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Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

Angel and Wesley move out into the lobby where the others are waiting in front of a dry erase board. Wes drops the diaper on the counter top as he walks past.

Wes: "We've divided it into two categories. Column one groups or individuals that we know pose a threat to the baby: Holtz, Wolfram & Hart, the vampire cult that attacked us at the hospital. Column two those you *could* pose a threat once they get wind of the baby."  Fred is writing something on the board.
Fred is writing something on the board.

Angel: "Order of Phillius, Beltar the Cremator, - Frank?"

(The list also has a 'Piper Beast' and 'The Scourge' as potential threats.)

Gunn: "Local mobster, specializes in kidnapping."

Angel: "Ah. (Baby begins to cry) What, what, what? What is it? You can't be wet again. I just changed you. Ah-hmm, are you hungry? I got a bottle all ready for you."

Walks over to counter and looks around.

Angel: "Where did I put his bottle? I had a bottle all ready for him!"

Cordy hurries over, picks up the bottle and hands it to him.

Angel: "Okay. (To baby) Here's your babba. (Baby cries) Take your babba. (Gunn grins.) You just take it like this (Angel lifts the bottle and makes sucking noises) and you drink, and you're happy."
Angel: "Okay. (To baby) Here is your babba. (Baby cries) Take your babba. (Gunn grins.) You just take it like this (Angel lifts the bottle and makes sucking noises) and you drink, and you are happy."

The baby continues to cry.

Gunn comes over.

Gunn: "Angel, why don't you let me take him for a little while. I helped raise my cousin since she was about a week old."

Cordy throws up her hands and walks away.

Angel: "I-i can handle it. (Walks away from Gunn) Alright, so we got a list. All we have to do is erase everyone on it."

Fred picks up a dry eraser: "I can do that for you."  Fred starts to erase the top name on the board.

Cordy: "Ah, Fred..."

Fred: "What?"

Fred stops erasing and turns to look at Cordy.

Fred: "Oh, you meant erase in a squish and kill violent kind of way. I'll just put that back."

Writes Holtz name back on the list.

Angel, pacing and holding the bottle out to the crying baby: "Come on, it's a nice babba. You wanna stop crying and take your babba, yes you do - please?"

Cordy is at her laptop searching that same database.
Cordy is at her laptop searching that same database.

Gunn: "What about that ninja guy that attacked us at the hospital?"

Wes: "The vampire cult killed him before he could get to the baby."

Fred: "There could be more of them."

Cordy: "The world is a sick and demented place. You know there are already three websites offering money for the baby?"

Fred is adding 'Ninja guys' to the column of known threats.

Angel, carrying the baby: "Fred, help them trace the websites."

Fred: "Right."

Angel is still trying to get the baby to take the bottle.

Angel: "It's good. Try it. You'll like it. Mmmm, so good."

The baby keeps crying. Fred takes Cordy's place in front of the laptop. Angel picks up a stuffed Teddy and pretends to feed it the bottle.

Angel: "See? Ha. Teddy likes it. And I like it, too."

Angel opens his mouth and shakes some of the milk from the bottle into it.

Angel: "See? Mmmm."

Smiles at the baby, then turns his head away, makes a face and spits.

A blue flash lights up the hotel and everyone looks around.

Fred: "What was that?"

Lorne walks in: "Oh, just listening to those Furies gives me whiplash! Thank god they finally left. My head was about to pop off. Which, granted, not that big a deal."

Wes: "That flash was their spell kicking in?"

Lorne: "Yeah, they put a force field over the entire hotel. No one or thing can get in or out."

Fred: "So, the baby's safe? We're all safe. Right, Lorne? I-I mean unless one of those killers decides to throw in a fire bomb in at us like they did at your club, which had a similar safety spell around it as I recall. - Sorry."

Angel: "She's right. He won't be safe here for long."

Lorne: "Well, we can get out if we have to. I installed an emergency exit down in the sewers. A-a mystical barrier, opens and closes with a password. (To Fred) Pylean word for hedgehog."

Fred: "Oh. - Oh!"

Starts to laugh.

Gunn: "I'm guessing it means something very different in English?"

Cordy: "Well, we'll have to use it. The baby needs to see a doctor."

Angel: "What? He's not sick! Does he look sick?"

Cordy read in baby book: "No. But he needs his newborn checkup. The baby book says that he's supposed to have a vitamin K shot and a PKU test after he's born. Uh - are you gonna circumcise?"

The baby starts screaming louder.

Gunn: "I think he heard you."

Lorne: "Speaking of hearing things - are there any fluorescent lights in here? I keep hearing this hum. Plus, fluorescent - green light, green skin - it's all bad. - I'll take the blank stares as a big fat no."

Angel is looking at the weapons cabinet.

Angel: "Gunn?"

Gunn: "Yeah."

Angel: "I'm in a war here. I'm gonna need some serious firepower."

Gunn: "You mean something beyond swords and spears?"

Angel: "Way beyond."

Gunn: "I know some guys. Leave it to me."

Angel: "Thanks. (To Fred) We get into the websites?"

Fred: "Not yet. Normally all we would have to do is hack into the e-mail and track the relays but - they're using re-mailers."

Angel looks at them: "Which means?"

Cordy: "Which means there is no direct id, it's going to take a little time..."

Angel: "We don't have a little time. Are those all the names up there on the board?"

Wes: "Working on some other leads. We all want the same thing, Angel. We're doing the best we can."
Wes: "Working on some other leads. We all want the same thing, Angel. We're doing the best we can."

Angel, looking down at the baby: "Do better."

Wes: "Angel!"

Angel: "I promised his mother. No one is gonna put their hands on this child. No one."

Angel turns to walk up the stairs.


Figures in purple hooded cloaks are chanting in front of the Hyperion. Gunn turns away from the first story window and walks over to the stairs leading down into the lobby.

Gunn: "Guys, the Lilliad demons are starting their mojo on the force field."

Gunn resumes his post at the window as Wes and Fred pick up crossbows.

Gunn sees a car pull up and men jump out.

Gunn: "Ah, right, sun's down, vamps can come out, too. - Wait, they're headed towards the bikers."

Fred: "What are they doing?"

Gunn, walking down the stairs: "They, ah, having a brawl over who gets to kill us first."

Wes: "We have to hold our ground."

Cordy: "What if we can't?"

Wes: "If we're forced to fall back we'll do so towards the cellar. We can make a retreat through the sewer."

Wes picks up a flame-thrower. Angel is standing on the stairs, holding the baby in his arms.

Angel: "This isn't going to work."

Wes: "I checked it. It's primed and ready."

Angel: "Not the weapon, the plan."

Lorne: "I'm so glad somebody finally said that, because sitting here waiting to die never was much of a plan. Sorry. So, what kind of genius idea you got hidden up that well tailored sleeve of yours, huh?"

Angel: "Plan is I go. Take the baby somewhere safe."

Cordy: "What?"

Angel: "He was born in a siege, he's not gonna die in one."

Wes: "But if you stay and help us fight... You said it yourself: we're in a war."

Angel is putting stuff into a bag.

Angel: "And now I'm in a retreat."

Wes: "What happened to taking them out?"

Angel: "There's too many of them. I can get out through the sewers. With any luck I'll get a couple miles before anyone notices that I'm gone."

Cordy: "So you're just gonna leave? Run away?"

Gunn: "Why not? That's what he's good at. Sure you don't wanna fire us first? A little icing on the cake while you leave us here to do the fighting?"

Lorne: "I thought we already established this as a bad, bad idea."

Angel: "No, you're gonna be all right. Once they break the spell and storm the place they'll realize that the baby's gone and they'll go after me. Wesley, stall them if you can."

Cordy steps into his path as Angel shoulders the bag and heads for the basement doors.

Cordy: "I'm sure tripping over our dead bodies will slow them down. You really didn't hear anything I said to you earlier, did you?"

Angel looks down at the baby in his arm then walks past Cordy.

Angel: "I heard you."

Fred: "Angel! Don't leave us."

Angel hurries on without even looking back.
Angel hurries on without even looking back.

Two demons and men break free from the fight at the front doors of the Hyperion and walk inside. The Demons take down their hoods.

Lilliad: "Where is the child?"

Wes: "Upstairs, room three-one-two, why don't you go and get him? Oh, wait. I have a better idea."

Wes aims the flame-thrower and fires. We hear screams as flames wipe the screen.

Outside the fight continues. A vampire looks up from the fighting as Angel's car drives by. He knocks down another opponent, then sees the Hum-vees in pursuit. The vampire hurries inside the hotel.

Vampire: "Master, it's a trick! He's taken the child."

The vampire looks down at the charred and still smoking remains of a Lilliad demon.
Looks at Wes who gives him a shrug before torching him with a burst of flame.
Looks at Wes who gives him a shrug before torching him with a burst of flame. Looks at Wes who gives him a shrug before torching him with a burst of flame.


The doctor and a nurse carrying the baby come back out into the waiting room.

Doctor: "I'm happy to report you have a healthy baby boy."

Cordy: "Oh, great. But I'm not the mother."

Doctor: "Oh, I'm sorry. (turns to Fred) I'm happy to report you have a healthy baby boy."

Fred: "Oh. Me neither."

Wes: "I'm afraid the mother is, ah, no longer in the picture."

Doctor: "I see. Well, his height and weight are in the ninety percentile. We gave him his vitamin K and his PKU and he's doing very well. We don't seem to have his - what's his name?"

Cordy and Wes look at each other.

Angel walking in: "Connor. His name is Connor."

Doctor: "Connor. Thank you. Mr. (looks at the papers) Angel. (the nurse hands the baby to Angel) And congratulations."

Angel: "Thanks."

The Doctor and the nurse leave, as Angel smiles down at Connor.

Angel: "Hey... (Looks up) Mr. Angel?"

Fred: "Your first name is Geraldo."

Cordy: "We had to tell them something."

Fred: "Geraldo Angel. You’re a pet psychiatrist with a small practice in Pacoima. Oh, and you fight crime- We just told them the name part. The rest is me, having fun."

Angel: "I don't know what to say."

Cordy: "How about thanks. I appreciate it. You guys rock. Way to go?"

Angel looks up from Connor's face: "What she said."
Angel looks up from Connor's face: "What she said."

The double doors behind them open and Gunn comes in pushing an empty stroller.

Gunn: "Got the best one a very small amount of money could buy."

They all 'ah.' Angel hands Connor over to Cordy who puts him in the stroller.

Cordy: "Hey, you wanna go for a ride? Oh, goodness..."

Wes: "Connor. That's a lovely name. I don't suppose you ever considered Wes..."

Angel, Gunn and Cordy: "No."

Fred: "Not to be negative or anything, but - we're okay, right? Nobody else is coming after Connor or us?"

Angel: "No. We're safe for the time being. - Let's go home. Nice stroller."
Angel: "No. We're safe for the time being. - Let's go home. Nice stroller."

Gunn: "Thank you."

They walk out together, Fred and Gunn on the left, Cordy and Wes on the right, and Angel, pushing the stroller in the middle.

Camera pans down to Connor and the screen fades to black.

Lullaby     Birthday

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