A Strange Visitor

By: Jen

Disclaimer: Joss owns everything!!! All I own is the story. Trust me; I would never put the characters through the Hell they’ve been subjected to for so long!
Timeline: a few weeks into the future of both shows
Spoilers: all of season 6 for BTVS and season 3 for AtS that has happened so far.
Synopsis: Connor goes to Sunnydale!
Distribution: If you want it, take it. Just let me know where it’s going!
AN: Ok, this is my first official fic, so I hope you all like it. It came from a brainstorm I had, so if any of this actually happens in the shows, it’s purely coincidental, although I hope it does!!
AN2: This will be B/A fluff eventually, so don’t worry. Feedback: PLEASE!! I live for it!!!
Rating: PG to NC-17 (There is one rape scene, so be warned!!)

Part 1

Hyperion Hotel
Los Angeles
Saturday 4:50pm

Cordelia’s POV

It was just a typical, but slow day at Angel Investigations. I was filing my nails while sitting by the phone. Wesley had his nose stuck in a book, as usual, and hadn’t spoke much to anyone all day. Gunn had decided to hang out with his friends today, so he left the number for his cell, just in case something actually did happen. Angel was on his way up to Connor’s room. It seemed like only yesterday that he was just a little baby; well, technically it was only a week ago, but who’s counting. Anyway, Conner was 19 now and appeared not to be growing at such a rapid pace anymore. He hadn’t been downstairs at all today and had started Angel worrying, which of course, doesn’t take much these days. Angel has been a total worrywart since the baby was born. Oh, well.

“CORDELIA,” shouted the vampire, as he ran down the stairs and back into the office.

“What! God, you don’t have to yell, ya know. Being a demon has certainly improved my hearing abilities, which I must keep reminding you about every day!”

“Where’s Connor?” he asked, a little quieter this time. He didn’t care to hear her bitching all day.

“What do you mean? Is he not in his room or in the second floor kitchen?” I replied, not sure what was going on.

“No, and I can’t sense anything human upstairs at all. Did he tell any of you where he was?” Angel was getting a little more frustrated at the fact that he didn’t know what was going on, especially when he heard the chorus of “no’s” that followed his question. “Well, we had better figure it out. Cordy, call Gunn and see if I heard from him. I’m going to check around a few of the places he likes to go.”

I got right on it, of course. The way Angel was acting had me really worried, too, and I didn’t like being worried. Where the Hell could he have gone?

* * *

Restfield Cemetery
Saturday 6:45pm

After watching the sunset, Buffy started her patrol for the night. It has been really slow lately, no big bad demons or many vamps to worry about. She made a quick sweep with her eyes, and after finding nothing, took a seat on a nearby headstone to play with her yo-yo. Then suddenly, she heard a scream coming from the other side of the cemetery and took off after it.

When Buffy arrived, she approached three very large vamps attacking a guy, who looked to be about the same age as she. The first one she managed to surprise from behind and dusted fairly easily. Once the others noticed her presence, they turned away from the boy to face her.

“Slayer,” one of them called.

“Geez, don’t you guys ever get sick of the name game?” Buffy quipped, as she laid a right cross against the jaw of the taller vamp, knocking him off-balance.

“Prepare to die!” the taller vamp said, recovering and kicking the slayer in the abdomen, sending her flying back against a nearby crypt. He approached her, probably too quickly because he found the pointy end of a stake enter his chest when he reached her.

The guy she was rescuing watched in fascination behind a headstone, as she brushed the dust from her leather jacket and ran up to the remaining vamp. She was so beautiful and graceful when she fought, and he found himself liking her. She’s amazing, he thought to himself, before he returned his attention to the fight.

Buffy sent a roundhouse kick in the direction of the vamp and staked him before he was able to recover. “Wow, three vamps and it only took me five minutes. Not bad,” Buffy said aloud to herself, as she approached the mystery guy, who now stood behind the headstone.

“Thank you so much for saving me from those vampires,” the guy said.

“You’re welcome…”

“Connor. My name is Connor.”

* * *

Part 2

Restfield Cemetery
Saturday 6:52pm

“You’re welcome, Connor. My name is Buffy. So, how do you know about vampires?” Buffy asked. Taking in his appearance, she felt oddly connected to this stranger. There was something about him that reminded her of the past: his eyes, his face, his personality. She shook it off as her imagination playing tricks on her.

“Oh, I’ve seen a couple here and there,” Conner replied, almost cryptically, causing Buffy’s mind to once again wander back to a tall, dark, and mysterious vampire she knew before.

“Well, I’m surprised. See, most people who live here tend to repress anything that they don’t understand. It’s nice to finally meet someone who doesn’t automatically forget everything that goes bump in the night.”

“Actually, I don’t live here, but thanks for the compliment anyway.” Conner replied, a half-smile gracing his face.

Ohmigod! This is getting scary! Buffy thought, when she saw him smile. He’s so much like Angel, except he looks a lot younger. In fact, he’s actually really hot!! Stop it, Buffy! Realizing that she was staring, she suddenly blushed and looked away. “God, I’m sorry. I have to get going.”

“Patrol, right? I understand. Well, maybe we’ll see each other again sometime, Buffy.” With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Buffy confused and excited at the same time. She always wanted to meet someone normal who could handle the whole slayer thing, which this guy obviously could. At the same time, she was left to wonder how such a person, completely normal so it seems, would know about patrolling and vampires.

“Wow,” Buffy said to herself.

“Wow what, luv?”

“What do you want, Spike?”

* * *

Hyperion Hotel
Saturday 6:47

Cordelia’s POV

Things did not get any better for us. No phone calls or visions to help take up time. Wesley had retired to his suite for more cross-referencing. I don’t think I ever realized what a boring life he has. Fred, however, showed up just after Angel left and has been helping Wesley ever since. Angel had finally returned from the fruitless search for his son. His head was hung low, and a terrible sadness seemed to radiate from him. All of a sudden, while still working on my nails, I felt a vision coming. There was a young man being attacked by vampires. Wait!! It’s Connor!! But where is he? A girl came into the vision, defending him against the vamps. Oh my God, it’s Buffy. Connor is in Sunnydale? But why?

“What’s wrong, Cordy? Are you having a vision?” Angel asked, regarding the way I was staring out into space.

“Huh? Oh, no, just thinking.” I replied. I can’t tell him that his son is in Sunnydale. I won’t. I won’t let him get hurt again. I won’t let him leave me again.

* * *

Part 3

Restfield Cemetery
Saturday 7:00pm

“What do you want, Spike?”

“I think you know what I want, pet,” he leered, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her.

“Get your hands off of me!!” Buffy commanded, pushing him away.

“What’s your bleedin’ problem, and who were ya talking to?”

“First of all, what I do is *none* of your business, and second of all…”

“‘Second of all,’ what? You finally decided that you are too good for me? I don’t

think so, luv. I’m all you got left.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Spike. I’ve got friends who care about me.” She replied, getting quieter as the words left her mouth. Her few moments of happiness (well, actually just moments without all the pain) that she spent with Connor were finally leaving her mind, which was completely focusing on how much of a loser she had really become. She never realized how much power Spike seemed to have over her.

“Bloody Hell, slayer, when will you figure out that they don’t care about *anything* besides themselves and their own bloody melodrama? The only one who cares *at all* is me.” Spike said, while approaching her again. This time he wasn’t met with a fight, but instead, nothing. She didn’t fight him when he pulled her to him roughly and kissed her, or even when he laid her down in the grass.

‘I think he might be right,’ Buffy thought to herself, as Spike continued to kiss and feel her. ‘Otherwise, why would everyone else always leave me? Except Connor didn’t. He stayed and talked with me. Well, sorta. Anyway, he seemed to care about things, and he knew about vamps. Plus, he reminded me so much of…’ Suddenly, she pushed Spike off of her and quickly stood up.

“Bloody Hell, pet, you’re ruining the moment,” Spike commented, getting up off the ground. He licked his lips and approached her again.

“NO, Spike! No more!” she yelled. “I’ve let you use me too many times, and I won’t do it again. I refuse to continue to tarnish every good thing that has ever happened to me.”

“What the hell are you talking about? What good thing? Does it have to do with that guy?”

After hearing that, Buffy turned and walked away, not wanting to even dignify that with a response. ‘Did it have to do with him?’ she wondered to herself.

Spike continued to watch her as she walked away, his anger rising to the surface. “Well, if she thinks this is where it ends, she’s got another thing comin’. That’s for damn sure.”

* * *

Hyperion Hotel
Saturday 11:00pm

“God, where could he be?” Angel said, pacing back and forth in the lobby of hotel. He had been doing this all day while he waited for his informants to call back with information regarding the disappearance of his son.

“I wish there was something I could do,” Cordelia replied, starting to feel a tad bit guilty for not telling Angel about the vision. She had been wrestling with her conscience all evening; however, she kept deciding that she was doing the best thing for both of them. ‘The baby wasn’t so bad for us. In fact he brought us together,’ she thought. ‘A teenager will only end up tearing us apart, and I won’t let that happen. I love him, and I know he will get over this and realize that it’s for the best that Connor ran away.’

“WESLEY,” Angel yelled up the stairs.

“He’s kind of busy with research right now, Angel, but can I help?” Fred offered, as she descended the stairs and joined Cordelia and Angel in the lobby.

“Maybe, has he found anything, yet?”

“No, I’m sorry. Where do you think he went?” Fred tried to help, but knew there was very little, if anything, she could do.

“I wish I knew,” he replied, sadly.

“Angel, why don’t you come with me to the kitchen? We can get some coffee and then try calling all of your ‘friends’ back, ok?” Cordelia offered, trying to take his mind off things.

“Sure, Cordy. Thanks.” He forced a smile for her, as she took his arm and led him to the kitchen. Once they arrived, she turned to look at him. “You know he’s gonna be fine, don’t you?”

“I wish I could believe that, Cordy,” the vampire said, pain evident in his voice. “It’s just that Connor’s my son, my *human* son. All of the people who were after him before are still trying to get to him. It’s…I-I’m scared. He can’t protect himself. That’s supposed to be my job, and now he’s missing and alone. God only know where his is or if he’s still…

“Don’t think like that,” she said softly but firmly, placing a hand on his arm. “I’m sure he’s just fine and will come home soon.”

“Thanks, Cordy. I hope so.”

‘God, please help him to be okay,’ she thought to herself. ‘Otherwise, it’s all on my head, and Angel will never forgive me.’

* * *

Part 4

Sunnydale Inn
Saturday 7:15pm

Connor went back to his hotel room after talking with Buffy. “I’m glad Dad left some money lying around,” he commented to himself. He took off his leather jacket and tee-shirt to examine his wounds. When the vampires attacked him, they managed to slash him across his stomach. Approaching the mirror, he took a good look at himself. He looked a great deal like his father: same height, build, face, and eyes. He even had a similar taste for clothes, mainly black pants with a white shirt and leather jacket. His hair was different, though. It had been a little lighter of a brown with blond highlights in it. Connor ran his hand along the gash. It had been pretty deep, but seemed to be healing rather quickly. ‘Must be something else I get from Dad,’ he thought. He, then, moved on to the red spot on his arm, which was still tender from the tattoo he got, earlier that evening. After arriving in Sunnydale, Connor had the urge to get one, and since he was nineteen and rather impulsive, he did. “This looks way cooler that Dad’s,” he said aloud, glancing at the claddagh on his right bicep. It was in color and had barbed wire as the band around his arm. The idea came from a ring that he had seen his father wearing all of the time.

After making sure that his wound and sore arm were okay, Connor plopped down on the bed and closed his eyes. His mind wandered to a petite blond slayer that he had been hearing about for most of his life (which isn’t really saying much is it?!). It was the picture of her in one of Angel’s books that sent him to Sunnydale in the first place. He had been told so much about her, but the second he saw her face, Connor knew that he had to meet this incredibly beautiful woman. That’s how he came to find himself in the graveyard tonight. He had hoped to see her from afar, but his plans got slightly messed up when the vamps showed up. He was glad they did, though, because he was able to speak to her and watch her fight. With his eyes still closed, Connor replayed the events in his head. He never felt this way about anyone, much less someone his dad use to know. “Wow! What’s Dad gonna say when he finds out that I fell in love with her?”

* * *

Summers’ House
Saturday 9:00pm

When Buffy walked into her house, she went right upstairs to her room and flopped down on her bed. After seeing Spike, she decided to patrol on the other side of the city for a while, hoping to get all of her frustrations out in a good fight or two. She ran into three more vamps, but they were all newbies and didn’t put up much of a fight, so she just headed home. All night Buffy kept thinking of this mystery guy, Connor. There was something about him that was very familiar, yet she was hesitant because of those things. He was too much like Angel, and it scared her. It also made it hard for her not to be attracted to him. In fact, she was certain that she was attracted to him, even to the point to finally give her the power to tell Spike off. There was someone, or a potential someone, that seemed to care and that was all she needed to finally break from whatever held her to the blond vampire. Even as she lay on her bed, Buffy couldn’t figure what it was about him that made her like him the most, and this bothered her, especially since they met for only a couple of minutes. ‘But that’s all it took for me to fall for Angel, wasn’t it?’ She thought to herself.

Suddenly, the phone rang. Buffy sat up and answered, “Hello?”

“Hello, Buffy.”

“Hey, Will. What’s up?”

“Not much. Xander, Anya, and I are going to the Bronze. You wanna come?” Willow asked.

“Um…yeah, sure. Dawn’s spending the night at a friend’s house, so I’m free to go. When do you want to meet?”

“We were thinking 10:00, is that okay?”

“Sure,” the slayer answered. “See ya there.”

“Okay, see ya.”

* * *

The Bronze

Buffy walked into the Bronze and headed for their usual table. Everyone had already arrived and was talking about Xander and Anya’s wedding reception. They finally got married last weekend, and had some crazy stuff happen after the ceremony.

“So, when Uncle Fredd got on the table and started to… Buffy, hi!

“Hey, everyone! Anya, are to telling more stories of your family at the reception?”

“Yes, they were really funny, and very drunk,” the ex-demon replied.

“Honey, wanna dance?” Xander asked his new wife.

“I’d love to. It’s the closest we can get to sex until we get back to the apartment.”

“Thanks for that comment, Anya.” Willow said, somewhat sarcastically. “Tara, do you want to dance?”

“I would,” the witch replied. Tara finally returned home just before the wedding, after she and Willow had a talk about magic and their relationship.

“Will you be alright if we go, Buffy?” her friend asked, concern on her face.

“Huh? Oh, of course, Will. Go ahead.” She replied, distractedly. Her mind was still on the gorgeous Connor that she met earlier.

* * *

Under the staircase to the second level of the Bronze, Spike stood, intently watching the slayer and her friends. He was not too pleased about the events of the evening and had plans to make things better soon. ‘She will not get away with being such a bitch to me.’ Spike thought. ‘And I’ll make sure of it.’

Just as he was about to step out of the shadows and approach Buffy, he caught a glimpse of a man, dressed in black, with a deep burgundy shirt, walking through the door. Spike had to do a double-take. For a second, he could swear that his grand-sire had entered the club, but he realized this wasn’t him. It looked a lot like him, except younger. “What the fuck?” the vampire said out loud, as he put out his cigarette.

* * *

Connor came to the Bronze tonight, hoping he could see the slayer again. In the stories the gang back in LA told, this place was where everyone used to hang out. So, he took the chance that maybe she would be there now. Searching the room, he spotted Buffy sitting all alone at a table on the right side of the room. As he walked slowly towards her, Connor took the opportunity to really check her out. She was wearing a dark red halter and black pants, with her golden brown hair hanging down in curls. ‘She looks fabulous,’ he thought as he reached her table.

Placing a hand on her shoulder, Connor asked, “Would you like to dance?”

Startled, Buffy nearly fell out of her chair before she realized that her thoughts seemed to materialize in front of her. ‘Ohmigod!’ “I’d love to,” she replied.

Connor took her hand and led her out to the floor. He tentatively put his hand on her back, but left room between them, just in case she was uncomfortable. As the song went on, they got closer and closer to each other, until there was no room at all between them. Buffy laid her head on his chest and let herself get lost in the moment. She had been thinking of this all day, and finally she got to live it, and it was nice. Connor was also getting wrapped up in the moment and almost didn’t realize that the song had finished. They pulled apart and gazed into the other’s eyes. Slowly, he leaned in towards her, just as she mirrored his actions. The kiss was gentle, but grew passionate rather quickly. ‘This feels so…’ Suddenly, Buffy broke off the kiss, and stared at him for a second. Then, she turned and ran out the building, leaving a confused Connor still standing on the dance floor.

“What was that about?” Tara said to no one in particular, as Willow took a look at the guy Buffy was just kissing and gasped.

* * *

Part 5

Sunnydale Inn
Room 214
Saturday 10:45pm

Connor was still in shock and quite confused by the events of the evening, as he walked back into his hotel room. ‘Why did she run?’ he kept wondering to himself. Due to his rapid growth, this was the first kiss he had ever had and didn’t know what it meant that she ran away. ‘Am I a bad kisser? Was I not supposed to kiss her?’ He was just confused and even a little hurt. ‘Maybe it means she doesn’t like me? God, please let that not be the reason.’

* * *

Summers’ House
Saturday 11:30pm

Willow and Tara walked into Buffy’s house later that night, after leaving the club. Willow was really worried and wigged by what she saw tonight involving her best friend. From the bottom of the staircase, she could hear Buffy’s sobs echoing in the hall. Giving her lover a glance that told her to stay behind, Willow climbed the stairs and headed towards the disheartening sobs. When she got in front of the door, she knocked quietly.


Wiping the tears off her face, the slayer answered, “Come in, Will.”

“Oh, Buffy,” the witch said when she took in the sight of her best friend. Buffy was now sitting up on her bed, her eyes and tear-stained face puffy and red. It was obvious that she had been crying ever since she left the Bronze earlier that night. Willow took a seat beside her and gave her a reassuring hug. “What happened?”

“I kissed him.” As soon as the words left her mouth, Buffy started to cry again.

“I know; I saw it. Was it that bad?”

“No,” the slayer answered, almost too quickly, her tears slowing. “No, it wasn’t bad. In fact, it was wonderful.”

“So, what’s the problem?” Willow asked, knowing where this was going.

“I- It was like kissing Angel, except I wasn’t. Connor looks just like him and acts like him. He even kisses like him, well almost, but it really freaked me out.”

“I bet it did. When I saw him tonight, I had to do a double-take. I could have sworn it was Angel,” the witch admitted.

“I know. I felt like doing that when I saw him tonight. Will, what should I do?”

“I don’t know. I mean, do you like him?”

“Oh, yeah.” Buffy answered, dreamily. ‘But is it because of his resemblance to my soul mate, or because I really like him?’

* * *

Hyperion Hotel
Sunday 12:05am

“Angel, honey, why don’t you come to bed?” Cordelia called to him from the hallway. She knew he was upset about Connor, but was hoping she would be able to take his mind off of things for a while. A secretive grin appeared on her face at the thought of it.

“But what if the phone rings while I’m upstairs? I think I’m just gonna stay down here for tonight. You know, just in case.” He replied, dark lines clearly visible under his eyes. He really looked like hell, which bothered Cordelia, nagging at her conscience some more.

Walking down the stairs, she came up behind the vampire and wrapped her arms around his waist. Planting a kiss on his shoulder, she whispered in his ear, “Please, come to bed. I’ll make it worth your while.”

No, Cordelia,” Angel stated firmly. “I can’t believe that you would even suggest such a thing when my son is missing. Don’t you care about him at all? Don’t you care about me?”

“Of course, I care about you. You know that. I just hate seeing you like this, and I was hoping that maybe I could help you relax for a while. That’s all.” She replied, trying to look innocent.

“I *said* no. Now, why don’t you just go?” With that, he turned his back to her and walked slowly and sadly toward Wesley’s office.

“Okay,” Cordelia whispered. “I love you.” She turned and walked back to the bedroom. ‘I can’t believe he just did that.’ She thought to herself, once she lay back down. ‘I am only doing this for him, for us. Why can’t he see that?’

* * *

Sunnydale Inn
Outside Room 214
Sunday 1:00am

A dark figure stood in the shadows, watching his prey sleep and dream about the blonde. The light from the end of his cigarette was the only thing visible of his presence. His mind was already forming his twisted little plan to get the slayer back under his control. “I will take care of you, mate. And it’s an added bonus that you look like my bloody grand-sire. But don’t worry. You will get what’s coming to you, and what should have come to him a long time ago. That’s a promise.” With a loud chuckle, the blond vampire turned and walked back happily to his crypt to prepare for the coming night’s festivities.

* * *

Part 6

Summers’ House
Sunday 9:30 am

Buffy woke this morning to the delicious smell of pancakes. ‘This is definitely the best way to wake up in the morning,’ she thought to herself. ‘Good dreams, breakfast being cooked by someone else, and no where to have to be.’ She got up, wrapped her bathrobe over her pajamas, and then proceeded down to the kitchen.

“Good Morning, Buffy!” Tara called, as Buffy walked into the room. “Sleep well?”

“Actually, yeah. For the first time in a long time, I did.” The slayer replied. “The pancakes smell wonderful.”

“Thanks,” the witch replied, blushing slightly at the compliment and the attention. She always hated to be the center of attention, unless of course it was Willow.

“Good Morning, everyone!” Willow said, as she too entered the kitchen, giving Tara a kiss before grabbing some orange juice from the pitcher.

“Good Morning,” both girls responded, laughing at the fact that they said it in unison.

“Hey, Will, do you know when Dawn is supposed to be back?” Buffy asked.

“Um…yeah, she said they were going to go shopping and then come back this evening.”

“Okay. Sounds good.”

* * *

Sunnydale Mall
Sunday 11:00 am

Dawn and her friends finally arrived at the mall, after what seemed to be an eternity of goofing around in a pillow fight when they all woke up.

“Okay, so we have to go to Express first and then…”

“Who’s that guy?” Dawn cut in, giving her friends a look, before her eyes wandered back to the hot new guy she saw on the other side of the mall. He was tall and had brown hair with blond highlights.

“I wish I knew,” one of the girls replied. “Check out the muscles on him!” He was wearing a very tight white tee-shirt that really accented his form.

“Yeah, me too,” Dawn replied, deciding to walk over to him. Her five friends watched from where they were standing because they didn’t want to be a crowd. “Hi!” she said as she reached a spot beside him. ‘Geez, he even smells good, and look at that tattoo! This guy is amazing,’ she thought.

“Hey,” the mystery guy replied.

“I’m Dawn. Do you go to Sunnydale High?”

“No, but my name is Connor.”

* * *

After talking to Connor for five minutes or so (which felt like forever to her), Dawn said goodbye and rejoined her friends. They were standing in shock, gazing at the gorgeous guy that their friend managed a conversation with.

“Ok, who is he? How old is he? You know, details. Come on!” Beth questioned as Dawn returned to her circle of friends.

“Well, first of all, he smells great and has a tattoo.” A chorus of dreamy sighs came from the other girls at this comment. Dawn laughed and continued, “His name is Connor and he’s nineteen. He even lives in L.A.!”

“Wow,” Beth replied, still dreamily. “I can’t believe that you talked to him!”

“Yeah, but it gets even better than that,” Dawn responded.

“What? What?” the others asked, eagerly.

“I invited him to my house for dinner, and he accepted!”

* * *

Summers’ House
Sunday 3:00 pm

“Buffy! Buffy, are you home?” Dawn called as she walked into the house, carrying four bags from the mall. After being told about Connor and his acceptance to dinner, the other girls convinced Dawn to buy some clothes for the occasion. Of course, she definitely made use of the excuse to get new things to wear.

“Yeah, Dawn. I’m in the living room,” her sister replied.

“Hope you don’t mind, but I invited a guy to dinner tonight,” the younger sister explain, partly waiting for an explosion from her sister.

“No, that’s okay.”

“Wha…It is?” Dawn questioned, not sure why her sister wasn’t furious.

“Yeah. Tara and Willow have a date tonight, so they won’t be here. Besides, I prefer that you bring the guy here than go out with him. Guys these days will try anything.” The slayer warned.

“Buffy, please.”

“Oh, alright. So who is the lucky guy anyway?” Buffy didn’t know her sister was seeing anyone, and needed some information to prepare herself for the coming evening.

“Well, his name is Connor, and we met at the mall today.”

‘Connor? She invited Connor to dinner tonight?’ “So, let me see, you invited a guy you just met to dinner?”

“Well, yeah. Oh, Buffy, you should have seen this guy. He’s tall, very nicely built-you should have seen the shirt he had on- it was skin tight and…”

“Okay, I get the picture,” her sister interrupted. “So, when is he coming over?”

“I told him five-thirty. Is that alright?”

“I guess it’ll have to be, won’t it?” Buffy answered. ‘Ohmigod! He’s coming here for dinner in two and a half hours! What will I make? I still have to shower and get dressed! Ohmigod!’

* * *

Two hours later, while Dawn was still getting ready for dinner, Buffy was finishing up the spaghetti and taking the garlic bread out of the oven. She walked into the dining room to put the finishing touches on the table, when the doorbell rang. ‘Oh, God. He’s here!’ the slayer thought to herself as she glanced in the hall mirror to make sure she looked alright. Her hair was tied up in a French twist, and she wore tight black pants and a pale blue sweater with a deep v-neck and three-quarter length sleeves. She adjusted the sweater a little bit and when she was satisfied, she went and opened the door.

“Hello, Connor!” she said, cheerily.

“Hi, Buffy! It’s nice to see you again.” He replied, as she stepped aside to let him come inside. He was wearing a deep blue button-down shirt and black jeans. His appearance caused her to stare for a moment. His tattoo peeked out from under the sleeve, which automatically made her mind drift to her former lover and the night she was given a ring just like it. Well, without the barbed wire anyway.

“Yes, it is,” she responded. ‘God, this is gonna be awkward.’ “Hey, Dawn. Connor’s here,” she yelled up to her sister, before ushering Connor into the dining room.

“Wow, that smells great!” he complimented on the food, which Buffy just placed on the table.

“I hope you like spaghetti.”

“Actually, I don’t know. I’ve never had it before.” Connor replied.

“You’ve never had spaghetti before?” Dawn said, as she walked into the room. She had curled her hair and wore black capris and deep purple halter top that her friends insisted she buy.

“No, I’m afraid I haven’t.” He replied, glancing from one sister to the other. Buffy seemed shocked about her sister’s appearance, and Dawn seemed surprised that her sister and this guy she had never met kept looking at each other.

“But I thought they had a lot of Italian places in L.A.” she continued to question. ‘L.A.?’ Buffy thought to herself. ‘That has to be the strangest coincidence I’ve ever heard of, which is saying *a lot* since I live on the Hellmouth.’

“Well, I suppose they do. I’ve just never been to one before.” Connor answered nicely, yet feeling bad about lying to them. ‘How could I possibly explain that I wasn’t able to eat food like that because I was only a baby a week ago?’

* * *

Hyperion Hotel
Sunday 6:00 pm

After fighting with her conscience all day, Cordelia had finally decided to tell Angel about Connor’s whereabouts. She was going to fake a vision (since there was no pain factor anymore, it wouldn’t be too difficult to do) and tell him that she saw him near the old high school. Now, all she had to do was find the right time to do it.

Angel never left Wesley’s office today. He sat there by the phone, holding a picture of Connor that was taken just before the growth spurts (if you could even call it that), when he was still a baby. Cordelia walked into the office and sat down in the chair across from the desk where Angel sat, still clutching the picture, staring at it.

“Angel, honey, how are you doing tonight?” she asked, trying to sound genuine. It’s not that she wasn’t concerned about him, she was. It was just that she didn’t want it to sound planned. When he didn’t answer, or even look up from the picture, she reached out to put her hand on his arm. Angel flinched at the contact and backed away from her.

“He’s probably dead by now.” He said, barely audible to Cordelia, who had to strain to hear him, even with her new demon hearing. She could hear the pain in his voice, and she suddenly got angry with herself for hiding the information for so long.

“No, he’s not. He can’t be.” She replied. “Wait, Angel, I feel a vision coming on!” This caused the vampire to look up at her, expectantly. “It’s Connor! He’s…He’s…” ‘What should I say he’s doing?’ she thought. “Oh, he’s in Sunnydale, I think.”

“Sunnydale? Are you sure? Be sure!” He almost yelled at her.

“Hold on,” she said, keeping her eyes closed for affect. “Yes, definitely Sunnydale. I can see the remains of the old high school.” As soon as she finished, Angel stood up, grabbed his duster, and headed for his car. “Wait! Angel, you’re going now?”

“Of course I’m going now. He’s my son, Cordy!”

“Well, wait a second for me to get my coat and…” Cordelia didn’t even get to finish her sentence before he left the room and she heard him start the car.

* * *

Summers’ House
Sunday 7:00 pm

After sitting through a fairly quiet dinner, Connor was almost ready to excuse himself and go back to the hotel. Dawn had insisted on asking him questions about why he came to Sunnydale and other things about his past. He really didn’t like lying, but he also knew that he couldn’t tell them the truth either. So, he made up a few things, like he has family near here and that he came to visit them. Shortly after dinner ended, Buffy told her to say goodbye and go start her homework. After a small protest, Dawn reluctantly said goodbye to Connor, gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and headed to her room.

“Well, I had better get going too,” he said, after Dawn left the room.

“Yeah, I guess you should.” The tiny blonde replied.

“Thanks for a wonderful dinner. I think spaghetti is going on my list of favorite foods.”

Buffy laughed a little and said, “I’m glad you liked it. You’re welcome to come have dinner with us anytime.”

“I may just have to take you up on that,” Connor replied, stepping up next to her. He leaned in and kissed her gently. Like the first time, it grew passionate after only a few moments. Suddenly, Buffy broke it off again, hearing something moving behind her. She looked up at Connor and gasped when she turned around.

“You’re gonna regret that, *mate!*

* * *

Part 7

Somewhere between L.A. and Sunnydale
Sunday 7:05 pm

“Dammit! Why the Hell won’t this car go any faster!” Angel screamed to himself, as he slammed his fist into the dashboard, leaving a dent in it. He left immediately for Sunnydale as soon as Cordelia had her ‘vision.’ He knew it was fake the minute she said she was having one. First of all, now that she’s a demon, she doesn’t close her eyes for a vision. Secondly, he’s the best actor around. Everyone else is just second best. But he decided to deal with that later. Right now, he had to find his son. “Dammit! Still another 20 miles! Fuck!”

* * *

Summers’ House
Sunday 7:15 pm

“What are you doing here, Spike?” the slayer hissed through gritted teeth. She finally decided kissing this guy was not such a bad thing, and the stupid blond vampire had to screw it up.

“Well, cutie, not happy to see good ol’ Spike, are ya? I came for the party.” He replied, with a twisted grin on his face. It showed his evil side, and made Buffy quiver. She knew what he could do if he really wanted to, and that’s what she was afraid of.

“What party?” Connor asked, not understanding the relationship between the two.

“The one I decided to throw for this special occasion. Come on in, boys.” As soon as the words left Spike’s mouth, a large group of Moensoru demons, 10 of them to be exact, walked in through the back and front doors. The demons were about 7 or 8 feet tall and oozed slime from every part of their body. They surrounded Buffy and Connor, and let Spike get into the circle they created.

“What the fuck is going on? What are you trying to do, Spike?” Buffy asked, fear starting to enter her voice. This, of course, made the vampire’s grin get even wider. It took a lot to scare a slayer, and he knew just how to do it.

“I’m taking back what’s mine, bitch. Got a problem with that?”

“Hey, watch your mouth,” Connor said, stepping in front of Buffy, as if to protect her. “There is a lady present, ya know.”

“She ain’t no lady, kid. She’s the slayer, and she also belongs to me, so I suggest you get of here while you have the chance.” Spike knew that this boy loved her and wouldn’t leave. It was his way to play with Buffy’s mind, make her believe it was her fault that Connor was going to die.

“Actually, she’s *mine,*” another voice came from the doorway. Everyone turned to see who the new mystery guy was, as Angel crossed the threshold, carrying a very large sword. Buffy’s hand unconsciously went to the scar on her neck, when she heard his comment. It caused Connor to stare at it for a second before he could question his father.

“Dad? What are you doing here?” Connor asked, causing Buffy’s head to snap in his direction.

“Dad?” she asked, looking between Angel and Connor. ‘Well, that explains the resemblance. WAIT! I was making out with *Angel’s son*?

“Well, if it ain’t the great Poof himself. Hey, Peaches!” Spike said, his cocky grin seeming to get wider by the second. His grand-sire will only lead Buffy back to him more than he had planned. It was perfect.

“Spike, do you wish to explain what the Hell is going on here?” Angel replied, sounding quite pissed off at the younger vamp.

“Well, ya see, I figured that since your son and my mate were getting along so well, I was going to break them up. I can’t have my girlfriend whoring around, now can I?” Spike said, faking seriousness. His comments, however, hit all three hard. Angel didn’t know anything about his son and Buffy or about Buffy and Spike, but his blood was starting to boil at the images plaguing his mind. Buffy was looking horrified and pissed off at the comments, afraid of what Angel was thinking and of what his grand-child was going to do. Poor Connor was just plain confused, and quite embarrassed that his dad caught him with his ex-girlfriend.

“Ok, wait a second,” Buffy said, angrily. “First of all, I am not your girlfriend, and second of all, I wasn’t whoring around. Besides, Spike, you should be used to that by now. You know, Drusilla wasn’t the queen of abstinence and fidelity, now was she?” Now it was her turn to smirk, seeing the wince coming from the vampire.

“You bitch,” Spike said. Infuriated at her comment, he stepped up and backhanded her across the face. That was all Angel needed, and in a flash, he grabbed the younger vampire by the throat and held him in the air.

“You’ve gone to far Spike! You *never* touch her again, do you hear me? If you do, I will personally see you reduced to dust. GOT IT?” Angel yelled. The blond vampire nodded and was finally put down and released. “Now, get out and don’t come back.” He ordered, his voice low and dangerous.

“Hey, what’s all this about?” a fourth voice entered the room, again causing everyone’s attention to focus on the woman at the door.

* * *

Summers' House
Sunday 8:00 pm

"Cordelia, what the Hell are you doing here?" Angel questioned firmly, anger rising in his voice. He didn't even bother to look in her direction, but maintained his death stare at the other vampire.

"I came for you, darling. I thought we could just grab Connor and get out of this miserable town, for good this time." She answered, with sincerity and confusion in her tone. 'Why is he angry with me? I came for him, doesn't he understand that?'

"Darling?" Buffy said, unsure of what that meant, looking between Angel and Cordelia for an answer.

"Yeah, Buffy. He's with me now, so why don't you back off it for once." The brunette glared at the slayer, shooting daggers with her eyes, yet inwardly smiling.

"So, you two are."

"Lovers, that's right." Cordelia filled in smugly. She felt an added power over the other girl, especially since Angel would be on her side.

"'Were' would be the better term." Angel corrected the brunette, finally turning his attention to the half-demon.

"What? Honey, what are you talking about?" Pain radiating from her, Cordelia almost whispered the questions.

"Don't even pull that innocent bullshit on me, Cordelia. I'm not a moron. I know all about the mind games and your fake vision about my son. I suggest you go back before things really get out of hand, and I *won't* be held accountable for my actions." The vampire's eyes flashed amber for a moment, showing his anger and the truth behind his words, before returning to their normal chocolate brown color.

"Bloody hell, this is better than 'Passions,'" commented Spike, who grinned at the situation. The look of pain and hurt on Buffy's face was unmistakable, and he knew it wouldn't be long before she finally gave up on his damned grand-sire and stayed with him permanently.

"Shut up, Spike!!" The three yelled at him in unison. Connor just stood in awe, looking around the room. There were demons circling them, and all they could do was fight over who belonged to whom. Besides, he wasn't sure where he stood with the slayer to whom he gave his heart.

Ignoring them completely, he retorted, "Do you guys think you will be finished with this cute little melodrama any time soon, 'cuz ya know I would like to get started with this massacre *before* the sun comes up?"

"Spike, just consider yourself lucky that you can't hurt anyone, or we might actually think that was a threat." Buffy replied. Her fear of Spike was certainly gone at this point, but her hurt from Angel was only just beginning to tear her apart.

"Well, pet, in case you happened to forget, I can still hurt you. Why don't you tell that to your lovers, huh? Why don't you tell them that you came back wrong? By the way, that is really gross, ya know, making it with the Poof's son. I thought you had better morals than that." This comment caused Angel to look over at Buffy. 'They did *what*?' he thought. 'What about her coming back wrong? She looks like the same beautiful Buffy to me.'

"Oh, yeah, we kissed, but that's all. And, anyway, so what? Almost every time I kissed someone, I ended up regretting it." She said. 'Except Angel. I never, ever regretted kissing him. In fact, I never felt happier, safer, or more loved than when he would wrap his arms around me and kiss me.' At that thought, a small smile graced her face.

"You *kissed* my son!!" Angel exclaimed, rather loudly.

"You regret kissing me?" Connor asked, feeling very hurt and confused.

"No, Connor. I don't regret kissing you at all." She replied, placing a hand gently on his arm.

"You *kissed* my *son*!!" Angel repeated, much louder this time, enough to gain everyone's attention.

"Yeah, I kissed Connor," Buffy replied angrily and hurtfully. "But I'm certain that you have no right to make accusations to me, especially considering who *your* lover is." At that comment, Angel lowered his head a little bit, but did not reply.

"Angel, how come you aren't standing up to her? Why are you letting her bash our relationship?" the half-demon queried, pain sounding in her voice as well.

"Maybe because she's right." the vampire chose not to finish his statement because now was not the time to be saying that he regretted their relationship every day of his un-life.

"What?" Cordelia whispered.

"Ok, I've seen enough. Boys, KILL THEM!!" Spike yelled, causing the battle to begin. Immediately, Buffy pushed Connor to the stairway and told him to get upstairs and wait for her to come and get him. Angel decapitated the first two that attacked him and was currently fighting off three others. Cordelia was using her newly-found demonic powers to fight off another one. Buffy had her hands full with the four that circled around her. Spike, watching the slayer for the last few minutes, decided to sneak by the others and head upstairs to deal with the son of his 'beloved' grand-sire.

After Angel had finished off two of the three he had left, he heard a scream, "OUCH! Shit!" He looked to see where it came from and realized that one of the demons who were fighting Buffy had managed to get her stake from her and drove it into her abdomen. She was holding it to stop the large amount of blood flowing from the wound, with a horrible expression of pain on her face.

At the same time, Cordelia was having problems with the second one that headed her way. "Angel, help!!" She cried, getting overpowered by the demon. Angel knew at that moment he had to make a split second decision as to which person he would save.

* * *

Part 8

“HOLD ON!!” Angel yelled, as he picked up his sword and plunged it into the demon, which hovered over his only love. Using force he didn’t know he possessed, Angel hit it again before decapitating it and the one that stood next to it. “Buffy, are you okay?” he asked, kneeling down beside her. He lifted up her hand to assess the wound. The demon must have pushed it deep into her gut because the hole was as large as the base of her stake.

“Right as rain,” she answered, struggling to get up.

“Be careful. We need to get you to a hospital. That wound is really deep.”

“Don’t worry about me. I’m going to be fine.” Just as the words left her mouth, she gasped at the pain and had to be helped by Angel to get to the couch. “Angel?”

“Buffy, what’s wrong?”

“Where did Spike go?” the slayer wondered, looking around for the other vampire unsuccessfully.


“Oh, shit. Cordy!!” Angel ran over to the last demon which, although injured, was sitting on the seer and choking her. He beheaded this one, as well, and bent over to see Cordelia slip into a state of unconsciousness. He picked up the woman and placed her on the other couch. “Please watch her,” Angel said, as he left the room and called 911.



“She’s breathing, so don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on her, but I need you to go upstairs and get Connor. I sent him up there to keep him out of the way.”

“I’ll be right back. Are you sure that you’re alright?” He needed to reassure himself that she was before he left her.

“Don’t worry about me. Go get your son.” She insisted.

“I always worry about you.” Angel whispered on his way up the staircase. Lucky for Buffy, her slayer hearing enabled her to understand his words. ‘He still worries about me.’ She thought, smiling to herself. Suddenly a scream sent her flying back to reality.

“God, NOOOOO!!!!!!!”

* * *

When Angel reached the upstairs, he heard a struggle going on in Buffy’s bedroom. He opened the door and found Spike draining the last of Connor’s blood.

“God, NOOOOO!!!!!!!” This cry caused Spike to drop the lifeless body on the floor and turn to face the voice. Before he even got a chance to talk, his grand-sire rushed him and pressed the other vampire against the wall. “You should have left when you had the chance, Spike. Now, you’ll wish you did.”

“Hey, I was just taking care of my business. He was getting to close to my mate, and I couldn’t allow that. You should understand that.” The younger vampire tried to defend himself, but he knew that it was vain.

“No. I don’t understand. Besides, that is *my* son, and Buffy has *always* belonged to me!” Angel pulled a stake from his pocket and jabbed it right into Spike’s heart.

“Bloody hell, mate,” were the last words to leave the vampire’s mouth before exploding to dust, leaving Angel standing in shock and staring at his son’s body.

“Oh my God!!! Connor!!!” Buffy cried, stumbling into the room. She threw herself on the floor and tried to find a pulse or something. When she couldn’t find one, she looked up at Angel in horror. He fell to the floor beside her and started to sob. She positioned herself next to him against the bed and pulled him to her, letting her mate cry into shoulder. A few minutes later, she heard an ambulance pull up to the house.

“Angel?” She asked. His sobs slowed down some, but he didn’t respond. “Angel. I know this is hard for you, but there’s something important you should know. He sat up very slowly, still holding onto Buffy, as if she was his lifeline. The pain and anguish in his eyes tore her up and caused her own tears to finally flow unchecked. “He’s gonna rise.” She informed her ex-lover. He nodded and glanced down at what was once his son. Slowly, he scooted over to him and picked up the body and hugged it to his own. He sat there and cried for a little bit longer before he looked back up at her.

“I…I-I can’t…” Angel stammered, sobs starting again, as he contemplated what he needed to do.

Buffy placed a reassuring hand on his arm and looked into his grieve-stricken brown eyes. “I know,” was all she could say. Truthfully, she wasn’t sure she could stake him. Connor was very special to her and reminded her so much of his father that it was almost an unfathomable task. Suddenly, she got up and left Angel alone in the room.

About five minutes later, Buffy re-entered her bedroom. Angel hadn’t moved, but was still holding his son and rocking back and forth. Once she was seated beside him again, she explained her absence, “I’m sorry, but I let the paramedics know that we would be getting to the hospital later to check on Cordelia.”

At her words, Angel stopped rocking and looked up at her. “You should have gone with her.” He said, glancing for the briefest second at her wound. It seemed to be healing a little, but was still bleeding.

“I couldn’t leave you here,” was all she would reply. She also knew that he would understand.

Suddenly, the Connor’s body started to move in Angel’s hands. Shocked, he flinched and moved away from it. Both of them knew what this meant. He was waking up and if they were going to stake him, it had to be now. Buffy looked at her mate and wasn’t sure what to do. He looked so full of pain, hatred, and fear.

“I-I…I can’t do it, Buffy. I-I can’t kill my son!!” He said, falling into her and sobbing again.

“I know. I don’t want to either, but it’s not your son anymore.” She then reached over for the stake and held it up over the slightly moving body. The slayer took one last look at Angel, whose head was still buried in her shoulder. Tears rolling down her cheeks, she plunged the stake down and turned away before the new vampire turned into dust. She buried her head in his shoulder and they just sat there and cried in each other’s arms.

* * *

Part 9

Summers’ House

“Buffy, love, we have to get you to a hospital.” He said firmly, his voice full of fear and worry.

“No, I’ll be…” She started, but passed out in his arms.

“No! Buffy, I can’t lose you too.” He picked up her limp body and started to carry her to his car. At the top of the staircase, he thought he heard a rustling of some kind, but his mind was so completely focused on Buffy that he ignored it and continued down the stairs.

* * *

Sunnydale Memorial Hospital

Angel managed to get her to the hospital in about six minutes. He was doing like 90, and it was a miracle that he didn’t get pulled over for speeding. At any rate, he joined the Scooby Gang in the waiting room, where they had still been waiting on an update for Cordelia. Willow had managed to call the others after Angel got a hold of her. He felt they should know that Buffy and Cordelia were injured in a battle with Spike. The only one absent was Dawn, and no one could figure out where she was. Willow was even able to get the gang from LA to get there in record time. In fact, even with Wesley driving, they were able to make it in an hour.

“Mr. Wyndam-Pryce?” a doctor called.

Wesley stepped forward, concern on his face. “I’m Mr. Wyndam-Pryce. How is she, doctor?”

“Hi, sir. I’m Dr. Young, Ms. Chase’s physician. Well, I won’t lie to you. She was very critical when she got here.” Wesley had a look of complete fear and defeat flash on his face at the physician’s words, but he hid his doubts away for the time being. “However, we managed to stabilize her.”

“That’s wonderful news.”

“Yes. She took quite a blow to the head and had major swelling around her throat. She’s a very lucky woman.” Dr. Young commented.

“When will we be able to see her?” Wesley asked, his relief showing through his voice.

“Well, I suppose you can go now, but only one at a time. We don’t want her to get too worked up.”

“Okay. Angel, do you want to see her first?”

“NO!” The vampire snapped, drawing everyone’s attention to him. No one understood why he was so upset, but decided not to question it, either.

“That’s okay, Angel. I know you’ve had quite a scare tonight. Well, if no one else minds, I would like to go.” With no objections, Wesley followed the doctor to room 204.

* * *


“Yes, Cordy, it’s me.” The Englishman said, as he approached her bed and took the seat beside it.

“How’s Angel?” She asked, her voice wavering.

“He’s upset, but that’s to be expected after you and Buffy were both seriously injured tonight.”

“I can’t lose him, Wes. I just can’t.” She started crying, inwardly cursing herself for lying to Angel.

“Everything’s going to be just fine. Don’t you worry.” Wesley said, as he leaned over and hugged the crying woman, rubbing her back to soothe her.

* * *

Back in the waiting room, all the others had fallen asleep, except for Angel. He continued to pace back and forth across the room. It had been over an hour since he brought Buffy to the hospital and almost two hours since she was impaled with her own stake. He was torn between the pain of losing his son and the potential to lose the one person he felt he could always count on, and always loved. The pain on top of the waiting seemed to be killing him.

“Mr. Angel?” a voice called into the small room.

“Yes, that’s me.” The ensouled vampire replied, walking over to the doctor.

“I’m Dr. Lee, Ms. Summers’ physician.” The doctor introduced himself, shaking the other man’s hand.

“Is she alright?” Angel asked, afraid of the answer.

“She will be. It was a bad wound, I won’t lie about that. However, the puncture seemed to miss most of her vitals.”

“What do you mean ‘most?’” he questioned.

“Well, we had to operate on her to repair the damage to her spleen, but she seemed to be healing quickly and the damage was minimal. In other words, we are confident that she will fully recover in a few days.”

“That’s great. Can I see her?”

“Sure. She should be waking up anytime now. Follow me.” Dr. Lee led Angel away down the corridor.

* * *

When he opened the door to room 214, Angel saw Buffy lying in the bed, hooked up to several monitors and machines, each with its own unique buzzing or beeping sound. She looked really small and fragile to him as he approached the chair beside her bed. Once he sat down, he picked up her tiny hand and held it in his much larger ones, rubbing the back of it with his thumb.

“I almost lost you today.” He whispered, placing a kiss on her hand. “I…” Suddenly, she started to stir. He stopped speaking and watched as she slowly and hesitantly opened her eyes.

“Angel?” She whispered hoarsely, her throat very dry.

“Yeah, baby. I’m here.”

“Angel, I’m so sorry about Connor. I tried…” Buffy stopped, unable to put her feelings into words. She just looked into his pain-filled eyes, as he started to cry. He lowered his head onto her abdomen and started to shake with sobs, while she placed a hand on his head and cried with him.

* * *

Summers’ House

Dawn walked out into the hallway. She felt very light-headed and very hungry. She also felt a strange pain at her neck, but paid no attention to it, as she left the house in search for food.

* * *

Part 10

Sunnydale Memorial Hospital
Rm. 214

Angel and Buffy continued to cry for a long time after she woke up. In fact, he was still crying into her stomach when she fell asleep again. Even in her sleep, though, Buffy’s hand remained in contact with his. He only stopped when he heard the door opening, and wiping his eyes with his free hand, sat up to face the visitor.


“Angel, what happened? Is she…” The Watcher started, but realized he didn’t know how to finish what his thoughts were telling him.

“No, Wes, she’s fine. I think she fell asleep.” The vampire reassured his friend. “So, what are you still doing here? I figured you would have gone back to the mansion to sleep.”

“I’m afraid not. I’ve been sitting with Cordy, who has been crying her eyes out for the last hour.” He informed the other man. Angel almost ignored the comment, but instead let out an almost inaudible growl. Wesley was able to detect it, though, but didn’t understand what could have come between the lovers that would cause Angel not to leave the side of his ex-girlfriend to go see her. “Angel, what’s going on with you two? Only a couple of days ago, you were happy and seemed to be so in love, and now you won’t see her and get angry when I mention her name.”

Angel took a look at his love for a long moment before releasing her hand. He stood up and approached the Englishman. “I was NEVER in love with her!” He growled, louder this time.

“What are you talking about? You seemed…”

Angel cut him off, “She KILLED my SON!!!” He said, his eyes flashing amber for a brief second before looking away, trying to hide his tears.

“Oh, God! Angel, I’m so sorry!” Wesley whispered, unsure of what else to say. He loved that child, too. His eyes also started to tear up.

“Did they find Dawn yet? I know Buffy’s going to want to see her when she wakes up again.” The vampire said, changing the subject.

“No, Xander and Anya went back to the house, but they didn’t find anything.”

* * *

Somewhere in Sunnydale

Dropping a body to the ground, Dawn licked her lips and proceeded down the alley. “Mmmm…now that’s what I call tasty.”

“I think she’s been a bad, bad girl, Miss Edith.” A voice came from the shadows.

Dawn whipped around, “Hey, what are you doing here?”

* * *

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 204

Angel walked cautiously into the room, glaring at the woman in the bed. Cordelia sat up abruptly, yet seemed to shrink back into the pillows when she saw his eyes. He stalked over to the end of the bed and just stood there a while.

“Angel.” She said, breaking the dead silence.

“Why, Cordy? Why did you do it?” He asked, sounding hurt and betrayed.

“What, Angel? What did I do?” She asked, knowing the answer, but praying he was talking about something else.

“Why did you lie to me? If you had just told me the truth, then I could have saved him…I could have stopped all of this.” Hanging his head, Angel quietly asked what he had been wanting to know since he saw his son’s body on the floor.

“What are you talking about? Saved who?”

“MY SON!!!” He yelled, vamping out.

“WHAT?!! What happened to Connor?” She asked, completely shocked by his words.

“He’s dead, Cordelia. You KILLED my SON!!!!” Tears started to well up in his eyes again.

“Oh, God. No, Angel, you know me. I…”

“No!! I don’t know you anymore. I’m not sure if I ever did.” He said, cutting her off. He didn’t care what she had to say. It wouldn’t bring Connor back.

“What are you saying? That you don’t know me? That you don’t love me anymore?” She asked, tears silently falling down her cheeks.

“No, Cordelia. I’m saying that I NEVER knew you and that I NEVER loved you!!”

“No, Angel, you don’t mean that!!! We belong together, you and I.” She said, pleading with him to change his mind.

“SHUT UP!!! How can you even think that? You know how much she meant to me. I have never loved anyone else, don’t you understand. Obviously, you didn’t love me either; otherwise, you wouldn’t have lied to try to keep me.” He was furious and refused to pull any punches.

She stayed silent for a moment, trying to come up with some answer. “I don’t understand. I did what was best for *us*. Can you not understand that?” She questioned, hoping it wouldn’t drive him farther away.

“NO! I will NEVER understand how you think this was the best thing to do. Your jealousy cost my son’s life and almost cost the life of the only person I love. You *disgust* me, and I NEVER want to see you again!!” With that, he walked out of the room and slammed the door, leaving Cordelia to cry.

“You can’t do this to me. You NEED me!” She yelled to the empty room. “I’m your only connection to the PTB!”

“That’s not true, lower being.”

* * *

Part 11

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 204

“What do you mean, not anymore? And who are you?” Cordelia asked, afraid of what the answers would be. She couldn’t lose her visions. It was the only thing that kept her with Angel now, and she had to be with him.

“Who I am is of no consequence, lower being. We have been watching you very closely over the past few months, and you have disappointed Them.” The female oracle said.

“I don’t understand. Who have I disappointed and…”

“Hush, child. I don’t have time for your questions.” She said, cutting off Cordelia. “The Powers have decided that you are no longer worthy of the visions given to you. Therefore, as of this moment, you are stripped of your power and work for us no more.”

“Please, explain to me what’s going on.” Cordelia pleaded, not quite understanding how she failed the Powers.

“There have been several deaths that were not supposed to happen. You betrayed the Warriors to benefit yourself, and many things are now out of balance. These actions will not be tolerated.” The mystical being replied, straightforwardly.

“Then, who will have the visions now. Someone needs to help Angel.”

“We have decided that there is one who is worthy to help our cause. She has given up much, but, in time, will receive her rewards.” With that, the being vanished, leaving Cordelia very confused as to who this girl was.

* * *

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 214

“Angel?” Buffy called, waking up from a restless sleep.

“I’m here, baby.” He said, staring out the window into the starry night. When he heard her call, Angel returned to the chair beside her bed and took her hand.

“Where were you? I woke up, and you were gone. I thought you left me again.” She stated. Her fear showed in her tone as she looked him in the eye.

“No, love, I won’t be leaving you again. I just had some business to take care of.” Angel replied, looking down at their entwined hands.

“Cordelia?” She asked, although knowing the answer.


“How is she?” Buffy asked, trying to sound concerned even though she knew something happened between the other woman and Angel and didn’t like it.

“I don’t know, and truthfully, I don’t care. You are all I care about now.” He answered, placing a kiss on the top of her hand.

“That is good to know, Warrior. She will need you.” A mysterious woman said, emerging from a shadow in a corner at the far end of the room.

* * *

Xander’s Car (Somewhere in Sunnydale)

“Where could she be?” Xander asked aloud to himself. He and Anya left Buffy’s house a couple of minutes ago and had been driving around the neighborhood, hoping to find Dawn.

“I wish I knew, honey.” His wife replied.

Suddenly, out of no where, a girl stepped out into the middle of the street and right in front of Xander’s SUV.

“LOOK OUT!!” Anya called to him, as he swerved to miss the girl. When he got around her and stopped the car, he jumped out to see if the girl was alright.

“Are you okay?” He asked her, before he really looked at her. “Merciful Zeus!!!” He said, not even waiting for a reply. Dawn was standing in front of him, just staring as if nothing was wrong.

“Dawn, what are you doing out here?” Anya asked when she saw who the girl was.

“Looking for dinner,” was the reply. Dawn started to move towards the couple, licking her lips.

“Dawn, you’re a vampire!!” Xander said, fear and shock in his voice as he realized that she was going to have them for dinner. “Anya, get in the car.” He yelled to his wife, as he ran to the car himself.

“What the Hell was that all about?” Anya asked her husband, once he drove off.

“I don’t know, dear, but Buffy certainly won’t like it. That’s for sure.” Xander commented as he drove towards the hospital with the bad news.

* * *

“You let them get away.” Drusilla commented, stepping out of the shadows as she watched the car drive off.

“I meant to.” Dawn replied, satisfaction written on her face.

“Miss Edith wants to know why.” Drusilla said.

“Well, it wouldn’t be any fun if they didn’t get a head start, now would it?” At that comment, the insane vampire laughed and stroked the hair of her doll.

* * *

Part 12

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 214

“Who are you?” Buffy asked the shimmering gold woman wearing a toga. ‘Wow! Did she get lost in the 60’s or what?!’ She thought to herself.

“Shhh, love. She’s an oracle of the Powers That Be. Just listen to her, ok?” Angel said firmly, yet gently. She nodded and turned to face the other female.

“She has a good heart, Warrior, and she’s strong. There is no wonder why you love her.” The female oracle commented.

“Thank you, but I know that is not why you’re here.” Angel replied.

“You are correct, Warrior. I’m here to deliver a message to the Chosen One.

* * *

Waiting Room

Xander drove his wife and himself as fast as he could from the vampire. He went to the hospital to fill the others in on their predicament.

“Xander, Anya, where have you been?” Willow asked as she ran over to them. It was obvious that she had had too many coffees that night to stay awake, especially since she was so hyper at 3:30 in the morning.

“We were out looking for Dawn.” Xander replied. “We’ve got some bad news, Will.”

“Oh, no. What is it?” The witch asked, terrified by the look in her best friend’s eyes.

“Dawn’s a vampire.” Anya said, straightforwardly.

“WHAT?” Willow gasped before passing out.

* * *

Rm. 214

“A message for me?” Buffy questioned. “Ok, wait a second. I know I’ve been really stupid lately, especially with the entire Spike thing, but They won’t really punish me for it, will They?”

“No, that’s not why I’m here. You have sacrificed a great deal for the side of good, including your life twice, and the Powers have found you worthy of a precious gift.”

“Really?” She replied, squeezing Angel’s hand in excitement.

“Yes, Slayer. You are also a Champion, and as of this moment, possess the ability to help the Warrior in his battles.”

“What do you mean?” Angel asked, confused by the oracle’s cryptic comments.

“She has been given the visions.”

“Wait! NO!! They’ll kill her. You can’t do this to her!” Angel said in fear, unconsciously raising his voice to the higher being.

“Hold on, Warrior. She is special. Yes, the power would kill a typical human; however, she is not one.”

“I’m not human?” Buffy asked, timidly.

“Not exactly. You are human in every way but in the power you possess as the Chosen One. Your healing abilities and the strength you have will enable you to endure the visions.”


“What about Cordelia?” Angel wanted to know. “She’s a half-demon now. Why does she not have them anymore?”

“The Powers have deemed her unworthy.” The female oracle replied, simply.

“Why?” Buffy asked.

“Because of her actions toward the Warrior and because of her own selfishness, there is no longer a balance between our side and that of the dark.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m running out of time. If you can pass this test, your rewards will be great, Slayer.” The oracle stated. Then, she turned her attention to Angel. “You must help her. This task will not be easy for either of you. Remember the Powers are watching.” With that, she vanished in a flash of bright light.

* * *

After several moments of silence, Buffy turned to Angel who was still holding her hand tightly. “What do you think this means?”

“I wish I knew, love, but I’m not sure. All I know is that we will have to work together to correct the balance.” He answered, looking deeply into her eyes.

“That really sucks.” She replied sarcastically, leaning over to kiss him. After the briefest moment, Buffy saw a blinding light in her hand and screamed, as she saw her first vision. “Oh, God!!”

* * *

Part 13

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 214

“Buffy!! Buffy!!” Angel screamed, as he held his love while she writhed under the power of the vision. She started to cry with her eyes stilled closed tight. “Buffy, what’s wrong? What do you see?”

As she finally stilled, Buffy opened her eyes and looked at Angel. He could see all the pain and hurt in them and felt his heart break for her. “Dawn,” was her simple, yet painful reply.

“What’s wrong with Dawn?” He asked soothingly but with concern. He took her hand in his again to offer her his support.

“She’s…she’s…” Buffy struggled to get out the horrible truth that her vision just showed.

“She’s what?” Her love pressed.

“She’s…a vampire! God, no!!!” She started sobbing again, and Angel pulled her to his chest and held her, silent tears slipping down his cheeks, as well. ‘This is going to be one Hell of a challenge,’ he thought as he rubbed her back, soothingly.

* * *

Waiting Room

Willow fell into Xander’s arms, as she passed out. It had been about twenty minutes and she still had not moved. This had her friends nervous and worried that all of the caffeine and the shock of Dawn’s transformation were too much for her system. Tara, however, seemed unconcerned. She held her lover and waited patiently for the ex-witch to wake up.

“How can you be so calm?” Xander asked his best friend’s lover.

“Because I know she will be fine. I can feel it,” was the reply.

“How? She’s unconscious.”

“Her aura is strong, as is her pulse. She just needs time, which we have plenty of at the moment. Besides, if something does go wrong, we are in a hospital.” Tara replied, full of confidence. Xander just continued to watch and hope that the shock wasn’t too serious.

* * *

Outside the Hospital

“Where are we going?” Drusilla asked Dawn, as they approached the hospital entrance.

“We are going to pay a visit to my dear sister and her friends.” Dawn replied, licking her lips in anticipation of her next meal. As a new vampire, she seemed to never be full enough and kept searching for food.

“Oooohhh, Daddy is in there!!!” The older vampire said excitedly to her doll.

“Yeah, and so is the Slayer!”

* * *

Rm. 214

Angel continued to hold Buffy, even as her shaking and sobbing had slowed to an almost unnoticeable level, as a comfort to both of them. He still cried, although silently, with her, but it didn’t bother him. With Buffy, he could just let go of his emotions. She didn’t think any less of him for crying in front of her. In fact, it was usually the opposite. He knew this challenge was going to be the hardest they’ve had to face, which says a lot if you consider what both of them have gone through: apocalypses, all sorts of demons and vampires, Hell, and so much more. He just wasn’t sure that this time they would make it out.

Finally, Buffy lifted her head off of Angel’s chest, revealing his tear-stained shirt and her tear-stained face. He reached up and wiped the remaining tears that fell from her eyes, and she did the same for him. Both gestures were so loving and gentle, meant to soothe, comfort, and reinforce the love they shared, but didn’t realize was still there. Or if they did realize it, they refused to acknowledge its presence.

“What are we going to do, Angel?” She asked, breaking the silence that still seemed to speak volumes to the other’s soul.

“I don’t know, Buffy.” He replied, moving a stray hair behind her ear. “I think we just need to go day by day until this challenge is over with.”

She nodded, which was followed by a long yawn. “I’m tired.”

“You should be. It’s been a long day.” Angel said, lovingly.

“Stay with me?” She asked hesitantly, afraid that he would leave her again.

“Of course, baby. I’m not going anywhere without you.” He answered, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. “Sleep. I’ll be right here.”

Taking his hand in her tiny one, she closed her eyes and fell into a dream-filled sleep.

* * *

Part 14

Sunnydale Memorial
Waiting Room

It took about fifteen more minutes before Willow woke up. Still in the arms of her lover, she sat up and looked around at all of the worried expressions that covered her friends’ faces.

“What’s going on, you guys? What happened?” She asked, not remembering why she was on the floor of the semi-empty waiting room.

“Honey, you passed out.” Tara replied, concerned that her lover didn’t know what was going on.

“Really? All I remember was seeing Xander and Anya come in and then…oh.” The witch stopped, finally figuring out what happened. “I’m sorry for worrying all of you.” She said, standing up with Tara’s help.

“It’s okay, Will.” Xander replied.

“So, Dawn’s really a vampire?” She questioned.

“Yeah. We saw her with our own eyes.” He replied, heartbroken.

“So, how did this happen?” Wesley asked, speaking for the first time since his conversation with Angel.

“That, Watcher, should be very obvious.” Dawn replied, approaching the stunned group in the waiting room.

“D-Dawn!! Oh my God,” was all that he was able to say.

“You know, I never realized…” The Slayer’s sister started, but turned around at the presence of a nurse and licked her lips, “how great the life of a vampire was until now.” She then began to walk to towards the lady behind the desk, a look of hunger in her golden eyes.

“Dawnie, who did this to you?” Tara asked, trying to distract the new vampire, and seeming to succeed.

Dawn turned back around to face the group again. “Who do you think? He was the only person who really cared about me. He wanted me to help him. He needed me to help him, so that is exactly what I plan to do.”

“But what does that mean?” Willow asked her.

“Guess you’ll just have to wait and see.” With that, she turned and walked away.

* * *

“So, did you do it?” Dawn asked of Drusilla, once they left the hospital.

“Yes. Daddy’s not gonna like our present. Besides, I miss Miss Edith.” The vampiress replied, pouting.

“Don’t worry. We’ll get you another doll. I just wish I could see their faces when they wake up.” Dawn stated, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

* * *

Rm. 214

Angel and Buffy continued to sleep for an hour after her vision. She was terrified of what that meant, but was so worn out from the medication that she slept soundly as long as she held her love’s hand. Her doctor, along with several nurses, came and went throughout the night, occasionally commenting on how cute they were, but did not disturb them.

Once Buffy woke up, she stared down at Angel’s sleeping form. He had his head lying on his forearm. The hand of which still held hers tightly entwined in it. He looked so peaceful that she didn’t want to bother him, but she needed to go to the bathroom. She tried to slip her hand out of his, but the instant that she did, he just gripped it tighter. ‘Wow. He can sense me even in his sleep. But then, he always could.’ Buffy thought to herself, reminiscing over their past together. She wasn’t sure why that surprised her. Maybe it was because of his relationship with Cordelia and the distance that has grown between them.

Glancing around the room, trying to find a way to escape without waking the man beside her, Buffy was startled when she noticed a doll that lay in the chair across the room. She recognized it from somewhere but couldn’t place it. Her slight jump from it woke Angel, who was immediately concerned and looked worriedly at her.

“What happened, love?” He asked her, again tightening the grip on her hand.

“Look over there.” She said, pointing at the doll. “That wasn’t there before.”

Angel took a look at it and gasped. “Miss Edith,” was all he said as he stood up and walked over to the chair.

“Who? What is it, Angel?” She questioned, unsure of his cryptic response.

“It’s Drusilla’s doll. But last time I saw her, she was in L.A. What is this doing here?” He wondered as he reached out to pick it up.

“Please, be careful.”

“I will.” He said. Looking at it, he noticed a folded piece of paper in the doll’s apron. “There’s a note or something here.”

“What does it say?” She asked, as he came back to his chair beside her bed. He pulled out the note to read it. Suddenly, he paled, more than he already was, which scared Buffy. “God, what is it?” He handed the note for her to read. “SOON!” was written in blood on the paper.

* * *

Part 15

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 214

“Oh, God!!” Buffy replied again, staring at the note in her hand. “Do you think this is from Dawn?”

“I don’t know. I can’t imagine that she would willingly hang around Dru, but then again…” He trailed off, not sure what his demon was thinking. It was rejoicing in his body and the concept was causing Angel some worry. Whenever his demon was raging, it usually meant a *bad* evil.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, noticing his sudden stop in words.

“It’s nothing.”

“But you don’t have nothing-face, you have something-face. So, what is it? What are you afraid to tell me?”

“I don’t know. It’s just that when Dru’s involved in something, the result is not good.” He said, still somewhat in thought.

“What are you holding back, Angel? Whatever it is, you can tell me.” She pressed, knowing that he wasn’t telling her everything.

Stroking the upside of her palm, his gaze wandered from the doll to Buffy’s eyes. Looking deeply into them, he realized that she really needed to know this, whether he wanted to tell her or not. Besides, he still could deny her nothing. “Do you love me?” He asked her seriously.

She stared at him for a moment. “What?”

“Do you still love me?” He pressed, needing to know the answer.

“This must be really bad, if you are asking me that after all of this time.” Buffy responded, sounding a little harsher than she had intended.


She thought about it for a second, glancing down at their entwined fingers. “Yes. Of course I still love you. I never stopped.” She finally answered, her voice quivering a little bit.

Angel searched her eyes for the truth, although he already knew that she wasn’t lying to him. Then, he released her hand and stood up. He began pacing as he told his tale. “Well, the last time I saw Dru, she was with Darla at an old warehouse. I lured them there, and then set it on fire.” He paused, and looked over at Buffy. A shocked, yet controlled expression was all she showed of her emotions, so he decided to continue. “After that moment, and even before, I had a difficult time controlling my demon. Especially around them. It’s trying to gain control over me right now, and that is never a good sign. Angelus had …special ties with Dru and Darla. Now that one is dead, the tie almost seems stronger with the other. Whatever she’s doing, it’s not going to be good.” As soon as he finished, he walked his way back over to his chair and took Buffy’s hand again. “If Dawn has decided to join her, it will be even worse.”

“Why?” She asked, terrified to what she would hear. It was bad enough that her sister was made into a demon, but now it sounded as if there would be an apocalypse headed by her and Drusilla. The entire thought frightened and saddened her.

“As a vampire, we tend to strike out at those who made us most human. So, chances are, she will be going after you and her friends.”

“Oh,” was all she could reply. Tears welled up in her eyes and sobs threatened to take over her body. Angel stood and placed himself on the edge of the bed. He pulled Buffy to lean against his unyielding chest as she cried. He sat there, rubbing her back in a soothing motion, when Xander, Anya, Willow, Tara, Wesley, and Gunn burst into the room.

“What’s wrong?” Angel asked, still holding Buffy’s shaking body against him.

“Well…” Wesley started, trying to find the right words for such a horrible event.

“Dawn’s a vampire.” Anya simply stated.

“Yeah, we know.” The ensouled vampire replied. “Buffy had a vision.” He supplied, answering the unspoken questions in their eyes.

“Wait. I thought Cordelia was the one who had the visions.” Xander asked, quite confused by his statement.

“Apparently not anymore,” came a voice from the doorway. Everyone’s gaze turned and fell on the half-demon in a wheelchair.

‘Oh, God,’ thought both Buffy and Angel simultaneously.

* * *

Part 16

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 214

“Cordelia, what are you doing out of bed? I thought the doctors told you not to move around too much?” Wesley asked, breaking the silence that consumed the small room.

“They did, but I was just dying of curiosity to find out how Buffy was doing.” She said, in a more sarcastic tone than she had planned, which was bad. Angel glared at her, his amber eyes flashing for a brief moment. He continued to hold Buffy, who during the excitement stopped crying and sat up in the circle of the vampire’s arms.

“So, what do you mean that you don’t get visions anymore?” Willow asked, sensing the hostility and sudden coldness that spread through the room and hoping to distract them.

“What I meant was, that I was told by the PTB that I am no longer worthy of the visions and therefore, don’t get them anymore.”

“What?!” Wesley replied, in a not so subtle way. “Not worthy? Why, that’s unprecedented.”

“Yes, Wesley, why don’t you go and consult your books about it?” The half-demon replied, bitterly.

“Yes, well…” was the only response from the ex-watcher, as he removed his glasses to clean them.

“What are you *really* doing here, Cordelia?” Angel replied, just as bitter and angry as her last comment had been.

“After all we’ve been through,” she started, wheeling herself towards the vampire, who had finally returned to his chair beside Buffy’s bed, although he continued to stroke her hand with his thumb. “And all that we have *done*, I figured that we could at least be civil with each other. I mean we’ve gotten really close over the past few weeks,” she said, placing her hand on his knee.

“Back off!!” Angel said, pulling back from her hand and momentarily glancing at Buffy before giving a death-stare to Cordelia. “What we had meant nothing, and I can’t believe that you had the nerve to come into this room!”

“Angel, I can’t believe you are saying this! Did I mean nothing to you? To your son?”

“How *dare* you?” He snapped. “Get out!!”

“But, Angel…”

“GET OUT!!!!” He yelled, transforming into his demon façade for a minute, before being calmed down by Buffy’s reassuring hand on his arm. Cordelia backed away in fear of the vampire, and exited the room quickly.

* * *

The Mansion

“Oooohhhhh!!!” Drusilla moaned, clutching her head.

“Do you see something?” Dawn asked, looking in fascination at the older vampire.

“My Angel. He’s angry. He wants to play, but that little girl won’t let him out.”

“Do you think he knows about our plans?” The new vampire questioned, now worried that she wouldn’t get to help accomplish her Sire’s plans.

“No, he doesn’t suspect anything. He just wants to play. Can we play?” Drusilla wondered, childishly.

“Not now, Drusilla. When the world ends, then he can play with us forever.” She replied, making the crazy vampire giggle with delight, as she played with the shopkeeper she brought home for dinner.

* * *

Part 17

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 214

“Hey, what’s going on?” Xander asked, quite confused about the recent events.

“Yeah, what was that all about?” Anya backed up her husband.

“Yeah, baby, what was that about with Cordy?” Buffy asked, turning to Angel and looking into his eyes.

“Nothing,” was all he replied. Knowing that she wouldn’t stand for his answer, he gave Buffy a look that told her he would explain everything later. “So, how did you find out about Dawn?” Angel asked the group, getting back to the matter at hand.

“Oh, she was in the waiting room a few minutes ago.” Xander supplied, still curious about the Cordelia thing, but didn’t mention it.

“WHAT?” Buffy shouted to the group, shocked that her sister, as a vampire, would risk coming face-to-face with everyone. At her outburst, Angel moved to sit beside her and pulled her to him to help calm her down.

“What happened?” He asked the others, much more calmly.

“Well,” the Watcher began, “she walked into the waiting room and told us that she had to help her Sire with something, that he needed her to help him.” Wesley glanced over at the two people on the bed, hoping it would give them a hint as to what was going on. However, all he saw was confusion.

“Hmmm,” was Angel’s only reply.

“Do you think this means something, Dead-Boy?” Xander asked, sounding frustrated with the silence and the helplessness of the situation.

“I’m not sure. I mean, it’s so typical of Drusilla and…and Spike to play games like this, but I don’t understand why Dawn would be involved with any of that.” The vampire replied, sounding a little choked up when he mentioned his grand-child. That fact wasn’t miss by anyone, which left them even more confused than they already were.

“Drusilla? But I thought…”

“Yeah, I did to, Wes, but obviously she’s not dead. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have left.” Angel cut in, showing Miss Edith to everyone.

“But why would she leave the doll behind? She could have killed us while we slept.” Buffy asked, puzzled by the situation.

“I’m not sure, love. What I do know is that this is…is a trademark of…” He responded, looking down sadly at their entwined hands.

“Angelus. I know. He left me a similar present on Valentine’s Day.”

“Yeah, I remember.” She squeezed his hand in support, when she realized that he started to go into brood-mode again.

* * *

The Mansion

“Can we play now?” Drusilla asked, once she had ‘played’ with the shopkeeper and then drained him. His mutilated corpse was starting to stink up the place, and the crazy vampire was getting bored really fast.

“Not now, the sun hasn’t set yet, unless you want to be a pile of dust in about two seconds.” Dawn replied sarcastically. She was going crazy herself from being locked in the mansion with the older vampire all day. “Besides, we have a lot of work to do. Can you still sense Angel?”

“Of course. Daddy is everywhere.”

“Well, what do you know?” Dawn asked, growing rather impatient.

“He’s coming soon. The girl is losing her hold on him.” The vampiress supplied, staring at the ceiling.

“Great!! The plan is finally working!!! He’ll be coming back to you soon, Drusilla, and Spike will finally have his way with the Slayer!!” Her sister said, joyously.

“Ooooohhhh. My Angel….I miss him.” She replied, dancing through the hall.

* * *

Rm. 204

Once the rest of the Scooby Gang went home, Wesley decided to go back and check on Cordelia.

“How are you doing?” He asked her, once he sat down in the chair.

“Been better.” She answered, looking down at her hands.

“I know what happened, Cordelia. Angel told me.”

“Oh God! I still can’t believe it!!” She said, her eyes starting to well up.

“Why does he blame you, Cordy? What did you do to cause Connor’s death?”

* * *

Rm. 214

When they were finally alone, Buffy turned to Angel, noticing how far off his gaze was. “What’s wrong, Angel? Why did you fight with Cordelia? I thought you two were together now, and you haven’t left my side since we got here. Please, tell me what’s going on?”

He continued to stare off in space for a few minutes before looking into her eyes. “She is the reason for all of this. She is the reason that Connor…” He trailed off, not wanting to say the words again.

“How? What did she do, Angel? You can tell me, whatever it is.” Buffy pressed, growing more afraid of his distance by the minute.

“Before…before he…he left, we were happy. At least it seemed that way. When Connor disappeared, I lost it. I was terrified for his safety. He was my *son,* and I had to…protect him.”

“Go on,” she said, knowing he needed to get this out.

He squeezed the hand she took into her own and tried to smile at her. She just knew him so well, and it almost scared him, but he knew that she was always the only one to really understand him. So, he continued, knowing it would make things more bearable, even if not better. “Later that afternoon, she had a vision. I could tell by the way she was looking and how she started to float, just barely above the ground. However, she lied to me and said nothing. Instead, later on that night, she was trying to…seduce me, but I wouldn’t go for it, so she got upset. A couple of days later, she came to me and told she was having a vision about him, but I knew she was lying. If I had only known that her first vision had been about Connor, I would have left immediately. I-I would have been able to…to save him and Dawn.” His silent tears started to fall, as Buffy pulled him to her to cry on her shoulder, as she cried for both of their losses.

“It’s okay, baby. It’s okay.” She whispered reassuringly in his ear, while she stroked his back. “There’s nothing you could have done differently. It’s gonna be okay.” She repeated over and over again. ‘I swear, if I get my hands on that woman, I’ll kill her for this!!!’ Buffy thought as she held her love’s shaking body.

* * *

Part 18

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 214

Buffy woke up later that morning, lying beside Angel on the bed, where they must have gotten tired of crying and just fell asleep in each other’s arms. She recalled their conversation earlier when Angel had told her all of his frustrations and pain regarding Cordelia. She wanted to break every bone in the half-demon’s body. ‘How dare she mess with his mind like that?! He blames himself for Connor’s death, and it’ll kill him if he doesn’t admit that it wasn’t his fault.’ She thought, looking down at his peaceful face. He seemed to finally be getting some sleep, so she obviously didn’t want to wake him up, but she had some unfinished business to attend to. So, she gently and quietly wiggled her way out of Angel’s grip and made her way to the door. ‘That bitch is gonna pay for what she did to him!’ With that thought in mind, Buffy slipped silently out the door and walked down the hall to Room 204.

* * *

As she approached the doorway, Buffy noticed Wesley was still in the room. “Damn!” She said softly to herself. She leaned into the door, staying out of the way of sight, and listened to the conversation between the Watcher and the demon.

* * *

Rm. 204

“You lied to him? How could you lie to him about Connor?” Wesley asked, sounding as harsh as could be expected since he was happy about the break-up between the vampire and half-demon.

“I *had* to, Wes. Don’t you understand? I love him!! That brat was getting between us and I couldn’t let that happen! I couldn’t lose him!” She yelled, sobbing again.

“I thought I knew you, Cordelia, but I guess I was wrong. And to think that I actually had feelings for such a selfish, uncaring person.”

“What?” She whispered, not believing his previous comment. “You what?”

“That’s right, Cordy. I was in love with you, but not anymore. I can’t believe this! Angel was definitely right about you.” With that, he stormed out of the room, but thankfully in the opposite direction of Buffy. He was so angry and hurt that he didn’t notice her standing there.

‘Serves that bitch right,” Buffy thought as she listened to them. ‘I’ll make sure she gets what’s coming to her. Then, she’ll be glad to be in a hospital.’

* * *

Rm. 214

Angel woke up slowly from a great dream, and when he reached over for his love, he found the cold sheets instead. ‘Wait a second. Where’s Buffy?’ He thought to himself, as he frantically sat up in bed. “Buffy?” he called, searching the dark room with his vampiric senses, but found nothing. ‘Where the Hell did she disappear to?’ Angel got up and decided to see if one of the nurses knew where she went to. ‘Maybe she had to get a CAT scan or something.’ He knew he was grasping for straws, but was worried that Drusilla came back for her, so he had to find her. ‘I have to protect her like I couldn’t do for Connor or Dawn. I have to.’

* * *

Rm. 204

“What the Hell are *you* doing here?” Cordelia asked when she heard the door close. The Slayer had walked into the room, wearing a deadly expression on her face along with a wicked grin. “What’s going on?”

“Bitch.” Buffy replied, walking up to the demon and backslapping her across the cheek. Automatically, Cordelia’s hand flew up to her stinging face, as a look of horror came over her.

“What was that for?”

Buffy just ignored the comment and slapped her again. “How *dare* you mess with his mind like that?”

“Buffy, I don’t know what you are talking about? Who’s mind?” As soon as the words left her mouth, the half-demon knew that she was in trouble. The Slayer was on a mission, and it didn’t include ignorance. This time a fist hit her in the jaw, breaking it. Cordelia could feel the blood in her mouth and the broken bones in her face. It was just damn lucky for her that her demon powers gave her a high tolerance to pain. Otherwise, she would be begging for her life at this point.

“He cared about you!! He really did, and all you could do was fuck with him? Did his love and friendship mean that little to you?” Buffy shouted, punching her again.

* * *

As Angel left the room, he heard a commotion coming from down the hall. The first thing he thought of was Dru or Dawn attacking someone, so he ran down the corridor, following the sounds. He approached Room 204, and looked in. Buffy was standing beside Cordelia’s bed, yelling at her, and then proceeded to punch the other girl. He had never seen her eyes so full of rage and hate before, and it scared him. Right now, she could kill Cordy and wouldn’t care until later, when her conscience hit her. He’d done that so many times before, that he couldn’t let her go through that same pain, even though he knew the demon deserved it. So, he cautiously and silently entered the room, staying in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to step in.

* * *

“I needed him, Buffy!! I figured you, of all the others, would understand that. I needed him and would do whatever I had to, to keep him with me.”

“FUCK YOU!!” Buffy yelled into the girl’s face. “I let him go *because* I loved him so much. I would do anything to have what he gave you, but you just threw it back in his face. You… You are just a fucking selfish bitch!!” The Slayer replied, continuing to beat on Cordelia, as the tears streamed down her face. Suddenly, she was pulled back and pressed against an unyielding chest.

“It’s okay, baby. Shhhh, it’s okay.” Angel comforted, as he looked at Cordelia’s bloody and swollen face. It was a good thing that he figured out where Buffy ran off to. Otherwise, this girl would be dead.

“She hurt you, Angel. That fucking bitch manipulated you and killed my sister and your son.” Buffy mumbled into his shirt, crying still.

“I know, love, but she won’t be hurting us ever again. I won’t let her.”

Pulling back just enough to look him in the eye, Buffy pleaded, “Promise?”

“I promise, love.” Angel answered, holding her close again, while he pulled her back to her room.

“This is not over, Angel. It won’t be until we are together.” Cordelia promised as well, through her rapidly healing face. ‘Being a demon sometimes had its good points, and it just might pay off in the end.’

* * *

The Mansion

Drusilla and Dawn returned that morning just as the sun was starting to rise. They were very full from dinner and were really starting to enjoy the fact that the Scooby Gang and their Slayer were detained for a while. Dawn was still working on Spike’s plan, but it seemed to be going along smoothly.

Suddenly, Drusilla collapsed to the floor with another vision. “Oooohhhhh….”

“What is it, Dru? What’s going on?”

“She’s coming…ooooooohhhhhh….” Drusilla replied, drawing into the dust on the floor. “She’ll be here tonight.”

“Who? Who’s coming?” Dawn asked, terrified that it meant the Slayer was on her way over.

“The demon. She’s angry at my Angel. She wants to hurt the little girl who keeps him from us.”

“This is great!!!” Dawn responded, jumping up and down. “Now we’ll have help getting Angel to join us!!”

“Yeah, my Angel’s coming home!!!” She chanted over and over again.

* * *

Part 19

Sunnydale Memorial
Rm. 214

After the confrontation with Cordelia, Angel took Buffy back to her room and laid with her on the bed as she continued to release her tears of guilt, anguish and revenge. Buffy’s protectiveness of Angel certainly got the best of her, and she had felt guilty about beating up the demon. Once that one second had passed, she just broke down from all of the pain and sought comfort in the only place she was ever able to find it: Angel’s arms. So, she cried and held him, as the day went on.

* * *

Cordelia, after being released from the hospital, drove to LA to pick up some of her things and any other necessities she may need for her plans. Nothing was going to stop her from keeping Angel, certainly not the Slayer. When she arrived at the Hyperion, she realized that Wesley must have talked to the others about what happened in Sunnydale because they completely ignored her. Cordelia didn’t care at the moment what they thought, and set about getting some clothes packed. Once that task was finished, she went to Angel’s weapons cabinet and gathered a few items: stakes, a dagger, and his favorite axe. Then, she got back in her car and headed back to the people she knew could help her, without even saying a word to her friends.

* * *

Summers’ House

Buffy was released from the hospital around six o’clock that evening, which allowed Angel to drive her home. The only problem was that she couldn’t go upstairs, knowing that both Connor and Dawn died there. So, Angel convinced her to rest on the couch for a while.

It wasn’t long afterwards that she suddenly screamed out in pain, clutching her head. Visions of people flooded her brains, and she could vaguely hear Angel’s pleas to her.

“Buffy? Buffy? What’s going on? What do you see?” He said softly, once she finally stopped shaking and crying out in pain.

“I’m not sure, exactly.” She explained. “I saw Drusilla and Dawn at the mansion with some strange demon-looking guys in black robes.”

“Oh, God. That can’t be good. Was that all?”

“No. Then, I saw Cordelia at the Hyperion. She was packing things.”

What things?” Angel pressed, unsure of what this part of the vision meant.

Sitting up, she replied, “Clothes and weapons. Stakes, a dagger, and your fighting axe.”

Dismissing the last comment, he handed Buffy the aspirin that Willow brought over and a glass of water. “What do you think this means?”

“I don’t know, but I think whatever it is, Cordelia’s in on it.”

“Which is not good.” He supplied, reading her mind.


* * *

The Mansion

“I thought you said she was coming, Dru?” Dawn asked her, becoming more impatient by the second. The sun had already set, and she was getting antsy.

“She’ll be here. Now, don’t you worry.”

“How do you know? Maybe your head is finally broken.” Dawn’s sarcastic reply didn’t go over too well with the other vampire. She suddenly found herself pressed against the wall by the now vamped out Drusilla.

“Bite your tongue.”

“Sorry…sorry, Dru. I’m just going crazy! I can’t wait until she comes! I want Spike to be proud of me.”

“He will be proud once this night is over.” The crazy vampiress replied, sounding a mad giggle throughout the mansion, as she looked over at the cloaked demons preparing their sacrifices. “He will be very happy to see his family reunited again!”

* * *

Cordelia pulled up to the mansion about twenty minutes after sundown. She wasn’t sure what brought her to the very place she knew that she shouldn’t be, but somehow it didn’t matter. Her anger and jealousy led her to the vampire nest. She got her bag out of the car, and walked into the main room.

“Hello?” She called out to the seemingly empty building, strangely unafraid of what she would find there.

“Ooooohhh, you’ve finally come to us.” Drusilla said, a wicked and haunting grin curving her mouth.

“Yeah, I figured that you would be the only people who can help me.”

“You want to get Angel back.” The vampire mused, looking up at the ceiling.

“Yes, and I will do anything to make sure he stays with me.”

“Anything?” Dawn inquired, entering the room.

“Um…yeah. Why, what did you have in mind?” Cordelia asked hesitantly, looking from one vampire to the other, and noticing the evil smiles that came from them.

* * *

Summers’ House

“We have to figure out what they are doing?” Buffy demanded, looking rather worried about the situation.

“I agree,” Willow answered, “but what can we do?”

“What we’ve always done: research. We need to find out what those demons were and what they want. And soon.”

So, Willow got on the phone and called everyone over for a research party. It was getting late, so she ordered some pizzas and started the coffee. It was going to be a long night.

* * *

Part 20

The Mansion

“So, are you in?” Dawn asked of Cordelia, after explaining the plan to reunite their family.

“I don’t really have much choice, but if it will help me to get Angel, then I’m in.”

“Great. Dru, why don’t you tell the demons to start the ritual? I want us all to be together when the sun comes up. Then, we can dance on the Slayer’s grave.” All three demons laughed evilly and happily, as their future was looking very dark.

* * *

Summers’ House

The gang had been assembled about an hour ago. Buffy and Angel were sitting on the couch, Xander and Anya were in the loveseat, and Willow and Tara were on the floor. So far, they had finished four pizzas and three pots of coffee, but no information had been found, and things were looking pretty grim.

“Hey, wait a second!!”

“Did you find something, Will?” Buffy called from the kitchen, getting more coffee.

“I think so. Is this what those demons looked like?” She asked, showing her a page in the ancient text.

“Yeah, that’s the guys. So, what’s the what?”

“Well, they are a type of evil warlocks that specialize in revival spells and oh…” She trailed off, as she read the next part of the description.

“What is it, Will?” Xander asked.

Looking over at Angel and then at Buffy, she quietly answered, “They also deal with the removal of souls.”

“WHAT?!” Buffy screamed. “My sister is plotting with Drusilla to take away your soul.” She said sadly, looking over at her soul mate.

Getting up and taking her in his arms, he said softly into her ear, “It’s gonna be okay. We’ll stop them before they get the chance to do it. I promise.” Once the words left his mouth, he knew it was a lie. With Dru involved, there was no way he could stop them.

Pulling back from Angel, Buffy faced the group again. “So, what’s the ritual entail, and how can we stop it?”

“Well, it requires three human sacrifices, a bunch of herbs, and an old spell book. All of which, I can almost guarantee they have now.”

“When can it take place?”

“Well, it takes place on the night before the full moon. So, maybe we can stop them before that night.”

“There’s only a small problem with that, Will,” Xander pointed out. “Tomorrow is the full moon.”

“Oh, God,” was all the witch could reply.

“Okay,” Buffy started, “Here’s the plan. Will and Tara, you need to find a reversal spell for both rituals. Since Spike is dust now, we have to assume that they are bringing him back. Xander and Anya, I need you both to get supplies for them and make sure that they are safe here. Angel, you and I are going to go to the mansion and kill the demons before they can finish the ritual. We’ll call on his cell phone if we fail, and then you will know to start the reversal spell, ok?” Everyone nodded, and set about gathering what they would need for their tasks.



“I don’t think it’s such a good idea that you go with me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“It would be too dangerous for you to be around me, especially if they…”

“They won’t.” She responded, reading his mind. “Besides, you shouldn’t be alone, just in case.” He reluctantly agreed, with a nod of his head, and followed her out the door.

* * *

The Mansion

“How much longer?” Dawn whined, hating that rituals take so long. She was standing in the great hall, holding a jar which contained her sire’s dust.

“The moon has almost risen completely. Then, the ritual can be completed.” One of the demons informed her.

“Don’t worry, Daddy will be home soon.” Drusilla reassured the younger vampire.

“Fine. So, when are we going to take care of her?” She asked, pointing at the demon, which was sharpening the axe and dagger she brought.

“How about right now?” The vampiress replied, grinning evilly as she stared at the demon.

The two vampires walked over to Cordelia and looked at her for a moment. “It’s time, Cordy. Are you ready?” Dawn asked, not really caring what the answer was.

“As ready as I’m gonna be. Let’s do it.”

“Dru, why don’t you do the honors?”

“Mmmmm…” She replied, licking her lips. “Now, this will hurt…a lot.” With that, she grabbed the demon and sunk her teeth into its neck roughly. Cordelia screamed out in pain, but did nothing to throw the vampire off of her. Slowly, she started sinking to the ground. When Drusilla thought she was near death, she tore her fangs away, and cut across her chest with a sharp fingernail. Drawing the dying demon from the ground, she placed her mouth over the blood. “Drink.” The demon did just that, and when the vampire thought it was enough, pulled her away and threw her now lifeless body on the ground.

“Hector, take our new friend to her grave so she will be ready to rise.” Dawn commanded to the minion, as she and Drusilla headed back to the site of the ritual.

* * *

Somewhere in Sunnydale

Angel and Buffy were walking swiftly towards the mansion, keeping all of their senses alert. They weren’t sure what they were going to do when they got to their destination, but they knew it had to be fast.

“Buffy,” He said, stopping.

“What is it, Angel?”

“The moon. It’s at its completion. The ritual will be starting now.”

“Oh, God. We’d better hurry then. Call the gang and let them know.” As they started to run down the road, Angel took advantage of his vampiric skills as he dialed up her house and talked to Willow, without slowing down.

* * *

Summers’ House

“Hey guys?”

“Who was it, Will?” Tara asked, as the witch rejoined her on the sofa.

“It was Angel. Apparently, the moon is fully raised, and the ritual is going to start now. He said that unless we hear from them, we need to start the spell in ten minutes.”

“Did you tell them that it might not work?” Her lover asked.

“No, I couldn’t tell him that if the ritual does succeed, we may never get him back.”

* * *

The Mansion

“Spike!” Dawn screamed, as she saw his body take shape on the floor. She ran over to him and hugged him roughly.

“Hey,” he replied, being knocked over by his child.

Pulling back from him, she replied, “Spike, the plan is going according to plan. We even have a new recruit.”

“Who is it, luv?”


“What? How did *she* get involved in this?”

“Well, Spike, she wants Angel, so we convinced her to join our side.” Drusilla filled in for him.

Picking himself off the floor, he walked over to the vampiress. “And how is my Black Goddess?” He asked, raising her hand to his mouth for a kiss.

“Ooohh, Spike. It’s been forever.”

“Yeah, Ducks, I know, but it’ll all be over soon. Then we can play.” At his last statement, Drusilla threw herself into his arms and giggled happily.

* * *

Crawford Street

Buffy and Angel were only a block away from the mansion, when he could finally sense the black magic in the air.

“They’ve already started.”

“How can you tell?” She asked, confused by his comment.

“I can smell it. Besides, it seems that Spike is already active.”

“But how…”

“He’s my grand-child. I know whether he’s alive or not, and my demon certainly notices his presence. It’s raging!”

“Oh,” was all she could say, and unconsciously gripped his hand tighter, as they continued down the street.

Suddenly, Angel screamed and dropped to his knees.

“AAANNNGGEELLL!!” She yelled, as she fell down beside him. His eyes were getting angrier by the minute, and it scared her.

“Buffy, run!!”


“NOW!!” He yelled, his eyes glowing an eerie color, before he dropped completely to the ground.

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