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Memento Mori
Witten by shadowplay


SCENE: Spaulding living room.

Family and friends of the late Phillip Spaulding gather in the Spaulding living room. Guests are spread out and are mingling with one another. In presence: the Spaulding family: Alan, Alex (who has been released from prison for Phillip’s funeral), Beth, Lizzie, Gus. Also in presence: Justin Marler, Lillian Raines, Samantha Marler, Ross and Blake Marler; Rick and Mel Bauer; India Von Halkein, Billy and Mindy Lewis, etc.

Alan stands in front of the living room and gains every one’s attention.

ALAN: Thank you, everyone. I speak for my family when I say how touched I am that you are here. I know that, if Phillip were...[voice cracks. Collects himself] That if my son were here, he’d be pleased to see that so many people cared for him. At any rate, I suppose, Phillip is up there, somewhere, staring down at us and wishing he were here. I know that Phillip and I have always had our differences, as any father and son would have. But, I’d like to think that, in spite of it all, Phillip knew, always knew that I loved him and wanted what was best for him.

Beth is visibly upset by Alan’s words and, in a show of disapproval, she leaves the room. Lillian follows after her, with Lizzie right behind her.

SCENE: Hallway

Lillian catches up with Beth.

LILLIAN: Beth, honey, are you all right?

BETH: [sharply] No, Mama. I’m not. [Notices how visibly hurt her mother is] I’m sorry, Mama, I didn’t mean to be short with you..

Beth and Lillian hug. Lizzie watches them unnoticed.

LILLIAN: Sweetheart, I understand. You’re under terrible stress.

BETH: I just needed to get out of there.

Lizzie steps forward.

LIZZIE: Mom, are you mad at grandpa?

BETH: No, Lizzie, honey. No. It’’s just that I’m tired. It’s been a long day.

LILLIAN: Well, I know just the cure. How about some cocoa? I can ask cook to make some up for us.

BETH: [smiling] That would be nice.

LILLIAN: Good. Why don’t the two of you go on upstairs? I’ll let everybody know you’re resting. I’m sure they’ll understand.

Lillian leaves. Beth puts her arm around Lizzie and the two head upstairs.

SCENE: Spaulding living room.

Alexandra comes to Alan’s side. In the background are two prison guards dutifully watching her every move.

ALEXANDRA: What you said was lovely, Alan.

ALAN: Yes, but it appears not everyone agrees.

ALEXANDRA: Beth’s still in shock. We all are. My poor Phillip. My golden boy. When I close my eyes I can still see him, smiling at me, looking so alive. Why, Alan? Why did this have to happen?

ALAN: Because he is a Spaulding, that’s why, Alex. He was hated because he was a Spaulding.

ALEXANDRA: It can’t be as simple as that. I wish there was some way to explain it.

ALAN: [glaring, sipping his drink] I understand it completely. And I won’t rest until the person responsible for this is rotting in hell.

Alan glances in Gus’s direction. Gus is talking to Samantha Marler.

GUS: I just wanted to say how truly sorry I am about all this.

Samantha nods sadly.

GUS: I didn’t know Phillip for long. I mean, we only recently discovered we were brothers, but...well...I mean we had our differences, but...

SAMANTHA: [touching Gus on the arm] It’s okay. I understand. [sighs] This is all very strange. I still expect to see him come walking through that door in that cool, confident stride of his. [laughs] He was my big brother. I looked up to him.

GUS: Yeah, um, I heard the two of you were close.

SAMANTHA: Very close.

GUS: I kind of envy that. I mean, I have...had a sister and...well, we were kind of close...but not really...I mean, it’s hard to explain.

SAMANTHA: You don’t have to explain, Gus. Believe me, Phillip and I had our battles too. There was this time when Roger Thorpe was responsible for nearly destroying Fifth Street to build Towers for Spaulding Enterprises and Phillip had to come down and talk to the people there and calm them down because they were ready to riot. Oh, boy, I was never so mad at him than I was that day. I mean, he stood there and justified to those people that it was only business and that it wasn’t personal and that they stood to gain.

GUS: Well, that sounds familiar.

SAMANTHA: That wasn’t the Phillip I knew. The Phillip who had principles. Who stood up for what was right. But in his heart of hearts he eventually did the right thing. He refused to let Spaulding Enterprises dictate to him what kind of man he was going to be. It really shows the kind of person Phillip truly is...I mean, was...

Samantha starts to tear up. Gus reaches out and touches her shoulder, comforting her.

SAMANTHA: I don’t care what anybody says, but that’s the big brother I’m going to remember.

Nearby, Justin, Ross and Blake are talking.

JUSTIN: [teary-eyed] I don’t understand, Ross. I just don’t understand. First, Phillip is put away in a mental institution and nobody tells me and now this...

ROSS: [contrite] I know, Justin. And I apologize for that, but Phillip told me when he was admitted that he didn’t want you to know. He was deeply ashamed.

JUSTIN: But he was my son, Ross.

BLAKE: [defensively] He was trying to do what was best, Justin. Please understand that.

JUSTIN: [runs his hands over his face] No, no, I’m sorry. I am, Ross. I’m not angry at you. I don’t mean to take this out on you. It’s’s just that I feel so damn helpless, Ross. I should have been there for him. If I was only there I could have helped him, saved him from this...

ROSS: I know, Justin. Believe me I know exactly how you’re feeling. I am overwhelmed with guilt. And I don’t think there will ever be a day when I won’t look back on this and think...if only I had paid more attention. If only I was there for him.

JUSTIN: But he’s my son, Ross. My son. And I abandoned him. I wasn’t there for him when he was born. And look what happened. If I had only been there for him, Ross. Oh, dear Mother of God.

Justin breaks down. Ross throws his arm around his brother and leads him away. Blake gazes at both of them, heartbroken. Billy and Mindy approach Alan and Alexandra.

MINDY: Alan. Alexandra. I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about Phillip. My heart is just breaking over this.

ALAN: Thank you, Mindy. I appreciate your being here. I know Phillip considered you a very dear friend and I’m sure he’d be pleased to know you’re here.

MINDY: I just wish there was something I could do or say to make this better.

ALEXANDRA: Your being here is enough, Mindy.

BILLY: Yeah, I wanted to give my condolences too. And, uh, Reva and Josh would’ve been here, but, well they’ve been kinda preoccupied lately.

ALEXANDRA: Yes, I heard about Jonathan. That must have been quite a shock to Reva.

BILLY: Yeah, well.

Billy and Alan stare awkwardly at one another. A few seconds go by without anyone saying anything.

MINDY: Oh, there’s Mel and Rick. Will you excuse me? And again, I am so so sorry.

ALAN: Thank you, Mindy.

Mindy leaves. Again, the awkward silence.

BILLY: Look, Alan. If there’s anything I can do to help you and your family, don’t hesitate...

ALAN: [taken aback] Help? You would like to help me? You mean, the way your son helped to bring my son down?


Billy, looking like he’s about to burst, clenches his hands, then, restraining himself, stands back.

BILLY: [strained] Look, I know you’re in pain. And didn’t mean to say that. So I won’t hold that against you.

ALAN: I say only what I mean to say, Billy.

BILLY: Now, Alan, you know damn well my boy didn’t have nothing to do with this.

ALAN: I’m sure the police will say otherwise.

BILLY: You know, me and Mindy came here ‘cause we wanted to say our condolences, but if this is the way we’re gonna get treated...

ALEXANDRA: And we appreciate your kindness, Billy. Truly.

Billy shakes his head, incredulous.

BILLY: [pointing at Alan] My boy didn’t have nothing to do with this, Alan.

ALAN: As I said, that is a matter for the police to decide.

BILLY: [Billy trying hard to restrain himself] Excuse me, Alexandra. I think I could use some air.

Billy shakes his head and walks away. Their row causes a stir. India, who is with Rick, Mel and Mindy, shakes her head, amused.

INDIA: Well, never a dull day in the Spaulding manse. What on earth could that have been about?

RICK: I have no idea. To be honest, I don’t understand half the things that go on in this town nowadays.

MEL: This is all just so sad. I mean, we’re supposed to be mourning Phillip’s passing.

MINDY: [who’s been staring at her father the whole time] Will you excuse me?

Mindy follows her father. India watches her go, then turns her attention to Rick and Mel. She closes her eyes for a moment.

INDIA: I can still smell him.

MEL: Excuse me?

INDIA: Phillip. He had such a wonderful smell. Like old-world money.

RICK: That’s a great way to remember somebody, India.

INDIA: Oh, I don’t mean it to sound so callous. I just meant that there was always something about Phillip. Something...oh, I don’t know...powerful. I don’t think he ever knew that about himself. How powerful he could be. It was always his one failing. He never truly understood himself. God, we could have been something together. The both us. We could have ruled the world.

RICK: I don’t think that was what Phillip wanted.

INDIA: Perhaps. But it would have been nice. [Tears coming to his eyes] I’m sure you doubt this, Rick, but...I did love him. He was my one and true great love.

Rick and Mel stare at her, chagrined.

RICK: I know you did, India.

INDIA: Oh, look at me. [reaches into her bag to get a handkerchief] I promised myself I wasn’t going to cry. [She smiles, trying to ward off the tears. But the tears come anyway. Her smile disappears]. Oh, bloody hell.

India presses her handkerchief to her mouth and runs out of the room and into the hall. She leans against the wall, stares up beseechingly.

INDIA: Phillip. Phillip. Oh, God. Phillip.

Back at Rick and Mel. Mel sighs.

MEL: How are you holding up?

RICK: [curt] I’m fine.

MEL: You know, Rick...

RICK: I’m going to go up and see Beth. See how she’s doing? Okay.

Rick leaves to go upstairs. Mel watches him, saddened.

SCENE: Terrace.

Mindy has joined her father on the terrace. It is a chilly evening, so Mindy pulls her wrap about her shoulders. She and Billy are in the middle of their conversation.

BILLY: I should go.

MINDY: No, daddy. Don’t. I need you here.

BILLY: You don’t need me here, princess. I’ll just ruin things for you and that’s the last thing I want. Phillip was your friend, and I respect that.

MINDY: But, Daddy, if you go then I don’t know how I’ll be able to hold myself up. Just looking at you makes me stronger. I’m just afraid I’ll lose it if you leave.

Billy hugs his daughter.

BILLY: I know, baby. I know. It just makes me sick to my stomach that Spaulding is making all sorts of insinuations about Bill. It ain’t right.

MINDY: To hell with Alan Spaulding.

BILLY: [chuckles] Yeah, there’s my little girl’s spunk.

MINDY: Besides, Daddy, Alan is not to blame here.


MINDY: It’s Olivia. She’s to blame. She’s the one who tricked Phillip into marrying him while he was in a mental institution. And now she wants to put her claws in my baby brother. That’s what makes me sick to my stomach.

BILLY: Yeah, well, you got that right, baby girl.

MINDY: I swear to God, Daddy, get me alone in a room with that witch and I’m not liable for what might happen.

BILLY: [laughing] There’s my girl.

SCENE: Spaulding living room.

Gus approaches Alan.

GUS: What was all that about with you and Billy?

ALAN: Nothing. Just Billy Lewis blowing more hot air. Gus, I want you to get on top of this as soon as possible. My son will get justice.

GUS: Well, Alan, I’m not in any position to lead an investigation...

ALAN: Gus, my son deserves to have justice. I want whoever did this to be taken out to the woodshed and shot. And the first people I want you to investigate are Bill Lewis and Harley Cooper.

Gus stares at Alan, completely taken aback. Blake turns to Ross.

BLAKE: Ross, please, whatever differences we have. Please, let’s not fight tonight.

ROSS: [stunned] Blake, I had no intentions of fighting with you tonight.

BLAKE: I know. I know. It’s just that with everything that’s been going on with Sebastian and Dinah...I just...I don’t feel like arguing with you. I just want you to be there for me. Hold me.

ROSS: Blake.

Heartened by Blake’s tender plea, he holds her in his arms. Gus takes Alan aside, away from prying ears.

GUS: You can’t mean that, Alan.

ALAN: I do mean that, Gus. I want Harley and Bill to fry. I want them to pay for what they did to my son.

GUS: Alan, they didn’t do anything. You know Harley would never hurt Phillip.

A malicious gleam comes in Alan’s eye.

ALAN: Gus. You know I love you. But if you don’t choose whose side you’re on, then I cannot promise you that you will ever have a place in this family again.

GUS: [stunned] What does that supposed to mean?’re saying if I don’t toe the line you’ll disown me?

Alan grimaces, doesn’t say a word. He walks away. Gus is still stunned. In the background, Alexandra watches the scene, concerned.

SCENE: Beth’s bedroom.

She’s with Lillian and Lizzie. Beth and Lizzie are lying in bed, Lizzie leaning her head on Beth’s shoulder. Lillian steps into the room, carrying a tray of three cups of cocoa. She hands the cups to Beth and Lizzie.

LILLIAN: Here you go. Three cups of cocoa.

BETH: [smiling sadly] Thanks, Mama.

LILLIAN: Well, I know how you and Lizzie love a good cup of cocoa.

BETH: No marshmallows?

LILLIAN: [laughs] No. I’m afraid they’re plumb out downstairs. I guess marshmallows aren’t considered a luxury item around here.

LIZZIE: [stares down into cup, pouts] This is so stupid.

BETH: Lizzie.

LIZZIE: Daddy’s dead, Mommy. He’s dead and we’re up here drinking cocoa. It’s not right.

LILLIAN: Well, sweetie, I thought maybe it would make us all feel better. We could all use that.

BETH: Mama, thank you. Really. Lizzie understands the gesture.

LIZZIE: I’m sorry, Nana. It’s’s just...

LILLIAN: You miss your father.

Lizzie nods. New tears fall down her cheeks. Beth strokes her hair.

LILLIAN: Oh, honey. I know how you feel. My heart is breaking right along with yours.

LIZZIE: It’s so unfair. Why him? [Lizzie has a flashback: sound of screeching wheels, the thud of a car hitting something!] I’ve done a lot worse than Daddy. Why did he die and I didn’t?

BETH: [shocked} Lizzie!

LIZZIE: It’s true, Mama. I’m the bad one. Why didn’t I die? Why did it have to be Daddy?

Now hysterical, Lizzie leaps out of her mother’s bed and runs out of the room. Beth starts after her. Lillian stops her.

LILLIAN: No, Beth. Let me. You rest.

Beth sinks back in bed as her mother leaves the room. Tears start to fall down her face. She wipes them away.

BETH: Oh, Phillip. Help me.

Beth closes her eyes as more tears fall down her cheeks. [She has a flashback of Phillip when he was under suspicion for Neil Everest’s murder. Beth is sitting on Phillip’s lap.]

PHILLIP: Hey come on. You can tell me anything. You know that.

BETH: Well, I’m not sure this will sound like the healthiest thing, but I guess that’s the way it is. (Emotional) I...uh...I am not sure I can live without you.

PHILLIP: (barely audible) Oh. Ah...come here.

BETH: (tearful) I just wish I was stronger.

PHILLIP: (rocking Beth in his arms) Hey. Hey. (Pause) You are the strongest person I’ve ever known.

Beth kisses Phillip on the forehead.

BETH: Because I love you.

PHILLIP: I love you, too.

BETH: I think my life began when I met you.

PHILLIP: That’s because your life was hell.

Beth laughs.

PHILLIP: I just thank God that I was lucky enough to be the first one to come along to be nice to you because you were desperate for it.

BETH: No. It would have been you no matter what.

PHILLIP: (inaudible)

BETH: Yeah. It was fate. I know that.

PHILLIP: So you think he’s brought us this far to dump us now? No, I don’t think so.

BETH: Well, if God does that I’m going to be really, really mad. (Laughs)

PHILLIP: (shouts) Hey! You hear that? You don’t want Beth Raines mad.

BETH: That’s a warning.

PHILLIP: (Quiet) Yeah, I know what you mean. Life without you isn’t worth much. I’ve tried. Doesn’t work.

[Cue theme music]

Flashforward: Beth cries again, her hand clasped to her mouth.

BETH: Phillip. [Closes eyes] Oh, Phillip, please come back. Please, make this nightmare go away. I don’t want to do this. I can’t do this alone. I need you. I need you so much.

Outside, the wind blows desolately through the tree outside her window. The sound is lonely and melancholy. A knock at the door interrupts Beth’s train of thought. She brightens and turns to the door.

BETH: Phillip?

RICK: [heartsick] No, Beth. It’s me.

Beth smiles at her old friend, but soon she is overcome with more tears. Rick goes over to her bed and the two embrace tightly.

SCENE: Hallway.

Lillian is sitting with Lizzie on a bench, one arm around her granddaughter. Lizzie is wiping her face with a hankie her grandmother gave her.

LILLIAN: Feeling better?


LILLIAN: Oh, honey. I wish there was something I could do or say to make this better. I remember when you were a little girl. You were spending the afternoon at my house, and you wanted to ride the bike you’d gotten for Christmas. Oh, you just loved that little bike. Loved riding it down the street. And I loved watching you ride that bike because, well, this was your first experience at independence. You know, you were doing something all on your own, without your mom or dad or me helping you. Well, I thought you were doing fine by yourself, and I didn’t have to worry. But I was wrong. I should have been watching you. Because one day you were riding your bike and took a bad fall. You came running into the house in tears. You’d scraped your elbow. Do you remember that?

LIZZIE: Yeah. Actually, I do.

LILLIAN: The way you were crying I thought you were badly hurt. You were more frightened than anything else. Well, I bandaged your little boo-boo and I gave it a kiss and that seemed to make you feel better. I had the power to fix your little problem, and everything was okay. Before long, you were right back on that bike again. Fearless as always.

LIZZIE: I don’t feel fearless, Nana.

LILLIAN: I know you don’t, honey. I know you feel so terribly alone. But, sweetie, you are not alone. You have me and you have your mom. And we both love you so much. And whatever you’re feeling right now, understand it is not your fault.

LIZZIE: [excited] But you don’t understand, Nana. I did something...

LILLIAN: You did what?

LIZZIE: I...I...

LILLIAN: [tenderly] Honey, tell me. What’s wrong?

LIZZIE: It’s my fault Daddy’s dead. I...I pulled up the piece of carpet at the Beacon because I wanted Olivia to fall and die...

LILLIAN: Sweetie, please, don’t dwell on that...

LIZZIE: [hysterical] But, if I hadn’t have done that, Nana, then Olivia wouldn’t have left with Emma. And Daddy wouldn’t have gone crazy. And he wouldn’t have done the things he did after he left Ravenwood and made so many enemies. It’s my fault, Nana. It’s all my fault. Daddy’s dead. He’s dead and it’s my fault.

LILLIAN: [stunned] Honey, please, don’t do this.

LIZZIE: I’ll never forgive myself, Nana. I end up hurting everybody I love. Joey. Sandy. Now Daddy.

LILLIAN: Sandy? Honey, what does Sandy have to do with this?

LIZZIE: Oh, Nana. I wish I was dead. I wish it was me you buried this afternoon.

LILLIAN: Lizzie!

Lizzie breaks down in heartbreaking sobs. Lillian holds her granddaughter, stunned and shocked by her emotional outburst.

SCENE: Spaulding living room.

Alexandra approaches Gus after Gus’s confrontation with Alan. Gus has a drink in his hand.

ALEXANDRA: He didn’t mean that, Gus.

GUS: What?

ALEXANDRA: What Alan just said. He didn’t mean it. He’s under a lot of strain. Losing’s been hard on all of us, but Alan in particular. And when Alan gets afraid, he gets defensive. It’s an old Spaulding trait, drilled into us since we were kids. That was how your grandfather taught us to be fearless. He made us afraid and then forced us to defend ourselves.

GUS: Against your father?

ALEXANDRA: No. Against our own fears. It was quite effective, I might say. Too damn effective.

GUS: Yeah. Well, I hope you’re right, because if he’s serious, Alex, then there’s no way I can honor his request. [Intently] Harley did not do this. There is no question of that. And if the police charge her with anything, then I will do everything in my power to prove her innocence.

ALEXANDRA: I’m sure you will. [Pause] Gus, go to her.

GUS: What?

ALEXANDRA: Go find Harley. Before it’s too late. Find her and tell her what you told me. I lost my son years ago, and I thought I would die. And now, my Phillip is gone. Life is too short and precious. Don’t leave anything to chance. Find Harley and tell her how you feel.

Gus stares into his drink, looking as though he is trying to make up his mind about something. Then, glancing up at Alexandra, a determined and resolute expression crosses his face. He nods, then takes off. Mindy approaches Mel, who is talking to Samantha.

MINDY: Where did Rick go?

MEL: Oh, he went up to see Beth. See how she’s doing.

MINDY: Hmm. I think I’ll go check up on her too. Excuse me.

Mindy leaves Mel and Blake. Mel watches her leave with a pained look on her face, a look that does not escape Blake’s attention.

BLAKE: They’ve been spending a lot of time with each other.

MEL: They’re old friends.

BLAKE: Well, it’s good to see you’re fine with that. I’d be jealous. I always was. The closeness Rick and Mindy had with Phillip. And, well, I don’t have to mention Beth. It was like they belonged to some special club I couldn’t join.

MEL: I don’t have a problem with that, Blake.

BLAKE: Oh, I wasn’t implying that you were. But if you were, I’d understand. I mean, nobody would hold it against you.

MEL: [sighs] It’s not their friendship that bothers me. Really. It’s just...well...I see Rick in so much pain. I know what Phillip meant to him. He was like a brother to him. I want to help him but every time I reach out to him he just...he pulls away. I just want to help him through this, that’s all.

BLAKE: [rubbing Mel’s shoulder] I know how you feel. I know exactly what it feels like when someone you love locks you out.

Blake glances over at Ross and Justin.

Act II

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