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Fan Stuff

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Priceless Character Insights Dr. Mike's Fashions-coming soon You Know You Watch Too Much DQ When...

It's hard to live with a Quinnfan because...

No matter the subject, any conversation can somehow be turned around to be about DQ.
Anytime there is anything on TV about Colorado, Pikes Peak, Boston, women doctors, Indians, the west or mountain men it has to be watched or taped.

In a perfect world...

CBS would have never canceled DQ and would still be showing it to this day.
The world would be alot smaller so you could go visit your online friends whenever you felt like it.
No one would ever make fun of your obsession with DQ.
Fanfictions would not be posted online until they are completely finished so as not to make the readers miserable.
There would be hundreds of the "rare" DQ items on eBay so you would never lose an auction.


You know it's going to be a bad day when...

Your internet/computer is not working so you won't be able to check message boards or chat!
You forget to set the vcr to tape DQ or a movie that a DQ cast member is in.


Bumper stickers for Quinnfans...

"Caution! Driver is listening to DQ theme song and may become very emotional."

"I brake for Mountain Men!"

"Truth is...Dr. Quinn saved my life."