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FULL NAME: Phillip Granville Spaulding

BIRTHDATE: July 16 (approx.)

Grant Aleksander: Dec. 1982 - Dec. 1984; Dec. 1986 - Feb. 1991; April 1996 - Present
John Bolger: Jan. 1985-1986

In 1982 after being kicked out of school, Phillip entered an empty Spaulding Mansion and called out for his father and step-mother, Hope. When there was no answer, he sat down dejectedly and said, "Welcome home Phillip." His first scene in 1996 was a phone call from Alexandra, who was inviting Beth and him to Alan-Michael's wedding.

His last scene in 1991 was at a farewell party thrown in the Towers. Phillip & Beth start to leave, then Phillip turns back to say good-bye again, picking Mindy up with one arm and Harley with the other. Then they turn and walk out.

Phillip's natural parents are Jackie & Justin Marler. But when a pregnant Jackie learned that Justin was having an affair, she went abroad and had her baby in secret, with plans to give him up for adoption. At the same time, Alan & Elizabeth Spaulding's child died at birth. Alan, fearing that his wife couldn't handle the loss, arranged to adopt Jackie's baby. For years, only Jackie knew Phillip was hers. Justin didn't even know he had a child. When Alan & Elizabeth split up, she eventually learned the truth about their son and fought for custody of him. She won, and had him raised by his natural parents. But it wasn't until Phillip was 18 that he found out the truth of his parentage. And it was evil Bradley Raines who broke the news on the night of Mindy's 18th birthday party. Raines callously told Phillip the truth, sending the young man into an emotional tailspin.

Phillip has two younger siblings: Alan-Michael Spaulding, the son of Alan & Hope Bauer, and Samantha Marler, daughter of Justin & Jackie.

He has enjoyed close relationships with his aunt, Alexandra Spaulding (Alan's sister), and uncle, Ross Marler (Justin's brother).

He has several cousins: Lujack & Nick by Alexandra; Victoria Spaulding by half-aunt Victoria, Dinah Marler by Ross & Vanessa; Kevin, Jason and Clarissa Marler by Ross and Blake; and Drew Jacobs by half-uncle Ben Warren and Selena Davis.

He has three children, Lizzie (born in 1990) & James (born in 2000) with Beth, and Alan Cooper Spaulding (aka Zach, born in 1999) with Harley.   Olivia Spencer is currently pregnant with his fourth child, a daughter.


MINDY LEWIS ~ Coming Soon!

BETH RAINES ~ Coming Soon!

Aunt Alexandra’s stepdaughter had her eye on Phillip from her first moment in Springfield, when he picked her up in the rain after she ran into car trouble.  Unfortunately for India, Phillip was still very much in love with Beth Raines, even if his paramour had moved on with cousin Lujack.  India’s luck took a turn for the better—and Phillip’s a turn for the worse—when she came upon evidence linking Phillip to the explosion that caused Beth’s blindness.  India blackmailed him into marriage, a ceremony in which the groom reluctantly answered, “Yep,” instead of “I do.”  Although Phillip and India did come to realize that, in many ways, they are kindred souls, their marriage could not survive India’s faked pregnancy and Phillip’s less-than-committed attitude.  However, the exes remained on relatively friendly terms, which proved fortuitous years later when Phillip required her help to avoid a murder charge.

Phillip had a brief affair with his secretary during his marriage to India.

Still reeling from Beth’s supposed death, Phillip began dating fellow reporter Chelsea Reardon.  Chelsea, a singer, also caught the eye of promoter Jackson Freemont, who had been a rival of sorts for Beth’s affections just prior to her disappearance.  When Chelsea realized the two men were continuing their battles over her, she accused them of using her as a replacement for Beth.  Phillip decided to really give a relationship with Chelsea a try, but their romance could not survive his brutal takeover of Spaulding Enterprises—a takeover the included Phillip bankrupting and ousting his father.

Phillip had a one-night stand with Rick's estranged lover, which resulted in pregnancy. But when the lives of the mother & unborn child were in jeopardy, Phillip had to agree to save Meredith's life at the expense of his child's.

Alan Spaulding met the alluring Blake Lindsey in Mexico, while he was still smarting from Phillip kicking him out of Spaulding Enterprises.  Alan hired her to get close to Phillip and spy on his business dealings.  Blake, however, fell for her mark…and Phillip fell for her right back.  If Blake’s betrayal angered Alan, the revelation that she was really Christina Thorpe, the daughter of his archenemy Roger, completely unhinged the Spaulding patriarch.  The situation came to a head at Phillip and Blake’s wedding ceremony, where Alan ended up shooting the groom and a very-alive Roger was unveiled to the citizens of Springfield.  Desperate to keep his son away from Thorpe’s daughter while he himself languished in prison, Alan confessed to Phillip that he had forged Beth’s death certificate.  Phillip and Blake still wed, but her attempts to keep him from a newly returned Beth—including committing him to a mental institution—led to a very bitter divorce.  Their relationship is now cordial—Blake is married to Phillip’s Uncle Ross.

Women of the 90's & Beyond ~ Coming Soon!

Phillip suffered from a heart condition as a youth. He was knocked unconscious in a sqirmish with Lujack and two other Galahads in 1983. The following summer, he was hospitalized after being badly beaten by the rest of the gang. He was shot in 1986 by Professor Blackburn, who took Beth hostage. Phillip's determination to find Beth, set back his recovery and his health took a toll. Alan decided to end the search by planting evidence to convince his son that Beth was dead.

In 1989, Phillip was shot again. This time it was Alan who accidentally pulled the trigger as he struggled with Roger Thorpe for the gun. This all took place as Phillip and Blake stood at the altar about to get married.  While daughter Lizzie was ill with leukemia, Phillip suffered from a rare virus and had to distance himself from his daughter.  He’s now suffering from anxiety attacks. 

Phillip had brushes with the law as a youth. In 1990, he was accused of the murder of Neil Everest and stood trial. To avoid prison, he enlisted Beth & Rick's help in faking his own death. They were all sentenced to community service--sending Phillip & then-wife Beth to Arizona.

After the revelation of his parentage, Phillip left home and worked as a stable boy at the Country Club. During his New York adventure with Beth, he took odd jobs, such as a security guard and furniture mover. He later became the pitch man, attracting customers to buy Beth's sketches, and took a turn as a mime. In 1985, he became president of the Spaulding Foundation. In 1986, he wrote and published the novel, Zanzibar. After a brief turn as a newspaperman, Phillip decided to concentrate on the family business.  His positions at Spaulding Enterprises have varied over the years.

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