Jen's Electives
Jen's Electives

Stand Alones

Waiting for Someday - Angel drags his heavy heart to the Bronze and broods.

A Strange Visitor - *NC-17* Connor goes to Sunnydale, and all hell breaks loose!!

Can't Feel a Thing - Lindsey takes a gig at the Bronze, which leads to trouble for Sunnydale.

Thoughts of Perfection - *NC-17* Angel returns to Sunnydale after his trek to Nepal with the boxed arm, only to find a pregnant Buffy.

There's Only One - *NC-17* Wolfram and Hart try to take Angel’s soul away by bringing Wishverse Buffy to LA. But will Angel figure out the differences before he loses his soul???

Possession - During Passions, Angelus decides to act on his impulses when he visits Buffy in her room that night.

Obsession - Sequel to Possession. Buffy’s POV when Angel comes to her house that night.

Covert Operations - Co-written with Heidi. AU. A royal family is in trouble, and it’s up to Liam and his team of Navy SEALs to save the day.

Series Fic

A Toast to Reality Series - Angsty AU; very much in the future; Human Angel and Buffy meet up after not seeing each other for 15 years. Unfortunately, things are REALLY different.

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