
As much as he wanted to leave to get to his brother he was also curious as to what it was Victoria had found.

“May I ask what?”

“This.” Victoria held out the evidence she had.

“Mother?” He stared long and hard

“Look at the date Jarrod.” She encouraged. “It’s true.”

There was no mistaking the date.

He nodded.


“Jarrod, Jarrod here take this.” Nick’s voice brought him back to the present. He was still kneeling holding Heath in his arms. Nick was standing beside him offering his bandana.

Looking up he saw that the anger and hatred that had formed much of Nick’s facial features during the past month or so had been replaced with another emotion. Was it concern?

“Dammit Jarrod” Nick swore as he paced the parlour “What’s going on? What did you mean by Heath is working for me? Are you trying to tell me that all the time I thought that Heath was slacking off he was actually doing your bidding?”

The brothers by now were back at the Barkley mansion. They had carried Heath up to the room allocated to him by Victoria when he’d first arrived, helped her to strip away his torn vest and shirt and had then being chased out by their mother with the instructions to send Doctor Merar up when he arrived and to wait in the parlour.

Jarrod had slumped into the chair he so favoured the high back winged one. Nick on the other hand was pacing the room stopping every few minutes to glance up at the staircase. Merar had arrived and had gone straight up stairs. The door of Heath’s room had opened allowing him in and had not been reopened to deliver any news.

“Yes Nick.” Jarrod began has he watched his younger brother prowl the parlour for the sixth time.” Ten days ago I asked Heath if he’d help me and he agreed. All the times you thought he was ‘slacking off’, to use your own term, he was in fact with the gang getting information for me.”

“Why Jarrod? Why him?” Nick stopped his pacing momentarily by Jarrod’s chair. “Why our brother?”

“That’s rich Nick, coming from you, given the way you’ve been treating him over the last month or so.” Jarrod was getting just a little tired of Nick’s in your face questioning. “Vernon and I decided that we needed somebody to infiltrate the gang, someone they could trust. Somebody on the property, who knew the ins and outs of it, but who was not really trusted.”

“Like Heath?”

“Yes. The shall we say ‘bad feelings’ between the two of you was just what we needed. Sam Hixson took the bait and introduced Heath into the group almost at once. It couldn’t have been any better, you both played right into”

“Their hands.” Nick finished bitterly. “Thanks Jarrod. And you didn’t think you could’ve let me in on this?”

“Nick it had to be as real as possible. Letting you in on it may have caused the believability of the whole scheme to be lost.”

“And now thanks to you and Vernon my brother is up there with my bullet in him fighting for his life.” Nick snarled continuing his pacing. “THAT’S JUST GREAT JARROD.”

“Nick calm down, Heath has every thing going for him. He’s young, strong and has a power full will to survive.”


“This was never meant to happen. DO YOU REALLY THINK I WANTED ONE OF MY BROTHERS TO SHOOT THE OTHER?” Jarrod snapped. “You were not meant to be there. Vernon, Madden and I were supposed to be there, arrest them and retrieve the stolen stock.”

“AND I’M SUPPOSED TO HOLD ONTO THAT IF HE DIES?” Nick threw his empty whisky glass into the unused fireplace. “ HERE LIES HEATH BARKLEY, 20, SHOT BY HIS BROTHER WHO WASN’T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE.” Nick read the words on the imaginary gravestone.

The sound of a door being opened and closed drew their attention to the staircase. A very pale and worried Victoria appeared along with an obviously distressed Audra.

Both brothers sprung to their feet.

“Well?” Nick asked “Any news Mother?”

“Howard’s still working.” Victoria informed her sons. “He kicked us out with a ‘go and be with your sons’ message.”

“How was it looking?” Jarrod inquired.

“Not good.” Victoria replied wearily, slumping into the chair Jarrod had just vacated. “With no exist wound he’s having to poke around to even find the bullet and Heath’s loosing to much blood.”

“Along with the fact that he’d lost a lot before we even got here.” The bitterness returned to Nick’s voice. A chair suddenly hit the wall as he kicked it.

“That is not going to help your brother.” Victoria admonished. “There’s something you need to see Nick.” She reached down beside the chair and pulled up an old family portrait. “Look at this Nicholas, see with your own eyes the proof that Heath really is your brother.”

Nick turned as saw what was in his mother’s hand.

Looking straight at him was a painting of his grandfather Edward Barkley standing shoulder to shoulder with another man who was Heaths exact double.

“That’s your grandfather Edward Barkley and his older brother, your great uncle Jamie Barkley.” Victoria explained “And before you even think of crying fake look at the date the artist signed it and on the back.”

As instructed Nick peered at the artists signature. The painting was dated in 1824. On the back was the inscription ‘Brothers Together in Life’s Journey’ and the signatures of Edward and Jamie Barkley.

“Jarrod I know you only remember Uncle Jamie as an older man and Nick you probably don’t remember him at all. He died when you just about a year old.” Victoria told them “Heath is a Barkley and this puts it beyond a shadow of doubt.”

Having watched the doctor starting to remove the bullet from her brothers shoulder and hearing the tail end of the argument between her two oldest brothers as she came down the stairs Audra’s emotions and frustrations boiled over.

“How could you?” She yelled at both of them. “How could you let this happen Jarrod? And Nick how could you pull the trigger on your own brother? I hate the pair of you.” With that she started to lash out at both Nick and Jarrod.

Although her fists did little or no damaged to either of them Her nails on the other hand did. Nick copped a good set of scratch marks on the left cheek while on Jarrod the sharp talons caught the area just under the right eye.

“Honey enough.” Jarrod ordered as he caught the still raking hands of his younger sister. “Now stop this at once. It was an accident, a tragic accident. I could’ve been there sooner. I admit that and believe me if I could turn back time I would.”

“I should’ve been less pig headed and more understanding.” Nick bowed his head. “If I had then none of the would’ve happened. Heath wouldn’t been any good for Jarrod’s plan and he’s been here with us now instead of ..” He glanced up to the still closed bedroom door.

Watching and listening Victoria knew that both Nick and Jarrod now regretted what had occurred just a short time ago. She’d still have to have severe words with both of them. This incident could not go unpunished. Not that her two sons weren’t having a good go at punishing themselves at the moment. But still there were some issues that need to be cleared up.

“Now that the three of you have gotten that out of your systems let’s concentrate on ways to help your brother get through this.” Victoria took control. “And I do mean all of us.” She looked straight at her second-born son.

“I hear you Mother.”

In his mind Nick was already planning ways he could make it up to his new brother. The angst he had been feeling virtually since Heath arrived on the family property and announced who he was had started to fade. He was now looking forward to spending time with Heath and getting to know him better. The up coming cattle drive would be the perfect opportunity for this to happen. That is if Heath was still interested and was still on the ranch.

“Ahemmm” The voice of Dr Merar broke into his thoughts.

“Howard?” Victoria inquired

“Well?” Nick all but rushed the doctor.

“It’s out.” Merar announced and dropped the still bloody bullet into Nick’s open palm. “It took longer then I expected and as a result Heath’s very weak from blood loss. I don’t know if his system can make up the shortfall in blood quickly enough to keep him alive. He may still die.” Merar was blunt and to the point.

“Isn’t there anything that can be done?” Nick asked anxiously. “A transfusion? Something?”

Merar saw the pleading in Nick’s eyes. But pleading eyes didn’t make near impossibilities work.

“I can’t risk that Nick. I don’t know if any of you here are a suitable match for Heath. Give him bad or incompatible blood and we’ll lose him for sure.”

“And if you don’t we risk losing him anyway right?”

Merar nodded He was caught in a no win scenario. Do nothing and his patient would die. Give the wrong blood to Heath and still watch him die.

“Then do it take my blood give it to him. “Nick all but demanded. “It’s better to try than do nothing at all.”

“Nick.” Victoria cautioned. “It may not even work. There has to be another option here.”

“There is no other option.” Nick told his mother. “But to watch him die slowly from the wound that I gave him. My bullet did that to him.”

“Nick this isn’t about...” Jarrod began to say.

“No it’s about giving Heath a chance to live and to try right the wrong’s that I caused.”

“Howard do it.” Victoria ordered. Beside her Jarrod nodded his approval.

“But Victoria…”

“Howard we have to have faith and believe.”


“Are you sure he’s still alive?” Was Nicks first question as he along with Merer entered the bedroom of his younger brother. “He’s so still and pale”

“I’m sure.” The Doctor replied confidently

Heath as lying on the bed, sheets covering him from the waist down. The area from his neck to his right shoulder was encased in bandages. The colour of his face matched the almost pristine white bandages. A small amount of blood had soaked through and made a bright stain against the white background.

“Over here son.” Merer indicated to a chair close to the head of the bed. “Now you’re absolutely sure about this?”

“DO IT” Was the firm command.

Sitting there watching his blood transfer itself into the arm of his wounded brother Nick was taken back to the last time the two had confronted each other.

‘WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?” He had demanded to know.

It was dawn. Nick on early patrol had come across the herd Heath was supposed to be guarding.



That had done it .The pair started in on each other, fists had flown and they had both ended up rolling around the in dirt. He’d come away from the little encounter with a black eye, split lip, and a very wobbly jaw. Heath hadn’t gotten of lightly either, black eye, split lip and a cracked rib.

Looking back now Nick regretted the lost time. Instead of fighting all the time he could’ve been getting to know this new brother. With Jarrod tied up in his legal work and not really having the time or the inclination to ranching Heath would’ve been the perfect answer to his need for a partner. The Barkley ranch and all of its diverse interests were just too much for him to handle alone. When his father was still alive they worked the ranch together. He missed having a member of the family to confide in, plan with and work beside.

“Nick, Nick!” Merer’s voice broke into his chain of thought. “ You’re done. I’ve taken all I can at the moment. Why don’t you go to your room and try to get some rest?” Merer removed the connecting tube “I’ll call you if there’s any change.”

“I’m so sorry Heath.” Nick whispered in his unconscious brothers ear. “If you can ever find it in yourself to forgive me we need to talk. I’ve got a proposition to put to you.”


Howard Merar made his second weary trip down the stairs in twenty minutes. As much as he didn’t want to leave Heath at this point in time he did have other patients that needed his attention.

“How did it go Howard?” Victoria asked as she walked toward the doctor. “Is Nick all right? And Heath? Did the transfusion take?”

“So far everything looks promising?” Merer reassured her. “Nick’s in his room resting. Heath’s still sleeping. Silas is up there with him now. Just keep a watch out for fever due to the wound and the fact that the bullet was in for so long. I’ll be at the Coverington place if you need me. After I finish there I’ll come straight back here.” He patted her hand.

“Thank- you Howard.” Victoria smiled at him “For all you’ve done.”

“Thank your sons Victoria. Nick for his stubborn ‘don’t tell me it can’t be done ‘ attitude and Heath for his strong and determined will to live. With out that I would’ve lost him hours ago.”

Victoria acknowledged Howard’s remarks with a nod. Heath’s strong and determined will was one the many qualities she’d come to admire and respect in Tom’s (now my she reminded herself) son. He, like his brother Nick, had also inherited Tom’s never say die attitude. But there was also the gentle quiet side to him as well. The side that knew and respected the ways of the horses. He was so gentle and patient with them. Only one thing about Heath irked her. His refusal to stop calling her Mrs Barkley.

“If only those two could see past their differences.” She thought to herself as she watched Merer depart. “Together they could achieve so much.”

“Right.” She turned to face her remaining children. “Jarrod would you excuse us for a moment? There are something’s I need to discuss with your sister.”

Jarrod nodded and turned on his heel looking to retreat to the library for some quiet contemplation.

“But don’t go to far young man.” Victoria continued. “There are things I need to discuss with you as well.”

That set the alarm bells ringing in his head. Victoria hadn’t called him ‘young man’ for many years now, and even when she did call him that it usually meant he was in trouble for something. He knew what it was about. He was going to get a lecture on the way he’d treated his brothers over the last few days.

“Well it had to come I suppose.” He thought to himself.

“Young lady.” Victoria began as she looked at her daughter. “Sit yourself right down there and pay attention.” She indicated to the vacant high backed chair. “Your behaviour early was totally and utterly unacceptable in a young lady. Attacking your brothers in that fashion was totally unbecoming.”

“But Mother..” Audra began to explain

“No buts.” Victoria continued firmly “ You disappointed me Audra. I thought I raised better then that. Fighting like a saloon girl and with your brothers.”

“Yes Mother.” Audra hung her head. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint her mother.

“Now I want you to apologise to Jarrod, if Nick’s awake apologise to him as well and then go and relieve Silas. And while you’re sitting with Heath I want you to think hard about what I’ve just said.”

Audra rose to leave, a tear rolling down her cheek.

“When you’re done with Jarrod will you please send him in here.”

Audra nodded and left to do her mothers bidding.


“You asked to see me?” Jarrod poked his head cautiously into the parlour. Experience told him to play things with just a hint of caution where his mother’s temper was involved.

“Come in and sit down Jarrod.” Victoria ordered. Jarrod hastened to obey. Victoria was known to have a short fuse. Not that she lost her temper often but when she did it was fiery.

“Jarrod, Audra asked a valid question. As the eldest and supposedly the wisest of my children. How could you let this happen? I was hoping your calm cool head would be used to help Nick and Heath sort out their differences not inflame them.”

“I know Mother and I’m sorry.”

“Do you know how badly you let me down?”

“Yes I do. Mother I will apologise to both of them.”

“You’ll do more than that young man. Heath when he wakes up will undoubtedly want nothing more to do with Nick. I’m making it your responsibility to see to it that Nick and Heath do end up talking and putting this behind them. Do I make myself clear?”

“Crystal Mother.” Jarrod confirmed.

Any further commands or orders Victoria wanted to give to Jarrod were drowned out by Audra’s cries of

