
The following day Steve was permitted to take short walks. He still had no recollection of the traumatic event that took his arm. Rudy watched unnoticed as Jaime escorted Steve, clad in pajamas, robe and slippers, down the hallways. They talked about different topics of interest and shared memories. Occasionally their shared laughter would permeate the air bringing a smile to Rudy’s face.

On the return trip to his room, or prison cell, as Steve liked to call it, he and Jaime passed the nurse’s station where Dr. Wells was documenting progress in his patient’s chart. No one gave a second thought to the long-standing construction project being completed behind the charting desk. A loose sheet of clear plastic hung at the doorway to limit the scattering dust, the background sounds of an occasional hammer would break the relative quietness of the floor.

There was a short, high-pitched squeal of a power saw and Steve instantly gasped in pain. He leaned his head against the wall, resting it on a tightly closed fist, unable to catch his breath, his head exploding with pain, images flashing through his mind as if in a strobe light. Jaime immediately called out Rudy’s name in a panic. The doctor ran to Steve as he began panting, sweat pouring down his face. The sound of the saw had stopped as quickly as it started, leaving Rudy bewildered as to the cause of Steve’s sudden onset of pain. With his body shaking and his continued silence, Rudy attempted to turn Steve towards his room. Without a word the patient began to comply until the terrifying sound filled the corridor again reaching not only Rudy’s ears but his mind as well.

“Oh my God.” He said and quickly shouted to the nurse to bring an end to the use of the power tool until Steve was out of the area. Jaime looked at Rudy confused, unaware of how Steve’s arm became unattached. “Come on Steve.” Rudy steadied him until the patient was back in his bed. His face was as white as the sheets, breathing heavily. Rudy waited to see if Steve would spontaneously converse as he felt his rapid pulse. Steve blinked hard a few times, the flashes of images continuing but nothing he could put together or make any sense out of. He placed his right hand over his eyes trying to dull the intense throbbing of his head.

“Steve? Steve, are you okay?”

“What the hell happened Rudy?” His arm lowered and eyes slowly moved to his friend’s face as Jaime handed him a cup of water. The doctor wasn’t sure if his patient was referring to the last ten minutes or what transpired several days ago.

“What do you mean?”

“What aren’t you telling me?” Steve sounded scared and frustrated.

“Steve I think its best if your memory comes back on its own. I don’t want to force it. Are you in pain?”

“Just a bad headache.” He replied softly settling his head into his pillow, closing his eyes and feeling spent.

“Jaime, stay with him I’ll be right back.” Jaime nodded and took a spot closer to her friend. She squeezed his hand in support and he returned the squeeze in gratitude.

She stared at him as he tried to relax his tense body and regulate his breathing. She had never seen him so panicked and it frightened her. She watched Rudy return and inject a sedative into his patient’s left arm. Steve’s right hand gradually relaxed its grasp on hers within seconds.

The tall blonde followed the doctor out into the hall. “Rudy what was that all about?” Rudy sighed, “It was the sound?”

“What sound?”

“The power saw.” He saw in her bewildered eyes she wasn’t aware of the details of Steve’s experience. “It’s how Dolenz took Steve’s arm off.” Jaime’s hand went to her mouth, “Oh my God! Was he conscious?” The doctor nodded affirmatively. “That’s why I need his mind to recall the events without prompting.” Jaime nodded and took a few deep breaths before returning to Steve’s side.

She kept a close eye on him as he rested. She became concerned when his eyes began flitting back and forth under his eyelids. She stood to get a better look. Suddenly Steve began thrashing around. She buzzed for the nurse and a concerned Rudy ran in.

“He’s having a nightmare Rudy! Can’t you do something?” Jaime urged him.

“He can’t be dreaming he’s sedated.” The doctor was shocked as he watched Steve weakly flail around mumbling incoherent words with the name Dolenz randomly thrown in. Rudy never before saw a patient dream while under sedation.

“Well he is now. Make it stop. The situation today must have triggered some very strong, very disturbing subconscious memories. You can’t keep him asleep like this!” Rudy ordered the nurse to retrieve medication to offset the sedative. It was obvious Steve would have to be brought back to the surface carefully.

Steve slowly became responsive with a confused expression on his tired face and feeling his heart pounding in his chest. Looking up at his two very concerned friends he asked again what had transpired to cause his blinding headache.

“You were having a nightmare Steve. Do you remember any of it?” Steve thought for a while and nodded. Rudy sighed wondering how long this would go on. “It’s okay Steve relax.”

His voice came out of his throat weakly, “Relax? Every time I relax I open my eyes to find both of you staring at me like I have two heads. Why can’t you just tell me what’s going on?” He asked, his frustration becoming evident.

“Steve it’s not in your best interest to force the memories, it could be dangerous.”

“Fine.” He conceded with a heavy sigh, exhausted from the physical and emotional energy drain.

Jaime stayed with him through the night, curled up on a chair. She was thankful that the nightmare didn’t return and Steve got some restful sleep. In the morning she ran home for a shower and change of clothes. Upon her return she found his room empty. She caught Rudy exiting his office and inquired where the patient was. Rudy told her to check the outside patio. He walked with her to the exit door to see Steve sitting alone on a bench staring out at the mountains. Jaime headed for him as Rudy watched their interaction from the glass door.

Jaime approached and sat next to him but he didn’t stir. Her eyes fell on the open, well-worn magazine on his lap, more specifically the advertisement for power tools. Her eyes widened as her stomach tightened but her voice remained soft and calm. She swallowed hard and looked at his rugged profile, “You remember don’t you?”

He gave the slightest nod, his mind still sifting through the horrid details. He still did not alter his unfocused gaze from the distant trees. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Can you talk about it?”

His head slowly turned to face her, he couldn’t find his voice. Even if he could words didn’t exist to describe what he was feeling. She stared empathetically into his eyes for a few seconds before his tears began tumbling down his cheeks unabated. She gathered him into her comforting arms trying to absorb some of his pain and physically convey her love.

Rudy became concerned at the scene wondering about the reason for the long embrace. It suddenly occurred to him what may have happened. He paced the small area between the door and the nurse’s station impatiently waiting for them to come back into the building.

The two longtime friends talked about Steve’s kidnapping and the subsequent loss of his right arm. He was surprised and a little uncomfortable to find out he lay in bed for two days without an arm knowing Jaime was with him. She realized it made him feel less than human but reassured him that wasn’t the case at all. She was very good at turning the tables on him asking what he would think if the situation was reversed. It brought about the only half-smile she would see that day. Jaime sat and tried to provide the love and support Steve needed, letting him do most of the talking. His healing was far from complete but she felt he had made a good start.

After an hour Rudy saw them return to Steve’s room. He quickly entered to find the patient settling in his bed with a very exhausted appearance.

“Steve what’s wrong?” When the patient didn’t answer Jaime answered for him, “He was reading a magazine he picked up in the lounge.” She pointed at it sitting on the bedside table still folded open to the advertisement. “And his memory returned.”

“Do you want to discuss what happened?”

The voice from the bed was distant and weary, “Not right now Rudy, maybe later.” He kept his eyes closed hoping sleep would come quickly. It did giving everyone a sigh of relief.


The following day Steve was up early. He was slowly assimilating the nightmarish memories of his abduction. He had spent some time discussing it with Rudy, at times barely keeping his anger in check. In an effort to redirect his thoughts for a while he asked the doctor where Kayce was and why she hadn’t returned yet. Steve thought it very strange for Rudy to give his new patient such an extended vacation. When the doctor only offered vague answers Steve suddenly solved the mystery.

“My God, Oscar sent her out didn’t he?” He asked incredulously while swiftly exiting the bed.

“Steve, take it easy. It’s an easy assignment and he truly needed her services.” Rudy reassured him but his words fell on deaf ears watching Steve quickly dressed in street clothes. “Steve, where are you going?”

“Where do you think?” He spit out in anger sliding his arms into his shirt and heading out of the room.


Kayce stood waiting by her seaplane and mentally reviewed the mission’s progress. She and her partner Mark were here in Puerto Rico to retrieve a microfilm that held satellite photos of secret US military positions in the Middle East. She was posing as a Spanish speaking Puerto Rican charter pilot and had spent the past two days flying tourists around the island to make her look legitimate.

Mark being of Middle Eastern descent easily looked his part of a weapons buyer. Yesterday Kayce had flown him for the short initial meeting with their target, Ramon Martinez, who not only sold military grade weapons but also had the microfilm. The plan was simple today she was to fly Mark back to Martinez Estate on the island of St. Croix. While the negotiations over the weapons took place she was to get into the mansion, tear open the safe and confiscate the film.

She was surprised when Martinez escorted Mark back to the plane yesterday and requested she join him for dinner. She gave him a gracious smile but politely declined his offer. She promised to keep his charming offer in mind as she got into the plane. Little did she know how infatuated Martinez really was with her.

She checked her watch Mark was now three hours late. She wasn’t aware that Martinez’s security force had found a leak in Mark’s cover. They met him in his hotel room and tried to beat the information they wanted out of him but he escaped.

He awoke in a dirty alley where he had passed out a few hours earlier. Spitting out the blood that had pooled in his mouth his mind immediately thought about Kayce’s safety but felt relatively sure there was no obvious connection between them other than hired pilot and passenger. Squinting at his watch he saw he was now three hours late for his flight to St. Croix. In such a small community he couldn’t risk contacting her with Martinez’s men around and decided to go the predetermined location they had agreed upon should they get separated. He hoped she would already be there waiting for him.

The sun was setting as Kayce was doing some minor repairs on the plane’s engine. She decided to head to the church they had agreed upon in case something went wrong. Before she got to the hanger Martinez’s men approached her. She smiled graciously at the offer to join their boss for dinner at his estate but again declined. They stepped closer and clearly explained it was an offer she wasn’t expected to refuse.

She looked down at her hands grateful that they were filthy with grease and dirt. She accepted the offer and requested time to clean up before heading out, her words dripping with feminine charm. The men stepped aside allowing her to enter the hanger. She wasn’t surprised when they followed her but stopped as she entered the ladies room. After washing the sticky substance from her hands she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She thought, ‘I was sent here to go get the film from Martinez. His men want to take me there. Why shouldn’t I go and finish what we came here to do?’ Making her decision she swiftly scribbled out a coded message to Mark.

She exited the bathroom and told her escorts that she had to cancel her morning flights, in case she wanted to spend more time with their boss. The three men watched her walk to the counter where she spoke loud enough for them to over hear. At the same time she covertly slipped her note to the charter company owner behind the counter, who was assisting the OSI in their plan, to deliver to her partner.” “Let’s go gentleman.” She stated as she walked confidently passed them to their plane.

On the portico Kayce was wined and dined in elegant fashion with the dinner conversation lacking any real interesting topics. Her mind reviewed the home’s layout and she was trying to construct a good reason to enter the residence. She knew the safe was in the office, which was located on the second floor in the southwest corner. She began complimenting her host on his splendid taste and style, her eyes scanning the exterior of the buildings.

Martinez graciously accepted her compliments and asked if she would like to see the inside where he modestly took credit for most of the décor. She smiled and allowed him to slide an arm around her waist and escort her inside. She took her time closely viewing the works of art that hung throughout the home while sipping her wine. Unfortunately at no time were they interrupted or did Martinez have reason to leave her alone. She was tempted to inquire about why her afternoon passenger for her flight to St. Croix never showed but thought it would just arouse suspicions.

“It’s almost too much to take in, well, at least in one evening.” She smiled at him.

He picked up on her subtle suggestion, “Well, if you wish, I would be honored to have you stay until tomorrow. We can horseback ride around the grounds after breakfast. You do know how to ride do you not?”

“Certainly. That’s sounds wonderful but I didn’t bring any change of clothes.”

“I will have my staff get you whatever you require.”

“That is too generous of you Mr. Martinez.”

“Please call me Ramon.”

“Ramon.” He watched her seat herself on the leather couch. She was beautiful and graceful. This was no ordinary woman and he knew it the moment he had met her. The other women he met just became playthings but her…she was of quality. He would need to move very slowly. Then maybe, just maybe, she would move to the estate permanently. He smiled at her as the thought crossed over his mind. ‘Yes, she would make a wonderful wife.’

Kayce was a little surprised that Ramon did not expect her to bed with him. She had already devised a plan if that should happen to be the case. Settling herself on the queen sized bed she sighed with relief. This was just too easy. Tonight she would get the microfilm and be off this island by morning.

Down the hall Martinez gave orders to his staff that she be watched carefully since he knew practically nothing about her. They were under orders to shoot to kill at any sign of trouble. With the orders given he entered his bedroom and locked the door.


Steve flew into Oscar’s office without knocking or waiting to be welcomed. “Why, Oscar? Why did you send her out so soon?” He eye blazed with anger.

Oscar was not in the mood to deal with his emotional friend, “Steve I needed her special skills and it was an opportune assignment to break her in. Besides she was more than willing to go.” Steve was livid that Kayce was sent out without his knowledge. Oscar and Rudy could not understand his irritation.

“So you needed a bionic agent so badly you couldn’t even wait until she was fully trained?”

“Not necessarily. I needed a bionic pilot, you unfortunately were incapacitated.” His words more caustic than he intended. Softening his tone he continued, “She was trained before she was sent out… Steve what are you so upset about? She’s not alone she’s with Mark Watson. He’ll keep an eye on her.” Oscar explained but was unable to calm Steve down.

Rudy broke in, “Steve are you upset that you weren’t sent with her?”

Steve glared at Rudy, “No Rudy…I’m not jealous if that’s what you are getting at. Where is she?” He stood in front of Oscar’s desk fully expecting an immediate answer.

“Steve I can’t tell you that. Besides you can’t exactly go after them.”

“Wanna make a bet?” Their conversation was interrupted when Oscar’s red telephone rang. He swiftly grabbed the receiver and spoke, “Oscar Goldman speaking. Hold on Mark let me put you on the speaker phone.”

“My cover was blown and they intercepted me at my hotel. I never got to the airport.” Steve’s stomach twisted into a knot. “If anything went wrong we were to meet at a local church. I’ve been waiting for her and she’s now six hours overdue.” Steve suddenly began to pace.

“Hold on a minute.” Mark stated and the three men in the office could hear mumbling in the background before Watson returned to the phone. “I just received a coded message from her.” His voice expressed his deep concern. Steve, Oscar and Rudy waited in silence for the information. “Oscar it says she is going to attempt to complete the mission alone.” Three faces all drained of their color in unison. “How do you want me to proceed?”

Oscar thought a moment before answering, “Remain at your location. It’s too risky to try and catch up with her. You may put her in more danger. If she doesn’t show by midnight tonight we’ll send someone to assist you.” With that the line was broken and Oscar looked up at a very angry Steve.

“What the hell are you doing?” His spit out between his clenched teeth while leaning over Oscar’s desk. “She’s going to get herself killed.”

Rudy instantly picked up on his specific choice of words, “Steve what are you saying?” Steve straightened up and looked at both the director and doctor unsure how much to share.

He spoke in a very serious tone, “Kayce made a comment to me during her recovery when I asked her how she was adjusting. At first it didn’t really register. Now I see it had more meaning. She said, ‘If it doesn’t get any better there’s always a way out.’ I didn’t think much of it until recently when her behavior became a little more aberrant. Now that comment keeps staring me in the face.”

Rudy mentally reviewed her behavior over the past week and realized there was a subtle difference since the incident with Dolenz. He realized it might have had a deeper affect on Kayce since she was still adjusting to being bionic. He could definitely see Steve logic.

“Rudy?” Oscar’s voice broke into his thoughts and the doctor nodded, “I think Steve’s right. The Dolenz experience may have pushed her in the wrong direction.” Rudy and Steve stared at Oscar hoping he would change his mind about sending in reinforcements but he just sat there. “I’m giving her until midnight.” Steve spun without a word and quickly exited the office, knowing if he stayed he would do some serious damage. Rudy commented that he hoped Oscar wasn’t making a huge mistake then took his leave as well.

At 12:01 am a sleep deprived Steve entered the OSI office looking haggard and tired. Rudy nodded a greeting with a concerned expression as Oscar immediately answered his question before it was asked. “She never showed. The mission is still not completed.” Steve stood, his face pale, silently planning his next move. “Steve are you okay?” The doctor asked. Steve just nodded and asked, “When can I leave?” His two friends could see he was almost headed out the door.

Rudy tried to explain, “Steve you aren’t fully repaired yet. Any further injury could trigger a very serious condition.”

“When Oscar?” His tone getting terse, ignoring the doctor’s concerns.

“Steve wait.” Oscar held up a hand to halt Steve’s angry response, “We need to plan this out. You are concerned about Kayce’s state of mind and Rudy is concerned about your physical condition. I think it would be best if all three of us went. Rudy and I will be at a military base nearby if you or Kayce need us.”

“Fine.” Steve replied already headed out the door.


Upon their arrival in Puerto Rico at 4:00 am the three men met with Mark Watson at the US military base. He explained that Kayce went to Martinez’s estate yesterday afternoon and hadn’t returned yet. Everyone knew it was more than enough time to retrieve the film and get out. Something must have gone wrong. Over the next 30 minutes they sat and Oscar laid out the plan.

Just before daybreak Steve was sent in. Knowing the air traffic would be monitored he was transported by boat to 20 miles off the shore of St. Croix. He donned his wetsuit over his tan shirt and pants and dove overboard into the dark water, the sun just beginning its birth on the horizon. Mark Watson swung the boat around, added power and notified Oscar that Steve was on his way.

It was almost sunrise and Kayce spent the last 2 hours staring out the second floor window trying to find a pattern of security rounds. Three outside guards passed her window every 25 minutes or so. She could also hear footsteps passing by her door every 15 minutes. She figured they would be watching her. She opened the window as quietly as she could and with the help of the moonlight watched two of the armed men turn the corner away from her window before dropping the thirty feet to the grass. Staying in a crouch she remained silent. Not hearing anyone nearby, she headed around the exterior of the building towards the southwest corner. With such a well-trained security force she hoped the windows to the office weren’t wired.

An observant guard passed under her window shortly after her exit and saw the once closed window was now open. On a hunch he radioed to the interior guard to check her room. His colleague did as instructed and radioed back the room was empty. As Kayce pressed herself up against the southwest corner of the building she heard voices yelling in Spanish behind her, figuring they noticed her absence she took a bionic leap to the second floor balcony of Martinez’s office, broke the window lock and slid it open enough to slide her lean body into the office before closing it behind her.

Guards were scattering everywhere on the grounds and inside the residence. She found the safe and tore the steel door from its hinges. At that moment the office door flew open and Ramon Martinez stood with his eyes glazed in rage. Kayce froze with the microfilm hidden in her palm. He took two steps towards her when she suddenly grabbed a heavy marble statue with her bionic arm and hurled it at him. Its weight and speed was too much for his human arms to handle and it struck his chest. He fell straight backwards and lay clutching his chest, gasping for air.

Kayce slid the film into her hip pocket as gunfire erupted. She spun to glance out the window wondering what the guards could possibly be shooting at outside. Whatever it was she planned on using the diversion to her advantage and opened the window. She jumped out onto the balcony and dropped back to ground level in the dense garden trying to see what was going on. She waited hoping to see the scene playing out. In the dim light her eyes suddenly fell upon a figure 500 feet away. She knew instantly by the graceful way he moved who it was.

Steve cautiously stood from his crouch easing his way towards the domicile along the stone railing. The experienced operative was unsure why the security force was already on alert when he arrived on the property. He was glad he abandoned his wetsuit at the shoreline allowing him more freedom of movement. Kayce saw his advance from her position in the garden and caught other movement in her left peripheral vision, one of Martinez’s men, gun in hand, hidden behind a vine covered trestle silently waiting for a clear shot of the uninvited male guest. She instantly knew Steve hadn’t seen the deadly weapon from his vantage point and with no time to spare she exited the garden in a bionic sprint calling Steve’s name.

A deafening gun shot echoed across the grounds as the impact of Kayce’s body hitting Steve’s left side sent both careening over the solid rail and tumbling down a 40 foot embankment. The pair came to rest with Steve lying on top of Kayce. He gave her a friendly smile at their compromising position. “The film, I got the film. It’s in my pocket.” She panted and he saw the color drain from her face, suddenly remembering the loud bang that coincided with her tackle. “Kayce?” He asked as he quickly lifted his body and looked down between them at the crimson fluid staining her shirt and his. “Oh God” He choked out and suddenly heard a rustle in the bushes. He looked up with his telephoto lens and caught sight of the shooter headed for them to finish his task. He bent forward and whispered to her, “Kayce lie still and close your eyes.” She easily did as he requested while he moved off of her and behind a large tree.

The armed man stepped up through the brush cautiously, trying to get a glimpse of the wounded woman. Steve was instantly on him connecting his right fist with the man’s face. Within less than a minute’s time he rendered the man and his weapon useless.

He returned to kneel next to the woman he loved. He lifted her floppy upper body into his arms and used his free hand to try to slow the bleeding. Aside from the momentary embrace at the airbase it had been months since Steve held Kayce in his arms. He swallowed the large lump in his throat hoping this wouldn’t be the last time. She didn’t respond to the movement off the ground or to his familiar voice whispering her name. Deciding they needed to escape he easily lifted her body and broke into a bionic run away from the gun toting security personnel, hearing bullets ricochet off trees near his back. Arriving deep into the trees far ahead of their pursuers Steve felt it was safe enough to take cover.

The distraught man grabbed his 2-way radio with a bloody hand, “Snow White this is Grumpy come in.” He called in an urgent tone, his left eye scanning the area around them for unwanted but expected visitors.

“We read you. Go ahead.” Oscar voice replied.

“Mission completed. Doc needs a vacation in a four star hotel. Need immediate pickup.” He ended his message with landing instructions for the clearing that lay approximately 300 yards away from their hidden location in the trees.

Oscar quickly ordered a medivac warmed up. Rudy volunteered to ride along knowing the ‘four star’ code meant a life threatening injury. ‘Doc’ was the code name given to Kayce since she was a Doctor of Psychology in her pre-OSI life. Both Rudy and Oscar hoped they would be in time to help.

Steve retrieved the microfilm from Kayce’s pants pocket. Taking a slow deep breath in an attempt to expel some of the free-flowing adrenalin he continued to cradle a semiconscious Kayce in his arms while applying pressure to the bullet wound, causing her to flinch. His mind reliving the horrible moment he heard the shot. He didn’t understand why she did it. Seeing her eyes flutter open he gave her a friendly smile.

“Kayce, can you hear me? Oscar’s sending a taxi. We’ll be home in no time.”

She stared at him with pain filled eyes and whispered, “Are you okay?” He nodded and felt her sigh with relief. “Kayce, why did you do it?” She felt her life ebbing away and provided him with the answers in a hushed voice. Steve was surprised at her first reason and completely shocked by the second. She slowly lost consciousness, leaving Steve to ponder what could possibly be her last words.


Twenty minutes felt like an eternity before his ears heard the thudding of heavy rotor blades. His telephoto lens picked up the flat black rotorcraft as it headed for the clearing. Steve gently lifted his bundle and moved towards their ride home. Kayce never responded to the jostling as he picked up the pace.

Rudy and Oscar watched as Steve easily fought the rotor blast carrying Kayce like a limp doll. Their hearts sank seeing the large amount of blood covering her shirt thinking they may be too late. Steve carefully laid her at the opening of the copter before Wells and Goldman slid her onto a stretcher further in. Steve hopped aboard and Oscar gave the order to lift off.

Steve positioned himself at Kayce’s left and Rudy worked from her right. The doctor was relieved to find a carotid pulse then handed Steve a pair of stainless steel scissors, “Cut off her shirt.” He ordered and Steve immediately did as instructed, leaving her bra to provide some modesty. Rudy, meanwhile, quickly sifted through the medical kit to retrieve a pressure bandage and an I.V. Once Steve removed the blood soaked fabric he took the bandage Rudy handed him and placed it on the entry wound on the left side of her flat stomach while his friend inserted the IV into the right arm. She let out a moan as pressure was applied to the open wound but calmed immediately feeling Steve’s familiar caress on her forehead and comforting voice reaching her in the darkness that enveloped her, assuring her everything would be okay.

Oscar watched as the scene played out knowing he had made another grievous error in judgment where Steve and Kayce were concerned.

A blanket was placed over her shivering inert body to keep her warm with Steve continuing to hold her left hand. He gave the physician a questioning look but Rudy shook his head not having an answer for him.

It was almost noon when they arrived back at the military base in Puerto Rico Steve helped transport Kayce into the base hospital. He stayed in the waiting room for the several hours it took for Rudy to remove the bullet, her words still flowing through his mind. The doctor escorted Steve to her bedside and he was shaken by her appearance.

She was pale and feverish, breathing supplemental oxygen through her nose, a sixth unit of blood being delivered via the I.V. line. He fought back tears seeing how frail she looked. Rudy softly answered his unasked question. “Right now it’s ‘touch and go’ Steve. The bullet nicked her spleen and she lost a lot of blood. We’ll know more in the morning.” He placed a comforting hand on Steve’s shoulder before the younger man dropped himself into the bedside chair.

Oscar soon joined the two in Kayce’s room. Seeing Oscar arrive Steve only comment was a simple, “Here,” and removed the film from his shirt pocket, tossing it to his boss before returning his gaze to Kayce. God he was tired. He caressed her warm cheek as she slept, looking like a lost child. Oscar’s voice broke the room’s silence, “Steve I need to debrief you.”

“Not now Oscar.” Steve replied in a raspy voice, not taking his eyes off his loved one.

“But Steve…”

“I said not now!” Both Rudy and Oscar flinched at the anger in his words. Rudy could tell something more was going on and ushered Goldman out of the room. Rudy went to grab some coffee for him and his exhausted friend whom he knew would be holding a vigil until the morning light. Once alone Steve allowed a few tears to stray, feeling helpless.

Just before sunrise Rudy returned to Kayce’s room and was encouraged by her improved vital signs. He looked over the bed. Steve had not moved all night and was barely staying upright in his chair from fatigue. Rudy was very worried about his condition, still concerned about bionic rejection from his own recent ordeal and knew his friend also hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before last when they waited for word on Kayce’s whereabouts. The doctor tried unsuccessfully to coax him away for a few minutes hoping to give him a quick examination. Seeing his words were falling on deaf ears he stepped from the room only to return a few minutes later handing him a Styrofoam cup filled with tepid coffee.

“Here you look like you could really use this.” Rudy said with all honesty. Steve accepted the cup with a weak ‘thanks’ and swallowed a mouthful.

“Are you sure she’s going to be alright?” The weary man whispered.

“Yes but I’m more worried about you right now.” The doctor stayed close at his side waiting.

After drinking half the cup of coffee Steve sat the cup on the bedside table. “I’m alright Rudy.” He leaned forward onto the bed and pillowed his head in his folded right arm. His left arm held his right ribcage that took the blow when he and Kayce went over the stone railing. Oscar arrived in the doorway as Rudy waited a few more minutes. “What’s going on Rudy?” Goldman asked softly.

The doctor stepped past him and gestured to the orderlies who wheeled a gurney into the room to Oscar’s surprise, “Rudy?”

“I’m just taking matters into my own hands. Steve’s exhausted. He stayed here all night, refusing to rest or let me examine him so I slipped a sedative into his coffee.” The two men watched as the orderlies easily lifted an their friend’s limp form onto the gurney and transported him to the next room. The doctor gave Oscar a satisfied smile and followed.


It wasn’t long before Rudy found what he expected, all the signs of extreme exhaustion. He was just glad not to have found any signs of bionic rejection. He was confident that if he hadn’t used the sedative Steve would have collapsed very soon on his own. During the exam Oscar hovered over the bed from the opposite side.

“You know he’s going to be furious with you?”

Rudy assured him as he pulled Steve shirt from the waistband of his tan pants and began unbuttoning it, “Oscar, he is so overtired he’ll only be vaguely aware of the last few hours. How will he know he didn’t just drop?” He gave the tall man a sly smile.

“How long will he be out?”

“I’m not sure. I only gave him enough to keep him out for an hour or so but I suspect now that he’s finally asleep he will stay that way longer than that.” Oscar just nodded and the doctor continued his work.

“Just as I thought.” He exclaimed exasperated. “I figured with his stiffness he had some type of rib injury.” Oscar followed his gaze to the patient’s torso. A large bruise covered most of the right side of Steve’s well-toned abdominal muscles.

“Are they broken?” Oscar asked referring to the ribs.

Rudy gently palpated up from the bottom rib and silently counted each rib as he went. “No. It looks like the force of the blow struck his artificial ribs. The bruise is just from trauma to the muscles and tissue surrounding his ribs. He’ll be sore for a few days.” Goldman just shook his head. Satisfied with his findings the doctor buttoned the shirt and draped a blanket over the still form. He turned off the overhead light and quietly shut the door behind him as he and Oscar went about other business.


By the mid-afternoon Kayce was drifting in and out of consciousness, disoriented to where she was and what had happened. Around the same time Steve awoke, eleven hours after his unexpected nap began to find Rudy standing at his bedside with Oscar at his left.

He stretched his muscular body long and slow before opening his eyes, unsure where he was.

“Welcome back.” A smiling Rudy greeted praying Steve wouldn’t remember his deception. Steve rubbed his face with both hands and sat up, swinging his legs over the bedside, his mind working as slow as his weary body.

“What happened?” He asked rubbing his tender right side.

“You were exhausted. I let you sleep it off in here.” The doctor replied and heard Oscar’s soft snicker at the totally truthful answer.

“Really.” Steve eyed his physician friend very carefully for a few seconds. “If I didn’t know better I’d say you drugged me.” Rudy returned his challenging gaze. “Do you really think I would do such a thing?”

“Uh huh.” He replied as he slid off the bed and onto his feet.

“Hungry?” Oscar offered him a brown paper bag with food he gathered from the cafeteria.

“No. I just want to see Kayce. How is she Rudy?”

“She doing much better since this morning but I will only let you sit with her if you eat something. It’s been two days since you’ve probably eaten anything.”

“Fine.” He snatched the bag from Oscar and headed towards the door. He suddenly stopped and turned towards his friends, “Thanks…. both of you.” He winked and walked to the adjacent room.

Her tired eyes opened slowly and took in his handsome face, the furled brow, pointed nose, two day beard growth shading the strong jaw. She sighed, disappointed that she survived the gunshot. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t avoid seeing the genuine love he held for her in his eyes. In her heavily medicated state she found it difficult to keep the emotions at bay. They began crashing against her wounded heart like waves against the shore. She took as deep a breath as the abdominal pain would allow and let her eyes close, unable to look at his face any longer. Steve stared at her, feeling there was something she wanted to say. He gently adjusted her blanket before taking a seat at her bedside.

As the patient became more alert Oscar joined the couple to get the needed debriefing information. After taking copious notes he closed the file.

“Anything else I should know?” Oscar asked. Steve remained silent. He was surprised when Kayce stated she didn’t remember anything after getting shot and tumbling down the embankment. Steve withheld the information she had shared with him, choosing to file it away for later.


The following day Rudy supervised Kayce’s move to the large military transport plane assigned to take them back to Washington. The doctor requested this aircraft for its speed and the fact that Kayce could travel on a stretcher. It was the same plane wounded soldiers are transported home in.

Rudy and Steve both knew Kayce’s pride was being dented by not allowing her to board the plane under her own power. As she was taken from the room Steve joked that she should enjoy being carried by two young, handsome muscle-bound orderlies. His comment barely got a half smile from the supine patient on the stretcher.

Oscar and Steve stayed behind at the hospital tying up loose ends. Before heading out to the tarmac Oscar stopped Steve with a hand on his arm, “Steve I want to apologize. I shouldn’t have sent Kayce out so soon.” Steve gave him a forgiving smile, “Its okay Oscar. You had a job to do and I have no doubt Kayce was very persuasive. I’m actually sort of glad it turned out the way it did.” Goldman stared at is agent with a confused look as he walked away.

Steve ambled across the macadam watching the four propellers come to life thinking on Kayce’s words to him after she was shot. He felt in his heart it was the key to open the door that held her prisoner. He just had to find the right way to use it.

Rudy got his patient comfortable and hung her I.V. just above her on the metal hook. Steve and Oscar entered the hollow space of the fuselage, as Rudy was finishing getting her settled. “We should be back in Washington in about 5 hours. I put some pain medication in your I.V. It might make you a little drowsy. If it’s not working just let me know and I can give you something stronger. Okay?”

She nodded and stated weakly, “I’ll be okay Rudy. Don’t worry so much.” The doctor gave the pretty young woman a smile while tucking her blanket around her. “Worrying is part of my job.” He noticed her unusual quietness since regaining consciousness after her surgery. He wondered what the cause could be. ‘Maybe she’s just disappointed that her first mission didn’t go smoothly.’ “I’ll be back to check on you in a little bit, okay?” She nodded silently, closing her eyes, already feeling the sedative affects of the drugs.

Drifting in the haze Kayce wondered why she was still here. Just as she pushed Steve out of the way she hoped her life would end quickly then and there, it didn’t. She sighed heavily and tried to sleep.

After belting himself in Steve couldn’t take his blue eyes off the sleeping form across from him. He chewed the inside of his lip while his mind attempted to sort through all the bits of information it had collected over the past few weeks. He had to find a way to help the woman who held his heart.

As soon as the plane climbed to its cruising altitude and leveled off he rested his head against the seatback and fell into a light sleep. Within an hour the memories began. He could see Dolenz standing over him. Steve tired mind was hearing the constant hum of the large aircraft engines but his subconscious twisted the sound until it became a high-pitched squeal of a saw. With eyes wide, Steve suddenly sat forward with a start, immediately getting Rudy’s attention. Steve wiped the sheen of sweat from his forehead as he tried to slow his rapid breathing. “Everything okay Steve?” The doctor asked having a good idea what happened.

“Yeah Rudy, I’m fine.”

“Dolenz?” Steve replied with a shake of his head and a small crooked grin.

Trying to get his mind off the nightmarish scene he stood from his seat and began pacing the length of the fuselage. His eyes glanced at Kayce’s peaceful face every time he passed her. Rudy was the only one who was watching Steve’s constant motion until it abruptly stopped near the tail section. Oscar didn’t notice, buried in the all-consuming paperwork of his job.

Steve stood with his hands on his hips staring out a small oval window, the whiteness of the clouds flying by. The doctor unbelted himself and walked to his friend, who was obviously upset.


“Yeah.” His eyes remained on the window lost in thought.

“Want to talk about it?” The question hung in the silent air a few minutes while Steve took a deep breath before making eye contact with the older man who reassured him. “She’ll be alright if that’s what you are worrying about.” Steve half-turned and looked over his left shoulder at Kayce feeling the distance was adequate for a private conversation.

He commented, “She’s not alright Rudy.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean it’s worse than either of us thought and she is far from alright.” His eyes turned back to the window.

“What do you know that I don’t Steve?”

The younger man hung his head finding the words difficult to say out loud, “She took that bullet for me Rudy. With all that was happening I didn’t even know a gun was pointed at me until she tackled me.”

“Go on.” He now understood Steve was feeling immense guilt from the experience.

“While we waited for the chopper she regained consciousness for a few minutes. I asked her why she did it. I had to know….” His voice wavered and he took a deep breath his eyes returned to the clouds. Rudy just waited patiently for his friend to continue. “She said she did it because she loved me and because…”


“Because she already felt dead on the inside so it didn’t matter.” His blue eyes, filled with unshed tears, looked into brown eyes filled with compassion. “Rudy we have to reach her and soon.” He stated, his voice emotional and desperate.

“So you think she deliberately put herself in harm’s way hoping it would be fatal?”

“I don’t know. It all happened so fast I can’t be sure.”

Rudy thought a long while, “Steve I’ve been documenting her reactions and behaviors during her physical recovery since her bionic surgery. I think I’ve found a subtle pattern that may hold the answer we’ve been looking for.” Steve looked at him, hope dancing in his eyes. “It’s strange, she’s more emotionally centered and yet more emotionally agitated at certain times, sort of a ‘hostile dependency’.

“Hostile dependency?”

“Yeah, it’s like the one thing she desperately needs is the one thing she’s fiercely fighting against. I think its coming from an unconscious level. I honestly don’t think she is aware of it, at least not all the time.

“And what is this one thing causing the conflicting behavior?”

“You. Every time I see it you are in close proximity and I never see it when you are not there.”

“So what do we do?”

“Well I think we step up our attack, fight through her fear and anxiety until you reach her. I think you are the key Steve, the key to find her spirit that she locked up the day of her plane crash.”

Steve dropped his gaze to the floor and nodded his head expressing his disbelief that a direct assault would be beneficial. The doctor saw his hesitation.

“Think about it Steve. You said it yourself, there are times when you are alone with her that you get a glimpse of her real self but she always pulls away further than before…and you just said she told you she loves you.”

Steve let a lopsided grin grace his lips, “Too bad she doesn’t remember what she said after she was shot.”

“It benefits us more that she doesn’t. In her injured and semi-conscious state her defenses were down. She told you what she wasn’t able to tell you since the plane crash.” The two men put their heads together and quietly outlined a plan. In the back of his experienced medical mind Rudy knew that there were some patients that were unreachable while drowning in the depths of depression. Before Steve returned to his seat Rudy stopped him, concern etched on his face, “Steve…in my personal and professional opinion you’ve done everything right. You’ve done everything you could for her. I just want you to know that in case….”

“In case what Rudy?” He asked with a furled brow.

“In case there isn’t a happy ending to all of this.”

By nightfall Kayce was settled in at the OSI Medical Center in Washington. She awoke a little confused as to her location, not remembering the flight. Rudy checked her over before heading home for a good night’s sleep. Steve was in Oscar’s office informing his boss he was taking a short leave of absence and would not be available for assignments for three weeks. Oscar was bewildered as to why Steve had to leave active duty to continue to assist with Kayce’s rehabilitation but Steve would not give Oscar any details.
