
When Kayce’s debriefing was completed Oscar and Rudy followed her to her house in a separate vehicle to meet with Steve to discuss his assistance with an urgent satellite project. They arrived at the home close to 7:00 p.m. As Kayce’s car slowed to a stop in the driveway next to Steve’s Mercedes she felt an eerie feeling envelope her, the house looked unusually dark but she didn’t immediately share her thoughts upon exiting her vehicle. As the trio walked to the door she became aware of the panic filling her chest and she froze.

“What’s wrong?” Oscar asked almost bumping into her.

”I don’t know, something’s not right. It’s too dark, too quiet.” She whispered.

Oscar hand automatically went for his sidearm forgetting he had locked it in his desk. Quietly unlocking the door Kayce cautiously stepped into the house with only the soft moonlight filtering through the windows to provide them light. The two men followed her entrance then they immediately split up, Oscar headed into the living room, Rudy into the dining room, Kayce down the hallway towards the bedrooms.

The dead silence hung heavy throughout the house. Kayce slowly entered the dark master bedroom and half turned, seeing the light on in the bathroom. She sucked in a sharp breath at the sight before her. Steve was lying in front of the pedestal sink on his back, his head turned to his left facing her and his eyes closed. He was bare-chested wearing a pair of faded blue jeans. After taking two steps towards him she noticed the blood spatter on the left front corner of the sink. Looking down she gasped at the pool of blood under the left side of his head.

“RUDY!” she cried out before she stepped over his inert form and held his right hand in both of hers, “Oh my God. Steve?” She called softly stroking his cheek. Rudy and Oscar rushed into the room finding the scene before them difficult to comprehend. Rudy went to Steve’s left side and felt a weak pulse. He directed Oscar to the bedside phone to call for an ambulance while he continued to check Steve over.

Grabbing a clean towel from the rack near the sink he folded it and applied it gently to the left side of Steve’s badly bruised face hoping to stop the continued bleeding. The three observers were each lost in thought as to what could have occurred this evening. After completing the call Oscar’s voice broke the silence first, “Could he have fainted and hit his head?” He asked seeing the bloody sink.

Rudy replied bluntly, “When have you ever known Steve to just pass out? No, the injuries to his face are too severe. I think something else happened here.” Kayce’s eyes roamed the small familiar room for clues as she continued to hold his hand tightly. Finding nothing out of place her gaze returned to Steve and fell upon something unusual. She gently moved her husband’s arm farther away from his side, “Rudy look.” The two men leaned over their unconscious friend to see the odd shaped bruise on Steve’s right ribcage. “It looks like a boot mark.” She observed.

Rudy gingerly let the patient’s head rest upon the folded towel as he reached over and applied gentle pressure to the ribs and abdomen. A small groan escaped Steve’s lips and his head slowly rolled towards Kayce. Tears, unwilling to remain pooled, began falling down her cheeks. “Steve?” She called in a shaky voice leaning closer to his face. He gradually opened his right eye to a slit; his left had swelled shut over the past hour, as he lay unconscious. She smiled as she saw just the slightest amount of blue.

Feeling him weakly struggle to free his right hand from her grasp she released it and waited. Without a sound he feebly reached his arm towards her right cheek and brushed away her tears with the back of his index and middle fingers before his strength quickly waned and his eye closed. She caught his arm as it fell, preventing it from hitting the tiled floor.

The three remained silent hoping Steve would be all right. The distant sounds of a wailing siren approaching never penetrated their private thoughts. Suddenly Steve’s muscular body convulsed for several seconds. A terrified Kayce and Oscar looked at Rudy’s face, deeply etched with concern as he quickly placed the folded towel under Steve’s head to cushion it against the hard floor. Kayce’s heart sank, “Rudy was that what I think it was?” The doctor confirmed it was a seizure with a nod of his head, “What caused it?”

He looked her in the eye and took a deep breath before answering her question honestly, “It could be bleeding in his brain from the blow.”


Rudy spent eight hours with Steve, four of them performing emergency surgery. Kayce wandered about the waiting room, her arms wrapped tightly around her torso. Oscar sat quietly in a cheap upholstered chair against the wall. He patiently waited for news from his 2 top agents who were assigned to find out what happened to Steve.

Kayce was at the doctor’s side the moment he stepped into the lounge. Oscar joined them quickly. They both listened to the physician’s report.

“I’ll start with the easy stuff. His left cheek is fractured but his ribs are only badly bruised. It took twelve sutures to close the laceration on his temple.” He took a deep breath and continued, “He has a hairline fracture of the skull just above his left ear. The surgery to remove the pressure on his brain caused by the internal bleeding went well. According to the brain scan the hemorrhaging was caused by a small tear in a blood vessel.”

Rudy took a deep breath giving his listeners time to comprehend all he was telling them, “He must have been unconscious for at least an hour before we arrived. The brain injury is the reason he was having seizures.” He paused and waited for questions.

Kayce asked, “You said ‘seizures’, he had more than one?” The doctor nodded again, “He had a second one in the ambulance. Now that I have relieved the pressure he shouldn’t have anymore, although we are keeping a close eye on him just in case.”

“What about brain damage?” Oscar inquired.

Rudy took a deep breath, “After looking at the radiological films I’m suspecting there could be some. Whether it will be permanent or not is hard to say until he begins to recover.” Kayce’s body gave an involuntary shudder. Rudy placed an arm over her shoulder to comfort her before leading her to Steve’s room.

He gave her privacy at Steve’s bedside before stepping near the doorway and softly asked Oscar if any leads were found as to what had occurred. The tall man replied with a dejected nod and a whisper.

“All we have is a boot print on the ground near the house. It appears to be a men’s size 10. Unfortunately that’s the same size Steve wears so it could also be his. When you get the chance I’ll need a photograph of the bruise on Steve’s ribs to see if it in any way matches the one we found in the dirt.” Rudy nodded he would follow through on Oscar’s request.

Kayce took a moment to watch her handsome husband sleep, his deep tan of his face and upper body making him appear much less pale than he should. She was grateful he was at least able to breath on his own and was calmed by the gentle rise and fall of his chest. Her tired gaze rested on his bruised and swollen face. A two-inch wide, white bandage encircled his head where Rudy had to evacuate the excess blood through a small hole.

She sat reviewing her knowledge of brain functions trying to guess what type of damage may have been done. She knew the speech center was located just above the left ear then there was memory storage near the temple and frontal lobes of the brain. Control of his right arm and leg would also be located on the left side of his brain. She exhaled slowly and closed her eyes forcing herself not to think the worst.

Her silent steadfast support lasted through the night and the following day, taking occasional catnaps on a bedside chair. She desperately wanted to be there when he awoke.

Dr. Wells brought her a light dinner, which she only picked at after politely thanking him. She wasn’t very hungry; the uncertainty of Steve’s recovery was making her stomach churn uncomfortably.

After checking his patient Rudy reminded Kayce she just had to call him if she needed anything and his office couch was always available if she needed a break or wanted to get some sleep. She thanked him again and he gave her shoulder a squeeze before leaving.

It was only a few hours later that Steve began to regain consciousness. Kayce saw him struggling to drag himself out of the heavy blackness. She was torn between calling the nurse to notify the doctor and staying by his side, unsure how long he would stay awake. She chose the latter and called his name. His right eye slowly opened and she watched as it attempted to bring her face into focus. A small moan escaped his lips as he moved his head slightly.

“Steve?” She waited but got no reply. “Steve, can you hear me?” His brow furled as he stared at her with a confused expression on his face. She tried again, “Steve, it’s me Kayce.” His expression softened as a jumble of incoherent syllables left his throat in a hoarse whisper. The patient’s questioning look turned to a look of confusion at her lack of response to his question just before he dozed off again.

Kayce turned and swiftly exited the room, her heart laden with sadness. Getting the attention of the nurse she informed her of Steve’s awakening and asked her to contact Dr. Wells. The nurse did as requested while Kayce took a short walk down the empty corridor, choking back the tears.

Rudy was hopeful when he got the call and went immediately to his patient’s bedside. His attempts to bring Steve around were unsuccessful. Suddenly Wells noticed Kayce’s unusual absence and questioned the nurse who was only able to provide the young woman’s direction not her destination.

Rudy walked down the hallway and stopped at the last door on the right. It was dimly lit when he pushed open the carved wooden door that held the words ‘Meditation Room/Chapel’. He found her alone, sitting in a corner chair, her legs pulled to her chest, her head bowed and face hidden. Rudy was indecisive for a moment not wanting to intrude on her privacy.

Even in the low light he could see her shoulders quake. Choosing to offer the comfort she obviously needed he walked towards her. Kayce’s alert senses, even in her distraught state, picked up another person in the room the moment her entered. His settling on the chair next to her did not cause a startle at all. Without pulling her head away from her knees she already knew who had joined her.

She slowly lifted her head and displayed a weak smile under her heavily tear stained cheeks, her eyes looking tired.

“I heard Steve regained consciousness for a few moments.” He said softly. She turned her gaze forward and nodded affirmatively then lowered her head and sobbed. Rudy eyed her body language and realized their worse fear had come true.

Rudy looked at her, “He’s aphasic isn’t he?” She paused to place her feet on the floor and stared at the crumpled tissue in her hand. Her heart was being battered by intense anger, frustration and guilt. She squeezed her eyes shut briefly taking a deep breath then turned to Rudy and nodded silently. Knowing there were different types of aphasia the doctor questioned further, “Could you tell what type?” He wasn’t sure how long Steve had remained awake in order for her to find out.

“I can’t be positive. He was only conscious for a minute or two,” She answered slowly and quietly, “But I think it’s expressive. He tried to verbally communicate but none of if made sense.”

Rudy moved his focus to the floor near his feet while nodding his head. Expressive aphasia would prevent Steve from communicating his thoughts by spoken word or handwriting. It would no doubt frustrate his friend tremendously. On the positive side Steve would still be able to understand what was being said to him so he wouldn’t feel completely isolated.

The doctor sighed heavily not willing to give up hope completely. Seeing the young woman needed a lifeline to cling to he offered it, “Kayce there’s still a good chance it’s only temporary. As his body gets rid of the rest of the excess blood his brain cells may regain function.” His eyes stayed on her delicate profile. “Kayce,” She finally turned to look at the compassionate doctor. “This isn’t your fault. You can’t blame yourself for this.”

His kind words caused her heart to break in two. As she cried he pulled her close trying to help her come to terms with the situation. “Kayce I want to start his rehabilitation as soon as he is strong enough.”

Her voice came out strained and weak, “That’s fine, whatever you need to do.”

“I assume you’ll be with him?” He asked as she sat back.

She allowed a tiny smile to cross her face remembering Steve’s words to her after her accident before stating plainly, “I’m not leaving his side for anything.” There was a long silence as the pair thought of how this was going to affect Steve. “Rudy when I worked with rehabilitation patients I had clients who were aphasic either from a stroke or traumatic brain injury like Steve. It’s very difficult to deal with for both for the patient and the family. What if this isn’t temporary? What if Steve is never able to talk again? Share his thoughts…his feelings…it will drive him crazy.”

“I know but we’ll get the best speech therapist there is and give him the best chance to regain his ability to speak.” He squeezed her hand and she gave him a weak smile. “How about you get some rest? I’m sure Steve will be more alert tomorrow. You’ll need all your strength…and patience.” She nodded again feeling too weary to move and took Rudy’s outstretched hand.

It only took a few moments before Kayce slipped into an exhausted sleep on Rudy’s office couch. After draping a blanket over her still form he closed the door quietly and went to call Oscar from his secretary’s desk. A speech therapist from Andrews AFB would need to be contracted to them in order to keep security intact. There was no doubt in Rudy’s mind Steve’s anger would be expressed physically at some point during his recovery. The doctor just hoped there wouldn’t be too much damage in its wake.


Steve could hear muffled noises around him but he knew the thumping in his head would only get worse if he opened his eyes. Kayce was the first to notice her husband’s eyes moving under the closed lids. “Rudy.” She called softly and nodded towards the patient. Rudy took a position on Steve’s left side and Kayce was on his right. They both took deep breaths in unison not looking forward to what was coming. Rudy nodded for Kayce to wake him.

“Steve?” She said softly aware of the headache he was probably already feeling. She placed gentle hand on his forehead and then ran it through his brown hair, “Steve please wake up.” Her voice began to shake against her will.

It was the one person he couldn’t ignore. Her voice was as soft as silk and he wanted to see her beautiful face. Slowly he lifted his eyelid halfway and saw her smile but also saw concern cross her face. “Welcome back Steve.” She said.

‘Welcome back?’ He thought. ‘Where the hell have I been?’ He slowly moved his head to take in his environment and was surprised to see he was in the hospital. Closing his eye he dug deep into his memory trying to remember what had happened. Nothing came to the forefront and he let out a sigh.

It was Rudy’s turn to interact with his patient. “Steve.” Rudy called as the right eyelid closed again. “Can you tell me your name?” Rudy wanted to start slow. He knew Steve was extremely familiar with all the usual post-concussion questions.

The patient turned his head slightly and replied, “Stop…juice.” He eyed Rudy as if nothing was out of the ordinary and waited for the next question. Rudy didn’t immediately respond except to exhale slowly. There was no doubt that Steve had aphasia. He looked over the bed at Kayce who was struggling to hold back the tears that filled her blue eyes. She wanted to run from the room screaming that it wasn’t fair for her husband to suffer like this but she forced herself to be strong and returned her gaze to Steve who looked confused.

Rudy tried to explain to Steve what had happened and what they were dealing with. Steve remained silent taking everything in. Rudy attempted to get him to speak again but he wouldn’t. Soon Steve just sunk his head into the pillow and closed his eyes not sure why they couldn’t understand him when he was saying the right words.

Kayce stayed with a dozing Steve waiting patiently for the speech therapist to arrive. Lieutenant John Sterns arrived on time with a briefcase in hand. He politely introduced himself to Colonel Austin and his wife with handshakes. Before beginning his testing he asked Kayce to wait outside knowing it was easier on the patient. She did as requested and stepped into the hallway.

Rudy came to stand next to her. She asked him, “Does this guy know about Steve’s bionics?” Rudy nodded and smiled. “I warned him to keep his distance if Steve got too frustrated or angry. He’ll be okay.” Kayce gave him a small smile before glancing back at the closed door.

Two hours later Rudy, Oscar and Kayce met with the Lieutenant in Rudy’s office to hear his findings. “You are all aware Colonel Austin has expressive aphasia. My tests show he is mild to moderately impaired. From my initial testing it would seem that he is able to nod ‘yes’ and ‘no’ with 75% accuracy. The first step is to increase that to 100% accuracy.”

“You will find he is already answering with words that have the correct first letter.”

Rudy commented, “He did that when I asked his name. He said ‘stop’ instead of Steve.” The therapist nodded. “It’s a good sign. It’s something we can build on.”

Kayce stepped in, “Does that mean he will get his full speech back?”

“I can’t say if he will be exactly like he was before the head injury, only time will tell. As you know the brain is a very complicated organ. Any type of brain damage can take almost a year to heal. In your husband’s case I’d say he’s already part way there but it may be a rough road.”

The three across the table just knowingly nodded as the therapist continued, “Right now he won’t initiate any conversation and only speak if spoken to. Even then he will try to answer with just a nod of his head but you need to encourage him to speak. He can’t be allowed to just remain silent. It won’t do him any good.”

“When will you begin his treatment?” Oscar inquired.

“This afternoon. Then one-hour sessions twice a day five days a week.”


Kayce surrendered her seat to the therapist when he returned that afternoon. It didn’t matter since Steve refused to speak to her or anyone for that matter. She told Rudy she was going home to change clothes. She gave the doctor a smile when he also suggested she get some restful sleep before returning. Promising she would try her best she headed out. In her sleep deprived state she didn’t think to ask for an escort. The idea came to her when she was half way home and thought since it was Steve the deranged man was after did she really need one?

The tall blonde man had been watching the Austin’s home for the past two days waiting for her to come home, alone. He was exhausted trying to keep an eye on the residence day and night. He just kept telling himself to be patient and let her come to him. It was too risky to be seen at the hospital. He sat back sipping his now cold coffee and waited.

She arrived at the house, opened the door and immediately noticed its silence. She walked straight to the bedroom and sat on the bed. Looking over at the other side she reached for Steve’s pillow and hugged it to her chest. Her sobs were muffled as she wailed into the cotton fabric. After several minutes had passed she took a deep breath and lifted her throbbing head only to have her red, puffy eyes fall upon the dried blood on the bathroom sink and floor.

Kayce stood as if in a daze and walked over to the spot where her husband was assaulted. She reached for a towel to soak it with water. Feeling numb she wiped up the stains then threw the towel into the trashcan. Reaching into the shower stall she turned on the water and began to undress.

The hot water felt wonderful on her tired body and battered heart. After finishing she allowed the water to relieve some of the muscle tightness in her neck and back. Shutting off the water she reached outside the stall for a towel and wrapped it around her lean frame before walking into the bedroom and standing in front of the closet. Reaching into Steve’s side she withdrew one of his denim shirts. After sliding it on she pulled the collar up to her nose and breathed in the scent of the man she loved. Still wearing his shirt the young woman lay down on the bed and dozed off.

At the medical center Steve was not enjoying his therapy session. It was incredibly frustrating. Every time he opened his mouth and said something he was corrected. He couldn’t understand that even though he knew the correct words to say the words leaving his mouth were completely different. Why didn’t anyone understand him? He felt like he was in a foreign country and didn’t speak the language.

Rudy busied himself at the nurse’s desk wondering how long it would take. He didn’t have to wonder long. Even though the words didn’t make sense the loud yelling clearly expressed the anger behind them. ‘And this is just the first day’ Rudy thought as he slowly opened the door. He hid a smile at the scared look on the Lieutenant’s face. “How about you give us a few minutes Lieutenant?”

The military man nodded and quickly left the room. “Steve I can understand how frustrating this must be but you have to try and control your temper.” Steve just glared at his friend and the doctor could see he may be asking too much.

When Lt. Sterns returned Steve was staring at the ceiling. The young man tentatively returned to his seat to continue his treatment. The therapist put his notebook on the tray table that sat over the bed. Rudy remained in the room to keep Steve under control. Steve dropped his head into his pillow with closed eyes and suddenly felt fear fill his chest.

All of a sudden both observers saw Steve sit straight up and choked out, “Kay…Kay…Kay”

“What are you saying Steve?” the doctor asked.

Steve’s eyes were wild, “KAY…KAY…KAY” He stuttered. The Lieutenant and Rudy looked at one another surprised by Steve’s initiation of speech but didn’t know what he was trying to communicate; it could be any word that began with the letter ‘K’. Steve saw their confusion and it made him even more frustrated.

He began to move his legs off the bed in an attempt to get up and Rudy stopped him with a strong hand on each of his shoulders. “Steve where do you think you’re going? You can’t get out of bed yet.”

“KAY…KAY…KAY” Was all he would say as he swiftly moved his gaze from one face to the other and realized the pair still couldn’t understand the urgency. He shouted louder as if volume would improve their understanding, “KAY!…KAY!” bringing his fist down onto the table splintering it into pile of useless wood, metal and plastic. Lieutenant Sterns’ face drained of all its color at the display of physical strength.

“Steve calm down! Is it Kayce? Do you want Kayce?” The doctor could tell by the look on his friend’s face that his questions were hitting close to the mark. “She went home to get some sleep she’ll be back soon.” Feeling his wife was in danger Steve’s trembling hands went to his pounding head as it began to shake from side-to-side. “KAY!”

“Steve you need to calm down.” The doctor saw the strained look on Steve’s pale face knowing the rising blood pressure would make his headache worse. “Do you think something happened to Kayce?”

Steve looked up swiftly and let out a heavy sigh as he nodded affirmatively. It was then Rudy realized she went home alone. He immediately picked up the phone and told Oscar to send agents to Steve’s house.

Steve lay back and listened to the conversation, relaxing a little knowing someone would be watching his wife. He didn’t realize she was already being watched.


Her sleep didn’t last long as it was interrupted by the image of Steve unconscious on the bathroom floor. Knowing she actually slept better in Rudy’s office she slid off the bed and got dressed. She threw a few needed toiletries and some clothes into a duffle bag with plans to return to the hospital indefinitely.

The hunter awoke with a jolt and suddenly realized he had fallen asleep. After cursing at himself for his lack of attention he noticed her car in the driveway. A smile grew on his face as he casually exited his vehicle. He began walking toward the house when he saw her get into her Mercedes. She was already backing out of the drive when he got close. Not wanting to be recognized he quickly turned and began walking away.

Kayce was so deep in thought that she didn’t notice the familiar man on the sidewalk near her home. Throwing the car into gear she sped off. The stalker swiftly jumped into his rental car and pursued her. He was able to keep up with her until she turned onto government property. He drove past the entrance and parked at the curb knowing there was no way he could get passed the guard gate without having to show identification. The failure just added to his rage.

She walked into Steve’s room and up to his bed. He instantly threw his arms around her, pulled her onto the bed and held her tight. Kayce was confused at his reaction to seeing her. She returned his embrace while trying to get him to relax. When he lay back she saw the unshed tears and the lopsided grin. He was obviously happy to see her.

“Steve what’s going on?” He moved his gaze to his blanketed feet and just nodded with a shrug. “Please Steve, tell me.” He silently nodded again and sank his head into the pillow. Holding her hand tightly he fell into an exhausted slumber.

Rudy arrived to check on his patient and was surprised to see Kayce. “You didn’t stay away long.”

“No, I tried to sleep, I really did but…every time I closed my eyes I see Steve on the bathroom floor.” The doctor nodded his understanding and examined his patient.

“At least he’s asleep now. I thought I’d have to sedate him.”

“Why?” She asked concerned.

“He became very agitated and called out for you…well, ‘Kay’. I finally figured out he was talking about you. It was like he thought something happened to you. He didn’t calm down until I had Oscar send some men to your house. I guess I’d better tell them you’re here and safe.”

She smiled broadly as she watched her husband sleep the swelling on the left side of his face had decreased considerably. She was happy to hear he had said her name. Steve was not aware how much she despised the name ‘Kay’ for several reasons but she would love to here it come out of Steve’s mouth right now.

Kayce stayed at the hospital all week as Steve continued to struggle to get his speech back. He was now up to 100% accuracy in his ‘yes and ‘no’ nods. His brain was quickly healing and the brain cells were recovering. Only every now and then would the wrong word come out but Steve would notice it and correct himself.

She seated herself back in the chapel. She thanked God for bringing her husband back to his former self. The young woman didn’t expect company when the door opened. Rudy sat down next to her, “I was looking for you.” He thought it was ironic that the two of them would meet up in the same place as they did when Steve first awoke. “I wanted to let you know I’ll be discharging him tomorrow.”

She turned to him with a dazzling smile and her eyes sparkling when he finished, “That is if you think you can handle him at home.”

“Oh Rudy!” She threw her arms around him and thanked him.


It was Steve’s first morning at home since the incident that almost permanently took his speech. Last night Kayce made him his favorite dinner, spaghetti and meatballs. They shared a quiet candlelit dinner before addressing the more intimate affairs of their married life. Kayce insisted that since she and Steve could protect each inside their home she requested their two guards stay outside, giving their home life some normalcy.

It had been another week without any threats on Steve. Oscar was still investigating their suspects and why he was so fixated on killing Steve. Both men were just relieved that since all this started there was never any threat or attempt to harm Kayce. Steve would never forgive himself if anything happened to his wife he always viewed himself as her protector, as most husbands do.

He watched her as she dashed around the room getting dressed. He stretched himself out on the bed with his arms behind his head and a grin on his face. She exited the bathroom clad in a short denim skirt and a dark pink, short-sleeved blouse that tied around her waist. He smiled as she slipped on her sandals before leaning down to plant a goodbye kiss on his lips.

“Are you seeing Rudy today?” She asked eyeing the slowly fading bruises that were still evident on his face.

“Yeah, 9:00.”

“How about I meet you there around 11:30 and we can grab lunch?”

“Sure.” He replied happily.

“See ya.” She gave him a quick wink and turned to leave. “Don’t be too hard on your bodyguard okay?” She smiled as he nodded. Whenever his bionic wife had to leave her husband she would call the agent in the house just in case.

As Kayce left the room and ultimately the house Steve dragged his body towards the shower to get himself ready for the day. He was slowly beginning to feel like his old self again.

With her sunglasses shielding her blue eyes from the still rising sun Kayce sang uninhibited to the radio as she directed her convertible around the winding turns. She felt carefree and relaxed even though she was traveling with an escort. Jay was on assignment as her bodyguard but he thoroughly enjoyed being with the lively young lady. She smiled his way while turning onto the mountain road, unaware a car was following them just waiting for the right time to make its presence known.

There was very little traffic at this time of day and therefore no risk of witnesses to the event. She had only a split second to become aware of the unfamiliar car as it suddenly appeared, as if out of nowhere, to push her vehicle over the embankment. With her bionics she was quick to act and threw herself out the door shortly after the car left the road. She rolled to lessen her impact but her head made hard contact with a large boulder, quickly bringing her body to a halt.

Her bodyguard was not so fortunate and was not able to exit as quickly. He was still in the car as it tumbled down the steep hillside and never felt the injuries that took his life.

The tall and handsome blonde haired man was instantly out of his vehicle, knowing he had taken a huge risk but needed her escort out of the way. He hoped she wasn’t still in the mangled pile of metal at the bottom of the rocky hillside. His green eyes swiftly surveyed the ground along the torn-up path the wayward car took seeing her bright pink top standing out clearly against the green and brown brush. A grin grew on his face as he rushed to her side, his stomach churning with excitement. He dropped to her side and gently rolled her onto her back. Blood ran freely from the gash on her upper left forehead. She moaned softly as he lifted her easily into his arms, making his way back to his car. Looking around he sighed with relief, just as he had planned, no one had seen the ‘accident’.

Back at the OSI lab Rudy had just completed a series of tests on Steve. He was happy to inform his patient that his he was almost back to 100%. Steve then began discussing with the doctor the incidents of the past few months, the hotel shooting and the attack at his house. Steve knew there had to be a common thread, something he was missing. Rudy helped him fill in the parts that were missing from his memory and the pair tried to piece together what details they knew. It surprised Steve when Rudy mentioned the bruise on Steve’s ribs was apparently made with a cowboy boot. Something Steve had never noticed and was not told until now. The small piece of information suddenly jarred Steve’s memory. It was a long shot but it gave him something to work with. “Rudy I think I have a hunch who is behind all of this.”

Before Steve could share his thoughts Oscar rushed in with a concerned look on his face. “Oscar what’s wrong?” Steve inquired.

“Steve I just received some unsettling news.”

“What?” Steve asked, as he looked deep into his friend’s eyes. His stomach began tightening and felt Rudy’s presence at his side.

“I got a call from the local police trying to verify government ownership of a light blue Mercedes, license plate number EDJ-2473.” He waited and saw Steve’s face immediately twist.

“That’s Kayce’s car. What about it?”

“It was found at the bottom on a steep embankment. The police said there is evidence that it was forced off the road.”

“What about Kayce is she okay? Was she hurt? Where is she?” Steve’s voice became more and more anxious.

“They didn’t find her and the agent I assigned to her was killed in the crash.”

“What do you mean they didn’t find her?” Confusion and panic obvious in his tone of voice.

“She wasn’t in the vehicle or anywhere near it when they arrived.”

Steve was headed out the door with Oscar and Rudy close behind. All three worried what had become of Kayce.


The kidnapper gently placed her on the king sized bed in the rented house and quickly left her to gather the needed items. Returning to her right side he opened his bag. Rolling her face towards him he carefully cleaned the head wound before closing it with two butterfly bandages over the growing purplish lump. She never stirred since he took her from the scene.

His admiring eyes raked over her familiar form from head to toe. “It’s good to have you back Kay.” He whispered. “It’s been a long two years. I waited for you…waited for you to come back to me but….” He sighed as he caressed her smooth cheek, guilt and anger growing inside of him. She let out a faint moan at his touch and began to regain consciousness, something he didn’t want to happen knowing she might resist being there with him. He reached into his black bag and withdrew a syringe and glass vile of clear liquid. After filling it with the appropriate amount of the drug he swiped the alcohol-laden gauze across the elbow crease of her right arm. Slowly he inserted the needle into the visible vein and depressed the plunger as Kayce’s head rolled slowly from side to side.

“It’s going to be okay sweetheart. This will just keep you in a twilight sleep and help with the awful headache I’m sure you have. Besides I knew you would be angry with me so this will give me a chance to tell you what you need to hear without you running away.” He smiled lovingly seeing her trying to open her eyes.

Her voice came out barely above a whisper, “Steve?” The sound of the name was like a slap to his face, “NO DAMMIT!” He shouted in anger and saw her flinch at the harsh tone of his voice. He quickly softened his tone, “I’m sorry sweetheart. You must understand you are MY wife not his and its time you understood that.” She breathed deeply struggling to keep her eyes open to look about her surroundings, unable to move her body, her blurred vision causing her not to recognize her captor. He suddenly saw the elegant diamond engagement and wedding rings on her left hand. He stood and retrieved from his pocket an antique gold and diamond wedding band, which had once belonged to his grandmother. Reaching across her torso he removed the offending objects from her limp hand and replaced them with the ring from his pocket while commenting in a loving voice, “Here Kay, you left this on the bedroom dresser the night you left. You remember?” Her stomach twisted at the use of his nickname for her, his mother always felt ‘Kayce’ was too tomboyish for the wife of a wealthy physician.

He sighed, “I’m sorry Kay…. about that night…with Cindy. You have to understand she was just a fling…just a toy. It was an accident. You’ve got to believe that. No one could mean as much to me as you do. Do you understand?” His eyes narrowed and he stated through clenched teeth, “YOU ARE MY WIFE…until death do we part remember?” She moaned as she slowly recognized the voice of her ex-husband and tried to find her voice.

He leaned forward and spoke softly into her ear. “You are the only woman for me Kay. You always will be. I love you and you love me.” He kissed her neck and inhaled deeply enjoying her scent. She licked her dry lips and tried to calmly reason with him, “David please don’t do this.” She was still slightly confused as to what was happening. Her eyelids were as heavy and as unmoving as her body. His voice was deep and sincere; “I’ve been waiting patiently for a very, very long time to make it up to you. We can start fresh Kay, just like it was on our honeymoon.”

He felt her flinch slightly at his touch and his voice became angry, “What’s the matter Kay afraid of what your boyfriend will think? Well I’ve got news for you…. you won’t ever be returning to him. That I guarantee.”

“David please...” She pleaded; confused by his erratic mood swings. The affects of the concussion combined with the drug causing her to fade in and out of awareness, disappointing but not stopping her aggressor.

An occasional weak groan was the only response to his ministrations he got from the semi-conscious woman. Holding her face in his hands, her eyes still closed, he explained the situation, “I just want to make love to you with that beautiful face one last time before it’s gone. I’m afraid we don’t have much time.” He smiled, “Maybe this time you will give me that son you always promised me. How about it Kay? Everyone always said we would make beautiful babies.” She never responded and he soon became silent while going about his task.

The drug and head injury were making her extremely sluggish causing her to lose the fight to stay awake. Her eyelids fell heavily and she had the sensation of falling into a deep, black tunnel. The darkness was all around her and her subconscious was telling her she was in danger causing her heart to race. She looked all around her for a way out but saw nothing but pitch-blackness. She tried to call out for Steve, he would find her, he could help her, but she couldn’t find her voice.

Distracted in her frantic search for an escape she didn’t feel the gentle hands and mouth as they moved across her form. She tried to run but found it impossible as the walls swiftly caved in putting a heavy weight on her and making it difficult for her to breath. She could hear a masculine voice whispering to her but it sounded so far away and the words didn’t make much sense to her muddled brain. She didn’t know how long she had been trapped in the subterranean space but suddenly she felt a warmth fill her and soon after the heavy weight disappeared allowing her to take a deep breath again. Kayce remained in a half-sleep thinking this was just one horrid nightmare while her captor withdrew feeling confident and satisfied. He readjusted her clothing and placed a loving kiss on her lips before he left her to prepare the second phase of his elaborate plan.


On the way to the crash sight Steve began to share with his two friends what pieces to puzzle were forming in his head. “Oscar I think I know who is behind all of this.” Oscar and Rudy looked at Steve with surprise. “Who?” They asked in unison.

“Kayce’s ex-husband, David Ashbury.” He answered anticipating what would come out of Oscar’s mouth next.

“Steve we already checked his whereabouts. He’s clean.” Steve was already nodding his head. He didn’t know how Ashbury had done it yet but he was almost certain David was behind this mess. “Okay, give me your rationale.” The director demanded.

“First off, the boot marks. Not many people, if any, in Washington D.C. wear cowboy boots on a regular basis but people in Montana do. That’s where David lives. Secondly, the caller referred to her as Dr. Ashbury. David apparently prided himself on the fact that his wife was a well-respected psychologist. Kayce told me it annoyed her when he would constantly refer to her as Dr. Ashbury whenever they went anywhere. Thirdly a motive, I don’t think he took it well when Kayce wouldn’t go back to him after he contacted her and she told him she was in love with me.”

“But Steve he was in the Bahamas and now is attending a medical seminar in Michigan.”

Steve thought awhile then asked, “Did you verify he was on a flight from Montana to the Bahamas?” Oscar nodded affirmatively and added, “And he was on a flight from the Bahamas to Michigan.”

“What about the hotel?” Oscar nodded again and stated David’s check-in time. “What about his check out time?” Steve asked with a hopeful expression. Oscar looked at his notes that were compiled by the two agents who checked out the hotel registry and plane manifests. “It looks as if he checked out fourteen days later.” He replied and looked at Steve.

Steve inquired, “Was there anyone who actually saw David there?”

“I don’t know. We just checked that he was there at the hotel. You think he just checked in and then left to come here?” Steve nodded eagerly when Rudy jumped in, “Oscar I think Steve might be onto something. If David were at a medical conference he could easily sign in then leave and no one would notice. There could be hundreds of doctors attending that conference. No one would miss him.” Oscar got on the phone and gave specific orders for all the incoming flights from the Bahamas and Michigan into Dulles during the two weeks period to be checked. It didn’t seem possible to Oscar that David Ashbury could be in so many places in such a short time frame. He also ordered an agent to verify Dr. David Ashbury III was physically present at the conference.

Hanging up the phone he began poking holes in Steve’s case. “Steve how could he be in all these places in such a short time to establish his alibi and do the things you think he’s done? There aren’t that many available flights from the Bahamas to Washington.”

Suddenly Steve allowed a knowing smirk to perch on his lips as pieces of past conversations with Kayce came back to him, “Because Oscar, David is a pilot himself. He’s the one who taught Kayce to fly. He could have easily taken a commercial flight from Montana to the Bahamas, checked into the hotel then flew himself here. When the conference started he just had to fly himself back to the Bahamas and take the commercial flight to Michigan and sign his name on the record and fly back here. Check if he rented or purchased a plane in the Bahamas or here in Washington.” Oscar, with his mouth still open in disbelief, grabbed the phone and made the call. Talking to his staff they informed him that David Ashbury III was not at the conference. He did not respond to two emergency overhead pages by the conference director.

Steve was feeling a little better that the mystery was almost solved. His only concern now was his wife’s well being. His stomach tightened when the sight of the wreckage came into view. He was out of the car and standing next to the crumpled metal within seconds. A sergeant with the local police department introduced himself.

A police officer’s voice calling from the top of the hill gained everyone’s attention, “Sir, we have a blood trail.” The three men followed Steve as he ran up the embankment to see what the officer was referring to. On a boulder was blood as well as on the ground below it. The men were careful not to disturb the set of boot prints that led to and from the large stone. A uniformed man was already making a print of the boot marks but Steve knew it was all a waste of time. Doing this would not help them find her and they already knew who had her.

Oscar looked at his friend, “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

Steve nodded, “I think we need to locate David Ashbury.”

“Let’s go.” The three OSI men got back into the car and headed to Oscar’s office. He had every available agent on the case. Steve gave them everything he knew of David H. Ashbury III. He was the only child of a very wealthy family. He was a surgeon in Montana with many powerful political connections. Oscar could find no criminal record although with his connections Oscar was sure any misdeeds would have been buried long before charges would have been brought forward. He was surprised he couldn’t find any history of a mental disorder or treatment for one.

Within a three-hour period leads became available. One agent came across the use of his credit card at a local car rental place. Another agent, with the assistance of the IRS looked into David Ashbury’s bank records and found two sizeable cash transfers, one to a Washington DC surgeon the other to a local real estate agent who rents homes in the area. A simple phone call to the agent told them where the rental property was located. Steve grabbed the addresses of the rented house and office as Oscar and Rudy followed him to the car. It was obvious to everyone involved in the investigation that David Ashbury was either very stupid or very sure that he could get away with what he was doing.

The men decided to head to the rented house hoping to find Kayce. There was no sign of life when they pulled to a stop a block away. Steve would not be detained, immediately on foot and headed to the back of the house. Breaking open the door he searched every room calling out Kayce’s name but all he found was an empty residence. Oscar and Rudy were not far behind and came into the home as Steve was heading out. “She’s not here.” Was all he said walking quickly back to the car.

The ride to the surgeon’s office was silent. The sun was setting and Steve couldn’t get the feeling out of his gut that Kayce was in serious trouble. Rudy could read his friend’s expression as he stared out the car window at nothing in particular. “Steve she’ll be okay. She’s bionic she might already be free from him.”

He kept his gaze out the window as he commented, “Not if he drugged her Rudy. You know bionics aren’t much good if the human part is under sedation. We are still as helpless as anyone else.” Slowly turning his head to face the doctor he continued, “He’s a doctor. He has access to any drug he wants, and we both know there are many out there that would make for a very terrifying experience.” He looked at Oscar, “What type of surgeon is he anyway?”

Oscar opened the file, scanned the page contents and his body shuddered, “A plastic surgeon and the surgeon’s office he rented is an outpatient plastic surgery clinic”

“Oh God, he's going to alter her appearance.” Panic welled up in Steve’s chest when his mind envisioned Kayce’s delicate facial features being cut into with a sharp scalpel.
