"Journey Towards Brotherhood"


Logline: Nick's hard climb towards accepting Heath as his new brother

  It was still raining as Heath Barkley got up from the hard cot that was laughingly called a bed and looked out of the hole in the wall that served as a window.

It had been raining at midnight when he and his companions had arrived back at the small-dilapidated wooden shack that they used as their meeting point. The structure, such as it was, was in no mans land between the Barkley ranch to the north and Ed Coverington’s spread to the south. The bootie from the nights work was secure, hidden in a small valley near the eastern edge of this no mans land.

It was that hard, wind driven kind of rain. The type that could easily hide anything not with two feet of your nose.

Something had woken he from the sleep he was fallen into. It wasn’t the rain. He was used to sleeping in all types of weather conditions. Trouble! That was what it felt like.


Nick Barkley rode at the head of a bunch of Barkley ranch hands. Wet, tired and mean Nick was looking for a fight.

Earlier in the evening the gang of rustlers who’d been plaguing the valley for months now had struck at the Barkley ranch. They had ridden in, rounded up some 50 head of Barkley cattle and a select group of prize horses. Taken along with the cattle was the Barkley prize bull Prince Oxford and taken with the horses was the prize stallion Nick had worked so carefully to break and condition just right Charger.

In the overall scheme of things 50 cattle out the vast Barkley herds wasn’t that many, but it still stung.

What really annoyed Nick was the fact that his supposed brother, the stranger who’d ridden into the family property and the family’s lives a little under a month ago, was nowhere to been seen. Where the hell was he? And why wasn’t he on the night patrol like he was supposed to be?

“Prioritise.” He thought to himself as he rode along. “Get Prince Oxford, Charger and the 50 head back first. Then you can deal with that so called brother of yours.”

The thought of dragging that blond interloper into the house and confronting Jarrod and Mother with the sight of him and the fact’s of where he had been and what he had been doing while he was supposed to be guarding the Barkley herd filled him with immense joy. That would prove once and for all that this Heath was not a son of Thomas Barkley. He was a liar and would get what was coming to him, Nick’s boot print on the seat of his pants as he left the Barkley ranch.

Jarrod, who had his plate full at the moment, was doing more to help protect the Barkley assets and those of their neighbours then Heath. At least he and Judge Vernon had been trying to find those rouges, and from the conversation he had walked into at the Barkley house earlier had some success

“…Says that they’re hold up in the run down Millar place between us and Ed.” Jarrod said to the Judge as Nick walked into the hall to report the incident

“He’s sure?” Vernon had asked.

“Yeah says they’ll be there till morning.” Jarrod had continued. “When they plan to move the animals to….”

That was all Nick needed to hear. He now knew where the gang were and for how long. He had rounded up the hands and was on his way to no-mans land before anybody could even think of stopping him.


Sitting on Jingo, Jarrod silently cursed. He was a good five minutes behind his hot headed younger brother. Vernon had been in the house at just the wrong moment. Jarrod not wishing to appear rude was forced to delay his pursuit of Nick until Vernon had left.

Nicks appearance in the hall had taken him by surprise, and when Nick turned on his heel and just about bolted out of the door Jarrod knew he had heard only the back end of the conversation. A little knowledge was a dangerous thing, or so the saying went and in this case it was.

Spurring Jingo to greater speed he hoped and prayed that he wouldn’t be too late. That he’d reach the Millar place in time to prevent Nick from being rash and doing something he’d later learn to regret.

Up ahead the driving rain wasn’t hampering Nick or his crew in the slightest. With the mood he was in Nick would’ve known his way to the old Millar place blindfolded. His focus was solely on getting the prized Barkley stock back and dealing out his own kind of justice to the rustlers.

“How do ya want to proceed Nick?” Sam Hixson one of his best hands inquired.

“With this rain, we’ll be on top of them before they realize we’re there.” Nick surmised. “ Even if they do have a look out. We’ll take’ em by surprise and rush the place.”

He looked over his shoulder at the men he’d brought with him. Most had their shoulders hunched trying to keep the rain out of their eyes. Other’s may have been fooled by their appearance but not Nick. He had chosen each one carefully. Each man with him could handle his own and plenty more in a fight.

Passing by a well-known landmark Nick called the men to halt and gave the signal to dismount. They’d proceed on foot from here.

Heath turned away from the window and faced the little room. Around it lay the sleeping bodies of two of the rustlers. The leader of the gang and one other had left an hour ago to go and bring back the man who had financed the venture.

The door crashing open got the sleepers out of their slumber and on to their feet. Heath also turned and was momentarily stunned. Nick Barkley crashing through the door was the last thing he’d expected to see. Jarrod Barkley and Judge Vernon maybe. But not Nick.

“Get those hands up.” Nick ordered as his eyes searched the room.” Back up to that wall slowly.” He looked around till his glance fell on his.. “YOU!” He exclaimed has his supposed half-brother came into view. “I should’ve guessed. This proves what I’ve said all along. You’re nothing but a thief and a liar. Well boy it’s going to give me great pleasure to drag you back home, expose what you really are to both Mother and Jarrod and then kick you’re sorry behind off Barkley land forever as Madden leads you away.”

While Nick was venting his spleen about what he’d do and how he’d do it, Heath was watching Sam Hixson. For Sam was not what he appeared to be. Sam was in fact an informant working on the Barkley range and the one who’d arranged for Heath’s introduction to and acceptance into the rustling gang.

As he stood and listened to what Nick Barkley was saying an idea came to Hixson. Take both Barkley’s out of the picture. Make it seem like they’d killed each other, not a stretch of the imagination given the less then warm relations between them. With them out of the way taking the remaining riders out would not be that hard and then the gang could continue on as if nothing had ever happened. It sounded good to him.

Putting his thoughts into actions he quickly drew his gun and pointed it at the exposed back of the unsuspecting Nick Barkley.

Seeing his traitorous half-brother reaching for his gun caused Nick to also draw his own weapon.

“Nick. No.” Jarrod Barkley’s voice sounded from the door way as three gunshots were heard.

Sam Hixson never knew which bullet actually killed him Heaths or Jarrods.

From his spot by the door Jarrod watched in horror as Heath slumped to the floor Nick’s bullet in him. He was too late.

Rushing past Nick, who still held the smoking gun in his hand, Jarrod knelt beside his newest brother and gently turned him over. Blood poured from a wound in the area just under the collarbone. Heath was unconscious but breathing.

“Jarrod?’ Nick questioned angrily “What’re you doing? He’s nothing but a lying thief. I say let him bleed. He’s being here proves it.”

“Nick he’s neither.” Jarrod shot back just as angrily. “He’s your brother and he’s working for me.” He quickly looked back to his injured brother “Heath I’m so sorry for ever getting you involved with this. It wasn’t meant to be like this.”


As he looked down at the blonde head in his arms Jarrod’s mind carried him back to that point in time over 10 days ago when all this had started.

“..And another thing just keep you hands to yourself or I swear I’ll..” Heath’s voice sounded as the door slammed behind him.

“Heath?” He’d called as he peered around the upright back of the chair he’d been sitting in. “Nick again?”

He watched as Heath diverted from his intended course up the stairs and walked toward the parlour.

“Jarrod I swear sometimes I just wanna give him such a …” Heath stalked the room venting his frustrations. “And since those rustlers showed up …”

“Nick will come around eventually. Just give him time and if necessary space.” He encouraged “He and Father worked this place together since Nick left school He just about worshipped the ground Father walked on.” It was at the pointed he’d put down the papers he’d been studying and stood next to his youngest sibling. “About those rustlers. Judge Bert Vernon and I were going over an idea earlier and I’ve just been thinking I could really use your help with it.”

Heath had looked him straight in the eye and said, “If you think I’d be any good. Sure why not?”

“Just listen first Heath.” He’d cautioned, “It’ll be a bit on the dangerous side. We know Sam Hixson is involved with this gang. We dug into his background and found one or two things, but that’s not important. With the way things are going between you and Nick the judge and I thought we could use that to our advantage. The gang might just need somebody really on the inside, inside the house and the family. A disgruntled family member may be willing to say exchange certain information in return for monetary gain or revenge when the time is right. Not that it’ll ever come to that.”

“Jarrod, if it involves killing Nick, than no. I’ll do that myself.”

“As I said we’ll make sure it never comes to that.” He’d reassured his brother. “Vernon, Madden and I will be close by. Nick need never know until it’s well and truly over of course.”

He’d watched Heath’s face as Heath weighed the possibilities in his mind, going over every scenario.

”Ok let’s do it.”


The next chance he’d had to have a talk to Heath was 3 days later. It was late at night while he was working. The front door been opened and closed so quietly he hadn’t heard it. The first step of the staircase had creaked alerting him to the fact that somebody was trying to creep in quietly and not arouse the household.

Grabbing the nearest candleholder he headed for the stairs, just in time to see his brother turn and head for his room.

Startled by the light and the fact that anybody was still up at that hour Heath had turned to face him.

To say he was shocked by the state of his youngest brothers face was an understatement. Heath’s face was almost black and blue, his lip was split and blood was seeping from his nose.

“Heath!” He admonished as he grabbed his brother with his free hand and just about dragged him down the stairs. “Have you and Nick been at it again? Mother’s going to have a fit when she sees this.”

“This isn’t all Nicks handy work.” Heath had admitted as he wiped some of the blood away from his nose. “ My new friends take credit for most of it. And Mrs Barkley need never know. Before she gets up in the morning I’ll be long gone.”

“I’ll remind you now. You don’t have to do this Heath. You can pull out at anytime no questions asked, and I’ll find another way. Don’t think you have to go on just to please me or to prove something to Nick.”

“I know Jarrod and I’ll see this through.”

“Ok let’s get some of that mess cleared up. Just because Mother’s in bed doesn’t mean the liniment bottle won’t be seeing light tonight.” He’d ruffled the blond hair. “Thank- you Heath.”

The last time he and Heath had spoken about this was a few hours ago. A breathless Heath had caught him coming out of his Stockton law office.

“Jarrod listen, it’s going down tonight. They plan to take a small herd of cattle as a cover for the real swipe. Prince Oxford and Charger just like you planned.” Heath eye’s had continually swept the area like he was expecting to be caught at any moment. “ Found out Phil Gage is behind it. The stock is hidden to the east of the old Millar place, they’re using it as there H.Q. Can’t stay they expect me to lead the raid.”

“Heath, do you know what Gage has to gain by all this?’

“No just wants Prince and Charger for breeding stock.”

“Ok now be careful. I want you back in one piece after this is all over. Understand little brother?”

Heath had just nodded and then disappeared into the twilight.

“I’ll be there little brother, you won’t be alone.”

Looking down at Heath, Jarrod cursed both Vernon’s and his mother’s timing. He was just getting his hat and jacket together after seeing Judge Vernon off when Victoria came down the stairs.

“Where’re your brothers Jarrod?” She’d asked. “We need to talk. One way or another tonight I intend to put a stop to this nonsense between them.”

“Nick’s out with some the hands on night guard.” He’d told her “And Heath, well Heath’s let say on a job for me.”

“Jarrod!” He had seen her hackles rising. “You haven’t put him in danger I hope?”

“He’s with the rustling gang.”

“Promise me you’ll make sure he’s safe.” He could see the pleading in her eyes. “I need to show something to both him and Nick. It should put an end to all this fighting between them.”
