
Heath paced his hotel bedroom, his mind struggling to quell the inner battle and guilt being waged furiously inside him. How could he have let himself be so stupid as to be beguiled by her, for beguiled he was. He knew it wasn't love he felt for her but there was an attraction and for a brief moment it had got out of control.

He had been suspicious of her all along, even before they had met - the engagement between her and Nick taking him by surprise with its speed. Back then she had been a name, just a faceless name and instinct alone had warned him that she was bad news for Nick. Now he knew who she was - the woman he had admired from the bordello. He hadn't slept with her but in his mind that didn't matter. He had wanted to. She was as good as his brother's wife and he'd wanted to make love to her, knowing she wanted it too.

Rough handedly he poured himself another drink of whiskey and downed the contents in one so that it didn't even bother to touch the sides. Self-loathing was his companion and he needed a drink to tolerate even his own company. Worse than the hurt he felt himself, was the hurt he had inflicted on his beloved brother, the greatest friend and brother he would ever have.

The family joked that though born four years apart and raised separately they should have been born twins so closely did they complement each other's characters. They centered each other in a way that no other family members did.

Heath slumped to the bed and reflected on the woman who threatened to come between them now. It wasn't the fact that she was a whore that had caused him to react against her. It was the self-serving deception she had spun around his brother and the naked ambition she displayed so openly to get what she wanted. Her play for him and his response had disgusted him and he recoiled now from the memory of her lips claiming his. He had looked into her heart and had found it empty and lifeless. Her "love" for both of them was deadly and he knew she had to be stopped. Nursing his head which had begun to throb incessantly with the thought of what he had risked with his brother, his eyes grew sleepy under the strain. He closed them for a minute, begging sleep to claim him and it did.

There was an unexpected knocking at the door and Heath woke with a startle, his eyes unfocused and his mind for a moment not remembering the pain. Too soon he remembered and he gave out a loud groan. "Who is it?" He slurred.

"Ellie, it's Ellie... you remember from the other night?"

Heath shook his head and regretted it instantly. He had drunk too much and everything became an effort so that it took several attempts for him to sit up and make his way to the door. He slowly unlocked it and came face to face with Ellie the girl he had spent the night with when he had visited the brothel earlier in the week.

Instantly she took in his appearance, the smell of liquor and his inebriated state. He looked at her with sad eyes and her heart went out to him, knowing that Lisette Riveaux had finally got her claws into him. Suddenly his legs wouldn't hold him anymore and he slumped awkwardly against the wall. She was there in an instant, her face close to his as she struggled to help prop him up.

"I'm drunk," he explained unnecessarily. He felt her wrap her small arms around his waist. She smelled heavenly and he nuzzled into her hair, enjoying her scent and her sweetness.

"I know," she said. She had fallen for this guy in a serious way but knew he was broken by Lisette's poison. She helped him to the bed and removed his boots.

He reached out to her, touching her face. "Stay with me," he said as she drew the coverlet over his six foot frame. "Please stay with me tonight."


Heath stirred as the early summer morning broke gently through the window. His eyes flickering open, he slowly became aware that he lay nestled with Ellie and that they had spent the night together after he had asked her to stay. She lay with his right arm wrapped around her, her body fitting perfectly within the curve of his own. He breathed in the moment, enjoying their closeness, reluctant to let go. A few nights ago they had slept in each other's arms spent from their night of passion. When they had awoken they had resumed their passion as lovers and then parted as whore and client, albeit that he had been the most respectful and generous of men. This morning they lay fully clothed under the same blanket achieving a closeness unlike before - a trust - a friendship, an intimacy of an altogether different kind.

As Ellie, too, began to stir, Heath kissed the back of her hair gently and she snuggled into him deeper, enjoying his protective embrace and the strength to be found in his arms. She needed that strength just as much he needed her presence last night and in the giving and receiving of both they found renewed strength and hope for the future. They had talked well into the night - each revealing something of their inner soul, touching the other and finding understanding not condemnation in each other's eyes. Ellie was like a fragile bird to him as her story unfolded, revealing a childhood of poverty, wrongly chosen paths, ill-suited men and a young child she supported through prostitution.

Her situation cried out for help and yet she didn't ask for it, neither did she complain. She accepted with quiet resignation. These were the cards life had dealt her and she didn't expect things to change. Heath didn't accept, wouldn't accept ~ he offered her a way out, money and support to help raise her child away from this life, away from the bordello. It was a typical gesture on the kind man's part, a man who had lived through the bad times and now lived through the good. He had seen poverty and ill-treatment and he understood.

She looked at him with gratitude and something more. He grew uncomfortable, realizing she had feelings for him; feelings he knew he couldn't return. Somehow, he knew she wouldn't ask him to. In turn she had listened to how he fallen into Lisette's clutches ~ she had seen madame return earlier that day to the brothel and heard her cursing the young cowboy, promising revenge.

She had come to warn him and found him already poisoned by her venom, its grip on him slowly working its way through his veins. Quietly she had put him to bed, removed the empty bottles and agreed to stay and comfort him throughout the night. Only it wasn't sexual comfort he wanted, it was her presence he needed ~ a lifeline to someone who was sweet and good ~ an antidote to the predatory sexual being and wickedness that was Lisette.

When Heath woke later again that morning, he immediately noticed the emptiness of the room and the vacant spot beside him. His eyes were drawn to a hand-written note that had been left on the pillow. Tentatively he reached out for it, knowing what it would contain. Focusing his eyes, he read the child-like script and pained at the words they formed. She had gone, explaining that she had left for a destination unknown on the first train out of town. She asked him not to follow her and reassured him that she would be alright. She told him not to worry about her and prayed that things would work out between him and his brother. She thanked him for his generosity, the second chance he had given her and promised she would raise her daughter to be respectable. The words failed to communicate the tears she had cried as she wrote them, or the pain she felt in her heart at leaving him. For sometime she had sat, gazing at him, studying his now relaxed sleep, the peace of mind she had given him evident in his handsome face. She burned those features into her memory, anticipating the comfort they would give her when she remembered a love that could never be. Then moving carefully she made ready to leave, not daring to kiss him lest she wake him and be discovered.

Heath re-read the note several times. He felt her absence immediately. They had connected so deeply in their short time together so why had she left not telling him where she was going? And yet what else was she going to do? Their lives had crossed briefly, connecting and then disconnecting, one wanting more but not asking, the other unable to offer it and remaining silent. Maybe she would write to him when she found a place to live? He wanted to know where she was and that she was settled and happy. He hoped she would contact him. He had told her where he lived and to send word if she ever needed his help. As much as he missed her, he knew that he didn't love her and felt guilty that he couldn't offer more. Just at that moment he was struck by the difference between Ellie and Lisette, the former self-sacrificing and loving, the latter, self-serving and full of hate. "Oh Ellie," he sighed. "I hope you find happiness."


Nick paced the boardwalk with heavy steps as he and Lisette waited for the stage to be loaded with their bags. His frustration with his brother's lateness grew perceptibly by the minute and all around could sense the man was a walking volcano waiting to erupt. In an another situation and another time his concern would have manifested itself in obvious worry and a need to find out what had happened to Heath, for everyone knew he had a tendency to overprotect this newest of brothers. But today was different.

He hadn't seen his brother during the previous day and had found it necessary to leave word about their traveling arrangements under his door. Once her visit to Heath had been completed Nick and Lisette had spent the rest of the day together, ending their day with an intimate dinner that evening. When asked about her visit to Heath, she was the consummate artist offering platitudes in response - saying how much she had liked him and how glad she was to be gaining a brother. She finished the remark by saying how she would love Heath because Nick loved him. Nick wasn't a fool, he sensed an undertone, one that suggested things hadn't progressed quite as smoothly that day. He took the opportunity to press her on the matter that evening.

"Lisette, dear. How did your visit with my brother really go today?"

Lisette was taken aback by his question. She had deliberately been disingenuous about her meeting with Heath, part of her waiting to see if Heath would speak out, and the other part wanting to choose the moment to start prizing the two brothers apart. But he had put her on a spot here and she had to think fast.

"I told you, Nick, darling. We sorted everything out. Heath's fine with what we have agreed.... it's just that....."

"It's just what?" Nick caught the words just as he was intended to.

"It's nothing, Nick. Honestly, I'll be fine, really there's nothing to worry about."

In her brief acquaintance of Nick she had quickly come to understand that he was not a patient man and she played to that weakness now.

"What do you mean? Did Heath say something to you? Did he upset you?"

"Please Nick.. "

"Well did he?"

"No.... no, not really... not in anything he said...."

"You mean he did something?"

She placed a reassuring hand on his suddenly clenched fist and slowly drew out the coiled fingers from the palm of his hand. As she did so, the color returned to his blanched knuckles and the taut skin started to relax.

"No, he didn't touch me Nick... not physically... it's just that I couldn't shake the sense that Heath doesn't like me."

"What do you mean? He doesn't like you? What's not to like? There must be more than you're letting on. Are you sure he didn't say or do anything?"

Satisfied that her words had planted a seed of doubt in his mind, she chose to calm the situation until a moment to rekindle it proved more advantageous.

"Nick, darling. Maybe I'm being too sensitive. Perhaps, I was too anxious for him to like me and I scared him a little. Please let it drop. We are all still getting to know each other and we need time to settle into our new understandings. Please... for me... let it drop. I don't want to come between you and your brother."

Nick acquiesced but continued to be plagued by a nagging doubt in his mind. His heart was beginning to connect with his brain but in his ardor the messages continued to be confused.

Heath ran down the sidewalk trying carefully not to bump into passersbys. He arrived flushed at the stage coach and was met by his brother's stern look.

"Damn it Heath! Where the Hell have you been? This stage has only two minutes to spare." Said Nick making no attempt to suppress his anger.

"I'm sorry Nick. I overslept ...... I mean I met a girl... well you know," Simultaneously, Nick visibly relaxed and Lisette bristled.

"Well now!" Nick beamed, "I hope she was worth it." Nick clapped his brother on the back, setting aside his jealously and his doubts.

"Look, I'm here and the stage is about ready to go. Let's just get on board, shall we?" Heath turned to Lisette and cast her a sardonic smile. "Morning ma'am" Somehow he made the word sound like an insult which Nick fortunately missed. "I sure hope you're going to be able to manage my brother's temper when you are married. He can get mighty cantankerous when he set's his mind to it."

"Well, Heath" She said coquettishly, playing along whatever game he was playing at the moment "I'm sure in time I'll be able to exert my influence over my husband, won't I my dear." She looked up to Nick and he leaned down to kiss her. As their lips met, her eyes turned to Heath and this time it was Heath's turn to bristle. Breaking the kiss, Nick laughed unaware of the real dialog taking place.


Two hours into their journey the stage coach was proving hot, dusty and claustrophobic for its three passengers. They were not due to reach their destination for another couple of hours and Nick was aching to stretch his legs, both of which were growing increasingly numb in the reduced space of the carriage.

Somewhat enviously he looked across to Heath and marveled at the way his brother could sleep anywhere. Taking advantage of the whole of his vacant seat, he had eased himself down into a semi-reclined position and pulled his hat down low to block out the sun. The gentle snoring confirmed Heath had fallen asleep and was now oblivious to the worst part of the journey.

His eyes moved to his right and he saw Lisette, carefully fanning herself as she stared out of the window into the desert which was now opening up. Though the windows were open, only the slightest of breeze found its way into the carriage and tiny droplets of perspiration could be seen dotting her brow.

Nick leaned out of the window and shouted to the driver to stop for twenty minutes so that they could all stretch their legs. The driver, needing to take a break himself, duly obliged, safe in the knowledge that were making good time on their journey.

"Lisette, I'm just going to take a walk for a few minutes whilst I stretch my legs. Do you want to join me?"

"No Nick I'll stay here and just get some air from walking outside. Don't worry, Heath will be here if there is any trouble..... and the driver too," she quickly added.

Nick turned to his still sleeping brother, his previous anger towards him now spent and replaced with a calm.

"Alright, my dear," he said leaning across to kiss her. Unobserved, their kiss deepened and then very slowly broke. "I won't be very long. Do you want me to wake Heath?"

"No, leave him be Nick. I'll wake him if I should need him."

Lisette smiled satisfyingly as she watched Nick slowly walk into the distance, knowing that he would be gone for a while. She looked at the still slumbering Heath. With the taste of Nick's kiss still on her lips, she took a stiletto knife which she kept in her boot and slowly eased herself over to where the blond was sleeping. She pulled the flaps down over the window and stared at him for a while. Then ever so slowly she drew the knife up under his chin, applying just enough pressure to see the skin depress under its tip and draw the smallest trickle of blood.

Heath instantly awoke, his attention alerted immediately by the tip of the blade. Pushing his hat back very carefully he arched his left eyebrow: "Okay Lisette, you got my attention. Now just what is it you're trying to say?"

She toyed with the knife drawing it up and down his throat and across his Adam's Apple, then slowly up to his lips, the steel of the blade cool to the touch until it was suddenly replaced by the heat of her lips. His lips responded immediately. Taken by surprise her arms flailed as she succumbed to the power of his kiss and in confusion she dropped the knife to the floor. Yes.. yes.. this is how it should be.... they were destined to be together.....Suddenly he pushed her away ... No.. no.. not this way... we are meant to be together.. She fell unceremoniously to the floor.

Crumpled and angry at his second rejection, she reached for the knife in her anger but was stopped by the heel of his boot holding it down. Bending slowly, he slowly retrieved it from under his foot and made it safe.

"What's the matter Heath? I heard you like to sample the whores whilst you were in Carson City. Whatever Ellie gave you, believe me I can give you so much more."

"I ain't interested Lisette."

"Really? Who are you foolin' Heath? You couldn't kiss me that way and not be interested. You want me and you know you do." Ignoring the humiliation of his previous rejection she shuffled over to his now sitting form and allowed her hands to trail sensuously up his thighs, pausing only as she reached the belt of his pants. Using it to gain purchase, she pulled herself up into a kneeling position and hungrily sought out his lips, eager to taste him again. Denying her path, Heath released her hold from his belt, gripped her shoulders and sought to push her away. As he did so, Nick returned to the carriage.

"What the Hell is going on here?" He roared, his mind only seeing the kneeling form of Lisette and the grip of her body in Heath's hands.

Lisette thought fast, recognizing how her situation looked compromised, she quickly fought to make the event look innocent in his eyes.

"It's... it's... n...nothing Nick. Heath........Heath just caught me as I was about to faint. I'm afraid it's the heat. I stood up and it hit me straight away. You were right, I should have come for a walk with you to get some fresh air."

Filled with concern, Nick lifted her down from the carriage and quickly drew some water from the canteen to cool her. "You'll be alright now Lisette. Heath, I'm sorry. I just wasn't thinking back then for a minute."

Heath looked at his brother from where he remained seated in the carriage. The taste of his brother's fiancees lips was still fresh on his mouth. He resolved there and then that his only way to defeat Lisette was to tell his brother the truth, whatever, the consequences. He loved and and respected his brother too much to allow him to remain duped by this woman. In a similar situation he knew his brother would do the same for himself. He just had to hope that Nick would believe him and not the lies of Lisette.

As he stepped out of the carriage to speak to his brother, he felt the the barrel of a gun pressured against his left temple.

"Just take it nice and easy mister and nobody will get hurt." The voice said.

That's right fella, nice and easy, just keep those hands up and everything will be fine," said the disembodied voice, relieving Heath of his gun. Heath felt himself shoved forcibly in the back and pushed to where Nick and Lisette were standing. Satisfied that his captives where now all corralled, the man stepped back and was slowly joined by two others, both of them armed.

"Well now, I'm sorry for disturbing your peaceful afternoon here, folks, but if we all stay very calm, this should only take a few minutes and then we'll go peaceably on our way. Just one thing though. We'll be taking the horses with us. You'll see from our feet that we've been walking for quite a spell."

Removing his hat, he approached the two men and got them to empty their pockets and wallets. Moving to the woman he motioned for her to remove her jewelry and grew noticeably irritable when she failed to comply. Leaning into her he pulled his bandanna down from his mouth and whispered menacingly in her ear, immediately getting the response he wanted. Nick went to knock the man down but was rewarded by a punch to his mid-riff that winded him and sent him staggering to the ground. He made an attempt to get up but was pinned down by Heath, holding him back. To his left he could see the driver lying dead on the ground, a knife wound sealing his fate.

As two of the outlaws guarded the men and woman, another released the horses.

"Well, folks", the outlaw smiled as all three mounted the horses, "We'll be bidding you good day now. You could try walking out of here but I don't recommend it." He indicated to his own sore feet. "Or you could just wait around for the buzzards to pick off your bones. Sorry I can't wait around for the fun. It was sure nice meeting you." Tipping his hat to the woman he added "Ma'am, it was a real pleasure... a real pleasure." Laughing he spurred his mount on, his fellow outlaws and the spare horses following closely behind.

Nick took a sharp intake of breath before standing to his full height. As he did so he threw a punch to the side of Heath's face, causing the younger man to fall backwards into the sand. Completely dazed, Heath tried to sit up but found himself confronted by two Nick's staring down at him. Heath slumped back to the ground trying to explain. "Nick, the man had a gun, he'd have killed you just as soon as look at you...... I couldn't take the chance." Falling on all fours beside his brother, his lungs still fighting for air Nick screamed back. "You should have let me kill him, Heath. Look at the mess we're in now!"

Forgiveness and understanding a long way off, the two men helped each other up and brushed themselves down. A cut start to bleed from Heath's left eye where Nick's punch had landed. Nick chose to ignore it.

Lisette grew hysterical and ran into Nick arms: "Nick, what are we going to do? Why did you let them take the horses? You just let them take them! Now we are all going to die....." She was thumping his chest, "You can't let me die."

"You won't Lisette." Nick tried to reassure her as he held her close, trying to calm her hysteria. "We're not going to die. None of us are."

Unimpressed, Heath gathered up the one canteen that had been left by the outlaws and signaled to Nick that they had better start walking whilst there was still daylight. Watching Lisette worm her way into Nick's arms had irked him. Why couldn't Nick see her for what she was? He decided to defer telling Nick the truth until they reached safety... if they reached safety.


Heath was unsure how long they had walked when he finally gave in and sank to the ground. With nowhere to hide from the sun he felt his body slowly bake in its heat. Nick and Lisette joined him a few moments later, Nick almost carrying her.

Heath drank thirstily from the canteen, even so he held back from taking his full share. Without looking up at her he wearily passed the canteen on to Lisette. As she took it from him her hand lingered on his a little longer than was necessary before he became aware and snatched it away. She took the canteen in her hands and drank hungrily from its mouth, wasting some as it dribbled slowly down her neck and down to her chest, coming to rest in the valley below. Both Heath and Nick watched its trail memorized by its slow journey until Heath became aware of Nick's eyes watching him, jealously registering in his eyes. Lisette, couldn't have worked the scene more perfectly. She passed the canteen to Nick. He took it but already his mind was busy thinking back to the incident back at the stage which he had witnessed between the two. He barely spoke two words to Heath and found himself watching the pair of them with growing distrust.

Rested and watered, they slowly got up to continue their journey and walked for another hour before Heath spied the creek ahead of them and the green grass that beckoned beyond. Their feet heavy in the sand, suddenly became lighter as they ran to the creek and hungrily lapped up the water until they felt they couldn't possibly drink anymore. Thankful for their deliverance each gave up a silent prayer and then let sleep claim them.

They made camp for a while, their long walk in the desert had sapped their strength and they needed time to recover. In due course, Nick fell asleep under some shade with Lisette beside him, one arm draped possessively across his arm and chest. The sight of them together continued to disturb Heath. Biting back his thoughts, he wandered over to the creek and took advantage of the time he had alone to bathe in the cool running water and ease his aching bones. He'd only been there a few minutes when she joined him, her sleep with Nick, obviously feigned.

"Looking good there, Heath," she purred like a cat who had just found the cream, as she surveyed the man stood waist high in the water. He didn't attempt to turn around or hide his nakedness, but instead continued bathing, ignoring her comment and her presence.

Removing her skirt, blouse and stockings she sat on a rock and kicked the cool water with her feet. "Feels good.. soooooo good, don't you think so Heath?"

"What do you want Lisette?" Heath said flatly, moving down the creek to where the water was deeper. He dunked his head beneath the surface as he came to the end of his bathe.

"Why, you Heath Barkley, I thought I had made that obvious. It was always you. And you know brother-in-law dear," she added, "it will happen. Someday, you and I will be together."

Heath turned, "It ain't going to happen Lisette, " he found himself saying though his body was speaking a different language.

"No?" She laughed as she sunk into the water and joined him, her body close to his, her chemise and undergarments the only thing separating their two heated bodies. Heath didn't move away. Part of him wanted to take her there and then, accept what she was offering, another part fought against her brand of evil and the betrayal of his brother, yet another secretly wished Nick would find them and see her for what she was.

She leaned up to him, searching his lips. He pulled away. "I told ya Lisette, it ain't going to happen. Spurned, she sank her nails deep, causing Heath to cry out as eight nails dug deep into his chest, drawing blood and raising the alarm with Nick. Fighting her off, he suddenly felt the woman yanked away from him. His hair was gripped by unforgiving hands and his head shoved forcibly under water. Momentarily stunned, instinct kicked in and made him fight back. Still the hands held him down. They were merciless in their intent. He choked. He spluttered. He fought to get his mouth to the surface and fill his lungs with precious air before the blackness took over. His fight turned desperate, his hands and arms flailing above the surface of the water. Still his assailant wouldn't relent. Moving into a state of semi-consciousness, Heath relaxed into Death's seductive pull on his body. It felt good. No struggle. No pain. His body slumped in the water, no longer offering up any resistance.


The Good Samaritan looked back into the wagon and his sleeping passengers and nodded to his son seated to his left.

"You'd better wake the man and the woman, we're coming up to Doc Stanton's here on the right. When we stop, you mind the horses whilst I help get the injured man down with his brother."

The boy nodded obediently. They had come across the two men and the woman at the roadside, their ordeal in the desert clearly etched on their faces. His father had offered them a lift to town, seeing one clearly in nearly of a doctor.

Nick rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked at his brother's half-sleeping form. Heath looked pale, waxen and unresponsive, with fresh beads of sweat dotting his brow. Darn it thought Nick. That water in his lungs had done more damage than he had thought. He flinched when he remembered that he had been its cause.

The man opened up the back of the wagon and placed a reassuring hand on the dark-haired man's arm who seemed lost in thought.

"Mister? We had better get your brother into the Doc's. He aint looking too good and this cold night air ain't helping him any."

Nodding, Nick shuffled into position to help lower his brother down to the man on the ground. The man buckled slightly at the sudden weight of Heath's body but quickly recovered. Nick jumped down and took up his brother's full weight. "Thanks mister. I've got my brother now. I'd like to thank you in some way. I don't know your name?"

"Don't matter." The man said. "I'd like to think someone would do the same for me or my boy if we were in need. I hope your brother gets better real soon. God be with you and yours."

Stopping to help the woman down, he climbed back up on the wagon and took the reins from his still silent son. Spurring on the horses, they drove back out into the cold night air from whence they came.

Nick didn't wait to see them go, he picked up his brother and carried him over to the Doc's house, signifying to the woman to knock on the door.

She did as she was bid without saying a word.

Answering the door and seeing Heath's shivering body, the town doctor forgo introductions and urged Nick to carry him over to the examination table. "You his wife?" He asked the woman standing in the doorway

"N... No, not his wife,"

"Then you best be stepping out of the room ma'am whilst I examine him. As soon as we know anything, we'll let you know."

Lisette bristled as the door was shut and she was excluded.

"Help me get him undressed." He instructed the taller man. Silently, Nick unbuttoned Heath's shirt and then helped him sit up whilst he removed it. As he did so, Heath reached out to clutch his brother's vest as a coughing spasm overtook him. When it finished and he could breathe again, he sagged back into Nick's arms and looked up to him. "Sorry Nick," he uttered before falling back on to the table. Nick knew what Heath was a apologizing for and squeezed his brother's arm, his emotions all at odds, love and hate fencing with each other and exhausting him in the process. He quickly became focused again and started removing Heath's boots and remaining wet clothes. "He's my brother Doc. Can you help him?"

The doctor didn't respond immediately, He was remembering the marks on the young man's back which suggested the boy had been severely whipped in the past.

"Your brother's been in the wars," he said eventually, not realizing the full extent of his words

Nick never grew accustomed to seeing the scars which marked his brother's back, "And then some." he replied, offering no further explanation though he could tell the doctor was curious.

The doctor examined Heath's chest. It had been evident from the boy's labored breathing that a stubborn infection had settled on his lungs.

"And these?" The doctor said, as he removed his stethoscope from Heath's chest and pointed to the marks around the young man's neck. "How did he get these?"

"I did it. I tried to drown him." Nick's blunt reply came back. “Doc, my brother here has a history of bad chest infections." Nick's voice couldn't hide the worry he felt. "I thought I had got the fever down the other night but we've spent the best part of a day and a half traveling. I think it's just about sapped any strength he had left."

Looking at the man's own sorry state the doctor chose not to question his reasons for his near fatal attack on his brother. If his patient died, matters would be different but for now he could only see that the man was in need of a hot bath and some much needed rest. "Look, you and the lady over there are just about done in. You'd better leave your brother here tonight. My wife and I will help bring his fever down. You get yourselves some rest in the other room. I'll call you if anything changes." Nick started to protest. He'd always seen his brother through his fevers and wanted to do the same now... especially now, he had to see he was going to be alright.

The doctor was insistent. Whatever had caused the near fatal attack on the younger man, it was obvious his brother regretted those actions now. "Look!" He reasoned, "We'll be needing you and the lady's help tomorrow. You can't help your brother if you're dead on your feet."

The doctor had to insist three times before Nick finally acquiesced and went to find Lisette, who had remained strangely quiet throughout the unfolding events. Taking her into his arms he sought out her comfort, and comfort him she did, relishing the power she had over him again. He needed her now, worry for his brother and his own actions had made him vulnerable and she she fed on that weakness now. "He'll be alright, my darling," her words were like a balm to his aching heart, "He'll pull through, you'll see."

"He's got to Lisette. He's just got to." He replied, his mind refusing to accept that his brother might die.


The doctor and his wife continued to work on their patient through the night to bring his fever down. An hour after the doctor had sent Nick off to get some rest, he wasn't surprised to see the taller man return to his brother's bedside. Despite the extreme violence exacted on his brother, the older man seemed to have a need to be close to his his injured sibling, almost as if by his very presence alone he could control the situation and not have it control him.

As the hours slipped by Nick worked studiously to apply cool cloths to his brother's fevered body, talking to him continuously in order to get through the fog of his increasingly muddled mind. Following a well-established pattern, Heath's delirium grew more pronounced and Nick had to resort to physically restraining him, pressing down his arms lest he injure his already damaged lungs.

In his lucid moments Heath became talkative. Nick tried to quieten him, fearing he would make himself worse. Heath struggled to sit up. Nick tried to push him down, fearful that he would hurt himself but Heath gripped his brother's shoulder in a vice-like grip and pulled himself up, insistent that he needed to speak, he wouldn't be silenced. In the next few minutes which to Nick seemed like hours, Heath revealed everything though he would not remember what he had said later. Nick listened in silence to what Heath had to say, the words hitting him hard, the pain slicing through his heart. Heath's fevered state spared him nothing and when he had finished he sank back, exhausted, his conscience cleared, hoping for forgiveness but expecting none.

Witnessing the powerful scene, the doctor saw the tall, dark haired man take a wet cloth from the bowl and slowly dab his younger brother's brow before faltering and finally sinking his head in his hands.

A couple of hours later the doctor woke Nick and confirmed his brother's fever had broken and with rest Heath would more than likely make a full recovery. "Your brother was very lucky, Mr. Barkley, it could so easily have gone the other way."

Nick looked at his brother and nodded. "I know Doc. And it would have been my fault."

The doctor hesitated before speaking further. "That was a mighty interesting story your brother had to tell last night, Mr Barkley. Was that the reason you tried to drown him?"

Nick's head jerked upwards at the doctor's words. Nodding, he made to leave the room.

"You know, Mr Barkley," the doctor continued, understanding that his patient wasn't the only man in need of healing that night, "Men don't tell lies in their delirium? In my experience, the truth always surfaces when the patient is stressed out in that way" The doctor's words hung in the air for several seconds before Nick Barkley continued through the door and then closed it quietly behind him.

Opening her eyes from where she lay on the sofa and seeing him walk over to her, Lisette sleepily stretched out her arms and sought to take him into her embrace. "How is he?" She asked as he sat down and accepted her embrace.

"He's going to be fine." He said, tiredness suddenly entering into his voice. "The Doc. says he's got to stay here for a day or two and then we can continue our journey home."

"Home. Oh Nick, that sounds so good. I can't wait to meet your family."

"Heath's family." Nick stated.

"But darling! After what's happened? I mean, I know he's been dangerously ill, but Nick, you remember what he did, don't you? You remembered he tried to rape me. Your own brother!"

"Yea, I remember," Nick said, offering no more. She didn't press. She would work on his doubts later. Now he was caught between guilt, relief and jealously, the latter of which she could reignite at a time of her convenience.

"Darling, you need to get some sleep, you've been up all night. We can talk properly after you get some rest. Please darling, let's go back to the hotel, this has been a terrible ordeal for all of us."

Nick nodded and allowed her to get up. He watched as she gathered her things and urged him to move. Nick said his goodbyes to the doctor and his wife, promising to return later that day to check on his brother.

Stepping out on to the sidewalk, Lisette snaked her arm around Nick's and declared: "Oh, Nick. Now we can put all our troubles behind us. Heath will get well, we will get married. Believe me darling, the future is ours!" He listened to her idle chatter as she mapped out their life together. Then suddenly he stopped, catching her off guard as he swept her up into a passionate embrace which both embarrassed and excited her, played out as it was on the street and in front of passersby. "Why darling! What was that for?" She smiled apologetically as a man and his wife passed by stating their disapproval.

"Lisette, my darling! I've found the perfect place for you to stay in town."

"But Nick, darling. We have rooms back at the hotel. What are you talking about?"

"Sweetheart, believe me you'll feel much more at home in this place that I've found."

"What do you mean Nick? Found? You've been at the doctor's all night. What could you have possibly found? Not a boarding house, oh please Nick, tell me we are not staying at a boarding house."

"A boarding house would be too good for you Lisette. I wouldn't have you contaminate the good folk within its four walls."

She turned sharply, wondering if she had heard him right. "Just what did you say?"

Suddenly she found herself swept up in his arms. She kicked and screamed her legs in protest as he carried her across the street, depositing her once again on the sidewalk without ceremony. Without waiting for her to respond, he turned her round sharply by her shoulders, took aim with his boot and kicked her butt through the swing doors and into the waiting saloon. "Like I said, Lisette, home from home. I have it on good authority you'll feel right at home here."

Spread-eagled on the floor, she raised herself up on all fours and looked around with disgust at the cowboys drinking at the bar and the tables. One aimed at a spittoon to her right and missed, the spittle landing just in front of her. Standing awkwardly, she swung round and made a lunge through the swing doors determined on sinking her claws into Nick. Laughing, he stopped her at arms length as she fought like an alley cat, kicking and taking several unsuccessful swings at him. "How did you find out?" She screamed, a string of obscenities quickly following, more than a few questioning his parentage.

Nick's mood turned deadly serious. "My brother," he stated simply.

"Your brother!.... Your @#%$ perfect brother who tried to rape me!"

"He never tried to rape you Lisette! If anything it was the other way around. You see, my brother has a habit of talking in his fevers, often says more in them than he does in two days strung together, and Missy there is one thing my brother never does, and that's lie. He told me everything, Lisette. Yes, everything. He didn't spare me or himself! Believe me Lisette, it'll be a cold day in Hell before our paths ever cross again, and if they do, you can count on one thing. You'll regret the day you ever tried to ensnare Nick Barkley, and his brother Heath!

Six months later......

Victoria walked across the foyer and went to answer the door as Silas was busy. A young woman stood outside holding a small child.

"Can I help you ma'am?" Victoria said, not allowing her curiosity at the baby presence to enter her voice.

"I've come to see Mr. Heath Barkley." The younger woman replied. Victoria tried not to let her alarm show. Looking at the child, Victoria said. "You'd better come in."

Directing the lady to the parlor she signified to Silas to fetch Heath from upstairs. Silas looked at the woman and child, worried by their presence. He liked Mr. Heath and hoped it didn't mean any trouble for the young man. A few moments later, Heath came downstairs from his room buttoning the cuffs of his sleeves. It was clear that he had been resting and was slightly disorientated.

Victoria carefully watched his reaction to the woman and the baby and was rewarded with total non-recognition. Satisfied, she said. "I'll leave you two alone to talk."

Puzzled, Heath still managed a loving smile for his mother, "Okay Mother." She brushed his lips with a brief kiss as she left the room and gave his hand a tight squeeze for encouragement.

"You wanted to see me, ma'am?"

She nodded from where she was seated, the small child growing slightly restless in her lap.

"Would you?" She indicated to Heath to take the child and before the inexperienced young man could answer, he found himself left holding the baby and his face being curiously explored by its hands. Girl or boy he wasn't sure at this stage. Somewhat awkwardly, he sat down with his charge.

"How can I help you Mrs...?"

"Addy, Addy Stevenson... you can call me Addy."

She was older than Heath, in her thirties he would guess and he assumed the baby was hers.

"Mr. Barkley, I don't know quite to know how to tell you this, so I'm going to tell it to you straight."

"I was a friend of Ellie Morgan." She waited to see his reaction, pleased when he registered the name of her friend.

"Was?.. Has.. has something happened to her? Is she alright?"

Addy noticed the genuine concern in the young man's eyes. Ellie had been right about him.

"There's no easy way of saying this Mr. Barkley. Ellie died of a fever two months back. I was with her when she died."

A silence fell in the room, even the baby seem to sense it and remained quiet, watching the slow tears begin to fall from Heath's eyes as he physically struggled with the shock of the news. Sweet, lovely Ellie was dead.

"But how?" was all he could manage to choke out.

Addy made sure her tone was softer. She could see he was hurting at the news. "As I said Mr. Barkley, she died of the fever. There wasn't anything that could be done."

"No Doctor?"

"The nearest doctor was twenty miles away Mr. Barkley. We did what we could. It wasn't enough to save her."

Heath wiped the tears from his face, "Why didn't she send word to me... I would have come. I would have brought help."

Addy genuinely believed he would.

"Mr. Barkley, it wasn't until her last moments that she mentioned you. She talked of you with great affection, and asked that I bring her child to you. She hoped ... believed that you would look out for the child. Little Ellie here was the most precious thing in her life, Mr. Barkley and I'm guessing you were the next."

Heath's had jerked up at her last words.

"I... I.. have no experience of raising a child.....I....." Heath looked at the little girl who was now sat quietly in his lap. Surveying her features, he could see Ellie in her now, the mother in the child. "How.... How old?"

Just at that moment, Victoria who was bringing in some refreshments put down the tray and rescued her son, "Yes, how old is the child Mrs. Stevenson?" she said scooping the little girl up into her arms, she guessed the child was no more than two, maybe a little less.

"Ellie will be two in May, ma'am."

"Well little Ellie," The little girl giggled happily in the older woman's arms. "How would you like to live here in this big house?" Heath looked up at his mother in half astonishment and half admiration. "It's alright Heath," she reassured him. She bent down to where her son was sitting and returned Ellie to his lap. "It seems Ellie entrusted you with the person she most valued in this world, Heath. She asked you to be a father to this child because she recognized you would not let her down or her child."

"I don't know what to do," Heath said clumsily, looking at his mother for guidance. She could see the nobleness of his spirit in wanting to do the right thing but also the fear.

"Heath, you have your family to support you. All you have to ask yourself is, is it in your heart to love and raise this child, Ellie's child."

Heath looked down at the child, their eyes locked on each other in silent communication. "Y.... Yes...." he finally said.


Nick and Heath were on baby sitting duty. Victoria had left them in charge.

At first Heath had been awkward around Ellie, serious about his responsibilities but unsure if he would measure up to what was required of him. As in many matters concerning family, Victoria was his guide. Wisely, she understood that Heath was still very young and new to family life himself. Gradually, she showed him the way to let Ellie into his heart. From the moment that happened, Heath's confidence with his new daughter grew and few would now realize that he wasn't her natural father. In short she became the most precious person in his life.

Nick and Heath's relationship had changed too over the last year. A year ago, they had been carefree ranchers, brothers and the closest of friends. The past year had scarred them and the wounds were still raw. Neither had really spoken of what had happened, both paralyzed by their respective guilt. At times, Nick's guilt would overwhelm him and his nightmares about nearly killing Heath would overspill into real life. Oddly, it was Heath who would calm him, reassuring him that he was alive and well, forgiving him all over again.

Able to forgive his brother, Heath was less forgiving of himself. Yes he had told Nick what had happened and been believed, but he couldn't assuage his guilt, knowing how close he had come to betraying his brother. It would be so easy to place all the blame on Lisette, unbelievably easy. She was guilty yes, but both brothers knew they had let the other one down and it hurt, even after all these months it hurt.

As Heath sat staring at his daughter play in her pen, Nick broke the silence that had come between them in more ways than one.


"Yea," Heath responded absentmindedly.

"About Lisette?"

Heath grew uncomfortable and made to move away.

"Don't Heath, we need to talk."

"Nick, I.... I....." Heath stammered. He could not bring himself to look his brother in the eye.

Nick moved forward and squeezed his arm. "Heath... Let it go. It's in the past.....I don't care about Lisette anymore.......But.I do care about you and it's killing me to think I nearly killed you over her. That I was so jealous that I nearly drowned you."

Heath looked up and met his brother's eyes. "You didn't though…you stopped..... In the end you saved me!"

"Heath, if I learn to forgive myself, will you do the same? Will you forgive yourself? I miss you brother, you're my closest friend and I damn well miss ya! We both fell under that witches spell. She tried to come between us, she's not even here and she's doing it still.. If we don't learn to forgive ourselves and move on then dammit, Heath, she will have won!"

From that moment each brother not only forgave each other, they also forgave themselves and found victory over Lisette.


Heath walked his aching, tired bones over to the house having secured from Nick first take on a long soaking bath. He appreciated Nick's gesture in letting him go first - they had both work hard that day and had equally earned the right.

He observed his mother in the parlor and went to give her a kiss on her cheek. She raised her hand from her sewing and brought it up to his own, as she matched the tenderness of his filial gesture and kissed his dusty cheek in return. "Evening Mother." Heath said, settling himself for a moment in the chair opposite.

"You looked tired, son. Has Nick come back with you too?" She observed her son's heavy lids and suspected that once again he would be falling asleep in the bath that night, just as he had done the three previous nights. Each time Nick had gone to wake him. Early to rise, both her sons had been working hard all week, catching up on jobs before the winter set in.

"He's outside," Heath couldn't stifle a yawn. "He's just settling the horses down for the night and will be in shortly. How's Ellie been Mother? Boy, I've missed seeing her something fierce this week."

Victoria smiled as she thought of the close relationship which had developed between Heath and his daughter in the last eighteen months. His daughter was now three and a half and always formed his first and last thoughts of the day.

"She's been as good as gold, Heath."

"Really?" Heath's look was quizzical and accompanied by a raised eyebrow. Heath knew his daughter could be a handful at times and suspected his mother had probably had to exert her authority more than once that day. Woman to woman, his mother still had the edge over her granddaughter, but it was getting to be a close run thing.

"Supper will be ready shortly, dear. You go get that bath. We'll wait for you and Nick to come down before eating." She said, already suspecting that another meal would remain uneaten that night as her son showed signs of giving into the sleep that was quickly enveloping his body. Adding a note of caution, she said, "Heath, keep the bathroom door unlocked, will you?"

"Yes Mother," Heath smiled, acknowledging that Nick would probably have to rouse him again to stop him from drowning in the bath. Spying the stairs out in front of him, he sighed and climbed each one of them as though they were a mile high. Last week he could take them two at a time but this week he felt like he was ninety!

Looking in on the nursery and its sole occupier, he sat down by Ellie's bedside and looked at this little person who was now his daughter. As always, he lifted a silent prayer to heaven and to Ellie for the gift he'd been given. Comforted by the sound of her breathing as she slept, he stood up and gently bent down to kiss her, making sure he did not wake her.

Picking up a set of clean clothes from his room he ambled down the hallway to the bathroom and ran the hot water into the tub. Wearily he stripped off his clothes and then placed them in the laundry basket for collection the next morning. Shutting off the water, he eased himself slowly into the tub and sank down into its soothing depths. As the family suspected within moments he had fallen asleep, too tired to keep his eyes open, the steam filling the room and enveloping him in its mist.

She stepped out of the shadows of the half-lit room and turned the key in the door which he had obediently left open. She had enjoyed watching him undress, but then she had always admired his firmly toned body. Bronzed and muscular, it was a visual treat. Satisfied that the room was secure, she stripped until she stood naked and slowly climbed into the bath and joined him. Feeling her soft womanly curves press against him, Heath, caught half-way between consciousness and unconsciousness, groaned and pulled her in closer, his body instinctively responding to her own. Their mouths met hungrily and this time she knew she would be triumphant, this time she knew she would no longer be denied. And when at last he took her she felt triumphant, for this man who had denied her - had rebuffed her every advance, had finally been betrayed by his own body and desire. Later, their bodies spent, she eased herself from him, her conquest almost complete. There was just one more thing to follow. She watched sleep reclaim him and prepared for the next part of her plan.

Stepping out of the bath she slowly toweled herself dry and quietly put back on her clothes. Opening the door of the bathroom, she checked the hallway was clear before walking across to the nursery. Picking up the still sleeping child she took it over to the window where a man's waiting hands stood ready to receive it. She watched him carefully descend the ladder with his precious cargo and saw them both safely into the waiting buggy. Returning to the bathroom, she checked herself in the mirror before moving to sit on the edge of the bath. Opening her bag, she drew out a stiletto knife she favored and let it trail down into the water with her right hand. Surveying his handsome features she reflected on how things could have been so different, if only the man had been more compliant. Claiming another taste of him, she whispered deep into his ear, "Such a pity it all had to end this way. We could have been so good together." She heard him gasp as she drove the knife deep into his chest and stifled his scream with the force of her hand. His fight was brief and unconsciousness lent her a quick hand as she sought to quell his cries. Vengeance was satisfied and the deed had been done. She coldly watched the blood start to drain his life away and mix with the water. Yes, she thought it could have all ended so differently. Without looking back, Lisette Riveaux quietly closed the door behind her and descended the waiting ladder into the buggy below.

Death took up his position and looked closely into the young man's eyes. The man was fighting him, clinging on to his life and all that it meant to him, resisting Death's pull on him with with every fight for breath. Death's hold on him remained constant but unhurried, time wasn't important here. He could wait until the young man was ready.

Heath's brief tenure on consciousness grew weaker by the minute. He watched the water around him crimson into ever deepening red as he fought to stem the blood flow from his chest. God it hurt! Each wave of pain sapped his hard fought breath and he could feel himself panic, wondering if his next breath would be his last. No matter how much pressure he applied with the palm of his hand, the blood seeped through his fingers like a damn bursting its banks. The pain was constant now and just for a moment he smiled weakly at Death almost willing him to take the pain away as he realized his position was becoming hopeless. Surprisingly, Death rejected his offer and willed him to continue their duel a little longer.

Heath's voice didn't have the strength to scream out for help, his vocal chords silenced by the shock and his fear. But whilst all other senses started to weaken, one remained stubbornly sharp. Hearing his brother's loud voice from the foyer down below, he made one more valiant effort to make himself heard. Risking consciousness he reached across to turn the faucet on, his hands slipping with blood and the water as they struggled to gain purchase. Feeling it turn, he let the water run freely and waited for it to overflow. Gripping the side of the bath he cast Death a victorious smile. Death smiled back graciously - the young man had won round one of their battle but he secretly feared that he'd be making a return journey that night for round two.

Nick was in a tired but buoyant mood as he looked forward to his bath and the rest that would come on the morrow. A certain date with a pretty young school teacher beckoned and he looked forward to the familiar taste of her lips on his. Ever since meeting her, he had the growing feeling that this might be the one.

He bent down and kissed his mother, sweeping her up into his embrace. Victoria was glad to see her son happy once again. For a long time he had avoided getting close to anyone.

Neither was sure when they became aware of the slow drops of water hitting their faces, but then a sudden realization hit them both at the same time. Blind panic took over as they realized Heath had fallen asleep in the bath and had left the water running. Victoria let out a scream and with legs defying her years she raced up the stairs, quickly followed by Nick and a now alerted Jarrod.

Seeing the water emerging from under the door, its deadly pink color hidden by the red of the hall carpet, she entered the room and gasped at the sight that was played out before her. Seeing the slumped form of her son and the bloody water he inhabited she feared he was already dead. Frantically, she tried to pull him out of the water as his face threatened any moment to sink beneath its deadly surface. She cursed the slightness of her tiny frame as her efforts to save her son failed. A set of strong hands pulled her away and joined by another set belonging to his brother, they pulled Heath from his watery grave and placed him on the bathroom floor, no longer conscious. Without waiting they carried him to the dryness of the bedroom next door and carefully placed his now insentient form on the bed. The blood from his wound immediately seeped into the sheets and continued their steady flow toward Death. Back in the bathroom a stunned Victoria turned off the still running faucet, her gaze fixed on the quantity of blood in the water. There was so much. How could he possibly survive that amount of blood loss? Death watched the mother's anguish and willed her, too, to continue the fight; to fight for her son in this duel.

Racing to the bedroom she took over Nick's fight to stem the flow of blood from the wound. Nick's tears flowed unashamedly as he saw the life quickly ebbing out of his brother's limp body. "Nick!" Victoria said. "Go fetch Dr Merar. Jarrod fetch water and bandages. I'll not give up my son. Do you hear me? I'll not give him up whilst I have breath in my body."

Death smiled at this worthy opponent. He had thrown down the gauntlet and both step-mother and son had taken up the challenge. Silently he passed from the room and swept passed the nursery, the family still unaware of little Ellie's fate.
