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This is an original idea from Rostx, a DQ take off of those ever popular credit card commercials.
If you think of a "priceless" please send it to me and I will add it to this page.

                      Dancing lessons from Colleen.....Free
                      A new suit..........half the money for your trip home
                      An elegant dinner and Opera......$15
                      Admitting the real reason you followed her to Boston.....PRICELESS!

From Episode: LUCK OF THE DRAW
                        Cleaning the kitchen for Colleen.........5 cents
                        Cleaning the windows at the clinic.....1 cent a window
                        Spending your entire savings to buy an eagle just to set it free.....PRICELESS!

From Episode: LUCK OF THE DRAW -Rostx
                        Lured into gambling...................................................Free
                        Wagering engagement ring......................................$50.00
                        Realizing that 'Everything that glitters is not gold..... PRICELESS! 

From Episode: ABDUCTION - Shelley
                      Supplies for a long journey.........................................................4 dollars
                      The words to tell the children that their ma was kidnapped...devistating
                      The connection between heartsongs..........................................PRICELESS!

From Episode: THE LIBRARY -Rostx
                     Donated books................................................................................Free
                      Matches for burning books...........................................................10 cents
                      Realizing that mass hysteria leads to unforgivable acts...........PRICELESS! 

From Episode: THE LIBRARY -Rostx
                      Captured frogs......................................................Free
                      Feed for frogs.......................................................10 cents
                      Learning you can't believe everything you read.....PRICELESS !! 

From Episode: MONEY TROUBLE -Rostx
                      Mike: leaded beveled glass window...................$20.00
                      Sully: 2 jobs to prove he's sole provider.............$50.00
                      Sully: Made to realize that he "provided" things money couldn't buy; 
                      that 'TRUE PARTNERSHIP is...PRICELESS!! 

From Episode: FOR BETTER OR WORSE -Shelley
                       Food for the reception.....................35 dollars
                       Wedding gown made in Paris........Free (since the mother brought it)
                       Gowns for the bridesmaids............Free
                       Making last minute adjustments to wedding gown..... 2 dollars
                       Marrying the man you love.............PRICELESS!

From Episode: ONE TOUCH OF NATURE -Shelley
                       Food for Thanksgiving.........10 dollars
                       Supplies for pies...................2 dollars
                       Realizing what you have.......Free
                       Medical Examination...........1 dollar
                       Telling your family you're having a baby......PRICELESS!

From Episode: WHEN A CHILD IS BORN -Shelley
                       Sending a telegram to Hazen..... 10 cents
                       Going off to save a friend............Courageous
                       Going off in the middle of the night....A night's sleep
                       Being their when your wife goes into labor.....Frightening
                       Holding your baby for the first time....PRICELESS!

From Episode: REASON TO BELIEVE -Rostx
                      Writing paper.....25 cents 
                      Research trips....$5.00
                      Burning ones novel to save the man you love ........PRICELESS!!

From 6th season -Rostx
                      Fixing Teresa's fence............................Free
                      Whisky to mask insecurities.................$5.00
                      Telling the woman you love how you feel, and having it reciprocated...........PRICELESS!! 

From The Series
Setting out on her own to respond to a need for a doctor….........................Courageous
Following her to Boston, admitting his love, and having it reciprocated….Unforgettable
Jumping off a cliff together to escape dog soldiers……............................... Breathtaking
Proposing in a sweat lodge……………………...................................................Romantic
"It's getting darker and darker"…………………..............................................Passionate
Having their first child born in the woods………..........................................Precious
Finally being found after falling off a cliff and missing for weeks….............Relief
Miscarrying a child that her husband didn't even know about…................Heartbreaking
Receiving a full pardon from the government…………................................Miraculous
The series that makes us laugh, cry, smile, and keep coming back for more…PRICELESS!!!
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