cut her off. “Take it, no argument, ya and the boy need ta eat.”

“But you can't afford...”

“Hush now, Heath has done lots of work for me without getting anything in return.”

“But I like helping ya Mister Harmon.”

“I know son and I like helping ya and your mama. Friends help each other remember,” he teased.

Leah smiled at Mister Harmon and took the money, giving him a kiss on his cheek.

“Thank you.”

“Ahh, there be none of that ya and the boy bring me so much joy more than ya will ever know. Now remember, seven o clock be here.”

“Yes sir,” Leah teased. She got off the wagon and looked at Heath. “Heath, don't forget to put your shoes on.”

“Ahh Mama.”

Leah put her hands on her hips and gave him a stern look.

“Alright I'll put them on.”

After struggling with getting his shoes on, Heath jumped down from the wagon. Mister Harmon waved goodbye and rode off. Leah look around her, so this is Stockton she thought. She had mixed emotions, what if he walked into me now, would he know who I was, would he remember? What if he walked up with his family, would he ignore me? If only I could see him without him seeing me. What if he saw her and Heath, would he know who Heath was? Would he try to take Heath from her? Stop it Leah, she told herself. You are here so Heath could see the stars from heaven, not to see if you could see Tom Barkley. She looked down at Heath, who was staring at the livery.

“Heath?” She called him gently.

Heath looked up at his mother then back at the livery. “It’s bigger than Mister Harmon's.”

“I'm sure it is.”

“I bet there’s lots of horses in there.”


Just then they saw a carriage pull across from them at the general store. Two young boys jumped from the carriage. The older one looked to be in his teens, he helped a lady down from the carriage. She must be their mother, thought Leah. All of them had dark hair the older looked more like her than the younger. The younger one ran into the store while the older one took his mother by the arm and led her into the store, holding the door open for her. What a grand lady, thought Leah, bet her sons never went hungry, Leah looked down at Heath, bet her sons never had to make do with shoes that were too small for their feet or were forced to work the mines when they turned six. Leah started to resent this lady, for being able to provide her sons with everything, while Heath had nothing. But Heath can have everything she thought. Just then, Heath interrupted her thoughts.

“Let’s go look at the store window Mama.”

“Well, there’s one thing that lady don't have that Leah does, Heath, she has Heath and as long as she does she would want for nothing more. The resentment for the lady melted away. She followed Heath to the store and stared at the window display. For kids, they had toys and for adults they had perfume, men and ladies hats and other items. Heath had learned to hold his excitement in, it always made his mama sad ‘cause she couldn't get things for him. He was learning to hold a lot of things inside of him. (Years later, he would meet someone who, with lots of patience and encouragement, would help him to release these feeling and become the boy he had never been allowed to be, even though he was then a grown man.) But now he held everything thing in, so the mother he loved wouldn't be hurt. Inside he was bursting with excitement, but on the outside he contained and concealed it.

“They have some nice things Mama.”

“Yes they do Son.”

Leah knew Heath was excited, but was holding it in for her sake. God how she loved her boy. Heath looked beyond the display and saw the youngest of the boys that just went into the store reach into a candy jar, take a couple piece of candy out and pop one into his mouth. Heath turned away from the window.

“Let’s go look at something else Mama.”

They walked about two stores down and started looking at the Christmas display in the window. An old couple walked up to look in the window and engaged Leah in a conversation. After a while, Heath got bored and walked back to the first store where the carriage was. He walked up to the horses and started patting and talking to them.

“What are you doing kid? Get away from that horse!”

Heath nearly jumped out of his skin, at the loudness of the voice yelling at him. He backed away from the horse and turned around to see who was yelling at him. It was the younger boy from the store.

“What are you doing to them horses?” bellowed the boy.

“Nothing, I...I...I was just patting them,” stuttered Heath, afraid the boy would hit him.

“Those are my family’s horses.”

“I was only patting them, honest.”

“Are you trying to steal something, boy?”

That made Heath mad. He put his hands on his hips and glared at the boy who was calling him a thief, and with all the anger that a five year old could muster he shouted back at the boy.

“I ain't no thief ! I didn't steal nothing !”

“So you say, maybe I ought to check your pockets.”

The bigger boy was surprised and amused by this little kid that dared to stand up to him. Some kids his age and older backed down from him. He would never hurt anyone unless they were gonna hurt him or any family member. He secretly liked it that people backed down from him, but he would never hurt anyone, especially a little runt like this here kid who looked like he was ready to take him on. He had to hold his laughter in from this kid.

“Ya try and I’ll bust ya one.”

“What’s the matter, kid, afraid I’ll find something on you?”

“No, I didn't steal anything.”

“Prove it!” He was having fun with this kid. He knew the kid didn't steal anything.

“I don't have ta prove anything ta ya.”

“That’s because you’re afraid I would find whatever it is you stole.”

Heath’s anger was at boiling point. “Take that back !”


Heath was so mad he rushed at the big boy. He managed to move him but not knock him down. The boy grabbed at Heath to stop them both from falling over. He shoved the boy a little to keep his balance. Heath tripped and fell. He didn't want to hurt the kid. He just wanted to keep from falling. The kid was brave for one so young. To stand up to him when so many would have backed down ,well, he respected that. He liked this little kid with guts. He went to help the kid up, and grabbed the kid to stand him on his feet. Just as he did so he heard a voice shouting his name.



He turned around to see his mother and brother staring at him.

“What ?”

“Put that child down! Don't you dare hit him!”

Before Nick could say something to his mother, his older brother Jarrod spoke up.

“Nick, that kid is younger and smaller than you. You can't hit him.”

“But I wasn't...” Nick started to say, but Victoria stopped him from saying anything more.

“I said to put that child down now.”

Nick looked at the kid in his hands and set him on his feet.

“Mother, Jarrod, I wasn't gonna hit him,” said Nick surprised they would think he would hit someone smaller than him.

“Well, it sure looked like you were,” said Jarrod.

“Well, I wasn't gonna,” shouted Nick.

“What is going on here anyway? Why were you gonna hit him?”

“Jarrod, I just told you...” Before Nick could finish Heath spoke up.

“I was only patting your horse, and he said I stole something. I didn't steal anything, and I want him ta take back what he said."

Three pairs of eyes stared at the angry Heath. Nick was liking this kid more and more.

“Ah, kid, go home.”

“Ya take back what ya say, or I’m gonna bust ya one,” Heath shouted as his mother walked up behind him.

“Heath! You apologize right now.”

“Mama, he said I...” Heath saw she was standing with her hands on her hips and an angry look on her face. He turned to look at Nick.

“I'm sorry I said I was gonna bust ya one.” Heath couldn't resist adding, “Ya better take back what ya say!”



Victoria glared at Nick. “Don't you have something to say, Nick?”

“Ah, Mother.”


“Sorry, kid.”

Victoria looked at both boys.

“Now shake hands.”


Victoria raised an eyebrow, and Nick turned to the kid with his hand out. Heath looked towards Leah, and she nodded her head. Heath turned to Nick and shook his hand. Nick smiled. Heath gave Nick a crooked smile in return. Victoria’s heart stopped for a fraction of a second, as she stared at Heath, and a feeling she couldn't identify came over her. Jarrod noticed his mother staring at Heath and walked up to her.

“Mother,” he whispered, “are you alright?”

“I'm fine,” said Victoria, glancing at him.

When she turned back to Heath the smile was gone and so was the feeling she had experienced. She smiled at Leah.

“I'm sorry! Nick is quick with his temper.”

“That’s ok. Heath doesn't always realize not to get into a fight with someone older and bigger than him,” Leah replied.

“Mama, I didn't start it, and I'm not afraid to fight him. I wasn't afraid of Billy Clark, and I'm not afraid of him!” Heath pointed at Nick.

’This kid sure has gut’, Nick thought.

“Who's Billy Clark?” Nick wanted to know.

“He's a big bully like ya, and he is always picking on me, and him and I get into fights, and I'm not afraid to fight him back!”

Leah held back her laughter. “Yeah and you always come home with the worst of it.”

Heath looked down at his shoes. He was embarrassed. His mother would say that, now this big boy would think he couldn't fight. Leah saw that Heath was embarrassed.

“He is much older and bigger than you, and you are brave for not backing down. It’s just that sometimes, you just have to walk away.”

“Even if someone said ya did something when ya didn't? Like stealing?” Heath was looking at Nick.

“Ah, kid, look I was only messing with you. I know you didn’t steal anything.” Nick didn't like to see the hurt look on the kid’s face.


“Really. I tell you what, why don't you tell me where you live, and I can come over and give you some lessons on how to protect yourself from this Billy Clark?”

Nick felt a strong urge to protect the kid. He wished he knew where this Billy was. He would make sure Billy never laid hands on this kid again.

Heath looked up at his mother. Leah told the Barkleys that she and Heath were strangers, and how they came to be in Stockton.

“So, what are you doing now? asked Victoria.

“Heath and I were just looking around until it’s time to meet Mister Harmon. Then we can see the sights at night and head on home.”

“But it will be dark,” said Victoria holding out her hand. "Hello, my name is Victoria, and these are my sons, Jarrod, and Nick."

"Hello, I'm Leah and this is my son, Heath."

"Please, why don't you and your son spend the night at our place? My husband is away, and I could use the company. I'm coming back later tonight with my sons, and you and your son can come back with us to see the sights. It will be a beautiful sight to see. Please say yes."

"Please, Mama? Mister Harmon can stay with his family and take us back to Strawberry tomorrow."

"Well, if you’re sure it will be ok?"

"Of course it will be ok."

"Then if Mister Harmon says he'll stay, then I will go with you."

“Good! I've got some more shopping to do. Why don't we meet here in one hour?”

“Ok that’s fine.”

“Mother, can I stay here with Heath?”

“Nick, Leah doesn't need you hanging around.”

“But, Mother, I can show them around. They don't know Stockton.”

“I don't mind having him around. I'll keep a good watch on him. It would be nice for Heath to have a friend.”

“Please, can he stay? Please, please, please?”

Victoria made the mistake of looking into Heath’s eyes. Leah knew she didn't stand a chance. Nick was going to stay with them. Victoria stared at Heath. “That boy could easily steal my heart,’she thought, ‘and he says he doesn't steal,’ she smiled to herself. “All right, Nick, you can stay, but I'm telling you, behave yourself.”

“I will, Mother, thank you.”

Victoria bent down and kissed Nick on the cheek. “Have fun.” She and Jarrod walked off to get their shopping done.

“Come on, Heath, I can show you where all the best toys are. We can go look at them.”

Heath looked at his mother. He didn't want to see the toys and have his mama be sad. Leah knew what Heath was thinking.

“Lead the way, Nick. While you boys are looking at toys I can look at the dresses.”

Heath’s face lit up with the smile that he threw at her. Nick and Heath ran ahead of Leah. They reached the store and spent the hour there looking at the toys. Leah didn't mind she was busy watching Nick with Heath. Heath had a worshipful look on his face every time he looked at Nick. Leah never heard so much laughter coming from her son. Just for that laughter alone, coming to Stockton was worth it. All too soon it was time to meet Nick’s mother and brother. They were walking to the meeting point, when Leah heard someone call her name.

“It’s Mister Harmon!” Heath cried out.

Mister Harmon pulled up next to Leah and Heath in his wagon. He had a woman with him. “Leah, we were looking for ya and Heath.”

“Mister Harmon, everything ok?”

“Yeah, everything is fine. This is my sister Naomi.”

The two women nodded to each other.

Mister Harmon pointed to Heath. “And this is the little fella I was telling you about. This is Heath.”

“Hello, Heath. My brother told me a lot about you. Nice to meet you.”

Hello, Ma’am, nice ta meet ya too.” Heath pointed to Nick. “Mister Harmon, this is my new friend, Nick.”

“Nick, nice to meet ya.”

“Thank you, Sir. Nice to meet you too.”

Mister Harmon turned his attention to Leah. “Leah, we came ta tell ya that my sister invited me ta spend the night with them.”

“Yes,” cut in Naomi, “and Charles told me about you and your son. So if it’s all right, you and your son can stay the night with us. We don’t have a big place, but you’re welcome to stay.”

“Thank you, that’s very kind of you, but, Mister Harmon, Heath and I were gonna try to find you. Nick’s mother invited Heath and I to spend the night with them.”

Victoria and Jarrod came up just then. Introductions were made all round.

“Well then, it looks like you are in good hands. You sure you’ll be ok?” Mister Harmon asked of Leah.

“We'll be fine, Have a nice visit with your family, and I'll see you tonight.”

Mister Harmon turned the wagon around and went back in the direction they had come from.

“Well, that’s settled. Should we get started then? I rented a bigger wagon since the carriage is too small for everyone. “You and I can sit in the front, and the boys can hop in the back,” Victoria said to Leah.

They all got in the wagon and started for the ranch. Victoria and Leah were talking up front, and the boys were telling Heath about everything as they passed it. About half way to the house Heath started to take his shoes off.

“What are you doing, kid?” Nick wanted to know.

“I'm taking my shoes off.”

“We can see that,” said Jarrod, “but why?”

“They hurt my feet, They’re too small.”

“Buy another pair,”said Nick.

“Can't, don't have no money.”

“Oh...” Nick looked at Jarrod, both thinking of the same thing, they were lucky to be able to buy things as they needed them.

“Well, it’s cold out. Your feet are gonna freeze,” said a worried Nick.

“Shh, I don't want my mama to hear. She will make me put my shoes back on.”

“Well, maybe she should,” said Jarrod thinking of Heath’s welfare.

Heath took his socks off. “Look,” he said, holding his feet out for Nick and Jarrod to see.

Jarrod and Nick looked at Heath’s feet and noted the blisters and redness on his feet.

“You should show that to your mother,” said Jarrod. Nick nodded in agreement.

“Naw,” said Heath putting his socks back on. “She will only start crying ‘cause she can't afford to buy me new ones. When someone throws away a pair, I will take them and give them to Hannah and she will clean them up for me.”

Jarrod looked up. “Nick, we're almost home.”

‘Why is this kid pulling at my heart’ thought Jarrod. “I’ve seen poor kids before. I know how some of them live. Look at the Kyles brothers. They beat up on other kids and take what they want. They tried that on Nick once, but Nick is not one to part with something he owns so easily. The Kyles brothers learned that the hard way. It didn't matter there were three against one. Instead of being afraid Nick, seemed to thrive on it. I know Nick got his temper from both his parents, but I think something extra was added to Nick. His father will fight three men if he has to, but he will always try to get out of it first. Nick is the opposite, He will encourage the fight before trying to get out of it. Darn it, he will throw insults to make sure the fight will happen. What will he be like when he's older? Father...Heath is always talking about him and his mother, but what about a father?” Jarrod was ready to ask Heath that question when he noticed they were at the ranch. He heard the excitement in Heath’s voice.

“WOW! Ya all live here?

“That’s right,” said a proud Nick.

Heath noticed the barn. “Is there horses in the barn?” asked Heath, eyes round with wonderment at all he could see.

“There are horses in the barn, some in the corral, and some in the paddock.”

“Do you like horses, Heath?” asked Jarrod.

“I sure do. Mister Harmon says that I have the gift, whatever that is. He said I will understand when I get older.”

“Really? Well, maybe after we get everything into the house, before its time to eat, Nick and I can show you around some. Would you like that, Heath?”

“Boy Howdy! I sure would.”

Victoria stopped at the house. “You boys bring the packages in.”

“Yes Ma’am,” replied both boys.

“Heath, why don't you help them?” Leah said.

“Ok!” Heath was more than willing to help them get done faster.

After they got all the packages in the house, Nick pulled Heath upstairs to his bedroom.

“Why’d you pull me up here? I want to see the horses,” said Heath.

“We will, but I want to give you something first.”

“Ya want ta give me something?”

“Yeah.” Nick went to his closet, tearing things out until he found what he wanted. He handed Heath a pair of boots. Heath looked at the boots. Except for a little scuff, they looked brand new.

“What are these for, Nick?” Heath couldn't believe Nick was giving him something as nice as these boots.

“They’re for you, Dummy.”

“For me?” Heath was having trouble understanding what Nick was saying.

“Yeah, for you...to keep.”

“But, Nick, I don't have no money ta pay ya.”

“Did I ask you for any money?”

“I can't take them. Mama and I don't ‘cept charity.”

“What are you talking about charity? This isn't charity. It’s one friend giving another friend a present.”

“I never had any friend give me a present before. I don't no if I...Wait a minute, I know what we can do. We can make a trade.” Heath started going through his coat pocket.

“Trade, what do you have that we can make a trade?”

Heath pulled the horse he had made out of his pocket.

“Ya can have this for the boots.”

Nick took the horse from Heath.

“What is this?”

“It’s a horse. I made it.”

“A horse? It don't look...” Nick looked at Heath standing there with the boots clutched tight in his hands looking trustfully up at Nick. Looking at his eyes, Nick could read Heath’s thoughts. Nick knew if he didn't accept the horse, Heath wouldn't take the boots. ‘Stubborn kid’ Nick said to himself. ‘If I didn't know better that kid could be a Barkley.’ Nick acted like he was examining the horse closely. “If we shake hands that means you can't take the horse back.”

“I won't take it back.”

“Ok then, just to let you know I'm getting a better deal than you are. Those are old boots and this is one fine horse. Are you sure you want to go through with this deal?”

“For sure and these aren't old boots. These are really great boots.” Heath held out his hand.

Nick, with a big smile on his face that matched the one on Heath’s face, shook hands with Heath and the deal was sealed.

“I wanna show ‘em ta my mama.”

“Let’s go then, and after you finish showing her, we can go see the horses.”

“Boy Howdy! This is the best Christmas ever.”

Nick stopped following Heath downstairs.


Heath stopped to look at Nick. “Yeah, Nick?”

“What are you getting for Christmas?”

“I already got my present.”

“Already got it? What are you talking about?”

“Well, I came ta Stockton, I got these boots, and I got ya for a friend. Ya are my friend right, Nick?”

“Sure are, kid, the best.”

Heath smiled his crooked smile and ran downstairs.

“Darn!” Nick mumbled to himself.

Heath reached the bottom of the stairs and didn't see his mother anywhere.

“Mama?...Mama?” he shouted.

“Heath?” said Leah, surprised at the way Heath was shouting. She and Victoria were just coming in from the garden. “You don't shout like that in someone else’s home.”

Heath stopped in his tracks when he realized. He was shocked and embarrassed at what he’d done.

He looked up at Leah. “I'm sorry, Mama,” then he turned to Victoria, “I'm sorry, Ma’am.”

Victoria looked down at the little boy and could clearly see the sorrow in his eyes. “That’s all right, Heath,” she turned to Nick. “Been giving him lessons Nick?”

Nick was confused “Huh, what you talking about? I don't shout.”

Victoria raised her eyebrows at Nick just as Jarrod came walking in.

“Did I just hear brother Nick say he doesn't shout?”

“Well, I don't,” shouted Nick.

Everyone was smiling at Nick, and Heath was giggling.

“Well,” Nick said, wanting to get the attention off him. “The kid here was excited. That’s why he was shouting.”

“Oh, and why were you excited Heath?” asked Leah.

“I wanted to show you these,” Heath said, handing Leah the boots.

“Heath, where did you get these?”


Leah looked at Nick.

“That’s right, Ma’am. Heath and I traded for them. We shook hands, and it’s a done deal.”

Victoria hid her smile behind her hands.

“Traded!” exclaimed Leah.

“Yep, for this,” Nick said holding out the horse Heath had made.

“But that...” Leah started to say when Nick cut her off.

“Is the best darn horse I’ve ever seen, and like I told Heath, I've got the better deal.” Nick stood there staring Leah in the eyes, hoping she could read that he didn't want Heath’s feelings hurt.

Leah read the message loud and clear. “Heath, you and Nick shouldn't have made the deal without asking for permission from his mother.”

“Nick’s mother says that a deal was made, and hands were shaken that closes the deal as far as I'm concerned, and Nick watch your language.”

“Sorry, Mother.”

“Yeah, Mama, ya can't go back on a trade once ya shake hands. Nick said so,” pleaded Heath, hoping his mother wouldn't make him back down from the deal he made with Nick.

“A deal is a deal, Heath. You can keep the boots.”

Heath ran to his mother and threw his arms around her. “Thank you, Mama.” He then ran to Victoria and threw his arms around her. “Thank you Mrs Nick’s Mama.” Heath ran towards the front door shouting back, “C'mon, Nick, let’s go see the horses. Boy howdy!” Everyone heard him say, “this day just keeps getting better and better.”

Jarrod and Nick followed Heath out. Jarrod put his arm across Nick’s shoulder. “Ah, Nick, you are nothing but a softy.”

Nick walked away from his brother. “Shut up, Jarrod, before I bust you one.”

Jarrod chuckled, “Like I say, Nick, all heart.”

Leah turned to Victoria. “I want to thank you and your sons for making Heath happy.”

“Speaking for my sons as well as myself it is our pleasure. Heath is a very likable little fellow. He and Nick seem to be developing a bond with each other.”

“Yes, they are. Heath doesn't have any friends his age. All he has his adults around him.”

Victoria stood silently, thinking. After a little while she asked Leah a question that she had been wanting to ask.

“Leah, where is your husband, Heath’s father?”

Leah started to get uncomfortable. She couldn't look Victoria in the eyes.

“I'm sorry, Victoria. I should have told you before I accepted your hospitality. I was hoping no one asked that question.”

“Then don't answer. You don't have to.”

“Yes, I think I do. You have a right to know who you accept into your home. You might not want us here. Worse still, you might not want your sons around Heath.” Leah took a deep breath, “I don't have a husband. Heath doesn't have a father. I was never married to his father.” She stood staring at Victoria for a minute trying to read her face. “Just don't say anything in front of Heath. We will leave quietly.”

Victoria folded her arms across her chest. “Why would you do that?”

“What?”asked a confused Leah, “because Heath is a...well he’s a...” Leah couldn't say the word, so Victoria said it.

“I believe the word is illegitimate.” Leah smiled at Victoria. Victoria held out her hand.

“Come on, let’s have some tea.” They walked towards the kitchen, Leah never noticing the family photo standing on the table as they left.


"All of these horses belong to ya?" Heath asked, to no one in particular.

There was no disguising the awe and wonder in the little voice. The Barkley brothers exchanged slightly startled glances. There hadn’t been a trace of jealousy in the innocent question, and both their faces softened as they looked at the excited little boy.

“Yep." said Nick proudly. “These are all Barkley horses. They belong to us. Well, to my father I guess.

"WOW! You're so lucky."

"Here," Nick took Heath by the hand. "Let me show you the new pony I've just got. I got him for my birthday last month." Nick led Heath to a stall that had a grey pony in it. "I named him Sir Lancelot."

"Sir Lancelot, that’s a funny name. Why’d ya name him that?"

"It’s from a book my father and Jarrod read to me. It’s about a mediaeval knight, and one of the characters was named Sir Lancelot."

"Oh... Heath shrugged his shoulders. The only book my mama read to me is the Bible. Can't afford no regular story books. Hannah would tell me stories from when she was a slave, how she became a free person, and how she became my mama’s best friend. That’s like reading a story from a book, right? Cept the stories she tells are for real, not make believe."

Jarrod was all choked up. He couldn't imagine not being able to buy books when he wanted them. He wanted to be a lawyer and knew he’d need law books and plenty of them. He was so glad his family could afford them. Jarrod promised himself that when he went to bed that night he would give thanks to the Lord above for everything he was lucky enough to have. He would also say a special prayer to God to keep this young boy safe from any harm.

"Yes, Heath," said Jarrod, "it’s like reading from a book. Listen, why don't we go back in the house and ask your mama if it’s alright for me to give you a ride on my pony with me."

"Really? Ya give me a ride?"

"Of course. Why don't we go in and ask your mama first?"

Heath came charging into the house. "Mama! Mama!" he shouted.

Victoria and Leah came out from the kitchen. Leah couldn't believe her normally quiet son was shouting like that.

"Land’s sake, child, what are you shouting about?"

Heath ran to his mother. "Please, Mama, please say yes? Pretty please, say yes, Mama, please?"

"Heath, why don't you stop talking, take a breath, and tell me what you want me to say yes to?" She could see Heath was really excited about something.

"I'm sorry, Ma’am," said Jarrod. "I wanted Heath to come in and ask you if it was all right to give him a ride on my pony with me, but he got a little excited."

"A little?" asked Leah.

Heath looked up at his mother, his blue eyes blazing with mingled excitement and pleading. "Please, Mama, can Jarrod take me riding?"

Victoria walked up to Leah. "Jarrod is a very responsible rider. Heath will be safe with him."

Leah looked down at Heath and knew she couldn't disappoint him. "Alright, Son, you can go riding. Just be careful."

"I will, Mama. Thank you so much!" "C’mon, Jarrod, Nick, let’s go riding!" Heath said as he ran out the door.

Jarrod and Nick saddled the ponies up. Jarrod got on his, and Nick handed Heath up to him. Heath sat in front of Jarrod. Jarrod wrapped his one arm around Heath so he wouldn't fall. After they were settled in the saddle, Leah walked up to Jarrod and Heath.

"Now, you behave yourself." she said to Heath. "You listen to what Jarrod tells you."

"I will, Mama. I'll do everything Jarrod tells me."

Victoria took Leah by the arms. "He will be fine. I wouldn't let Jarrod take him if I didn't think he was responsible enough."

"I know, I'm not worried about them. It is just that I'm so happy to see Heath enjoying himself, and it’s all thanks to you. How can I ever repay you for all the kindness you’ve shown to me and Heath?"

Victoria hooked her arm through Leah's and started walking to the house. "Well, I've got to get supper ready. You can keep an eyes on the baby for me while I'm getting it ready."

"I would love to do that," Leah laughed.

"Good! I think she’s going to need changing."

They were both laughing when they walked into the house.

Jarrod rode off with a very excited Heath. Nick was right alongside them. They rode around for over an hour, showing Heath everything they could on the ranch. Heath couldn't believe one family could own so much when other families had nothing. How could one family have everything and others go to bed hungry sometimes? He decided to ask Jarrod.


"Yeah, Heath."

"You ever go to bed hungry?"

"No. Why do you ask?"

"I was just wondering why some people have everything and others don't?"

Jarrod was wondering if Heath was thinking of his family and Heath’s family.

"Well, I don't know if I can answer that Heath. My father worked very hard for all of this. He made some investments that paid off. With that profit he was able to buy a small amount of land, and he worked day and night to make that grow into this big ranch you see right here before you."

"My mama works hard, so does Hannah, and Aunt Rachel, but there’s never enough money ta buy everything they need."

"I don't know, Heath. Sometimes people work very hard all their lives and still never have anything. Some people hardly work, and they have everything. It’s the way life is. Maybe, when you are older, you can find a way to help your mother."

"I'll be working in the mine when I'm six years old."


"Yeah, Mama don't know that. I know because my Uncle Matt told me. He said I have ta earn my keep around here. I have ta bring in money to help my mama. I don't mind. I want ta help. I want ta earn my keep...’cept..."

Jarrod couldn't believe what he was hearing. He looked at Nick and saw the same disbelief reflected on his face. Jarrod couldn't credit Heath’s mother would let her six year old son work in the mine. Nick looked back at Heath when he stopped talking.

"Excepting what, Heath?"

"I...I'm afraid. One time the charge went off early. Timmy Williams was in there, and he didn't make it out in time. I saw him when they brought him out. He was dead, and he was missing a leg, and one of his arms was hanging off him."

With Jarrod’s arm around him, Heath tried to push himself further into Jarrod, as if to seek protection from the image in his mind. Jarrod held Heath tighter, as if he was protecting him.

"Heath, I can't believe your mother would make you work in a mine at six years old."

"No, my mama isn't making me, Uncle Matt is. But I have ta work. I need ta take care of my family. My mama don't know that I know. Please don't tell her. Don't say anything, please? She will only cry. Please don't say anything?"

Heath was almost crying, pleading with Nick and Jarrod not to say anything. Jarrod and Nick looked at each other, and Jarrod nodded his head to Nick.

Nick took one of Heath’s hands. "Hey, Kid, we promise not to say anything."

Heath gave Nick a small smile. Nick could still see the sadness in his eyes and burned to take it away.

"Hey, Kid, tell you what. I bet if you ask, my big brother there," Nick said pointing to Jarrod, "would let you hold the reins, and you'll be riding instead of him."

Heath turned to look at Jarrod. "Really? You would?"


"Sure he would!" Nick jumped in.

Heath kept staring at Jarrod. Jarrod looked from Nick to Heath. He let out his breath. "Sure, why not?"

Heath turned back around and took the reins out of Jarrod’s hand. Jarrod showed him how to hold them, and they spent another half an hour riding around, before going back home. When they went in the house, Nick, in his usual way, shouted, ''Mother, we're home!''

"Boy Howdy, Nick, why do ya have to shout like that?"

"What? I'm letting Mother know that we are home."

"Mother already knows you’re home by the slamming of the door. Nick, must you shout so?" Victoria said, as she and Leah strolled into the foyer together.

"Sorry, Mother," Nick said, as he shrugged his shoulders. "Is supper ready? I'm starved."

"It will be once you boys go upstairs and wash up."

The three boys started running upstairs, but stopped when Leah called her son.


Heath turned to face his mother.

"Did you have a good time?"

"Oh, Mama, it was the best time I ever had! You should see all the horses they have, and Jarrod even let me hold the reins so I was riding."

"Oh, really? Well, that was nice of him." Leah looked up at Jarrod. "Thank you, Jarrod."

"That’s all right, Ma'am. Heath really enjoyed himself, and he did a good job with the pony. It was like he was born to handle a horse. He did real good."

Heath’s smile was a mile long as he threw his arms around his mother and hugged her tight. "Oh, Mama, this is the best day ever! Thank you!"

Leah wrapped her arms around Heath. "You’re welcome, Son. It’s only going to get better. After you wash up and eat we’re going to Stockton to see the sights."

Heath let go of his mother. "Alright, Mama, let me hurry!" Heath turned to go up the stairs. " don't know how much more of being happy I can hold inside me, but I guess I will find out. Boy Howdy, this is the best day ever!" Heath was mumbling as he climbed the stairs.

Leah smiled up at her son until Heath was gone. Victoria touched Leah’s arm. "Let’s go, Leah." Leah turned and followed Victoria out to the kitchen to get supper on the table.

Heath came down stairs a little later and walked into the parlour. He saw Victoria sitting there with a baby in her arms.

“Excuse me Ma’am, where is my mama?”

“Hi, Heath, she is upstairs freshening up before we eat.”

“Oh ...Is that a baby?” Heath asked pointing to the bundle in her arms.

“Yes, Heath, it is come over here and let me show you to her.”

Heath walked slowly over to Victoria. When he reached her, he looked at the baby’s face and saw she was sleeping.

“She’s sleeping.”

“Yes, babies sleep a lot. I've just finished feeding her. Her name is Audra.”

“Audra,” Heath whispered. Just then, Audra stretched and opened her eyes briefly. Heath saw that her eyes were blue. “Boy Howdy, she sure is pretty. My mama had a picture taken of me when I was younger. I was about two years old, and I look like her.” Heath tilted his head a little. “Or she looks like me.”

“What do you mean?” Victoria asked, though she could perceive the resemblance before she even finished asking.

“Well, we both got light color hair, and we both got blue eyes.”

Victoria stared at Heath, then down at the baby. The feeling she had earlier experienced in Stockton flooded back, more strongly this time. She was trying to define that feeling, when Nick came charging into the room.

“There you are, Kid. I've been looking for you.”

“I'm right here, Nick.”

“I know you are.”

“Then, if ya know I was here, why ya looking for me?”

“What?...I know now!... I mean...”

“Forget it, Nick,” Victoria said, smiling at the way Heath confused Nick. “Take Heath out into the kitchen, and you both sit down. I'll be in there when I’ve put Audra to bed.”

“Ok, Mother, come on, Kid, let’s go eat. I'm starving.” Nick said, leading Heath into the kitchen.

Nick sat Heath in a chair next to him. Soon the rest of the family came. Jarrod seated his mother at one end of the table, and he sat Leah across from Heath. He sat across from Nick. When the family was seated, Silas started bringing in the food. Heath couldn't believe all the food that was brought out.

"We gonna eat all this?" he asked.

"Yeah," said Nick. "Why?"

Heath didn't answer him, instead he said. "We gonna eat all this at one time, in one meal?"

Leah said, "Heath, that’s enough."

"Sorry, Mama."

"That’s ok, Leah," said Victoria. "Yes, Heath, this is a lot of food. When we sit at this table, no-one goes away hungry."

No, Ma'am, I reckon they won't."

Victoria smiled at him. "Should we say grace now?"

Heath nodded and bowed his head to pray. Everyone else did the same, and Victoria said grace. Afterward, everyone started to fill their plates. Leah put some food on a plate for Heath, and then she put some food on her plate. Heath picked up some mashed potato with his fork and put it in his mouth. Just as he swallowed a thought went through his mind. He dropped the fork on his plate, staring up at Leah.

"Heath, is there something wrong son? Is the food all right?"

"Yes, Mama, the food is fine."

Everyone was looking at Heath now.

"Then what is wrong?"

"Mama, we can't eat this."

Leah looked at Heath in shock. "What are you talking about Heath?"

Before Heath could answer, Victoria said, "Heath, if you don't like the food, Silas could bring you something else in."

"Oh, no, Ma'am, the food is good."

“Then what’s wrong?" Victoria asked.

"Mama, this is a lot of food, and it’s not right that we should eat this."

"Heath, I don't understand what you are talking about. Will you please explain yourself?"

"Aunt Rachel and Hannah, Mama."

Then it dawned on Leah what Heath was thinking. She turned to Victoria. "Rachel and Hannah are my two closest friends. They help me with Heath. Whenever one of us get extra food we share it with each other."

"Yeah, and there is a whole lot of food here, and we can't share it with them." Heath looked at Victoria. "I don't feel right eating this when I know that they are going hungry."

Victoria looked at Leah, who had her head down, and knew she had to handle this herself.

"Heath, tell me a little about those two women."

"Well, Hannah is a colored lady. She tells me Bible stories, and about when she was a slave, and how she came ta be free. She don't know how ta read but she can tell me lots of stories. They all are true, not make believe." He repeated what he told Jarrod and Nick earlier. "Aunt Rachel isn't my real aunt, not like Aunt Martha, but she’s better at it. When Mama’s not home, Aunt Rachel makes sure I eat and get washed up. When she puts me to bed, she tells me stories. Sometimes they’re funny stories. Those ones are make believe. She gives me a good night kiss before I go ta sleep, just like Mama does, and she’s good at it, but not like Mama."

Leah and Victoria both smiled at Heath. Leah felt a little guilty at not being able to get home every night to tuck Heath into bed.

"They sound like wonderful women, Heath."

"Yes, Ma'am, they are."

"What would they say if they were here, and you weren't eating?"

"They wouldn't say nothing, because I would be eating, because they were here."

Jarrod hid a chuckle behind his napkin, but Nick, being the outspoken person that he was, and always doing and saying things before thinking about it, said to his mother.

"Ha, Mother, he got you there!"

"Nicholas, that will be enough out of you."

"Yes, Ma'am. Sorry."
