"The 8:30 from Stockton"


Logline:   Closure of the rail line leads to adventure and romance for Heatherleah and Nick

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written out of frustration one day when the public transport I take to work didn't come and nobody could tell me why. This is what happens when your ride never arrives. Your mind goes for a wander and comes back with... guess what?


What do you mean the next stage is full?” Nick Barkley bellowed rather then asked the attendant at the railway station.

“Just what I said Mr Barkley, the coach leaving at 10.00pm tonight is full.” The nervous attendant replied.

Nick Barkley in full bellow was enough to scare the bravest of men, and while not a coward by any stretch of the imagination; the station attendant was hardly the bravest of men.

“It’s the line blockage Mr Barkley.” The attendant continued.

Two days earlier an earthquake had caused rock and other debris to fall onto the rail line between Stockton and San Fransisco. The stagecoach company had agreed to put on extra services to handle the backlog of passengers, but it still wasn’t enough.

“Well when is there an opening?” Nick paced the length of the counter. He had an important meeting to attend in a week’s time. If the train had still been running this wouldn’t have presented a problem but with the blockage every plan had been thrown into chaos.

“Best I can do is the 8.30am stage in the morning. There’s two vacant spots on it.”

“He’ll take them both.” A feminine voice announced.

Nick turned and smiled at the sight of his red headed sister in the door.

“Right.” Nick confirmed to the attendant. “In the names of Mr and Miss Barkley.”

“Very good Mr Barkley.” The attendant hurriedly wrote the names down. Anything for peace. “That’s the 8.30am coach to San Fransisco, two tickets Mr and Miss Barkley.”

Nick handed over the money and pocketed the tickets.

“And just why did I end up buying both tickets?” Nick asked his younger sister as he took her arm and escorted her to the tea lounge of the Cattlemen’s.

“One for you if you want to get to that cattle ranches meeting.” Heatherleah Barkley counted as she walked along side her older brother. “And one for me. Jarrod’s been asking me to come and spend time with him in San Fransisco for a while and I’ve decided that now would be the perfect time.”

“And the display of paintings in the San Fransisco Gallery would have nothing to do with if of course.” Nick teased.

“Not much.” Heather replied. Her eyes glinting blue, the colour of fun.

“What about the ballet?”

“That too.”

Nick just shook his head. “Well then looks like I got me a travelling companion.”

Brother and sister laughed as they entered the tea lounge.


“Get in there.” The rough voice of the army lieutenant ordered as the prisoner was pushed into the passenger compartment of the coach. “Sit there and don’t move.”

The prisoner looked at his former aide with defiance

“Prisoner and army guard ready to depart sir.” The lieutenant saluted his superior office.

“Very good Lieutenant Brace.” Major Rutherford, the commander of the barracks returned the salute. “Here are your orders.” He handed Brace a sealed envelope. “Just make sure that ex-Captain Roberts here gets to San Fransisco and is handed over to the General and Governor Mantle.”

“Yes Sir.” Brace saluted again.

On top of the coach in the drivers spot Seth Hanks had a deep and worried frown on his face as he flicked the team into movement. This was going to be one bad trip he could feel it. Two soldiers in the coach itself, one prisoner and instead of his regular guard, another armed soldier with him on top. It must be one very important felon he had on board.

As he watched the coach pull away Major Rutherford also wore a worried frown on his face. Was he doing the right thing? Did he indeed have the right to expose his men to the kind of danger they would face on this trip to San Fransisco? Would any of them make it? And if they did would they be in time to stop certain events from taking place?


“There they are.” Victoria Barkley indicated to the front door of the Cattlemens Hotel. “ I knew they wouldn’t be that far away.”

“With the mood Nick was in when he left the house earlier I’m amazed the station masters office is still standing.” Heath Barkley commented as he took his mothers arm and led her across the street to where they’d spotted the two missing members of their family. “See you found him sis?” Heath reached for his twin’s hand and helped her down the step from the walkway to ground level.

“Wasn’t that hard” Heather admitted with a teasing glint in her eyes. “All I had to do was fellow the bellows and there Nick was terrorizing the poor station attendant.”

“Hey I resent that.” Nick protested. “ I was trying to get my message across.”

“Very loudly.” Heather added.

“Were you in time to get on the stage?” Her mother asked, “Did you get a ticket.”

“Yes, thanks to Nick.” Heather smiled at her older brother.

“What’s going on here?” Nick felt like he was the only one of the group not in on the family secret.

“You haven’t told him yet?” Heath asked in a teasing tone.

“Not yet.”

“Told me what?” Nick demanded to know

“I’m not just going to be looking at pictures in the gallery. Nick some of my works will actually be hanging there.”

“You’ve been selected?” Nick was thrilled and delighted.

“Yes, Jarrod confirmed it. The telegram arrived after you left the house.”

The Gallery of San Fransisco had, a few months earlier, invited artists from towns all over the state to submit pieces for a possible display of amateur and semi professional work. Jarrod had taken two of Heathers works back with him the last time he’d visited Stockton.

“Jarrod suggested I bring two of the horse portraits I did at Mark McAdams.”

Nick nodded, those were good paintings. Thankfully the two works Jarrod had taken with him were in Nick’s opinion, Heathers best. The weeping rose and the family group she’d given Victoria for Christmas.

“So meeting me at the station office was no accident?”

“No sorry Nick, Look I’ll pay you for the ticket.” Heather offered.

“No you won’t. “Nick hugged his sister. “It’s not everyday this family has an exhibiting artist in it’s ranks.”


Jarrod Barkley strode into the main telegraph office in San Fransisco in the late afternoon. He was looking for a response to the message he’d sent earlier that morning. As soon as the board of the Gallery had notified him regarding Heathers place in the upcoming exhibition he’d been down and sent the wire. If his family were as punctual as ever with their replies there should be a message waiting for him.

With the closure of the railway line due to the earthquake he’d expected a que and he found one. Standing in front of him in line was the armies top General in San Fransisco General James Spence.

“Jamie.” Jarrod said as he approached his old friend. “Even making generals wait in line are they?”

“Dammed nuisance Jarrod.” Spence complained. “ Got a vital prisoner on the way here and no train.”

“You sound just like my brother.” Jarrod mentally made a comparison between the full army general and his volatile cowboy brother. “He’s due here next week for a ranching meeting and wasn’t planning on leaving till the day before.”

“Jarrod what are you smiling about?” Spence eyed the lawyer. “This isn’t funny you know.”

“I know, I know.” Jarrod attempted to settle the ruffled feathers of Spence “But you both sound so much alike.”

“Worst part of this whole thing is they’re not delivering messages, you’ve got to come and pick them up yourself.” Spence was in full complain mode. “ I’ve got better things to do.”

“So want’s wrong with one of your aides coming?” This puzzled and fascinated Jarrod.

“Too sensitive.” Spence replied. “And beyond that I can’t say any more.”

“Next.” The telegraph officer called.

While Spence was paying for, receiving and sending a response to his message Jarrod pondered what he’d been told.

Vital prisoner, too sensitive sound interesting. Well he’d hear about when it was all over.


“Jarrod Barkley” He identified himself. “Anything from Stockton for me.”

The officer handed Jarrod a message he paid for it and stepped to one side in order to read it.

‘Nick and Heather booked on 8.30 am stage tomorrow. Should arrive noon Saturday. Love Mother’

Jarrod folded the message into his pocket. He was looking forward to spending some time alone with his newest sister. The twins had been with the family for just over a year now and still he hadn’t had the pleasure of Heather staying with him in San Fransisco. Well thanks to the display the Gallery were putting on now he would. Nick would be with them during the evenings of course but the ranchers meeting would keep him busy during the day.

What Heather didn’t know was that he’d arranged for the rest of the family to arrive the night before the opening of the show. Hopefully the rail line would be open before then.

“Good news?” Spence asked as the two of them left the office.

“Confirmation that my brother and sister will be on the early stage from Stockton tomorrow.” Jarrod smiled.

Spence’s facial expression changed from one of light, and what could be described as, humour to one of concern.

“The eight thirty stage?” He asked

“Yes Why?”

“Come with me quickly.” Spence picked up the pace, forcing Jarrod to follow suit. “We have to talk, but not here.”


“Major Rutherford sir.” The second lieutenant saluted his superior officer. “A Colonel Marks to see you sir”

Rutherford looked up from his desk as the lieutenant and an elegantly dressed officer entered.

“Thank you Lieutenant Ross, you may leave now.” Rutherford returned the salute.

Ross saluted and left the room.

Closing the door behind him Lt Sam Ross did not then head for the door that lead to the parade ground instead he bent down and unashamedly listened at the key hole.

“Well Major, Captain Roberts got away all right then?” Colonel Tim Marks asked as he took a seat.

“Yes sir, no problems. To the men here and the men I assigned to guard him Captain Roberts is a traitor and a thief.”

“Good, with the knowledge he has Captain Roberts will be able to lead General Spence straight to the masterminds of this deadly coup.”

“Sir I still can’t believe that such men are within our own ranks.” Rutherford stood and paced the room. “Assassinate Governor Mantle?”

“Major, Military Intelligence has been aware for quite sometime that there is a plot within army ranks to assassinate both Governor Mantle and General Spence there by throwing both the government and the army into disarray..”

“But from our little corner of the state?” Rutherford just couldn’t comprehend it.

“ Major hiding in your little corner of the state are three out of six of the masterminds of this coup and when the time is right enough men to overthrow this camp.” Marks looked Rutherford straight in the eye. “And before you ask the reason we haven’t just gone in and arrested them is a) We weren’t sure exactly where they were and b) how many of them there were.”

“And Captain Roberts does?” Rutherford glared at his superior officer.

“And much more.” Marks said.

At the keyhole Ross was listening and taking it all in. Though not part of the coup he knew certain things that he didn’t share with his superior officers, things like where the group were hiding themselves, where certain members liked to drink, which of the men in camp were directly involved and how deeply. What he did not know up until now and the group still didn’t know was the Captain Roberts was a spy. That little bit of information would be enough to get him in.


Instead of been taken to the Generals office like he thought he would be Jarrod found himself in the offices of the Governor of the State of California Richard Mantle.

“Jamie, Jarrod?” Mantle looked up from his desk. “What’s going on?”

“Complication Richard.” Geraldton explained. “Seems Jarrod here’s brother and sister are going to be boarding the stage with our Captain Roberts on it.”

“What?” Mantle almost exploded “That was supposed to be a military only coach.”

“That was until the rail line went and got closed due to that earthquake.” Spence continued. “Now they’ve dragged every coach in to help move the back log of civilian travellers.”

“Will somebody please tell me what’s going on?” An exasperated Jarrod asked.

“Jarrod it’s vital you stop your brother and sister from boarding the coach.” Mantle said.

“Why Richard?” Jarrod looked at the Governor.

“ Because on that eight- thirty stage from Stockton is a very valuable military prisoner.” Spence continued. “One who has…” He stopped.

“One who has what?” Jarrod was now getting more then a little alarmed.

Mantle and Geraldton exchanged glances.

“What we are about to say cannot leave this room.” Mantle cautioned.

“One who has what?” Jarrod pressed further.

“One who has information regarding a plot by certain members of the army to overthrow both army command and Richard.” James Spence looked at Mantle

“Captain Paul Roberts was sent in by military intelligence to gather as much information as possible, his cover was as a disgruntled army captain shifted to the camp on the California/ Nevada border for disciplinary reasons.” Mantle laid out part of the plan.

“Some gold, military gold has gone ‘missing’ from the area recently.” Spence took over again.

“More of Captain Roberts cover story?” Jarrod asked

“Yes, he led the masterminds to believe that he knew where the gold was hidden”

“So that they’d invite him in and at the same time have access to a ready supply of money for arms.” Jarrod finished.

“Yes.” Spence answered

“And this prisoner on the stage is?’

“Captain Roberts.” Mantle moved to in front of Jarrod. “He ‘allowed’ himself to be caught three days ago.”

“He’s bringing back the names of the coup leaders, when they plan to make their final move, the locations of other such rebel units and how many men are involved.” General Spence finished.

“He got in the far?” Jarrod was astounded. When Spencer had said earlier that the information was too sensitive he’d had not idea that a plot to take out the military top brass and the Governor of the state was involved.


Who else knew what he was really doing?”

“Only the commander of the camp Major Rutherford and his own superior officer Colonel Marks.” Spence supplied

“Now do you understand why you’ve got to get ..” Mantle asked

“Nick and Heather.” Jarrod supplied the names.

“Nick and Heather off that stage.”

Jarrod nodded. Indeed he did. The last thing he wanted was for his younger siblings to be caught in either a rescue attempt by rebels or worse an assassination attempt if the rebels thought Roberts would betray them.

Mantle saw the concerned look on the face of his old friend. Having been with the Barkley family when they’d found the Dragon’s Head Dagger he knew how deep the feelings each sibling had for the others ran.

“Go.” The single word carried the feeling of great understanding.

Reaching for his hat Jarrod bid the pair a hasty adieu and left the office.

“I hope for his families sake that he makes it.” Mantle said to Spence as they watched Jarrod hail a carriage.

Jarrod pounded on the telegraph office door in frustration. He was too late; they’d closed for the day and wouldn’t reopen again until half an hour after the stage pulled out of Stockton carrying his brother and sister.


The dimly lit was the first sign Lt Ross had that he had indeed found the right spot.

The second was the clicking of guns all around him.

The third was when he was roughly pushed through the door of the dimly lit shack. Sitting around the solitary table in the room where three hard nosed soldiers. Standing behind them were two distinctly different types of men. One was civilian and the other military, some from his own camp.

“Lt Ross” One of the trio said as he rose from his seat. “What brings you here? Spying for Rutherford and Marks?”

Lt Sam Ross looked straight into the cold black eyes of Lt Colonel Matt Woods, aide to General James Spence.

“No Sir.” The response was an automatic one

“Then why are you here? How did you find us?”

“Heard talk, put two and two together Sir.” Woods paced around, while Ross stood straight and to attention.

“And just what did you hear? And where?”

“In the saloon”

“So some of my men have been drinking and talking have they.” A soldier to the core Woods hated any lapses in discipline. He would find the ones responsible and punish them. “Now Ross why are you here?”

“ I have information, must be worth something to you.” Ross was starting to sweat.

“Tell me soldier and then we’ll see just what its worth.” Woods continued to circle the sweating Ross

“It’s about Captain Rogers and what he was really up here.” Ross let just enough out to keep Woods attention. “ I want in on this. Let me in and I’ll tell you.”

“Go on.” Woods face remained neutral.

“Your word first.”

“You’ll get what’s coming to you be assured of that.”

Ross weighed up the offer.

“Captain Roberts isn’t what he claimed to be, he’s military intelligence sent here to look for you specifically. Now he’s heading back to Spence with information on all of you.”

“And you found this out how?”

“ Overheard Rutherford talking to Roberts’s commanding officer.”



“Very good.” Woods purred, “Now come and get your payment.”

Ross turned to face Woods. As he did the revolver in Woods’s hand discharged sending a bullet into the chest of the surprised second Lieutenant.

“Get him out of here.” Woods ordered the gun still smoking in his hand. “Now to deal with our next problem Roberts.”

“ I thought you said Spence wasn’t bright enough to even suspect about us.” Major Harry Knots second in command of the Sacramento garrison queried.

“This has Mantle’s smell all over it. If anybody put Spence up to getting Military Intelligence in then it’s Mantle.”

“Does this change anything regarding the timetable?” Captain Larry Pate, an officer stationed with a company outside of Oaklands asked.

“No it still goes ahead as planned. You two head back to your companies, brief our people there and pass on the information to our brothers unable to get here.” Woods ordered.

“And Roberts?” Knots asked.

“I’ll handle Captain Roberts personally.”


“See I told you we had plenty of time.” Nick announced as the Barkley family carriage pulled up outside the Stage depot.

The stage was already in and about to hitch a fresh team.

“Now both of you have a marvellous time.” Victoria instructed. “Nick don’t get hoodwinked at that meeting, and you young lady no letting all the fuss go to your head.”

“Yes Mother.” The travellers said in unison.

“Now Nick.” Heath began with a serious tone in his voice. “I expect you to ..”

“Heath don’t fret” Nick interrupted “I won’t be selling the ranch or anything like that at this meeting.”

That comment earned him a play full clip to the back of the head.

“Hey.” Nick reacted “Of course I’ll watch our little sister.” He smiled as he watched the twins say their goodbyes to each other.

“You’ve got that list of things for the orphanage?” Audra asked as the sisters said their goodbyes.

“Don’t worry I’ll handle it.” Heather assured her sister. “Take care sis, watch that twin of mine for me. You know quickly he can get into trouble.”

“Folks if you’re coming then you’d better get on board.” Hanks called from the drivers spot.

“Goodbye dears” Victoria said.

The group watched as Nick handed his sister into the coach and the embarked himself.

Heath noticed the empty guards spot and looked around for the missing guard. To his surprise a soldier brushed past him and climbed up into the guard spot. A small tingling sensation ran up and down his spine. Something didn’t feel just right. Before he could do anything about it the driver slapped the reins and the coach pulled away.

Others, apart from Heath, were also interest as the soldier climbed into the guard’s spot.

“A soldier boy as guard.” Des Copper, small time thief and would be stage robber said “Means loot and loot is what I carve.”

“You mean like army gold or something?” His partner Pete Saunders asked.

“Maybe a lot of it,” Des began to plan. “What’s say we relieve them of some of it?”

“One soldier guard, an old man driving.” Pete counted off the likely opposition. “And a Barkley.”

“Yep didn’t see anybody else. But we’d better figure in one more soldier in the coach just in case.”

“That’s too many” Saunders protested. “We’re out numbered.”

“Not if we include my brother Col” Des told him. “Col, on his day, can take on any two men and that includes a Barkley. Now here’s what we’ll do” The two would be thieves left plotting their crime.

“Nick Barkley.” Nick introduced himself to three men already in the coach as he and Heather embarked. “My sister Heather.”

He was more the a little surprised to find that their travelling companions were soldiers and officers to boot. The officer, a lieutenant, sat on the side nearest the door, in the middle, in the torn and dirty uniform of a captain sat a dark haired man, on his other side sat a corporal. As Heather turned to face them the lieutenant quickly covered the middle mans hands with a coat in order to hide the cuffs his was sporting.

“Lieutenant Marcus Brace.” The Lt introduced himself “A pleasure Miss Barkley.”

“Corporal Tony Jones.” The corporal said tipping his hat. “Mr Barkley, Miss.”

A quick tug of his chains by Lt Brace caused the captain to raise his head. “Captain Paul Roberts” He said sullenly.

“Ex-captain.” Brace quickly corrected. “Don’t worry Miss Barkley he can’t hurt you.”

Heather turned her head to face the Lt. “I’m sure he can’t Lt, thank- you.”

Nick smiled to himself. The Lt had fallen into the same trap as all men who met his red headed sister did. Thinking she was one of those frail females who shrunk and hid at the mere mention of the word danger. Well he’d learn so enough that that was not the case.

“What’s his crime?” Nick asked as he looked at Captain Roberts

“He’s a thief and traitor.” Lt Brace answered looking at Roberts with disgust. “He stole a load of gold that belonged to the army and gave it to a band of rebels. He was caught when we did a raid on their temporary H.Q.”

As Brace was giving them the details of Roberts’s crimes Heather watched the face of the man in question. When the words ‘thief and traitor’ were used she could’ve sworn she’d seen fire and resentment flash into Captain Roberts eyes. Nick, busy discussing the situation with Lt Brace, missed it.

“You’re not what you appear to be. Are you?’ She thought to herself. “So who or what are you really?”

She refocused on the discussion as Lt Brace continued “We’re taking him to General Spence in San Fransisco. Where he’ll stand trial once we’ve caught the rest of the rebels of course.”

“Of course” Nick agreed.

“What about you Mr Barkley? Where are you and Miss Barkley heading?” Brace asked trying to be polite.

“San Fransisco, I’ve got a rancher’s meeting and Heather is going to have some of her paintings shown in the Gallery.”

“Congratulations Miss.” Brace forced a smile

“Thank-you Lt Brace.”


Dusk saw the stagecoach pulling into a way station. The couple that ran that station hurried out to meet the travellers.

“Come in side everybody.” The welcoming voice of the hostess said. “I’ll have dinner on the table shortly. “I’m Mrs Cooper and this is my husband George.”

Mrs Cooper watched as Nick carefully helped his sister out of the coach.

“Well I never. You poor girl travelling alone with all these men. And without a chaperone.” Mrs Cooper fussed, not allowing either Nick or Heather to get a word in edgewise. “You” She pointed to Nick “Bring the ladies bag in here at once, the poor thing will be wanting to have a nice bath before dinner.” She grabbed Heathers hand and pulled her into the hut. “Don’t just stand there young man. Move.”

“I…” Nick said to the retreating back of Mrs Cooper.

“Mrs Cooper. I do have a…” Heather tried to tell her pushy hostess.

“Well?” Mrs Cooper pinned Nick with a stony look.

“Okay I’m coming.” Nick turned back to the coach and reached for Heathers travelling bag.

“In here dear.” Mrs Cooper opened the door. “I’ll be in with the hot water shortly. Now where is that young man with your bag?”

“Mrs Cooper, that young man is my…”

Mrs Cooper paid Heather not one bit of notice as she rambled on about young ladies travelling with out chaperones and how it just wasn’t done in her day.

Nick paused outside the door indicated by the clearly hen pecked Mr Cooper as the room where the bossy Mrs Cooper had taken his sister. From within the room he heard the final part of Mrs Cooper’s speech about young ladies and what was and wasn’t appropriate.

Deciding to have a little fun at his sister’s expense he tapped on the door.

“Your bag miss.” He said with his cheekiest grin on his face as Heather opened the door

“Cut it out Nick,” Heather hissed to her brother. “This isn’t funny.”

It was all Nick could do to stop himself laughing out loud at the expression on his sister’s face. He lost his mirth when the door was flung open fully by Mrs Cooper.

“You’ve delivered the ladies bag I see.” She stared at Nick.

“Yes ma’m” Nick replied.

“Well what are you waiting for? Go.”

“Mrs Cooper.” Heather stood in front of her hostess staring her straight in the eye.”As I’ve been trying to tell you for the past ten minutes. This young man is my older brother Nick.”

“Ohh.” This piece of news set Mrs Cooper back on her heels.

“I just want to make sure my sister is alright.” Nick explained.

“ I apologize. Your sister will be quiet safe in here believe me.”


“Hey what’re you doing out here so late?” Nick asked as he strode out of the door and onto the little porch the surrounded the hut. The last person he’d expected to find there was his younger sister.

“Just sitting looking and thinking.” Heather replied looking up from the creaky old chair she was sitting in.

“About?’ Nick inquired as he sat carefully on one of the arms.

“This, that .” Heather replied casually “ And how things don’t always appear to be what they seem.”

“Now are we talking about the scenery here or our companions in the coach?”

“You notice too?”

“The others? Yes. Lt Brace’s story was so full of holes it almost leaked.” Nick looked at his sister. “What made you suspicious?”

“Captain Roberts eyes.” Heather recalled the look Roberts had given her. “When Brace mentioned the words ‘Traitor and thief.’ The look that came into his eyes. Fire and resentment. Not the look of a man who actually committed those crimes.”

“You think Brace is lying?”

“No, Brace is telling the truth or at least the truth as he knows it. Nick he doesn’t really know just how much…”

“Danger he and all of us are in.” Nick finished the thought.

“Nick you fought during the civil war, when giving out orders did your commanding officers always tell you the whole story?”


“I think we’d better keep our eyes and ears open.” Heather warned.

“And be ready for anything.”

“MISS BARKLEY.” The voice of Mrs Cooper rang out.

“Like Mrs Cooper.” Nick laughed.

“Just like Mrs Cooper.” Heather scowled.
