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Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

Wes bursts through the door carrying a couple of bags.

Wes: "Where is she?"

Cordy is in the bathroom popping some pills from a prescription bottle.

She comes out of the bathroom to find Gunn and Wes holding a cake with six lit candles and the picture of a female superhero on it. All four start singing 'happy birthday.'

Cordy grinning: "Oh you guys. I can't believe you did this."

Gunn: "Don't just stand there. Blow out the candles, girl."
Gunn: "Don't just stand there. Blow out the candles, girl.

Cordy blows out the candles and they guys cheer.

Fred: "Did you make a wish?"

Cordy: "I sure did. Ah, Jude Law was a little busy, huh?"

Wes: "Oh, how disappointing for you. Well, I guess you won't be wanting the presents we..."

Cordy: "Oh, wanting. Wanting presents."


Fred spots the bottle of prescription pills on the floor where Cordy's body was lying and picks it up.

Cordy: "Alright. The joke's on me. Now put me back in my body!"

Angel: "It was a vision, wasn't it? I mean, she just started saying something about a girl..."

Cordy: "That's right. She's in a house on Oak street (the others keep talking, but we can't hear what they're saying anymore than they can hear or see Cordy) the middle of Reseda. It feels like we have some time here, but - but (looks at the others) you can't hear me at all, can you?"

Lorne coming down the stairs: "What's all the hubbub, bub?"

Cordy: "Lorne! Thank god! You can hear me, right? 'cause if there's some weird, other-worldly thing going on you'd still be able to..."

Cordy trails off as Lorne walks right through her, never noticing her.

Cordy: "Oh. That's not good. (A black shadow passes overhead) Did anybody else just see that?'

Lorne: "Jumping Judas on a unicycle. What happened?"

Angel: "All we know is that she had a vision."

Fred: "There is a lot we don't know. I think she dropped this."

Holds out the bottle of pills to Angel.

Cordy: "No Fred! Put that away. That's not important."

Fred: "Seltrex."

Wes: "Oh god."
Wes: "Oh god."

Angel: "What's Seltrex?"

Cordy: "Nothing! It's just..."

Wes: "Seltrex is a highly powerful migraine medication."

Gunn: "Maybe we should get her to a hospital."

Angel: "So they can do what? Do what they did last time, strap her to a bed and tell us there's no hope?"

Wes: "Angel is right. Seltrex is potent but - it doesn't cause the catatonia."
Wes: "Angel is right. Seltrex is potent but - it doesn't cause the catatonia."

Angel joins the rest of the gang and they all pivot to keep watching Cordy.

Wes: "Cordelia, what is the last thing you remember?"

Cordy: "When? I've been so... Oh. You mean the vision downstairs. No, I had a vision, but it's been taken care off. There was this actress, and an one-armed guy. (Everyone watches her silently.) It's a long story. But right now, we have to solve my vision."
(Everyone watches her silently.)

Lorne: "The one you just said was taken care of?"

Cordy: "No. The one I'm having right now. There is a young man in a park in Glendale. Uh, somewhere near a pond. There is a demon waiting for him. He's red with four, no make that five horns."

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