A Toast to Innocence

By: Jen

My Site: https://www.angelfire.com/tv2/bau
Disclaimer: Joss owns everything!!!! The title and the idea for this series came from the song “Same Old Lang Syne” by Dan Fogelburg. In this part, I used lyrics from “You Were Mine” by the Dixie Chicks.
Timeline: AU. Third story in “A Toast to Reality” series.
Spoilers: Just general past of the B/A ship and the shows.
Synopsis: Buffy and her family are invited to a New Year’s Eve Party by Angel.
Distribution: You want my story??? You can take it; just let me know where it’s going!!
Feedback: PLEASE!!! Good or bad, I want to know what you think!!
Rating: PG-13

* * *

Cordelia was frantically running around the house, trying to get everything ready for the New Year’s Eve party that her family was throwing the next night. There was the guest list to revise, the band and DJ to confirm (again!), and food to organize and prepare. Granted, she wasn’t going to be preparing it, but it still had to be organized.

“ANGEL??” She screamed into the hallway, as she continued to search for a phone number.

After the third call, he made his way down the stairs and into the study, where his wife was panicking. “Yes, Cordelia?”

“Have you seen Spielburg’s number? I just have to make sure he’s coming tomorrow!”

“No, I haven’t, but why are you freaking out about it? Does it really matter if he comes or not? He’s just a director.”

“Oh, my God!! I can’t even believe you said that!!! It’s Spielburg, you know, Steven!!! He’s like the biggest director in HISTORY!!! My agent wants him to come and see me, since they’re working on that movie deal now. If he’s impressed, I’ll be starring in his latest film!!”

“That’s great, Cordy, but it’s not worth getting upset about. I was upstairs trying to entertain the twins. They are so tired of being cooped up in this house, but because of all the reporters, I just can’t take them out to the park or anything.” Angel stated, taking a seat across from the desk his wife sat at.

“Well, you should be down here anyway, helping me, not playing around like a two-year-old.” She accused, giving her husband a stern look.

“That’s ridiculous!! They are CHILDREN, Cordelia!! You can’t just ignore them whenever you feel like it. They need love and attention, just like anyone else. But you seemed to have forgotten that.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“When was the last time you spent time with the kids, or me, for that matter? I can’t even remember the last time we spent a night together. Just us. Look, I know you are busy with your career and everything, but I’m beginning to wonder if I’m in this relationship by myself.”

“I can’t even believe you, Angel!!! I’ve done nothing but provide for this family, making sure we have enough money to send our children to a great school and so you can keep up that sad, little business you run and spend as much time with your family as you can.” Just then, the phone rang, and Cordelia scrambled to pick it up. “Hello? STEVEN!! How great to hear from you!!” She shot a look to Angel, and indicated that she wanted some privacy. Shaking his head, he left the room and headed for the phone in their bedroom.

* * *

Though the holidays went well for Buffy’s family, there was still a lot to deal with. Sam’s health was improving slightly, and he was spending more time with their children. Even so, Buffy felt stretched. She was always running to the drug store, doing housework, and trying to get a job so they could cover his medical bills. Unfortunately that task was proving difficult, since she hadn’t held a job before and she was 35! But she was determined, so she had three interviews set up for positions on top of the other work she had to do today.

As she was folding the last piece of laundry from this load, the phone rang. “Hello?” she asked, after picking up the receiver.



“Hi. How are you?”

“Um, I’m fine,” she lied, feeling immediately guilty for doing so. “How are you? Is everything alright??”

“Oh, no, I’m fine. Everything’s fine. I just wanted to call you.” ‘I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you and that kiss,’ he wanted to say, but instead, he just paused.

“Well, what’s going on? I mean, you had to have a reason to call me, right? I mean, not that I don’t want to talk to you. It’s just-“


“God, I’m sorry. I just…I wasn’t expecting to talk to you.” ‘Especially not now, when all I want is for you to hold me, and kiss me again.’

“That’s okay. Look, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to a party tomorrow night. You know, if you don’t already have plans.”

“Angel, are you asking me out?” She was actually shocked, since he seemed so happy about his wife the other night.

“No, well, yeah. I mean, your family. Cordelia is throwing a huge New Year’s Eve party, and I’m not going to know anyone. And I thought that maybe you guys would like to come. A lot of famous people are going to be there.” He added, hoping to persuade her to accept.

“Well, Sam and the children won’t be able to go, but I would like to. As long as it’s okay with just me.”

“Oh, of course, I just thought you’d want them to come too, you know, and –“

“I do! It’s just that it’ll be too late for the kids, if it’s a typical party, and Sam is…well, he won’t feel up to going out.” She quickly covered, not wanting to reveal his illness with her ex. “I just have to see if I can get a babysitter, and I’ll let you know.”

“A babysitter? But I thought that Sam was going to be there?”

“It’s a long story. Anyway, can I, um, get your number and I’ll call you back to confirm it. Assuming that I can get a sitter on New Year’s Eve.”

“Sure.” After giving the number and the address (just in case) to Buffy, they both said the usual, expected parting words, and hung up.

* * *

The next night, Buffy was frantically trying to find something to wear, when Willow arrived. Tara had left to see her parents, some kind of family emergency, and so she agreed to babysit for her best friend.

“Buffy, calm down!” The redhead said, as they were picking out dresses.

“I can’t help it, Will. I know it’s silly and all, but it’s Angel. That’s like a whole other level of weirdness I can’t even describe. I mean, I know I married and he’s married, but still, it’s hard to get over first loves.”

“Trust me, I know that’s the truth. Remember when Oz and I met up last year? It was the most nerve-racking thing I’ve ever experienced. Even though I was with Tara, happily with her, it was still Oz. The expectations and everything was still there. Besides, you never get over loves like we had. We’re not supposed to, just as long as we remember that they are our past loves. No future tense here”

“I know, I know. And when did you become so enlightened?” Buffy chuckled, knowing she was right.

“Could be a product of all the sex I’ve been having!”

“WILLOW!!!” Both girls broke out into a fit of laughter that had their stomachs aching. “I can’t believe you said that!!” Her friend’s face was the color of her hair, but she just continued to laugh.

“I think you should go with the red dress.” The witch said, once she calmed down.

“You think?” Buffy asked, holding up the red velvet dress. It had spaghetti straps that criss-crossed low in the back, which also dipped low. A gold metallic border around the velvet material enhanced the dress. It was very rich looking and had a dressy cape to go with it.

“Definitely. It’s not too sexy or flashy, but elegant enough that you can still feel beautiful around all those famous people. Who knows, maybe some agent will find you and want to work for you!”

“Thanks, Will.” She replied, hugging her best friend.

* * *

Two hours later, Buffy arrived at the Chase manor. The house itself was as large as a castle, and even rivaled the Mansion for old architecture. It was very intimidating, but she looked forward to seeing Angel again, so it didn’t get to her too much.

At the door, there was a butler checking coats, to whom she handed her cape. Placing the ticket in her small bag, Buffy went off in search of Angel.

It wasn’t too difficult to find everyone, as she followed the crowd to the party room. It was the size of the house (in the basement), where there was a dance floor, an open bar, and several tables sat around the room. It was like going to a club in someone’s home. Hesitantly, she approached the other side of the room, where Angel was chatting with some other well-dressed men.

* * *

Angel felt Buffy’s approach before he saw her. It was amazing that they still had that connection. Or at least, he thought so. Taking a good look at her, he was amazed at how perfect she appeared. The dress was beautiful, showing just the right amount of curves to be sexy, but not too much. Her hair was curled and piled on top of her head haphazardly, with a few wisps of gold encompassing her face. Angel couldn’t remember when he’d seen her so radiant.

Pulling away from his friends, he walked toward her and met her halfway across the large room.

“Buffy, I’m so glad you were able to make it!” He smiled, a truly genuine smile that lit up his eyes. She couldn’t remember when he’d looked better. Especially in that tuxedo.

“Hi, Angel.” The blonde responded, almost shyly. Both stood there, unsure of whether it would be appropriate to hug or shake hands or just look. Neither had to make a decision, when Cordelia walked over to her husband.

“Angel, I…Oh, my God! Buffy, what are you doing here???” The actress looked stunned and rather pissed off at the shorter woman.

“Honey, I invited her. Actually her whole family, but-“

“You did WHAT?!” She exclaimed, loud enough to be heard by them, but not so much as to draw attention to herself.

Seeing the look in his wife’s eyes, Angel looked over at Buffy and said, “Please excuse us for a second.” As he walked away, he stopped and put a hand gently on her arm. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back.”

* * *

When the couple finally found a quiet, unoccupied spot, Cordelia stopped and put her hands on her hips. “What the HELL is going on, Angel?”

“What do you mean? You told me to invite some friends, and I did.”

“But you invited Buffy Summers!!! She’s going to ruin everything!”

“Oh, come on, Cordelia. I thought you’d gotten over that petty bullshit a long time ago.”

“There’s nothing petty about it. She tried to steal you from me once, and I can’t be fighting her off of you and keeping up appearances at the same time. Do you know how many reporters would love that story??”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You’re worried about my invitation to a dear friend of mine because of what some reporters will think about it? Get over it, darling.”

“What did you…Oh, no!! Steven’s leaving!! I have to go. Just don’t do anything, you don’t want the whole world to see!” With that, Cordelia ran off to thwart a potential problem for her career.

* * *

When Angel went back to see Buffy, he couldn’t find her anywhere. Searching with their connection and his great (still somewhat enhanced) senses, the former vampire found her heading for the stairs, and the way out. Rushing over to her, he gently grabbed her hand, effectively stopping her retreat.

“Where are you going?”

“Oh, I was just going to leave. I don’t want to cause any problems between you and Cordy.”

“Trust me, you can’t cause any problems that weren’t already there to begin with.”

“Huh?” Buffy shook her head, believing that she couldn’t possibly have heard him correctly. “Did you just say…”

“Would you like to dance?” Angel asked, putting his hand out for her. She looked down at it for a brief moment, before taking his hand, allowing him to lead her out to the floor. A slow song just started to play over the speakers, as Angel pulled Buffy close and began to dance.

I Can't Find A Reason To Let Go
Even Though You've Found A New Love
And She's What Your Dreams Are Made Of
I Can Find A Reason To Hang On
What Went Wrong Can Be Forgiven
Without You, It Ain't Worth Livin' Alone

Sometimes I Wake Up Crying At Night
And Sometimes I Scream Out Your Name
What Right Does She Have To Take You Away
When For So Long, You Were Mine

Tears welled up in Buffy’s eyes, as the words hit home. This song was just too perfect for their situation. She couldn’t even count the number of times she cried herself to sleep over Angel, especially after the letter. Knowing she was pregnant with her husband’s child when longing to be in another man’s arms and carrying his child was just heart wrenching. Buffy wasn’t sure how she made it through all the hard times, even now, as Sam lay at home fighting cancer, but she knew that it was all worth it to be right here, right now. The only place she ever felt truly safe was in Angel’s arms. But they weren’t hers anymore. They belonged to Cordelia. Which made this situation bittersweet, since she knew that once this night was over, he’d go back to his family, and she'd go back to hers. Suddenly the tears became too heavy, and began to fall onto the sleeve of Angel’s tuxedo.

I Took Out All The Pictures Of Our Wedding Day
It Was A Time Of Love And Laughter
Happy Ever After
But Even Those Old Pictures Have Begun To Fade
Please Tell Me She's Not Real
And That You're Really Coming Home To Stay

Sometimes I Wake Up Crying At Night
And Sometimes I Scream Out Your Name
What Right Does She Have To Take You Away
When For So Long, You Were Mine

Angel felt the wetness seeping through the cloth of his tuxedo, the tears scorching him to the soul. He knew how she felt, wishing he could cry too. Nothing felt as good as holding his tiny slayer in his arms. Nothing ever did, but things changed. The song seemed to be written for him. The nights and even days he suffered through after the lack of response to his letter almost killed him. Their dreams were so close to coming true, but she was happy with someone else. So much so, that she didn’t even tell him she was happy for him and his new life. He was always worried that she was mad at him or that he’d messed up somehow, in some unforgivable way. But as he held her on that dance floor, Angel knew the truth. They were both victims to circumstance. She was already married when he sent that letter. Even if she wanted to be with him, Angel never would have wanted her to get divorced, to go through something so terrible. And even now, when they both obviously still feel for one another, there’s nothing to be done. There are children involved now. It made his heart ache to know that they will never do this again. They will never get their happily ever after, or even one more night. Life was just too unfair to those who deserved the most happiness.

I Can Give You Two Good Reasons
To Show You Love's Not Blind
He's Two And She's Four, And You Know They Adore You
So How Can I Tell Them You've Changed Your Mind

Sometimes I Wake Up Crying At Night
And Sometimes I Scream Out Your Name
What Right Does She Have To Take You Away
When For So Long, You Were Mine

I Remember When You Were Mine

When the song ended, the couple pulled apart, but only slightly, not wanting to leave the safe haven of their soul mate’s arms. Looking into each other’s eyes, they were mesmerized by the sadness and love evident there. Not thinking about the consequences, Angel leaned in and kissed Buffy. It started out tenderly, reverently, but turned passionate quickly.

Suddenly, a gasp was heard. The kiss mutually broke off, and the couple turned to see Cordelia standing to the side, with her hands clasped over her mouth and shock in her eyes. Just as Buffy tried to explain, her cell phone vibrated in her bag. Reaching in, she pulled it out and answered it.

“Willow? What’s wrong? Are the kids okay?”

“Yeah, Buffy, they’re fine.” She paused. A large, heavy sigh could be heard on the other end of the line. “It’s Sam.”

“Oh, God. What happened?”

“He’s…well…he passed away. Buffy, I’m so sorry.” Choked sobs burst from Willow the moment the words left her mouth.

The blank stare on Buffy’s face alerted Angel to some problem. Just as he was about to ask her what was wrong, she turned and ran, leaving the manor as fast as she could, with news cameras flashing rapidly all around.

Angel watched her leave the basement room, before turning to his shocked wife. She shook her head and then, dramatically, carried herself out of the room, refusing questions from the press.

Angel thought, as he watched both of the women in his life walk away from him. In one second, his world turned upside-down, and he knew for certain that it would never be the same again.

The End


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