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Carpe Noctem

Parts that are in dark purple have pictures and are below the scene.
Wesley/Fred parts of scenes are italicized, and important specific lines or quotes that show the 'love' are
bolded as well.
Sounds are now available for Carpe Noctem and are in light purple below.  Do not take the sounds.

Angel appears on the open hallway overlooking the lobby, holding a newspaper.

Angel: "Am I the only one who read this?"

Wes: "Read what?"

Angel: "Charlton Heston. Double feature! (Comes down the steps) At the Nu-art. "Soylent Green" and - "The Omega Man."

Gunn, eyes on his game: "Wow."

Angel: "It's two for one. Did I mention, Charlton Heston? Who's in?"

Fred jumps up and raises her hand: "That sounds great!"

Angel: "Fred. Wesley?"

Wes: "Well, I'm in the middle of translating Fassad's guide from the original Sumerian."

Angel: "Gunn. Cordy?"

They don't even look up at him, so he goes to grab his coat.

Angel: "Looks like it's just you and me, Fred. - Well, the worm certainly has turned."

Fred, giggling: "Y-y-yeah. The worm's turning and... (Stops smiling) Am I the worm?"

Angel: "No. You may not know this, Fred, but certain friends and co-workers have been known to accuse *me* of being the quiet, stay at home, sulky one. (All three of them turn to look at Angel) Some people - just don't know how to have fun anymore."
Wesley gives Angel a jealous look.


Wes is sitting behind his desk listening to Fred.
Wes is sitting behind his desk listening to Fred.

Fred: "And he opened every door for me and he paid for the tickets. And even bought a giant popcorn. And every few minutes he'd go like this (motions like she is tipping a tub of popcorn towards someone, laughs) . Because he wanted me to know it was okay for me to have some. (drops in a chair) And he's so lonely because he's the last man on earth."

Wes: "Angel?"

Fred: "No! Charlton Heston. The Omega Man? Omega being the last letter of the Greek alphabet so it's a metaphor. (Jumps back up) And he walks on the street side and not the building side. It's old-fashioned, but kind of chivalrous, you know?"
(Jumps back up)

Wes: "We're back to talking about Angel."

Fred: "Right. And even though he didn't talk a lot, it was still okay. It was comfortable. It wasn't that awkward kind of quiet. You know that awkward kind of quiet?"

There is a moment of silence.

Wesley: "No. That's never happened to me."

She takes a hold of Angel and pulls him up out of his chair and into Wes' office.

Cordy: "Angel has something to say."

Angel looks from Fred, who smiles at him, to Wes. Holds up his newspaper.

Angel: "Hey, did anybody else see this? (Lays the paper down in front of Wes) Police found the body of a twenty-six year old Woodrow Raglan in a two-bedroom suite at the Elondria Hotel. Unnamed witness said it was as if his insides had just..."

Wes: "...collapsed. You know, there was something else like that - last week."

Cordy: "Uhm, may I just point out that no one is actually hiring us to look into this and that we should be doing more important things?"

Wes holds up a newspaper clipping: "Here. Ten days ago, a body - found in another hotel room - under similar conditions."

Angel: "What do you think? Spell, curse - serial demon?"

Wes: "Though to say. Worth a closer look."

Angel: "I'll say. Cordelia, open up a case file. We have to get on this right away."

Angel hands Cordy the file with the newspaper clipping as he walks past her out of the office.

Cordy: "Angel!"

Cordy hurries after him.  Wes and Fred look at each other.
Wes and Fred look at eachother.

Hyperion, night. Cordy takes a printout from the printer and carries over to where the others are leaning against the reception counter.
the others are leaning against the reception counter.

Wes: "There was a third victim five weeks ago. They were all young, healthy males. They all died in expensive hotel suites."

Fred: "Can you imagine shelling out all that money for a snazzy suite and then kerplop, you're a big bag of mush bones? I guess it wouldn't be good wherever that happened. (Wes looks at her) Oh - please continue."
(Wes looks at her)

Wes: "Gunn, I was thinking you could interview the staff of these hotels where the guys died. I'm meeting a contact of mine from the coroner's office in thirty minutes. See what I can learn about these bodies."

Cordy: "They were all members of the same health club. The bodies - when they weren't - you know - dead ones."

Angel walks over to look at Cordy's printout, pulling out his car keys.

Angel: "Cordy and I'll go check out the gym."

Wes: "My thought exactly."

Cordy grabs the keys: "I'll drive."

Gunn: "What are we waiting for?"

Wes: "Everyone know what they're doing? Good."

They all leave - except for Fred, still standing in front of the reception desk.

Fred: "I'll just stay here. (Laughs) Okay. I'll do that."


That Old Gang of Mine     Fredless

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