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Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.

Wes is looking past the naked sword blade to the person holding it.

Wes: "You wouldn't dare. - You were just going to toss in a Prothgarian broadsword with a third-century ceremonial Sancteus dagger?"

Cordy turns the sword in her hands to give it a second look.

Cordy: "Hmm. Let's see. Long, metal, pointy. - Yup."

Wes: "Cordy! The purpose of an inventory..."

Gunn: "Yes, give us that (mimics Wes English accent) purpose of an inventory speech - again."

Wes: "This wasn't my idea."

Cordy: "No. Angel - keeps complaining that the weapons cabinet is all different. But, Wesley, who's the boss around here? You - or the guy with the pancreas dagger."

Fred: "What time is it?"

Wes holds up his wrist to Cordy and read his watch.

Cordy: "Six twenty four, and for those of you who are playing the home game: that's exactly three minutes from the last time you asked."

Fred fumbles around with the strange contraption (looks like a hybrid between a suitcase, a crossbow and a sowing machine - or something like that).

Fred: "I'm sorry. I just - I have this theory that the more you are aware of time the more slowly it moves, which *could* make light speed travel possible, but only if you were to concentrate really..."

Cordy: "He'll be back when he's back."

Fred: "So - now that she's alive again, are they gonna get back together? Angel and that girl with the goofy name?"

Wes: "Well - *Fred* - that's a difficult question. I think it's fair to say - no. Not a chance, never, no way, not in a million years, and also 'nuh-uh.'"

Fred: "But you said he loved her. (Wes gives a look.) And of course she's gonna love him back, because he's so strong and handsome and he really listens when you talk. I-I mean, if you go for that sort of thing, why wouldn't it work?"
(Wes gives a look.)

Through the potted palm fronds behind Fred's bench we can see her parents and the fang gang enter the bus terminal.

Fred: "Nine, ten, Jack. (looks over and sees her parents talking to one of the clerks) Queen, King. No!"

Trish turns and sees Fred getting up from the bench.

Trish: "Fred?"

Fred: "No, you're not here! Go away!"

Trish: "Fred, honey, it's us!"

Fred shakes her head: "No. You're not them. You can't be them, because they don't know."

Roger: "Sweetie, it's mom and dad."

Fred: "Shh! Stop saying that. You *can't* be!"

Trish: "Honey, don't you remember us?"

Fred: "I was - I was five years and so lost and, and at night I would... I was all by myself and you weren't there!"
Fred: "I was - I was five years and so lost and, and at night I would... I was all by myself and you were not there!"

Fred starts to cry.

Roger: "Fred, I don't understand."

Fred: "I got lost. I got lost, and they did terrible things to me, but, but it was just a storybook. It was just a story with monsters, not real. (keeps shaking her head) Not in the world but - but if you're here and you see me then - then it's real! And it did happen. If you see what they made of me... I - I didn't mean to get so lost!"

Trish also crying takes Fred's face into her hands.

Trish: "Oh, honey, it doesn't matter what they did to you."

Embraces her daughter.

Fred: "Mommy."

Trish: "Oh, we're gonna make it all right."

Wesley looks sadly at Fred.  
Fred: "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I got so lost."
Wesley looks sadly at Fred.

Roger: "It don't matter. You're our little girl."

Fred: "I missed you so much. I didn't mean to..."

Trish: "Shh..."

Roger: "Everything's okay now. You'll see. You're safe now."


The bug breaks Angel's grip and shakes him off then turns around and sends him flying through the air to impact with the side of a parked bus.

The bug goes after Angel - only to get splatted by a bus barreling by.

The bus stops and Trish gets out.

Trish: "Did I get it? Did I get it, y'all?"
Trish: "Did I get it? Did I get it, y all?"


Angel and Wes watch the Burkles fuss over Fred.

Angel: "I got to say this is not how I pictured this turning out."

Wes: "They look happy, don't they?"

Cordy: "Voila! That's French for 'I think we stopped the bleeding.'"

Fred: "Thanks Cordelia."

Cordy: "Next up: multiple stab wounds. Angel!"

Angel jumps of his stool and hurries over to the settee.

Angel: "Uh, it's my turn. Oh, yay!"

Cordy: "What a dork."

Fred walks over to Wes.

Wes: "How does it feel, Fred?"

Fred: "Like my heart's been put in one of those orange juice squeezers... (Looks down at her arm) Oh. Kind of like a giant bug tried to rip my arm off and Angel saved me."

Trish: "He seems to do *that* a lot, doesn't he?"

Fred: "It's what he does. Angel's the champion, (gives the cutest look at Wesley) and Wesley's the brains of the operation, Gunn's the muscle and Cordy's the heart, and I'm..."
Fred: "It's what he does. Angel's the champion, (gives the cutest look at Wesley) and Wesley's the brains of the operation, Gunn's the muscle and Cordy's the heart, and I'm..."  Fred: "It's what he does. Angel's the champion, (gives the cutest look at Wesley) and Wesley's the brains of the operation, Gunn's the muscle and Cordy's the heart, and I'm..."

Fred looks up at Wesley: "I wanna go home."

Everyone gets real quiet and looks at her.

Fred: "I'm - I'm just not cut out for this. I mean, if Angel hadn't gotten me out of the way, you'd all be laughing in the morgue right now. - Okay, maybe not laughing, but - the point is, I think I should go home where it's quiet and safe and - monsters don't eat your family. - You're not - disappointed in me, are you?"

Trish: "Oh, Fred. Never! Oh, it's gonna be so good to have you home!"

The Burkles share a family hug.

Gunn: "She probably be happier there."

Wes (softly) : "Yeah. That's good."
Wes (softly) : "Yeah. That's good."


Roger is talking to Wes and Gunn at reception counter, while Trish and Cordy sit on the settee together.

Trish: " I mean, Rog's always had a thing for those disgusting "Alien" movies with all the slime and teeth. He just can't get enough of 'em. - Except for that last one they made I think he dozed off. - I just can't believe it's all real."

Cordy: "Well, I don't know about aliens, but demons and alternate dimensions I know. It takes a little getting used to."

Trish: "I'm so glad Fred's coming home. This place is too dangerous for her."

Roger and Gunn carry Fred's contraption over to the settee.

Roger: "Hey, honey, would you look at this? Fred *made* this."

Gunn: "Cool, ain't it?"

Wes: " We think it's some sort of mechanized weapon, possibly influenced by the medieval catapult, designed for serious to fatal wounding, if not complete decapitation."

Roger: "Or it makes toast."

Wes: "Or it makes toast."

Trish sees Fred and Angel coming down the stairs.

Trish: "Hey! You got everything packed, baby? What about that shirt with the bug guts on it? You-you threw that out, right? You're not taking it home, right?"

Fred: "I don't know. I kinda thought I'd take it with me - guts and all. You know, as a souvenir."

Roger: "Ah. That's my girl!"

Fred looks at the gang: " You know, in the shower I had all these pretty things I was gonna say and I was gonna be all fancy and... aw, hell. (glancing at parents) I mean heck."

Goes and give Gunn a big hug. Gunn holds on to her tightly for a moment then clears his throat and lets her go.

Fred walks over to Wes. They dance around awkwardly for a moment trying to figure out whose arm will go where before hugging as well .
hugging as well

Fred goes to hug Cordy.

Cordy whispers: "Between you and me, I'm almost a little jealous."

Fred walks over to Angel and the look at each other.

Fred: "Thank you - for everything."

Angel silently hands her the suitcase he carried down the steps for her.

Angel: "Bye Fred."

Fred gives him a smile and turns to her parents.

Fred: "We better go before I get all runny."

The Burkles walks up the steps to the front doors. Fred turns around one last time and waves at them all before the doors close behind them.

The gang is sprawled out in the chairs of Wes' office.

Cordy: "In a really weird way, you know who I miss?"

Wes : "Fred."

Cordy: "Actually I was gonna say her parents. - Is that wrong."

Angel: "I don't think so. They were very - nice."

Cordy: "Nice? - They weren't just nice, Angel. They were..."

Gunn: "Parents."

Wes: " They loved her. - Supported her. - Didn't grind her down into a - tiny self-conscious nub with their constant berating. Their never ending tirade of debasement, and scorn and..."

Wes trails off as he notices that all of the others are looking at him, makes as if to say something else, but then just stays silent.

Cordy: "At least now Fred's got a shot at a normal life. Not that I don't love you guys, and LA, and my work, but - things are just never normal around here. You know?"

Wes : "She was so smart."

Angel: "I'm gonna miss her. She was just this nice, quiet kind of crazy. - I found that - soothing."

Cordy: "And what? I'm not soothing? (Cordy sits up) I can be soothing. I could soothe your ass off, pal."

Gunn: "Plus, she was pretty handy with a five iron."

Gunn and Wes look at each other sharing a laugh.

Cordy: "Right before she almost got killed. Personally, I'm *glad* she's gone. It's gonna be a load off not having to worry about crazy taco lady anymore."

Angel: "She'll come back to visit."

Cordy: "Do you really think she'll come back and visit?"

The Durslar head is bubbling like crazy now and a giant insect looking just like the one from the bus terminal is looking in the window - but the gang doesn't notice either of that.

Cordy: "Well, that's it. I'm not gonna sit around here and mope like you - bunch - of - mopers. I'm gonna go home (She puts on her shoes) Eat some comfort food. (Gets up and starts to walk out) Have a good cry. Crawl under my big, fluffy... (enters the lobby and sees the bug entering the hotel) giant bug!"

Cordy screams and runs back into the office just as the guys come running out.

Gunn: "We hit that thing with a bus. You're telling me a bus won't kill it?"

Angel: "I don't think it's the same one."

Angel is looking out into the garden court which is crawling with giant bugs.

Cordy: "We are so immensely dead."

Wes: "Weapons."

Angel runs and rolls over the counter to engage the bug while the others run for the weapons cabinet.

Weapons in hand Wes turns only to see the bug throwing Angel to the floor.

Wes: "Angel, we.."

The door opens and Fred runs in.

Fred: "Here! I'm here."

Wes : "Fred?"

Fred: "Oh, I'm late!"

Roger helps her to drag her contraption into position.

The bug is still stabbing at the downed Angel. Gunn and Wes raise their weapons trying to block it's pincers.

Angel: "Who's helping me here?"

Fred: "I am!"

She stomps down on her contraption. A battle axe sails through the air and splits the Durslar head like an over ripe melon. Green goop spatters the wall and a bunch of little cockroaches crawl free of it.

The bug leaves off Angel and the gang, instead going to collect the bug filled bottom part of the head.

The bug heads for the garden court. The little bugs follow after it.

Fred and her parents come down the front steps.

Gunn: "So. *Not* a toaster."

Angel: "Fred, how did you..."

Fred: "The crystals. The ones we saw in the sewer? They were on the Durslar head , too. And at first I thought they came from the Durslar, but then I saw *this*. - Daddy?"

Roger hands her the crystal covered shirt.

Fred: "Those crystals are just dried up bug goop. It must have laid its eggs in the Durslar's head, which would explain the Durslar coming up out of the sewer, 'cause, I mean, wouldn't you be a little crazy if you had eggs in your head? I know I would. (Cordy opens her mouth, glances at Angel and closes it again) Anyway, that'd be all fine and Darwinian, except Angel killed the Durslar and brought the head back here, so the Bug had to track him down to get its babies back."

Wes: "And at the bus station, when Trish ran over the mother..."
Wes: "And at the bus station, when Trish ran over the mother..."

Fred: "Or father. I think it might be a hive species gender neutral, but I'd have to do some research to back that up."

Wes: "The whole hive showed up in order to reclaim its offspring. (Fred nods) Brilliant deduction, Fred!"

Gunn: "Not to mention, that little axe gadget is tight."

Fred laughing: "That was just a random thought I had. What if you had to do battle with your arms cut off? Sure, you'd hemorrhage to death pretty quick, but at least you could take your enemy with you!"

Angel: "Nice going, Fred."

Fred: "Aw, it was nothing. Just a stunning revelation of my true path in life, that's all."

Roger: "Come again, honey?"

Fred walks over to her parents: "Look - I could go home with you and pretend the last five years didn't happen. - I could even pretend to have a normal life. - But the truth of it is... Well, I'm not normal anymore. (Roger and Trish exchange a look) I guess what I'm getting at is... - I-I missed you both so bad. But - I belong here. (Turns to the gang) Un-unless I don't. Which if- if you all don't wanna put up with me, I completely understand..."

Wes : "Lets put it to a vote, shall we? All in favor say aye. Aye. Motion passed. Good. You're staying."

Carpe Noctem     Billy

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