Jennifer Aniston pregnant according to

Jennifer Aniston is going to be a mom

With her recent marriage to one of the Hollywood best good-looking men, the actress Jennifer aniston is now expecting the first baby for both of them.

Even though the popular couple havent said the news oficially, the actress from "FRIENDS" talked with the production team and and partners from the show to tell them that she is one month pregnant.

With the good news ,the writters from the show have started to plan the new season to justify Jenniferīs state.

According to some british medios Aniston wants to keep working until the end of her pregnancy (February aprox.)and her wish is that Brad Pitt appears on "FRIENDS" as the father of her baby, but this alarmed to the producers because he earns 10 millons for a movie and according to what has been said this is the same he asked for his participation on the show.

Producers consider this as an excess , so it is not so probable that the young couple takes its love to the small screen.But this doesnīt seems to be a big deal to them, with the arrive of their first baby the next year.Also the good news arrived just a little bit before they celebrate their first anniversary as a married couple.

Translated by Jeniffer from

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