Thoughts of Perfection (Continued)

Part 7

It took Angel almost a week to make it back down the steep mountain. The trek was much more treacherous down hill and harder now with the snow built up from the recent storm. But the determined vampire was not going to let the elements stop him from completing his task and getting back home.

To Buffy.

God how he missed her. Making love with her had only deepened their bond and his need for her. The solitary journey was becoming harder the longer he was away from her arms. Her lips. Her warm, soft body.

Angel shook his head. He didn’t have time for that kind of thinking. Because that led to brooding, or worse. And right now, he had a band of vampires to dust and an arm to bury. No, his life wasn’t strange at all.

* * *

At lunch, Buffy and Willow sat together in the lounge, looking through a stack of magazines, when Xander came to join them.

“What about this? It seems very unisex to me.”

“WHAT? Will, what would your mother say if she heard you talking about random sex?” He shouted, and then blushed as he realized he said that aloud and most of the other students heard him.

“Xander!! We were talking about UNISEX mobiles!” Buffy corrected, as she tried not to laugh at her red-headed friend whose face was almost the color of her hair. At least some things haven’t changed in her really crazy life.

“Oh. Well, you would have said that too if you would have walked in on the conversation.” He said, sitting on the couch in front of them.

“Whatever, Xand. So, what do you think of this?”

Looking at the magazine she passed him, Xander’s face lit up. “Hey! I love Snoopy. Snoopy is definitely cool!! But what is this for? Junior won’t be coming for almost eight more months.”

“Well, Mom and I are planning a nursery for the baby, and it may not be a ‘junior.’ I’ve decided not to find out. At least not unless Angel wants to know. If I ever see him again.” Buffy hung her head, watching the hand that rested on her very slightly curved abdomen.

“Oh, Buffy. He’ll come back.” Willow reassured, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Angel loves you. And as soon as he’s finished with the box, he’s gonna be back here with you, and your baby.”

“I don’t know, Will. It’s just…I miss him so much it’s tearing me apart inside. I need him more than anything else right now, and he’s off somewhere all alone. I mean, what if he’s…”

“He’s not dead, Buff.” Xander cut in. “I may not like him very much, but Dead-Boy loves you. Anyone with eyes can see that. And, Will’s right, he’ll be back as soon as he can. Which sucks, because then I’ll have to try to be nice to my nephew’s father.”

“Oh, Xand.” Tears welled in Buffy’s eyes at her friends’ thoughtfulness. “You guys are the best.”

“We know,” burst out of her friend, which earned Xander a couple of half-hearted smacks on the shoulder. “Ouch! Fine, how about some ice cream after class? My treat.”

“Oooh. That’s perfect!! I’ve been having a craving for peanut butter and mocha ice cream with pickles!” The pregnant slayer rubbed her stomach to emphasize her point. Her two friends just laughed at her comment, and then gagged at the thought of the combo, which caused Buffy to laugh as well.

* * *

After a couple of hours, Angel managed to track down the annoying band of Spike’s vampires to a dingy bar on the outskirts of town. Following them to the alley outside, he found them harassing their next ‘meal.’

“Hey, boys. I think you’ve got something that belongs to me.” The youngest of the fledglings turned angrily at him, allowing the defenseless teenage girl to flee the scene.

“Angelus.” The tallest one growled.

“Oh, good. At least you recognize me. I’d hate to have to kill you all under false pretenses.” With that, Angel lunged at the smallest two not even bothering to vamp out. After a roundhouse kick and a couple of punches to the gut and face of both, they were dust. Unfortunately, the last two wouldn’t be as easy. Even though they were fledglings, these two vampires weren’t completely stupid. He knew for a fact that one of them worded at the construction site down the street from his apartment by the Bronze. Before he was changed anyway.

The remaining vampires circled Angel, slowly waiting to see if he would strike first. But he was too smart for that. The thin one behind him jumped the gun and went for Angel’s neck. His face met the master vampire’s elbow just before he was thrown into his friend, knocking them both into a row of garbage cans. The two demons shook it off and ran right back at him. The former construction worker grabbed Angel from behind and locked him into a full nelson. The other looked around for a stake or something to use. Angel dropped his during their fight, but fortunately, the other vampires didn’t notice. Using all his strength, the souled vampire grabbed the discarded piece of wood with his feet and held on to the larger vamp’s head. With the thinner one approached, Angel used the other vampire as leverage and staked the one in front of him. Tossing the stake into the air, he flipped the vampire behind him over his head and staked him on the ground.

Brushing the dust off of himself, Angel grabbed the boxed arm and headed to the local motel near the base of the mountain for the remainder of the night, which was about 35 minutes according to his demon senses. Even though there was no point in trying to sleep, Angel hoped that maybe today he could finally rest without disturbing thoughts of his lover being dead or worse, with someone else. Maybe.

* * *

Part 8

5 months later:

Buffy was really starting to look the part of the soon-to-be mother as she entered her second trimester. She was much larger than she would normally be, but the doctor said that was normal. She was carrying twins, and therefore, was gaining the extra weight necessary for supporting two babies. Although she had hurt for a long time, Buffy had gotten over the possibility of Angel’s return. It had been 6 months, and still no word. She and Willow had a good cry the night before and then lit a candle for her lover in front of her first ultrasound picture that she put on the dresser in her room.

So, she walked into the Bronze that night with a smile on her face and a new attitude on life. Things were going to be okay for her and her babies, that much she was confident about. Will and Cordy helped her to pick out a stylish pastel pink tunic top and very comfortable, black stretch pants, even though she felt like an overgrown pig, before the Scooby Gang went out for a bit of teenage fun.

Sitting around their usual table, Buffy sat back and enjoyed the scenery. Willow was dancing with Xander to an upbeat song by the Dingoes. Everyone was having a good time, and the Slayer could not be more content.

* * *

//Angel woke up with a start. Sweat covered his brow, and he could swear his nightmare had been real. He left for Nepal after Drusilla and Spike decided to reek havoc on Sunnydale. When he tried to lift his arm to wipe the moisture from his forehead, Angel noticed that it wouldn’t move. Someone was laying on it. A smile graced his face as he turned and saw his tiny lover fast asleep in his arms. She looked so serene and peaceful as he brushed an unruly lock of hair off her cheek.

Feeling his touch, Buffy moaned quietly, not wanting to wake up from the magnificent dream she was having. In it, Angel came over to her house the morning of her birthday and made love to her for hours. Blushing at the memory, she blinked open her eyes, only to come face to face with her demon lover.

“Hey,” she whispered shyly.

“Hey, baby.” He saw the color cover flood her face, and was curious about what brought it there. “What were you dreaming about? Something good?”

She smiled and reddened some more, if that was possible. “Yeah, very good. I was just thinking about you.” Buffy raised a hand and ran it along his jawline before lifting her head and placing a soft kiss to his lips.

“Mmmm, glad you enjoyed it.” He pulled her closer to him, only to realize that something was in his way. Giving her a goofy half-smile, Angel lifted the sheet that covered them to see what was blocking his hold on her. His jaw dropped as he saw that it was only her stomach. “Buffy, wha-“

Hearing her innocent giggling, Angel looked over at her. “What’s so funny?”

“You are, silly. You act like you haven’t seen me for a long time.” She held his hand on her distended abdomen, letting him feel the kicks of his children.

“But how? We’ve only…how?” She just giggled some more. “Buffy, this is not funny. How did this happen? Baby…you’re going to have a baby!”

“Actually two, and I know. We’ve know this for 6 months now. I can’t believe that you don’t remember.” She was angry now. How could he forget the miracles that they created together?

Buffy scooted off the bed, and strolled over to get her bathrobe. When he looked at her again, she was fully dressed. Shaking his head, he watched her walk over to the door. “Buffy, where are you going, baby? We need to talk about this.”

“No, Angel, there’s nothing to talk about. You LEFT me, remember? *You* left *me*, so I think that leaves very little room for discussion.” Buffy opens the door and greets the short, lanky boy who is waiting for her.

“You ready?” The boy asked.

“Yeah. Let’s go, Scott.” Angel watched as the door slammed in his face.//

“Hey, hey, wake up, man!!” The old captain said, as he tried to rouse the screaming vampire.

“What?” Angel replies, as he takes in his surroundings. “Where am I?”

“Damn, son. That must have been one hell of a dream. You’re on the Persephone, the cargo freighter. Are you okay?”

“Um, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bad dream.” He ran a hand through his hair. This was the second dream he had about Buffy being pregnant. She had said the children were his, but who was that guy? Skip? No, Scott. The vampire’s borrowed blood began to boil as he thought about them together. At that moment, Angel knew if he saw that boy, he would not have any qualms about torturing him…slowly. Breaking his scrawny, mortal neck wouldn’t be so bad either.

A high-pitched whistle brought Angel out of his musings.

“We’re close now. I have to go back to the controls. Are you sure you’ll be okay?” The old man asked.

“Yeah. Thanks for the ride.” The vampire followed the captain up to the deck. He walked over to the front of the ship and looked out at the shoreline. Breathing a sigh of relief, Angel smiled. He was home. He was finally home.

* * *

Part 9

Buffy was sitting with Willow, Xander, and Cordelia later that evening, as they sipped from their lattes. Buffy also had a blueberry scone dipped in ketchup. The gang was finally having their first night out in a long time, when a friend stopped over to say hi.

“Scott. Wow! How nice to see you here. Isn’t it nice to see him here?” Willow said, looking pointedly at Buffy.

“Yeah, it great.” Her pregnant friend replied.

“So, um, I was wondering if you wanted to dance, Buffy?” Scott said, holding out his hand. She looked over at her friends, who all were nodding enthusiastically, and then nodded and took the proffered hand. Scott led her out to the dance floor, just as a familiar slow song began to play.

// the winter here's cold, and bitter
it's chilled us to the bone
we haven't seen the sun for weeks
to long too far from home
I feel just like I'm sinking
and I claw for solid ground
I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low
oh darkness I feel like letting go

if all of the strength and all of the courage
come and lift me from this place
I know I could love you much better than this
full of grace
full of grace
my love//

* * *

Angel followed his senses and tracked Buffy down at the Bronze. He stopped by his apartment on the way, just to drop off his bag of weapons. As he walked into the crowded club, the vampire could already smell her perfect vanilla scent. His gazed wandered over the room, finally landing on her friends. Their smiles were large, and they were talking happily, but Buffy was not there. Following the path of their eyes, he saw his love, standing very close to some guy. Backing into his usual dark corner, he watched, as the petite blonde took the boy’s hand and guided it to her very large, rounded stomach. A low growl escaped his lips, as he realized she was pregnant.

* * *

// so it's better this way, I said
having seen this place before
where everything we said and did
hurts us all the more
its just that we stayed, too long
in the same old sickly skin
I'm pulled down by the undertow
I never thought I could feel so low
oh darkness I feel like letting go//

“Umph!” Buffy winced as she and Scott were dancing. Immediately, he backed away, and watched as she rubbed her stinging abdomen.

“Buffy, are you okay?” He asked, a rather concerned look on his face. She smiled and reached for his hand. Guiding it over to her stomach, the blonde pressed his hand against the site of her baby’s kicking.

“This is the first time they’ve been so active.” She said, feeling that tingling sensation she used to get when Angel was around. When she first realized she was pregnant, Buffy noticed that a part of her former lover was inside her because she could feel his presence. It was comforting at first, then much more saddening later when she admitted that he wasn’t coming back. Tonight, as the twins continued to kick her sides, she felt the sensation stronger than usual. She had this happy thought that Angel was watching over her somewhere.

* * *

// if all of the strength
and all of the courage
come and lift me from this place
I know I could love you much better than this
full of grace
full of grace
my love//

Angel just couldn’t take it anymore. He fought his way through the crowds and the dancing couples until he was standing right behind his traitorous lover. After a few minutes, the boy, Scott, noticed that they were not alone. Buffy noticed his look, and turned around.

“Oh, my God!!!” She screamed and threw herself at the vampire, tears streaming down her face, wrapping her arms around his neck. Placing kisses all over his face, she began chanting his name like a life-saving mantra.

When she realized that he wasn’t touching her, Buffy stopped her actions, and looked at his face. He was completely still, expressionless. Then, he reached up and grabbed her wrists, lowering her feet to the floor, carefully. She was shocked at his apparent dismissal of her, but kept quiet, knowing that she had never seen him so upset. Long unused veins were starting to pop out of his neck. He moved around her to stare down at the boy, who dared to touch his mate. Knowing he was thinking rashly, the vampire’s eyes flashed a golden amber, scaring Scott.

“Hey, Buffy. Um, I have to go now, but I’ll see you later, okay?” Not even waiting for a response, the younger, much smaller guy, bolted out the door.

The pregnant blonde was wringing her hands, when her lover slowly turned around. “Outside. Now.” He said, in a suspiciously low voice, signally his fury. She simply nodded and followed him out into the back alley.

* * *

Angel just leaned against the brick wall, as he tried to gather his thoughts. Buffy was pregnant. PREGNANT. And obviously not with his baby. Obviously with that little piece of shit. The only problem was that he didn’t smell that rat bastard on her. Which means that it might not have been his kid either. He could feel the tears burning in the back of his eyes, as he asked her the dreaded question.

“So, you’re pregnant?” Okay, rather dumb, yes, but that was all his brain could function, as his pain assaulted him.

“Yes, isn’t it wonderful?!! I’ve never been so happy!!” She had tears in her eyes now, too. He was alive!! It was a miracle in itself, but now she could finally raise her babies with their father. What a glorious night it turned out to be!!!

“Yeah, Buffy, I’m really happy for you.” Swallowing, Angel realized that he just couldn’t take it right now. It was too much. He thought he had finally made it home, back to his true love, when he finds her with another. Pregnant by another man’s seed. It was like someone ripped his dead heart out, beat it into little pieces with a shovel, and then sent the remains to a hell dimension to be tortured for all eternity. “Look, I have to go. Congratulations. I’m glad that things worked out so well for you.” With that, the dark vampire turned and started the trek back to his very lonely apartment.

“Angel, wait!!” The Slayer cried, as she ran after him. “Don’t you have anything to say? Why are you leaving?”

The tears he was trying to hold back finally came down, like Niagra Falls originated inside his head. “Buffy, I can’t do this. I can’t see you so fucking happy in your life without me. I know it’s selfish, but I don’t fucking care. I love you so much, and I can see now that it was just a mistake. You deserve better than the darkness that follows me, and I realize now that you found it. Good for you. I’m so happy for you. Now, go. Go be with your friends and live your happy, little life…” Angel trailed off, the thoughts in his brain no longer even remotely coherent. Shaking his head, he turned and walked away, this time he wasn’t followed.

Buffy stood there, utterly shocked. She thought this would be the best day of her life. The day she could finally tell her soul mate that by some miraculous intervention, they were going to have a family. Instead, he left her. Again. In her hormonal state, she just sank to the ground in the middle of the alley, sobbing.

Willow and Xander saw the commotion in the Bronze, and followed their friend, just to make sure that everything was alright. Unfortunately, they overheard the conversation between the lovers. Willow was crying too, and Xander was just pissed off. How dare he treat the mother of his children like that? Although he wanted to teach that guy a lesson, Buffy was more important right now. So, the two friends went out and cradled the tiny, pregnant, blonde as she poured out all of her pain on the pavement.

* * *

Angel finally reached his apartment. He walked immediately to the refrigerator and grabbed the first bottle of alcohol he could find. The whiskey burned as it went down is throat, and it made him laugh. It amazed him how his life was like an aged whiskey. No matter how good it looked or tasted, it always burned you as time went on. Taking another long slug, he reflected on what happened. She moved on. From the looks of it, she didn’t wait for him too long either. She had to be at least 5 months along. So what? Why did he care anymore? Buffy moved on with her life. She’s happy now. Why couldn’t he do the same? ‘Because you’re in love with her, you twit!’ His inner voice said. After another swig, he threw the bottle as hard as he could, smashing it against the far wall, the one-hundred year old whiskey running darkly down the wall. He went back to the fridge and grabbed a cold beer. Angel knew that the voice was right…he was definitely in love with Buffy. But he couldn’t just stand by and watch her be happy with someone else. He couldn’t watch her and know that someone else was able to have her in a way that she obviously didn’t want him to anymore. And all because of the do-good kick he was on lately. Well, there was only one way to solve this. He would leave. For good. Since the dawn was only a few hours away, he would wait until tomorrow night. Then he would leave Sunnydale and his heart behind. Maybe then, he could move on, and find some kind of peace.

* * *

Part 10

Buffy was taken home by Cordy and the gang shortly after her disastrous meeting with Angel. When she walked into the house, her mother got a panicked expression on her face, as she saw her daughter’s puffy, red eyes.

“Honey, what’s wrong?”

“I can’t, Mom. I just need to go lay down.” Buffy said, as she walked past her mother and started to climb the stairs to her room.

“Okay, baby. If you need anything, please let me know.” A nod was the only reply she received.

Buffy entered her bedroom, and immediately crawled onto her bed. Grabbing her stuffed pig, Mr. Gordo, she clutched it to herself as she continued to cry.

* * *

Angel paced back and forth in his apartment for the rest of the night and most of the morning. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to sleep. All that would happen would be nightmares about Buffy with another man. Kissing him. Touching him…letting him touch her. A pitiful, pained growl sounded from deep in his chest and reverberated off the walls. By accident, his pacing led him into the bedroom. The vampire stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at the disheveled bedding that covered the mattress. Very slowly, Angel walked across the room and sat down gingerly on the bed, not wanting to disturb anything on it. He lowered his face down to her pillow and took a long breath, inhaling her scent. How could things have gone so wrong? It seemed like she was just here, lying in his bed, tangled in his sheets, beneath his body. Curling up, Angel took the pillow and held it tightly against him, as he fell into a fitful sleep.

* * *

//Angel continued to kiss her breasts, as Buffy moaned and writhed beneath him. He was determined to remember every sound she made, every expression on her face. She was perfection. Especially now, in the heat of passion, with sweat covering her beautiful body and her lips parted on a soft, husky cry of pleasure. But her scent was the best of all. Maybe it was because he was a vampire, but her light vanilla fragrance topped with the heady scent of her arousal, made him want to eat her up. And he planned to. Even if this was her first time, Angel wanted it to be as close to perfect as it could be. As he made his way down her tight stomach, dipping his tongue into her small belly button, he heard her call his name.//

“Angel?” Wait a second. It was a man calling his name. Rolling over, Angel saw an old friend standing at the foot of his bed.

“Oh, Damn, Cole, you shocked the shit out of me!!” The vampire said, sitting up on the bed.

“Sorry about that. But the Powers didn’t exactly let me pick the time to come and see you. Guess it was really important.” The half-demon shrugged.

“Well, do you think they can wait until I shower first?” Cole nodded and went out into the living room area while Angel made himself presentable.

* * *

Ten minutes later, the broody vampire returned from his shower, dressed in a pair of sweats and a tee shirt. He was still attempting to towel dry his hair when he wandered into the living room.

“So, how long has it been?” He asked the demon, making himself comfortable in the chair opposite his friend.

“Over a year since I saw you last. But nothing will beat that time in Dublin, when we went to that club. You know with the stripper.” Cole bust out in laughter at the memory of Angel’s attempt at flirting with the ‘girl’ while he was stone drunk. “You were so comical that night!!!”

“Yeah, well you try turning down a cross-dressing stripper, when you’ve had 4 beers, 10 shots of Tequila, and two bottles of scotch!”

“Okay, good point. Either way, you look much better now. Though, some sleep might be just what the doctor ordered.”

Angel forced a chuckle. “Thanks. Things were different then, weren’t they? You were getting married, and I…” He trailed off, unsure where his brooding was leading him.

“You, my dear friend, were a disaster. Granted, it was much better than you were before you came to Sunnydale, but you were still so scrawny. But it’s much better now. You have Buffy and I have Phoebe.”

Okay, he was not going into that subject now. Changing the topic quickly, Angel questioned, “The Powers That Be sent you here?”

“Nice attempt at dodging the truth. And yeah, They did. Have you been getting into trouble again?” Cole had a goofy smile on his face, knowing that Angel couldn’t cause too much trouble, not even if he tried. Angelus, however, was a completely different story all together.

“No, but I am leaving town, so it’s a good thing you caught me when you did.” Angel said, discarding the towel over his desk chair.

“Wait! You’re leaving?? I thought Sunnydale and its little Slayer were your destiny. Besides last I heard you’ve become more of the fluffy puppy, I’m-in-love-so-bad-I-can’t-see-straight kind of vampire. Something change?” Cole looked perplexed as he listened to his friend’s recount of the last few months. “So, you came back here to find her pregnant and with another man, is that it?”

“What do you mean, ‘is that it’? How do you think you would feel if you came home one night after working at that firm to find some other man touching a pregnant Phoebe, when you know it couldn’t be yours?”

“Okay, okay, don’t get your panties in a twist.” Angel growled at that comment. “I get it. If the places were reversed, I can’t say I would have acted differently. But you’re wrong.”

“Wrong? Please elaborate, oh perfect one.” Sarcasm and anger dripped off of the words as they left the vampire’s mouth.

“Okay, well, first of all, she’s 6 months pregnant, not five like you imagined. And they’re yours.” The shocked, fish-out-of-water look on his friend’s face made Cole nod to indicate that it was true, while suppressing a laugh at his friend’s expression.

“But how? I mean, I’m dead, or rather undead, but still…Vampires can’t father children. I can’t…”

“Yes, you can. The Powers informed me that it is possible. Something about the internal structure and whatever about the Slayer makes your seed come to life, so to speak. Or maybe it was your internal force, if you know what I mean. I’m not totally sure on the details, they kind of entered my mind while Phoebe and I…well, you know. We were right at the part where she nibbles on my-“ Cole stopped as he heard Angel’s very unsubtle, very forced coughing.

“Okay, so they’re mine. But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s with someone else. Besides, she deserves better, they deserve more than a life of darkness. And no matter how much I love them, it won’t change the fact that I’m a demon, and she’s…not.”

“Well, that’s still not determined yet. There are a lot of characteristics that Slayers and other demons, especially vampires, have. But that’s beside the point. Ask her. She seemed pretty damn happy to see you last night. And did you see the shrimp she was with? If they were really together, wouldn’t he have at least tried to stand up to you for her?”

“Well, I…it…oh. Dammit, Cole!!! What the hell do I do now??”

“Being that I’m not exactly new in the love department, let me give you a clue. There are three ways into a woman’s heart. Roses, apologies, and great sex. And somehow, I think you’ve got most of that down already, if your history with women tells you anything.”

“Oh, shut up.” Angel took a deep breath. “So, how’s Phoebe and the kids?”

“Great. I just love my family. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Having children definitely puts things in perspective, my friend. And we’re having our 2nd anniversary next week, so I’m throwing a party. Both of you are invited of course. And I *expect* to see you there. Especially since you turned down my offer to be best man.”

“Well, I couldn’t just leave Buffy, Cole. You knew that. She was just learning how to fight, and I…”

“Don’t worry about it. Just be there next week, and I’ll consider it forgiven.” The half-demon stood up, fixing his duster. Angel stood up too.

“It was good to see you again, friend. I hope you will come by again.” The vampire said, shaking hands with Cole.

“I will definitely try. The Powers are keeping me busy, but at least, it’s honest work.”

“And bring Phoebe next time. I know Buffy and she would get along great.” He called as the demon vanished from sight.

Taking a deep breath, Angel walked over to the phone and called the town’s florist. After ordering 50 single stem red roses, he wrote out a little message, which he would have delivered with the flowers. Then he changed his clothes and started to clean the apartment. Buffy would be there in a few hours, assuming she followed the instructions on the card, and he needed everything to be perfect when he groveled at her feet.

* * *

Part 11

Buffy woke up later than usual. It was the first day in a long time she didn’t get up at the crack of dawn with morning sickness. She laid a hand against her stomach, tenderly caressing the flesh that held the two tiny lives that she and Angel made in beautiful love. That’s when she realized that he didn’t know. She never got to tell him that the babies were his. Oh, God. He saw her with Scott. With Scott’s hand on her. Oh, God. Hoping out of bed– well as much as any very pregnant woman could-, Buffy ran to the shower, and dressed in the shirt she stole from Angel’s apartment the day after he left and a pair of track pants (maternity sized, of course). He had to know. He may still hate her afterwards, but she refused to let him think that they belonged to someone else.

Waddling her way down the stairs, Buffy nearly ran into Joyce in her hurry to see Angel.

“Buffy, where are you going?”

“Out. He’s back, Mom. And I have to see him.”

“You mean, Angel’s back? The father?” Joyce looked almost as shocked as she did the day she found out about Buffy’s pregnancy.

“Yeah, Mom, he’s back. And I haven’t gotten to tell him about the babies yet, so I have to go.”

Joyce, uncharacteristically, placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. “Let me drive you.” Buffy nodded, and they headed off to Angel’s apartment together.

* * *

Buffy got out of her mother’s car, thanking her for the ride, but reassuring her that she would get Angel or someone to take her back home. Hesitantly, she walked down the stairs to his small, yet somehow cozy, apartment. When she reached the door, all Slayer senses went full force, as she noticed that the door was slightly ajar. Entering, she scanned the area, but only felt his presence in the building.

“Angel?” She called, hoping that he was still there. Wandering around the apartment, she realized that he wasn’t home. She made her way into the bedroom, and just sighed. She couldn’t believe that it had been six months since they were here together. Yet at the same time, it felt like an eternity.

Wiping the newly formed tears from her eyes, Buffy walked over to his desk on the other side of the apartment. Finding some paper and a pencil, she jotted down a small note for him and folded it up. Just as she was about to leave, she noticed a partially hidden drawing, laying under the paper she borrowed. She lifted it up and saw her own image reflected on the parchment. In the picture, she was asleep, her cheeks slightly colored, her hair rumpled. It was the night they first made love. As tears started to fall again, she clutched the drawing to her chest, praying to anyone who would listen that she and Angel would be together again. Tucking the picture away in her purse, she placed her handwritten note on his pillow in the bedroom. Then she turned and walked out the door.

* * *

Even though she promised her mother, Buffy walked herself home after stopping at Angel’s place. She needed time to think and to figure out what to do next. Obviously they needed to talk things out. He had to know the truth about everything.

As she closed the back door to her house, she saw a huge bouquet of red roses sitting on the kitchen table. Under it was a small note from Joyce.

I had to go out for a while. There were some problems at the gallery.
These came for you just after you left. Have a great night tonight, and
I’ll see you first thing in the morning, so we can go shopping for the

Love you,

P.S. Tell Angel I said hi!

Even though she was shocked at her mother’s seemingly strange acceptance of her former lover, Buffy was so happy that she decided to let her make her own choices. It was definitely a first. Looking over the beautiful roses, she noticed a small note, written on similar paper as the drawing from the apartment. Opening it, she read:

Meet me at the apartment tonight. 8 :oo sharp.
Don’t be late.


P.S. Look in your closet.

Intrigued by his added statement and thrilled that he wanted to meet with her, Buffy climbed the stairs to her room as quickly as she could to check what was in her closet. Opening the door, she saw a large black box laying on the shelf. Hurriedly, she yanked it out and put it on her bed. When she opened it up, she saw a blood red lace nightgown that was just her size. Grabbing it in her small hands, she lay back on the bed with a grin on her face. He was ready to kiss and make up. And from the looks of it, it was going to be a great night. Buffy dozed off a few minutes later, with a grin on her face, still holding the piece of lingerie in her hand.

* * *

Buffy left her house at 7:40, trying to give herself plenty of time to get to Angel’s and to make sure she would be on time. She dressed fairly conservatively, given her proportions, in a low cut, loose tunic-styled red dress. Under it, she wore the lingerie that her lover left her for the night.

As she was walking down the street, Scott ran out of the coffee shop and stopped to talk to her.

“Buffy. How are you?”

“I’m great, Scott. Why, is something wrong??” The teenager looked unusually alarmed.

“No, it’s just that the guy who came up to us in the Bronze really creeped me out. And I was worried about you.” He laid a supportive, friendly hand on her arm. She just smiled.

* * *

Angel was just returning from the store when he saw his beautiful lover walking down the street towards his house. He had an armful of candles and scented bubble baths, which he bought as a last minute surprise for their night. That was when he saw that little boy from the club walking up to her. Watching them talk, laugh, and touch each other was making him sick. He should have known that they weren’t together any more. He was hoping that Cole was right, that she really did love that boy. But it all seemed to be just a joke to her. Because there she was, with Scott, letting him touch her swollen abdomen again. Infuriated, Angel nearly ran back to his apartment. Slamming the door, he put the bag of supplies down on the couch and threw himself into a chair, where not for the first time that day, he let the tears fall.

* * *

At 8 o’clock sharp, Buffy walked down the stairs to Angel’s apartment, her overnight bag in hand. She was freshly showered, with a light vanilla fragrance on, just the way he liked it. She made certain that her conversation with Scott didn’t make her late to see her lover. Knocking on the door, she realized that it was already open. So, she stepped inside, calling out for its owner.

“Angel?” She said, looking around. She saw a paper bag lying on the couch, its contents spilling out of it. Wondering why, she continued to look for the vampire.

Suddenly, with a bottle of Jack in hand, her lover stumbled out into the living room area, glaring at the pregnant woman before him.

“What the HELL do you want?” He slurred. Angel was wasting no time tonight. He had already downed 2 beers and a bottle of port when Buffy came into the apartment. It helped that he was a vampire, but he was still going to have the mother of hangovers in the morning.

“Angel? What’s gotten into you? You’re drinking?” The blonde was really confused. Her boyfriend left her a beautiful note that said to meet him, bought her a VERY suggestive piece of lingerie, and then yells at her like a drunken fool? Something was definitely wrong.

“You’re damned right, I’m drinking. What else is there to do? I was planning on making love with my girlfriend, but apparently, she had other obligations.”

“What other obligations? Angel, what is going on? You’re scaring me.” She said in a tiny, little girl voice.

“Don’t play me anymore, Buffy. I can’t take it anymore. I just can’t. It’s just…I think you should go.”

“Go? But-“

“Go home. Go to your lover. Whatever. Just leave me alone.” He turned his back on her and fell into his leather chair. Taking a deep slug of whiskey, he concentrated on the numbness that he wanted to consume his body. Unfortunately it wasn’t working fast enough, and she still wasn’t leaving.

“My lov- oh no. Not again. You saw me and Scott talking, didn’t you?” There was no reply. “Dammit, Angel, we need to talk. She said, helping herself to the armchair he had near his desk.

“Look, Buffy, if this is about-“

“Stop.” She said, curtly, cutting him off. “I have a lot of things to say to you, so I think you should just shut up and listen for once.” Angel was extremely surprised by the tone of her voice and her attitude. Unsure of what else to do, he stayed silent and listened to her. “Okay, first of all, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not explaining things to you last night. I was just so overwhelmed by seeing you, knowing that you were okay, that I wasn’t thinking straight. I think you should know that I thought you were…well, dead.” She held up her hand, as Angel started to protest. “It’s not your fault, I know this. But I waited for 6 months. *6 MONTHS*, Angel. Last night was the first time I went out after…you left. There was just so much to deal with. First you leave me. I know you had to but it still hurt. Then, there was the pregnancy, and even then, I kept on waiting, but you never came.”

Finally, Angel broke his silence. “So you moved on. It’s understandable. But Buffy, you don’t need to-“

“Yes, I do. I need to.” She opened up her purse, and searched around for something. Angel looked on in confused silence, as she pulled out what looked like a picture. Handing it to him she said, “This was the last ultrasound I had taken, it was a couple of months ago. This is the first one,” she pointed to a small figure in the right corner, “and this is the second.” Buffy looked up, noticing Angel’s teary expression, as he traced the pictures of her babies. Putting her hand on his, she held his gaze for a few moments before telling him the big news. “They’re yours.”

The vampire stared at her blankly for several minutes, just holding tightly to the picture in his hands. Shaking his head, he whispered, “No, I mean, I know, but it can’t be.”

“Yes, love. They’re ours. Our precious miracles.”

“But how? I mean, Cole said that…but I can’t…well, I…it’s not…” He stopped, realizing that he was babbling like a crazy man.

“Honestly, I don’t know how. But you’re the only one I’ve made love with. I’m also 6 months pregnant, which puts their conception probably sometime the morning you came to see me.”

A smile broke out on Angel’s face, as tears continued to fall down his cheeks. “You’re serious? I mean, they’re mine?” He was still in shock, she could understand that. In reply, she stood up and moved in front of him. Taking his shaky hand, she guided it to her abdomen. The minute his hand touched her skin, he felt the kick of one of the babies. His shining eyes looked up in amazement at her, all the pieces finally coming together in his head.

“I love you. Only you.”

“I love you, too, Buffy. And I’m so sor-“ She silenced him with a soft, searching kiss. It had been so long since he held her close, kissed her, made love to her. Maybe it was just the hormones, but she needed him so badly at that moment, she thought she would go crazy. But the minute he broke the kiss, she decided that the wait was more than worth it. Angel gently lifted the hem of her skirt and placed it between her belly and breasts. Leaning over, he showered her sensitive skin with kisses and caresses, murmuring sweet, loving words to their children and to the woman who carried them. Holding his head to her, Buffy knew then that everything would be okay. They were a family now, and nothing could change that.

* * *

Part 12


“Yeah,” Angel agreed, as he snuggled into the back of his Slayer, blissfully satisfied, for now.

“Wow!” Buffy let out a long sigh. Her lover merely smiled as he planted a tender kiss between her shoulder blades. His hand, which rested on gently on her hip, slid forward to caress her distended abdomen. Angel was absolutely amazed at how beautiful she looked, swollen with his children and happily sated from their lovemaking.

“So perfect.” He whispered, kissing a path down her spine as he continued his ministrations over her womb.

“How do you do that?” She asked, craning her neck to look at the man behind her.

“Do what, baby?”

“Look at me like that. Like I’m beautiful and sexy and special. Like I’m the only woman you desire, the only one you want here in this bed with you.”

Angel was undoubtedly shocked at her comments. Maybe it was the hormones, but he had no idea what was going on in her head at that moment. He pulled the pillow out from under Buffy’s body and helped her to roll over. When she was finally facing him, the souled vampire took her face in his hands and looked her deeply in the eyes. “You are special, baby. And you are the only one I want to be with, that I will ever want to be with.”


“Buffy, you mean everything to me. You are the only person I’ve ever truly loved, and I would do anything for you, to keep you as happy as I am just to be in your shining presence.” Taking a deep breath, Angel continued, moving his hands to wrap around his lover in a warm embrace. “When we first made love, in my apartment that morning, it was the most perfect experience I’ve ever had. You touched my soul, Buffy. And there’s nothing that can ever change how I feel about you, or about us, together.”

The tiny blonde finally let her tears fall, unable to conceal her happiness and contain her fears any longer. She held him tightly to her, as much as she could with her rounded belly, and cried into his chest. Intermittently, she whispered words of love and placed kisses over his unbeating heart.

When the Slayer’s emotions calmed down and the tears stopped flowing, Angel leaned over her and claimed her mouth with ultimate possession, causing her to forget everything else. As he broke off the kiss, Buffy realized that he had rolled them over, causing him to be kneeling between her thighs and hovering over his pregnant lover.

“Angel, what are you…I mean, I didn’t think it was possible to…”

“I want to look into your eyes, love. I want to watch you when you come. The pleasure crossing your face is so beautiful, so perfect.” He answered, gently caressing her cheek with his knuckles. “Besides, I’ve been around long enough to know that anything is possible.”

His kiss started out gently, passionate yet tender. But the couple was so wrapped up in their feelings and their bond that the languor soon wore off, and their embrace became heated and urgent. Hands roamed, an attempt to touch every inch of the other’s skin, as lips lingered and eyes beheld.

Angel made a moist path of lips and tongue down her slender throat, stopping to tease and nibble her shoulder and collarbone. Slowly, he lowered his body over hers, so his stomach rubbed delightfully against her larger one. It put his painful erection right where it longed to be, but Angel was determined to make her understand just how much she meant to him, first.

His mouth reversed its path towards her beckoning face. With tender kisses and nips with his teeth, he made his way to her mouth while his body positioned itself to have full contact without making Buffy uncomfortable under his weight. Angel’s talented hands cupped her swollen breasts while his thumbs caressed her extended nipples. A soft moan was elicited from Buffy’s mouth as Angel continued on caressing her body and pressing himself into her.

His tumescent shaft ached to be inside her scalding sheath, but Angel kept a slow and steady pace with his delicate lover

“Angel…please…inside me,” Buffy pleaded through her breathlessness and passion.

“Let me love you and show you how beautiful you are,” he whispered back before placing his mouth back on hers to silence any more pleas.

But Buffy would hear none of that.

While Angel continued on with his hands and mouth, Buffy decided to take command by trailing her small hands down his shoulders and back to cup his ass and pull him tighter into her body. A faint groan escaped his lips as she dug her fingers into his flesh. But Angel refused to quicken his pace and lessen the torture.

Buffy removed her hands from his backside and traced the lines of his muscular sides, to wrap her hands around his cock. With her fingers steady, she stroked and pumped him, pulling him closer into her aching core. Her fingers circled and rubbed, making him shudder under her administrations.

“Buffy, baby…” he groaned and pulled away from her.

Taking the opportunity while he separated from her body, very carefully, Buffy rolled pulling Angel underneath her. Due to how pregnant she was, Buffy didn’t know if she would be able to do so, but actually she was quite successful.

In this new position, Buffy slowly pulled Angel into herself and began to rock back and forth on his sex. Angel placed his hands on her undulating hips, to match his pace with hers.

Angel kept his eyes open the entire time, looking deeply into her face while she began to shatter under their passion. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen with her head thrown back and her long, blonde hair cascading down her back.

She was so close to completely unraveling and it only took one more thrust and Angel knew that she would be thrown over the edge.

“Angel…” she panted and then screamed as she pushed down and he arched up, bringing her fully into orgasm. He followed quickly after feeling her vaginal muscles spasm and clench on his shaft.

After a few moments of coming down from her climax and being completely boneless, Buffy fell forward to rest her head on his shoulder. But before she reached her resting place, Angel turned so that the two lovers lay on the bed facing each other. He pulled her tightly into his sweat-slicked body and wrapped her completely in his embrace. Buffy entwined their legs, refusing to keep more distance between her and Angel.

A soft yawn escaped Buffy as she lay there in the arms of her love. “I love you, Buffy,” Angel whispered as her eyelids became as heavy as lead and sleep beginning to overwhelm her.

Angel knew she had fallen asleep when the sounds of her breathing became deep and even. While she slept like the dead, he wiggled from her arms to look down at her sleeping form.

‘I can spend an eternity watching her,’ he thought to himself. Carefully, he moved his hands towards her distended abdomen and caressed her soft skin. Placing both hands on her, he felt delicious warmth radiating from her and flowing into his cool flesh. A small smile pulled on his lips as he felt a quick punch from one of his children.

“I love you, too,” Angel said softly, placing a kiss on her stomach and crawling back up into Buffy’s arms.

Buffy’s breathing and the beat of her heart, was like a lullabye to him. Kissing her forehead, fell into sleep with dreams of his perfect family.

* * *

Part 13

Buffy sighed contentedly as she woke up from her first peaceful night’s sleep in a long time. Stretching slightly, she felt Angel’s arms still wrapped tightly around her, with his palms on her rounded stomach. For some reason, this morning, it didn’t seem so revolting anymore. Almost like, this is how things were supposed to be for them. With a smile on her face, she gently caressed his hands and snuggled back into the warmth of the bed and his body, which she seemed to have heated during the night.

Just as she closed her eyes and began to drift away again, her lover began to nibble on her tiny earlobe.

“Mmmm…” Buffy moaned softly, trying not to break the peacefulness of the room. Angel then moved from her ear to her neck, lightly sucking and kissing the tanned flesh there. “Good morning to you, too.” She replied, trying to give him better access to her skin.

Placing one last kiss on her shoulder, Angel scooted forward and nuzzled her cheek. “Good morning, baby.” He said, in a deep, sleep roughened voice that made her heart skip a beat. This was the first morning they were ever able to wake up together, and she was determined to enjoy every moment.

Buffy turned her head and kissed him gently on the mouth. Suddenly, the phone rang, breaking the virtual silence of the room. Buffy growled into Angel’s mouth, causing him to chuckle. When he broke away, determined to answer the phone, she dragged his head back down. “Just let it ring.” She said, crushing his mouth to hers.

But when the phone didn’t stop ringing after six times, Buffy groaned and broke their kiss. Reaching for the phone, she bluntly answered, “What the HELL do you want??”

“Uh, Buffy?”

“Willow? Don’t you realize it’s like…” She glanced over at the clock. “Only 12:30??”

“In the afternoon!!” The redhead replied in a giggle. Angel heard her and smiled broadly at the frustration of his mate. Then he went back to his tour of her arm, placing kisses up and down her slender limb.

“What do you want?” Buffy repeated, less agitated this time, partly from Angel’s attention, and partly from the realization that she wasn’t going back to bed for a while.

“Well, Giles and I have been researching and we think we found a prophecy about your…situation.”

Buffy flopped her head onto the pillow, shaking it. Angel looked concerned for a second before she picked up the phone again. “You’ve got to be kidding me!!! ANOTHER prophecy?? Can’t those stupid monks leave my future alone for once?!!!”

“I’m sorry, Buffy, but Giles wants you and Angel to come over to his apartment some time this afternoon. Apparently this is unprecedented, and he’s dying to share it with you.”

“Aren’t they always?!”

* * *

“This is quite unprecedented!!” Giles said cheerily, as Buffy and Angel walked into his apartment an hour later, from the added sewer hole in the basement. They would have been there sooner, but the shower just took too long. Buffy looked down at their pruny hands with a secretive smile, as they sat down on the big couch, awaiting the big news.

When Giles still hadn’t said anything, between his tea-making and his sputtering about the ‘unprecedented prophecy’, Buffy decided to ask. “Giles, would you mind sitting down a sec. Take a deep breath and tell us what’s going on.”

“Oh, of course. You’ll have to excuse me. This whole situation is rather un-“

“Unprecedented. Yes, we know that.” Angel cut in, shooting a small smile to the Watcher. “Could you tell us why?”

“Yes, yes. Um, in the Book of Numfar, I found a prophecy detailing your entire situation, Buffy, from your…well…relations with the souled vampire, to his departure, to your pregnancy. Apparently you both overcame some great odds to achieve the final piece of the prophecy.” The Englishman reached over and pick up his cup of tea, taking a slow sip from it.

“Come on, Giles. Spill it!!!” Buffy said, her nerves on overdrive at the moment.

“Oh, yes. Well, it seems that you carry future Slayers, twins who will work together to bring victory to the side of good at the End of Days battle.”

“Slayers?” A frown coming over Buffy’s face, as she realized her destiny would be passed on to their children.

“Yes, but there’s more.” He replied, picking up the Book. “According to this, The parents of the Twins, both human and supernatural, will be key players in this fight for Good, but only in the raising of their offspring, for They will be immortal and victorious for as long as they choose.”

It was now Angel’s turn to frown. It said the parents were human. So no matter how hard he tried, they would never make it together. And from the sounds of the prophecy, it won’t be much longer before something happens to break them apart.

“Giles, what does that mean?” Buffy asked, noting the depressed look on the vampire’s face.

“It means you and your husband will raise immortal daughters who will defeat evil if they so choose.” Angel answered, causing a shocked Giles to frantically reread the text.

“What about ‘me and my husband’? What about you??”

“It said the parents were human, Buffy. That obviously counts me out.” Angel shook his head and stood up. Without so much as another word, the brooding vampire walked down into the basement and left into the sewers.

“Giles, what’s going one?? Am I really going to marry someone else to raise my children with?? That doesn’t even make sense.”

“No, actually, you are not. What Angel misinterpreted, was that the parents of the Twins were human and supernatural. Buffy, Angel’s going to become human.”

Buffy stared wide-eyed at her Watcher for a long time, trying to process the information. It was like having all your dreams come true after living a terrible nightmare for so long. She was almost afraid to believe it.


“Yes, Buffy, it’s real. Not only will Angel become human, but your daughters will have the opportunity to choose between mortality and immortality when they’re old enough to make that choice. That will leave a lot of pressure on the both of you to help them understand the consequences of either option.”

“Wow!” Giles just chuckled, in his British kind of way. “Wow!!”

* * *

Angel was pacing back and forth in his apartment, when Buffy walked in.

“Go away, Buffy. Don’t make this harder than it already is.” When she kept slowly advancing, he pleaded in a broken voice, “Please! Just leave me alone.”

“No, I won’t.” She asserted, coming up right next to her lover and placing a hand on his arm. “I won’t leave you. Not now, not ever. You understand me?”

Angel looked down with love and pain at his Slayer. “It’s a prophecy, Buffy, don’t you understand? It’s not something you can change or something that can be stopped. It’s meant to be. I guess I was just supposed to suffer for all eternity for the crimes I committed, and you were making everything to perfect for me. So, of course, they have to make things right again.” He paused, and Buffy just looked at him with tears in her eyes, knowing the truth, but knowing he had to get this out first. “I just wish I would get to see your babies born, see them grow up looking just like you, and just get to enjoy the miracles of life, but it’s okay. I understand now.” Angel finally stopped, too choked up for words, as the tears traced down his pale cheeks.

Buffy swallowed her tears down, and took his face in her hands. “It’s not okay, Angel. You are not going to be alone or suffer anymore. You understood the prophecy wrong.” The vampire’s expression turned from pain to confusion as he listened to her words. “See, you are their father, Angel, you. And it said that both parents were human and supernatural. Don’t you get it? You’re going to be human again!!” For a moment, pure joy crossed over his face, but it was short-lived before he stomped it down again, shaking his head.

“You have to be wrong. I’m a vampire. And those things can’t happen, Buffy. So, please don’t break my heart anymore than it has to be, okay? Don’t make me wish for something that’s not going to come true.”

Buffy moved her hands from his face to his hands, guiding him to the sofa. Once he was seated, she kneeled before him, very carefully and a little wobbly, before she continued. “It will come true. And even if it doesn’t, you are still their father, Angel. And I want you there for every second of their lives. I want you with me forever.” She paused and took a deep breath. He could feel her hands shaking in his, wondering what plan she was cooking up in her head. “Will you marry me, Angel??”


“Okay, not the reaction I was looking for. I don’t mean let’s go to Vegas tonight and do it. I’m still too young, and the babies will be here soon, and there is no way I’m getting married looking like Shamu. Let’s wait until the girls are born and things settle down, obviously. But let’s promise to do it. When you’re human and I’m not a blimp, let’s get married.”

Angel was mentally shaking his head. This was the biggest surprise of his life. And how could he turn down such a …romantic proposal. He slid to the floor in front of her and took her face in his hands. “Yes, baby. I’ll marry you.” Then they sealed their love and commitment with a kiss.



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