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One small island off the west coast of Ireland. Three priests. One housekeeper. A gaggle of supporting priests. A bunch of nuns. A few late-night Ludo matches. The most consistently awful weather in the world.

Young Father Dougal McGuire (Ardal O'Hanlon) lives simply. Not ungodly but certainly unaware, the sun is always shining in his world. Happily oblivious to anything outside it, he is without doubt one of God's 'special' creatures.

Father Jack Hackett (Frank Kelly) is a lover of the sensuous life, a bon viveur. Or a semi-conscious reprobate. When not sleeping in his chair he is usually screaming abuse, dreaming of past exploits or shouting for more drink (anything from Tia Maria to Toilet Duck).

Trying desperately to remain sane in the face of all this is Father Ted Crilly (Dermot Morgan), who anxiously plays host to a number of bemused and bemusing guests - aggressive bishops, shy nuns - a never-ending parade of fellow priests and on one memorable occasion a famous lady novelist (Gemma Craven).

Constantly inveigled into playing Devil's advocate - from picketing a blasphemous movie to becoming an Elvis lookalike - Ted's dreams are of a parish in Las Vegas and a life free from embarrassment. Well, perhaps even an hour free from embarrassment.

The Parochial House on Craggy Island is set afloat on a sea of tea all the while by the Housekeeper from Hell, Mrs. Doyle (Pauline McLynn) who keeps an eye on events over an ever-boiling kettle.

Filmed on location in Ireland and London, Father Ted is written by Graham Linehan and Arthur Matthews.



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